*blobs your path*

*blobs your path*

Attached: Mizar.png (300x426, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> assassinate+pierce
Nothing personnel kid


>literally Weezing

what did Fatlus mean by this

at least put smt or devil survivor in the OP

What’s up, guys?

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Beldr would have kicked his ass

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I want Pokefags to leave.

>gets bodied by a cellphone charm

T. Loki

This guy wasnt that hard thanks to based Jungo

But FUCK this guy. Also fuck the boss rush at the end

That boss rush was great though. you could make it much easier by giving your healer a demon with blood wine and heal your entire party out of Jezebels attack range since she can't move

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if they don't instantly recognize based mizar they don't deserve to post here


Is the anime worth the time to watch?

*boobs your path*

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God no.

it's awful. Not as bad if you've never played the game and don't know the characters, but still bad

Io a cute.

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I want make love to her in a cardboard box

how do i get the good ending in desu2rb?

Metal Gear Io was a gem.

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Get everyone to at least 4 friendship and talk to le shining man

What would happen if Bunny was a girl?

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everything would be the same except daichi would be twice as annoying

Instant best girl.

Post your ideas and concepts for Devil Survivor 3.

would be nice

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Teasing Makoto would be so much fun because she'll start questioning her sexuality. Otome would join in for some ribbing too

How do you guys have trouble with a boss that has an actual weakness?

Belberith doesn't have a weakness, though. Either way, the real challenge came from getting to him, since he has omni range, and can virtually snipe off your party one by one. I finally started using Race Skills properly, and used Phantasm to cross the gap with Abel, instead of activating the walkway.

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I assume the walk to the boss is the hard part. Maybe they were playing without demons so they couldn't just phantasm across the path.

Global attack range is a bitch but its the motherfuckers that reflect phys that fucked me up


What are some fun Skill combinations to mix up? I'd always try
>Stone +
Most of the time, the enemies would die in one hit, though. Unless they had a lot of HP.

What the fuck was his problem?

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I wish the Fate system gave an obvious audio or visual cue when you say the right answers.

Multi-Strike+Marksman+Stone + was fun as fuck to use.

He's literally weak to electric

user, there is no DeSu anime. Just like there is no P3 anime.

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Huh, really? I could have sworn I just offed him with Awakening + Holy Dance.

all of them

Attached: Finger3.jpg (300x300, 15K)

For bosses
>Crit amp
>mighty hit
>desperation auto skill
Desperation removes your extra attack for more AGI so you move first. Mighty hit crits so you get your extra turn back.

>dude, what if we just fight every single fucking star in the sky forever?

He's a lawfag in a chaosfags body. Of course he's dumb

He has autism but not the fun kind like Bunny does.

he needed sex
I want to impregnate her so fucking bad. Makoto is fine too.

>there's also no P2 anime

Bunny looks at the screen and smiles when you do

None of the good games have an anime, outside of Persona 3.

How did phys outdo magic so hard?

Making babies with Io inside of a cardboard box!

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For all the positive answers? I don't think so

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You guys did listen to best cousin, right?

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Hell yeah motherfucker

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>overclocked doesnt work on citra
Fuck my life, atleast Record breaker does

Naoya’s route was absolute kino.

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>Devil Survivor 3
>Focuses on the influence and dangers of technology on humanity
>Demon Summoning Program leaks as usual
>Demons possess technology and spark a Terminator esque situation where machines attack society
>The protagonist joins a force where they summon demons to control mecha so they can fight against the thread
I really want a Mecha SMT game, lads.

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I actually really like Devil Survivor, because it touches on other mythology or lore like Devil Summoner, and relatively tell their own stories. Or at least, DeSu 2 broke off into it's own territory like that. I really hope they revive Devil Survivor, or Summoner. It would be nice.

The King of Bel and Abel and Cain storyline was one of my favorite things about DeSu 1 and I also really enjoyed the Septentriones as well.

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GO BACK TO /smtg/ you said that place is better then here.

