What went wrong with Overwatch?
What went wrong with Overwatch?
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it keeps trannies and nogs in their containment ballpit
They made Tracer gay
I'm not a chinks dumbass. I haven't posted on here for weeks
Imagine what this guy looks like.
not enough porn
They actively remove and nerf everything that requires skill or takes some thought.
keep adding shit heroes
They really tried their hardest to make every character right.
And punish good players for playing the game.
Also stop making the same thread daily.
I wanna fuck Ana
It just isn't fun to play.
nothing, the game is pretty successful and it also has 10/10 sfm.
Nothing went wrong, quite the contrary. The only purpose of this game was to trick young white males into lusting after non-white women. And that purpuse was fully achieved, in my case at least. I am literally obsessed with brown girls. Not one minute passes without me thinking about dating, marrying and breeding an exotic goddess like Pharah
>Imagine what this guy looks like.
It's not as cool as it used to be.
Just think how ugly the kids will be. Are you willing to do this to them?
I don't think I've ever played a game where even winning was boring.
The people that manage to be bad at it and started crying about "no skill" features and other things to try and make the game/characters more competitive when its fucking Overwatch.
Just because its successful doesn't mean its necessarily good
no mod support
boomer detected
It's been a couple of years. I have no interest in casual play and everyone in competitive has put more time in it than me now.
FWIW, I do still play Rocket League and Siege. I love Siege, even though I'm absolutely terrible at it.
I don't want kids but that post is talking about breeding. Unless that means creampie on the pill, then the question is why would you want a woman on the pill?
A better question would be; what went right?
It's a shitty moba hero-shooter packed with fucking waifus to divert from it's dog shit gameplay and eternal lack of balance, just like every other moba.
>I don't want kids
casual garbage from the beginning people only played it for the polish, personality and blizzard
Right. I am not ready to raise kids and I also want to experience something that is as important if not more important than having children.
drop dead
black niggers
the game is complete meta slavery with a horrible content dripfeed but MY GOD WOULD I FUCK PHARRAH IN EVERY HOLE
>I am not ready to raise kids and I also want to experience something that is as important if not more important than having children.
>slaving away to a corporation and living a hedonistic lifestyle is more meaningful guys
Semi pro OW player here
Ok so basically the game is really good at high level play (no,not GM or top 500 games) but the problem for normal players is that the retards over at blizzard don't fully want to commit to a side (casual or competitive) so they try and do both (brig being a prime example) and also they are rly slow at balancing/making changes to the game also everyone wants a role Q system because getting 5 support mains in GM is just annoying as fuck
they nerfed Hog.
>slaving away to a corporation and living a hedonistic lifestyle is more meaningful guys
Who are you quoting?
Because that's usually what people refer to as "more important" nowadays. What did you mean then if not that?
Does that general have anything that isn’t just reverse blacked
This plus the SFM is a nice bonus
Not enough futa pharah porn.
>play in first open beta
>pick Mercy
>ult after enemy Reaper ults my entire team
>"hey this is pretty good"
>pick Reinhardt
>fun as shit, smashing bitches with hammers all day
>pick literally anyone else
>boring as fuck
>uninstall Overwatch
there's enough of it
she needs more regular stuff
Learn to hunt with a bow or at least with a gun and harvest my own kill. I told this idea to my best friend and we both want to do it.
Also research in psychedelics is showing that mystical experiences induced by psilocybin are rated as one of the 3 most important experiences in one's life, being rated as high as the birth of a first child (and sometimes surpassing it) by 80% of participants. That I already experienced to some extent and it indeed was the most important moment in my life so far but I believe activities like hunting are inherently psychedelic as well.
I also want to become independent (so that I don't have to slave for a corpo) and provide for my children instead of being "yeah we can't afford proper healthcare sweetie."
>what went right?
the porn
This. Blizzard has no idea how to make a successful game.
I played it.
Mercy nerf.
You can fap only so many times to something
It wasn't a third person shooter.
The porn slowed down making the "porn advertising"slow.
