
All forum outlets:


JP: Theorycrafting is fun, it will be interesting to see these new changes and how we can adapt to brand new playstyles, I'm excited to finally play Shadowbringers!

What the fuck is wrong with the west?

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Other urls found in this thread:


FSHbros where you at?

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still in the closet

Reporting in.

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Reminder that we aren’t WoW until every job has only 4-5 buttons total

Only thing I care about is what they do about the housing situation. Even on my backwater low pop server there are literally ZERO empty plots in and district. The system is still way too easy to abuse. If it's meant to be this way where not everyone can have a house at once, then that needs to be specifically stated in the ads for the game and on the website and on the subscription payment page. If they don't add more wards I'm dropping my sub.

Posting this again doesn't make your whining less annoying.

good thing your game is working towards that, ey tranny?

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>I'll just make a remix of Tchaikovsky's Sugar-Plum Fairy and Uematsu's Battle on the Big Bridge

Soken you fucking madman!

Blocks your path

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Shields stack

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I'm tempted to make a rabbit but I know I'll regret not being able to use helmets and hats.

Here's your new race, bro.

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Mmos have been dead since 2004

I thought the same but then I checked and the only helms and hats I actually glammed were DRK AF, BLM AF and SCH AF.
Still a sacrifice but I can live with it.

Waiting for Ruby Dragon's next window.

It's coming along. This is after about 10 days of progress. I got a couple bastards left (Sea Butterfly, Ruby Dragon, Unconditional and Warden) but now I'm really just cleaning up some staggered ARR fish and always-ups now that I don't always have ones on a timer to get.

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>Go afk for 10 minutes
>Come back to someone having molested my character via emotes

I feel dirty...

I for one cannot wait for the cookie cutter rotations every job is forced into, and the patches to force it if it doesn't exist yet.

The only fucked job is BLU and no one else deserves to complain

That's not a lala. Those fucking potatoes don't have curves.

I have headwear toggled off all the time anyway, because most of them look fucking retarded

i'd play blm and have this as my title

>SAM only getting improvements. Double Midare, ST Guren, our own Forbidden Chakra
>MNK goes fucking fast, GL4, GL upkeep during intermissions, AoE TFC
>BLM somehow made even more perfect
Feels so fucking good bros

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I want a cute Alphinaud boyfriend!


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>JP: Ah yes fuck me in the ass Yoshi I love all the garbage you give me shit in my mouth mmmmmm
>NA: Uh bros, this doesn't look like it'll be fun and I think the devs made a mistake with this job direction for this expansion

What the fuck is wrong with nips?

I only play MNK as a combat job, so I'll become a muscle wizard.

Step off, asshole. Both twins are for ME!

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>nips have a much higher clear rate on ultimates
I don't fucking know, they must be absolutely whack lol

If only NA actually acted this calm.

Perfect size for bullying sex!

>posting this after being proven wrong

Oh shit, you can hear the full ShB boss theme starting at 15:20

SMN bros how are you going to fill the 40 seconds of downtime after you've used Firebird Trance? For the last 30 of those 40 seconds, you're going to need to hard cast your DoTs and lose out on that sweet, sweet Ruination buff. Hope you weren't saving up your Ruin IV procs because they'll do less DEEPS in that phase of your rotation.


Entitled fucking babies thats what.

I got nepto dragon and my title. I might be sated for now. Not sure going after the others will be as rewarding.

Helps when you're playing with 20 ping on the best internet infrastructure in the world. I still have to hope the server doesn't shit itself and boot my entire party just doing O12S runs.

>make what I think is a good looking female Elezen
>most of their emotes and expressions make them look like a tranny

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Are we sure Alphinaud is the boy twin, and Alisaie the girl twin?

>feeling proud about a title you can get in like 8 big fish total

Why isn't yurop getting hella clears then?

>people still play tomestone collector xiv

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Having done a cursory look at the other big fish, it just seems that they are all easy mode in comparison. Unga bunga powerful hookset. What will compare to Kuno the Killer?

>All of the retards in the last thread who obviously didn't know how to play MNK.

