What's her name, Yea Forums?
What's her name, Yea Forums?
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Dark Souls
Is this supposed to be bad? As long it isn't online only, multiplayer can fucking die.
fpbp, end thread
Smash Bros Ultimate
Quake Champions
Doom 2016
Most fighting games.
no, chemical X is obviously nonexistent replay value.
>all Nintendo games
At the time, Killzone 2.
> Smash
> Unique designs
Fuck off
well people posted the same 2 games several times and it absolutely applies to both of them. That said, nintendo typically fuck up their netcode - imo MK8 is one of their only games with good online.
doom 2016
Why would I want to play video games with random assholes on the internet?
Local multiplayer is the tits
Almost every Nintendo game
both because of networking and because of the horrid playerbase that has infested the game the past couple of years
>amazing soundtrack
>not liking clownstep
Smash Bros.
i used to play ss13 religiously for half a decade and this song became ingrained in my head. i used to love listening to it while trying to choose what role im gonna be and watching the station lights blinking in the background. im fucking jaded now and the only thing i like playing anymore is mommi but listening to this song brings back good memories like no other vidya song can
And by shitty multiplayer i mean no multiplayer bloody palace.
Any japanese made game
but in my case Fighterz
ss13 doesn't even have an OST
But in the context of this image, Shitty Online is Chemical X, the X factor that makes a perfect but normal game into something so much better.
Chemical X made the PPG better though, stupid image
This implies the end result is a good thing. Don't you fucks remember PPG?
Doom 2016
Dark souls
Dmc5 multiplayer was a fucking disgrace, so much wasted potential
Metal Gear Online 3
>nigger music
>Amazing Soundtrack
>adds completely new feature to the series
>makes complicated netcode
>uses it's potential in literally only one level
Pshh nothen personel
every smash game after melee
>Unique Design
>>Looks like someone's taste in game design is ugleh
Farcry 5
Holy shit so much this!
don't sit there and tell me this shit isn't catchy
God I know that feel user. Discovering ss13 sometime around 2011 and exploring the game was like nothing else.
Sonic team racing
Max Anarchy. Anarchy Reigns for the Americans.
Super Mario Maker 2
>great gameplay
>amazing soundtrack
nigger what?