>actually need to use demon racial skills to reach objectives, protect allies, etc
>actually need to use demons because the enemies aren't pushovers
>physical attackers and amped elemental magic attacks are important because you can't roll over everything with holy dance

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Party over here

I'd like to see something with the book of revelation
>God raptures his people
>societal collapse
>the lamb of god opens up the scroll with seven seals
>you deal with demons and threats corresponding to the number of the seal broken
>your characters are caught between a war with the anti Christ and his demonic forces and God's angelic forces in the final battle for the souls of man
>final bosses can be the lamb of god and the beast emerging from the lake of fire
It sounds pretty DeSu1 but I want all out war

>even the figure has anti-gravity tits

Kaneko could draw some pretty dope mecha designs. I'm surprised there wasn't a more technology centric title.

never forget

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Would you trust this man with your life, Yea Forums?

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>never ever for the west

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>He didn't hack his 3DS and get the content
Dude, why

Post your desu teams



Japan gets all the cool stuff

>DeSu 1
>DeSu 2

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Without hesitation.

*blobs in your path*

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>Devil Survivor I Overclocked (Overlord Route)
>Black Frost
It's a shame you get so many of the characters on the 8th day, like shit man. The orange haired girl made Multi-Strike utterly broken.

>play through Gin’s route and bring Black Frost on my team
>get to the part where all of your demons get taken away, including Black Frost
>now left with one less party member
In hindsight, I probably should’ve seen that coming.

Abel, Atsuro and some tits and Black Frost whenever possible

Rabbit, Fumi, Otome and Jungo for huge nukes and huge breasts

Based Fumi

She’s too great.

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Imagine the smell.

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>this is nice
Bunny was based as fuck.

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Post more Io, please.

Can we discuss Persona


This is a DeSu thread, user.


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Isn't there another thread for that?

Go make a persona thread if you want to talk about it. We're different fandoms, very different

>there is no p3 anime
I thought the movies were amazing

easiest (You)s user has ever gotten

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Quick, post the best DeSu tracks.

I'm pretty sure Kaneko did design Keisar Ephes mecha for SRW, maybe he did some designs there or somewhere else



I just want to discuss some fucking Persona, guys. You don't have to be this way. Please. I can't discuss that shit in the Persona threads. Those guys are fucking insane.

I thought devil survivor's ost was just okay. desu2 had some nice battle themes though, you can tell they added a good composer.

Worst one is the generic battle theme with the random lyrics. Does anyone know what it's supposed to be saying?


Try /vg/ or the general megaten thread that happens to be on Yea Forums right now

Attached: oifey pls.png (441x181, 12K)

I also want to talk about the games but I know they'll just shit up this thread. Try and search for genuinely good ones like the door kun anniversary one

DeSu2 has the superior ost desu senpai


I always thought it was saying
>Accept your might
>You are killing
>Brine me the demon
>Escape the town
And in any case, I actually liked DeSu’s 1 soundtrack. My only problem with it was just how repetitive it can get.

Classic Belphegor, looking bored as shit,

>Bai Suzhen
Not a bad crew. Let's see how far they can go.

Unironically this is true. I advocate actual discussion for Persona, but fuck Personafags.

baal is based

Attached: Baal2.jpg (1364x2636, 570K)

The threads could get bad at times but they somehow got even worse thanks to the flood of Smashfags and newfags.

These things have such basic bitch designs. Except for the blue one.

>tfw Kishin + Dragon
Rapid fire sniping

>tfw wilder+avian
Literally go to any space in the map

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Cute bellybutton.

Be honest, who else tried chawanmushi because of this game?

>not almighty multistrike

Crossover when?

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Lol nigger

If you do the math 40 str Assassinate with phy amp does more damage to a boss than multistrike


This fits way too well.

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Someone post the Io smirk edit.

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Based as fuck.

Why does Fumi never have any shoes on? Stupid sexy bitch

I knew it wasn't coincidence, he made them best girls on fucking purpose

Where the fuck is 3

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In the same bin where Raidou 3 is.


Raidou 3, DeSu 3, very soon.

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Do you get any reflect skills before you fight spica in triangulum? I need to figure out the best way to approach it.

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Stop playing..

But I want to play Devil Survivor, user.

The fun ends here.

Otome was that perfect ara ara obasan.

The confession scene with her was cute. Would wife.

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Are there any demons you guys stick with for the entire game?

