Oh cool, a piano! I should play a song real quick.
Oh cool, a piano! I should play a song real quick
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I would shit myself at this as a kid
It all started on the 9th of December 2016. I’ve kept my Nintendo 64 system ever since I was 6 years old, a very big part of my childhood if you can imagine. At this time, I’ve been binge-playing Nintendo 64 games for 5 days straight, until I realized that I forgot to play the legendary Super Mario 64, which was the BIGGEST game of my childhood. I remember beating the game 4 times as a kid, and then speed-running the game another 3 times shortly after that. Yes, I did have a lot of time on my hands.
I looked online to see if they were selling Super Mario 64, cartridge form, for any good reasonable deals. Most of the websites that I found were expensive (eBay sold the game for $24.99, which isn’t that much, but I couldn’t afford it at the time), but I found one website (It didn’t look so professional, but it was the only one I can find) that showed a total of 10 available listings of the game. At the time, I only had $130. Needing the rest of my money to spend on groceries, and having to save money to pay my bills, my only choice was to buy the cheapest offer.
The cheapest offer I can find was $5.99. It was also pre-owned, and I assumed that the previous owner of the cartridge didn’t treat it so well, because the front of the cartridge had visible soda or grease stains. The front decal had tears in it, and the back decal of the cartridge was completely torn off. It did look pretty crappy, but I figured that as long as the actual technical part of the cartridge wasn’t damaged, it would function normally. It didn’t say anything about the condition of the game, and there was no description. I wondered why somebody would sell something online without making the buyer feel satisfied for what they’re gonna buy, but I honestly didn’t care what condition it was in, I just wanted to play it and relive my childhood. The arrival date was between Dec. 15 and Dec. 20, which gave me time to complete GoldenEye 007 maybe twice. If you’re overwhelmed, let me just make clear that I’m an absolute HARDCORE gamer.
I purchased the cartridge and waited until the game finally arrived on the 17th, in a UPS truck. The cartridge was exactly how it looked in the picture; only I noticed that there were blood stains on the top and left side of the cartridge. I freaked out when I saw this, and almost dropped the cartridge on the floor. Why would there be bloodstains on a game cartridge? The only logical reason I can think of is that the original owner could’ve hurt himself and dropped the cartridge, causing blood to splatter on it or something, but even that seems unlikely. I simply tried not to touch the bloodstains, and proceeded to put it in my N64. It booted up normally, and I was so happy to see the words “Super Mario 64” pop up with Mario’s welcoming voice saying, “It’s-a-me, Mario!”
Read nintendo power you fucks, it clearly says you can beat it
Oh no
Mario’s face popped up, much to my amusement. I remember messing around with Mario’s face as a kid. I rose up Mario’s moustache to make a pair of sunglasses. I smiled. Yes, I’m 29 years old, I normally wouldn’t laugh at something like that, but this game just makes me so happy. I merged Mario’s face into a few more formations until I pressed start on my controller. All the save files were empty and good as new, but as soon as I pressed the start button, I knew that something was up.
Much to my disappointment, there was no menu music. None. That’s my favorite soundtrack in the game; it makes me feel like I’m ready to save the princess. But it was gone. I forgot to look and see if the bottom of the cartridge was all fucked up, because this small detail screamed in my face that this copy of the game isn’t normal. I sighed and said “Fuck” angrily to myself. I know the best thing to do is to buy a fairly priced copy, but I was unfortunately very low on money at the time. I assumedly hoped that it was just a small little glitch with this particular cartridge. Rather reluctantly, I pressed on one of the save files. “Let’s-a-go!”
Now, from what happens now, I could tell right away that this cartridge is glitched. There was no opening cutscene. The letter with the princess, Mario jumping out of a pipe, it skips all that. Instead, Mario just spawns outside of the castle. It’s as if the file had progress in it, because Mario would normally spawn like this on a previously played file. There were also no birds chirping in the background. It just seemed, empty, in a very eerie way.
I proceeded to the double doors. Lakitu wasn’t there to stop me like normal. I opened the doors to the castle. There was no message from Bowser, or no evil laugh. No music, either. There weren’t even any toads, and the 4 coins on the platform were missing.
Hello guys and gals, me Mutahar, and today we're reading a Mario 64 creepypasta that takes place just about three years ago, all about a haunted Nintendo 64 cartridge. Well, without further ado, let's jump right into this story.
I really like this poo in loo
I fucking read it in his voice.
Realistically, there was no reason for me to play on, but I was very intrigued by the cartridges missing features. I checked the other doors to see if this file was already played or something, but they wouldn’t open. I proceeded to the Bob-omb Battlefield painting, and triple – jumped into it. The “Ba ba ba ba baa!” Tune played in the star menu as normal, much to my relief, but there was something else I saw that proved this cartridge is just a stupid hack of some sort.
The mission was titled “Hello”, spelled just like that. I got a chill down my spine when I read this, much like anybody would. I really, really wanted to see what was awaiting me in this level, so I pressed the A button. “Let’s-a-go!”
