Piracy isn't stea—

>piracy isn't stea—
>arcade cabinet collector owns an extremely rare game with only 3 known cabinets that has never been dumped for emulation
>hires a repairman to fix a completely different game
>repairman supposedly pulls off a heist where he dumps the rare game (a process that requires a laptop, specialized equipment, and a couple hours) without being caught
>none the wiser until months later when the ROM anonymously drops on the internet
>other 2 collectors suspect the 3rd betrayed their pact by selling his cabinet and uploading the dump afterwards, making the heist up to cover his ass

Attached: Doug ROM-bandito.jpg (300x326, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Doesn't upload the rom himself
What a fucking asshole, the physical game is still as rare and maybe more with the exposure.

how is this a bad thing

>>other 2 collectors suspect the 3rd betrayed their pact by selling his cabinet and uploading the dump afterwards, making the heist up to cover his ass
Honestly, why would you ever side with raging homosexuals like this over pirates?

Literally muh sekrit club


Fuck these "people"

It isn't.

Absolutely based repairman.

>collectors literally holding games hostage because muh value

They all sound like assholes
Was the game even good?

kek that's actually based

It's not about the cabinet or money to them, it's about autistically hoarding an exclusive experience. They sell tickets to their private arcades and SOMETIMES bring the rare ones to conventions just to rub it in people's faces with a taste of what they can't have.
They don't want this, they don't want plebeians being able to download a 50 KB ROM and experience the game at their leisure in the comfort of their own homes.

fuck you "people"

based repairman
game looks pretty fun


>there are people who unironically think people would care about about the cabinet of a rare prototype when the only reason people are interested in it it's just because it's not available literally anywhere else

Well user I'm happy to tell you that that legally isn't theft from the owner of the cabinet. He doesn't own the software on that cabinet merely a license to run it on that specific hardware :^)

>They sell tickets to their private arcades

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The repair guy's an absolute god for btfo'ing some whiny cunts
As for the game itself, looks OK. Not something I'd expect someone to be glad about hoarding.

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repairman sounds like a hero.

Yes, that's correct.

Holy shit what a terrible site. It's the only one that isn't blocked at my job because we need to keep up with tech news/software updates. But if it isn't a basedboy opinion piece, it's a boring as hell scientific article with none of the interesting details included

Fuck hoarders, and fuck the bootlickers and contrarians that defend them.

this but unironically

not gonna lie it looks like shit but its kinda neat

holy fuck imagine playing this on acid

Thats the best case possible.

it's an arcade game, what did you expect

I don't get it either. I'm glad these collectorfags got their shitholes kicked in with this, and I'm glad it's out, but is there some sort of special history or prominence of this game before its planned release?

For example, if someone had decided to hoard the unreleased NES SimCity and keep its ROM unreleased, it'd still be shitty but there'd be an understandable desire for hoarding it, being a unique variant of a famous game that was prominently shown off before it was meant to debut.

is this polybius?

Emulation isn't the same as the real thing
This situation is like if someone took a picture of a valuable painting, and then the painting's owner claimed the photo lowered the painting's value
Am I wrong

>2 collectors suspect the 3rd betrayed their pact
Lmao, what a bunch of faggots.

Can anyone stop Doug Vidya-Bandito?

Lmao these dorks deserve this

What kind of faggots make a pact to keep their game secret?

repair guy is a god among men

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>betrayed the pact
get fucked autismlords

This repair guy is a fucking modern-day saint.
I love everything about this article.

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>Excuse me! Hey, EXCUSE ME! Yes, YOU! Did you think I was speaking to Ms. Pac-Man?! I clearly said the buttons were sticking on Missile Command, while you're setting up equipment at Akka Arrh! That cab is worth more than your life, you simpleton! Another mistake like that and you'll be sorry! I know people, I'm invited to Walter Day's barbecues! You'd have to take up surfing, because you'd never touch another board in THIS community ever again, you can be certain of that!