>Multi-Strikes your entire team

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desu3 needs more stats, just add dex or luk or some shit. Way too many of the characters feel redundant, the fate system kinda tried to remedy that but it isn't enough

He's an endgame demon though

I always bring him on New Game+.

that obviously doesn't count

That sounds kino af at least. Sounds like something Simon would say (he did)


I wish Garuda was a Unique demon, instead of a basic bitch enemy.

But if he was unique you could only have one of him

Of course I would, just like how he'd do the same for me.

>jobs to blob man

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What's the ultimate MC build in devil survivor 1? I mean a specific order to allocate stats. E.g. magic to ?, agility to 6 for ice dance, ??? ratio of magic and agility, 6 vit for endure, 8 strength for holy dance, etc. Not sure if it's worth pumping str/vit to 12 each for null phys, or to go full glass cannon. And what auto skills are worthwhile aside from tailwind?

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Max the fuck out of magic, allocate some points into VI for Anti-Most, ST and VI for Phys Drain, and boom.

when do you get anti-all in naoya's route?

Oh, and pick up Magic Yang and Drain as well.

You can get it off of Babel on the final day IIRC.

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Can you unlock all routes and also get black frost in desu1 if you pick the right options? Or do you have to prioritize?

You can unlock most routes, yeah, though Black Frost won’t join you on specific routes such as Amane’s.

I mean because of the limited time events and stuff, you have to choose whether to see event A or event B, etc. I'm wondering if you can unlock everything at once if you play your cards right.

I usually have around 30 points in MAG, and the right amount in the rest so I can equip specific skills. I really wish they gave you two points per level up, but you had to allocate said points to different stats instead of both on one specific stat.

Mostly, yeah. I went out of my way to get to the Black Frost events and found myself being able to unlock most of the routes just fine in one go.

yes, if you ignore the people who don't have routes and don't fuck up kaido and keisuke's events getting everyone maxed should be no problem

>that scene where Kaido sets Keisuke on fucking fire
I was not prepared.

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Stop bumping the thread, please Ryan
Let it die
We can't discuss P5 here
They won't find us here
It's not the right time

Devil Survivor was unironically dark. Now that I look back, that scene was pretty dank. Poor Atsuro had to witness his friend getting bodied.

He worked on Zone of the Enders

Attached: InhertZOE2.jpg (1864x3124, 982K)

I have not thought about living until yesterday

Atsuro also has to deal with one of his online friends getting killed while in the middle of unlocking a government conspiracy, plus seeing his teacher die if you screw up. I’m surprised the poor guy didn’t break down at all.

Oh damn, that’s pretty cool.

>Letting Ms. Mari die
I always body Kudlak, always.

Who the fuck is Ryan?

Relax, Ryan
Let's discuss P5 in peace, before the P3 shills and SMT babbies find us

Meme forced on /smtg/ by one autist, just ignore it

Sucking on Io's fat titties

Attached: 5ba80377485a35f430bb2aee1bd09589.jpg (600x600, 135K)

What’s with all the Megaten related autists, lately? First there’s the Ryan poster, then there’s the #FEfag, and now there’s one autist who won’t stop bitching about Press Turn.

I always save her but I tell her to go home instead of letting her join. Yes, I'm fully aware she's the best non-mc mage in the game.

None of those people are actually autists, especially when "Ryan" is a meme. Even I use it.

user, I hate to break it to you...

Attached: bunny.png (460x640, 203K)

>FEfag isn't an autist
>Press Turn fag isn't an autist even though he's been using flawed criticisms and retarded arguments to explain why PT is shit in threads for weeks, specifically the JRPG thread
>Ryanfag isn't an autist even though he's a schizo from discord
Holy shit, what the fuck man?

Imagine getting called an autist by Bunny by all people. How much would that sting?

Press turn is a bad combat system, #FE is a good game, and "Ryan" doesn't exist. You been fed lies. What's the problem?

Supposedly some group of people have been going around, purposely trying to fuck with Megaten threads lately.

Holy shit, fuck off.


Because it’s fags like you that ruin almost every SMT related thread on Yea Forums.

None of is that true and you don't have a slice of evidence to back it up.

How so?

that bait gotta taste real good huh

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Takes one to know one, I guess.

>let her join
>get to Overlord route
>she’s actually more than willing to kill niggas
Underrated girl, tbqh.

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Is a world of solitude really that bad?