So new people stopped caring,with caused the chances of new people buy the game lower.
They took like 2 years to come out with OWL. Should have been there from the release date of overwatch. Also owl feels way more restrictive and less interesting than more organic pro scenes.
100% this. What is the point designing these characters and making the whole point of playing unlocking new costumes and skins for them, if it's a first person shooter ffs. Boggles my fucking mind.
as opposed to white niggers?
They said that they nerfed Hog because they didn't want heroes that could 1-shot, and then they released Doomfist. Fuck Blizzard.
Why are her arms different sizes
fuck yes
Because shooting works better in first person
You have victory screen, emotes, play of the game, you see your character in first person so it's not like you don't see how it looks
does it let you enter a code to make it third person like TF2?
I love my perfect wife Tracer!
Lul no, they tried to make a FPS MOBA and reap the sweet skin shekels but forgot to keep up with the game.
Reminder that Symmetra, Pharah, Young Ana, Sombra, D.Va, and Mei are for white husbands.
There is no console, you can't mod the game at all. You have to play by Blizzard's rules even in the workshop. It's like they're scared of korean goblins will blow them the fuck out with custom maps/heroes/whatever
Too much IMO, always filter it on r34.xxx
Post your mercy profile plz
Poorly balanced game, plus instead of fixing the poorly balanced part they instead pander to assorted sexual minorities instead.
After playing ow free weekend, I honestly realized that this arabian-persian looking girls are something I never knew were hot as fuck. So I would honestly buy this game just for pharah (sad that she is over 30)
This. Literally made for white cock
join the club user
user, they'll be ugly no matter who he fucks
There is unironically nothing better than the contrast between a brown pussy and white dick having sex.
Especially if the brown woman is wearing white lingerie.
what artist is this?
Sounds like a fetish user.
Good taste
Arabs, Indians, and Latinas are the only acceptable brown.
I'm having fun with it so it did something very wrong because I normally do not like playing shooters of any kind (except I guess Titanfall 2 and even then I sucked too much there). Mainly playing Ashe, Bastion and Orisa/Rein .Really need to learn a healer at some point.
have sex
Add Laser-Bungalow on PSN if you wanna play Overwatch with me. My group needs more cool people.
Fuck off Eesti
literal shit taste
watcha doin' there, rabbi?
haha dont let them in on our secret
Pajeet women can be incredibly hot.
It's the men that are goofballs who don't understand the meaning of the word no
Sheeeeit you could do 2/3 this month. That last ones hilarious too, user. "I've put it on hold until I get rich/become a forest dweller, whichever comes first"
automated banning system based on nothing but the number of reports against you
developers that never played any FPS games in their lives
a ludicrous price tag
the game never stood a chance
life is inherently psychedelic user, you just need to see how
I would but tracer is gay and not straight so she would refuse.
>hasn't seen that one video of Tracer and Emily enjoying dick together
It was legitimately boring. Only good thing was the porn, and even then.. Yeah, no.
Wrong! Fareeha needs to breed Mercy.
Why don't people like Moira? Her character concept is amazing. Mad scientist lady who's also a dumb fucking weeb? That's gold.
They destroyed mah boy Roadhog.
Not enough zarya's porn
none of the girls have thick pubic bushes and armpit hair
We know that you're gay as sin user, but some people here actually still like girls.
i work at an airport, i see hundreds of Indians on a daily basis.
the women are disgusting. no exceptions.
a damn shame
>Wanting to watch a girl with a functional dildo breed other girl is gay.
Enjoy looking at hairy men fucking your waifu I guess.
overwatch porn is the most normal fag porn on earth. even a generic anime girl is more inspired than 99% of sfm garbage. the other 1% is pretty good though.
Poor Zarya. She desperately needs good skins.
Overwatch always seemed very sterile and calculated to me. It lacked character.
You like em male apples eh hombre? That's pretty gay bro.
>killed one of my favorite games
>in more than one way
fuck overwatch and fuck niggers
Indeed. I can feel it more after I progressed in my meditation and especially after I began taking the practice of meditation outside of practice itself.
