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Other urls found in this thread:

and thats a good thing

PCchads win again

When ordering RAM sticks, are the advertised 1600Mhz technically two 800Mhz or are they bother going to individually be 1600mhz?
Without overclocking, the total memory my mobo can handle is 1600.

imagine having voted for this kike

Attached: 1558893939933.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

>tfw nintendo sources their parts from taiwan
sony and ms chinks btfo

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endless loop, never matters anyway

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PCchads once again dunk on gook/pajeet consoles

even though nvidia, amd etc are all gook/jew comnpanies

If Trump collapses the video game industry he will be the greatest President ever

I support this though. It can only do good for console games to be less accessible.

Attached: this is america.jpg (800x600, 83K)

>ip count didn't go up

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Oh no, Amerifats will have to pay the same prices for consoles as Europeans. Tuck Frump etc.

EUchads win again

ms does their shit in Mexico

/pol/ needs its own containment website at this point. polchan

at least it's not 50% + 25% on everything like your cucked country

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Now it is time to rise up gamers.

Difference is those a lot of those top countries make better money on the whole and have muuuuuuuuuch better benefits and living conditions. America is basically a third world country in most areas.

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user, consoles wouldn't even exist if they didn't cater to the lowest common denominator.
if you want to be a real contrarian, just play obscure old PC titles on Windows 10.

To give companies an incentive to produce shit elsewhere instead of relying on chinese slave labor

Time to make the upgrade to PC.

Like Mexican drug lord labor

Attached: PC.png (659x609, 69K)

No, and you still fatass lmao

where do you think PC components come from retard

/pol/ should be deleted.

Yes or No?

> Portugal pays as much as Japan
This is ridiculous


jhahaha earned it, you burguer eaters
let us paella alone.

Im starting to think Trump isnt our guy after all. He didnt really do any of the shit he said he would and things only got far worse.

I was kinda leaning for Trump but thank god I wussed out and voted for Jill instead. Don't need the stigma that came from voting for one of those other idiots.

i used to think yes, then neogaf died and people from there found their way to this board

seething consolecuck grasping at straws
sad really

Brasil pays more

china isn't our friend. lets make consoles in america great again!

Import from Europe. The orange man cannot win.

Attached: european-union-flag-against-parliament-brussels-belgium-57240394.jpg (800x533, 86K)

spiteful retards voting against their own interests (knowingly and unknowingly), as usual with republicans

Like where user? Vietnam? Malaysia?

Don't lie and say that you're willing to give up cheap electronic goods.

It's gonna effect more than that lol. Phones, tablets.....fucking guidance systems. The DoD will love that.


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>all have a higher quality of life than the US
Really makes you think.


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Fucking go outside and adopt the concept of how the market works you faggot retarded kids

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>high QoL
Real fun right there

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Yes. In the long-term it would be a great thing.
/pol/ is not a "containment board", it's a magnet and a breeding ground. In the immediate aftermath it would be a shitstorm, but eventually it would die down. /pol/tards want you forget the period of time between /new/ being deleted and /pol/ being created.

Let's just ignore the fact that consoles already have a 10% tarriff.

You are retarded. You get basically nothing back for the taxes you pay, the vast majority either directly or indirectly goes into the pockets of non-whites. European natives get nothing in return for the vast sums of money the governments extort out of us

mate ALL tech will be more expensive because of the trump tariffs, when tech becomes more expensive to produce either because of tariffs or by more expensive domestic production the price obviously goes up

stop posting this

Rare earth minerals...China controls the vast majority of em.

It does.
You get health care and an infrastructure that isn't more than half a century old, for starters.
Any European who thinks things would be better if they were more like America is an absolute moron who has no idea what they're asking for. Spend less time on /pol/.

>I didn't want a Jewish puppet
>so I voted for Jill Stein

>steve pic beside the switch

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>Any European who thinks things would be better if they were more like America is an absolute moron who has no idea what they're asking for.
Yeah, that's why the EU had two centuries to see how great it was having black people in the US, and their final response was "wow these guys are awesome let's bring millions of them over here too"

And now Paris is about as black as Baltimore or Chicago

Ironically the two most prominent Jewish politicians are the least controlled by the Jews. The media doesn't even mind using anti-semitic tropes against them.

I can't wait for consoles to die.

Attached: Daily reminder that consoles are holding back video games.webm (718x404, 899K)

>sweden outside big cities
>sweden anywhere really
>not getting fucked over
>not getting fucked over by one EU law that overrides it's own laws
>high QoL
Just stop

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Yea Forums, who once prided themselves on being anti-establishment, has unironically become a bastion of weakshit conservative christian ideals while still acting like they're fighting the system.

Attached: Anri.png (296x351, 92K)

800 each

>literally "give me money for being white"

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It's as anti-establishment as ever, you just haven't noticed how many multicultural LGBT globalist secular feminist freaks are running the show anymore


I don’t see what’s wrong with this???

Great, good news

Stuff becoming more expensive to the common man is exactly how tariffs play out. On paper it's supposed to have an effect on the amount of goods people buy from China, but in reality it just functions an extra tax that consumers pay to the government.
It's been estimated that the average American will pay an extra $845 on the same goods this year, and the tariffs are only increasing so it will climb. An added effect is that some deals that we had with China for lower prices will never come back again.
totally owned those libtards though

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How the fuck did they get that number?

Non-whites not being poor on the street, stealing and killing people is "getting something back".
>inb4 Swedish rape statistics

>already have them all and a PC
Idorts literally won.

>Don't need the stigma that came from voting for one of those other idiots.
No, instead you voted for someone who advocates for antivaxers and planned to spend taxpayer dollars on bullshit like homeopathy.

>white people exist solely for the benefit of nonwhites
it shows

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Election tourist, please go

keep suckin' that Koch

I don't even know what you're arguing anymore.
Higher QoL than America.
Again, spend less time on /pol/. You're being fed anecdotes.

>an absolute moron who has no idea what they're asking for

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>I don't even know what you're arguing anymore.
That America is the kind of multicultural kleptocratic shithole that every Merkel and May and Macron dreams they could be.

The only people ahead of us is Brazil, and there's a long-running morbid joke that "Brazil is the country of the future"

Don't forget to tip the cashier paypigs LMAO

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The freedom to go into massive debt from medical bills or die.
The freedom to spend higher and higher amounts on the military to continuously destabilize the Middle East then turn around and complain about terrorism and immigration.
The freedom to have a crumbling infrastructure.
The freedom to be obese.
I'm an American btw.

Your mascot made it into the white house, and somehow you still manage to think of yourself as the underdog.

>You get health care and an infrastructure that isn't more than half a century old, for starters.
You haven't seen the roads in Canada if you think this. Everytime I travel through the US I'm surprised by how much more modern the infrastructure is.

No thats speed of the ram
Buying more wheels does not make a car faster

because the retard still does not get that it is not china that pays these tariffs. also, not to him.
also, he cant use the money he does not get, and not from china, for his idiotic wall.

Imagine considering yourself "left-wing" or "progressive" and then demanding the fruits of outsourced unsafe peasant slave labor from overseas. None of you fuckers realize you're making the Reagan/Heritage Foundation arguments for them. Prices should be higher, and wages should be higher, and taxes should be higher, and a nation should be a community, not a commodity. You might disagree with me but don't disagree with me and then pretend you're more "liberal" than me.

You must only visit very specific parts of major cities.