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Oh shit the other smt thread hit the bump limit and got archived. Someone go set up a decoy thread to keep the shitposters busy so we can keep the devil survivor discussion going.

>Press Turn bad!
It's flawed, sure, but it's still enjoyable. I'd prefer more depth to it, or ways to make encounters more interesting even with harder difficulty options, but that doesn't make it bad. Speaking of gameplay difficulty, Apocalypse was a good step forward.
>FE is a good game
Gameplay, sure. Everything else, is borderline awful. It's not even really a proper crossover. Literally just a FE RPG with SMT combat.
>Ryan doesn't exist
That doesn't change the fact that there's some autist purposely spamming it everywhere, and derailing threads to boot. If anyone is tossing around lies, it's you.

He did do SRW stuff, two designs
>Cyber races
>That teacher who cyborgs himself in If
>Raidou's Souless god
Where the fuck is a 1/64 model of the souless god?
Or even full artwork notes for it

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One can not improve themselves without first experiencing hardships

>Reading comprehension
When did I said it was true? That's why I said "supposedly". It's a fact that the person going around saying Ryan comes from discord, and is a shitposter specifically targeting Megaten threads. That's all I know.

Seriously, I want this thing's concept art or a model

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Am I supposed to remember that?
None of the boss in that game were hard or memorable.

I liked how Airi actually turned out to be a non-shit tsunere.

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Based and Kresnikpilled. I specifically fused her one for aesthetic purposes

I forget, is it possible to unlock all the routes/keep everyone alive in a single playthrough of 1?
I'm too lazy to do multiple playthroughs I just wanna have everything ready on day 7

I see you are a man of culture as well.

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she's okay but the competition is too strong desu

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yes, but you need to do everything right and not waste time on empty events or people like Haru and the other guy

>It's flawed, sure, but it's still enjoyable
But it's not. Its basic and mind numbingly boring.
>Speaking of gameplay difficulty, Apocalypse was a good step forward
How so. No VIT, INT or even HP for physical skills.
>Everything else, is borderline awful
How So? Characters are fine and the story is run-of the mill but nothing terrible.
>That doesn't change the fact that there's some autist purposely spamming
That "austist" never spammed shit. It's actually other people using it for laughs, since retards derail due to being unable to obnoxiously not reply.

To be fair, no DeSu 2 girl is bad.

When did Airi ever have a fat ass?

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>Unsheathes Yamato
>Activates Devil Trigger
>Teleports across Tokyo, killing Oni's
>Summons the Tower of Kagatsuchi
>Goes to the Womb of Grief to steal your fruit

Attached: image.gif (427x240, 875K)

I was actually able to get to Haru’s events and still be able to keep everyone alive whenever I play through the game.

When is Vergil gonna make a cameo in an SMT game as well?

>I'm surprised there wasn't a more technology centric title.
Cyber/Machine Race "demons" need to be more common in newer titles. Pluto was cool in IV.
Hell if I recall in SMTI, fucking robot drones were patrolling the city in both the 90's and by 2030 (or maybe just post nukes, been a long time)

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When Kaneko comes back

>Ryan and his boyfriend shitting up a good thread
Retards. Let's discuss something new. If DeSu 3 were to happen, what animal would you like the protagonist to be associated with, instead of a Bunny?

In your opinion, it is. In my and other’s opinions, it’s not. Learn the difference, dude.

>one man spamming it or stupid niggers using it as a buzzword
Both scenarios are fucking disgusting really.

I feel it is immensely important to let everyone know the official name of this enemy is "Rabbai".

Maybe a dog or wolf?

If someones opinion is that Complie hearts games are good, does that mean they are good?

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Subjectivity is a thing, man. I personally haven’t played Compile Heart but I’m not gonna go around shitting up threads about it.

*is the better megaten srpg*

Attached: MaTIIJapan.png (923x1664, 2.87M)

HP for Physical skills is arguably more broken, since you aren't limited to relying on Magic reverses. Not once did I ever find myself about to die from abusing STR abilities in Nocturne, or DDS for that matter. I wouldn't mind the HP consumption for Physical skills returning, though. As for FE's plot, it's borderline idolshit. Beyond mediocrity, downright trash.

desu3 should just split physical damage into different types desu

And there's a point when subjectivity is wrong.