>Futa on female
>Watching another man fuck a girl
>Not gay
Keep telling that to yourself homo.
>lol wouldn't it be fun to, you know? watch phara like fuck mercy hahaha, like you're on the side and watching while they proceed to ignore you hahaha, they wouldn't even waste a look on you and your pathetic little dick hahaa, wouldn't that be funny lol
>what? you wanna watch the girl be fucked by a dude and imagine being the dude? lol gay
>check out the overwatch general
>nothing but porn
>check out the wow general
>nothing but porn
>check out the heroes of the storm general
>nothing but porn
>check out the diablo general
>wait it doesn't exist
>check out the starcraft general
>wait it doesn't exist
>only general that isn't just porn is hearthstone and they still haven't managed to hit the bump limit despite the thread being made on monday
the absolute fucking state of warcraft
what the everliving shit happened to blizzard and their fanbase?
Put me in the screencap.
God I want her to sit on my face bros
Imagine being this gay and miserable. Jesus. May the lord have mercy on your soul.
sixth post best post
>This much of a selfownage
I'm a Sombra guy myself but you are sad
I love how the asians don't actually look asian at all
>imagine the "girls" had a dick instead of a vagina lol
>hahha wouldn't that be so ho- i mean hetero
>This is who I share board with
Just stare at men's asses you homosexual
holy shit you're a faggot
>what the everliving shit happened to blizzard and their fanbase?
san francisco culture
Maybe user thinks that he tries to self-insert as a guy? Although being exposed to such porn for too long usually leads to men becoming sissies because their eyes are busy looking at the bull
He is already a sissy if he likes hairy men in his porn. Too late for him.
It should have been a triple A sex game
Are you ok there buddy? Do you know what a paradox or irony are?
I don't understand how people can keep spamming this. One puts the viewer down and degrades them and the other puts them on a pedestal and worships them. It's not rocket science, one does not fill the niche of the other
This post got too many (you)s but I'll give you one more. Lolgay
Fuck children. Nothing wrong with living a hedonistic lifestyle and indulging in the things you want to. Why would I want to live a life supporting some little shits when I could just focus on myself?
Jesus Christ thank you for letting me know this exists
>Fuck children.
i dont see how this isnt just appealing to thiccfags rather than sjw-culture
damnnnn, hit a spot to have triggered so many of you, huh?
A man of taste
Here for the laughs our little homo friend.
I love how perfect my wife Hana Song is.
They didn't keep the MMO format. PvP failed them
You're still a faggot
You are all idiots, because Pharah and Mercy are indeed for homosexuals, because they are two dykes created for each-other. You fags.
But Blizzard ships Mercy with Genji
and enjoy your beloved girls(male)
>Ficitonal girl with a magical penis is a male
Absolutely this but unironically.
user, there is nothing magical about penises
it's called a tranny
Not curvy enough for thicc-ness. She's just fat.
The game continues to give Mercy/Genji interactions which is what's important
>Woman who puts on strapon becomes a tranny
ok so how is it not for appealing to the fatfags
then why does it have to be a real one?
why futa? why NOT just strap-ons?
Game only continues to give skins. And you know what skins they gave to Pharah and Mercy? The chinese symbols of marriage/perfect couple.
So Pharah can give Mercy babies.
That last archive event gave them interactions
More precisely ACTIVISION.
When those bastards bought out Blizzard the joke everyone was sharing is that its only a matter of time before Blizzard starts making console shooters.
Overbotch reeks of being Marketing research: THE GAME
so you retract your previous argument?
strap on looks gay as shit, a real one looks visually better for two women fucking.
>what the everliving shit happened to blizzard
O'Sullivan's law.
Dandon Fuga is better
cringe and bluepilled
He will tell you that you like looking at dicks, but at the same time he prefers to look at dick AND a man.
