>he drops the game in the prologue because it's too hard
He drops the game in the prologue because it's too hard
Other urls found in this thread:
oh hey, iroha.
to complete the metaphor, I guess you could say I dropped this game around the 2nd or 3rd world out of 8.
>there actually fucking people who dropped learning Japanese before they even memorize all the kana
I know the kana but fuck the kanjis
I'm a brainlet, I tried memorizing them for months but I still can't remember any.
>less than 1% of players have the achievement for beating the game
really? not even the ones you see all the time by themselves, like の and か and だ?
or ん if you're reading hentai? I figured that one out before I even studied any Japanese. it even sort of looks like n
You really tried the kana for months? Honestly I'm almost positive you're smart enough to do it, you just didn't give enough of a shit. Which is fine.
>30k words
Fuck me, I don't even know that many english+my native language words.
> like の and か and だ?
No idea what these are.
The hell is that one under う and that one above ひ?
Are you 10 or something? You probably know at least 50k words in your native language. Most native English speakers know like 40k by time they reach college.
Wi and We
it takes less than a week to learn most of them and within months of just studying kanji/grammar you also start having an easy time with stupid shit like ツソシン
wi and we (ゐ ゑ), basically fossil kana
ゐ (wi) and ゑ (we)
they're mostly deprecated but the iroha was written a long time ago
me and wo I think
this post was obviously meant for that guy but I think everyone else has me covered
Never mind abort abort ignore this post im not stupid I swear
>Shi Tsu
>n no
>ke and all the other syllables that look similar
>You probably know at least 50k words in your native language
I have no idea, that seems alot.
That's a lesser known Character pronounced as "WI"
I can't even get Google IME to let me type it it's so rare.
I wonder how non-Latinate readers feel about 0 and O.
>it takes less than a week to learn most of them
>can remember the kana pretty well now
>know I need to start on grammar abs and kanji soon
i-I'm scared guys
た literally looks like “ta”, how come you never learned it?
ゐ - wi
ゑ - we
they are so uncommon you can safely pretend they don't exist
Half an hour a day for seven days straight? I think you should have a basic grasp on hiragana at that point, then the trick is just not dropping it. keep it going and eventually you'll be thinking in the code of the language instead of awkwardly mentally translating it into Latin equivalents bit by bit
>o O 0
> g q p b d
> j i l
>F E
honestly the simplicity of our shit is probably way more of a pain in the ass
Apparently I'm retarted or something. They just don't stick.
They aren’t uncommon, they are officially scrapped
>Half an hour a day for seven days straight?
More like 2 sessions of 30 minutes everyday for a month.
Why do you have to study stuff every day ti learn something
I can't do anything every single day except fap and browse Yea Forums
My interest in stuff comes in bursts
it's not as bad as it looks
The only ones I know properly are no の and a あ.
How about
>I(i) and l(L)?
>h, n and u?
You can easily do both the kanas in 30ish minutes a day, but you are right that you should spend more than a week memorizing them that people here seem to so heavily believe in
just when you thought you were safe, Hideaki Anno hits you with 「ヱヴァンゲリヲン」
more good examples
honestly the phonetic part and capitals vs lowercase has to be such bullshit for jp
nothing is as stupid and antiquated as kanji though
>tfw i still haven't memorize all the kana and went straight to kanji
till this day if you were to ask me to differentiate these シツンソめのぬわれねはほま I would fail right on the spot. i use context to figure out what i'm looking at.
Just wanted to clarify that that was my regime
Write each one down fifty times, you bitch.
I mean, it takes like a week of short sessions to go over them all and memorise most of it, it's just that it takes much longer to be able to read them on sight and recall the trickier ones
as a native English speaker I honestly think the Il thing is a legitimate problem that ought to be patched (were such a thing possible)
I just have to accept two languages are my limit
Kanji is one of those "use it or lose it" things.
Plus don't try and learn the kanji by themselves. Learn the entire phrase with the kanji in it because the phrase is usable in a sentence while a random single kanji character doesn't make much sense in Japanese vocabulary.
I was in the same boat but after 2-3 months of learning kanji I started to be able to (and still can) read all of those instantly
Just use serifs
some of them are useful to know by themselves because you'll recognize them in other phrases you see. like 大, 犬, 黒, 白, 日, 人, 水, 天, 国
just a few I've picked up through casual observation, I don't actually study Japanese
yeah but writing serifs by hand is very annoying
this, it was already patched.
when hand written, capital i is typically given sariffs even if the rest of it isn't for that reason
i'm not sure why they vanished as time went on, maybe we should also give capital i a dot. might look cool
or lower l a tiny leg
>imagine not knowing chinese
l¡ke th¡s?
I can tell の ぬ め
き looks like a “key” so = “Ki”
ら is the one with a broken head = “Ra”
ち looks like a 5 = “Chi”
さ by elimination = “Sa”
I have no issues with these.
