Dub or sub?

dub or sub?

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Play Witcher 3 instead. If you're a hopeless weeb at least go with SMT.


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always sub
this is a weeb anime game, it must be played as such

witcher 3 and smt both bored the shit out of me that's why i'm about to start this game.


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I'm a sub kinda guy

Is a big dummy!

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What ever you feel! Great game. Enjoy!

Sub, JP game dubs are still in the dark ages and dubs sound like they're trying to be quirky over actually putting on good performances.

Final fantasy 12 and Metal Gear should be the standard really.

Delete this

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Both subs and dubs have some characters that are shit, and some that are great. I played the sub at first, but Estelle and Karol are both awful, but Raven and Rita are kind of shit in the dub too. Honestly it's up to you, they're both fine.

SMT games have shit gameplay and witcher looks even worse

dub is decent for the most part. I preferred a character arc immensely more in sub though and it have been told that definitive has a different VA for the new content which sounds jarring.

The dub of FF12 made me question my sexuality.

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Why is she such a cunt?

Why is she such a cute? The world may never know

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sub, and this is actually to undermine dubs, its the fact Vesperia Definitive switches between new and old dub actors, and fuck that.

Why is Rita so worried about Estelle?

>tfw not enough Yuri or Patty doujins

Don't worry I will learn how to draw and then make more Patty hentai.

You're right, there aren't nearly enough yuri doujins.

>tfw pic related gets ruined by karol

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does Karol deserve Nan?

She's a huge homo

You're in Yea Forums, take a guess what fags will say

tried doing sub but karol was just way too much. it was like hearing goku japanese voice for the first time. i really like dubs VA cast overall though

Excuse me rita is not a "cunt"

My bro Karol deserves a Krityan onee-san

Why does Raven get bullied?

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Nan deserves a facial.

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Only Tales games I've ever played were Symphonia and Abyss. Symphonia was mediocre at best and Abyss was god awful. Is this any better or just more of the same garbage?


It's fine, everyone thought Larsa was a girl. I swear, it must be intentional.

I always choose dub if available.

Yes, the voice actors are usually shittier, but I really don't want to have my sight fixed at the bottom of the screen reading subtitles all the time instead of experiencing the game/animu naturally.

Currently playing Berseria and the dub is actually pretty good.

So it's slightly less garbage-y garbage?

>implying she is not all of Dangrest's personal bicycle
They ALL gave her a facial.

Yeah but Tales has even worse gameplay

Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia are regarded as the cream of the crop, so it's best to just assume you'll get an experience similar to those 2.

Vesperia and Berseria are considered the best ones and you really shouldn't play any others.

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Definitely sub now. Having more than one actor or actress play the same character in the dub has almost ruined the game entirely for me so i'd definitely recommend sub over the botched job that is the shitty shitty dub.

People who defend the new English track in this re-release need to get their priorities straight if they're going to listen to it for over 80+ hours of their life, that shit is just jarring.

I know Symphonia is seen as good because it was one of the few jrpgs released for the gamecube, but how in the hell is Abyss considered one of the better ones? The characters were fucking terrible on top of having no chemistry with each other and the gameplay was Symphonia's if you stripped it down to the bones. Are the others really THAT much worse?

Play Rutee's game

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I listened to it for over 400 hours of my life

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Do you think Xillia games will be coming to Steam now that we already have 4 Tales games on the PC?

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JP Karol is all the reason I need to play this game in English.
It's jarring to hear new-Yuri and old-Yuri lines though.

>Best of anything
That's one hell of a typo.

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Symphonia suffers from being first 3D tales game and has a 2D battle system that is difficult to go back to.
I still fucking love it though. Not sure about Abyss. I've only ever heard mixed things about it.

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Both. I periodically switch between the two.

Karol such a chad by the end of the game that Nan actively tries to get her ass kicked by him.

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More like bestellise

He's sneaky and lecherous?

aye matey!

