Playing through this for the first time since launch with the pro HUD and it's so fucking enjoyable. After two years I feel comfortable with saying this is a modern classic.
Playing through this for the first time since launch with the pro HUD and it's so fucking enjoyable...
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off already
Game is utter shit
There's been more threads shitting on the game than people praising the game.
I'm going to replay it soon with the DLC, but probably not Hero Mode, since I've read it just makes the enemy encounters a chore.
I still go back to it occasionally. Its such a comfy world just to chill in. Its not a perfect game. But its pretty damn close.
master mode has a more fun late game but an abysmal early game
Yeah, Hero Mode is unfortunately more of a pain in the arse than anything.
Game has a bunch of minor (and some larger) issues but the whole package is so enjoyable that they're easily forgivable.
I have it on Wii U. It’s good but it’s nothing amazing imo. I haven’t finished it once.
Why didn't you use the pro HUD the first time through?
It's a solid 7/10.
I think I was just trying to get a grasp on all the systems the first time through
unfortunately due to poor game design, running past all enemies is more efficient. Once you realize this the game kinda falls apart.
That's how most Zeldas are, there is little reason for fighting overworld enemies. If anything, BotW adds a reason for fighting in the form of item drops.
But then you don't get materials for upgrading armour
>poor game design
Kek you don't know the meaning of the words.
Cool, now play it past the honeymoon phase and you'll just get bored of the usual open world monotony
cmon it's not that bad
the first 20 to 40 hours are awesome, though it starts dropping hard afterwards and the dungeons and the end are really disappointing
so all in all, it's a decent game, just not a great zelda game
Probably should've worded it better, but this is my second time playing the game. I played it at launch, beat it in a few weeks and I'm now replaying it again from the start. Still just as enjoyable.
It has some of the best designed dungeons in the series though. Only issue is they like the same identity that previous dungeons
I like my switch and I find this game boring.
I wish they disabled fast travel in master mode.
If there's one thing I cannot fucking stand about this game, its the fact you cannot see a horse's stats until you register it.
So quite often you have to let one of your prized horses go to free up a space for the new horse, only to realise it has shitter stats than the one you let go.
Fuck this. Obviously this is a MAJOR GAME BREAKING FAULT and the game immediately becomes 0/10 unplayable trash.
I mean you don't have to use it if you don't want to
I must admit, that I never cleared more than the zora dungeon, so maybe the others would have been good
after about 50 hours into the game and exploring roughly 50% the world, I just didn't feel like there would be anything new, so I just went and killed ganon to end it
>Obviously this is a MAJOR GAME BREAKING FAULT and the game immediately becomes 0/10 unplayable trash.
I chuckled. Bravo.
>after about 50 hours I got bored
The elephant and camel dungeons are decent, the bird and lizard are fairly lackluster though.
And all of them are too short, especially given there's only four of them. The shrines don't even come close to making up for it.
I wish this game had loftwings.
I think they should have designed the game around not being able to fast travel and not include it at all. It always ruins open world games and makes it seem like the Devs have no faith in their game
what do you mean?
to be more precise, the first 20 hours were really cool, then I started noticing how literally everything starts repeating itself embedded in slightly different landscape and I gradually lost interest and had to force myself to even start the game anymore
I actually never intended to end it, until I heard you can literally just walk up to ganon at any point and finish the game, so I just wanted to try that one last, new thing
all in all, 50 hours is pretty weak for a huge open world game and it already felt increasingly boring 20 hours in
I spent 300 hours playing Nioh and there never was a single time that felt boring
I spent 150 hours on Dark Souls, trying various builds and if anything, I always felt the game was too short
It's ironic that you'd bring up repetition and then Nioh.
I thought moving the bird was pretty cool. Lizard was definitely a little lacking but still solid. I agree they're a little short though.
Nioh adds new stuff in every difficulty and only a fraction of it has to be repeated, i.e. you can play your favorite missions each difficulty
most of all, Nioh has actual character progression, the combat is a lot more challenging, yet fair and the game also looks a lot better
in the end there are a ton of reasons that motivate you to keep on playing in Nioh, but none of those are in botw
not to mention that the pacing in botw is completely fucked, since you can just end the game whenever you please and that huge world just starts feeling like a pointless chore
Seething Snoy tranny!
Nioh's a game that focusses almost entirely on combat yet it continuously recycles the same enemies with a grindy loot system.
By Yea Forums standards you know how good a game is by the amount of people complaining about it. If it was truly bad it would simply be forgotten
>the pacing in botw is completely fucked, since you can just end the game whenever you please and that huge world just starts feeling like a pointless chore
If you didn't like the game thats fine. You don't have to like everything. But many people who hate on the game simply don't understand what the game is trying to achieve or what the expectations of the player.
The game gives you ONE quest: save the princess from the evil castle. The entire game is about the player figuring out how do that all on their own. That's it. Thats the game.
The joy of playing the game comes from the freedom of having this vast world to explore and do anything you want - complete freedom in an expertly designed sandbox of interconnected systems of environment/weather/climate/physics and toolset.