You can't do anything if your team is ass. Should focus more on individual skill instead of teamplay that no one ever goes for.
doomfist, then hammond.
best Christmas cake
I love Mercy!
so it isn't about exluding a guy afterall? so you don't care about it being two girls, you want a girl with a dick in there, is that it?
can also someone explain to me why there is so much porn of a single futa girl, fucking noone else, just you know, a girl that has a dick
you have genuinely gone so far down the rabbit hole that this is the only thing you think of when looking at normal porn, either that or it's been so long that you've watched some, that you think the focus is on the guy
Mercy is for Roadhog.
Mercy is for doomfist.
I hate how much Overwatch pisses me off yet I cant stop playing it.
>ruins your game for all the seasons
i love zarya but when are they nerfing shield comps?
What about OW makes you angry?
Try every hour, there was one with a double picture of mei literally an hour ago
>Heh you just look at di-
No idiot. It's the act of insertion and impregnation involving the beauty of female bodies (the more - the better), something a homosexual like you wouldn't understand.
can you link me some good futanarasi ow artists? preferably with a mercy,widow or tracer
They're also viewbotting it
This, easy to do since they are partners with Twitch
Fucking dykes, why are they so fun?
You know what, I don't even care, fine you win but do me one favour, a single favour
explain to me, if this is why you like dickgirls (trannies), then why is there so much futa that doesn't include penetration? without even looking for it you stumble upon so much futa, that just shows a girl (male) with a dick, not fucking anyone else
there is so rarely a second girl, it's just a picture of a girl that has a dick, why? if it's about
>insertion and impregnation involving the beauty of female bodies
then why is there so much porn of just a single girl (male) that has a dick?
Just stop already
How did you get this picture of me?
why? am I making you uncomfortable by making you question your sexuality? it's alright user, it isn't outlawed to be gay, all you have to do is admit it and you'll be happier for it
you are on the perfect board in fact, straights like me are a huge minority on this board, and this site by extension
just go over to /gif/, it's all sissy, tranny, futa, blackbullXwhiteboy, in other words, a perfect fit for you
Why is that only girls still stream Overwatch and not guys?
No, you two are just being annoying as fuck
Wow would you look at the time!
Almost every character has an ability that stops you from playing the game. It's just hard cc combos one after another and it gets infuriating
I am out of here as soon as I got my answer on
Brown get please
Good post
I recognise that tummy and its not from overwatch
Making a game that combines moba mechanics with the shooter genre is akin the spork; a crappy spoon and a cruddy fork. This was mostly it.
I mean I could go on about their over focus on marketing, including promotions and pandering, that may have caused their designers to not feel passionate about the product, but I can't actually claim that. Who knows, maybe their designers where completely into researchers telling them they should design the characters to have more pockets to promote cosplay (yes that was real, you can look it up) and the sort to net a larger consumer base even though this constrains their artistic freedom and causes them to under preform.
Honestly I don't think its a particularly good game in the end it just had Blizzard behind it.
Excellent observation
thank you I happen to be an autistic chronic masturbator
aight let's roll
I love my wife Olivia!
>Because shooting works better in first person
At day one there was an overabundance of things that hardly needed to be aimed to land. You can talk about how they tightened up hitboxes or whatever but that doesn't change the fact the game was clearly designed to focus more on team awareness and ability coordination (something that should be third person) from the start instead of twitch shots and technical skill.
I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a fps at first and somewhere along the line a higher up just decided it should be a fps since the current market would be more attracted to it even though it would work better as a over the shoulder game.
Based, fags are just a loud minority
They made Tracer gay
They made 76 gay
They made Pharah trans
They made Orisa black
They made Mercy asexual
They lost theyir best character designer so all the characters post Ana look off.
Mercy and Bridgette make my dick rock hard.
Maybe ill
>phara trans
the fuck are you on about
Hoping for Zarya
Too much porn
>He doesn't know
>then why is there so much porn of just a single girl (male) that has a dick?
People have different preferences? Some like to look at men, some like to look at dicks only. Some like to look how Pharah pounds Mercy's cute butt. What's so hard to grasp?
Do I have to repeat the fucking question.
