What was the best game in the Orange Box?

Let's decide this once and for all

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Will there ever be a more kino game collection?

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>Orange Box
Refer to the cripchan thread

Team Fortress 2 obviously

Why is a f2p game winning?

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Peggle you complete fuckwit

it has the most replay value

it wasn't F2P back on 2007

Not on console, it didn't. I got more hours from HL2 than I did idling in dead matchmaking for TF2.

Lies. The ps3 and 360 version still have players. Unless you were spawned in fucking romania.

>Shitty humor and garbage low effort cartoony graphics are good
I just know you wasted 8 years of your life in this game, how many hats do you have queerbot?

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I played a ton of tf2
I remember finding out about that out of bounds glitch with engineer and doing it every time on 2fort

go back to fortnite or the other zoomer garbage you surely play.

>playing games for the humor and graphics

This, it's low effort as fuck and Volvo even removed a ton of effects to add more guns and skins for them lootboxes

Get the fuck outta here. I played this shit on 360 so fucking much that my disk may not work right anymore.

HL2 is dogshit compared to 1
Portal was alright, it's been surpassed by 2 though
TF2 has seen better days but I'd unironically play it forever if they revived community servers and got rid of the matchmaking

Portal, followed closely by TF2

How would you pull that glitch off? Does it still work?


>Shitty humor
>Garbage low effort cartoony graphics

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the nice things are over forever

Copypasted it from the cripchan thread lmao

based retard

of course

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so this is how far Yea Forums has fallen

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roflmao that's epic.

kek @ whatever mad men voted for HL2 Ep 1

I still play TF2 on the X

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>you can only play vanilla TF2 on consoles anymore

Don't really like Metal gear but holy shit this is a kino collection

God I want this so bad, but knowing Konami, it would never happen.

>nooo vote for redditfortress 2

Why don't you like the game, user?

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this is a well-produced mockup
did you make it?

Still better than 8/v/, just look at how their thread is going.

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unpatched 2007 TF2 was not balanced at all. Demoman was so OP it was ridiculous. Rollers exploded on contact (while rolling) and did full damage. And soldiers and demos both had like 56 rockets / stickies in reserve, and stickies did way more damage.
If that's true vanilla I don't want it

unbalanced shooters are fun.

Here's what I did


TF2 is a soulless husk being kept alive on agonizing life support, in a just world it would have died peacefully a long time ago.

why is the only argument I see there against things they don't like to call it "Reddit"?

Because it's a real argument in their eyes.
Renember, that place is filled with faggots permabanned from here that are too dumb to evade.

TF2 is at it's best right now, take off the nostalgia goggles

>portal is a better game than half-life 2 according to the resetera/neogaf/nu/v/ crowd that inhabits this shithole now

>only 10 votes for episode 2
Only me and other 9 guys know what's good.

>game is bad because the community is bad

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half-life 2 is dogshit that ruined gaming alongside halo

>50% of unlocks are unusable
>at it's best

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>Only 24 votes for Peggle Extreme
Only me and other 23 guys know what's truly good.

>bloated to shit with retarded cosmetics
>original artstyle and aesthetic has long since been discarded for valve's disgusting money grubbing system
>shit ton of dead content
>community is one of the worst on the internet

If you joined TF2 past the f2p update your opinion is invalid dumb zoomer

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>caring about sidegrades

% of unlocks are unusable
Nigger what?

>>bloated to shit with retarded cosmetics
Just get a mod to turn them off if they bother you so much you braindead manhole
>>original artstyle and aesthetic has long since been discarded for valve's disgusting money grubbing system
See above
>>shit ton of dead content
Only Arena and Cactus Canyon, the former being shit anyways
>>community is one of the worst on the internet
Nigger wot? How is it bad? If anything, it's the least shit video game community there is, it's literally the main thing keeping the game alive and has helped with tons of updates.

>Just get a mod to turn them off if they bother you so much you braindead manhole

there isn't a single populated server that will support this you dumb troglodyte

not him but the community consists of:
>clueless normalniggers
and just overall complete degenerates.
what do you mean it's not bad?

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So every multiplayer game ever? You only notice because Steam lets you customize your profile.

So you are actually braindead, it doesn't need the support of a server you manhole. It works on all servers.

Stopped playing the game years ago and moved to Overwatch and Fortnite
Stopped playing the game years ago and moved to Overwatch and Fortnite
Stopped playing the game years ago and Fortnite
Slavs are based bros, go fuck yourself.
Never seen them in my expierence
>>clueless normalniggers
Stopped playing the game years ago and moved to Fortnite

Anyone who doesn't say Portal is memeing.

The children are mostly gone but the Barneyfags and Yiffers are still very much around
Also fuck all Finns

That's how it works, yeah. That's why I'll never touch undertale

>bronies and furries have stopped playing team fortress 2
Why lie on the internet?

Its an hour and a half tech demo where you dont even get to use the full gimmick till more than half way through.

>but the Barneyfags and Yiffers are still very much around
In the rare case that I do see one, they usually never say anything and in the even rarer occasion that they are obnoxious, I just votekick them.

Episode 2 was good but was too short and Alyx is fucking annoying and is the reason why HL2 is a chore to replay

Where's my tf2 update!?

you can't just votekick them because where there is one there is several you dumb liar

t. doesn't play tf2

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I want to _hug Alyx

I usually just see one on the server

I want Alyx to lick my anus

Community Servers are still a thing user, just look in the server browser.

lot of idle and trade servers tho.


>that DLC
>horse armor/camo near the bottom
I kek'd

okay, this is epic

It's not my fault that you're so fucking stupid you can't form an argument without using "XD" ironically

>This thread

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TF2 had the best and most gameplay
Portal had the best story and new mechanics
HL2 and episodes were pretty good

>doesn't have a rebuttal
Portal isn't defined by a single meme and TF2 isn't defined by poorly edited voice clips and OUTRAGEOUS facial expressions. fu

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It's still objectively TF2. It's just a shame Valve doesn't know what/want to do anything with it. Matchmaking was a mistake.