This has been the worst 6-7+ months ever.
Honestly, fuck Nintendo. Droughts like this should never happen and no the upcoming kino year we'll be having from Mario Maker 2's release and onwards is not a fucking good reason to ignore the fact that this shit happens all the time with Nintendo, they cannot fucking plan for shit. They should be having a steady influx of games, not half a year or more worth of fuck all then front loading all of their games into the remaining half.
I am losing my fucking mind here and some of you will unironically think I'm trolling but I'm not, I am dangerously bored. I haven't touched my Switch in like half a fucking year.
I'm not a sonyfag, I couldn't give a fuck about another over the shoulder 'realistic' looking ''''''emotional'''''' shooter, I just want Nintendo games but I want them to release in a consistent fucking fashion, spread out in a way that actually makes sense.
I would have been completely fine if we got some HD remakes of other Nintendo games made to keep us occupied while the new shit got made.
Why haven't we received Metroid Prime Trilogy HD yet? Why haven't we received some fucking Zelda games we've played in HD? Where's TP/WW/OoT/MM/ALtTP being ported over?
This is fucking bullshit, almost makes me want to pirate my Switch just to spite those cunts.
This has been the worst 6-7+ months ever
Other urls found in this thread:
>didn't fell for the switch cause I'm waiting for the revision
>by the time it releases, there won't be a drought in a while and all new releases will be cheaper to get
Thanks for beta-testing
>Droughts like this should never happen
Except this shit happens for every first party publisher
new to nintendo?
I've been playing a ton of third party games in the meantime.
t. zoomer who wasn't alive when nintendo first released the n64
Sony released 6 exclusives this year alone. What the fuck did Nintendo do lately?
the fuck are you on? all i can think of is days gone and blood&truth
>console exclusives = first party
based retard
I haven't touched my PS4 quite a few months, yet have quite the switch backlog. And I am not complaining about either. The problem OP, is you. You are too fixated on the latest and greatest flashy game, there are plenty of great switch games you have yet to play. For example
>front loading all of their games into the remaining half.
Why not? then you can play all those games over the course of the next drought. any you missed etc.
The second problem you seem to be having is exclusively playing on one system. There are plenty of games you could be playing on your PC, PS4/ Xbone fucking Vita, 3ds etc. Why do you need to fixate on Switch?
How many exclusives did Sony release during PS4's third year?
>Buying a shitch
Nintendo releases by far the most games out of any publisher. What the fuck do you want from them?
And we have ANOTHER retard who bought a system before it had a library that would justify the purchase. How long until they learn?
Sony literally published only 3 games on PS4 in 2019
Days Gone, MLB The Show 19, and Dreams
This really has been a very bad year for Nintendo, nice console, no games...
They could literally just release shit like Metroid Prime Trilogy HD but they don't.
I can literally make Metroid Prime Trilogy HD in 2 minutes by adjusting the Dolphin settings, what is NINTENDO's excuse?
You mean you aren’t happy with all the shitty indie phone games and no virtual console?
butthole surfers - lady sniff
I want WW/TP HD ported or at least a virtual console
thumbnail makes it look like she has two asses
Nintendo actually has great output. They basically support their own console ecosystem themselves which no other publisher can say. But just like every other system for the past 20 years, most people buy it for for a small handful of key exclusives and accept the shitty third-party support. If you're feeling ripped off you only have yourself to blame.
>Why not? then you can play all those games over the course of the next drought. any you missed etc.
This simply isn't true.
The games I've played on here do not have the longevity to keep me occupied for the massive amount of time these droughts last.
Let's count all the time I've put into the Switch games I own now
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - 120 hours
>BoTW - 114 hours (2 playthroughs)
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate - 260 hours
>Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze - 42 hours
>Mario & Rabbids - 45 hours
>Octopath Traveler - 66 hours
>Mario Oddysey - 48 hours
>Smash - 110 hours
Now you may bring up indie games and what not but the fact is most of them that are on the Switch I've already played on PC, things like Rain World and Hollow Knight etc.
I've got Thumper and some indieshit called Blossom Tales - The sleeping King as the only 2 indie games on here and the combined playtime for both of those is sub 10 hours.
Now I'm not expecting each big release to keep me busy for an entire month, but 1 big release per month should be the norm, that is the ideal number to keep everybody happy, nobody had any issues with the Switches first year, it was fucking stellar.
It's been downhill ever since though.
