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I don't watch every gaming news, what's this about? Are you telling me a game is portraying the White Helmets as the good guys?

wasnt mw2 also anti-russia?

Forgive me for my ignorance, fellow gamer, but hasn't it been proven that the white helmets are indeed affiliated with terrorists?

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Based gigachad codbros winding /pol/tards

I saw some youtube video with assad in it and there were a buncha 4ch types defending him in the comments. Why is this? He's an authoritarian war criminal, like his father.
That being said, israel is only marginally better

Makes sense, since Assad defends their border.

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Yes my fellow gamer. They are indeed affiliated with terrorists.

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That's true but he was also right about White Helmets. Israel forces have shirts with target painted over pregnant women with "one shot two kills" and the IDF is proven to shoot even humanitarian aid, how is that better?

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>War criminal

doubt.png, there's never been any proof he did shit, just kike slander from Israel and it's puppet state.

I just meant in not bombing its own people
Israel in general is a thuggish nation
Neither Assad nor Netanyahu should be in power

What country are you from? I'm from Nigeria and people here have positive views of Assad due to terrorists groups attempting to undermine Syria's democratic politics. But those people also have negative views of West Europe. I'd imagine they had some meddling in there.

>no proof
cmon now

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I don't know what to believe anymore honestly. I've seen footage of civilians saying that the bombings are made up to destroy the nation and that the majority wants Assad in the office. It wouldn't be the first time the "allies" would be using civilians to eat themselves up with fabricated stories.

The US are literally the bad guys and you kill them in the last missions.

Then where is it nigger?

Wait what. I don't remember this.

>I don't remember this.
General Shepherd was collaborating with the Neo-Nationals in Russia to cause a massive invasion of the United States as "revenge" for the world collectively shrugging at the nuclear slaughter of his men in the Middle East. He's the one that tipped them off to American agents in their ranks. He also ignored the warning signs that an invasion was imminent.

The last two missions of MW2 are you fighting American Spec Ops working with the General.

the proof is whatever the UN says there is

arent the white helmets those fake disaster response workers

I knew ND writers were retarded but are they really trying to romanticize ISIS' personal medics?

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US. Where in Nigeria? I'd imagine the Hausa would be pro-Assad, Igbo might be a bit more concerned, having had atrocities committed against them

>arent the white helmets those fake disaster response workers
Yeah, they're literal propaganda for ISIS.

Remember General Shepard and the last mission?

>democratic politics

Assad was like Gadaffy Duck

The only this that could keep the Islam loonies in check was a the secular iron fist of a dictator.

Authoritarianism is still preferable to anarchy.

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