>"Hey guys, why don't we get the Chaos Emeralds?"
"Hey guys, why don't we get the Chaos Emeralds?"
beacuse infinite is a weak ass bitch.
>the Chaos Emeralds are not only not used in the final battle but also never ever mentioned, they literally don't exist
What the fuck were they thinking?
>"why the fuck is classic sonic here if he can't even roll up a short ramp"
>Hey guys why don't we contact GUN and get their army to help us against Eggman?
>not in Secret Rings, not in Black Knight, bonus/non-story item in Colors, bonus/non-story item in Lost World, not in Forces until the Super Sonic DLC
>all Kishimoto directed games
I think Kishimoto dislikes the Chaos Emeralds.
I can respect that if true. They're super McGuffin-y.
"Too Shouneny, Not Mario enough"
>respecting Kishimoto for anything
God damn fuck Classic Sonic and the OC, this is the 4th 3D Boost game and would have been the perfect time to finally start trying to incorporate characters like Tails and Knuckles into this playstyle, but they ruined everything and now the Boost style itself is potentially in jeopardy.
>have game where the premise is Eggman finally wins
>game doesn't even show how, just a single screen of text
>game isn't made up of over-the-top Eggmanland/circus-esque environments
>Eggman doesn't parade around in an outfit that looks like a mix between a king and a circus ringleader
>would have been the perfect opportunity for more Colors-esque PA announcements, instead we get Sonic's friends pointlessly repeating what's happening on-screen like in Heroes
>main antagonist isn't even Eggman most of the time, but Mephiles 2.0
How do you fuck up this badly.
>game isn't made up of over-the-top Eggmanland/circus-esque environments
Yeah what the fuck, Sunset City is still half-destroyed and on fire over the 6 month period, you'd think Eggman would have spruced things up himself.
I think Boom bombing as badly as it did had some sort of long-lasting effect on the series' budget from then on.
That's fine and dandy if he doesn't want to use them, but unless they reboot the series and get rid of them, then not including them is pretty stupid from a story point of view especially for Forces.
I'm fine with this honestly, since the chaos emeralds have become incredibly boring from a narrative standpoint. However there's no real reason for them not to be a part of Forces plot. There's not even a throwaway line exclaiming that the Phantom Ruby cancels out their powers or whatever.
The Phantom Ruby also sucks. Sonic McGuffins are just boring in general.
Try Unleashed.
For some reason Forces Eggman felt more like SATAM Eggman than 3D Eggman
Heck this entire game felt like a half assed SATAM game besides Infinite
Nu-Sonic doesn't have anymore Super Sonic final boss battles anymore after Colors, it literally lacks the SOUL. I miss the Adventure days.
The absolute closest we got to an explanation is in the tie-in comic that SEGA produced and Ian Flynn wrote. Eggman states that with the Phantom Ruby's power, "[he] won't even need the Master Emerald," from Knuckles. Even then, it's very clear the Ian wrote that comic without a full understanding of what Sonic Team had in mind for the Phantom Ruby's abilities and Forces' story.
>Make a based villain
>Cool VA, design, theme and power
>He's a huge fucking jobber
I hope he gets to turn up again.
Eggman feels he doesn't need them due to the Phantom Ruby and if he felt the need to, Infinite could grab them all easily
Shit he could probably wish his own set into existence or Eggman could.
>Left out of Team Sonic Racing in favor of Zavok
That was harsh of them
Infinite's potential died the moment Shadow kicked him in the face.
I am not weak was just pissing on the grave.
Pretty unlikely considering last I heard SEGA is not allowing him to be used in the comics.
Did they forget that Eggman Enslaved and threatened to Genocide Zavok's entire race to the point that Zavok wanted to destroy Eggmans world out of revenge and resentment?
>Make a based villain
Infinite sucks. He's probably the most boring villain in the series next to Mephiles and Zavok.
>Nu-Sonic doesn't have anymore Super Sonic final boss battles anymore after Colors
Thank god. Although the constant copying of Colors' final boss also sucks.
they're great collectibles in the classic games. I think they're good for gameplay, and idgaf about story
It's overused and should be saved for actual big moments.
>here's not even a throwaway line exclaiming that the Phantom Ruby cancels out their powers or whatever.