Its incredibly mature game design, very few developers would ever dream of designing a game where you could just ignore literally everything if you want. You can just run bareassed naked to the castle with nothing but a stick if you want. Its kinda liberating.
> the first 20 hours were really cool, then I started noticing how literally everything starts repeating itself embedded in slightly different landscape and I gradually lost interest and had to force myself to even start the game anymore
This, it's an undeniable fact that brings the game down heavily to being mediocre. The basic skeleton behind combat doesn't help either.
No, that only says something about how annoying the fans are.
A counter example would be Dragon's Dogma.
I wish they had added more enemies and overworld bosses following release every now and again.
Great game though
Factually incorrect, Yea Forums named it as one of the 10 best games ever made. Only seething subhuman contrarians dislike it
The reaction to BotW on this board wasn't just about the game being good. It was deeper that. Alot of the reaction was due to this board getting BTFO. This was the new Zelda. First game on Nintendo's new console. Shitters had been sharpening their knives for years and predicting the end of Nintendo. They still haven't recovered from the humiliation and BotW remains the source of their pain.
Developers are supposed to protect the player from themselves. That's why you don't ever see godmode available right at the start of every game just in case a player is a having a tough time progressing. Unfortunately, BotW is full of shit that can easily be abused.
It's a good game, but a bad Zelda. Should have been a new IP.
maybe, mate
but to me, the things the game offered rapidly became uninteresting
Literally every 3D Zelda has won GOTY except Majora's Mask & Skyward Sword, how contrarian do you have to be to think that BOTW would fail?
>Its incredibly mature game design, very few developers would ever dream of designing a game where you could just ignore literally everything if you want. You can just run bareassed naked to the castle with nothing but a stick if you want. Its kinda liberating
This is why people say BotW fans have never played other open world games
What poll? The polls I've seen showed it at around 20 or lower and it was always beaten by at least 3 other Zelda games.
>how contrarian do you have to be to think that BOTW would fail?
Because most of the active fags on this board joined during the Wii U days. So seeing Nintendo struggle is all they knew.
BotW has some great mechanics, but ass backwards and shockingly inept game design.
Nah, I own every system you can think of and I've played more open world games than I can count. If you can't understand the difference between BotW and other open world games then you'll never get it. BotW will remain the high-benchmark for open world design for the forseeable future.
>shockingly inept game design
You don't know what you're talking about. The world around you must seem like a confusing place.
Absolutely based. If you think BOTW is better than any of the main series Zeldas then you are a smoothbrained zoomer
>shockingly inept game design
In what sense?
The same one, it's way higher now
> 1. Zelda: OOT (73%)
> 2. S.Mario 64 (71%)
> 3. Zelda: ALTTP (69%)
> 4. Super Metroid (69%)
> 5. S.Mario World (69%)
> 6. Zelda: BOTW (68%)
> 7. Chrono Trigger (68%)
> 8. Castlevania SOTN (68%)
> 9. Resident Evil 4 (67%)
> 10. Zelda: MM (66%)
Imagine being a sonyygger in 2019
Sounds like you're the one who hasn't played other open world games. Every open world game that touts freedom actually forces you to do a lot of shit, with the perceived freedom being a separate entity from the more constructed missions and story beats. BotW intertwines the two. Admittedly, this is at the cost of its own story in some ways, but it's a refreshing and different kind of open world game regardless.
Based, PC + Switch is the master race
Nintendo is the king
They used to be, but they shit on their fanbase during the Wii-Wii U era
Play Super Mario Galaxy and have sex.
But yeah, you argue they were chasing a different audience or trying to challenge expectations of gaming at that point. Can't hate a company too much for trying to be different.
Inverse difficulty curve, a plethora of easily abusable or outright broken mechanics, completely frontloaded with any progression slowing to a crawl and none of it is technically necessary beyond the plateau, combat quickly becomes tedious and next to worthless and is arguably better of avoided entirely, stables, shrines, korok seeds, and even divine beasts share far too many similarities to one another and only exist in a blatant attempt to pad out the world, vast majority of sidequests are pointless and MMO tier, climbing is a chore, the glider and fast travel destroys traversal and renders horses practically obsolete, etc.
People love exploring the world and the game has some neat physics and chemistry systems. I get that. But if you go into it wanting more than a pretty world to run around in, you're going to leave disappointed.
>if you go into it wanting more than a pretty world to run around in, you're going to leave disappointed.
I wanted a magical world where I could go off on an adventure all on my own, without rails. Nintendo actually exceeded my expectations.
Being flippantly dismissive of the game's design won't make your argument true. You cannot name a better designed open world game. You cannot. It doesn't exisit yet.
>But if you go into it wanting more than a pretty world to run around in
Or god forbid, an actual Zelda game
>OP makes thread about a dead game nobody talks about anymore
>Samefags his own post so he can bait people into bumping it because that's the only way he can discuss his game
Sad OP. Sad!