Trumps is literally helping gamers by making console pigs pay more, fucking based if you ask me

>steve representing switch

>if I screech louder I will get more (You)s!
Ironic racism on Yea Forums attracted actual racists. So sad

What part of the world is your tech manufactured in?

>Prices should be higher, and wages should be higher, and taxes should be higher, and a nation should be a community, not a commodity. You might disagree with me
Nobody on the left disagrees with this you fucking centrist cuck

you mean the Koch brothers, who lobby for open borders?

Attached: woke capital.png (998x730, 152K)

Because they're all manufactured overseas you fucking retard.

>Nobody on the left disagrees with this you fucking centrist cuck
Yet here's endless autistic screeching about how only racists and fascists are against infinite free trade and migrant labor

Donald Trump is the president, Republicans have a Senate majority, Republicans have a supreme court majority.

No they don't. And quality of life is not actually a poll or something. It's a metric thrown out by the UN using entirely arbitrary criteria.

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I dont care honestly because i dont live in americastan so i dont know how it feels to be subhuman

Francechads win again

Let's all agree now to impeach the motherfucker.

Importing more illiterate, welfare-dependent rapists is not going to improve your country and yelling "racist" at anyone who tells you the truth isn't going to change the truth.

Nobody said any of that

Lol you guys helped him into office deal with it now

Okay, I quit. We don't live on the same fucking planet and I'm not going to play your "lol I've never heard of the stuff you're talking about" game.

He was never our guy. You've been had.


Ok. Bye

okay retard

Compelling stuff. I love open borders now, #NoHumanIsIllegal.

>>not getting fucked over by one EU law that overrides it's own laws
Give three examples.

>tfw live in Mexico

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Literally unironically this.

Hey bitch what happened to all your subpoenas? M-muh House, muh blue wave.

>highest rape rate in the world

Remember, China is paying for the tariffs.

We get it tranny's you want us to hate trump too only based on video game shit but you don't need to spam this shit all the time.

Who could have thought that American importers having to pay more to import shit would make prices go up

>Falseflagging this hard

Obviously tarrifs affect both countries. However one country can be disproportionately affected for sure. In no way is the US as hurt by lack of chinese trade as the chinese are. Which is even more ironic because the people who complain the most about how everything's made in China are also the first to complain about attempts to stop everything from being made in China.

t poltard

have sex

Ivanka converted, not Donald

These niggers don't know anything about international trade anyway senpai. This thread is nothing but shitposts. They're the same kind of cuck that screeches about Climate Change into their brand new iPhone they replace every other year with a new iPhone fresh from a Chinese factory shitting unregulated amounts of pollution into the air.

Sweden and Denmark are the two with the highest tax, and they're doing fucking amazing.

I didn't give a shit that you posted this before. What bothers me is when you retards post it over and over again. I call it out on other shit also.

go dilate

that’s if no better alternatives come up afterwards

t Falseflagging/Damage Controlling.

Keep worshipping him dipshit

I'm more than willing to pay slightly more tax if it meant shit would actually get done.
America wastes all it's taxpayer dollars on more fucking military budget when it already has the largest military in the entire world. If I could choose what my tax dollars were going towards, and I had proof that they were going towards what I chose, I'd be just fine with paying substantially more than I do now.

Why don't they just make electronics in the US?

>because they have wage laws and safety laws and shit
Yeah but aren't wage laws and safety laws good?

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This. Trump is a good Christian man.


It's not even the military. American money appropriated to specific tasks still results in the task not being fucking done. Look at the California high-speed rail, where they somehow had a decade of work and $10 billion that resulted in not a single fucking rail actually being laid. Or the Solyndra debacle, where half a billion dollars was paid in exchange for zero (0) solar panels.

Or for that matter, the stimulus act where a trillion fucking dollars was approved for new bridges and highways etc. everywhere. WHERE'S THE BRIDGES AND HIGHWAYS, HUH

those laws makes production more expensive leading to outsourcing

Are these suicide nets

>responding seriously

But if your entire goal is to improve life for workers why outsource to countries that still kill and suppress their own workers? Just make it illegal to trade with anyone who still does barbaric shit like that.

Believe what you want retard, won't bother me much.

>Why don't they just make electronics in the US?
Because that would mean giving spending power back to the people and the politicians want everyone on welfare money.

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Get fucked consoleniggers.

>Yeah but aren't wage laws and safety laws good?
Not for bean-counters and bureaucrats. Large corporations want the cheapest labor and the least regulated place they can find to make goods. That way they can shit up the atmosphere and abuse their workers to their heart's content. It's ironic in a way: Labor in Communist countries is dirt fucking cheap and China is now our lower class.

So it's an issue of politicians pocketing the tax money? Or am I wrong?
I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely asking.

>letting your daughter convert to a fucking kike
So, not only a retard but also a cuck?

It's a mystery. Things in America fundamentally don't "work" anymore, and they must have worked at some point, because you know, the highways and the Hoover Dam and the Empire State building and all that fun junk actually exist.

Literal jew cope.

>But if your entire goal is to improve life for workers why outsource to countries that still kill and suppress their own workers?
the people producing those products don’t care about the wellbeing of their workers
>Just make it illegal to trade with anyone who still does barbaric shit like that.
but user, that’s racist

>they must have worked at some point
It's called the American Dream because it's not real.

>tfw Chile
no manches

Based. I also an upper class (accoring to poor people) and like to keep my money

>/pol/tards want you forget the period of time between /new/ being deleted and /pol/ being created

Please enlighten us, tranny.

Reminder: anyone who says Trump is Jewish or loves Israel is a shill for the DNC priming the pump for the 2020 election. Be true to yourselves and to America. Vote Trump. #MAGA!

Okay newfag

Reminder that tariffs are a consumer tax, but it's okay when the consuming demographic is the scum of society.

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I like how shitposters like you violently defend a Yea Forums board like it's some super secret clique. You guys are all cultists


Because people's desire to stop other countries doing stuff like that is slightly less than their desire to consume cheap plastic tat.

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What the hell are you talking about, look at everyone shitting on bernie sanders and some called him a self hating jew.

It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. Most every politician has been bought a long time ago. The socialist movement in this country leaves me slightly hopeful, but you just know the people at the top are going to rig the system again and we're going to get more of the same in terms of administration.

no it is a board for freedom of speech, there arent many existing on this chinese communist internet that you roasties and trannies want.

>violently defend

I just asked a simple question, retard.

>In the immediate aftermath it would be a shitstorm, but eventually it would die down.
Cope harder discord tranny. Getting rid of /pol/ would mean every ounce of shitposting that occurs there would spill out onto the internet in a wave of vitriol and hate that could not be contained. Look around you right fucking now. Yea Forums is already chock-full of /pol/ and so is Yea Forums, /o/, Yea Forums, and even /fit/. They won't go away because they've been there long before /pol/ even existed.
>/pol/tards want you forget the period of time between /new/ being deleted and /pol/ being created.
You mean the time the thing I'm describing happened and moot had to cave and make the board all over again because the sheer degree of shitposting was choking the rest of this website to death?

> you just haven't noticed how many multicultural LGBT globalist secular feminist freaks are running the show anymore
You added so many words yet you don't know what you're talking about. I blame fucking phoneposters for bringing too much cancer

>posting anything positive about whatever trump does

Attached: 010.png (374x376, 221K)

>The socialist movement in this country leaves me slightly hopeful
Which one?