That is my biggest complaint. You can easily explain why it's not used in Lost World or Colors based on location (which of course they don't fucking do in the story), but it's retarded that it's not brought up at all in Forces.
Sonic game writers don't remember what they ate for breakfast this morning.
So why is Classic Sonic there again?
I mean, I can understand why someone would dislike them. From a game design perspective they're kind of difficult to introduce unless done in the classic 2D way. In the original games and Mania, Super Sonic is a slight variation of Sonic's moveset and can be obtained during the middle of the game, allowing players to easily adjust to the different style of gameplay. In past 3D Sonic games its only introduced in the final mission and controls substantially differently to normal Sonic. As a result they have to either make the mission braindead easy to account for the player's complete lack of knowledge or leave the final boss as a frustrating mess.
Kishimoto makes shit games though, I don't think that's his reason for ignoring chaos emeralds.
infinite is the culmination of every edgy sonic OC on the internet, which is hilarious and is a great reason to be a total jobber.
i wouldn't say he's based, but i would also like to see the brooding twat come back.
Story reason: Phantom Ruby sucked him through a portal from Mania and spat him out into the "Modern" world in Sonic Forces
Design reason: Generations got good reception for featuring him
They must have really not liked him. Even Silver managed to be a filler character.
>not in Secret Rings, not in Black Knight, bonus/non-story item in Colors, bonus/non-story item in Lost World, not in Forces
Didn't Secret Rings and Black Knight have their own chaos emerald equivalents? Also I don't think the chaos emeralds were really needed in Colors or LW's stories. Cut dialogue for Colors has Eggman claim that the Wisps' combined powers are supposed to be stronger than the chaos emeralds, and Lost World just had Eggman trying to siphon energy from the planet itself, successfully for the most part.
There's no reason for them not to be referenced in Forces' plot, though.
atleast his theme was good
It's pretty clear they lacked direction after Lost World was rejected by fans. So they opted to just make another Generations, but worse.
I still think something must've gone wrong during development and they scrambled together Forces, but I don't really have anything to support it outside of remembering a Retro post years ago about Sonic Team working on gameplay that was neither Generations or Lost World-like and how long that gap between Lost World and Forces was.
Silver has popularity and the backing of his creator Shun Nakamura
>It's pretty clear they lacked direction after Lost World was rejected by fans
I really wonder what made them drop the Boost formula after two relatively well-received games. I can only imagine that it's just not lucrative to be designing bigger and bigger levels in order to accommodate for how fast Sonic has to run.
Either way, it's fucking pathetic that they went back to the Boost formula just to make it worse.
wasnt the game literally made in like 1 year? i thought they spent more time making the engine.
I literally don't fucking understand how the current Silver and Blaze fit into the games they turn up in. 06 basically never happened and the future is now a complete unknown, everyone involved doesn't remember it, so where the fuck do they come from? Did they just retcon them back to coming from another dimension with Eggman Nega, but now apparently they just live in the main dimension permanently? Where the fuck did Silver get a Trunks complex if he didn't grow up in a ruined world?
>I can only imagine that it's just not lucrative to be designing bigger and bigger levels in order to accommodate for how fast Sonic has to run.
That was pretty much the exact reason Iizuka gave, iirc. The main issue is that with Lost World they didn't try carrying over some of the things that worked with the Boost style to build off of, and instead just started a new gameplay style completely from scratch.
There could have been SO FUCKING MUCH done with the story. The ruby thing can literally do anything but in the story it does almost nothing. There could have been so much cool shit.
Time travel is fucking stupid.
Blaze's debut is Rush
Silver's debut is Sonic Rivals
According to Iizuka, Eggman Nega is canonically from Silver's time
It gets really awkward because you can't have a moment where Blaze walks up to Sonic and says "Hey Sonic, thanks for helping me beat Nega back when we met," because Silver also fought against Eggman Nega the first time he met Sonic. This is mainly the reason Eggman Nega hasn't really appeared in anything significant in so long. He's pretty much the "Dry Bowser" of Sonic games at this point.
