PCSX2 - Shadow of the Colossus

can anybody help me with this im trying to get sotc to run on pcsx2
my specs are
geforce gtx 1050 ti
AMD ryzen 5 1600
and 16 gigs of ram

Attached: download.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

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PM'd you the fix OP

SotC is too good a game to be squandered on emulation.

OP here, what is it

the dream is dead mate

Attached: ok.jpg (1024x661, 132K)

OP here, i have to game on ps2 just was hoping for a better experience

dont even go there

shouldn't panel 1 say "you"?

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Step 1: Throw your PC in the garbage
Step 2: Purchase a PS4 Pro and SOTC Remastered
Step 3: Enjoy

Now you've done it. Soon he'll come down with full force, pasta in hand.

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I heard the PS3 emulator version runs better

How's Demon's Souls on RCPS3? Can I connect to private servers with it?

I just tried to figure it out yesterday.
follow this.

Good luck trying to get help from anyone about rpcs3, those people are absolutely ravenous about piracy.

you can emulate it but not well on AMD probably

that might be true but the ps3 version had worse gameplay due to some bugs.

good but no. older versions run it better than newer ones.

I guess

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You could ask for help without mentioning piracy, you tard.

>Not getting the definitive edition from BluePoint where only autistic in denial cuckvirgins protest

They direct you to the discord, then ask for you to dump a legit version of the game. There's no avoiding it other than lurking their discord.

>m-maybe if we shun pirates, they won't shut us down!
god, the utter paranoia and bootlicking.

the fuck are you talking about dude

> asking for help with piracy
> not respecting the original developers
> not paying money for the original hardware and original disc
reported and called the cops. don't ever post here again you disgusting subhuman. even better, kill yourself.

this thread has literally nothing to do with piracy and if you aren't playing the ps2 version you don't respect the original developers.

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OP's friend here. I lent her my copy of the game. It's legit.

Ask a question and they won't help until you can prove you're not a pirate by posting a log file of the game id. Forums are the same way.

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what a total shitfire

I'm surprised they don't have DRM to validate your gamedumps

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the dream is dead mate

Attached: pcsx2sotc.webm (616x480, 2.6M)

So this is the average Sony poster...literally a So(n)yboy

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>making fun of kids for being lanky

Just get PS Now and stream it through that, will work much better than PS2 emulation, which is fucking shit.

Don't bother, I have an AMD processor and it starts stuttering like a retard after a few colossi.

works for me

the worst advice

Attached: sotc.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

Better would be to just play it on the PlayStation remastered version but I’m assuming OP doesn’t have that.

Emulation for PlayStation after PS1 is just an absolute mine field, so much effort for such unpredictable and limited results.

At least with PS Now and a decent internet connection, you’ve got something reliable that works.

no mate, the ps3 version on ps3 or psnow or whatever is garbage because wander can't climb bosses easily

People played this game on pc ten years ago, how is it you can't?

Sony shills spreading fud about emulators? Hmmmmmmm.

They already have superior version, no need to be mad PC cuck.

superior to what?
playing for free?
No such thing exists you kike

> playing
> on a PS2 emulator

Good one.

this guy

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