People know TK rotation is still in the game right? The only difference is that you do it every other RoF instead of every RoF window to make up for the extra minute added on PB. If Anatman can be used out of combat you will just use that pre-pull to get to GL4 to make up for the loss of Wind Tackle. Losing Steel Peak and Howling Fists sucks but on paper the massive 70% chance to open up chakra per crit should make up the loss in oGCD economy.


The same way I deal with the 2 minutes of downtime in live right now except I'll be even happier.

>he doesn't know

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There's never going to be a situation where you won't have to hardcast your DoTs at some point. Might potentially wind up with Bio/SC => Miasma/Aetherflow => R3/Fester since you have so many ways of skipping hardcast R3s now.

fuck this trash heap of a game

I don't play MNK, but wouldn't the 70% chance of getting chakra on crit be negated by losing IR?

what about EU?

Anatman doesn't give you anything unless you already have at least one greased lightning before casting it.

great edit desu

Made me lol :)

TK > SP/Demo > Anatman > BS/DK > FoF > continue

By all means, motivate me to a greater challenge.

I miss the leak threads ,now it's just blah blah trannies blah blah stop complaining about bad changes.

I don't like the community to be honest. There's too many obnoxious normies and it shows.
Someone tell me why I'm wrong.

I was just saying that you are not going to use anatman prepull unless you already have greased lightning from the last pull that hasn't expired yet.

Every single community has fucking shit people in it. You either have patience and wade through it until you meet people you like or you fuck off and continue being a loner neet

Yeah my bad I misread the post

Save your challenge logs next week, they get MGP bonus, too.

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I'm talking about the majority. The "reddit" of a community.

I'm saying reddit because usually the same people who are active in the community usually discuss in the reddit or discord.

Japan is also angry at what they’ve done to healers.

Not necessarily, but the 70% proc rate will then make your proc rate on crits incredibly close to 100% under Brotherhood. Point being at the end of the day is that you can still TK, its just that those TKs happen farther apart and you dont have IR to play as another window.

The only real major change is that trying for TK rotation is far more risky because you lost your easy access to GL recovery tools. So you will end up seeing a greater disparity between player skill on MNKs between those good enough at a fight where they dont need PB to protect their stacks to trade into damage and MNKs that do need to use it to cover their ass.

Just be glad you're not a DRG who looses 330 potency if they miss the positional on either Wheeling Thrust or Fang every time they have to do them.

Look at that fucking nose and neck, are we getting lalafell-elezen crossbreeds?

No it's not, go shitpost in your wow classic threads. FFXIV classes have way more variety and complexity than WoW at any point in its lifetime.

It likes to trim the fat every expansion, sure, but that's because there would be severe button bloat issues otherwise. It's not at all like what happened with WoW which is way, way more severe and genuinely dumbing things down to be braindead.

Help what is a good beginner class I just started the free trial. Assume maximum brainlet

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>JP: lol check out my getsapo glamour

Do people even bother with Wondrous Tales anymore?

Just...buy a fucking apartment?

Is there any difference in doing dungeons with pugs or with trust? Can I just do everything with trusts and avoid queues?

Why not nerf ogcds for healers and force them to use gcds for healing instead of dps? They keep making ogcds stronger,

I'm more offended by the fucking price and the god awful way it dyes, lad.

Did anyone ask Yoshi about PvP changes?

That shit is so rigged it's not worth bothering for the inevitable disappointment.

Trusts can only be used for the ShB MSQ dungeons.

Not a single question about pvp. Nobody gives a shit.

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Only the ShB MSQ dungeons will have trusts, none of the trials or side dungeons (like Dusk Vigil in HW)

Stethacantus is a fish that is only up a couple times a day on average. He requires an intuition proc that takes 2 Sculptors to get, so you need to double hook it. The problem is, is that Sculptor is a 1.5% catch off a mooch that shares a tug with a useless fish so you waste tons of GP just for every attempt. You also need fish eyes up to even catch sculptor, so that's more GP down the drain - you only have 2-3 shots per window because of the insane GP requirements (if you use hi cordials) to even get a sculptor.