Honestly at this point they should retcon his story and make him Shadow and Rouge's son and do what Dragon Ball does and keep a young Silver around to satisfy his fans
Although it would piss off BlazeXSilver fans
People threw around the idea of Infinite using the Ruby to make an illusion version of Maria and mess with Shadow and I really liked that idea.
>vast majority of the world taken over by Egg boy
>implying GUN doesn't work for him now
>people discussing 3D Sonic games and the godawful excuse for a story they have
Fucking hell you zoomers are obnoxious
Kingdom Hearts has a garbage story, Sonic 3D games have a garbage story, FNAF has a garbage story. Why do zoomers think overcomplicated = good?
>hey guys what if we refuse to bring the chao garden back haha
Not in the budget, user.
To be honest I think the skeleton of the story and the events within were pretty fucking solid, they were just delivered with a complete lack of any weight. If the story was doled out with the same pacing and competency of SA2 or even Shadow it would have worked, but instead all of the events ring hollow. Sonic locked up and tortured but he's cracking wise and looks like he could have escaped any time. The finale with the fucking sun falling and an army of clone villains but there doesn't feel like there's any threat like there was with Ark firing or dropping or the Black Doom invasion. Hell the only set pieces that felt weighty were the early Infinite fights when he was still a huge threat just toying with you, and the final boss when Eggman starts acting the way he should have been the entire game, just going fucking super brutal like the start of Unleashed.
Not even that, at least Dry Bowser is allowed to show up in current spinoffs.
Silver is one of the dumbest characters in the series (in terms of how they handle him). He's constantly traveling to the past in order to fix the future, but all that implies is that he never actually fixes anything and instead is a regular screw up whose time traveling shenanigans always causes him to return to a ruined future.
This aspect of the character would actually be amusing if it was treated as an ongoing joke, but Sonic Team lacks the self-awareness needed to establish that sort of thing.
He also dislikes Somic games and would rather make Samba de Amigo.
Just pretend that it's a different Silver every time.
I'm surprised their non mandated considering comic fags say that Sonic and Shadow are generally equals but Super Sonic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Super Shadow in the comics.
Forces takes place on "Sonic's World". SA2 took place on the human world where GUN exists.
Sonic plots haven’t been complicated since 06
Just follow through with the ending of SA2 and make Sonic and Shadow both artificial created lifeforms, and make Silver the original they're both based on, turn the whole thing on it's head. It was Silver in the mural the whole time.
>Sonic 3D games have a garbage story
Who here is arguing otherwise? People are more so annoyed with how Sega regularly wastes easy potential.
They shouldn't ignore the emeralds though.
Knuckles pretty much revolves around them.
Shadow uses them pretty well.
Eggman tries to get them all the time.
They should, instead, create ways to make them not as powerful or already in-use.
Maybe the big bad negated their powers in a not-throwaway line via the Master Emerald? Maybe the big bad is USING the Chaos Emeralds already? Maybe the big bad sealed the Chaos Emeralds away?
It just seems lazy to throw it away without even trying to use them. Lazier still that Shadow gave up, even thought it's not in-character for him to do so.
I do think Forces should have been Sonic and Shadow fighting together, with Shadow starting things off by breaking Sonic out.
Bro he's literally Trunks. Even when he saves the future he has to go back to his own ruined timeline.
That explains why every game directed by him is shite
>and would rather make Samba de Amigo.
I thought that was Nakamura.
Fuck retcons and fuck Iizuka, I'd rather take Sonic X's awkward canon-welding at this point.
Sadly, Knuckles can't revolve around them anymore I feel. Penders made it so the series doesn't want to do ANYTHING with the Echidna race.
That's Nakamura.
>I do think Forces should have been Sonic and Shadow fighting together,
This is what still really pisses me off, Imagine the hype if instead of Classic Sonic in the reveal trailer, it was Shadow confirming he was finally gonna be playable for the first time in years.
Plus we wouldn't have had shitty 2D Stages and more time could've been spent on Modern and OC Stages which are actually passable.
In Sonic Colors 3DS he literally says the future is one where everyone is happy.
Silver ruined Blaze and ensured she will never be a main character again. Fuck this timeline, the post-Unleashed boost game should have been a Hedgehog Engine Sonic Rush.
Unleashed, that's the last $60 Sonic game IIRC.