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Fuck those faggots for not dumping it sooner. Collectors are cancer

If you paid someone to come to your property and carry out work and in the process they tampered with something, removing it from the premises and then put it online, would you not be angry? Or do you like being cucked in your own home? Breakdown of trust is grounds for dismissal. Repairman should be prosecuted.

I agree, but I also think there was no repairman.

What if this was all a publicity stunt to jack the prices of the cabinet even further? Sure, it can be emulated, but now more people know about the cabinet itself, meaning demand will go up even further.

>the average anti-pirate fag




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>buying used for thousands of dollars
>none of it goes to the original creators only to some collector that's been keeping it
There may have been a time when scarcity was necessary, as if what they were collecting didn't have the value it had it wouldn't be preserved at all. But with the internet, preserving something forever is easy and may as well be free. The physical copy still retains some value due to rarity.

>actually linking to polygon and arse technica

This, but at best it's breach of contract. Only the original publishers of the game can get him for copyright infringement. Can collectors sue for damages? As in you steal a design from some collector, make 1000 perfect replicas of it, and return the collector's original, but now it's devalued due to being more common?

Yeah you keep trying to destroy the free market you red commie bastard. I will keep getting games, movies and music for free just like Adam Smith would want me to.

do you understand what a free market is

>Don't post sources

Okay user

Archive, you useless newfag.

Not him but this boogieman shit is pathetic. Unless you have adblock off and mindlessly click on banner ads and videos they aren't getting revenue off you.



based repairman

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Game was looked so simple, but then the zoom in happen and it blew my mind. Game was pretty innovative.

>Mona Lisa reprints
>People still go see the original at the Museum
>Mona Lisa only became popular because it was originally stolen

if your maid takes pictures of a book that was on your coffee table did she steal the book from you?

get fucked autists
based repairman

>If the maid scans your extremely rare, valuable comic book and puts it online, did she do anything wrong?
Is a more accurate comparison.

Exactly. The Mona Lisa is still considered extremely valuable and a celebrated item, even though it's been copied and anyone can view the "contents" of the painting. If these people are going to act like their rare video games are that important, then surely if it's okay for the Mona Lisa it's okay for a mere video game, yes?

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Wu tang, but with music

It's literally the exact same scenario.

I can look up a scan of the first issue of Action Comics any time I want. Now go look up how much original copies sell for. The copy isn't nearly as damaging as you would think.

>Honestly, why would you ever side with raging homosexuals like this over pirates?

Because pirates don't care about anything or anyone. There's literally no point in "siding" with them. At least with the raging homosexuals one might get some financial gain out of this.

Christianity also frowns on people playing god.
Jesus = god = holy spirit
So mimicking Jesus is frowned on.

What was lost?

No.. I can’t beleive this bros.. somebody has something I don’t have... I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS

By that logic shouldn't we all ignore the example he was supposed to have set, and act like a bunch of satanic cunts?

>other 2 collectors suspect the 3rd betrayed their pact by selling his cabinet and uploading the dump afterwards
Jesus Christ. I can understand one autist wanting to keep muh exclusive access to something, but forming a ”pact” with other collectors who have the same rare item? What the fuck?

chad repairman.
Imagine hoarding turbo rare games, and not even be capable or interested enough to fucking maintain them.
Game collectors are no better than nazi or mao's book burnings

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What's the problem? Now everyone can enjoy the game instead of just a few autists.

>Unless you have adblock off and mindlessly click on banner ads and videos they aren't getting revenue off you.
You know they can still see your habits and sell that data, right? And what do you think is the point of reCAPTCHA using environmental images for every single post?

If somebody gets a copy of something, do they track the other person and force them into it? What the fuck is this cult bullshit?

Just saying a 'book' suggests it's any run of the mill paperback novel. Not the same
Valid. But did the maid do anything wrong in the scenario?

to train the Prism into enslaving us all into a dystopian hyperconsumerist nightmare

but did she steal it? espionage and theft aren't the same thing.