れ looks like the legs of an R = “Re”
ね looks like a fancy N = “Ne”
Other one is easy to tell apart
て looks like a weir T = “Te” (in Spanish at least)
そ is the one that is written like a Z = “So”
を is the one I’ll never write = “Wo”
This ones are the only ones I can’t memorize alongside ケク ムス
Hiragana and katakana are easy as fuck tho. You can learn them in one hour each from scratch
>I can tell の ぬ め
Shit I meant: I can tell の but not ぬ and め
What are some good drugs to take to study better? I can't get any adderall, but I heard about Genius Consciousness. Is that any good?
that's why stroke order is important
have you tried actually writing exercises when you're studying for this shit?
don't be like a retard and just stare at a computer screen
What the fuck does the strokes matter?
see but because the english singular fp pronoun is literally just capital i, i'd think giving it an extra designation over lowercase L would make a bit more sense (not that any of this really does anyway). maybe capital I should just uniformally look like a vertically flipped T, making it distinct enough and removing a stroke from the traditional sariff version of capital i. who do T email about this
"Learning" them in an hour means jack shit, it takes time and practice for retention no matter what.
so you Fucking remember how to pronounce it you fuck
>see ぬ
>remember the twirl
>now able to differentiate it from め
i'm actually picking up japanese cause I got picked to teach in yokohama this coming year. Thanks for posting this.
Can someone teach me to speak japanese?
Wasn't the one on the right a running gag in Bobobo-bo?
I just dropped Jak and Daxter 1 because the camera is trash, controls are unresponsive and just moving around is too slow and you get stopped everywhere.
I played through that shit as a child without a problem but nowadays I'm just getting worse and worse.
Dunno yet if I give Jak 2 and 3 a try.
any native jp will tell you that speaking is ridiculously easy compared to reading/writing so yeah probably
speaking is on a different level compared to reading
unless you're speaking canned phrases you need to have an in-depth understanding of grammar to not sound like a fucking retard string random words together
If I were a Japanese man making material, I'd put ゑ and ゐ so much just to fuck with people.
I can teach you to fuck off in a straight line, you retarded weeb.
Writing shit down certainly is important, helps you memorise. I remember basic stuff like 私 食 飲 looking very complex to me when starting out but writing them (in sentences) helped me memorise them within a couple days of practicc. I can't comment on stroke order though.
But what do the strokes have to do with it? Just remember the twirl.
it's not my fault I'm fucking stupid and my brain is a sieve
all I know is て is te
stroke order is so you write it right
why go halfway if you're learning something
Are you this retarded to not tell what “ん” is?
It'll help you since you're too retarded to memorize it just by heart.
>why go halfway if you're learning something
I just want to read and speak, fuck writing by hand.
writing shit down isn't important. recognizing radicals in kanji is
you would have a case, if you managed to do it
but you couldn't so now you're writing shit down retard
I gave up learning new shit long ago, can't teach an old dog new tricks.
I do see the differences between ぬ and め, I just tend to forget which is “nu” and “me” because I have issues with my retaining
then do the damn writing exercises you fug
I only remember it from youtube.com
literally everything else I learned about japanese is gone from when I tried
start reading a lot to retain if you don't want to write. the more you see it the sooner you'll master it.
Could someone write that in Kanji so I understand what the fuck it's saying?
Just remember that the shitty one to remember is nu
Remember that your goal is not to learn Japanese, but to learn SOME Japanese. And then SOME MORE. And so on!
Remember that learning even a little every day is better than learning nothing at all!
Remember that the average "weeb" can't even read a sentence in kana, but you can!
Remember that instead of browsing r*ddit and 4ch*nnel during your work/school breaks, you could practice reading Japanese!
Remember that there's no perfect guide or method, you need to find what works best for you, but give everything a fair try!
>Remember that learning even a little every day is better than learning nothing at all!
But doing something fun is better than learning
then don't learn
something about 山 if I recall correctly
But I'd want to know japanese.
no you don't
Yes I do.
At least japanese had some semblance of an alphabet and kanji can be broken down
Be thankful you all never have to learn cantonese where every word is a character that you just basically have to memorize how to write and pronounce
t. Hong Kong business traveler
p.s. While you guys can take your time and leisure learning the nips for your games or anime I literally mandatorily have to learn cantonese as fast as possible to keep my job. I don't know if I'll ever get into learning Japanese but seeing and reading these threads make me realize it pales in comparison with what I have to be doing.
Ho yum gong
Cantonese is a dialect
It's still brutal. And the wade giles jyutping is some of the worst most complicated shit in the world. Seriously look it up.
There's no gain worth the pain
>or ん if you're reading hentai? I figured that one out before I even studied any Japanese
Same, but with マ for ママ
that's why you go overseas and learn the other system
>or ん if you're reading hentai?
Dude, there's naked ladies in those comics.
Too late for me
Here's an example. a popular hkpop classic called hung yat
Listen to the song then look at the jyutping
Then think about Japanese and romaji. Cantonese is the devil. Japanese almost looks to be childs play compared to it. But it's still challenging which gives you an idea of how bad Cantonese is.
Gau mang ngo
Convince me not to major in Japanese