>But just like every other system for the past 20 years, most people buy it for for a small handful of key exclusives
This isn't even remotely true. The PS4 can't even reach one exclusive per customer despite all their bundles and 90% discounts. People buy the thing to play Fifa.
t. fucking idiot
the difference is that PS4 had third party support to plug the gaps
lmao like what?
A modern non-gimmicky system without last decade's hardware, and third-party support. Or to stop making "consoles" altogether and focus their efforts on developing even more high quality products for more relevant systems.
>This isn't even remotely true. The PS4 can't even reach one exclusive per customer despite all their bundles and 90% discounts. People buy the thing to play Fifa.
He is talking about actual people. Not casuals and normalfags. Obviously no one with half a brain plays an *also on PC or multi-plat titles on their PlayStation.
>MLB the show 16
>ratchet and clank
>last guardian
>Uncharted 4
A single big game a month, that's all I ask. The big game doesn't have to be brand new either, if there's going to be a wait then having a HD remaster of some older game would more than suffice as a good fill in.
>A modern non-gimmicky system without last decade's hardware, and third-party support.
So basically the Switch?
> focus their efforts on developing even more high quality products for more relevant systems.
Nintendo's design philosphy isn't like Sony's where they think they have some 2080ti rig to make their games for and then just gimp them. Their games are usually made to run on trash.
Okay? I could say the same about Nintendo, given there's about as many worthwhile third party games on Switch this year as PS4
2017 was a great year with nonstop releases for Switch, but they had to sacrifice the Wii U in 2015 and 2016 to make it happen. Then 2018 backloaded everything to the last half of the year, because they blew their load. 2019 is the same exact situation. By 2021 I expect game production to increase significantly. The 3DS started shitting games left and right after the 4th year. The problem is that the best games came out in the 3rd year, so I'm worried at the amount of potential crap they will be putting out.
Honestly, you only have yourself to blame if you buy a console at launch or the 2nd year. Just wait for the library to beef up so that way you have new releases afding cumulatively to your radar.
That was 2016. They had five in 2015.
kekked. Though in fairness Wii U was one of my favourite systems and the actual Wii sucked shit.
Can't help shit taste.
>he bought the first gen nintendo portable
when will you tards ever learn
>he missed his chance on Fusee Gelee.
I waited for SP, DS lite, and N3DS XL. But this was just too juicy user.
>The actual Wii sucked
It actually had stronger first and third party support.
Wii was pretty good, it had some solid games.
It's just that, due to its popularity, the ratio or solid games to trash was disproportionate due to the amount of shovelware.
I guess I was thinking about 2013 being the launch year.
the switch runs on a fucking mobile phone gpu lmao
Shut the fuck up Arlo and stop pretending Third Parties and Indies don’t exist
We literally just had Mortal Kombat on a fucking Nintendo console
>not buying a PC
that's where you fucked up
nigga grow up. they're just bideogames. if you got nothing else going on in your life that you can't stand a few months drought thats your responsibility to fix
>only having a single system to play vidya
is this the poorfag thread?
>Shut the fuck up Arlo and stop pretending Third Parties and Indies don’t exist
If those third parties and indies actually came to the Switch first, I'd play them on the Switch. I own a great PC and those games tend to come out on the PC first (literally usually have to wait fucking MONTHS for the Switch version which I'm realistically never going to do when I can just buy the PC version then and there).
I wanted to play Ys 8 on the Switch, but no, it got delayed for months while it was looking at me right there on the PC, so naturally I went that route, the indie games for the Switch have been out on PC for fucking years and I played them the moment they came out.
I have a PC, and it's a fucking good one too, pic related.
I have the Switch for Nintendo games and its exclusives or alternatively indie games IF THEY COME OUT AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME AS THE PC VERSION, WHICH THEY NEVER DO.
Literally pic related you absolute retard.
>mobile phone GPU
What phone uses the X1? because that would be a technological fucking marble. People shitpost about it. But to put an X2 in would have been huge delays on the Switch. and at the time the X1 had the most impressive GPU cores on an ARM chip. People can shitpost about Apple's impressive CPU performance or even Qualcomm. But in gaming the X1 would beat them all. It is such a huge step up from the fucking 45nm Arm 11 chip in the 3DS or the slightly more respectable chip in the Vita. it is probably the biggest jump in power we have had within a handheld generation. It is literally more powerful than the WiiU or last gen consoles. Nintendo was really weirdly conservative with clocking it out the gate. I guess battery concerns. But they have been toying with clocks in firmware updates, and you can literally OC it yourself to like Shield clock speeds without doing any real harm.