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estelle is perfect

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Deconstruction of the whole Tales "party member betrays you" shtick. Instead of being shocked that a "lovable" member tricks the party he was bullied and treated as a suspicious person right from the start.

Is Rita crazy?

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Crazy for cock? Yes.

What's the name of this artist?


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We all deserve Nan.

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Reminder that Rita will die alone as a cat lady.

subbed is better
nostalgiafags will defend dub to the death though

I liked the dub (when I normally despise dubs) but the sub is far superior. AAA cast and great performances by all.

>lives alone her entire life in a hut in an underground city where everyone hates her
She came out of it pretty well, considering.

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Nan looks like Rita's sister or something

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My friends playing this game for the first time and is loving it.

So Yuri gets both a stud

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Did they ever fix the sound on the new english skits. Shit sounded like it was recorded on a dollar store microphone.

And a loli

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Dub for 360, sub for DE. I legitimately cannot deal with the vocal inconsistency in the new dub. Everyone else sounds alright for the most part, but Grant George, nothing against the guy really, kills the dub for me.

>Xillia 2 fag
>In charge of knowing what best even means

Tales games usually have ok to great dubs with a few exceptions on each game and you will be missing a lot of battle dialogue and post battle banter if you want to go full weebo.

I've played Vesperia dubbed at least ten times in my life. I could probably recite the unique battle dialogue in the game by heart. Sub deserves a go.

Holy fuck, I wish, along with Graces. Easily the best in the series for me.

The original dub was fine, with Troy Baker doing a great Yuri.

However, the rerelease doesn't get him back and has Yuri having two seperate voice actors alternate between his lines (new and old voiced content), sometimes in the same conversation. It's jarring as fuck. Same goes for some of the other cast, who either have new voice actors for the new content, or their old voice actors don't remember how to do the original voices from 10 years ago (Karol).

So yeah, go subbed.


Too bad about the battle dialogue.

>playing Vesperia ten times
>playing Vesperia more than once
Honestly, why? What do you like about the game so much? I just beat Vesperia and I couldn't name a single aspect of the game that I would describe as good. I thought that everything ranged from terrible to acceptable.

I too am often confused as to why other people have opinions that are different from mine

I played dub in the original 360 version and now sub sounds unnatural to me, but then they showed off everyone has like 2-3 voice actors and it bugs the fuck out of me too so whatever. Dub.

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Vesperia, Abyss, Berseria, and Xillia 2 are the best actually.

>as good as vesperia
>as good as anything at all

I specifically asked what it was about the game that user liked so much. That's a reasonable question. There's no need to get snippy.

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>Want to get the platinum trophy.
>See the speedrun trophy.
nah nevermind

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And the obvious answer will be the characters, plot, and combat. What else are you expecting? Some kind of secret that will make the game a 10/10 experience you can finally enjoy? Back in my day if we enjoyed a game we played it more than once.
I've played every tales game at least 3 times now. Even Zestiria.

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user, all 3 of those are really poor, even for Tales standards. Granted, once the combat opens up, it's pretty good, but that takes until almost endgame.

I made this because I'm bored. Please enjoy.

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What's the point of even answering your stupid question in the first place if you're just going to go "nuh-uh you're wrong it's shit?" You're not interested in hearing someone else's opinion, you just want to shit on them for enjoying something you didn't.

>user, all 3 of those are really poor,
user, your taste is different than mine. That's what I was trying to say. Do you really want me to continue to baby you?
>Granted, once the combat opens up, it's pretty good, but that takes until almost endgame.
Yes that was something we all forgot because we've played it originally on the 360 in NG+ so many times where skill cost wasn't a thing. Early game vesperia combat was pretty poor.

People that are interested in discussing a thing will typically go into more detail than just handwave a vague list of the most general aspects.

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This extra dungeon had a pretty anti-climactic end, or maybe I was just irritable from the spiral draco taking 40 minutes to kill.
It was cool as fuck though. I love "cities beneath the earth" type areas.

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I guess I need to clarify that the "all 3 of those are really poor" user was not me, the user that asked the original question.