Meeting franchise expectations is not a prerequisite to being good
>dead game
Remember Horizon Zero Dawn?
Why does everyone act like BotW has so much freedom when MGSV clearly has more freedom in how you approach the missions. I seriously think people who act like BotW is some revolution in game freedom never played anything else. Seriously play MGSV and you’ll see how truly awful the shrines and dungeons in BotW are in comparison. The game doesn’t even let you sneak into Gerudo Town
Oh and by the way, Daggerfall let you climb anything too and that came out 20 years prior. And Morrowind let you bypass the entire main quest and go straight to Red Mountain
Dead game too
BoTW literally doesn't even have a general anymore. IT's dead kid
Sonyfags get truly autistic when it comes to BOTW
>You cannot name a better designed open world game. You cannot. It doesn't exisit yet.
That is purely an opinion. People have different things they want out of games, open world or otherwise. Someone could say Skyrim and you wouldn't be able to refute it. I won't argue that BotW gives you a great sense of exploration.
learn to cope negro
BotW gets daily threads on this board you retarded faggot. Stay butthurt about that fact
I would argue that. The exploration sucks when you realize you’ll mostly just comes across another shrine or korok puzzle
Which are ironically mostly started and definitely only kept alive by people shitting on the game.
Only OoT and BotW won the GOTY award. Why the fuck are you lying?
>Why does everyone act like BotW has so much freedom when MGSV clearly has more freedom in how you approach the missions.
Because BotW has more freedom in how you approach the entire game. Also, moving from on objective to the next on MGS5 involves nothing more than pointing your character in the correct direction on your minimap as you move along a flat plane. The world is not 'game' but merely 'space' between objectives. Your focus on mostly on the minimap.
In BotW your focus is on the world in front of you - you can SEE your objective and getting there involves gameplay. Its simple shit like this which sets BotW head and shoulders above other open world games.
>moving goalposts after getting BTFO
typical negro rethoric
>Yea Forums = majority PC gamers
>Yea Forums = Salty over a game playable on PC @ 4k 60fps
Has a fanbase ever tried to force a narrative THIS hard?
Minecraft and Just Cause 2 did all of that a decade ago.
Honestly, that's how I feel too. But from what I can tell they don't explore for shrines or korok seeds, but mostly just to see the world. I can sort of understand since coming across shrines or korok seeds eventually started making me grimace knowing I should do them, but didn't really want to.
>game is so good it turns the entire CEMU community into the "BOTW" emulator
lmao stay deluded retarded weeb
No, in Just Cause 2 you just fly above everything.
Not the same dude, my dude.
>just cause 2
jesus christ you faggots are truly embarrassing yourselves with your hate boner for this game
Well I mean, that's the only game worth emulating on Cemu? Lol, shows how shit the Wii U library was.
? And Run,Drive,Boat,Motorcycle, parachute.
What are you even arguing here my dude
>you can SEE your objective and getting there involves gameplay.
Almost every time getting there is an extremely simple process. You guys always act like navigation in BotW is super complex. It’s really not. Almost every time you want to go to something in the distance you just easily glide or climb to it.
What else is there to emulate on Cemu? The only thing I can think of that's worthwhile and isn't in a inferior form compared to something on the Switch is 3D World.
>only my goty award counts
Getting around in Morrowind felt a lot more involved because you had to carefully follow their directions, really consider the landmarks and sometimes water walk or levitate. If anything being able to see almost everything in BotW is actually a detriment because it makes navigation too simple. In Morrowind finding a lot of the ruins and caves meant you really had to understand the land and what people were pointing to, not just see it in the distance
Nice argument. And nice assumption that i'm a console loyalst like you. I've played BoTW on PC, still have it on Cemu ( I think). It's a decent but highly overrated game.
Hindsight totally ruins the game. I enjoyed it when I genuinely thought the world had shit worth finding but the more I played, the more I realised it was nothing but Shrine bait and absolutely abhorrent side quest design (MMO tier). The opening hours are the only good hours. When you're actually curious as to what's over that mountain. Fast forward 20 hours later when you've done a few sidequests, found your 100th korok seed, cleared out your 40th tedious shrine and done a divine beast or two, you quickly realise just how bland the world is.
Give me good side quests >>>> muh "cuhraaaaaazy" just cause 2 tier gameplay anyday of the week. It's why I keep coming back to the Witcher 3 whereas I didn't even complete BoTW. Still have shrines left, I just didn't bother. Eventually just rushed to ganon and that was it.
Game got boring as fuck, FAST. And somehow, the combat is even WORSE than Witcher 3s (which is saying something)
Fuck off snoy falseflagger
Wind Waker got cucked by KOTOR. Twilight Princess got cucked by Oblivion and Gears of War. Get your facts right faggot
>? And Run,Drive,Boat,Motorcycle, parachute.
The most useful means of transportation in Just Cause 2 are the paraglide + hook combo and planes, all the other vehicles are almost redudant since they can't get you as far and as fast as flying.
