What games do you actually, unironically like?

What games do you actually, unironically like?

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cunny quest 2

Most of them because I'm not some contrarian autist.

Pikmin 1

A game that any qualified gamer likes


game of drones and fortnite

Red Alert 2
Team Fortress 2
Baldur's Gate

i wanna go back

>Devil May Cry 3 and 5
>Xenoblade 2
For all the flaws XB2 has, it's a super fun game and gets too much shit from autists.

MGS4 and Twin Snakes

cooking mama

I've been playing Redout lately, it's good.


all games that i enjoy are enjoyed unironically by me

Don't Starve + DST

Call of Duty World at War
Uncharted 4
No One Lives Forever 2
Ni No Kuni
Yakuza 4

new vegas
doom 3
GG 2
blazblue cronorgasm
Mario 3
Kirby 64
Clayfighter 63 1/3

soul reaver

So did 3 kill the series? I never got around to playing it.

C word

It was made by a different studio so yes.

Legend of Korra


age of empires 2
red alert 2
tomb raider 1-2-3-4-5
doom 1-2
recently dusk
borderlands 1
the old god of war games
metal gear solid 2
bio shock 1-2
all dark souls
resident evil games even zero
hotline miami
path of exile
deus ex human revolution
sim city 3000

those are the games I honestly like without any pretension

Holy CRAP. I-I now see the way of the puffy cunny. Before, I only wanted small cunny, but seeing best Guilty Gearl like this...I...BBRBRLBRULBRUBLRUBRL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I NEED HER CUNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


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Streets of Rage 2
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Perfect Dark
Rise of Nations
River City Ransom
Sin and Punishment: Star Successor
King of Fighters '97
Soul Calibur 2
Killer Is Dead
Comix Zone
Shadow of the Colossus
Gunstar Heroes
The World Ends With You
Soldiers of Fortune (aka The Chaos Engine)

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TR legend, underworld, angel of darkness
alice madness returns
guitar hero
sims 3
medal of honor
the avatar movie game for wii


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Titanfall2 and C&C Kane's Wrath

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Ew, a bug

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>Nod flavored Miku
Hmmm, alright. I can get behind this.

>cunny AND chipmunk mouth

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What are your faves?

I unironically liked Horizon Zero Dawn, but I went in with low expectations.

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The Saboteur
Devil May Cry
Halo 1+2+3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Melty Blood
Fate / Unlimited Codes

I really love Xenoblade Chronicles 2 despite hating waifu shit.

Unreal Tournament 99
Red Alert 2
Paper Mario
Enter The Gungeon


I love those goobas man

All of these, not even kidding

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me matey is lewd

I'd buckle her swash, if you know what I mean

She likely already offered her virginity to Johnny.

A good girl needs a good husband

I don't get it

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I love guilty gear
and unist
it's all I've been playing lately


&& (Twicefold Ampersands l

Ah yes, the double contrarian, the most elusive faggot of them all.

A Hat In Time. Fuck the haters.

I want to go back

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She definitely did, but he didn't take it.


Other than Overwatch and CS these are all I also play.

Completely understandable, everyone would do the same.

Dude, same.

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new guilty gear game when

That was the shit. Always kirovs or bombers


I'm at the endgame and I can autistically grind my stats soon. It's fun. Need about a 3rd of the arena to fill, then it's down the rabbit-hole for me. Comfy times ahead.

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She's 21.