Attached: National Socialist.jpg (750x506, 326K)

>You added so many words yet you don't know what you're talking about.
I sure fucking do. The "consensus." The shared belief that animates every basic asshole you talk to. Every one of those word salad adjectives I just described live together in tandem in the hearts of everyone from Justin Trudeau to 90% of anyone selected at random on any college campus.

>someone says they hate /pol/
>d-d-d-dilate t-tranny!!!
Yup. Cultists.

Yes and /new/ should be brought back

>tfw you don't live in america

Attached: 1508724173483.jpg (400x315, 47K)

Good post, goyim. 3 shekels have been added to your amazon account.

>screams buzzwords
>gets triggered when replied to in kind
t. discord tranny.


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I thought you said the jews are running the show, why is it trannies now all of a sudden? If that were the case why would we ban them from the military or why wouldn't hatespeech towards them be outlawed or something?

Pick a hill to die on retard, trannies and gays don't have anymore power than you. You're not the underdog.

lmao get fucked ameritards.
You voted for this orange dumpster fire. Remember that.

Attached: obama laugh.jpg (480x360, 19K)

>he can't tell anons apart

>why would we ban them from the military or why wouldn't hatespeech towards them be outlawed or something
holy shit you actually ARE a tranny hahahahahahahaha

>gets triggered when his secret club is talked about
>screams buzzwords
>"no actually you are the one who is triggered"
/pol/ is a nutshell

No. They would bring over their colonists from Reddit to destroy the rest of this site.

Yeah name three times that's fucked us over, because I can't think of any. We don't even have Euros.
>Although national courts generally accept the principle in practice, most of them disagree with this extreme interpretation and reserve the right, in principle, to review the constitutionality of European law under national constitutional law.

You should read this one since you don't seem to know what you're talking about:

Why are you complaining? You voted for this to happen. You wanted this.

Attached: 1506697654423.png (246x242, 59K)

Now NA can pay the same price we pay for Consoles in EU

>Make better money on the whole
America certainly has its work related problems but our median income is really high, it's about 20k higher than swedens

news is pol, and pol is news. albeit it is at war with lefties spreading false information all the time.

You still haven't elaborated on why /pol/tards want you forget the period of time between /new/ being deleted and /pol/ being created.

And nothing of value has been lost.

>Yea Forums is one person
I voted for Hillary

"The cost of selling a PC and PlayStation 4 now is around $50, while the cost of a Xbox One is around $80." "Games companies are losing cash almost every week because of the U.S. tax system." "The cost of developing a game is between $10-15k." "I'm actually hoping the U.S. government just kills the entire game industry and we go back to the state of the art." "Microsoft is already losing cash at an unsustainable rate. It's almost like a bubble...The U.S. tax bill is already a huge pain ... The entire game industry has lost more money in the last several years, and we are looking at a huge increase in costs." "Why would I be investing in Apple when the government will tax me, block the border, and give me a tax bill worth zero when you put everything on the table? Do all those things mean we should go back to Microsoft?" [1] In a 2013 article for Forbes, he added a section titled, "Apple Cuts Taxes and Loses More Games, Than Microsoft In One Year": "As much as it sounds like Apple is taking a bite out of Microsoft's profits, that's not necessarily true. Instead, the data shows that Apple profits outstrip Microsoft by around $11 billion. Of those, $4.

>screams buzzwords
>gets triggered when replied to in kind
Yes we know what you did user you got angry because someone said get rid of /pol/

>secret club
Even if you're using that term ironically you're still a faggot.

If you give me Sweden's rape statistics compared to other countries without taking into account that different countries count individual instances of rape differently I'm convinced that only stupid people post this.

Hitler literally just adopted the socialist party in name to rally more support because people wanted socialism in shitty 1930s Germany.

Progressivism/socialism in the states is heavily tied in to civil rights and liberties. Plus it's quite telling that you (a nazi) would want to brush the label off on someone else, /pol/-kun.

So? Those tariffs are going to pay for our wall. It’s a necessary sacrifice we all must make for the greater good.

>targeting gamers again

let's see out that works out for you

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How's it feel to know that "/pol/" will never be gotten rid of because it's essentially the term you use to describe anyone that puts up any amount of resistance to your nauseating political bias? Can't mass report your way through an argument anymore can you? This isn't your hugbox. It never will be.

Literally nobody from upper tier EU country would like to live in US. Why on earth would someone from say Finland would want to move to US?

Fake news to provoke a response in the youths, since the current generation is the most mental and impulsive. America is renowned for manufacturing ideologies amongst its people to push agendas.

Of course you did.

No go dilate.

because fuck china

That was pretty bad reading comprehension, go over the post you're replying to again.

>thinks corporations pay tariffs

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>Nazis are socialists
did you drop out of high school or something?

Attached: world's greatest mom.jpg (867x655, 235K)

Meanwhile most of these countries have high quality healthcare system, pratially thanks to the high taxes. Enjoy your 10k dental bills fatass.

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to answer your obvious question. SJWs are a tool, communists are a tool, people who fall into certain camps also fall into jewish influence. Yeah bernie could instill communism himself, directly. However the amount of backlash would just not play in his favor. So they get these little champions for their cause that think they are benefitting everyone and sticking it to the man by licking corporate boot. I havent ever seen any leftist oppose any big business, they say they hate them, but they always take a bullet for them.


Attached: C17DDB27-3272-4D12-9129-2EA1027A351A.jpg (480x455, 86K)

Nazi literally means National Socialist you complete fucking moron.

Nancy Pelosi is a bitch coward who won't arrest people for ignoring supoenas because "muh optics"

Problem with quality of life and the US is that the US is huge. Walking from California to Florida would be further than walking from Western Portugal to eastern turkey
The US is a country composed of 50 states all the size (and some bigger) of a country. Each with different demographics and local laws which have a bigger impact than federal laws. Massachusetts is not like Mississippi

Attached: MlyMRJK_d.jpg (640x404, 25K)

This chart is litteraly bullshit. I live in France, I own a flat, and the total of my taxes combined is 35% maximum.

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>How's it feel to know that "/pol/" will never be gotten rid of
I feel great who would want to get rid of the containment board

Based Trump.

Consolecucks BTFO.

Attached: 1558149546627.jpg (519x412, 51K)

Yeah and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is totally democratic.

Next you're going to say that the DPRK is actually a Democratic Republic.

Attached: costanza.jpg (250x250, 10K)

>Nazis are socialist because they have "socialist" in their name.

>North Korea is a democracy because it has democracy in its name

The absolute state of American education.

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Attached: george.jpg (850x400, 83K)

"Nazi" means "national socialist," dummy.

Nice script, guys

The US also generates more wealth than any of those countries.

ITT Reddit's "i-it's not real socialism!" Brigade

>>Don't need the stigma that came from voting for one of those other idiots.
>No, instead you voted for someone who advocates for antivaxers and planned to spend taxpayer dollars on bullshit like homeopathy.

Noticed how that user did not respond to that post because that thing figure you're right and probably crying in the corner

If containment wouldn't work, then /pol/ wouldn't be shitting up Yea Forums and Yea Forums

Right on cue.

We told you retards but you didn't listen

Attached: why didnt you stop it.jpg (500x377, 53K)


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blaming trump for what the company does instead of taking action against the companies practices

That doesn't sound like something Carlin would say

>Rare earth minerals...China controls the vast majority of em.