>What are you even arguing here my dude
That it isn't like BotW because in JC2 you can ignore the whole terrain below you if you want.
>Almost every time getting there is an extremely simple process. You guys always act like navigation in BotW is super complex. It’s really not. Almost every time you want to go to something in the distance you just easily glide or climb to it.
Ok, so answer this:
How did you get to the Shine at the top of the snowy area of the Great Plateau?
How did you survive the cold?
How did you cross the freezing river?
Which route did you take up the mountain?
Take a moment to consider the amount of interconnected systems at play, the requirements of the player to survive/navigate the situation and the amount of freedom you have to fashion your own solutions.
Shit which does NOT EXIST in other open world games.
And now tell me how it doesn't count.
The navigation is literally less complex and in depth than Just Cause 2. This seething Nintendofriend couldn't refute it so just went the "lol snoygger" route to make up for his lack of an argument
There's a thread up right now, since people complained about not being able to vote on the last one. This will probably be the last thread i make for awhile
Fuck off tendie, falseflagging
No bro, I have played both JC2 and BotW, and he navigation in JC2 is literally just go flying everywhere.
99.9% of all threads about ANY game is like that here.
>The most useful means of transportation in Just Cause 2 are the paraglide + hook combo and planes
Ok? Aren't options the entire basis of your argument? Muh "freedom to navigate the world"?
BoTW has less freedom and less in depth navigation.
>all the other vehicles are almost redudant since they can't get you as far and as fast as flying.
Just like Horses are made redundant by the paraglide, especially when you get that divine beats ability that lets you dive up into the sky.
>That it isn't like BotW because in JC2 you can ignore the whole terrain below you if you want.
Sounds like a better game with more options within its sandbox open world to me. Thanks for proving my point
You do know that many of the sidequests in the game are also shrine quests right? stuff like Eventide Island and the Thundra Plateau are also sidequests
The Combat in BOTW makes the Witcher 3 look like a piece of trash Witcher 3 plays and controls like fucking shite.
>kiddies trying to smack talk about game design
Oh Lordy.
>How did you get to the Shine at the top of the snowy area of the Great Plateau?
Had the tunic that negates cold so I walked up to it.
>How did you survive the cold?
See above
>How did you cross the freezing river?
Literally by jumping. Didn't even need to use the metalic door to cross In fact, you don't even need to go that way at all, you can climb up the giant cliff face near the old mans cabin and skip that bit entirely then fast travel out
>Which route did you take up the mountain?
What mountain? Probably climbed
>Shit which does NOT EXIST in other open world games.
Objectively false
>less complex and in depth than Just Cause 2
>point in direction of destination using minimap
>Had the tunic that negates cold so I walked up to it.
And how did you get that friendo?
>witcher 3 with its garbage animations and hitboxes
>having better combat than BOTW
please keep embarrassing yourself
Sure thing buddy
Dodging in Witcher 3 is way more fluid and fun
dodge this
You use this example in every thread. Does the fact that this takes place before you get the glider mean that the glider made navigation in this game too easy and boring? You would be more convincing if you use post plateau examples
Nice argument
>Still desperately posting laughable shit like this more than two years later.
>That it isn't like BotW because in JC2 you can ignore the whole terrain below you if you want.
As if I’m BotW you don’t glide over almost anything
By obtaining it through a mini quest? What are you getting at buddy?
Yikes. Witcher niggers are truly deluded
You can't handglide UP mountains bro.
Your hanggliding is directly tird to your stamina bro.
You can only increase your stamina by exploring the world bro.
97, keep seething
Way to avoid the question dumbass . Why do you always use the same example from the great plateau.
>What are you getting at buddy?
I'm probing to determine just how little you understand about game design.
I'm not the original guy but:
>Because BotW has more freedom in how you approach the entire game. Also, moving from on objective to the next on MGS5 involves nothing more than pointing your character in the correct direction on your minimap as you move along a flat plane. The world is not 'game' but merely 'space' between objectives. Your focus on mostly on the minimap.
>In BotW your focus is on the world in front of you - you can SEE your objective and getting there involves gameplay. Its simple shit like this which sets BotW head and shoulders above other open world games.
It's poorly worder but he meant freedom as in the order and way in which you can approach objectives. Then he goes on to talk about how getting from point A to point B involves more gameplay than just moving in a straight line.
>Sounds like a better game with more options within its sandbox open world to me. Thanks for proving my point
More options as in you have more vehicles, sure, but so many of them are useless. Who cares that you can ride some shitty car in JC2? All the fun is in the paraglide.
>hitboxes on point
>animations and physics complement the systemic approach of the game
Of course autistic niggers like you can't appreciate good game design
>Why do you always use the same example from the great plateau.
Because most shitters only play the game for 30 minutes on cemu before it crashes.
RDR2 was a good game, I agree
Most GoTYs ever made
More sales than every 3D Zelda game (combined)
Highest rated game on Metacritic (filtered by users, not shills)
Actually moving in BotW is more of a straight line, because it’s so easy to glide over large swathes of the map.