Probably because it was the first good modern Sonic boss in a while and actually stuck to the core mechanics of the game instead or forcing you into Super Sonic that plays completely differently.
Now they're just milking it because they're afraid to do anything else or just too lazy to.
True, but my point is that these devs don't give a fuck about Sonic and would rather be making different games but are seemingly being forced by Sega to work on them.
>Hedgehog Engine Sonic Rush.
The Rush games aren't as good as you remember.
Serious question, does anyone else still enjoy Sonic despite the franchise having a major reputation for being well...bad. Like I don't forgive the bad games full of flaws and glitches, but the concept of Sonic is still enjoyable, Eggman being a hilarious villain really helps to the point even Jim Carrey being Eggman still manages to work on some level. The point is Sonic is still has the basis to be a solid series. And it can do good like Sonic Mania.
>follow through with SA2 ending
>Sonic artificial life form
I don't think that's what Shadow meant when he said Sonic is the ultimate life, user.
>Even when he saves the future he has to go back to his own ruined timeline.
Then why does he keep coming back to fix something when his timeline will always be in a constant ruined state? That also doesn't make any sense with how the Sonic series has regularly represented time travel. Sonic CD has Sonic travel to good futures if he fixes the past, for example.
>x isn't as good as you remember
Fuck off, I actually replay games.
I remember some anons talking about how Forces was originally only going to only have the avatar gameplay but they were told to include Sonic so they had to rework some things. Don't know if that's true but it makes sense to me.
>Instead of classic/modern/avatar we could have had shadow/sonic/silver
>Just turn all the wisp guns into psychic powers for Silver and make the Shadow stages slightly more about destroying enemies and the Sonic ones more speed through focused
Would anyone have been opposed to this?
The first is still as good as I remember. Adventure kinda drops the ball but Colors DS is actually pretty good too.
Rush>Colors DS>Adventure
>How do you fuck up this badly.
modern Sonic Team and Kishitmoto. that's why
I'm pretty sure that bit of canon has been around since the Adventure games, user. It was just never known about until somewhat recently. Sonic X itself was probably based on it.
I replayed both last year user, Rush is OK but is filled with lazy level design like instant death pits that are trial and error and Adventure is really bloated.
>Plus we wouldn't have had shitty 2D Stages
If they're using the boost formula, you're getting 2D. They don't have the time or resources to make fully 3D boost stages.
Listen to the penultimate line Sonic says when Amy comes up to him, to himself as he's looking at his reflection
>Created... the Ultimate Lifeform...
It might just be my autism but to me it was at least a suggestion that Sonic was considering his own origin (which he had no memory of) at that point.
When I say Shitty 2D I mean all of Classic Sonic's stages, I'm not that against Modern Sonic 2D Segments
>doesn't like working on sonic games
>makes the shittiest sonic game of all time
>gets moved onto other projects
Is Nakamura based?
Sonic Characters as much as a lot of older gamers hate them give the franchise more live even after hard times
It's why Sonic can survive bad games while so many other platforming mascots either died or went on hiatus after bad games
That would be fine because, like 2D Sonic, that is how you do multiple characters.
The different play-styles bullshit that the Adventure games started is a fucking plague on this series.
>Serious question, does anyone else still enjoy Sonic despite the franchise having a major reputation for being well...bad.
I only really pay attention to classic Sonic/Taxman-related stuff at this point. I don't want to give anymore of my time or money to constant mediocrity when I could be enjoying something else instead.
The worst you can say about Adventure is the material cancer and process for collecting Emeralds. The actual level design and whatnot is top notch stuff. A real Rush 3 on an HD system would have fixed and polished these issues.
Silver is unironically the worst character to ever be created. his only hope to be redeemed is to get a hard reboot
Secret Rings have the World Rings but I don't know about BK. Colors DS also uses them for a final boss.
I thought he actually does manage to fix his timeline but something else happens? He basically just can't cope with the fact that his time will always be shit i guess.
They're both just as shitty, imo.
>make the Shadow stages slightly more about destroying enemies and the Sonic ones more speed through focused
And then guess what? That'd be a great reason to bring back Lost Worlds new attack functions like the multi-homing attack and the Kick because it could be used for Unique Enemies that Shadow needed to use abilities for while Sonic had classic homing attack to keep the momentum.
yes. get rid of Silver
>I don't know about BK
BK had some mystical swords Sonic had to collect or something of the like.