Like 80% if I recall

>How the fuck did they get that number?
10 million people. 1% population increase from migration every year with an average of a decade for half of immigrants to enter the workforce. 1/3 of workforce employed by the public sector and the 450 government agencies. Universal healthcare. Generous welfare programs. Aging population tanking healthcare budgets.
Taxes go up every year to pay for the non-stop partying and once they're raised they've never, ever been lowered again, just reshuffled.

Yet you are screeching about /pol/ in Yea Forums right now.

Consoles from China.
Name a console you've thought about buying that comes from China.
Unless you were thinking of buying a Soulja Boy.

I'm sorry that your brain can't perform any function beyond reading the names of things.

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>country is ruined by leftism
>the leftist movement makes me hopeful
Kill yourself.

>thank god I voted for a real kike, instead of a fake kike



You can find it on youtube. He says how he didn't vote because he doesn't want to be responsible for voting in retards into office who screw everything up, giving him all the right in the world to complain and laugh at everyone who did.

enjoy your autism and dementia kike

>Researchers have found hundreds of years’ worth of rare-earth materials underneath Japanese waters — enough to supply to the world on a “semi-infinite basis,” according to a study published in Nature Publishing Group’s Scientific Reports.

>The materials sit in a roughly 965-square-mile Pacific Ocean seabed near Minamitorishima Island, which is located 1,150 miles southeast of Tokyo, according to the study published in Nature Publishing Group’s Scientific Reports.

>Rare-earth metals are crucial in the making of high-tech products such as electric vehicles, mobile phones and batteries, and the world has relied on China for almost all of its rare-earth material.

>The seabed contains more than 16 million tons of rare-earth oxides, according to the study. That’s equivalent to 780 years’ worth of yttrium supply, 620 years of europium, 420 years of terbium and 730 years of dysprosium, it added.

>The discovery “has the potential to supply these metals on a semi-infinite basis to the world,” the study said.

Next Xbox is fucked anyway. Microsoft is forcing devs to make all NextBox games still run on previous/current gen for the first 3 years.

Off-topic faggots like you definitely should.

There's newer ones and they all disagree as to who is actually top but every single list puts Sweden in the top 3 for sure.

Attached: 1548387267786.png (1099x650, 44K)

Not an argument kiddo. If the means of production are under the direct control of the government then it's socialism. Fascism is a form of socialism. You are mentally retarded, consider suicide.

Good argument.

Carlin was a big lefty. I can link you some of his standup bits where he talks about all of this, in addition to him basically saying "George Bush doesn't care about black people" in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Modern day identity politics would have you to believe that leftism is "weak", and it's not wrong. But you can be a crude motherfucker and still hate the establishment too.

We already knew /pol/ was the safespace for sexless micropenis incels, that is why we all hate you and bully you just like your highschool days. Remember those days?


Economically, the nazi party indeed was pretty socialist though.

>Nazi party platform almost entirely revolves around welfare and labour programs
>not socialist
Okey doke.

That is nice and all. Doesn't change that currently China sits on most of the stuff that can actually be mined and used.

My dude that's just not how fascism or socialism works. Keep up the ad hominems tho, seethe harder.

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I see you don't know what that term means since challenges to /pol/'s ideas are perfectly welcome to /pol/. In a safespace no challenges to the status quo can be made. You are a fucking moron and you don't understand the language you're typing.

Yeah I sure do remember all that leftist bullshit like improving public schooling or getting out of costly regime change wars, not to mention giving billionaires tax breaks, you miserable little cuck.

wow a PC can do a pre-rendered water simulation on a 30x10 plane with no other models or detail!! consoles BTFO!!!!1

Says the discord tranny.

>trump killing consoles off for us
fucking BASED. PC master race.

Based president
I can't wait to pay for the wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for too

I see you don't know what ad hominem means which confirms my suspicion that you are retarded.

Not even close. The US has more than China, but doesn't mine them due to stringent restrictions that China just laughs at. It's easier and cheaper to buy from an environmental nightmare like China than to risk the EPA at home.

I don't know and don't care if it's socialist, but the fact that the only argument retards use is that the word appears in the name is dumb.

I already got my console before Trump got elected, so I got it at a decent price. Feels good man.

Attached: Capture.png (774x312, 19K)

>You are a fucking moron and you don't understand the language you're typing. *tips*
We know exactly who you are, that is why we bully

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>Voting for baby killer Jill
No thanks

None of the migrants here from the election understand what the numbers on the bottom of the page are for


See this is how I absolutely know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are retarded. An argument with an insult in it is not an ad hominem fallacy in any way. That fallacy is when a premise of someone's argument is predicated on attacking their opponent's personal identity or credibility. Something that can not be done on an Anonymous imageboard to begin with.

You are deeply and profoundly fucking retarded.

I'm not you do realize more than one person can reply to you


Um, no sweaty.

>he thinks public schooling has increased in quality over the last few decades
>he thinks the US power structure has moved right and not left over the last century
>he thinks that the media, academia and high levels of industry aren't all left winged more than right
>calls others retards
It's no coincidence that as the US becomes more left it becomes shittier, as did Canada, Europe and so many other places. Unless you think the main criteria of how great a country is is how many transgender bathrooms it has, then we're doing great.

tariffs have a lot more negatives than positives, brainlet

>Above all, the Nazis were German white nationalists. What they stood for was the ascendancy of the “Aryan” race and the German nation, by any means necessary. Despite co-opting the name, some of the rhetoric, and even some of the precepts of socialism, Hitler and party did so with utter cynicism, and with vastly different goals.
I'm kind of impressed with their mental gymnastics. It's not REAL socialism unless you're giving free money to brown people. Somebody should have told Che.

I hate discord trannies; stop making this same thread to falseflag.


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I'd pay more in taxes if I thought it'd be worth it, if it wouldn't go to bullshit military spending or subsidizing some bumfuck farmer's non-crop so that the bumfuck representative gets his vote.
As it stands now, there's really not incentive for me to pay more in federal taxes. Local taxes are the only place I feel comfortable putting my money because I can more personally keep my local government responsible

>least controlled by jews
>is a fucking jew
excuse me

>implying the US doesn't have enough money to have a high quality universal health care system
If our government didnt waste the dosh on infinite missiles or subsidizing farmers, we could have nice things

As a leaf i could care less
I already have to pay 100$ for a game

>has opinion about why others are wrong
>admits he doesn't actually know the answer
You commies are insufferable. It was a deliberate attempt by leftists to separate themselves of the crimes of Nazi Germany because if they didn't deny it they knew their prior decade of worshipping them would be hung around their necks forever. The Nazis were literally progressive socialists, as was the Fascist party of Italy, and are barely indistinguishable from the black shirted thugs of today.

You can keep saying the word "retarded" and it won't make you any more correct. It won't make your president any more of a dipshit either.
Dude just up and tweeted out today that Russia helped him win the election.

Attached: uncontrollable urge to shit.png (640x480, 581K)

you mean the welfare programs started by Otto von Bismarck that the Nazis stopped in order to "focus on the war effort"?


The US could actually implement single-payer for the exact amount of money they spend on healthcare right now.

For some reason they instead choose an even worse bastardized system that gives maximum expenditure for minimum results.

Your counter-argument to being told that the definition of Fascism makes it Socialism is thus:
Promptly commit suicide.

God I fucking wish America was actually a secular country.

>high quality
>universal healthcare system run by the government
Pick one fuckhead.

welcome to the third world burgers

>It won't make your president any more of a dipshit either.
I think you meant to say less, speed typing ELS-kun.