What a dumb question. That would depend on their design you idiot.

Only the 2nd one, and even then the skills are lacking heavily. That's made up with better map design, though. The first game is horrific.

Not even Beldr?

So, going by your logic, isn’t your subjective opinion wrong since the majority seems to hold SMT games in high regard?

It's just post-nukes if I remember right.

Which isn't the case in this discussion, since we're arguing over turn based mechanics in a JRPG. You tried, though.

Dog or bust.
I wonder if they'd rehash/call back in a later game the whole "pet becomes demon" thing
>robo preacher guard
Fucking AG translations confused me before I looked up the demons
Give sauce

Wrong game dumbass, OP's boss is from DeSu2.

What a dumb response.

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HP for Physical skills major problem is there is no risk vs reward at play since the scaling is so low. You are never in danger since taking 50 HP off a member with 300-400 HP is nothing. They just need to make this scaling higher.

I was basing that question on the notion that the outfit they wear is based on an animal, smooth head. I should have been more specific, though.

>HP for Physical skills is arguably more broken
Why not just have seperate bars for Phys and magic skills

No, since speaking from objectivity isn't the same thing.

>Playing Deus 2 for the first time, hyped up for the final battle against Polaris
>Get through the first phase with minor difficulties, and anxious to see how phase 2 goes
>Tfw the first time hearing Will of The Species
Damn, were we suppose to be fighting or grooving?
Devil Survivor dancing game, never

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Yeah, and it's objectively bad.

Oh, this meme again

Who's got some Otome art?

It's not a meme

I played 2 a long time ago (and the extra arc in Record Breaker when it came out), but I haven't played 1 yet. How time consuming is it to play all of the endings?

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The Machine Race does exist, but it's limited to enemies, mostly. Is there any mythology with robot or android like figures? That could work, I guess.

calm down buddy, thought you said those games

>my opinions count as objective fact
You don’t get out much, do you?

>Physical attacks cost "Stamina" now
>When you run out of Stamina, Physical attacks consume HP
>The scaling is higher, the more HP you have, and the higher the rank of move
I could see this working, possibly.

There's a couple automatons in Greek myth.
You could probably make demons out of Da Vinchi's inventions or the Terracotta soldiers which might fight Machine race.


Attached: 1527637553577.jpg (200x275, 35K)

Show me your belly button, then.

>Some autist starts defending a boogeyman, and the word he uses
>Proceeds to use the terms objectivity and subjectivity incorrectly
Just ignore, or report him.


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I agree with you but I don't think that's going to work.

thats the full image. There is no source

Attached: 61333574_p0.png (700x700, 292K)

Kama had great taste.

They aren't a opinion. They would have a bias around it.

unless the picture was magically produced from thin air there has to be a source


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Thanks fren. Meant more of the lewd variety, but classy works best on her.

Someone told me DeSu 2 was really similar to Stein's Gate. Is that true?

What the fuck was his problem?

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Didn't have much sex, drank too much Lawsoylent

>enter strange area
>get wiped by a single Jueyuan
How far am I in the game if I'm at the art museum

I got it from another thread and reversed image searched and didn't get any hits. idk what the source is

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Soul Hackers? Not very far.

He went full lawfag.

>maybe i'll do a law run this time
>does chaos again anyway
i can't escape my nature

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Not him, but a lot of these images probably come from Pixiv, or Twitter. That's why there's no direct link to sauce, or anything.

To be fair, Naoya’s Chaos route is kino as fuck.
>route is so based that even the resident lawfag can join it

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Oh my.

yamato in a drag looks cute not gonna lie

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Using saucenao can sometimes give a Pixiv link but Twitter really is a lost cause.

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We don’t deserve Bunny.

Fuck man, how do I fuse Satan in this game?

with love

Does DeSu 2 have a super boss like Lucifer in it?
There's so much Greek mythology left untouched. Unironically, I'm kind of upset that they stopped using it, after Persona 3.

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If you didn't Chaos in both games you are a big gay

The anime may have been shit but at least it gave us more of Airi’s belly button.

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you fight the ticos, can't say if they're stronger as I haven't done it

but I did. Naoya is based and Yamato was right all along

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Yes and boring

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Why are DeSu threads so comfy compared to Persona threads and SMT threads as of late?

you jinxed it

Good evening boomer, I've come for your daughter

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This outfit would have been better without the long arm sleeves. Literally what.