>Blaze will never be playable or be in a role besides Silver's second fiddle again
>Eggman Nega is canonically from Silver's time
Fuck his headcanon.
Dude. It's Sonic. Who gives a fuck about narrative standpoints, I just wanna collect some magic rocks and go super saiyan at the end.
Yeah but Trunks fixed his timeline until Black showed up. Silver just keeps on fucking up.
>Serious question, does anyone else still enjoy Sonic despite the franchise having a major reputation for being well...bad
Yeah but that's because I stay away from the bad ones.
That rumor came from someone on Sonic Stadium, but I think they retracted it.
>I thought he actually does manage to fix his timeline but something else happens?
That wouldn't really make any sense, though. Sonic CD (and I guess 06) showed that when you travel to the future the effects of changing the past have already influenced the future by the time you arrive. Every time Silver has returned to Sonic's era to fix his own time, it just implies that as soon as he came back it was still shit, just a different band of shit.
Kinda like that Treehouse of Horror episode with the toaster.
The Adventure style multistyle was because Sonic Adventure was pretty much their only mainstream game on the Dreamcast and they wanted to advertise future games on that console through Sonic
>look everyone , we can do Collectathons(Knuckles/Rouge), Shooters(Taild and Eggman and Gamma), beat em up(Amy), even stuff like Fishing and simulated Animal Raising, please buy the console and you will have games of these styles very soon
He's Vice Director of CS2, so he's moving up the ladder.
>Who gives a fuck about narrative standpoints
If they're going to fill Sonic games with narratives, then I want them to be interesting, otherwise don't bother. I have no issue with Sonic games having no plot whatsoever, honestly.
Want a fuck up by Sega.
>Sonic Characters as much as a lot of older gamers hate them give the franchise more live even after hard times
I've never really understood this claim considering most of the Sonic cast are just boring. I guess autists are the main group attracted to casts of one-note, easy-to-folow characters.
Infinite was such a joke. Worst Sonic villain in a long time.
it's just irritates me how they are constantly trying to erase '06 from people's minds (outside of shit head Aaron trying to be self-aware), yet they keep shoving Blaze and Silver together on everything. why the fuck are they doing this? why can't Blaze get some spotlight without this mistake of a character appearing by her side? hell, there wasn't even something going on with both of them in '06. just end my shit, man...
Miss my tone yet?
>Chaos Emerald
>Phantom Ruby
When is the Calamity Sapphire?
Yeah, I don't understand why people want more of him. A slow moving, bumbling idiot using his psychic powers to solve floating platform puzzles and throw rocks at worm demons is practically the antithesis of what Sonic is supposed to be like
>beat em up(Amy)
All you did in Amy's story was run away from that robot. There were no beat-em-up elements, although they would have made her story much more bearable.
>not serenity Sapphire
No. I miss S3K's sense of adventure.
Do people actually think about this before they believe Iizuka's retcons?
Sonic Rush has GUN. Also SA1 would be completely retconned if Mystic Ruins and Station Square were two different worlds
also Sonic's World isn't a term used in the JP games. Pontack and Graff made that shit up for Colours/Lost World and Iizuka is in damage control.
Until a game actually uses the concept, it ain't canon.
If the two worlds thing is canon, then Knuckles, the Chaos Emeralds, Angel Island and Shadow all come from the human world.
SA1, 2 and Unleashed get insta-retconned since they still use Sonic World lore despite being in the human world
Just ignore iizuka and pretend it's all one world.
When's the last time Sonic Canon has actually mattered between games? Best I got is that mural leading to Shadow's creation.
>Sonic Rush has GUN
Because it takes place on the human world, duh.
>Also SA1 would be completely retconned if Mystic Ruins and Station Square were two different worlds
That is weird, but canon is canon.
>Pontack and Graff made that shit up for Colours/Lost World
Their writing has to be approved by Sonic Team. If Sonic Team didn't approve of it it wouldn't be there.
>Until a game actually uses the concept, it ain't canon.