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Because it's courteous to answer a question to a newcomer to the game, you stupid fuck.

If one child of the full moon could destroy the world, why did they think it was okay to release the others?

Because "one child of the full moon" could only destroy the world by stimulating too much of the aer krene and/or releasing the adephagos.

Since those issues are not going to be a thing in the future, the children of the full moon are pretty much just going to be regular people from then on.

thats far from the worst one. you can easily finish the game fast if you play on easy on a NG+ file and skip everything.

Don't make me repeat myself

You let them out before going to tarqaron.

Yeah but I hate speedrunning in general, and even more if I have to do puzzles which vesperia has plenty of. Easy ones, but they're still an annoyance.

I played the ps3 version back in the day with the dub and it was surprisingly good, I don't specifically recall any voices that weren't tolerable, and most where pretty good.

Sub is probably better though.

You can only do the first couple of floors before endgame. The rest you can only do after the final boss.

The text language should always match the spoken language. So English dub, unless you're going to play with 日本語 text. Otherwise the text will not match up with what the characters are actually saying. And anyways Tales games always have amazing dubs, like a high quality anime.

No, you can beat Ohma and finish the Layer of Existence and let out the children of the full moon before even entering Tarqaron

Source: I literally just did that yesterday

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>Tales games always have amazing dubs
Unless they're a re-release. Then Bamco goes full jew and records everything with a potato and no quality check.

Yes, those are the first couple of floors. Go back after you finish the story.

Source: I literally just did that 2 weeks ago

Guess what? The plan to turn all blastia into spirits goes back further than that. They didn't just make that shit up exactly as you get inside tarquaron.
They released the children because they knew their plan was going to change the world so they're not dangerous at all.

Even then it still takes place before tarqaron by any logical timeline.

That doesn't make a ton of sense. Just one is enough to destroy the world if the wrong person manipulates them.

All of those endgame sidequests are non-canon anyway

>That doesn't make a ton of sense.
Yes it fucking does play the goddamn game.
>Just one is enough to destroy the world if the wrong person manipulates them.
Only with blastia/clear ciel crystals which, if you haven't been skipping cutscenes, would know that EVERYONE IS GOING TO TURN INTO SPIRITS SO THEY WILL NOT BE AROUND ANYMORE.

Children of the full moon aren't fucking hulks who can punch cities into dust. Their danger comes from them interacting with the current magic system, which the party is changing for the better.

Going to, they hadn't by that point that yet.

So you understand now that they had full confidence in their plan, or the world was going to end anyway so releasing them made perfect sense.

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Just seems like a misstep to me.

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I bet her scar is an erogenous zone

What a slut


Sub because dub is so inconsistent with the voices.

Like you'll have one voice actor for the old lines. And then a entirely new voice actor that doesn't sound right for the new lines. It just doesn't sound right at all. Bamco really fucking dropped the ball by not getting the same voice actors for all the new lines. Doesn't help that Troy Baker confirmed that he already did the voices for the new lines wayyyyyy back. Shame they didn't use it for whatever reason.

Doesn't Yuri have two fucking English voice actors in this game, or did they replace the original entirely?

cute and funny pilled

Troy Baker was never contacted about doing voicelines for the new content for the English version. they assumed he was too much money, though he seemed a little hurt that they didn't at least ask.
Instead they got some other dude to do the extra stuff.

All of them?

>user, all 3 of those are really poor, even for Tales standards

That's your own opinion asshole. I like the characters and especially how fresh Yuri feels compared to your generic protag that always has to uphold the law bullshit. Yuri doesn't hesitate to murder those who deserve it when the law can't reach them. Your generic protag won't do jack shit against the law. For Tales standards, Yuri is pretty unique and that is what makes him the most popular Tales character of all time.

>Doesn't Yuri have two fucking English voice actors in this game

Everyone has two fucking voice actors aside from Patty. It's horrible that they didn't get the old voice actors. What the fuck was bamco thinking?

people age

If it's not Naruto, DBZ, or another big shounen name, the game will only get pennies for its budget.