>tfw Vertexer still not dumped

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That repairman is a hero.

I personally wouldn't say she did anything wrong, no.

No, because you're a raging cuntbag for withholding rare entertainment from others just because you have money invested in it.


Those City of Heroes guys

ITT the only gayfag maggots are the three "collectors" and OP.

Why bait we all know you're on our side

Unpopular opinion coming through: I hope the repairman gets sued the shit out of him for damages/lost income

>hoarding content of any media instead of ensuring a copy of it is available to all to be shared until our extinction
Talk about being fucking soulless. Who knows how many works of the past are lost to time because of asshats like them?

And this faggot

Popular opinion: I hope you choke on a dick.

>le unpopula-
Go back to redddit shit eating tourist.

True, but there's a caveat to that. Is the loss of trust that impactful for the repairman? Do they care about the consequences? Theoretically, the sense of trust might be worth more to the person withholding it than the person it's been taken from.

le triggered

now this is a man of the people with his ear on the ground

Think what you want, but the evidence is there.

Oh shit its the console bandito!

Emulation is anti-preservation and the scene itself is full of trannies and weirdos. The only way to preserve these things is learn how to maintain real hardware. You don't see video enthusiasts obsessing over how to emulate CRTs, but how to maintain and preserve them. Emulation is preservation is a placebo statement. Emulation was never about preservation, it's about enjoying games conveniently and for free. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. You'll do preservation efforts a lot better writing down capacitor lists for each sega genesis revision and service them yourself than you'd ever by contributing code to an emulator

Cry more cuck

It should matter to him because his livelyhood depends on being admitted to other people's property to carry out work. Given the choice do you employ the repairman who maybe steals or the one who doesn't.

>You don't see video enthusiasts obsessing over how to emulate CRTs
Imagine being so unaware that you don't even know about HD to video tape.

Jesus died for you sins. So do whatever.

>oh no you can't just emulate this 30 years old software, only the real cabinet that 100 people in the world own counts, and if you don't own one I guess you'll just never gonna play that game, bad luck but what can ya do, right?

>figuring out how hardware actually works isn't preservation
Good luck using that CRT in 2040, while everyone else plays on their Revo K101s and RetroUSB AVSs.

I see where you're coming from, but I believe the key to preservation is to maintain a work's existence in both physical and digital forms. Think of it as a mutual thing. Let's say, theoretically, every last known copy of a given work is destroyed in a fire, or deleted from the internet, or something. But let's say the other sort of copy is still around. You can use that to make more of the missing kind. Reprints, redumps, that sort of thing. It may not literally be the original but it beats disappearing forever. Preserving something on both ends ensures it will last that much longer.

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Based repairman, fuck elitist collector faggots

Based dog. You're a good boy yes you are.

He still has his original arcade cabinet. :^)

Unless she damaged the pages somehow then no

tv has always been free
movies are free
music is free
same with video games.

>can't buy this game for a reasonable price
>the few people who do own it probably would not sell it anyway
I don't see anything wrong with this.

>You don't see video enthusiasts obsessing over how to emulate CRTs
You've never been to /vr/ and seen the 50yo dads shitposting in there

Why do you feel entitled to it?

>TV has always been free
My cable company has some serious explaining to do then.

>arcade cabinet collector owns an extremely rare game with only 3 known cabinets that has never been dumped for emulation
>3 known cabinets
Then it just means theres a fourth one. It's not that complicated.

Books are free too at the library

Stealing is stealing, and that is a crime. Imagine if a woman came up to you in a panic and said she was just raped. Would you say "how is this a bad thing" back to her?

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Unironically yes


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>work in an arcade store
>inevitably meet collectors
>befriend them since I know how to repair cabinets and consoles
>dump all their ROMs and upload them online
>they come to the store a month bitching about how their cabinet value dropped by $10k

Attached: pirate.jpg (400x400, 31K)

>what are FPGAs
people reproduce hardware nowadays too, gramps

Why the fuck do they even care about the value when they just want to hoard it forever until they die?