Forces uses it, hence why there are animal people and no humans/GUN.
Sorry, user.
>Best I got is that mural leading to Shadow's creation.
That's not even actual canon, that's just something fans hang onto. Shadow's concept designs when the game's plot was being written didn't even look like Super Sonic.
honestly, i should ignore everything those dumbasses spew out and create my own headcanon. it would probably make more sense
Yeah, most of them are one note, but at least they're all generally different notes, though as I always say Sonic has way too many rivals and Shadow, Silver, Blaze, etc. need to be dumped. But regardless, it allows them to set up a lot of situations that other game series just can't.
I'd still take him over any of the Zeti.
generations was after colors you retard
Not really. Maekawa was a trash writer too.
I recently got into sonic if you can believe it, Im enjoying adventure 1 immensely
And Colors DS had a Super Sonic boss.
If you're a completionist, ignore the missions. Consider it 100%ed at all emblems.
>Yeah, most of them are one note, but at least they're all generally different notes
You could say the same thing about the cast of a pre-school cartoon.
Generations was the true modern Sonic's dying breath.
Im going to check them out just out of curiosity but ok Ill take it into account.
I just finished knuckles story and I finally understand why people hate modern dumb knuckles so much, there is a lot put into these characters that was there before in the genesis games but it has now been defined better with dialogue, JP voices are nice and you fill fulfilled when you end each chapter.
This game gets too much hate, it holds up for me, but Im a boomer that overlooked 3D sonic for almost 30 years so I get used to janky gameplay no problem.
When people say SA doesn't hold up, they mainly mean the non Hedgehog stages in SA2. The sound mixing on the shooting stages kills any enjoyment they have expecially in the HD version and you'll see why people hate the treasure hunting there for yourself. Also look into the infinite animal glitch for the chao if you intend to do those races, even as a kid I found it so tedious I abused the fuck out of that glitch.
Why does Sonic team ignore the Riders games? The mystery behind the Babylonians was like experiencing Angel Island for the first time again.
Yes. Despite the linearity of the level design, the asthetics, story, upgrades, and great level design make it feel like as if Sonic is actually having a worldwide open adventure instead of uninspired stage after uninspired stage.
people that say SA doesn't hold up have probably only gone back and played the ports which have been constant drops in quality with each port, you can read up about it here dreamcastify.unreliable.network
Oh yes this exists.
yeah the mods help a bit but not everyone knows about it and a lot of people just play the "HD" ports on ps3/360 without being able to mod not knowing how fucking terrible of ports they are
Am I the only one who really doesn't like SatAM? It was the cringy, edgy Sonic a decade before Shadow and 06 showed up.
Ive been playing the older PC version (not the steam one, but one that came in 2 disks) when people told me to stay the fuck away from the GC one
>Am I the only one who really doesn't like SatAM?
Do you live under a rock? Most people now don't look back on SatAM very fondly. I don't even see it brought up that much anymore.
older pc port is pretty much the same as the gc port, they were OK not as good as the dreamcast version but not awful like the steam ps3/360 ports got
I don't know if you knew this buddy, but Sonic is at least nominally a franchise marketed at children
I don't think the hedgehog stages hold up in SA2 either. Control is way too loose. Grinding and light dashing are also terrible concepts that have never been good and I'm glad that they aren't used as much as they used to be.
I remember enjoying the sonic comics, why doesn't sonic team just rip off the story from the comics and just focus on gamepay? They clearly can't make a good sonic narrative.
Oh I was not aware
Maybe Ill try to emulate the DC version later
Does Sonic Team even care anymore?
Infinite is fucking stupid. That vaguely sexual sultry way of talking pisses me off.
>I don't know if you knew this buddy, but Sonic is at least nominally a franchise marketed at children
I am fully aware of that. I wasn't the one putting Sonic characters on a pedestal compared to other mascot series.
I don't care how they fit Blaze into the canon, as long as she stays. She's my favorite of the recent characters.
because penders would sue them again
No one was saying that they're complex or interesting, just that they add some personality. While we're on the subject of other mascot series, take this as an example: Paper Mario TTYD vs Paper Mario Sticker Star. The difference between the two in terms of writing is the kind of difference I see between Sonic and a lot of other mascot franchises.