Wii was a huge success for Nintendo and one of the most popular normie consoles of all time. As someone who mostly plays RPGs it had a lot of offerings for me. Wii U was their worst selling console ever and have virtually no games. What does it even have? XBCX, a handful of generic bing bing wahoo spinoffs, and some Zelda HD remasters? Admittedly I'd really love to play XBCX, but I'm not buying the console for just one game.
>waaah i have nothing to play!
>indie games? fuck off, i refuse to touch anything without nintendo's branding on it!
There was The Last Story, Xenoblade, Pikmin, Mario Kart and Brawl. That is like 5 games. Even PS4 will surpass that in it's lifetime.
>stop complaining about not having any video games to play on the video games board
Stop humblebragging you obnoxious faggot. God I wish normies would fuck off from this place.
Last year was worse, this year is fine
spin it any way you want, copedrone, it's still a fucking handheld mobile shitter chip lmao
>Nintendo was really weirdly conservative with clocking it out the gate
They really aren't, if you looked at how much power the stock tegra x1 eats up you'll see why.
>illiterate pleb cannot comprehend that the Switch gets indie games like 6 months after their release on PC meaning everybody (including myself) has already played the ever living fuck out of them
What did this retard mean by this?
These droughts happen because they know people will get desperate for any scrap of Nintendo Ingenuity™, no matter how lazily shat out, and lap it up like nectar of the gods if they're made to wait for months. But I also think there's always potential for a camel's back moment to happen with followers with this kind of strategy, and I think that's going to happen if they keep holding back into 2020.
>own a PC and Switch
>will get a used PS4 at the end of the generation for Bloodborne, Gravity Rush2, and Death Stranding
>feels good
That being said, this Nintendo drought and imbalance in the years schedule with nothing between Smash and MM2 and then constant games until years end, is bs.
>This has been the worst 6-7+ months ever.
I haven't bought a Sony IP since everybodys golf 2 years ago lol
Maiden of Blackwater, #FE, Windwaker HD (fuck you I am counting it), Mario Kart 8, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Zombi U, 3d world, MH3U, Wonderful 101, Bayo 2, Tropical Freeze. I could go on. I don't disagree with his point about which systems were more popular. OR that Wii U was a commercial failure. I was just observing, that in my eyes it was the other way around.
Low tier reply
You have a very surface level understanding of the actual amount of good games for Wii. Don't act like you know.
you have not played every single indie game ever released. there are plenty you could pick up right now and enjoy, some of which are even switch exclusive. the are thousands of fucking games available to you, so this mentality of "WHERE ARE THE GAMES?" is simply baffling. either go play something or admit to yourself that you're simply being a picky whiner and fuck off.
So what is the issue user? IF you really have been active enough to play every single good game on switch, just play PC games until some more come out. There is a shit tonne coming this year. My advice is to just buy every single platform. Then just play whatever games you want on whichever platform they are on that you would prefer. Like I am playing Death Mark right now and went "ehh might as well play it on my Switch." But am playing MHW on my PC. there is no reason to really think about it much. I am hyped for Death Stranding, and will play it on my PS4 cause it is exclusive. I would prefer it on PC, but no stress. And I don't need to think about it in terms of "points for sony" or if I am getting enough games for PS4 or whatever.
2005 was the worst ever
Get your facts straight noobie
What am I missing user?
I am not gonna enter a shitposting spiral of "this system has no games" "what about X"
"doesnt count because y" "this system has more games see Z" "no THOSE dont count."
I am legitimately curious if there are some Wii games I should check out. I promise not to point it out if you just post bottom of the barrel trash, as long as you stop being a condescending asshole.
>That being said, this Nintendo drought and imbalance in the years schedule with nothing between Smash and MM2 and then constant games until years end, is bs.
That is exactly my point. From MM2 onwards everything will start looking fucking great for this year, like really really fucking good, but that ain't any reason to ignore how absolutely barren this year has been. Every time I get paid I have a look at what to buy and there's legitimately been fuck all. All Nintendo had to do to remedy this was throw out some low effort HD remakes and this wouldn't have felt so awful.
>you have not played every single indie game ever released.
I never said I did, I said I've played every single indie game I'm interested in, and since the majority of games I play are indie games I'm being anything but picky.