Retard its Patty,Rita And Estelle.

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Wait, what?

Yeah, Yuri was decent, but he's just babby's first chaotic good. The worst part is that all his targets were Saturday morning tier villains. The game went so far to let you know that these were really, really bad guys. You could almost see them twirling their mustache with every line they spoke. And what about everyone else? I can't even remember what Judith does after her whole dragon rider schtick besides call Ba'ul. And their interactions are so dry. Sure you get some nice development between Rita and Estelle, but there's almost nothing with everyone else.

How am I supposed to farm for Lavender and Saffron

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Yuri has to be one of the only Tales MCs with a sense of humor.

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I like the original dub for ToV, but the definite edition has some huge problems due to voice actor changes and even the VA's they did get back didn't know how to voice that character anymore, so I'd recommend it sub probably

Yuri as a character is just okay. He's the main protagonist and yet he has almost zero character growth over the course of the game. The only thing about him that really changes at all is he eases up some on being such a lonewolf tryhard, and all of that development is done and over with before even halfway through the game. He's just not interesting anymore when, 75 hours later in the game, he still hasn't developed in any way. It doesn't help that by far the most potentially interesting plotline around Yuri - his vigilante justice and the brewing conflict with his BFF Flynn - gets unceremoniously discarded once the party learns that Alexei is not so nice.

The first 1/4th or so of the game sets Yuri up with so much potential for him to become a really interesting and great character, but then the game just wastes nearly all of that potential.

Tales of combat should be more like DMC

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He is miles better than the soulless trash heaps in other Tales games and most other JRPGs, no one thinks he's a great character outside of that.

Who are the other ones?

Stahn Aileron does a little but it's mostly anime trope stuff.

why is judith so annoying to use?

Turn off Jump Cancel, chain Piercing Moon into Thunder Moon, abuse iframes from Escape Jump

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>aerial artes not enabled by default, despite being an aerial fighter
>incredibly floaty compared to everyone else
>burns through TP faster than a landwhale inhales a sausage
A lot of little things add up. She's probably more fun in NG+ after you have a lot more experience with her.

Is that even team fighting?

Judy and Yuri were voiced by Union voice actors. would have cost more to call them back in.

Baker said he literally would have done Yuri's lines for less than standard price because it was one of his breakout roles, but they never even called to ask. Being Union gets you taken off the weeb voice acting speed dial

More flashy?

Nobody even knows who Judith's voice actor was to begin with

It was Megan Hollingshead, and they didn't get her back for this version. This sucks because the new voice they picked for Judy, does not even attempt to sound like the original despite the game swapping between them for new scenes.

She is literally non reliable until late game and her combos can be hard to pull off
Also she eats TP like it's fucking nothing

I hope
I wouldn't mind replaying them
Bring Graces F too since that shit was so damn fun in Chaos

not long enough honestly.

It was their first attempt at a true "aerial combat" character in a Tales game so she was clunky as all shit, all of her artes need to be chained perfectly and given how every enemy is a different size/weight no combo will be absolutely perfect, some will fly higher from attacks, some will drop quicker, some she will just completely fucking whiff against.

All those aerial Judith combo videos? Practiced and only work on that single enemy, I guarantee you if you try to replicate any of those combos on a different enemy you will be attacking in mid air halfway across the battlefield while the enemy waddles away thinking you're a fucking retard.

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Pretty sure estellise, karol, raven and rita got back their original VA's.

Don't get me wrong, karol and rita sounded off, but pretty sure that was their original VA's.

I love Vesperia but Yuri and Flynn feel like the only fun character to play as.
Meanwhile Berseria has a really imperfect combat system but every single character feels excellent to control, so I'm really interested in seeing what the next Tales game would be like. I hope they go back to an Abyss/Vesperia/Xillia type combat system.

This should be a law.

Flynn didn't got his original VA back?
He sounds really similar to the original

Wasn't this girl in Tales of Eternia?