Intentionally, you're supposed to catch these sculptors right at the end of their window because Steth is up right after it - else you'd waste valuable time of the 6 minute buff (which you'll likely need as Steth himself does not bite too often and can get away, as well as shares the same bite tug with those jape fish) However the saving grace is that sculptors are collectable, so if you have glove on and DO manage to double hook it, you can keep the "do want to collect this?" window up until Steth's window starts to get the full benefit of it.

Can you still earn XP with them?

Any tank job is braindead easy. If you don't mind that, and want easy and quick queues, play WAR or PLD

The really missed an oppritunity to have SAM get Tsubame Gaeshi after the job quest in which you duel totally notMusashi

Fuck you there are plenty of people who pvp in this game.

That's literally not what happened at all, it was some koreans making a petition or whatever but it didn't really go anywhere as far as i'm aware.

NA people weren't even aware it was an issue at all until they were informed, and even then it was more a 'oh, that's unfortunate' style response.

Pic related, male and female GNB /cpose

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I don't think they specified that, but I'm sure that you'll still get EXP. They did say that the dungeons would take 10-15 minutes longer with trusts because they won't be as good as competent players.

Can’t go wrong with warrior.

It's the influx of blizzard babies. Same thing is happening to PoE. Instant gratifiction zoomers that want everything handed to them without effort.

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Lancer! Best DPS at the start, has good armor and will carry your ass through the game.

Also gladiator! Fast queues which will save you time, very simple and that's a good thing since the game has a lot of stuff to teach you.

You can switch classes any time. I suggest you level dark knight the second you reach level 50 in ishgard because that's just the defacto class for everything.

Not him, but will the post Shadowbringers dungeons have Trust too?

I tried to get into pvp but I got bullied the fuck out.

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caring about a house is so cringe, i think the sims is more your speed


found something weird at isari

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cope poorfag



can't wait to be a cute lala gunbreaker

Damn, I like this but it's probably going to make winning the upcoming triple triad tournament a bitch.

Because our servers are the worst?
I've ever to have seen one single ucob clear of mine where the hatch doesn't stop floating midair.

Conjurer is max brainlet

Frosty did

W-what happened here?

That's it, I'm getting me rod.

JP doesn't give a shit about balance, they just adjust to the new meta and play whatever is good. Which is the correct mindset to have.

Why the FUCK do content creators who literally get paid to play the fucking game only play a few classes?
Jesus Christ if you're going to a fucking private event where you'll be shown the changes and shit for god's sake go play the damn job before attending the event.

>waa please think for me
the uninstall wizard, I don't want you in my groups.

Anything of important?

>dps doesn't use limitbreak

What will be the best job to solo old bosses with at level 80?

content creators only care about money. the games they play they are actually worse then the typical normal player and have low IQ

Yoshi said that they are currently pretty much busy with combat changes so it takes priority

warrior is unga till you bunga, you can just throw an overpower in dungeons and you're already an expert, this game cuddles you for 50 levels and the community doesn't mind newbies like you if you inform them

Asked if they are going to put up the feast glamors on mogshop, and Yoshi said to please look forward to it.

that's literally my lala appearance in-game. good to see it get official art.

desu I'd try to become a crafter or gatherer during the event and see if I could sneak peek their skills in the menu.

>rdm uses it immediately
>no one sees the aoe

>wasting your time with that shit
>even asking without already knowing

>female gnb does lightnings battle pose

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Warrior is pure unga bunga at low levels. Once you get to 50 you can play Red Mage which even the most dried out wojack brain can play.

MTQ just flooded her channel with tooltip information you could find nicely written on other websites.

Why would I grind my ass of in Thordan for 99 shits now when I can wait to level 80?

war spams fel cleave
drk spams bloodspiller
pld spams holy spirit
did i get it right?

Reminder that FOTM shitters should be kicked from your group immediately.

ultimately depends on what boss. some cannot be solo'd like t9 because the way the mechanics work.

