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Other urls found in this thread:


A man denied his internet


>you will actually be able to stand on the edge of craters
Bravo Kojima


BB=Big Boss

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i wonder how many mgs references are in this game


>No one replies with "on the thread"
Kys brainlets


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will it have mgs references? every kojima game has had references to his other games.

probably a metal gear survive reference

Die-Hardman looks like Skullface

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>writing your name on your sleeves
Is she autistic?

Where's Mads

gotta be real careful

on the left, bruh

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I would pump that girl on the left

why does he wear the mask

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I hate this character, he looks retarded.

user he's just black

You can see this fatasses chin hanging out the bottom of his mask hahaha

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Man, 2D is really superior to anything 3D

What the fuck is this game about? So far it just seems like pretentious crap and cool imagery.

You answered your own question. It's a Kojima game.


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You should pump some weights, fatty

She must be Italian

Still keking about this

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>introduce a character in a trailer
>kill her in that same trailer

What's Kojima's endgame?


Get yourself to fuck cunt

>pretentious crap and cool imagery

That's 95% of what made Kojima famous and nobody ever complained

So I finally learned the truth about the death stranding.


Metal Gear actually had a story and themes though. Death Stranding looks like unfocused garbage.

I fucked 10 mins ago, my nigga. It would be good for you as well, but you need to give some care to the weights first, fatso

>Death Stranding looks like unfocused garbage
It just appears unexplainable because there's so much shit we don't get, things will get clearer eventually.

You probably don't realize it, but the average MGS trailer is just as cryptic to a newcommer.

>asymmetric gameplay

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Metal Gear Solid + Time Travel Story = Death Stranding

Is this right?

>asymmetric multiplayer

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There might not even be time travel, but its likely. Its more like alternate dimensions.

Your dad getting drunk and pounding you doesn't count gayboy

it's metal gear solid + PT
try to prove me wrong because i can prove you right with a single citation

kill yourself ;)

I think it's after Revengeance

Have sex after you lose that chub

I have sex decently often you cheeky bastard.

"Mikkelsen said in 2017 that he actually felt lost while the plot of Death Stranding was explained to him, but he was intrigued to learn more. "He [Kojima] was trying to tell me the full plot of the game, and it's so elaborate that, I mean, I got lost but I really wanted to learn more. It's a big honour to be there," Mikkelsen said."

Even the actors don't know what it's about.

having that sex alright

>*whistles for magic motorcycle*
>autowalks on road to quest marker
>*Pinwheel vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a BT™, gotta be"
>"Come on, fetus"
>*follows pinwheel*
>guys in BT™ costumes appear
>"President of jack shit" ALALALALA but on cello *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic walk and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm.... Hazmats™ pretending to be BTs™......better tell the post office head about this"
>"Come on, fetus"
>*autowalks on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as BTs™, here's proof *shows ladder*"
>10 packages received

I hope in the last level of this game you just fucking wake up or travel through time or some gay shit and you get to finish the rest of MGS5.

Still hard to look in that mirror though, am I right tubby?

yo avin a stroge alright m8?

- the gameplay and you'd be right


>does a cinematic walk

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never gets old

I'm myopic so it depends on the distance of the mirror honestly fat guy

>n-no you dumb g-gaijins, that's not Reedus! L-Ludens isn't in the g-game, he's just a m-mascot!!!
>people actually fell for that

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Why the fuck was this not in the eng trailer? Looks more interesting than the rest of the gameplay shown.


why does she wear the mask?

He looks like Black Mask.

Because Kojima wants to out every cringy "lol death starnding is a walking simulator fag" when the game comes out. It's no coincidence that all the naysayers are english speakers and the bossfight did not show up in the english version.

You guys are all going to have a nice big slice of humble pie when this hits the shelves.

Guillermo del Toro looks so out of place.

I swear to god, if this game is also about nanomachines...

>*shows ladder

Duh, that's what the black liquid is. Literal seas of nanomachines.

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Everyone is making fun of Die-Hardman but I think 'Fragile' is just as ridiculous

At least Fragile has some tiny connection to the theme of delivering packages. Die Hardman just sounds like an actual joke name.