Oh boy
they didnt bother balancing the game
they just made waifus for porn
Rock paper scissors gameplay, can't carry team
Unironically this.
Blizzard knew what they were doing and played all these dopes like a fiddle
Worked for LoL
Sad this fake character who was never alive has some text somewhere stating an age that is higher than
>Some like to look at men
>some like to look at dicks
>Some like to look how Pharah pounds Mercy's cute butt
user, I don't understand, why did you list the same thing three times? and all are equally gay as fuck too
is anyone else tired of OW and Last Of Us porn, i guess that's where all the money is at but it would be nice if they did something else
I'm tired of Overwatch porn that isn't one of the brown girls being fucked by a white man.
LMAO >BLEACHED fuck off dude
people like playing mobas
nobody likes "hero shooters"
>adding a man to porn
futas fucking sluts is the best
I want to fantasize about having a brown wife.
Casual garbage and I am very happy I didn't jump on it when everyone did.
>Points instead of frags/deaths
>Unlimited ammo
>Gameplay lacks depth
>Boring / forgettable map design
TF2 even in its current state is better
I unironically wish Mercy was my real mom AND my gf.
nobody cares about bleached or blacked fuck off, both are pathetic
White is right.
meta takes a while to be "figured out"/"define" with mobas like dota and lol
takes about 2 games of pro play in OW, and it barely changes between patches and hero introductions
I love my young and beautiful wife Mercy.
You’re definitely trash
finna roll bruvs
She's, like, 45.
bridget and wrecking ball
How big is her cock bros?
My wife Angela is only in her 30s. Please do not bully her.
She doesn't have one, my fine anonymous friend. Mercy has a tight, hairless vagina that glistens in the starlight.
Based homosexual
>They made Pharah trans
>They made Mercy asexual
Gonna need a source on that pal
I'm pretty sure she has a massive futa dong, buddy.
It wouldn't be the first time you were wrong.
gib mercy
There isnt enough mercy in /ntr/ general
post more 3d renders, I need to expand my collection
I need to make Fareeha a mother.
Sorry. I only have porn.
These 3 women are the reason I want a brown wife.
Why don't you have a brown gf yet Yea Forums?
I don't live in Pakistan, I live in Burgerstan in the Midwest.
Unfortunately the odds of you finding a loyal, kind, cute, and homey Hispanic woman are slim to nonexistent.
Making Tracer the main hero/cover hero while stronger heroes get nothing
Well yeah, no real woman will ever come close to being as perfect as any one of them.
Me too user
>I'll never cum as deep and hard inside of her as possible while she calls me papi
why live
>go to /vg/
>every thread is a thinly disguised porn dump
Whoa, shocker.
Would you let her stimulate your prostate with a holographic fist, Yea Forums?
Grimstoyshow is divorcing his wife and found himself a big tiddy brown girl that likes wrestling and gaming
I suspect slut but who knows
I'd let her bear my children.
god yes
didn't they make her autistic or something
Does anyone have a link to the big archives of OW girls? I forget what the site is.
Nothing at all
I'm grateful to blizzard for all the quality porn that came out of this game
>damage control
she was always artistic from the get go
>can't play quick or comp because of people dicking around
>feels kinda like I get punished for playing
>go to the arcade to get my weekly loot boxes
>spend two hours getting steamrolled by 5 man teams of level 8 smurfs
>finally manage to scrape enough wins together
>all the boxes contain grays and dupes
I'm not sure I want to keep doing this every week.
>no results
You've hee'd your last haw, Yea Forums.
I'm intending to buy RDR2 soon, isn't that good enough?
Rollin' for Mei
last I checked there's a big Somali immigrant community in the Midwest.
get yoself some Black-Arabic strange, dick her so hard she'll be screaming 9/11 denial memes
Roll up, roll up
you actually can't lose unless you get zarya
The newer Overwatch girls are all so fucking ugly, holy shit.
Theres millions of Mexicans girls all over the world. How hard can it be to find 1 that's like Sombra?
too much ass
Give it to me straight and with proof.