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because they're mentally ill weirdos who are too dumb for stocks.

>Stealing is stealing
how does that have anything to do with piracy?

Same reason boomers dumped all their money into their house. They expect they'll be able to sell it for 1000% when they want to retire + hoarder mentality is a legitimate mental illness, and maybe they like flaunting their collection when they finally find someone who is impressed by a collection of videogames (they can't, so they post online instead). Personally I love seeing collectorfags BTFO.

So piracy isn't stealing huh? When Somali pirates take you as a hostage do they duplicate you and let your clone on its way? No. Piracy isn't always just copying shit.

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>digital “piracy” is the same as real piracy

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>piracy is bad because rape is bad
>piracy is bad because abduction is bad

Can you be any more retarded?

>food analogy

lmao fucking idiot. Honest to God, I hope your entire collection burns to the ground.

Two different things can have the same name. Digital piracy and maritime piracy are very different.

>piracy isn't "theft", therfore it isn't illegal
Semantics isn't going to save your ass in the courtroom, pirate

>instantly 5 replies
that is some top tier bait user


>physical theft is the same as digital theft

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This stuff is in safe hands with a collector. Trannies and fatty dumb dumbs would damage it

it's literally not illegal where I live, retard

The sad thing is, he would probably prefer that to anyone else having it.

It's far easier to preserve software than hardware. If you ask me the only reason to preserve hardware is if you can't emulate it. I still play MHFU on the PSP despite having an emulator simply because I can't transfer saves. If I could i'd play it on my PC instead.

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I don't see illegal/legal mentioned anywhere. I do like how these pirate images generate an insane amount of asshurt from people like you though

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>digital theft

Attached: state of you.png (684x529, 134K)

>where I live

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It would since theft is a completely different crime than piracy. But nice job moving the goalposts to another stadium.

piracy threads are so easy for (you) farming why do you guys reply to literally the exact same posts every thread?

This. What’s wrong with them

Arguing that it's illegal after you claimed it was stealing somehow isn't moving the goalposts?

Nothing. What's wrong with you?

>u r mad
Low tier reply

Attached: piracy.png (2026x669, 62K)

You seem pretty upset.

What's the point of (You) farming anyway? Is there some place you can cash out all these (You)s that are collected? Pretending to be retarded doesn't make anyone mad, it just makes them think you're retarded.

little mac didn't deserve it

I'm not the faggot that put up the files. Im simply taking what's always been accessible. Not my fault Google gives me the option on the first page retard

Why is Yea Forums the only board that goes 100% full retard about piracy when every other board doesn't give a shit?

Repairman did nothing wrong, he's like Robin Hood.

It was made by a very famous painter, at the very least. This game was made by a Literally Who.

>le i repeat
Even lower

Uh.. these are still literally the same thing.. >.>

Get a load of this guy. You remember a world with no internet? Remember how god damn revolutionary it was for us? And here you are with your retarded opinion. You should be ashamed of yourself dickhead.

did I strike a nerve

It was for communication not stealing

God, hoarders are such fucking scum. Really impressed with the liberator.


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Because Yea Forums is the only board with a community that tries to identify as 1337 HAXORS sticking it to the evil corporations

Yea Forums is the only board with a community that tries to identify as a vanguard sticking up to the innocent corporations

Are you from south america?

I'll take that as a yes.