Any thoughts on what's happening with Fragile? Usually we see her in her jacket apparently making deliveries, but then there's one scene where she's apparently surrendering to terrorists when that dude licks her? She isn't in her jacket. Did they teleport her from somewhere?

caught by surprise then forcibly turned via the golden mask

The baby is just going to be the one from the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey. They captured it from space and it somehow creates a universe paradox where scenes from Saving Private Ryan interfere with Metal Gear.

imagine only being able to vocalize memes

>Kojima actually manages the biggest crossover in the history of vidya and Hollywood (2001, Saving Private Ryan and Metal Gear)
bullshit but I believe it

But she's literally in the middle of a city with rain pouring. Where would she be, for them to catch her by surprise?
Also what do you mean by 'turned' by the mask? Does it mind control or something?

imagine not being able to pull a real life Monsoon

i don't know why she would be
and it's pretty clear that the mask (and probably gold itself) allows one to exert control over things in this realm

showing us all the cutscenes like mgsv

I don't doubt the game will have extensive gameplay since most of Kojima's games do, but the game could really use a 20-30 minute demo that clarifies what the game is actually going to have the player doing and how it works.

She didn't die. Remember the last trailer where Higgs summons the black anus hound? The person Sam is carrying on his back is strapped in and seems to be unable to move on her own, it's the same person. Seems their HQ is destroyed and Sam finds her and straps her in to take her to the nearest town.

i wonder if you can team up with friends and be roving yakety sax villains

that would be pretty neat

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Also seems like she was pregnant and miscarried the baby which turned into one of those ghosts.

I hope the Fragile keeps getting bullied throughout the entirety of the game

no, only asynchronous stuff

I just don't know how to feel about it bros... I just don't.
I think I'm in it for the ride though, I want to play it for myself, to find out if he has truly lost it and become a madman, or is actually the genius hiding behind golden masks and planting the seeds for us, readying to blow our minds. Whatever he makes, I know it's going to shake this world, this gaming world is not going to be the same after Death Stranding, maybe it'll even strand the AAA Industry because it can't be replicated. Madman or genius, they're just two sides of the same coin, maybe he's both, and no sane man can replicate the work of a madman and no average man can replicate the work of a genius.
This wild ride, I have a feeling it hasn't even truly begun yet, but we're getting closer. We'll found out the truth of the Death Stranding, TOGETHER Yea Forums CAN CONNECT!

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I am more interested in how Higgs has the president kidnapped and over his shoulder in the shoot out.

Based boonbocks saints.

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>posting the manlet version

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user no, Mads is fuckin deranged manic that barely gives a shit about anything
He probably doesn't even know what Hannibal was about

>tfw Higgs isn't named Higgs-Boseman


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One thing that really bugs me is how they keep the babies in front of themselves. Sam looks like an mpreg fatty with all of that stuff on. Why can't they keep them in the mini fridge backpack?

yes as in

tranny aren't girls dumbo

>Sam looks like an mpreg fatty with all of that stuff on. Why can't they keep them in the mini fridge backpack?
could it be symbolism?
hmm no probably not

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that's why the question mark is there, why do you need to be spoonfed, this is a high IQ thread


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because BB has eyes and needs to see the enemy.


Why does it always end like that?

Why is one of the villains wearing a dollar store Halloween mask over a paintball mask?

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Because black people have a hive mind mentality.

One group isn't hesitant to jump in and help one of their own losing a fight and the other group wants to be uninvolved from one of their group losing a fight?

>You probably don't realize it, but the average MGS trailer is just as cryptic to a newcommer.

dumbest shit i've read all day
might want to rewwatch the mgs trailers as they outline what the game is about pretty well

He is Double Bainman. Nobody cared who he was even after he put on the mask so he put on a second.

fuck niggers

Amelie and the President isn't the same character.
The character Higgs has over his shoulder is Amelie in the red dress and she's the young woman, meanwhile the president is named Bridget, Sam states her name in the trailer, but he kind of mumbles it so you might have missed it on your first watch. Bridget is the old woman.
Played by the same actress though, so maybe timefall and dimensions have something to do with it or Amelie might be Bridget's sister and Bridget is old as hell because she got hit by timefall.

state of black people

Bro the MGS2 trailer you posted literally lies and has shit that doesn't happen in the game.

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asynchronous dumbass

brainlet detected

Why did they put Jom Starling in the game?


I'm so unconvinced this won't show up in DS

Now I'm not saying Hideo "I want to teach my entire voice actor cast russian to do the whole game in russian, also let's just toss out entire soundtracks and make new ones" Kojima is good at saving money. But there's no way you design a fucking logo character that good, produce this much merch and art while also making a lifesized replica of it and NOT put it in your game.

that makes it misleading, not cryptic

It'll definitely be there.
Die-Hardman's mask even says "LUDENS" in white text at the top. Even though it was apparently said this game wouldn't be about the Ludens mascot now we know there are direct references to Ludens in the game and the skull mask Die-Hardman is wearing is almost the same skull mask that Ludens are wearing under the transparent helmet.
We'll definitely get the suit at some point and go to the moon.