PC has nothing either. There's a few things on PC I am waiting for (like Underrail's expansion, Monster Crown, a whole load of Salt&Sanctuary-esque games etc) but notihng that I actually feel like playing now.
only cause 2004 was tied as one of the best years ever for vidya.
Also No More Heroes, Mad World, Strikers Charged.
There was a ton of good stuff
>I played them the moment they came out.
unironically theres your problem. Sounds like you devote too much time to games. find a different hobby to split your time between, play games to enjoy them not to finish them as soon as so you can move onto the next. You'll appreciate it, trust me. You'll start actually enjoying things, and life in general, again.
These things take time
When was the last first party PC games?
enjoy your unhackable brick, paycuck
Are Blaster Master 2, Dragon Marked for Death, Umihara, Daemon X Machina, Tetris, and that Marvel game the only third party exclusives for Switch this year so far?
>Every time I get paid I have a look at what to buy and there's legitimately been fuck all.
>PC has nothing either
You can't be helped then.
Nintendo has had the best first couple of years of any console from this gen.
This. Real men* buy a Playstation.
>Honestly, fuck Nintendo. Droughts like this should never happen
but user you have indies, don't you like indies? i don't
>Meming that I 'just don't like video games' when the list of things I want to play that are coming out this year is easily 30+ games
Everything that I want to play isn't out, everything that is out that I've wanted to play I've already played.
>PC has nothing either.
literally thousands upon thousands of games.
You just sound like a normalfag who just buys brand new games day one to drop them a week later.
random suggestion time. Have you played VTMB? Stalker? A Plague Tale: Innocence ? Sekiro? The entire Metro Series? all the fallout games? Dragon's Dogma (now on switch as well) FF12? (also now on switch) MHW? Catherine? (now on steam) Mordhau? VC Chronicles 1-4? (4 is also on switch) trails of cold steel? the YS series? Golf Story? Fable 1? all the Yakuzza games on steam? the Max Payne Series? all the Deus Ex games?
uh there's HP help desk... and uh MSI afterburner...
Oh yeah. I have actually played all three. As a Suda fan I really disliked no more heroes for the awful combat. Even for a Suda game. Mario Strikers and Mad world were really good though.
>No More Heroes 1 and 2
>Red Steel 2
>2 Zelda games (Yes, both games are good although Twilight Princess HD is the best version)
>Rhythm Heaven
>Muramasa (better version of it is on Vita though)
>Sin & Punishment 2
>Metroid Prime Trilogy
>Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
>Tatsunoko vs Capcom
I didn't include some games that undeniably have better ports/remasters on other popular consoles. I only included Muramasa and Twilight Princess because the Wii U and Vita owners are a scarce breed and the Twilight Princess GameCube copy is pretty expensive.
Don't forget all of the older consoles you can emulate.
>having a discussion with a weaboo
Yup, I'm out.
Not sure what you're laughing about desu
>no Splatoon 2
There's your time sink.
>Now I'm not expecting each big release to keep me busy for an entire month, but 1 big release per month should be the norm, that is the ideal number to keep everybody happy, nobody had any issues with the Switches first year, it was fucking stellar.
This is so fucking dumb. Games taje years to make, there's absolutely no way anyone can release a (good) game per month
so the wii u had a bunch of ports, remasters, and two or three mediocre exclusives. it was basically the xbone of last gen.
>mario maker 1.5: paywall edition, now with no costumes
choose one.
ITT: OP is an entitled manbaby who doesnt have another hobby to spend time and refuses to play with anything else even if he has a PC
>nothing to play
Is really just someone being burnt out on games, nothing to do with actual releases. My backlog is 2000 hours, and while that includes like 5 platforms that will last me well into Nintendos insane release schedule for the rest of the year, let alone games coming on other systems.
m8 I have had a PC since the dawn of PC gaming. Out of those thousands of games, be they actual PC games or emulated previous console games, there is literally nothing left that I personally want to play. You seem to be under the impression that I like all game genres, I don't. I'm not going to play fighting games, sports games or racing games for example.
Not interested in it.
Yep played them all, both modded and unmodded
Played it.
Yes, like 4 times. It's my favourite Final Fantasy game in the entire series and I've probably put more hours into it than most people have put into any other single player game.
Yes, I think it's shit compared to old MH games, which is why I play GU more than it.
>Catherine? (now on steam)
Not interested in it.
Not interested in it.
>VC Chronicles 1-4?
Played them all.