Most iPhone components are made outside of china, final assembly is in China. Stop shitting and actually know some stuff before posting like a retard.

Yeah, the places who are incentivized to do everything as cheaply and quickly as possible to earn the most money is a much better alternative.

Oh yeah sure all those factories will move to the US and Americans will show up in their thousands to work 70 hours making cheap electronic shit for minimum wage.

>oh no he supports israel i'm glad i voted for this israelite instead

delete your obsession

>nazi party platform
>but what they did during warfare was different
You mean socialists lied and misdirected funds towards growing their own power rather than the good of the people they promised to care for during their rise to power? Colour me surprised.

Um, yes

>the eternal euro attempts to damage control through lies

I'll spoonfeed you what I've been saying if it'll make you feel better:
You don't understand what the words fascism or socialism mean if you think they're the same thing.
Continually throwing out "retard" and "commit suicide" don't actually do anything to advance your point, and as such are a waste of time.

Attached: connect.jpg (960x947, 180K)

Are you jewish by any chance?

Youre totally right, we should just keep our current policies created in the coldwar intended to stop the Soviet Union. No need to renegotiate anything.

What is sarcasm?
The country and the media are "left" in name only. Only facetious matters like "gays should kiss" and "black people are okay". Identity politics do not fucking matter. Rich assholes on the left and the right aren't putting money into schools, or medical care, and they ARE putting it into shit like the war on terror, which is a huge fucking waste of resources and lives. Not to mention lobbying for more deals for them, or other shit like how Amazon doesn't even pay taxes.

Just admit it, you're a cuck. you love the idea of big businessmen denying you, the average american- a better quality of life all for banal shit like hating the notion of some guy getting his dick cut off. I seriously can't think of anything more pathetic.


My bad, thanks user.

It's kind of amazing to see the lengths stormfags like you go to ignore the facts in front of you.

>the government doesn't have budgets and limit care to keep within them
>some government beancounter is going to care more about you than a corporate beancounter
Dude Ontario routinely denies critical health care, but always has money for transgender surgeries. As does Britain.

So you're making a semantic dispute but not elaborating on it in any way? Keep trying retard maybe you'll form a cohesive argument. The best you can even do at this point is:
>n-not all socialism!
Which in itself qualifies as a red herring.
Here's the excel doc those statistics are from. Go ahead and read the text below the chart.

Just in case you don't have a way to open the file, here's what it says:
>Please note that when using the figures, any cross-national comparisons should be conducted with caution because of the differences that exist between the legal definitions of offences in countries, or the different methods of offence counting and recording.
This is exactly what I was talking about.

If Trump signs the Lootbox ban into law too. Will almost make up for all the MIGA. Almost.

>black shirted thugs
boogeyman harder. Sure Antifa hit one kid with a bike lock, but they aren't the ones performing mass shootings every other week.

>all this insanity
I don't have the patience to educate you. Enjoy your delusions commie

Now he's done it...
*unsheathes katana* *Puts battle Fedora on*
You. Don't. Mess.With. Gamers.

I don't think you're in a position to call dipshit on anyone when you're still harping on about Russia 3 years in and months after your sham of an investigation finally stopped wasting taxpayer money.

>experts project
>sources familiar with the matter report

gas journalists

So like any study ever?

>but they aren't the ones performing mass shootings every other week.
>When federal law enforcement officials last year began collecting dossiers on mostly American journalists, activists and lawyers in Tijuana involved with the migrant caravan, one part of their investigation focused on an alleged plot by a drug cartel to sell guns to protesters, according to a Federal Bureau of Investigation report.
>The protesters wanted to “stage an armed rebellion at the border,” the FBI reported to dozens of federal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Mexico.

You and your buddies are domestic terrorists.

Just accept it.

Most would consider the claim that fascism and socialism are the same to be more outlandish than to claim that they are different, so the onus is actually on you to prove that they're the same.

>bro social issues don't matter lmao let's focus on the more important stuff
>regularly calls people nazis and fascists for not taking your side on social issues

Stop importing third world religious fundamentalists and they'll stop shooting things up and tossing gays off roofs then, this isn't rocket surgery.

>Most would consider the claim that fascism and socialism are the same to be more outlandish than to claim that they are different
Strawman AND a fucking argumentum ad populum. Keep it up retard.

wtf bros I thought Trump was gonna btfo the libs why are my chinese virtual toys more expensive

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Well both Trump and Mueller agreed that Russia helped Trump win the election, even if it cannot be proven that Trump actively collaborated with Russia.
Honestly that's a win, it's a good thing that the president isn't actively colluding with a hostile entity.
If you clutch your pearls any harder, they might break. Don't get shot in school tomorrow.


>If you clutch your pearls any harder, they might break

Please. You're the one defending Antifa.
Stay mad my dude, you still can't actually argue that fascism and socialism are the same.

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>Don't get shot in school tomorrow.
I don't have to worry about being shot considering I live in an all white area, thanks

Any statistician would tell you that comparing stats between countries here is next to useless before knowing how the data is compiled. I know for a fact that if a man rapes her wife every day for a year before she reports it, that's 365 individual instances of abuse in Sweden whereas it's not in a lot of other countries.

You can't really even compare specific years because the definition might have changed.
I beg you to stop spreading this shit if you don't know how it works. We have issues here, so please don't shift the focus onto things that aren't even real.

I never said that anyone was wrong, I said the thought process is trash. Why are you so fucking dense?

>Definition of fascism
>1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
>severe economic...regimentation
It is SOCIALISM. You can not fucking deny that it is socialism. The very fucking definition of fascism makes it socialism. You are mentally fucking retarded. Kill yourself.

I'm not calling you a nazi or a fascist. I'm calling you a KEK. Because you don't want to have a proper discussion, you don't want to think for yourselves. You'd rather focus on name calling that doesn't matter and not back up your argument because you saw an ugly tranny on /pol/ or something. Daddy Trump is gonna bring back jobs to the rust belt, right? Not to mention the irony involved whenever you call someone who doesn't agree with you a commie or a tranny.

>Continually throwing out "retard" and "commit suicide" don't actually do anything to advance your point, and as such are a waste of time.
While true, that's not an argument ad hominem, that's just an insult

welcome to paying more for vidya

You seem to think that mass shooters are somehow as prevalent as the daily homicides that occur in virtually every liberal population center across the country. That's a shame.

The difference is that socialism controls the economy to serve the people. Fascism controls the economy to serve the state.

I always find you balding boomers to be so revolting. Siding and going groups about social justice just to attract underage girls. You are disgusting.

>Difference is those a lot of those top countries make better money
Are you seriously arguing that euros make better money than murrica? If there's one thing murrica does right its money.

I don't know why you're so mad. If you're right, then you should be happy.
>Definition of socialism
>Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.
The key distinction is how fascism relies on the economy being under the control of a dictatorial leader as opposed to the masses. It's pretty simple.
This is without even getting into the relation between fascism and race, which further separates it from socialism.

Attached: heineken.jpg (604x453, 41K)

GAMERS R.... Rise up?

>The difference is that socialism controls the economy to serve the people.
Nigger both Hitler and Mussolini were elected. What the flying FUCK are you talking about?

>pirating hardware
good luck with that

Attached: 3D Print Disgusting.jpg (1280x600, 134K)

why the fuck are you here?

Obviously homicides occur daily in liberal population centers. Liberal population centers are cities. More people means more murders.