Its what you wear when you go to the moon.
>Earth is fucked by the rainfall that ages thing forward
>people build enclosed cities
The #1 solution would be getting the fuck off of Earth, the Moon is definitely somewhere where the super rich fucked off to.

"even the Moon"
why fucking put emphasis on that?

Blacks are weaklings

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because niggers are mindless animals

Ummm sweatie this was the first MGS4 trailer

fucking based

Very nice

>Come on, fetus


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was the original Big Boss genetically engineered?

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Does that mean we can rip the models from the game?

because its the MOON fuckwad

Is that some movie or animation reel reference you are making?

the trailers are kino, but we all know the game is going to be shit.


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What the FUCK are bridge babies man? Where are they getting a steady supply of "unborn" babies?! Who is nutting in all these women to make these unborn babies?

Me, the professional Bridge Baby maker

Actually nobody knows that

pretty sure the pod is like a fake womb so ideally, people would ejaculate into the pod with a female egg I assume and the baby just grows.

cause niggers

if you watch Mama's segments from the new trailer it looks like she can take them from the BT's

I know. Its gonna be shit, and half of Yea Forums will laugh its ass off while the other half does mental gymnastics

It will be ffxv all over again but with a few thousand XVkuns this time

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The blub on the website basically confirms a The Sorrow situation when you die, you go to the WW1 realm and the more people you kill in the real world the crazier it becomes in the upside down realm.
Supply=Clones. The other side/upside down realm is basically just these specific babies and see into the other side

from what he's saying it sounds really try-hard, cryptic bullshit with a boring, bland actual meaning. he also payed to much attention to the jewllywood stuff

Notice how the babies are still attached with an umbilical? They aren't born yet and thus the bridge between life and death.
Seems like some dumb science bitch breached the barrier between life and the afterlife and it fucked up the world.

link to page

Inb4 Barry posting returns

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>Live Monster Hunter World 2 gameplay footage

Its almost like the game isnt out yet and we don't know the entire story

Monkey see monkey do

If its Kojima, its because it didn't fit in with the music


great job, retard

I wonder what "supernatural elements alter the physical state of your surroundings" will be like in the game.

>linking a timecoded video
you are a fucking moron

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coming to PC, not saying its confirmed but its very possible at this point

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not a real word, those aren't definitions, they are examples of popular use

the word is impassible


i really hope so because i don't want to buy a ps4 pro for ONE fucking game

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"Niggers hunt in packs, Arisen!"

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>no I CAN'T be wrong
>this isn't possible bros

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Why does he wear the masks?

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Die hardman has a connection to the movie die hard, directed by Guillermo del Toro

he's a based guy

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still not a real word, considered a colloquial form of passable

it's more to do with style, you don't write unpassable, the word is impassible

for instance chrome spell check underlines unpassable right in this very box

i'm not wrong. it generates a definition by putting "un" in front of any adjective. it's not a real world, it's not in actual dictionary

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Shut the fuck up already, you lost, get over it

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I'm guessing void outs will be an actual game mechanic. If you fuck up hard enough the entire terrain is obliterated

like the time rain that was described a while back? could be the reason for the WW1 situation, even when i didnt see any rain. perhaps it falls then soaks into the ground and gradually grows back time

Wouldn't traversal be easier if you willingly died in a void out, came back, and just walked over the crater?

>this dude
seethe harder retard

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>Convoluted mess
Yep, it's another Kojima game

>hurr durr read books

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>Reedus and tang baby approaching area with reports of BT™ activity
>"You ready?"
>camera zooms into tang baby doing a thumbs up
>audience howling and clapping
>mission starts to go south
>Reedus looks down at the tang baby then gets on his radio
>"Things are going sideways out here. Gonna have to abort!"
>camera zooms in on tang baby crossing his arms and doing an 'oh you' face
>audience has been whipped into a laughing frenzy and each individual member is seemingly lost in the nightmareish cacophony that washes over the entire country

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niggers have no honor and call it a win when 5 jump in against 1 when theyre nigger friend starts losing

why the fuck do people keep thinking they're funny

Your mom laughs at my jokes.

I don't get it

some retards are guaranteed to laugh so long as the joke agrees with their viewpoint
100% someone saw this greenpost and said "HEHE KOJIMA BAD"
remember: nu-Yea Forums is reddit

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one of the best things I've seen in a collectors edition in a long time.

Maybe I haven't watched enough Walking Dead but I would swear Reedus listened to a lot of Hayter to learn how to VA. Dude was going full Solid Snake

>handprints on the walls of the cave
>"Standing on the edge of the crater"
>"Deep inside, the abandoned child"

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>not getting the daytime tv comedy angle
you might be retarded or autistic or both


Nobody is that dense. We know what you were going for. Its just painfully unfunny.