That would be a stupid law for elitist babies who can't stand people enjoying something in a different way.

>Even Zestiria
God why though.

Sorry, I left for a little while. I like the characters a lot and the combat is pretty fun as the game goes on. Those aside, I think the general concept of the world is pretty cozy, the soundtrack is great, and and it has visually aged like a fine wine. I also like the formatting of the story. The fact there isn't actually ever some imminent doom and that the story basically plays out like an episodic series of Saturday morning cartoons is kind a fun. Villain of the week type shit. I don't expect everyone else to see in it what I do. I also have the benefit of it being one of the first JRPGs I ever played back in the day. Before my uncle bought me an Xbox 360, I was a 100% Nintendo kid and never even glanced at another console. This game means more to me than just its nature as a game. I love it, and it's one of my all time favorites.

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I was fucking determined to squeeze any modicum of fun out of Tales games. I thought "hey some Tales games only get really good when you fully unlock the battle system, maybe this is the same."
This lead to me grinding weapons to +99 blessed and then offering them up so I have a chance to receive the top skill at a double/triple stack allowing me to stack skills high enough to finally use shit like infinite arte combos and 40% lowered casting time, and a skill that doubles the hits of every single one of your attacks.

The result was mediocre and I don't recommend anyone else do it. I just had a lot of time and nothing else to play.

However now I can go into insane depth about how much of a terrible game Zestiria is. I've reached Shit Game Enlightenment.

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You could get multiple games translated for the cost of one with localized voice work in a minimum of five different languages. A law is overboard, but there's a strong argument for localized VA being fucking idiotic, considering the target audience.

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Is karol the master of the obvious?

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Sound like a fucking torture
I remember trying to do this and go for the plat but ended up giving up because i hated Zestiria

A sime rule that is valid in all scenarios, without fail. If you even have to ask, the answer is always sub.

I dropped this game months ago and I am at the part where the party is rescuing estelle at the castle. Is this near the end or are there still more shit in the story?

Still a bunch more

You're not even 2/3rds in yet.

Still more, granted, you've nearly played up to where most people think the story should have ended. The third arc kinda sucks.

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>that pic
Imagine the smell

Everyone liked zagi right?

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>Carrying a giant bag and a hammer like it was nothing
Karol will be as buffed as Don when he grows up, maybe even more
How will Nan handle him?

Play superior zesteria instead

Nan is the real DONGrest amirite

You can perma stunlock Spiral Draco's central head by spamming Karol's Havoc Break

so the implication of that scene in rita's house is that she found a dildo in rita's drawer right? it's bizarre how totally out of place that scene is, they never reference it again either.

i think part of it is that everyone in the vesperia cast are really wholesome and more like a big family. although i think yuri would go for judy over estelle or rita, romantically speaking

wasted character desu

barely gets any screentime despite having a really good design and weapon

raven is treated the way alvin should have been treated in xillia1

he is openly sketchy and has no problem not being trusted by the rest of the group, but never does anything to be an outright burden to the group. as opposed to alvin who just betrays you multiple times and shoots a main character at point blank range and is just repeatedly forgiven because he has to stay in the party.

Do we ever find out why Zagi wanted to kill Flynn so badly in the first place?

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It's a funny thing is all i know.

He's an assassin who got a job?

If I had to describe Tales in a word (barring Zestiria) I would call it "consistent". If you like one Tales game you are reasonably likely to enjoy pretty much any other Tales game just as much (barring Zestiria).

