
Attached: YIIK-A-Postmodern-RPG-01-31-2019-9.jpg (730x411, 204K)

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YIIK is /ourgame/ cope.

Attached: 1552497823180.png (600x580, 426K)

>gamergate website
did the devs make fun of gaymers

>YIIK is /ourgame/
Why do people say this?, from what i saw of it i thought it was reddit: the game

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-123514.png (1988x2048, 1.98M)

Yea Forums = reddit

Nobody fucking cares you stupid shit, stop making threads about this shitty dead game

How can those designs be so busy and still look incredibly generic?

n-no it's just a very subtle homage!!! you gamers just aren't smart enough to get it!!!

They're not busy, that's kind of the problem.

Also it was a retarded choice to have your first three party members all wear different shades of red.

I think the visual design of the game is quite good

did they remind you of your poor grades in school


YIIK? More like YIIKES!

Attached: 1446908930156.png (720x720, 636K)


Funny enough I was just looking for YIIK threads here. I don't know much about the game. All I know is that a Hype Break video showed up in my recommend about it.

It's fpbp newfag.

more like YUCK

Can you not throw around slurs?

Welcome to two weeks ago

Both statements are correct. Is it starting to click yet?



Based illiterate cant even read the link


Nobody likes this game.

I guess your taste in jokes is the opposite as your taste in women

How do you mean?


You like young and pure girls but your jokes are old and used up

they’re calling you a pedo with old jokes mate

Damn. The black chick has a pretty bangin' design.

so plagiarism now is taking definitions from words and posting them in your game.

you get the retard reward of the month, congrats

Who did they accuse though?

they targeted gaymers

Pretty embarassing, but I doubt anyone really cares

reminder the dev basically called people stupid for not being able to handle with his game and said it has a following on Yea Forums when even resetera was able to ignore it

you are stupid tho


>tfw YIIK dev somehow managed to anger both lib trannies and magacels at the same time
how did he do it? who else has achieved this feat

They didn't delete the quotation marks, they can't even copy properly.

Attached: D7pRWlQXsAASlxv.jpg (2048x803, 352K)

make fun of racism to unlock the first and type heh gamers to unlock the second
easiest achievements in the industry

oh yeah the tranny part is as easy as asking for your birth name apparently
extremely transphobic

He's fucking saying ELIMINATE not lemonade which you would fucking KNOW if you actually PLAYED the game and didn't just act like a dumb blind sheep watching cherry picked videos made with clear bias