Who from over watch loves anal and who hates it every time?
You live in America, I presume. A country with a 25% Hispanic population.
How many Sombra-esque Mexican women have you seen over the last ten years?
Tracer deserves to be the cover hero because she's the best waifu in the game.
although this is not how cloth works, it made my wee wee hard, nice drawing
oh boy
Were this not a blue board, I would open up a new world of Mercy worship for you.
Nigga that's a prerequisite to being here
>How many Sombra-esque Mexican women have you seen over the last ten years?
Enough to make sad. I live in the southwest of US, so its usually like 1/15 of Mexican girls I see are usually Sombra looking. Especially when I go out on the weekends.
Where can I find the greatest SFM
Honestly my comment was less about weird cyberpunk-looking Mexican chicks and more like this fantasy version we've been talking about: A beautiful, loving, supportive young Hispanic waifu who has an adorable accent and a body to die for.
I've known precisely zero, and I was in the military. If they're in good shape, they're cunts. If they're nice, they're gross. There is no perfect middle.
well now that image is ruined thanks
imgur album?
this and casuals
>A beautiful, loving, supportive young Hispanic waifu who has an adorable accent and a body to die for.
Those types get scooped up in high school and in college. You'll be lucky if you find one that doesnt have kids.
Is this cropped? Can I have original?
I love my beautiful wife Olivia so much it hurts
I have never played overwatch but this egyptian qt makes me diamonds
That Olivia is not real!
My love for her is real!
Rollin', only bad is 0.
Isn't that chick egyptian or middle easterns? They aren't that different from Europeans, is not like you are fucking an abbo
what is that slit in the middle of her torso
is that a normal thing for fit people to have?
it's not a shooter anymore
And so is mine.
I'm a faggot, if I force myself to fap to one overwatch girl to see what happens, which one should it be? bonus points: Post link to webm / image I should do it to
>that face
She cures gay.
who to fap to
you speaking from experience?
fuck it
would love to cum inside her desu senpai
that just makes her better
That's kinda hot, link favorite webm please
Not enough pubes
Give me brown/blue or give me death
Same. But only after marrying her obviously.
get out of this thread renderfags
So you agree that you looking at men is gay? Good.
Look on the r34 xxx
Rollin for widow
You're hopeless if you can't to these.
>you will never have an ow pal to make you fap to mercy
Why not
Who wouldn't?
rollan 13f23
Fap to mercy you fucking fag
Lucky 7s come my way.
>No visible pubes even in a wet swimsuit.
Meh artwork.
Fapped to this one, feeling kind of light headed and guilty? had to concentrate fairly hard in order to nut without looking away
splashbrush 99%
not 0
were these all made by the same artist?
>have Reaper, Ashe, Orisa, Zenyatta and Lucio to rotate between
>hurr durr game is bad
I still see it as a brain dead game with no depth but this is the best time to be playing since launch. We would all be a lot happier if everyone treated it as a casual waifu arena shooter like it is.
Yes, it's low body fat
I think you mean Faereeha needs to be bred by Mercy
The second one is god tier
rollan i guess
Nothing in regards to women. Keep making my dick hard
who are some of your favorite artists?
I need to expand my collection
Seconding orTwo solid choices right there.
gotta roll for my fap
>this garbage is allowed
>threads about video games get deleted
This board is beyond salvation.
Would you mind posting your favorite webm of either?
Arhoangel and VG_Erotica are the best Overwatch porn creators.
Especially VG's pregnant stuff.
it created faggots like you who spam this thread kill yourself never have sex
My vote is for whoever the guy is who converts sfm to vr.
>Especially VG's pregnant stuff
Disgusting, neck yourself
hello newfag
Not enough Widowmaker voice lines that belittle the player.
hello, gg mark.
why would my wife belittle me?
Because you enjoy it you pathetic worm but you bear to be in the same room as her.
I love my wife Olivia.
>those animations of Pharah getting fucked by a panther
It went great for several years. Nothing went wrong, people just moved on.
You have to be 18 to post here.