>everything does not need to be in MAME for it to be 'preserved.
Retard alert. If it's not digitalized when there is a small and diminishing number of hard to find units it absolutely needs to be on MAME. Sounds like this dude just wants to make people think a certain way so he can keep his collection sacred.

the dumps are still perfect copies
they are preserving the game in a digital state, it preserves the software
I've been able to play so many ps2 games on original hardware by modding my ps2 and downloading these games
emulating certain games is fine, but it is true that emulation will never match original hardware, especially for lightguns, CRTs, stylus etc.
>You don't see video enthusiasts obsessing over how to emulate CRTs
have you literally ever spent a minute on /vr/?
nigger they took me hostage

>innocent corporations
Correct. You being poor doesn't mean capitalism is a crime

The guy owns the hardware, not the software. Sorry Charlie, thems the breaks.

And I'll take that as a yes

>literally repeating
Thanks for removing all doubt.

>literally dodging
And thank you for removing all doubt

Big corporations only exist with support of the state, bootlicker.

What's up with the parroting? It makes you come across as a 15 year old girl.

Filesharing is not stealing, correct.

You're not entitled to those files for free.

Completely false. Take a single economics course

t. seething commie

What's up with low tier "u mad" remarks when being BTFO ? It makes you come across as a 15 year old girl.

The point of commercial arcade cabinets and gaming hardware as a whole is to be as unobtrusive to the player's experience as possible. Therefore, preserving "the game" is not about the hardware at all, but rather the simple act of playing it, and the experience you get from doing that (which can include peripherals, which can be easily reproduced, but most certainly does not include the exact contents of the board itself) is entirely a function of software, not hardware.

Emulation is preservation. Hardware autism is autism indeed.

Again with the copycat bullshit. Are you even capable of coming up with an original response?

>commies are pro capitilism, not against
Ouch. Poor and uneducated. Not a good look for you

Did I just trigger you?

Well you're right, if that isn't bullshit, the guy didn't steal anything, he simply copied some files. Epic shitpost, I suppose

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>Did I just trigger you?
>What's up with low tier "u mad" remarks when being BTFO ?

Congrats you played yourself.

>You're not entitled to those files for free.
Prove it. In this situation, there was no way to purchase the product, so legally nobody gives two shits.

I'll take that as a yes

fuck you """""""""people""""""""""" that want to stick to your fucking physical media and give corporations all the power. Nigger.

>still parroting me after you got BTFO

>So mimicking Jesus is frowned on.

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it wasnt stealing if he just copied software on the cabinet and left it there unharmed
it was dishonest but so was hoarding a rare game for the sake of "muh collection"
the heist was justice and collectors are the scum of the earth

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>there was no way to purchase the product
How do you know? Did you personally speak to the cabinet owners?

u mad sweaty

>paying to watch TV

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tell that to the war on drugs

He's objectively correct though. A corporation is a collectivist power structure granted legitimacy by the state in an overt act of market interference, or intellectual property, a socialist concept

>Poor and uneducated. Not a good look for you
Oh the irony. Maybe don't try to be an armchair economist and take a class on the subject


Unless it's a written agreement, I doubt that's going anywhere.

>What's up with low tier "u mad" remarks when being BTFO?

Keep exposing yourself because you can't come up with an original response

Stay mad at me please


Le ultra rare gaem
Pirate rom
Upload to internet
Infinite game
Problem collectors?

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t. Marx

Yea Forums is the most popular and the most entrylevel, normalfag board on Yea Forums, whereas piracy is completely normalized on every other board (except maybe /vg/). Anti-pirate spergs will claim that it's because pirates are more obnoxious about it on Yea Forums, but boards like Yea Forums will shame you for paying for streams when there are superior fansubs for free so that clearly isn't the reason.


t. brainlet

Dude you are literally boiling right now. If you didn't want shitpost replies then don't shitpost U MAD BRO 800 times like it's 2005.
Stop replying to him


>boards like Yea Forums will shame you for paying for streams when there are superior fansubs for free
>implying this doesn't happen on Yea Forums

>then don't shitpost U MAD BRO 800 times like it's 2005.
>Stay mad at me please


It doesn't anywhere near to the same extent, you don't see anime fanboys on Yea Forums screeching about commies and poor people stealing from innocent anime companies because they pirate instead of paying for crunchyroll. Using piracy as a scapegoat is a phenomena pretty much exclusive to the vidya boards.