This outfit would have been better without the dumb flower on her head. Literally what.

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>all the waifuposting ITT
>no love for best boy
I am disappoint

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Psyduck is great.

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I dunno, I think the flower crown is cute on her, and matches the hair.

What the fuck does this even mean

she can't possibly walk comfortably with sleeves like these can she?

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DeSu 2

No, she can't. She's actually pretty sexual, or flirtatious in the manga, though.

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i think you need the haru events for her route

I want to fill her mouth with the word of god

haru doesn't have a route, she just blocks everyone else's if she an heros


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>Somehow managed to get Daichi Reset on my first playthrough
>Phase 2 of Polaris
>You have to fight yourselves
That track and that phase made that fight for me honestly.

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Rather convert her over to the beauty that is chaos

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please continue

Why was the music in DeSu so absolutely slap? This series has such underrated music, in every title. DDS, Nocturne, DeSu, Devil Summoner, the mainline, it's insane.

how do you fuck it?

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He was right.

He's like a nerdy kenshiro, killing whoever he considers evil. Does he count as a lawfag? I don't think the angels approved of him and I think yama is classified under chaos.

>Does anyone know what it's supposed to be saying?
Something like
>Accept your might
>You are killing
>Bring your demons
>Escape the town
Only one I'm iffy on is the third, really hard to make that one out.

>Slapping Betatron to youtube.com/watch?v=SvPfYK01j0Y
So good.

>yamato literally brainwashes the world
yamato = law
ronaldo = stupider law
reset = neutral
psyduck = chaos
waterworld = stupider chaos

I think waterworld is stupider neutral honestly.

>psyduck = chaos
>waterworld = stupider chaos

yama was the one doing the killing, keisuke was not much more than a bodygaurd/escort

>Overlord route
>piss off Betatron so much that he comes down from the heavens itself to try and kick your ass
>you then proceed to fully awaken to your Bel powers and summon the Bels you’ve defeated before to wreck his shit
>go on to take the fight to God himself
So fucking kino.

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Reset is neutral because it keeps polaris but doesn't involve brainwashing. Chaos is chaos because you kill polaris, society is erased, and the world is reduced to a shithole.

Shaggy-Kun.. I can't beat DeSu 2..

Devil Survivor would be great if
it had more RAPE

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Yamato is a Chaos guy using Law methods while Ronnie is a Law guy using Chaos methods.
Psyduck is Neutral if anything.

Holy shit, Assassinate+Pierce+Chaos Wave+Flight made it so that I could send Alcor to anywhere on the map and just ruin someone. It felt like I was cheesing the game.

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>This series has such underrated music

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Rapefag, pls.

But the intentions behind it were so that humanity could live in a world without god. It wasn't some wurld of str shit, they decided to believe in their own potential and survive/rebuild but without Polaris' influence hanging over them.
The world going to shit was a consequence sure, but it wasn't their main objective.

Saiduq is literally Lucifer, though

God I wish DeSu had modding tools available, hell, even a ROM hack would be nice.

imagine resetting the world into a shithole and having to repopulate the planet with Io

I agree

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same here, I want a hard mode so much I'd be willing to make it if tools were available.


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>Saiduq is literally Lucifer, though

he's lucifer's stand in, he's not "literally" lucifer.

That sounds like a great thing

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>kill god, believe in humans potential to rebuild a chaotic shithole into a better world
sounds familiar

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Killing God can be neutral, user. See: IVA

>Saiduq is literally Lucifer, though
I don't remember this being mentioned in the game.

I really appreciate these DeSu threads. I don't even really mind the waifu posting since we're enjoying actual discussion. Keep being based, everyone. DeSu 3, eventually. I kind of hope they use another setting for the story if we do end up getting a sequel, though. As its a spinoff, it shouldn't really have the same restraints as the mainline. Better maps too, please.

Io is for pure love, not rape.

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then why did they give her huge tits

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That user fucked up. He's connected to Lucifer, though.

Even lawfags want God gone

Don't act like she wouldn't love it. She's even pissing, Io is kinky as fuck.