Did you watch the most recent twitter QnA thing? There's FUCK loads of chao garden references. WIth all this talk of a Sonic Adventure remake/3, I'm like 70% sure we might finally be getting another fucking chao garden
Why is Blaze so popular? She was only in those rush games right? Were they amazing? They emulate like shit because of how they use the double screens
>tfw haven't played anything and avoided all spoilers past unleashed
i'm safe
for now
Rush 1 is well regarded due to the Hideki Naganuma soundtrack. That's it really. As for Blaze, furries want to bang her.
>Frarman himself is working on the next mainline game
He's a goofball but he means well. A lovable retard. Next game might actually be ok-ish
they're kind of fun. the physics are pretty fuckin weird but the level design is built for it so it balances out. just download a completed save for Rush Adventure so you can avoid all the jet ski horseshit
I don't know why. She's just Sonic with a high jump and she doesn't have much of a personality, and just like every other character that started out as a rival to Sonic other than Eggman and Metal Sonic, they have no clue whatsoever about what to do with her after the game she was introduced in but are stuck with her anyway because she ended up being popular for whatever reason
At least the fire tornado thing is visually kinda neat
Ds version has the mother wisp fight with super sonic
I don't wanna fuck Blaze, she just has a cool design
Being a Sonic fan is suffering because you know he can be so good when they actually try.
Sonic will always have a place in my heart since I've been with the series since the very beginning. No matter how hard Sonic Team fucks up they can never retroactively make me hate the genuinely good games.
When Sonic gets bad I just ignore the shit games and occasionally play the old ones. This is going to sound cheesy but even if he's destined to fade away, that's fine, because Sonic imparted something very special on me that can never be taken away.
>[Cosmic Eternity playing in the distance]
Depends on what version you're playing. GCN DX has a legitimate reward for completing the missions.
>used to be from the future
>is now just here
I don't play Sonic for the stories because I'm not a faggot but that genuinely kinda bothers me. That'd be like if Walt was in Better Call Saul, Heisenberging it up
No the avatar was obviously going to be Boom Sonic but other than the cartoon that franchise went down in flames.
I couldn't get into them. I like Blaze but the camera is too zoomed in to see enemies and bottomless pits everywhere. Not a single dimps game has a well conceived special stage system.
>There will never be a Sonic Adventure 3
>And if there is, it will just be another Sonic 4
No, not really. SA2 handled it fine but I think we can do without children being shot by the police in the future.
They give an explanation usually. Forces had a canon prequel comic that had him come back saying that his future became destroyed by Eggman.
>Not a single dimps game has a well conceived special stage system.
Rush 1 literally is just "find the activator for the special stage portal, jump onto it and boost"
And the special stages themselves are arguably the best in the entire franchise, I fucking love Rush's special stages
Very much so.
Im pretty sick of looney tunes sonic, everything being a joke or a reference.
>playing Sonic games for the story
Heroes had the best tone. Shit got serious at the end but no death, and the level aesthetic was perfect. Even though the gameplay is questionable.
Cool playable female character and not annoying like Cream and Amy were at the time.
The Chaos Emeralds being anything more than collectables were a mistake and the thing that marked the initial downfall of the Sonic series, prove me wrong.
Mario's cast is just as big and one note and everyone loves them so fucking much.
>The mystery behind the Babylonians was like experiencing Angel Island for the first time again.
I don't remember them ruining the lore behind angel island by revealing the echidnas were descendants of ancient aliens.
The treasure hunting stages are my favorite part of SA2. You get to cool off from the frantic pace of Sonic and Shadow's stages with some exploration set to some seriously mellow tunes. Knuckles and Rouge have the best music in the game.
I don't like Riders Zero Gravity for that and gameplay reasons.
I'm sure a lot of knuckles fans said the same thing and look at what his character has been reduced to.
Boostshit works though. It's unfortunate, but it was finally a 3D Sonic game play that actually worked. Yes, it takes a lot of work to make good boostshit levels, but the proof is in the pudding. Look at Colors, look at Generations, look at Unleased, and look at Forces. Make a game that has 40 or so boost levels. They don't need to have unique art; you can make Zone Acts 1 through 8 and only have five styles for all anyone cared, just make it and be amazed at how good the game would be received. Heck, if you want to pad the game out, engineer a way to put Tails or Knuckles into the exact same levels and add some collectables. It'll still be fun.