When you look at Xillia or Xillia 2 it doesn't seem possible that the same studio made Zestiria or Berseria. I mean just visually speaking, everything since Xillia 1/2 have been a massive artistic downgrade. Berseria is a decent enough game but holy shit it's ugly visually compared to Xillia

I finally picked up the 3DS version which I've heard makes the game much much faster thanks to less loading than PS2. I'm excited to see how it is

jp subs, grab shareX OCR, and pull up a firefox texthooking tab, prepare to learn nihongo

it only occurs to me at this moment that rita was basically just a prototype of pascal

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Imagine Pascal hugging Rita

Is that ever actually revealed, though? Or are we just supposed to assume that? And even if we assume that, it still raises other questions, like why would somebody be hiring an assassin to go after Flynn, who was just a regular knight at that point? If it was somebody with knowledge about Flynn, then it would probably be somebody with insider knowledge about the knights, but then they probably should have known that Flynn wasn't even in town when Zagi was going after him. And after Zagi meets Yuri, he seems to totally abandon his original goal of trying to kill Flynn, not the mark of a good assassin. Zagi just never made much sense to me. He doesn't have any importance to the story, he doesn't impact anybody's character development in any way, we fight him 5 times and never learn almost anything about him other than that he's got a major crush on Yuri and he MIGHT be a Child of the Full Moon (which is an idea that only gets tossed out once and then never touched upon again). You could remove Zagi from the game entirely and nothing else about the game or story would change at all.

the combined stench of their unwashed bodies would kill everyone in the room

he works for the blood alliance.

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>na na na~ mm mm~

If you mean emotionally distanced from every single person except Jude's childhood friend who rebounded onto him in X2 after Jude proved he would never move on from Milla, sure. Forgiven.
Not even Elize who kissed his cheek in X1 speaks to him much in X2.

Leia is the only one who gives Alvin the time of day, and even Alvin's partner in his side-stories thinks he's still a chronic lying piece of shit. His entire side-story in X2 is about how he hates himself and eventually comes to terms with how much of a prick he is in the end, drinking alone in a bar.
Alvin is forgiven in a way that he doesn't get the satisfaction of being punished for his actions, and has to live with the fact he's burned almost every single bridge he's come across except for Leia and Ludger.

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Zagi was sent to assassinate flynn by the blood alliance. Couldn't find him attacked yuri instead, lost. Carried on with being the blood alliance. When ragou died he just kind of kept going after yuri because he didn't have an assassin job anymore.

the combat is fucked from the getgo once you realize there is no downside whatsoever to just armatizing your way through every fight

I guess the reason the Leia betrayal scene bugs me so much is because in the very same game we see Milla reduced to cripple status over injured legs, and it takes her therapy and time to finally be able to walk again... and then Alvin shoots Leia in the spine at point blank range and not only does she just shake it off overnight but she forgives him too which is just, bizarre to me idk

by any logic these two should not be on good terms at all but she is somehow his closest friend

Doesn't the gun just shoot fire magic? The only real gun Alvin has is his uncle's, isn't it?

Xillia 1 wasn't very well thought out at points. Personally I loved that whole ordeal with Alvin going nuts. I didn't think she got shot in the spine, but my memory's fuzzy.
>by any logic these two should not be on good terms at all but she is somehow his closest friend
That's because you're not Leia. She's a very forgiving, understanding person. Almost to a maternal state. She saw Alvin's grief and felt she needed to do something about it, and shrugged off his spazzing out. He's a charming guy with severe trust issues and lived his entire life setting up lies and when it all came crumbling down he saw himself for the scumbag he was. Leia probably saw the self-deprecation and pitied him.

Isn’t Yuri the only one with a voice change? From what I could find everyone else has their old VAs from the original game back.

Sub of course. Why would anybody play it dubbed?

The Don sounds like he has 3 voice actors. There's a scene in the blood alliance place where he goes through all of them one after the other and it's fucking hilarious seeing three different voices come out of the same face.

wtf i just got special flag and can't pick repede? i thought that was a new feature?

to make you mad

Patty,Rita,Karol and Estelle are like the only ones to get asked to return. (baring patty of course)

You need ANOTHER special flag called special flag r that unlocks later to run around as repede.

son of a bitch

Is this your first Japanese game or what? Leia is one of those anime angels who always forgive people and believe in their good nature.

nigga thats not the right one. you gotta get special flag R.