>trails of cold steel?
Played them despite not liking CS as much as TiTS
>the YS series?
Played literally every single game in the series, pure kino.
>Golf Story?
Not interested in it.
>Fable 1?
Not interested in it
>all the Yakuzza games on steam?
Not interested in it
>all the Deus Ex games?
Yep, played them all. Played the original multiple times over.
I don't like multiplayer FPS games anymore, used to play them a lot but I haven't been interested in them for like 10 years now.
I fuckin hate Arlo that weird faggot
>Wii was pretty good, it had some solid games.
i can only think of a few standouts:
>zack & wiki
>chocobo's dungeon
>ff crystal chronicles: my life as a king
>dragon quest swords
>kirby's return to dreamland
>pandora's tower
>rodea the sky soldier
the wii was mostly trash. shovelware + many of the worst entries in nintendo's major series.
I've honestly put off getting new consoles because I have too much to play on the PC, PS3 and modded 3DS and Vita. I'm honestly overwhelmed. It helps most shit I'm interested in is multiplatform these days.
if you liked Deus Ex, you should play VTMB.
But now that I have a better understand of your taste, Have you played The Last Story? The Last Remnant? I will assume you have played the entire Xenoblade series because your entire shitpost in the Op was for not otherwise. you SHOULD play dragons dogma as well. I am sure it runs fine on switch so that would be a double wammy. Anyway have you played Vagrant Story? if you have an Xbox 360 Lost Odyssey? Mount and Blade Warband? Shining Resonance? all the good Tales games?
>try not to get distracted by new games cause of backlog.
>cant really discuss games with people cause I havent played anything new
>feel like I am missing out
>Feel bad if I abandon backlog.
It fucking hurts man. I ended up just playing one backlog game, one new game, rinse and repeat for the sake of my sanity.
It's third person and it's more laid back than other shooters. I don't even care much for the shooter genre but still have a blast with the two squid games.
this is what happens when your life revolves around videogames
>Have you played The Last Story? The Last Remnant?
>I will assume you have played the entire Xenoblade series because your entire shitpost in the Op was for not otherwise.
You assume correct
>you SHOULD play dragons dogma as well
I'll look into it again.
>Anyway have you played Vagrant Story?
>if you have an Xbox 360 Lost Odyssey?
>Mount and Blade Warband?
Not interested in the M&B series honestly
>Shining Resonance
>all the good Tales games?
Played a decent amount of them, I'm so-so on the series.
The greatest highs but the lowest lows?
>ever lowering prices on their games
Have fun waiting till the next gen for that.
- Days Gone
- Yoshi
- Mario Maker 2
- Pokémon
- Zelda
- Fire Emblem
- Luigi's Mansion
- Animal Crossing
- Daemon X Machina
yeah, so...
You are an alcoholic who thinks drinking different alcohol will fix his problem
>Played a decent amount of them, I'm so-so on the series.
That is why I said the GOOD ones user. anyway user. I can not shill The Last Remnant enough. The Last Story is decent to if you want something more real time JRPG system. Problem solved. Those two should last you till the next Switch release.
Any other year, I would agree with you user. But you noticeably forgot to include Death Stranding. Which would probably counter all of those.
Blood and Truth, Everybody's Golf VR
Reading the OP I thought you were a Nintendonly, but the rest of the replies reveal you have a decent PC. I seriously don't get how you can run out of games to play, OP. Think beyond the current gen, you can emulate a fuckton of titles. I'm sure there's at least a handful from genres you dig.
If nothing else interests you try alternating hobbies during droughts.
>6-7 months
more like 16-17
2018 was almost as bad as 2016, which was arguably the worst year ever for Nintendo
>will be cheaper
Oh you innocent flower.
>You are an alcoholic who thinks drinking different alcohol will fix his problem
Not him, but it totally did. Now I am just buzzed 24/7 instead of drunk 24/7. THANKS WINE!
VR isn't PS4
oops meant for
You can literally get pretty much every first party Nintendo release at a $10 discount right now. Even future releases from this upcoming year.
Eat cum and get a different hobby, faggot.
You're meant to own more than one gaming device to cover the drought. I built a PC and have been replaying a ton of old GCN games at 60fps and 1440p, shit's been great and I haven't noticed the Switch drought
Meanwhile, in 2019...
>Eat cum
You seem to be the one sucking Nintendo's dick over their pricing lmao
The issue is, I'm burned out on JRPG's for the time being since the last 2 games I played where really long JRPGs.