Genius game devs knew that halberds counter katanas, thus, that poor creature couldn't do a thing.
yfw you only resort to using weapons/shields/flurry rushes for combat, instead of also leveraging your runes and terrain against your foes.
Who would've thunk that playing this game 1-dimensionally, you would get a 1-dimensional experience playing.
holy shit thats bad
>it’s so easy to glide over large swathes of the map.
And how did you manage that? Did you handglide up a mountain? Do you have unlimited stamina?
Are you seriously going to pretend you can’t hang glide over large swathes of the map, or that climbing itself is actually complex? And that’s even before you mention collecting stamina boosts is easy as dick
You guys just really REALLY overstate how complex or involved navigation in this game is. Most of the time, it’s fucking brainless.
>that AI
Only things the game did wrong was those gyro puzzles in some of the shrines, lack of real dungeons, repetitive enemies, and lack of shrine diversity in the late-game
>seething Zeldababs use one single example of a literal glitch as "evidence" of bad Witcher combat (glitch that has been patched)
>based CDPR CHADS, using Zelda's literal combat foundations with many examples
Oh my oh my
The game is so amazing. I'm watching aris play through it now and remembering how I felt when I first played it in 2017. He seems to be enjoying it a lot too. The game isn't perfect, it has some really flaws but those can be ironed out in the next game. Still, for ambitious as it was the game was fantastic. They accomplished a lot. Even with improvements, I can't imagine the sequel giving me the same feelings as this one did at launch. Definitely one of my favorite games ever.
>less GoTYs than God of Onions
Seethe :^)
>metacritic users scores
>not shills
you might as well delude yourself into believing otherwise with your 500 accounts up voting your worthless user score, kid
You'll never recover will you? BotW remains Game Of The Generation and every day is a waking nightmare for you.
I like this.
It's fine, you can have metacritic.
I'll take Sales, Awards and User Scores instead :^)
I love this image lmao.
>BOTW: 189 game of the year awards out of 335 awards given that year
>God of War: 198 game of the year awards out of 389 awards given that year
zelda always wins, cuck :D
>I'll have sales
>game of the generation
>won less GoTYs than God of War
Not even game of the "past 2 years" whereas Witcher 3 is literally THE GOAT
>these mental gymnasts
>still concedes that BoTW won less GOTYs than God of War
that site also didn't even count the easy allies awards for 2017 where botw won
actually zelda has a bigger percentage of wins compared to the witcher 3 in terms of goty awards so zelda still wins, kid
Wish I never made this thread. Don't really know what I was expecting. Guess you really can't discuss this game on Yea Forums
Facts aren't mental gymnastics. Keep coping negro
hmm sorry sweaty but even your father cdpr admitted defeat. pwned
Based, BOTW towers over every other game this century
Kill me Pete
>4 years later
>Yea Forums still seething over the Witcher 3
Dunno if it's even seething Bloodborne/Snoyggers or Nintendofans. But one things for sure, people always compare the new flavor of the month game to the GOAT.
To Four more Years of salt!
It's gonna be even worse when Cyberpunk 2077 comes out, I can't wait
I'm playing BotW for the first time. So far its been fantastic. But how what are the dragons for? I get that they appear rarely and shooting drops dragon scales but what do they do? Do I just sell them for money or do they relate to a side quest or something?
>he says that while coping with the fact that BOTW made his game irrelevant
>witcher niggers so insecure they always make sure to shitpost in bloodborne and BOTW threads
learn to cope faggot
>Geralt hits Eredin for 0
>Still shows damage
>Using a combat move that drains stamina in a matter of 4 seconds
>Stamina is bar is full
>Toxic over threshold
>No toxic recovery taking place
MOOODDDSSSSS! Delete this!!!
>More sales than every 3D Zelda game (combined)
Actually BOTW is still full price 2 years later. Meanwhile you can get the witcher 3 for like 5 bucks right now on gog. In terms of revenue BOTW was made more money than the witcher 3 so you're wrong and it will probably get to 20 million copies when all is said and done.
Thats not good game design if you have to chase ragdolls. The combat is shit. Also the hitboxes are ambiguous in BOTW, but you dont need to be accurate to spam the limited moveset.
>instead of also leveraging your runes and terrain against your foes.
so arbitrarly make the game more annoying/redundant by using shitty physics kills instead of just killing things the normal, faster way?
If the main method of play is spamming attack, it doesnt mean people are "dumb" for using it, it just means you're inefficient and the game is designed poorly if it doesnt help set the player up to do these "Creative" things you do.
You are literally gatekeeping how someone should play a casual game with shit combat.
compared to the shitcher 3, the hitboxes in botw are a dream
Same, because it has a personal bias memoir that means nothing.
OP here. The Witcher 3 is a great game as well. Probably the last great AAA Western game I've played.
It's just Switchlets they have mental disorders and post from the Switch Tranny Discord.
