The publisher’s Infinity Ward studio recently showed a part of the single-player campaign for an upcoming installment...

>The publisher’s Infinity Ward studio recently showed a part of the single-player campaign for an upcoming installment of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and it has scenes and gameplay in it that are very disturbing to me. It brings to mind the No Russian controversy, where civilians are mowed down in a Russian airport in 2009’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
>I was quite uncomfortable as I watched a gameplay demo of Modern Warfare, which is more than just a remake of 2007’s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
>I would encourage the developers to examine whether they should include the scenes I’ve seen.

2019 games everyone.

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>release remastered MW1
>2 years later release remaining
What happened to IW?

Will they have the balls to do no Russian in 2019? It would make SJW SEETHE.

Considering that airport was full of white people, what would they be complaining about?

Mass murder and violence. The would be 'shocked' and 'appalled' by the extreme violence in a video game, some of them might get digitally raped and get PTSD.

But they're killing white people, it's just retribution for sexism, slavery, colonization, and the holocaust.

Didn't stop them and journos from flipping their shit over Hatred.


Attached: Where Do You Think You Are.jpg (600x444, 22K)

Go back


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>genocide millions in GTA
>shoot a few in COD
I was quite uncomfortable as I watched a gameplay demo of Modern Warfare, which is more than just a remake of 2007’s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
I would encourage the developers to examine whether they should include the scenes I’ve seen.

The game will have a black female protagonist, but you should be fine with it because it's just fiction

>lmao they are banning titties who cares
now they are trying to go after violence, hope you enjoying the grave you dug for yourselves

>these guys are literally selling the same game 12 years later

jesus christ IW has reached godlike power levels

WHICH scenes? That's just clickbait if you can't back your claims with anything.

I might as well claim anything as well. Extra Extra 4chains user claims that Cod Modern Warfare (2019) has 3D scanned children you can rape.

i am

I mean, this new game has you playing as freedom-fighting terrorists against Russian ultranationlist shit, instead of just operatives of the "good guys", so they're basically going all in on No Russian as a horrors of war thing rather than a shock movie villain plot thing.

This. The fake outrage is absurd

You retarded or something? It's another No Russian controversy again. Who cares about muh elite negros.

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We're talking about the same uncomfortable thing, right?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-30 Call of Duty Modern Warfare - Official Reveal Trailer - YouTube.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

>t. seething retard

wow, i wonder if they treated the violence slightly differently

holy shit if you don't like the violence don't play the goddamn game it's a fucking war simulator, what the hell do you even expect?

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