Fragile is fine, I think.
So is diehardman for that matter.
Really, I don't mind any of these names.


speaking of voice actors: while Sam is on the elevator and talks about the BB's, the person he's talking to sounds an awful lot like Sutherland or am I mistaken. maybe just wishful thinking

>What should we put in the collectors edition, Kojima? A Norman Reedus figure? Mads? Léa?
>The fucking baby

What would you prefer? "David Armyprotagonistman" live every other vidya?

the bb the bb the bb the bb the bb the bb the bb the bb

the thing is, die-hardman is incredibly memorable.
So are heartman and deadman.

They're really good names.

>PS4 exclusive content
any reason to point that out for an assumed Sony exclusive? i don't want to get any hopes up know

Like Sam, Cliff has a belly surgery scar. What the fuck is it for?

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>game differs from what was advertised
>lol, see guys, i told you

I'm a big Kojima fan, but your comment is retarded.

Imagine being one of these actors working on Kojima's cringe garbage and going laughing at him and his work behind his back while rolling in money.

Watch out Sam, that's a homo demon. A single burst of its member can cut a man in half.

bridge baby


i still think the religious stuff will not be played straight. very excited tbqh.

But how does it taste?

It's homo demens

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how are you just as schizophrenic as kojima

he tried so hard guys

Pre ordered.
Don't even have a PS4, but I want that god damn baby

Death is not the end

>I'll show you the real thing soon, I promise.

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>Die-hardman (with a vengeance)


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Just fellow men standing for one of their own race. /pol/ would love this.

Yeah they shouldn't have used you as the face scan

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he's also a transman

>physical deluxe
>soundtrack, gold mask, no other gold items
>digital deluxe
>no soundtrack, gold mask, all other gold items

For real though, why are they called HOMO DEMONS? I’ll laugh like a retard every time they are brought up in game

>They aren't born yet and thus the bridge between life and death.
Baste Kojima-san tackling the topic of abortion.

>not getting the babby edition

>what is homo sapiens

Its Homo Demens not Homo Demons

I know, but why not Homo Infernalis or whatever? Homo Demon sounds like a Demon Faggot

kek awesome dude yo you wanna squad up in fortnite? my mom dismissed me from dinner early

cause gays are literal seething faggots

they are the one true enemy

It will probably come out on PC 6 months later.

homo infernalis is just another homo demon, if that was what they went with you'd be asking why didn't they go with homo xyz instead

of course they always fight in packs because they are too scared to fight 1-on-1 goddamn fuck I hate niggers so fucking much


because niggers are fucking cowards

Unironically it's Homo Demens which insinuates that they're mad men (as in delusional)

1. konami never publicly acknowledged kojima's departure (big because they're a publicly traded company so lying, even by omission, lets shareholders sue you)
2. sony is making the metal gear movie
3. kojima is involved in the metal gear movie
4. konami posting job listings for NEW METAL GEAR when TPP came out, no mention of anything since, meanwhile kojima productions has more employees than a lot of 1st party sony studios


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Koji Pro made use of those employees to have a less than 3 year turn around on development considering they didn’t have an engine till late 2016

Where's Stefanie Joosten?

>told my mom I'm gonna buy the special edition with the fetus statue
>user do not bring that creepy ass thing into my house, if you do im gonna throw it away
>but mom, its from Kojima's latest lud..
It's not fair :(

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So is this going to be a thing we can wear in the game, is it even related to the game in any way or is it just like the mascot of the Kojima Productions team?

These will never not be funny to me, god damnit

What else would you wear on the moon, pajamas?

Kojima has the app and likes buying cheap paintball masks, apparently.

If I took off that mask, would you *WHIIIR*?
what the fuck

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who is he Yea Forums?

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DIE-HARD MAN is going to be absolutely the best character. I can already feel the pain and anguish



Thin Beanpoleman

Demens as in Dementia?

I want to protect bridge baby. It doesn't deserve this

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Exactly, some user said it means "madman"

Yes. Although demented may harken closer to their personality.

What's his endgame?

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homo madman

>I don’t understand
>therefor it is stupid
Maybe you’re the stupid one bro, ever think of that?
I’m not saying I know, but the logic of not understanding something then thinking it’s stupid is the ultimate cope

changing the rules a little to help sam have more fun


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Sam's bridge baby is not the same as Cliff's bridge baby. Cliff's looks like Mads as a baby.

WOW after watching the gameplay I realize that it's just HZD with Shinkawa designs.
Also.... HADES?????

Die-Hardman is wearing the same mask Troy Baker's character was wearing so it just seems to be a thing that people wear, rather than it being specific to him