They link Yea Forums threads where Nintendo related shit needs defending.
You don't need to chase ragdolls if you use your bow properly
Not even close, the Witcher 3 is also way more engaging when it comes to world building, itemization and combat.
BOTW is a shit fest in anything but basic exploration to see set pieces with mediocre physics puzzles that repeat. It doesnt even have a single good boss, not even mentioning everything is trivialized with slo mo qte shit in BOTW.
Oh look, gatekeeping combat again. Or, you know, the combat is shit. Most action games have a chase option or means for crowd control or actual WEIGHT. BOTW is a mess.
>BoTW does it better than Skyrim
What does that screencap have to do with the Witcher 3 my dude?
i've wasted like 50 hours on your shitty game faggot. learn to cope
do all of you actually find it fun to shitpost like a fucking monkey
>Todd still seething that the Witcher 3 blew Fallout 4 the fuck out
>BoTW made Witcher 3 irrelevant
>sold half as much
>won half as many GoTYs
The Witcher 3 is garbage with an awful detective mode open world and janky as fuck animations. The majority of the bosses are fucking trash and have no redeeming qualities whatsoever with their garbage design. nevermind the fact that you waste the majority of the game. your game is fucking garbage
>Todd praises BOTW and GTAV
>Todd doesn't give a shit about the witcher 3
based todd making the starved for attention witcher 3 cucks SEETHE
Skyrim is more acclaimed than Witcher 3 will ever be
>BotW already at over 14 million and still full price
>last time CDPR gave an update on the sales of the Witcher 3 the game was just about to get to 10million
Seems like BOTW is going to outsell your pseudo-book, cuck. lmao
Glorious Masterrace here who, unlike you single platform peasants, has actually played both games.
>butthurt witcher cuck just downloaded the botw iso to try and prove his point
thanks for supporting the BOTW emulator, cuck
>BoTW already at 14 million
Citation needed. Last I checked, it took 1.5 years to hit 10 million
Forr reference, even Spiderman on the PS4 sold the same amount in 3 months, lmao. So no, it's not even close to the Witcher 3s sales
Witcher 3 has more GoTYs.
Nah, it's my latest save on Master Mode. Trying it out but it's pretty boring desu.
Here's my old screenshots from 2017.
Go ahead, reverse search the images, only i've ever posted them. It's ok, you'll stop being poor one day
So? GOTY's are irrelevant to what people consider their favorite games
lmao not even close
It shipped 10~ million copies in less than 1 year (not including Digital sales like Steam/GoG which were huge also). So likely it hit well over 10 million in under a year. And carried on selling like hotcakes.
BoTW for reference shipped 10 million in 1 and a half years.
>some wahoo ping pings blog list
Good for them I guess
>Witcher 3 > Bloodborne > BoTW
Good taste
> 858,000 votes
> Nearly 357,000 views
Cope, it was so important that journalism sites reported on it & declared it as the official opinion of the internet
>user consensus
Witcher 3 wins again
What's the next goalpost going to shift to :^)?
Hardly any users on Metacritic, here's the highest trafficked gaming forum on the internet with 860,000 registered users.
>Last of Us 2nd
>BoTW 6th
>Ocarina of Time 3rd
Not like this Zeldabros
>t-t-those users don't count
>t-t-t-those awards don't count
Got a source on your poll my dude? Wanna see the date of it :)
>still SEETHING 2 years later
It's not a poll you fucking retard, it's literal rankings of every single game in existence. These are actual user review scores, this site has been up since 1995
I love how you can always tell the Shitcher 3 fags are eternally seething by posts like this
That's an official report which means it includes digital too you retarded faggot. Nevermind the fact that in terms of revenue BOTW destroys your polish trash since you can get it for 5 bucks lmao
Hey guess what?
I like BOTW, Witcher 3, and Bloodborne
f-f-fuck bros. FUCK
>another argument on TW3 vs BotW
friendly reminder a leading dev on TW3 praised BotW
>h-h-heh... BoTW has so many more Game of the year-...
It doesn't
>h-h-h-heh, but what about SALES-...
Sold less
>w-w-well revenue?
>uhm... top 100 greatest games of all time?
Witcher 3 #1 Gameinformer
>errr.... METACRITIC
Witcher 3 highest scored game on Metacritic adjusted by Userscore
Look at this dude.
They praised RDR2 and GTA V as well as Skyrim.
What's your point lad?
Why are people still spamming this shitty meme?
Even black twitter got tired of it after 20 minutes and here are the paste eatting platfrom warriors of Yea Forums still spamming it years after it was even remotely funny.
>BOTW destroys Witcher 3 in terms fo Revenue
[citation needed]
Nice goalpost shift attempt tho :^)
>They praised RDR2 and GTA V as well as Skyrim
not in nearly the same way as they did botw, with RDR2 and GTAV they were vague as well and barely mentioned the world nor gameplay of those games, basically saying "yeah those sold well and we want TW3/cyberpunk to sell well too"
Reminder that Breath of the Wild is the first actual good open world game ever.
