Outer Wilds
I still have the original release back from when it was a student project. Can't wait to see how it evolved.
Also thanks CODEX.
It's more polished but the wider FoV really changes the claustrophobic feel of the game. Dark Bramble is also now an anus into the fog world now instead of just being a planet covered in fog
Is it another generic survival game?
Thought it was Outer Worlds for a sec
No it's a cool game where you just explore weird planets and encounter wacky people. Very laid back, like Animal Crossing in space, except there's death.
I've been playing a little bit of it yesterdat since it got leaked on Gamepass. The basic shit is still pretty much the same but all the planets have so much more stuff to find on them, it's amazing. I've only explored home planet, Hollow and little bit of the sea planet and IƤve already taken around 6 hours to do that. Going to play the rest on PC since there's pretty bad hiccups on regular Xbox One. Still GOTY material for me so far.
Wait, it's out? Is it only on EBIC?
Fuck, I haven't played it since pre-bramble lock.
Happy days.
EBIN and Xbox One. Just pirate it or use Gamepass since it went live there since yesterday.
I never managed to solve any of the original planet in the demo so this is going to be hell for me
i played this shit 200 years ago and got jumpscared by the big fog monsters then quit
i honestly didnt think i would ever see it become relevant again
I tried it because it's on gamepass, but nonsensical space physics really piss me off.
>fly straight up
>magically achieve orbit
Fog monsters are still in the game but the fog is much thinner now, you can see them from 100m away
And planets being only kilometres away from each other didn't? Or the planet with a black hole in the center? Or giant anglerfishes the size of space ships didn't? Or a magical twin planets with sand moving from one to another? Realism sucks my dude.
Nice, haven't played this since 2009.
Is it just the same thing with "better" graphics or did they actually add content?
There are tons more content. Even the home planet is riddled with shit to find. Quantum shit got a big focus, they really love playing around with it. What I don't really like is Ghost Matter, which is simply just gating you from proceeding at points. I think you'll find a way to not die to it sometime but I haven't yet found it.
Nice, I'll give it a go then.
Playing it on my Xbox game pass and having a great time. 10/10
is it actual content or just dialogue
>fortnite grafics
>first-person PC game where developers recommend using a gamepad
Dialogue is probably the weakest part of the game. Once you start looping the convos don't rally chnage with few exceptions, but luckily you don't have to talk much. There's a lot more reading now, and I guess what I mean by content is new places to find where to read.
no disrespect to this game, I frankly love the engine, but its almost unbelievable to me that this took more than ten years to make
>fortnite grafics
It's way older than Fortnite, and certainly different than Fortnite. If anything, it's originally inspired by Zelda games, haven't played the newer version, but the original felt very OoT-ey.
Also it's a laid back game and you really need analog controls, no real reason to play it on PC, really.
dont listen to them, I found it unplayable with controller
They made it when they were uni students, then used crowdfunding to get money to actually make it
Then they pocketed Epic's big fat paycheck
ok so its still literally nothing but a fun little planet game then
what i dont want from exploration is a little pamphlet with text on it
would rather see some collectibles and fun items
It's on gamepass Xbros!
listen, no one gives a fuck if you play the game or not. I dont care that you misunderstood what he said, do what you want, but if you need anonymous posters on Yea Forums to convince you to try games youre going to miss out on a lot of stuff.
ok shill
Fair enough. For me the planets and their quirkiness and the story is enough.
pretty far fetched accusation, considering their entire marketing campaign for this game seems to have been a youtube launch trailer.
does this game have combat?
>that tune on the installer
god I love pirating shit
Same here, been really looking forward to the release up until the Epic buyout. Time to go cook some smores on the moon.
I never figured Outer Wilds out, but I loved it. I loved all the threads where everyone tried to piece together bits of lore and puzzles to see what the fuck was happening.
The new ayyyy design is pretty fucking ugly
Obsidian already got their space cowboy game out? Epic bribes must've sped development
im not interested in shitty games
its not great, but I manage
I dont see how thats relevant, but cool, I guess
Why has this become such a meme?
they added their own drm into cracked exes
Literally no one cares about this shit game. Stop spamming Yea Forums with it.
>when FFXIV has 24/7 general on Yea Forums
>with all the shitposting rampant
>it's okay because other faggots do it
you're the reason why Yea Forums is shit
There's been what, three threads? That's spamming?
This happens literally any time a new game comes out that receives a bunch of threads. Stop responding to newfaggotry.
Did you think this was Outer Worlds, the Obsidian game? Outer Wilds has been in development for a long time and is made by a small indie group. I think you are being retarded.
>talking about video games on Yea Forums is not okay
you're the reason why Yea Forums is shit
Tried to buy it on EGS but it keeps giving me an error when I put in my payment. Now I'm just going to torrent it :)
Man, it feels like yesterday that they had just put out the prototype demo that absolutely everyone adored. Pretty bullshit their publisher forced an exclusivity deal when the game was crowdfunded, so off to the high seas for me
XIV only ever has one thread because jannies are Blizzardrones.
>Talk to every NPC
>Finally takes off
>Dies on the moon because I didn't put on the spacesuit, rookie mistake
>Kinda feel like I "wasted" the feel of the first death but oh well
>Head to the foggy planet
>Oh god what's in there
>Let's send a probe
>Oh god are they alive
>Oh fuck let's try pushing deeper
>Let's send this probe into this light
>Duplicate signal ? Fuck I'm out
>Let's try the sea planet I bet it's comfy
>Oh lord it's a fucking hellhole where the fuck do I even land
>What is this blue light in the sky ? Is it happening now ? Let's head out
And then I got disintegrated by the supernova. You told me this was a comfy game.
Wait a second, I swear this game's been out for like 5 years
It's the philosophical and existential horror kind of comfy. Go sit with the guy on Hollow and listen to him play while roasting marshmallows and you'll understand.
Also to everybody who's playing it for the first time, the guy in the Giants Deep gives you reset button.
The comfy comes from knowing what's out there, user. I get the same level of comfy from this as I do from STALKER.
Land on the moon first, chill for a bit. Watch the planets go by. Explore slowly, get used to everything. I remember way back in the Alpha looking at Dark Bramble and feeling so safe for being so far away.
Speaking of, how is Dark Bramble?