>If you're right, then you should be happy.
Why the fuck would I be happy when you fucking people don't even know the words you're flinging around?
>The key distinction is how fascism relies on the economy being under the control of a dictatorial leader as opposed to the masses
That's absolutely fucking retarded because every fucking Communist state that has ever existed has had a dictator. I guess they weren't socialist either huh? You're not even making a coherent fucking point anymore.

So naturally, not living in a multicultural hellhole is a safer bet for my life. I know.

>So, not only a retard but also a cuck?
well he is christian so naturally both

lmao you sound like a bernie supporter

If they were voting to serve their self-interest, they chose poorly. Besides, Hitler only won a plurality, which means a majority of Germany voted against him.

Imagine seething this hard

Well the US is massive, why would you fill all the middle of nowhere places with good infrastructure when that can go where people actually congregate i.e the fucking cities. The US is the size of the entire continent of Europe.

>Besides, Hitler only won a plurality, which means a majority of Germany voted against him.
Welcome to any election with more than two parties.

Sad! Cope moar.
>plebbit spacing
>under age
Kill thine self oh faggoty one


I'm on Yea Forums I don't care about real women anymore, only 2D.

Good job not refuting my argument you little cuck. I understand, you gotta wait for your upperclass bulls to come up with an argument for you.

>I'm more than willing to pay slightly more tax if it meant shit would actually get done.
Then move to denmark, everybody wins.

>mass effect ending colors
what are they trying to tell us...

Because the federal government should provide equal services to all its citizen?

Greater barrier to entry is unironically a good thing.

I live in the US I have great healthcare. Feels good.

Attached: 1500905158401.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

It feels good not being an underaged console faggot who's mommy and da.... err.. mommy and her new husband wont buy you an actual computer for real gaming.

This website isn't some secret club, kid. You're going to run into people that disagree with you, you better come to terms with that soon.

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We're back to the original argument of whether or not Nazis were socialists then. Just because something uses the name "communism" or "socialism" does not actually mean they adhere to those ideals.
Do you genuinely believe that every party is 100% truthful to whatever name they use?
It is probably safer to live in rural areas than urban, it has nothing to do with multiculturalism and everything to do with statistics.

ancient computers were actually xbox this whole time

god I hate fake news

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>it has nothing to do with multiculturalism
even if you want to argue that it's socioeconomically related it is entirely related to multiculturalism. Blacks commit more violent crime on average by a completely well documented amount. Don't be purposefully obtuse.

t Shill

no I mean why are you here on the video game section when you don't like virtual toys?

Im going to be voting for him again next year
stay mad tranny

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Oh no I just mean that more murders will occur in places with more people, my argument has nothing to do with any factor besides that.


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this is why I throw bricks out my car window at random niggers for voting in Obama.
Its their fault he doubled the national debt and started 3 new wars!

Well the problem with that argument is that it assumes that murder would be evenly distributed if the population was spread out, which is false. The murder rate is disproportionately higher in all black population areas.

>>Because the federal government should provide equal services to all its citizen?
That's not how that works ever heard of the law of scarcity? Resources aren't limitless that is why humans use intelligent design to use said resources in the most efficient way possible i.e by not having the swamp have higher or equal priority to the city in the case of infrastructure.

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If that's all it takes for you to be satisfied you really are an NPC

Nigger I'm not going to fucking tell you this again: Fascism seizes the means of production. Socialism is the seizing of the means of production by the government. Both Hitler and Mussolini were elected. Therefore both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were socialist. Now accept it or fuck off and die.

Yeah, I'm sure the retards who caps KEK and uses cuck is the regular here. You sound like a community college english prof.

>subsidizing farmers is a waste
>paying for deadbeat NEETs and niggers food and healthcare is not

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Absolutely not. Just because they say stuff you don't like doesn't mean they should be removed.

I'm going to vote for him to spite the libs then flasefag on Yea Forums as a butthurt liberal for replies again. Honestly best way to farm (you)s.


then they can all come to Yea Forums and drive you to suicide

Won’t matter because they’ll just spread the cancer to other board

Trannies should go to /pol/ and leave Yea Forums alone.

You're just cherrypicking certain parts of the definitions in order to come to the conclusion that the two are the same. There are elements of both socialism and fascism that you are deliberately leaving out in order to make your point.

Using the definition of the fucking word Fascism and both instances in which Fascism was applied it fits the definition Socialism perfectly. You are grasping at fucking straws now you absolute goddamn fucking retard.

>bro the nazis weren't socialist
>national socialist party

Attached: what peeper.png (741x568, 29K)

That is true yes, although those black population areas tend to also be areas with high poverty which is arguably the cause of the increased crime as opposed to just the color of the people.
I was hoping to get through the day without going down the "blacks cause more crime" rabbit hole, since it just leads to shitflinging about how people view the context around a statistic.

He sold his daughter to the Kike for profit.
The juden is a powerful group, and Trump is a bussines man, not a politician, all his beliefs are faked and thrown aside when profit is due

Not him, but fact of the matter is that every "proletariat" uprising has lead to death and destruction.
I can't question you or your opinion without being banned, what does that say? It says you're wrong.

Bro where the fuck do buffalo wings come from if buffaloes don't have wings?

But you aren't using the entire definition of the word fascism or the entire definition of the word socialism. You're only using the parts of the definitions that intersect.
My dude that's exactly what started this whole debacle.

Attached: got_social_723842893490439 (4).jpg (69x83, 4K)

>You're only using the parts of the definitions that intersect.
You mean the whole goddamn thing? Holy shit you're stupid.

You're just being obtuse, tell me whether the peoples republic of China is what you would consider a republic

right right so like I said, living in an all white area is better for my health. Don't know why we had to discuss this for this long when you acknowledged that alrighty. And for the record, it's a lot cheaper and nicer too.

I would be shocked to find an uprising of any kind that didn't lead to death and destruction. That's just how revolution works comrade.

>creates red herring
>calls other people obtuse

So what type government was Hitler regime?
Democratic Socialism?

Or it's just Fascist.

How many people died in Russia? China? You know, the places that actually "rose up"

Several million my dude
this is why all communists should be murdered on site

Attached: bernie.jpg (258x300, 12K)

You're working really hard to avoid fascism's reliance on master race philosophies and socialism's reliance on a collective controlling the economy instead of an individual.
Before you say it, Hitler and Mussolini being elected doesn't mean that every decision they made is 100% the will of the people. If that were the case, then every republican would be satisfied with every decision Trump has made.

>That's just how revolution works comrade.
It sure is.
>socialism dindu nuffin ;-;

Death and trans rights seems like a rickety platform to me.

As far as I know, most historians would conclude that Hitler's regime was fascist. I would be interested in seeing sources that state otherwise though.

>You're working really hard to avoid fascism's reliance on master race philosophies
More irrelevant red herring bullshit. Philosophy is not socioeconomic policy and has absolutely nothing to do with whether something is socialism or not. Mao ZeDong purged and repressed anyone who wasn't Han Chinese. I guess Communist China isn't socialist either according to your reasoning. Idiot.
>Hitler and Mussolini being elected doesn't mean that every decision they made is 100% the will of the people
Wow holy shit so you're saying that a leader's decisions and actions aren't necessarily exactly what their constituents want? What a fucking shocking revelation. I'm sure that every single person was on-board with Stalin's Purge too huh?