Any word if trusts can be used for primals, or if we'll have to rely upon our 7 random fishing friends like usual for those?

master baiting

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I always try to use LB3 as RDM in irrelevant content like 24man just to trigger people.

amazing yikes

>Assume maximum brainlet
Why fuck do you dumb anime posters always say shit like "I'm so dumb, I can't handle a complex job, what an ex class for a dummy". Have some fucking self respect and stop acting like such a faggot, this game isn't rocket science and even if it is be willing to learn.

t9 has already been solo'd bro.

Who else here only got good changes/additions to their main job and, in addition to that, is greatly enjoying all the seethe from other players (especially from SCH mains)?

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Agreed. As much as I hate happy and larry at least they tried every job and made videos on them all. Some of these fags played just the new ones and nothing else.

alright fag fuck off back to vg now

By which tank?

Member Stoneskin
Memeber Cleric Stance
Member Internal Release
Member Phlebotomize

warrior or paladin, redmage is a variable

who is best boy and why is it hoary boulder?

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fuck off cunt

Yep. My changes look great and all the asspain is amusing.

>they change SCH from being too good at damage to being better at healing
good, let the shitters reroll

Based Paladin of course. Scholar has also done it.

Are they new abilities be updated for pvp at least when ShB comes out?

The XIV content community is fucking trash. The jobs in this game aren't complex enough to warrant only playing a role.
I hate the cash grabbing faggotry that runs rampant in this community.
>go to gamerescape to look up the changes
>oopsie i don't know what this means because i don't play NIN/MNK/ANYTHING tee hee
>go to larryzaur to look up the changes
>lol i don't even play MNK here's a 200 minute gameplay of me not know what the fuck the changes mean
>go to xeno's channel
>dud etanks lmao
I'm fuming.

can't wait for all roes to fanta into hroths
wish the npcs would do the same

Ah, the good ole days.

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Is DRG more or less complicated than it used to be to play back in HW? I haven't touched it since then and I don't think I can play rdm any longer.

>only teenagers in the scions are the twins
Feels bizarre for a Japanese game

Been playing PLD/GLD since 1.0 so I will continue playing PLD in 5.0

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>the few SB MCHs in these threads that are absolutely livid about the changes

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its all about money. same with blizzard only inviting people like pokemaine to the wow classic beta.

Kit is largely the same with a new interesting hp regen support move and big dick Inner Beast. I'll miss the added health from Defiance but Thrill of Battle now has the increased healing effect taken from tank stance so I'm okay with the change.

>Decide to run tam-tara to start collecting tomestones
>3 sprouts
>Eos has aggro

None of the sprouts are even cute

It's far easier and only getting easier in ShB

Because he's fishing for "X job is bad!" drama.

Don't hate on Xeno, dude at least admits to not wanting to give his opinion on the DPS even though I think he's a better SAM/MNK/DRG than many other "influencers" who play them.

Only the savage mode and that's by exploiting a fight glitch. Nobody had solo'd normal mode.

>leveling an alt
>in that shitty section between ARR and lead up to Heavensward levels 50-52
>missions are "go here, use item on spot, fight enemies"
>anytime you go somewhere new or meet new people it's the same "you need to help us first"
yeah no fucking wonder people quit here, this section is boring as fuck

DRG is the easiest melee to play right now.

Well now there's Minfilia (cunny)

Gee im sorry happy to have more healing I dont need and wont use because like 5% of skills are used on healing

Oh shit, did that event start already?

Which is fair, but it's gonna be really fucking weird if tank stance in PVP lowers your damage when it doesn't in PVE.

No, it's getting more braindead with each expansion, in ShB it's going to be even more braindead than it is now.

Because healing has always been the most engaging thing in the game and SCH certainly has nuanced enough mechanics now that they won’t get bored of their new two button rotation. I love mainlining lustrates to avoid losing out of aetherpool.

>hating the epitome of masculinity
Only a tranny could be behind this post

Theorycrafting is pointless when all the jobs are boring and play the same now

>playing monk
>going fast, pressing buttons
>don't even think about LB because TK already takes out the boss's last two percent

Most times the ranged just uses LB on a trash pull anyway

I'm sad no one bothered to screenshot some posts from The Balance. (what are they gonna rename themselves to now that it's kill?)