God same
How does this game have so many delicious brown women?
I'd want a threesome with Symmetra and Pharah. I'd like to have my head in between Symmetra's thighs.
Fucking hell Sombra-bros, I feel so lonely without her.
its a matter of learning how to cope with the pain.
the best next thing is listening to her VA and pretending shes Olivia.
My undying love for my perfect wife is what keeps me going in life.
I don't know what I'd do without her.
They're just insecure
>They made Pharah trans
i keep seeing shitposters shitpost about this without providing proof, but I'm honestly not sure why.
How'd you get this? Do I know you?
rollin rollin rollin
>image gets deleted
>bread stays up
uhhh.. thanks uncompensated overseer?
Blizzard focused on making bad gameplay instead of good porn. it was a failed endeavor from the start
Sorry should I delete it
Post them
They're not even located in san franciso
I hate the game but like the characters. I've been making and posting these screenshots for years all over the place despite not playing it.
I also made a lot of the fucking webms that get reposted a lot.
Im straight and six-ten second loops dont do it for me. My brain just focuses on "oh here comes that part again".
>Im straight
no you aren't
I hate the playerbase, fun game otherwise.
no u
She's so perfect
Why are these characters so sexy. I fucking love Overwatch porn but I've never even thought about playing it
>another OW cropped porn thread
Fine, guess I'll fap again
>that fucking face
Abysmal cosmetics, "polished" but very limiting gameplay, toxic autistic community, ban-happy devs
What really hurts the game is how fucking slow Blizzard is at patching the game. Sure its fine to have a patch a year for shit like wow or sc2 but Overwatch isn't built like those games. You need to fucking look at what needs to be fixed/messed with and you fucking do it.
Plus it doesn't help that you have the poster-boy, Jeff, allowed to say shit without dev approval and then have the entire dev team go into hiding because no one has the balls to tell Jeff to shut the fuck up about certain things that are coming down the pipe.
My personal opinion is that the incredibly toxic playerbase.
I stopped playing once I had been called a "useless fucking cunt who should go kill themselves."
I wasn't even playing ranked.
>spend money and resources redubbing EVERY line Reaper says for a "pre-fucked up" Gabriel for an event
>never get to hear them again with any of the Gabriel skins
>reason was "it would confuse the community"
>events have new voice lines for event skins
>never hear them outside the event because "it would confuse the players"
Blizzard needs to fucking stop babying the playerbase and just do shit. Other games do "legendary" skins with new voices all the fucking time, and those games have just as stupid a community as any other game out right now. Blizzard is the one company that should never have had a "popular" game hit it as big as Overwatch has, they are so much "our way or no way" that it actually hurts the game.
>picture of Sombra is just her victory pose
How hard could it have been to have her eat a Pringle or something
and I cannot tell you how many times I was banned for playing that dwarf
didnt matter if we were winning, I had gold metals, on fire, or a 75% winrate
I still got banned the same
blizzard is scum
this vid made me play the superior game btw
Look at those poorly designed teeth.
Great premise. Continue
they don't try, even a little bit
they recolored that fat chink's default skin and slapped a sock on her head thinking it's now a legendary
which they charged 3x the amount since it was an event cosmetic
this is the same chink with winter as her theme, even "blizzard as the same of her ultimate, and Blizzard, ironically, didn't even try
just sad
>listening to e-celebs
good god m8, get some taste, at least we have the decency to discuss OW girls.
God damn I love her tits.
>see through to the nipples
wtf y my pp harddddd
They don't need to bother trying, although they did have 'new' art for the hasbro line of figures.
those tits droop so far down tho
black niggers
>still upset about the shitty xmas Mei skin that came out FOUR years ago
Jesus Christ, get over it you dumb nigger, there's far worse things that have been added to the game to get triggered about.
D.va's mech > D.va
as have been addressed ITT, so you could fuck off with that user pointing out how fucking lazy and scummy blizzard is
They never made Mercy real
White dicks
In black chicks.
You've never seen a woman, have you?
She wouldn't even know you exist if she were.