I'm in the mood to play something like Salt & Sanctuary but nothing has come out that is anywhere near as good as it. I'm waiting on games like Blasphemous, Children of Morta, EITR etc to maybe scratch that itch but they're taking forever.
Same but every physical release is a limited release. Manufacturing of 1 of 2 batches is common practice it seems for this gen of console's. You will be relying on pre-owned sales and with limited manufactured batches prices will be close to retail or even above. Unless your one of those Nintendo select greatest hits boyos you will be paying a premium for most titles.
I hate online shooters and I love Splatoon. It’s arcade as fuck, aesthetic/art style is awesome and Marina.
>still no Muramasa remaster
This really bothers you?
>played games for 805 hours on the system
Maybe you should get another hobby too? That's a lot of hours you wasted playing vidya and no wonder you're running out of games, it seems to be the only thing that you do.
And none of them had a 97 & never will
The answer is very simple: They don't need it.
The Switch has been an unexpected success, so there is no need to release a Mario 64/Sunshine remake, new 2D Zelda, F-Zero, an innovative Pokémon game, a good Paper Mario and many other games that they have for sure planned to release in case of a crisis. Instead, they release a forgettable Yoshi game, a 30fps Kirby game, a 3DS-tier Pokémon and a soulless Link's Awakening remake. Why? Because they are going to sell consoles anyway, so why bother on delivering quality?
What a big fucking lie. I didn't expect double the amount of games because of inexperienced devs like Good-Feel and such but please, give me a decent Mario & Luigi, a Wario game, the new Grezzo game...
>retards who only have 1 platform to play
be idort and stop be idiot (xbone not applied)
>Good Paper Mario
>Innovative Pokemon
You know as well as I that you weren’t getting any of those regardless
This has to be the biggest meme from Switchfags yet, always preaching this shit and none of it comes to frutition.
It was mostly trash but it still had about as many worthwhile exclusives as any other system as the time, plus a fair number of multiplats (I find Wii AAA multiplats to sort of be cute, honestly. It's funny seeing these huge budget titles brought down to PS2 graphics again)
Uhh. Death Stranding will easily get a 95+ regardless of wether it is good or not, just to no upset the Kojimadrones
i mean June through the end of the year we got Mario Maker 2, Ultimate Alliance 3, Daemon x Machina, Fire Emblem 3H, Astral Chain, Luigis Mansion 3, Animal Crossing, Pokemon Sword/Shield, Town, Dragon Quest XI S, Mario Sonic Olympics 2020, Candence of Hyrule and Link's ReAwakening. Also Japan gets Yokai Watch 4.
Why do you pat yourself in the back for being worse than GTA4?
>Which would probably counter all of those.
Yeah, I don’t fucking think so.
>1638 games
Its got almost as many games as the PS4 and it got them in less than half the time. It'll have a larger library than the PS4 by 2020 at this rate,
Seething Snoibois are out in force today it would seem.
Fuck man, do you ever leave the house? Sounds like an unhealthy lifestyle choice to're not impressing anyone with your dedication to games, life is seriously passing you by.
And I forgot Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Pokemon is the weakest of all them. It is the MLP of videogames.
>1638 games
Steam has like 10 times that number but you know why no one brags about that number? Because 9/10 times those games are hot trash and by the looks of it, most of the games on that list are the same
Also nice going by having Sony live in your head rent free, even more when OP already said he's a PCfag
>Mario Maker 2
>Ultimate Alliance 3
Why bother
>Daemon x Machina
It's confirmed to be shit
>Fire Emblem 3H
Nu-emblem shit
>Astral Chain
It might be good
>Luigis Mansion 3
I expect something good
>Animal Crossing
Almost nothing shown. I really hope it's different enough from other games
>Pokemon Sword/Shield
Low effort, as always
For kids, literally
>Dragon Quest XI S
Already beaten a year ago on PC with orchestra mod
>Mario Sonic Olympics 2020
Are you really expecting that?
>Candence of Hyrule
Crypt of the necrodancer with a Zelda skin. If it wasn't for this, it's an average indie game
>Link's ReAwakening
I'm genuinely pissed of for what they did. I really hope they remove the blur
That leaves us with maybe 4-5 good games in the entire year. Of course you can buy indies and multiplatforms but I bought the Switch for its exclusives and I'm genuinely dissapointed.
>here's some games
literally any platform and any point in time