Yep, 47-50 is the wall. If I ever had to make a new character, I'd buy a story skip potion just for that.



Anyone do the Callback campaign? How fucking long does it take for you to get your email invite? I want my free 7 days of play goddamnit

That's like the whole MSQ though. Solo MSQ instances now make you play as someone else while giving you like two buttons to press.

Already got my Hiken: Tsubame Gaeshi ready

No, not cope, quit. I’m not coping with the changes, I’m not playing the class anymore.

Is fflogs really dying or is that just a rumor?

See you at launch lmao kaboom

Haven't looked at them yet due to business of work and life, what are people bitching about and what are the big changes? Did they get rid of Wildfire? I hope not, I like the big dick burst moment.

>queue into copperbell
>3 sprouts
>the monk says he wants to try tanking because that's what he did in WoW
>he's a fucking monk
>tell him Monk is a dps class not a tank class
>he says it's because he hasn't hit the level required to unlock the tank spec for the class
>leave the dungeon

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yeah you're right, at least the dude plays at a high level but mr tranny et al are a bunch of grey fuckfaces, they literally have no excuse

all according to plan, goyim

You won't be able to solo T9 savage anymore in Shadowbringers because pets cannot be targeted by enemies anymore to exploit their mechanics. Also where's this paladin video?

>I just keep disconnecting, even on world map
>But the fucking afk assholes have no problems

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are scholars still seething?

Don't see why it would, rankings might be made irrelevant though.

Arenvald's a good boy too

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You won’t unless thye change shit, enjoy your roulette queues without a single healer.

Yoshi P fucking hates DOT

>crystal tower
>all 3 tanks are sprouts
>all the healers are sprouts as well

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I only say it to set expectations. I haven't really played any JRPGs before (and no FF games), the only other MMO I've played before was STO (and I didn't really understand the ground combat), and in the stat-based games I have played before (Warframe, Division, etc) I normally ignore most numbers and percentages after a certain point. I just don't want to go into a group situation and fuck it up. You're right that I asked it in a dumb way, I'm sorry.
I'm not, I honestly don't know anything about the classes in this game.

>come back to game
>my server has been moved to crystal
>its fucking dead
well fuck, where do I move to now

Can you unlock PotD before you reach Heavensward MSQ?

>watching “”””content creators””””
I just don’t get it, I’m too boomer. You have the game, why watch a video of someone else playing it instead of fucking playing it? I get it for competitive games, sure. But XIV has a skill floor for its hardest content at about deep sea level. What point is there to watching someone else do it?

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She will always be a cake in our hearts

get ready for all the wowfugees who buy boost at the launch gonna be a fun time

I think that was just some guy rusing you

Why would it be dying in the first place? Where have you read this?

Nobody is quitting healer. They'll whine a bit then get over it and ADJUST.

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As a WHM main, I'm perfectly fine. As long as healing is still needed, the Afflatus skills are nice to have and Misery is just a bonus. I don't care about shed or meta memes because I have a static on a small server.

come to jenova and become my friend

Is anything from the moogle event worth getting?

I only watch them for pre-release shit and guides on Ex/Savage fights

because i forgot my shadowbringers log in credenetials dude

anywhere but excal, I fucking hate how we have queues to log in now with the influx of refugees from crystal

Hi, I’m nobody, and so is everyone I know who plays or has played healer. I’m not as attached to this game as you think I am.


loving everything
finally a nice AoE rotation and GL4 looks fun.

>guides on Ex/Savage fights
Why would you do that to yourself? Just read written guide and watch a clear video.

I can't decide if I want to fanta to a hrothgar or keep my cute c@boi
it is physically tearing me apart

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Gunbreakers, where are you?

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i'm more ready for fresh level 60 gunbreaker tanks who have no fucking idea what they're doing

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Basically nothing changed for WHM and AST. SCH players need to fuck off anyway if they're not playing the job to heal.

I'm looking forward to firing hadokens like a machine gun in dungeons.

you should kill yourself

most of the time when there's a small queue you can just click cancel and try again and you get in instantly

Is O9S harder than Seiryu Extreme?

