Can someone explain to me why the fuck they hired a damn good PC dev team (splash damage) to port the game...

Can someone explain to me why the fuck they hired a damn good PC dev team (splash damage) to port the game, then went OVER their heads and hired a 3rd fucking dev team to work on the UI scaling, menu's and stat tracking, and instead of just simply coding it in, they decided to add ANOTHER FUCKING ENGINE INTO THE GAME SIMPLY TO HANDLE UI AND STATS

Who the FUCK thought adding UE4 to halo simply for UI and stats was a good idea?

Attached: apps.28631.70129175347241224.5accbd03-5156-4d2e-a50d-dea48b0a5da2.jpg (1920x1080, 194K)

It's easier and cheaper.

i thought people hated splash damage

Easier and cheaper than to simply code it in the engine they already own and are paying a dev team who actually knows how to make PC games to simply do.

Your saying licensing a separate engine AND team (as well as integrating it into the already existing engine) is easier and cheaper.

Say what you want about the games they make gameplay wise, they know how to handle PC games. Theyve been a PC studio for almost 20 years now.

It's Microsoft. They have more money than planet. They can do whatever the fuck they want.

Yes you mongoloid. It needs to display the stats at the end of every game along with the stat updates and things. Since each halo games loads a different engine, it's much easier to use a wrapper UI engine that loads with the MCC main menu rather than programming a UI for each individual game engine that needs to be displayed.


This is probably one of the most autistic complaints about a videogame I've ever seen, and I've been in Sonic threads

Why play the MCC when apparently Halo 5 has the best multiplayer and is the newest?

Halo CE-ODST have campaigns that are fun to replay. Halo 5 multiplayer is nice, but the community died because it lacked content for like 7 months after release.

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Considering MS has a massive fucking programming framework and basically own C and its variants, I'd think even their interns could come up with a UI/menu engine that's light and optimized.

It's fun. Others are fun as well but in a bit different ways.

Having that game on PC is cool and all, but what about the Nintendo Switch? Any news on the Switch version, because this collection would be PERFECT for the Switch

Best multiplayer is a meme pushed by 343 shills.

>He fell for the "H5 has the best MP bullshit"

Attached: laughingchefs.jpg (1024x576, 82K)

Learn to code.

Its not a port though user

Attached: bart.jpg (250x300, 21K)

>accurate weapons that deal damage
>static item timers
>good strafe
>powerups stack properly
It's pretty good.

Only strafe and useful weapons are valid celebrations for 5. The rest is casualization bullshit dropping the skill ceiling.

>static item timers
>being able to combine OS & camo