I feel like Xillia only looks good on some place
Fenmont itself is just beautiful but some place like field don't have much to show and look kinda bad

i get that, i just thought it was weird to have that forgiveness arc after he literally shot her in the back and we just watched a character suffer for months from a crippling injury

Are you absolutely sure about this? Not even Flynn came back?

Oh shit he did, my bad.

i love most of the cities of xillia a lot. the chill feel of elympios with that jazzy music...


xillia is one of the comfiest tales games imo, alongside vesperia and graces f

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Elympios was one of the biggest dissapointments in Tales for me, probably because i was expecting something like Tethealla and because the world felt kinda empty.
Xillia 2 doesn't really fix this problem either.
It added like 2 new areas and thats it
Still enjoyed the games though

if elympios were a bigger city it'd be easy to get lost in. at least with xillia 2 onward they started to add things to sprint or move quickly. i liked the hoverboard in Berseria a lot.

took me back to my R&C future days dashing around in Crack in Time with my hoverboots

what are the optimal AI settings?

X2 had a lot of stuff I wish they went more into. Besides more of Elympios, I wish we got more info on the other Great Spirits and the Bisley/Kresnik lines.

So when are we going to get Graces F and the Xillias on something other than PS3?

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If there wasn't any speech during battle, I'd play it subbed first time. Dub is passable at least compared to Symphonia, so I'll wait for NG+ to play subbed.

Honestly the best language to play is the one you listened to first.

I played Vesperia dubbed english and when i listened to it in Japanese it was weird as fuck.

The complete opposite happened in Berseria, played it in Japanese and when i heard the english voices it made me cringe.

Just whatever you listened to first will do.

I haven't even played Berseria yet but Magilou single-handedly sold me on it. How can one flat gremlin be so perfect?

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He baits the bullying out of them and pretends not to have seen it coming. This lets him bond with the party while keeping a pretense of emotional distance. Just like me.


Shame. English Eizen's the fucking GOAT.

He really does sound excellent in english.

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Why do people like berseria when it has objectively worse gameplay?

Because you're not crippled until endgame, the character interactions are more interesting, and the character themselves aren't flat, excluding Rokurou.

Because the gameplay is still good and fluid and feels good. It's not as good as Xillia 2 but it's still fine. Also like this dude said:

But i literally got 30 hours in mashing fucking B. How is that better in any fucking way? And this fucking meme again
>Le Vesperia characters have no arcs

I didn't say that, you fucking autist. Get over your victim complex.

>and the character themselves aren't flat
Do you know what flat charters mean? Not just small tits you dense mother fucker.

>But i literally got 30 hours in mashing fucking B
You can do that with all Tales games, you can fucking do that in DMC, what's your point?

dub is okay other than karol

Yes, retard. If you're done sperging out over nothing, go grab a drink and relax.

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Edna and Symonne were the greatest things about Zesty.

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The important part is that all the best Yuri lines are still voiced by Troy Baker. Namco are still a bunch of cheap cock suckers for not asking him back for the Definitive Edition. It's incredibly jew.

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since this thread hasn't gone to shit does that mean the tripfag finally got permabanned

But it's not encouraged. you objectivley do less damage mashing one button in those games because it requires skill to pull off the more complex combos, the only valid point you made is that characters start off way more gimped then late game. But that arguably doesn't even matter because by hour 15 you have enough skills to do shit in this Vid (note this requires more than mashing b and on hard mode this shit is actually encouraged for fatal strikes)
Whoa im just making conversation, you are the ones who made the claims that Vesperia is flat, i just want to hear your justifications other than using buzzwords or not going in depth enough. no haterino

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Even if most of the other VAs they got back still sounded older and tired, I would have forgiven it all if Troy was back.

OH FUCK, see you fellas on 3 days KEK

I don't even understand how this happens though. Do you just keep all of your shit in list view?

>Not Zaveid
>or even Lailah
Don't let being a lolifag distract you from the fact that Symonne was a piece of shit that deserved to get bodied.

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literally yes. i need to label my porn...