I am almost certain this user is falseflagging
Now you're arguing semantics.
What i'm getting at is who cares? What's that meant to prove exactly?
A developer being humble is nothing new.
> with RDR2 and GTAV they were vague as well and barely mentioned the world nor gameplay of those game
They literally said they want Cyberpunk 2077 to be as refined as RDR2 and called it a fantastic game -
I'll take them actually putting their words into practice (trying to be as refined as RDR2) over some off hand comments about BoTW.
>pro HUD
What the fuck is the pro HUD?
Being contrarian is the essence of this board. I've seen /v flip-flopping so hard, praising games and shitting on them the week after as soon as their popularity increased
I preferred Far Cry 4
or Dragon's Dogma.
>butthurt samefaggot
>They literally said they want Cyberpunk 2077 to be as refined as RDR2 and called it a fantastic game
that doesn't contradict anything I said.
My main point is that you can like both games - if even another developer can see the game's merit and praise it as heavily as that, there's little reason to argue over which one's better. It's down to taste anyway.
>still no citation
Didn't think so
BOTW's revenue is probably close to 500 million right now if you consider the fact that the game is still full price you retarded weeb. stay BTFO
[citation needed]
kek. here's the superior EDGE destroying your dreams again
It's simple math you inbred faggot.
falseflagging samefag detected
>Metal Gear Solid
>the same webm poster yet another 1000th time
Sure showed him bro
>My main point is that you can like both games - if even another developer can see the game's merit and praise it as heavily as that, there's little reason to argue over which one's better. It's down to taste anyway.
I never argued against any of this you dumb fuck
>responding to different posts is samefagging
it is when you're also the posts you're responding to
>never argued against any of this you dumb fuck
and how would I know this when your post was literally just "...So?". You do realize you're anonymous, right? There's no context for who you are or what your opinion is.
>BoTW for reference shipped 10 million in 1 and a half years.
BOTW also had a smaller userbase since it launched with a brand new console and despite that fact BOTW is still outselling the witcher 3.
MGSV was terrible, I think that's universally agreed.
And yet MGSV has instances where enemies are blocking your path and you have to at the very least maneuver them.
Divine Beasts don't even have enemies. The fuck?
Divine Beasts aren meant to be giant puzzle boxes. They aren't a typical gauntlet dungeon. Hyrule Castle is a good example of a gauntlet dungeon
holy autism
In 1986, which BotW is touted to be similar to, half the reason for fighting enemies on the overworld is because they'd rape your ass otherwise.
It was essentially a lite version of bullet hell, especially as the game progressed, nevermind the Dark Nuts inside of late dungeons, crikey.
BotW isn't so much Action-Adventure as it is Garry's Mod. Hey look, you can do these things if you want, I don't care. That's the BotW design approach, and the design work that went into the individual elements reflect that lackluster attitude.
BotW has nowhere near the best or even decent combat.
The puzzles are piss easy, sometimes not even bordering on puzzles so much as just padding.
What else is there even? I guess you could explore the weak architecture in the world design, if you like the absence of lore and finding 900-odd fava beans.
tl;dr They wanted to be the best in faffing about in a forgettable landscape, and they abso-fucking-lutely hit the nail on the head.
Back to playing actual video games.
Why would you ever need to upgrade armor?
So you can fight other things to get materials to upgradr armor?
Nevermind that because the balancing is nonexistent and the combat easy and exploitable, getting hit is practically impossible after a few hours of gameplay.
Maybe the next LoZ will be a subscription model, since they've already indoctrinated the MMO gameplay loop into their fanbase.
Hyrule Castle was great.
Shame I inadvertently missed it because I climbed to the top, assuming Ganon would be in some dank dungeon below the surface or in the throne room.
What was even the point of free climbing, anyway?
[citation needed]
Literally who?
So what was stopping them from having enemies AND puzzles.
You know, like dungeons have always had.
It's not one or the other. You either have the drive to develop the content, or you don't. BotW has zero passion.
>Develop a free climb mechanic
>Setup the world as a freeform DIY approach
>Except the main "meat" of the game, for that you have to follow these horribly written and designed sequences of events so that you can play the game
>Can't climb into the DB's and commandeer them like a proper swashbuckling adventurer
>Beasts aren't even part of the overworld outside of being setpieces
Everything is a cardboard stand-in for memorable content to be developed later, or in the case of Fujibayashi & Aonuma: Never.
How a game throws out design aspects that have been adventure games for decades in favor of FotM open world garbage that is open on such an irrelevant and surface level is embarrassing.
>Finally get to a Domain
>It's the size of a studio apartment
>Fifteen NPCs
>All content complete in three hours
These are the untouched havens of Hyrule's denizens?
IThe dungeons in the NES games didn't have puzzles you retarded zoomer. Likewise, the puzzles in the ALTTP dungeons were also minimal compared to the puzzles in the dungeons in LA. It's a design choice you faggot
>What was even the point of free climbing, anyway?