Same here. It’s nice to get some actual discussion on this site that isn’t just mindless shitposting and shitflinging.

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>Better maps too, please.
I've always wondered, what do people mean exactly by better maps? More objectives/timed objectives? More environmental hazards? Introducing defensive and/or offensive terrain?

>I kind of hope they use another setting for the story
be careful what you wish for, we may end up going full idolshit or something

We were already partway there in DeSu 2, might as well go full hog.

Like something like this.

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fuck off with those bullshit reinforcements

Yeah I'm curious about this too. I know there are some bland maps in the early stages but the boss fight maps all had their peculiarities that affected the way you went about your tactics.

>random brigands pop up and one shot clarine and lalum

It's called great genetics

Io is sweetheart, she is for passionate mating press only

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That's a problem with same turn reinforcement cancer, not a problem with the lmao design. If it didn't have that it would be 10/10


Also hate how klein and tate sometimes decide not to move, but their troops move towards you so you need to kill them to get to the recruitable character.

that map design isn't particularly more complex than DeSu tho, it's just bigger. And bigger maps would hurt the pacing in DeSu because combat takes longer

Ehhh, I find it more reliant on how generally shit most of your units are or SAME TURN REINFORCEMENTS than the map design itself being difficult. If I were to pick a FE example I'd go with Conquest 10 for better map design.
Personally I feel the issue with DeSu lies in the average encounters being too easy rather than the maps themselves.

Binding Blade was such bullshit. Still better than any of the maps in recent games. Conquest, was nice though.

Makin Tensei did it perfectly fine, though. Just speed up the combat, and we should be good. I don't think anyone is asking for massive maps, just maps that require more strategy, or different routes to explore for victory.

I think (certain) Fire Emblem maps are great but I can't think of anything concrete that would make devil survivor maps better.

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That level has lots elements to it. You have to get to the villages before the bandits get to it, three potential characters to recruit, keeping the allies alive for a reward, all while being swarm by powerful enemies and having Roy reach the throne. It's a very complex map.

lol looks like shit

It's not that your units are shit, Binding Blade just has enemies with beefy stats unlike all the other games in FE but the DS and 3DS games.

Devil Survivor is not really about map design.

The one of the only real things that I can think of is introducing defensive and offensive terrain to break up the monotony of there only being passable and impassable terrain. Outside of that, I don't know, introduce Fog of War but make it not broken like most IS games?

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People keep mentioning Majin Tensei, but can I get the redpill on it?

Alioth was much, much worse for me.

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Simon had the power to back him up, Ronaldo has fuck all to back him up since 9 times out of 10 Bunny is the one who ends up the strongest there is

the reason why these elements are of any concern at all are mostly tied to the same turn reinforcements and dumb ally AI tho

Pretty much this.

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t. Vergil

For him I started strategically have way through the round, then the paths and flight enemies fucked me up something fierce so I decided to just fudge it and suicide rush the boss. Killed him a few turns later.

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No? If it didn't have same turn reinforcements and Klein and Tate didn't have that 25% chance of not moving it would be the same. You still have to rush the villages before the bandits get them on the right side of the map, move Clarine/Roy over Klein which then needs to move to Tate, the green allies will still need to be protected so they don't die. The level design constantly pushes you forward. It's smart use of anti-turtle incentives.

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>Your Mistletoe is no mach for my TOW-Missile!

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Always had the mental image of the MC using the charm as a knuckle duster to repeatedly punch Beldr’s face in.

Desu has some bangers, 2 especially. It's a damn shame that only mainline and Persona with its spin-offs get any sort of representation at concerts, some live tracks from either Desu would be jamming.


Nice nipples.

the green allies are a pain indeed but I addressed that. It's true you can't sit duck forever but you're exaggerating a lot desu, you just keep pushing to the right it's not big deal and getting to klein is an absolute non-issue. Dealing with Thea is also trivial besides the dumb AI I mentioned before

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Anyone know how I can backup a 3ds save file to my PC? I want to start a fresh desu2 playthrough but don't want to erase the current files.
The 3ds is using rxtools. I don't want to change anything else I don't have to.

why the fuck are you still using that ancient piece of tash

jk's save manager

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good thread but it's bedtime now, have some milkies

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Thanks user.