The level was normal to the extent. Everything was there as it was supposed to be. I was finally glad, figuring that the game would play normally now. I stomped Goombas, collected coins, and shredded enemies with the Koopa shell. When I proceeded to the stick with the chain chomp, he accidentally hit me. Oddly enough, Mario died instantly, and the camera was rotating slowly around Mario’s dying animation. The endless stairs song was playing backwards in a demonic way, and the screen was flashing slowly to darkness and back. The camera zoomed away from Mario’s body and Bowser’s face irised out to signify death only his laugh was reversed. At this point, I was very confused and terrified, and I really wanted a definite explanation on what was happening.
Mario fell out of the painting, and the endless stairs music was still playing. I ran as fast as I could out of the door, and the music faded out. I still had 0 stars, and I had nowhere else to go, so I decided to go into the painting again, only this time, the room was different. It was a long hallway that’s end faded out into darkness. I started walking down, and the reverse endless stairs music faded in. I felt like I was actually going up the endless stairs, because the hallway took extremely long for me to bypass. When I did make it to the end, I was greeted by a very haunting painting with Bowser’s laugh faintly playing slowly in reverse. The picture on the painting was very bone chilling to me. It was a shadowy figure with what looks like blood splattered on it. For some reason, the picture looked very familiar, like I’ve seen it somewhere on the web before. It was very unsettling to look at. I looked at it for a second before shuddering, and I then jumped into the painting.
I wasn’t given the choice to choose a mission, it just plopped me on a long, gray platform. It took me a bit, but I then realized that this was the Invisibility Cap level. You know, the one accessible at the bottom moat in front of Peach’s Castle? It’s a very cool level. Only this particular time, it was more eerie than cool. There wasn’t any music, and all the coins were gone. The 1-UP mushroom on one of the platforms was gone, too. As I slid down the long slope, I realized that there weren’t any enemies, either.
There were literally no entities on this level except Mario. The only thing that remained was the ground. It looked like an abandoned obstacle course. Even those rotating and seesaw platforms were completely gone, only leaving its hinges. I couldn’t exactly make it to the end of the level, so the only choice here was to kill Mario, which I did. I jumped into the dark void, killing him. Instead of spawning back at the castle, it spawned me in the middle of nowhere. Literally. It was just an endless gray floor with no walls and no music. There was literally nothing except Mario and his sound effects. After about two minutes of walking, the endless stairs music kicked in, this time playing normally, and the camera slightly zoomed out away from Mario. After another 15 seconds, two frames of a picture flickered on the screen, and Mario died, shouting the same noise he’d make if he were to fall off a cliff. The camera zoomed in on Mario and rotated around him, as the color black flickered on the screen and as Bowsers head irised out and laughed.
Mario spawned in a different room, now. It was the mad piano room, with no music (I’ve become quite familiar with this happening now) and no piano. This room always scared me as a kid. Even without the piano, the room was still very eerie to me. Hell, everything I’ve experienced so far was scarily confusingly eerie. I tried to wall jump up to the platform on top, only to find that it was completely removed, so instead I proceeded to the door.
The piano wasn't scary and if you didn't expect it to do something, you were stupid
BASED! Drag those stupid faggots!
When I touched the door, the music box tune played (The tune that plays when a secret is found) and the camera zoomed in on the door a little bit. The door then opened itself, in a way that I didn’t think was possible for the N64, and the camera switched to a second person view of Mario, as Mario slowly walked through the door, and as the screen faded out into darkness.
What happened next just utterly scared the shit out of me, and to this day it still leaves a scar in my brain that’ll probably haunt and terrorize me for the rest of my life.
The screen faded in, and on screen showed a video recording from a surveillance camera. It showed a person in a store aisle, putting groceries in a shopping cart. It didn’t take me long to realize that the person was me. When I noticed this, I almost fainted. I thought I was dreaming or having an epiphany or something. I nearly had a heart attack. I rushed to my console and pressed the power button, but the console stayed on. I pressed it like crazy, nothing happened. I pressed and held the power button, and still, nothing happened. I was panicking, but something inside of me just wanted to see more.
I’m not going to go into any good detail, but after about 30 seconds, an ENTITY appeared in the recording, and killed me in a very brutal way. All of this happened, with a reversed, slowed, and distorted version of the Endless Stairs theme playing. After about 8 seconds of showing my deceased mangled body on the ground, the console shut itself off, and the electricity to my house went out. I ran as fast as I could inside my room and panicked for about 2 minutes. I happened to look outside my window, and saw that all the other houses had their lights out, too, but that’s beyond the point. The fact that it happened on sync like that is mind-boggling scary.
It’s been like 3 years since that experience, and I haven’t touched my Nintendo 64 since. I had a nightmare about it that night, and it’s safe to admit that I had lots of trouble falling asleep.
To this day, I’m still dumbfounded as to what happened, not to mention fearful of my life. First of all, there’s no way that a N64 cartridge could’ve been hacked and revamped like that. Not even the best hacker in the world can do something like that.
That cartridge was obviously speaking to me. There’s literally no other possible theory for this. The way the lights turned off in sync like that, the fact that it was seeing into the future, the fact that it knew me, the fact that an entity appeared in it and killed me, the fact that a very limited Nintendo 64 displayed an actual RECORDING, you guys probably understand. I know I’m going a little too far, but I wrote all of this out of extreme paranoia.
It's ok fren, bowser isn't gonna kill you
>murdered by entity while getting groceries
At least his aim was good