>tfw still no doujin of Sorey "purifying" her

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Also i took like 4 shots of Grey Goose not too long ago. So im still pretty fuddled

>4 shots of Grey Goose
Godspeed user. I'd be fucking dead after that many shots. Don't have much tolerance for the hard stuff.

Berseria is the most recent, not the best. It's only an improvement over the game it's a prequel to, Zestiria.

Vesperia is regarded as the actual best. It's the last one to have proper overworlds, the gameplay can get amazing in ways none of the other games can, and with the PS3 version it's one of the last Tales games that got fully completed.

Zaveid made Zestiria tolerable and Berseria better than it already was.

Nobody in their right mind would consider Berseria as anything other than "at least it's not Zestiria".

me fucking neither

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I enjoyed Berseria and Vesperia


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I got kinda sick of the gameplay in Berseria after a while, but I enjoyed everything else about it.

What is this cheeky ironing board looking at?

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the gameplay and armor system killed it for me. The skits are just retreads of scenes you just watch. Some are cute don't get me wrong.

I like any skit where Eizen turns into a turbo autist about something for no reason.

Holy shit this

oh right the skill mastering system was pretty bad
was constantly using a much lower tier weapon in the end since it had better skills than anything after it

>I haven't even played Berseria
waifushitter doesn't play games? color me surprised.

Seres' cute nails.

some of the skills were so fucking pointless/ too situational as well
>Do more damage to X enemy

I really hope nu-Tales drops this heavy focus on autistic weapon crafting and skill grinding. Just give me practical skills for all sorts of situations like before, fuck.

it really kills the game, Lets hope we don't get Zesteria's style again.....

How many hours you got in Vesperia, pal? I got 433

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Abyss and Symphonia are regarded as two of the best alongside Vesperia and Graces


Yoshida can draw some very good decieving traps.

straight up gay lmao

I honestly preferred what they did with Alvin in Xillia.

Here's your (you).

I'm guessing that's the next "cushion title" after the next official Tales game.


I like you.
>Berseria is the most recent, not the best.
And these can't go hand in hand or what?

>People who defend the new English track in this re-release need to get their priorities straight if they're going to listen to it for over 80+ hours of their life, that shit is just jarring.
Sometimes, yes. Most of the time it is fine.

Some of the minor characters also didn't return. Like the Leader of the idiot Schwann squad has a completely different voice at times.

>that part where Estellise finds Ritas dildo in the draw

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Yuri beat him. Zagi wanted to be the best, so he continuously followed Yuri. When doing his best didn't work, he went for Blastia fusion.
He was obsessed being the best but he also enjoyed his quarrel with Yuri and saw him as a rival of some sort.
Zagi was mental.

Graces on Switch would make sense, since it started out as a nintendo game.

Dub. I can't imagine a single reason to read shit when I have working ears.

Bunch of weak ass niggers ITT. SUBmissive cucks.

Sub because is more consistent, with the dub you can pretty much pinpoint every time Patty is going to talk because the audio quality takes a nose dive and everyone sounds slightly off on the new material.

i told my friend to search her drawer today. He thought his game broke when the screen went black

I can't even imagine what her dildo must smell like

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Sub unfortunately. Its impossible to recommend the dub being that many of the characters have 2 voice actors that swap randomly throughout the narrative because they added more lines. I'd have preferred if they just didn't voice those lines at all, or recorded all of the old lines using the new voice actors instead. As it is the change is just too distracting and will pull you out of whatever is going on every time it happens. And it happens quite frequently, multiple times an hour. I can't even remember what this game's characters are like because all I remember is noticing how many times Yuri's voice switched. Its a real shame because the old english voice cast was a Macross Plus level of dub. Asbolutely top tier.

JP version.

is this real

It was never confirmed what she actually found there.

Yeah, it's real, but it's not explicit, it's implied more or less. But yes, it's very real. It's a skit.
There's a lot of skits about tits as well, and boob envy.

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Look at this pink slut.

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