Just more options for traversing? Free climbing was a "happy accident" that was discovered as a bug when the devs were still working on the game. It was not part of the initial game design.
BOTW is a game brimming with soul you autist. Learn to cope and move on with your pathetic life
Imagine saying that it has zero Passion.
Show me one game where I can interact with every piece in my environment. And can use these to my advantage.
I understand and agree that the dungeons suck ass. But then openworld aspects lets you
>Explore in your way
>Try out new things
>Use your environment to your advantage
at least the game doesn't crash after 10 minutes like nu vegas kek
Sorry my man, a game from 30 years prior didn't have puzzles. Except it did.
Albeit not incredibly intricate ones.
I'm aware that it's a design choice to remove content without any apparent increase in focus or quality to the content remaining.
I'm saying it's a faggot move made by a creatively bankrupt team of losers who haven't had to work for their food in fifteen years.
Keep being an apologist, though. Maybe they'll sell you the eight dungeon as DLC next time.
Oh wait, they don't even have eight dungeons anymore, just droves of empty space with forgettable excuses of gameplay.
I'm a bit bent on BOTW. I liked it, but I have ZERO desire to ever play it again. By design it doesn't have any replay value.
You've seen just about every shrine. They're in the same place they always are, so are all of the enemies, so are all of the options you have to kill them, and all of the korok seeds, and secrets. They'll never change. Better yet, why start a new game when you have all of your tools, status upgrades and weapons on your current save to fuck around with? Upgrading everything again and hunting everything down again just seems like work. Before it was discovery... but everything's been discovered. You can't "play out" BOTW.
No Man's Sky
Warcraft III Map Editor
3D rendering programs
What's your point? That BotW is some fucking godsend because instead of being a video game it just let (You) create the game to their shitty, generic lore backdrop?
Gerudo and Zora areas are the best. Goron is pretty fun. Rito is okay.
but user-sama, what about that horizon over there? there MIGHT be something interesting over yonder
it's actually a bokoblin camp and two koroks
this is the inherent issue I take with exploration-focused games; you have to weigh your imagination versus the creator's, and in the case of BotW they have absolutely none
I mean imagine getting excited because you got a sidequest to find a slightly large horse with Ganondorf's
color palette. This is the extent of Nintendo's creativity.
Fuck me.
Removes minimap and stealth hud.
Other people who straight up make games even said Zelda does it so much better even they are taking notes
like lambs to the slaughter they assemble
Black twitter is more about hoes and gay shit than literally anything else
Literally overflowing with soul
Glad you're enjoying a game.
Wish that would happen to me more often.
I'm in my fucking 30's and started with the very first game on NES. BotW effortlessly shits on every Zelda game before it and it's not even close.
This game triggers Sonyfags to the max
Thank you for your input, Mr. Sterling
>The puzzles are piss easy, sometimes not even bordering on puzzles so much as just padding.
Fuck off. They're way more creative than most of the braindead "shoot the eye switch" nonsense in previous games. The shrine quest puzzles are hands-down some of the best in the entire series.
You're memeing, but this is why I exclusively play RPG open worlds.
I value side quests more than anything. Ironically, unique side quests are what made Majoras Mask the best Zelda game (imo and in loads of peoples opinions). Shame to see BoTW steer away from that.
>stables, shrines, korok seeds, and even divine beasts share far too many similarities to one another and only exist in a blatant attempt to pad out the world
Divine Beasts can't be padding if they're completely different gameplay-wise, and the same goes for Shrines except for perhaps the combat ones. The stables are just there to serve as an inn and for your horses, how and why would anyone even care to make them vastly different (also, they already have differences)?
>vast majority of sidequests are pointless and MMO tier
Some of the sidequests are actually good. Stolen Heirloom is one of the best in the franchise.
I think you're nitpicking on a lot of things here.
something about the world in this game is just really boring. not sure what it is.
>this much Mario and Zelda crammed into one normie tier list
Jesus Christ, nintendies are pathetic. How the fuck did snoyboys and PCkeks on this board allow this to be top 10? Sure there's no denying that those are all solid games but why the fuck insist on shit like having OOT and MM in the same top 10? Why can't just one of them represent the 64-bit 3D Zeldas? Top 10 of all time lists, retarded as they are, should at the very least try to have a minimum of variety to represent the pinnacles of different genres. Also Super Metroid is the only one that deserves to be nr. 1 on that list.
What? You could say this about literally every Zelda game.
"You've completed every dungeon and they're always in the same place! So are the enemies! So are the grottos and skulltulas! Why start a new game when you have all your tools, weapons and dungeon items?!"
>refuse to buy games digitally on console unless I have no choice
>Nintendo literally never cut prices on physical versions, only digital sales
I feel you, but as much as people shit on options like buying from gamestop, they sell used copies for BotW for roughly 50 USD. That's not soo bad for a (critically acclaimed) Nintendo Game. Maybe it'll get to 40-ish for used copies by early next year.