Fuck China and Fuck the dicklet manlet chinese people
We should drop a nuke right on their soulless insectoid heads and do the world a favor

Attached: pooh.png (1570x1317, 301K)

You mean the people that brag about roman emperors fucking kids and the rube goldeberg torture machines at auschwitz?

>More irrelevant red herring bullshit
Gotcha, so any aspect of the definition of fascism that disproves your point is a red herring. If you operate under that sort of logic, it's actually impossible to disprove you.
So I guess you win?

You just keep losing, consolkeks. When are you going to give up your brand loyalty and switch to the superior platform?

Attached: dabs.gif (480x270, 336K)

Just give them 50 more years and they'll do it themselves.

Imagine being Amerifag

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So if we can't trust historians, how do we understand history?

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Have you tried to source anything in the last 5 years with google?

>so any aspect of the definition of fascism that disproves your point is a red herring
Not when you're making up imaginary semantic distinctions that you can't even elaborate on for yourself, dumbass. Ethnic centrism isn't even intrinsic to the definition of Fascism you fucking faggot.
>If you operate under that sort of logic
You mean formal logic? Yeah, I do operate under -that- sort of logic. You don't seem to even comprehend what formal logic is.

>drive over pot hole free roads
>not even the worst getthos in the country looks like a warzone (IE 50% of the US)
>dont have to fear getting injured or going bankrupt
>have a education and good job without being in debt for the rest of my life
i guess these arnt all benefits

Attached: DSzsPgpXkAUVYl-.jpg (618x464, 78K)


America is a dying nation, just give up already on the tariffs and let China sell people cheap things. The fact that the president is stupid enough to attack the strongest nation on the planet says a lot about how dumb americans are.

>old post
>400 replies
man forget OP, fuck YOU FAGGOTS
you faggots actually bump this garbage. go fuck yourselves. and fuck mods/jannies for not getting rid of this thread.
I guess theyve been taking a hot pocket break for 3 hours???? come the fuck on with this shit.
I hate this god damn website, nothing changes. Just hire me you dumb fucks.

Attached: 1532010171890.gif (480x345, 3.29M)

dude strawmanning does nothing for anyone

Huh, when I use google to research history, I find sources written by historians.
This entire argument is one of semantic distinctions. Ethnic centrism is absolutely a key part of every fascist regime that has ever existed. The only way that ethnic centrism isn't an element of fascism is when one redefines fascism as to not contain ethnic centrism.
Actually that entire point is why we won't be able to come to a consensus.

Fucking good. The reason I voted for Trump was to overthrow the liberal left and now hes fucking poor gamers also

user, you wouldn't be intentionally not mentioning your social taxes™ would you?

Attached: sacreblutaxes.png (1502x173, 16K)

Go to reddit. Go to r/science. Click on the most upvoted article. Follow the sources. You're lucky if you don't get ACCESS DENIED across your screen.

Attached: 1559089764367.jpg (1000x774, 1.21M)

>the strongest nation on the planet.
Lmao wtf is this bullshit

>Ethnic centrism is absolutely a key part of every fascist regime that has ever existed.
Not an argument. It either is a part of the definition or isn't. You don't get to make up your own semantic distinctions in the middle of an argument dumbfuck.
>Actually that entire point is why we won't be able to come to a consensus.
Big surprise your final fallback is racism. Well actually it is a surprise since your entire argument has been reduced to "Fascism is racist but socialism isn't!" which is fucking absurd because every Communist State that ever existed exterminated, suppressed, or expelled other ethnic groups immediately.

>no it is a board for freedom of speech

Attached: moot free speech.png (1311x422, 48K)


Attached: soyboychris.png (750x1334, 1.04M)

>going on reddit
stop posting here

>baseball cap to hide male pattern baldness
>generic soiboi open mouth expression
Really fitting the stereotype, that guy.

>buying games day one

Attached: 1559217972172m.jpg (1024x593, 76K)

You pretend like reddit isn't a place to gauge what people think, or at least being brainwashed with. Guess what? Most of articles on reddit also come from mainstream media, meaning ultimately common knowledge today is source-less for the average twatter and reddit user.

It is a part of the definition.
>Big surprise your final fallback is racism.
Oh, I'm sorry if I was unclear. Basically we won't be able to come to a consensus because we cannot agree on definitions.

Attached: Capture.png (767x267, 36K)

>nation and often race
Therefore implied that it is not always the case and thus not an intrinsic part of the definition of fascism. Your reading comprehension is pathetic. Even more pathetic than using wikipedia as a source.

Yea Forums:
>Relentlessly mocks Chris Evans for being a basedboy cuck
Also Yea Forums:
>Uses Chris Evans reaction images

Really makes you think

Attached: smugGAR.jpg (216x213, 10K)

This just in: There are more than two people on Yea Forums.

whatever it takes to get those sweet (you)s

>numale anime weeb
>low IQ
>uses le :insert: but also le :insert: XD XD
You cant make this up, imagine being a numale weeb


if you joined this website after 2015 your vote doesn't count, thanks.

Attached: 1556772563796.jpg (600x599, 74K)

Yea Forums:
>Bans off-topic discussion
Also Yea Forums:


Then tell me what type of government Hitler was formed.

And yet fascism far more often than not uses racism as a way to further its own ideals. Even if its not specifically racism, then fascism will rely on spreading fear of some sort of "other" that the fascist dictator will then remove.
Either way, this tangent still means that the racial elements of fascism can't be ignored.

Also government under the control of a dictator is still different than government under the control of the collective populace.

>talk about deleting Yea Forums
>they ignore you
>talk about deleting /pol/
>the defense force comes in and yells buzzwords at you

How the fuck is Yea Forums filled with less angry children than /pol/?

Could, but won't.

I need (you)s to feed my family.

if your car needs more traction, more wheels will help. also in the case of RAM, it is the case that a set of 2 sticks rated at 1600mhz are 800mhz each

>talk about deleting /mlp/
>bronies come and say "yes please free us from this hell"

Yea Forums hasn't been relevant in years. Yea Forums is more old Yea Forums than current Yea Forums is.

He will.

Do people on Yea Forums even go to other boards?

Yea Forumsis pretty tame now compared to previous years

>And yet fascism far more often than not uses racism as a way to further its own ideals
More red herrings. More wasted of my time.
>control of a dictator is still different than government under the control of the collective populace.
This is an assertion with no premises to support it. You have literally nothing to assert this with. Fascist dictators were both elected. Compare this to Communist countries that took power via a coup. According to your own reasoning Fascism is more Socialist than Communism is. You're contradicting yourself.

I'd rather have bronies and Yea Forums than fucking /pol/ cultists. How the fuck do you get worse than bronies and Yea Forums? The answer is you gotta defend every single thing /pol/ does without a sense of self-awareness.


Attached: pol niggers.png (468x750, 625K)

Talking about old Yea Forums compared to current /pol/.

Yea Forums was the better popular board and brought less cancer to the site. Now the board is filled with retards and the sjw retards who come in to try to troll the /pol/ retards

fukken saved

Sony and Nintendo both have manufacturing facilities in Japan and could shift production over there. ASUS, among other PC part manufacturers, already shifted production to Taiwan. They also have the option of simply eating the cost themselves. Keep in mind these goods are ALREADY under a 10% trade war tariff, which is being increased to 25%. Also keep in mind the goal is not to make goods more expensive, it's to cripple China's manufacturing industry by making it cheaper to manufacture elsewhere.