AOSTH was clearly the superior cartoon. That version of Robotnik is legitimately one of his best incarnations. SatAM was in the same vein as the Archie comic furfaggottry.
We're not getting another Chao garden. Sonic team makes references all the fucking time, and that's all they ever are. You think because the referenced Mighty, Ray and Fang in Generations they had any intention of bringing them back themselves?
Sonic OVA was still the best though
Cool personality and she's kinda hot.
Silver just lives in a future where the only threat is Eggman Nega until some time space bullshit (usually related to the Chaos Emeralds) happens and then the future is shit, that makes Silver go to the past to the moment everything went shit (Sonic's time) and fight with the heroes of the future to save the world in the past, saving his own world at same time.
Basically everytime Silver is in a game is because without him Sonic's world would be ruined forever, Silver help is what allows the threat to be stopped and the future saved (until the next threat)
>Eccentric manchild Eggman compared to ultra serious SATam Eggman
>His minions are colorful yet menacing compared to the very bland looking SATAM Robots
>Sonic is despite all his assholeness in AOSTH still had a sense of responsibility and didn't need someone like Sally to act like his mother
>Tails is Sonic's best friend rather than just a child who admires Sonic
>Colorful world rather than a forest and a colorless city
>Aosth even made a parody of the Chaos Emeralds
Holy shit AoSTH was much much more game accurate than SATam
Sonic OVA and Night of the Werehog are the best supplemental material from Japan. Unfortunately Sonic X is just a generic cheap Saturday morning anime.
>implying that's not the story
In 06 Shadow was still alive in the future because he can't die from aging as the ultimate life form, Silver could easily be his son and on top that the Black Knight game shows the equivalent from that dimension of Silver and Shadow are Sir Galahad and Sir Lancelot and you know what's the relationship of these two King Arthur's knights? They are father are son, Silver is canonically Shadow's son, at least in that dimension (that would also explain why he's so good at chaos control and his unnatural powers)
Pingas is unironically great on its own no memes required
>tfw there were fucking theories online about who Infinite was
>Most batshit insane theory is that he's Game Gear Tails from another timeline who resented Sonic for abandoning him
>Another is that he's Mephiles
>Yet another one is that he's you
>In reality he's a literal who weak nobody
Name ONE (2) piece of Sonic media where Eggman wasn’t the best character. Pro-tip: you can’t.
>Most batshit insane theory is that he's Game Gear Tails from another timeline who resented Sonic for abandoning him
Thats fanfiction crap son
But thats the best part, he represents the part of the fanbase that wants to be edgy and powerful like shadow or something but are just fucking losers, even his powers are just illusions
None of the both cartoons were game accurate in the first place, and this doesn't dictate quality. One being sightly more game accurate than the other doesn't mean anything.
If only that plotline actually went anywhere instead of just having him *whiiiiirrrrr*'d into Eggman's Rehash Mech
That just means Eggman Nega is a man from the future who traveled to Blaze's dimension and made some havoc. If Ivo Eggman can become a notorious villain in Blaze dimension without being from that world Eggman Nega can too
Also Tails outright states the Eggman Nega who fought Blaze is a time traveler in the Mario & Sonic 2012 Olympic Games
>"He came back in time to make trouble, but I thought Sonic and Blaze stopped him for good..."
Iizuka said it himself
>Speaker: Iizuka-san, can you please clear out the story of Silver, Blaze and Eggman Nega? Also to mention, in the future, Sonic Rush, Sonic Rivals and Sonic 2006 they all know each other, but in Sonic Colors, they never met.
>Takashi Iizuka (as translated by the Q&A board's translator): So everyone probably know this, but Silver and Eggman Nega are from the future, and Blaze is from an alternate dimension. But in 2006, basically what happens is that everyone had like amnesia.”
And Sonic Channel confirms he is from the future
You think he deserves to learn and reflect on his childish feelings? Nah Im ok with him ending like nothing, because he was nothing.
Anything that Omega is in or that gives Vector more than like 3 lines