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ok guys. I've got a level 40 warrior from pre heavensward and I'd like to jump back in. Can I just get pld to 15 and then go to potd? is that what the meme is?


Why is BLM the only class with no downtime? The fun part of your kit is pretty much always available.
I really wanted to like SMN, but that awkward minute or so while you're waiting for Aetherflow to come up sucks ass.
And I hear the rework isn't making it any better, with the time you spend jerking off almost being 40 seconds or so

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>scholars pick healing job
>assmad when they now have to heal


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>that weak as fuck boss theme with no hype at all
I know is the edgy expansion but the theme is weak as fuck.


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Freezing myself for a month

The WoWfugees have been fucking abysmal lately. It doesn't help that they're all fucking garbage players.
>leveling roulette
>tank is a WoWfugee
>how do I know this? His fucking search info says "Paladin tank in WoW"
>proceeds to pull big in fucking halatali despite the group being composed of a cnj, nin, and mnk, all without AOE
>runs out of mana so he can no longer cast flash
>healer runs out of mana so now he's dead
>proceeds to throw a shit fit the moment we tell him to pull smaller
>blames the healer for being unable to keep up with him

>Basically nothing changed for WHM
This is true, WHM only got slightly dumber.
>Basically nothing changed for AST

Except they'll do the same amount of healing as before, just with less stuff to do between times they need to heal

SAM here, really feels good, man.

I'm excited to try SAM++. I'm only a little sad that we'll just learn things like that and won't learn them from a sensei like in the 50-60 quests.

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Heal ogcds still exist and they're stronger than ever. Heal what? Tank with full HP?

Who the fucks eats popcorn while watching YT vids?

fuck off cunt

What happened to the card games?

Instead of randomly getting shitty or amazing cards, you'll just always get good cards. Thats a bonus to me.

You don’t need more healing, you never needed more healing, never in the history of the game have healers needed to primarily heal. Just because it makes you uncomfortable that there isn’t a healer precating on you just in case you fuck up doesn’t mean it isn’t to everyone’s benefit that they aren’t.

They gutted cards by removing the need to fish for balance because it was the best card in AST's deck by a wide margin. Okay

please become my catboy eb

good meme. Except 90% of the population is literally barred from pro sports and even casual sports (especially contact) is dangerous and difficult to find people for.
right here bb

They're more involved now than just SPREAD BALANCE

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I do, you fucking snack nazi.

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It just gets worse
Who is behind the music this time?

What is the point of duplicating higanbana?

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You guys harp on about WoWfugees, but they're not idiots. WoW is a very similar game with the same concept of classes, roles, dungeons, etc. Someone good at WoW coming over to XIV will be good at XIV.

Reporting in brother

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Based. I’m tired of people saying
>lol you only fished for balance anyway
Besides that not being true, yes good job taking away everything else instead of making it a more compelling choice or anything. Bravo Squeenix. WHM is looking good at least.

FSH seems comfy. What do I need to know before jumping in for maximum comfy?

Attached: D99C766795084341865517123010FC3F.png (796x1060, 408K)

more braindead and less fun as time goes on

Yeah, instead every card is a half balance and there’s no tactical decisions to make the best of a suboptimal draw, just rawing out half balances to the correct class type and then getting half a trick attack every 120 seconds if you got the correct half balances.

weeb spotted
what the fuck is SW

Day one GUK main here

You can sit while fishing

true, but wow hasn't been challenging for like 10 years so anyone conning over isn't practiced.

Yeah bros next expansion why dont they just remove cards entirely and just give AST a spell called Buff that just buffs a party member since fuck mechanics and thought and planning.

get your blanket and hot choccy

>but they're not idiots
Considering they play a game where their rotations are literally 1 - 2 buttons until they hit level 80 and get 1 more button to press. Yeah, they're idiots.

Everyone thinking this is a boss theme are wrong.

Ironically he still would be much better in a 50/60/70 dungeon than most of the sprout GNBs that'll be arriving in droves soon.