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You have to deal with powerful enemies so it's not as simple as just pushing to the right, since a good tactic is using rescue abuse to flyer over the walls.

There are so many things you can do to Io's milkers.

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Like fondling, sucking, and of course paizuri.

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But of course.

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Reminder that JPs did nothing wrong

desu3 needs a ng+ mode where enemies gets harder, really kills my ng+ mood when the mook stays shit while only added a couple of new bosses

>Raidou 3, DeSu 3
But Atlus makes only Persona now

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all at the same time naturally

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People actually want raidou 3?

Raidou is popular in Japan, and quite a lot of people have mentioned wanting a sequel here.

Is it possible to do luck only runs?

I just start a new file when I want to replay, fuck ng+

I actually preferred the administrator ending to the Triangulum over the "good" ending

Sacrificing yourself to save the world > lol more resets

Not him; but I want a new Devil Summoner in general, detective stories are fun.

There's no luck stat in devil survivor so I'm not sure what you mean

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I couldn’t agree more.

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It makes only the most logical sense

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wrong thread lol

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Okay I'm reinstalling devil survivor 2 rb and this time I'm gonna play the undub. Looking forward to doing the triangle route for the second time.
I did yamato's route the first time, how many fights are different in psyduck's?

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Keisuke was the one summoning him for judgement in the first place wasn't he?

Yeah, through his desire for justice and what not.

>DeSu 3, eventually
Will it though? Realistically speaking? I want it badly but I'm not lying to myself

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Wouldn't that make him also responsible for killing people

>about half he playable characters only join you on the last day
>not even all of them

There's nothing really hinting at the series to be dead honestly. Games aren't made in rapid succession.

Because they do not share your ideals and would rather fight to the death than let you have your way. Welcome to megaten.

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Hilariously enough Kaido actually points that out before barbecuing his ass if you don’t make it in time to stop his dumb ass from getting killed.

>1st playthrough in DeSu
>No one dies, got all endings available
>2nd playthrough in DeSu Oveclocked
>Keisuke got BTFO, only Naoya and Yuzu routes open
I don't know what went wrong but at least I was going for Naoya's route anyway, what a cool game.

Doesn't assassinate need the minions to be up to deal full damage or am I remembering wrong?

Did you give Kaido the bag

No, I thought I would've lost Mari that way. I thought my mistake was getting in the fight exactly at 13:00 instead of earlier. Now I have to look at Kaido's stupid murder face in Naoya's route.

Kaido comes to assist you in the battle if you give him the bag, distracting him from Keisuke's rampage.

Hero had a hard life.

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That would've made things a lot easier in that fight, serves me right for not trusting Kaido.
If Keisuke was alive would he still be in my team if I went on Naoya's route?


He’ll actually join Yuzu and Midori in leaving you if you go for Naoya’s route but he can come back if you take the time to look for him on Naoya’s 8th Day.

I'm at the 6th day of DS2.
I've got Fumi, Joe, Jungo, Keita, Daichi, Yamato at 4
Everyone else at 3 except Ronaldo and AO is both at two.

What ending should I go for? Yamato's?

Yes, and you should get everyone else except Ronaldo and AO to 4 immediately ESPECIALLY Io.

Will I have enough time? I know about Io. But it's 12:00 and I honestly don't think I can get the others. I will at least try to get otome and Io.

Did you talk to Io after Lugh test results?
You can ignore Makoto because she automatically joins in day 7

Haven't got there yet.

Then do so.
There's a lot of reputation points between the battles so just focus on the ones you're missing

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This thread is great.

I think he was referring to Trinity Soul

So never

built for mating pressing

Why is she so perfect?

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I tried to install desu2rb undub .cia but after taking an hour to get to 99% I get an error telling me it failed. Any ideas hot to fix this?

>Persona 3 with Desu 2 characters
>Desu 2 with Persona 3 characters


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>yakuza thugs
they're basically just slanty eyed niggers, he did the world a favor

>Yuzu and Io will never give you a double paizuri
Why even live

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P3 movies were really good though

I know your pain, brother.

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Played only 2
Magic bunny


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>Fumi will never be real

Give me one fucking reason to live
Protip: you can't

It's such a shame.

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There's several day-only demons and if you defeat them you get to fight Alice in the old desur2