>How the fuck do you get worse than bronies and Yea Forums?
Wait until after the 2020 election and you'll find out.

I'm already in the process of weening myself off this site after over decade being here. Maybe I won't have to see it.

Old habits die hard and I probably will see it

>Burgerclaps now have to pay CAD/AUS prices

suffer hahahahaa


but i want consoles to die out

We've both been wasting each other's time since the start of the conversation. A red herring here or there isn't going to make things any better, even if the red herrings matter more than you give credit for.

You acknowledge here: that elected officials don't necessarily carry out the will of the people, so how can you argue that elected dictators are the same as government under the control of the collective populace?
My premise to assert it comes from the definition of socialism, as pictured here. Note the choice of words "community as a whole".

Attached: Capture.png (770x328, 28K)

Dunno, wasn't anything like today though.

Good thing I'm laughing not complaining.

/pol/ is worse than /mlp/ or bronies ever were

a ponyfag thread is visibly understood to be spammed and filled with trash. Meanwhile /pol/ infests every thread, every topic, every fucking post, to the point that culture politics has dominated this board for years.

Literally no one cares more about black people and trannies than /pol/. When I say I don't care about lgbtqwerty people, I believe it.

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Did you know that it was the US, not the Nazis, to pioneer eugenics and killing of undesirables? Did you know it continues long after WWII?

If he’s white he’ll need a lot of luck to pull that off

Amen, brother. It doesn't help that actual professional trolls from Russia are shit stirring constantly because /pol/ posters are so easily manipulated. /pol/ is now the new furries

>that elected officials don't necessarily carry out the will of the people
What is this magical Will of the People exactly? Some imaginary consensus composed of actual thoughts and actual individuals? Or is it just some meaningless abstraction of benevolence toward the population? Neither are particularly relevant in any socialist government past, present, or future.
>Note the choice of words "community as a whole".
So officials that are elected by representatives of the people somehow don't count? That makes absolutely no fucking sense.

>russian trolls

Eventually disappeared after drooling with racism. Nazi took the dial up to 11

See now you're trying to swerve into a red herring of what exactly the will of the people is, even though it's a straightforward enough term.
>So officials that are elected by representatives of the people somehow don't count? That makes absolutely no fucking sense.
Turns out that electing a dictator to make decisions isn't the same as the community collectively voting on decisions.
This isn't rocket surgery.


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At this stage, yes. Too many election tourists coming into other boards. It'll be a shitshow for a few months then it'll die down and things will go back to normal again.

Not really. We were giving insane people tuberculosis and niggers syphilis. We also would sterilize black women up until the 70's


So if it's something that you don't know it's /pol/? Explains why you're so afraid of the place.


Except I've been knew of the sterilisation and so forth. The only difference people are more aware of how stupid people were back then.


>nigger syphilis.

Such brainlet shit.

So once again

Jill Stein is a literal Russian operative you fucking idiot

So you admit I'm right. Nice reddit spacing by the way

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hell, if Trump framed the tarriffs as contingent on whether China changes their labor and pollution practices, people would support it. but right now, it's Trump trying to use his normal business practice of "fuck everyone until i get what i want". i dont even know what kind of trade agreement he's hoping to get out of all of this

>See now you're trying to swerve into a red herring of what exactly the will of the people is
No nigger you don't get to make up bullshit and then leave it undefined. Fuck you.
>Turns out that electing a dictator to make decisions isn't the same as the community collectively voting on decisions.
Yeah, it is, because they elected him. You're not very smart.
>This isn't rocket surgery.
Yet you still can't explain what the fuck you are talking about. The "will of the people" doesn't fucking exist. It's a convenient Retardism you are falling back on to defend your increasingly fragile position. There is no "will of the people" because people don't have a collective will. People are individuals with individual will. Fuck off.

Based as fuck, console plebs btfo yet again

I'm sorry that I'm giving you enough credit that you know what the noun "will" means.
>Yeah, it is, because they elected him.
You literally contradict this in an earlier post, meaning that you know that this statement is not true.

Nice backtracking you did there.
I been your filth board poltards and most of the time you all complained about losing the majority in America and building your so called "White Ethnostate".

Keep coping

>admit im right
>reddit spacing
>seething for no reason
Are you a woman?

>You literally contradict this in an earlier post
Yet you don't provide a post link or explain how it's contradictory. You are a fucking moron with nothing left to stand on other than fallacious imaginary concepts.

Yes,we do have a welfare system, thank you very much, your country did it too back in the 80s before your politicians had the bright idea of dismantling it so they wouldn't have to share part of the money they taxed from you and could spent it on hookers and cocaine.
It was a brilliant plan.

Attached: 1558624497966.jpg (1133x809, 66K)

> yeah we pay no tax in good ole MURRIKA
> injure yourself and have to take an ambulance 1,000,000

He's backtracking more.
It's okay!

Keep /pol/ as a containment board but shadow ban everyone who posts there

We warned you drumpft. Free and open trade is the American way!


Trump's gonnd get JFK'd if he go against (((them))) so yeah.

>I'm caught.
>I'm being desperate.
>it's got to be a woman!

trump took away android from china so its only natural that china takes away playstation
amerifatsos are not worthy of sony, stick to your shitbox cucks

sorry user but usa is israel's property it doesn't matter who the president is

>everyone who hates Clinton is a russian operative!

You're a russian operative, and so's your mother.

>captain soimerica

I feel like I'm repeating myself.
>Wow holy shit so you're saying that a leader's decisions and actions aren't necessarily exactly what their constituents want? What a fucking shocking revelation. I'm sure that every single person was on-board with Stalin's Purge too huh?
Means that you openly acknowledge that an elected officials actions aren't necessarily in line with what the people want. Which explicitly means that the decisions of an elected dictator is not the same as what the community as a whole wants.

I already provided the post link when I pointed this out earlier, but I guess you need your hand held.

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>Means that you openly acknowledge that an elected officials actions aren't necessarily in line with what the people want.
None of them are in line with what all the people want you fucking retard. That was the entire point of the overly sarcastic statement. Holy fucking shit you are INCREDIBLY goddamn stupid. The "will of the people" doesn't fucking exist. There is no consensus between all people. You are so full of fucking shit you don't even realize you're full of shit. Kill yourself right fucking now.

great, fuck console fags

See commies think that the government is the people

Fuck you


Aww, you've gotten upset and fell back on insults again.
It's okay, I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day.

Attached: it's an absolutely abstract kind of real fuckin' cancer going on.jpg (900x675, 104K)

Just play on PC

Refuting your premises and insulting you is a structurally valid argument cuck. You go down like a bitch at the bump limit. Buy yourself a helium tank and suck on it until you're dead you subhuman piece of trash..

You have nothing of substance to say, so you try to discourage others with insults. It's cute, but it doesn't make you right.
Considering that you still believe that Nazis were socialists, you never were right.

Fan vad jag önskar att vi hade mindre skatt

Remember that you have an audience and you just lost in front of it. Anything and everything you say after this point just makes your position look even more retarded to anyone who sees it again from here on out.

no, they're a containment board
also they're fun to visit when something big happens in your country

I don't understand why you're acting like I publicly embarrassed myself when you're the one throwing a tantrum.
Am I missing something?

Attached: it's joke.jpg (350x394, 21K)

Yea Forums does that


>Am I missing something?
Clearly, since you believe in imaginary abstractions with absolutely no basis in reality like "the will of the people."