SMT: were to start

I really want to start with (pic related) do I really have to play 4? and were should I even start?

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Play IV before IV:A. Trust me, the story continues from smtiv's neutral end and the gameplay gets improved in a way that makes the first iv game a bit of a slog if you played v:a first

IV and then IV:A. Or even fucking Persona.
inb4 nocturne or strange journey xd

Yeah iv or p3 are my reccomended starts. Someone post the newfag guide

yes. shut the fuck up and play it.

Play Nocturne, Strange Journey, IV, and IV:A, in that order.

Start with IV first.

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Play Devil Survivor 1 and then Devil Survivor 2 and then never play another Megaten game again.

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IV:A doesn't make much sense without IV. Fortunately, IV works well as a standalone game.

what about the devil survivor games? are they a good place to start too?

I've heard they're OK as a starting point but it's an srpg and it might not prepare you for the kind of combat you'll see in the rest of the smt series

if you have good taste in games start from 1 and stop after strange journey. If you're a weeb play smt4 and persona

Just play IV and stop there. Apocalypse's story is the plot equivalent of butt cancer.

cute monkey

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SMT4 isn't any more weeaboo than the rest of the series.

>le start with 1 meme
if you're gonna be that elitist tell people to start with the very first megaten


why not nocturne and strange journey?


IV:A is a terrible introduction to the series. The writing in that game was fucking atrocious. I wouldn't call the writing in IV great either but it's leagues ahead of IV:A.

they're not good for a starter game

Nah I was talking about SMT1. It's a solid dungeon crawler and 2 is one of the best games in the series so it would be shame to just skip them

alright thanks anons for the help

>Nah I was talking about SMT1
I know. That's why I said if you're gonna be that elitist tell them to play mt1, which is also a great dungeon crawler. OP is specifically interested in IV:A though so he should probably start with IV


Digital Devil Saga

If you want something more to your weeby VN taste, Persona 3-5

If you want to be hardcore cuz mom wont let you, Nocturne and Strange Journey

If you absolutely have nothing else to do, Get 4:Apocalypse

4 is trash, it's got merits but its mostly a long padded narrative

4A at least as filler is entertaining for what it is.

But really, I think anyone can tell you Digital Devil Saga is probably the strongest place to start. You get a compelling narrative, the tones and themes of SMT with some awesome bangers.

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>4 is trash
>4A at least as filler is entertaining
holy garbage opinion
>he's a dds tranny
that explains it

>4 is trash
bad post

>unironically liking 4
Literally just a long slog with filler isekai stories thrown in with a quick rushed ending.

The highlight is the OST and feeling when entering Tokyo for the first time, but after that, its a goddamn snore ride.

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The otherworld (this an American website and we speak American here) parts are about an hour of the game at the end. Also:

>complains about 'isekai'
>reccomends the spinoff games where everyone's trapped in a military VR simulation outsourced to pajeets

Your other complaints are too nondescript to even comment on, SJ is the worst slog I've every played.

>SJ is the worst slog I've every played.
not him, and I do think he's a retard, but SJ is one of the best megaten games. just nowhere near the best starts. you just might not like dungeon crawling

it's alright, i enjoyed it personally

why not though? Nocturne was my starter

nocturne is ok as a starter, but not really the best. if the person I was reccomending a megaten to really liked dmc I might reccomend them it because of the fanservice

can I play smt like pokemon and only use demons that look cool? I only used like 4 personas in p3p but that game has different mechanics I think.

you could. you will just have to grind, probably. I don't reccomend it though because you'll be missing out on the appeal of the fusion system

as long as they have pierce you're good bro :)

The gameplay isn't that far from other games in the series but I feel like everything after Eradinus was unnecessary and there to extend the playtime. They even start recycling dungeon themes and palette swapping environments.

I didn't like the plot, setting, or music either. The whole story was wandering between disjointed garbage dumps and malls so the writers could condescend and lecture me about human excess. Also Meguro's soundtrack is horrid and the game might have been more tolerable without the really bad synthesized choir music barking in my ear the entire time.

In most of the games not really unless you autistically fuse them to have always good movesets and grind for crazy amounts of time to keep their levels up.
One of the initials humps for me was having to let go of demons who I thought looked really cool because they just couldn't keep up with the harder enemies.

>but I feel like everything after Eradinus was unnecessary and there to extend the playtime
ok I kinda agree there
>The whole story was wandering between disjointed garbage dumps and malls so the writers could condescend and lecture me about human excess
the times when they were actually lecturing you about it was minimal, honestly, even if the theme was present the entire time. the character interactions more than make up for that in my opinion
>Meguro's soundtrack is horrid
now that's just plain bad taste.
nah I'm joking but it is still a matter of taste

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If you plan on play KMT, skip Megami Tensei 1.
It's not a good game, by any stretch of the imagination. The mechanics bear very little resemblance to later games, and the encounter rate is sky high. It's a chore to beat. Not because it's hard, but because it's 100% maze-crawling with the worst map system in video games with encounters happening, on average, every 2 steps.

I see what you're saying, but if you're playing kmt or mt you're probably not skipping the first one anyway

This is true, but MT2 is pretty damn good. SMT2 feels like a direct retread desu desu.

If you're someone that even considers playing MT1, you're probably going to play it regardless of how bad it is.

You literally miss NOTHING by skipping MT1. It's so story-light that you can summarize it in a paragraph without leaving anything out.

If you REALLY want to get a MT1 experience, watch the OVA or read the books MT1 spins off of. MT1's story is garbage, and the gameplay is terrible. The soundtrack isn't even that great.

That said, MT2 is like 500% better. Gone are the sprawling mazes. Most areas are broken into easy to memorize chunks, with the large maze areas only appearing near the very end of the game. The balance is better. Gameplay is more fun. The overworld is amazing. The story is damn good, and the setting is great. The music is better and more varied. The graphics are better. The spells bear more resemblance to the modern games.

As someone who wanted to play every MT game from start to finish, heed my advice and skip MT1.
It's not worth it. You can do better things with 25 hours of your life.

>You literally miss NOTHING
you don't really get it do you? if you're playing kmt/dds:mt you're probably not skipping the first one because you're already that far down the rabbit hole, you get me?