And you understand why the stigma against piracy is retarded now yes?

>for streams
Who the fuck is stupid enough to do that? Either you pirate it, or you buy a physical version if you want it that badly.

Or just watch the game on YouTube if you’re that inept

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Can't wait for pirates to become IT/janitor ninjas and infiltrate Stadia's data center to steal stream-only games.

Stop being poor and uneducated.

Stop being in debt and a faggot. Oh wait, you can’t

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Nigger, if you're going to buy anime at all it should be a physical copy.

tick tock neets, day of the rope is waiting. eat more frozen pizzas before you starve.

Any literature or music enthusiasts absolutely wants to own the physical copies of their collection, especially vinyl or first edition. It is an inherant part of the hobby. It is only on Yea Forums where you get patronized for buying games, which is why pirates receive so much backlash here

There is absolutely nothing wrong with debt, and in a lot of cases it can be beneficial.

>maintain real hardware
Sorry to break it to you bud, but everything will eventually degrade, especially your little cartridges and disks.
The only way to actually preserve them if to have them locked in a vacuum safe and even then it might go bad OR simply dump the code and share it as much as possible.

if it was up to me i would burn their collection to teach them a lessons

You either just pretended to be a NEET just to shitpost, or you are actually a NEET. Either way your life sucks

who cares. atari games are unplayable

>Any literature or music enthusiasts absolutely wants to own the physical copies of their collection, especially vinyl or first edition. It is an inherant part of the hobby.

And yet I was able to get an invite to what.cd from Yea Forums. You're out of your depth here.

I’ve never hooked an American so fast in my life. Good goy

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t. poorfag Non-NEET

>My life sucks because I save my money instead of giving it to retards.
Simply incredible

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>piracy grants access to preservation
>preservation is otherwise stopped due to drm unless an emulation/work around is available without tampering with the original source
>drm implemented because companies want their money
>this forces preservationists to either tamper with the product, or hope some really smart fucker makes a better solution
>its a cycle where everyone loses except the company
>until pirated copies can circulate
i missed a few steps in that but im tired and need to take a huge shit. at the end of the day i care that one of a kind content is dumped and preserved whether the moralfags or pirates care or not. when you look for that shit you played as a pirate/legitimate user years ago is gone except for some one guy out of mongolia with an upload speed of 4kb/s who JUST HAPPENS to have what youre wanting, youll realize how much more important it is to preserve and mirror things.

also like, fuck drm that actually shits on performance of the product. thats the only drm that shouldnt exist outside of online only

Heh... you were the one that was hooked... this is a battle of wits and you have come unarmed..

kek, this gave me a good laugh AND feels like something a collector would actually say

Because only on Yea Forums are you are patronized for not ripping free copies. Everywhere else its just a vanilla issue. Try to keep up.

>criticize one NEET
>another crawls out of the floorboard to his defense
Like the cockroach you are

Only on Yea Forums are you are patronized for not ripping free copies. Everywhere else its just a non issue because nobody else cares if you're not paying for your media. Try to keep up.

I don't see what's wrong with that. It's pretty much the only way we can preserve anything digital for future generations.

But user we grew up with these companies! You’re stealing from family! Have you no shame????!!!!

Bunch of book burning faggots in here.

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And like a cockroach I’ll eat your eyebrows and lay eggs in your retinas. How do you like that black dust?

>failing to copypasta

>arguing semantics

i dont care what moralfags or pirates think. i care that they understand there is an effort to keep shit around and alive rather than losing it to time

I love how retards actually say shit like "lol I am onyl trying it out before I buy, cause it doesn't have an official demo". Even when I bought games new from stores I never gave a fuck about returning them. I only ever bought 1 game I was disappointed with on console (at $60) and like maybe 2 on Steam for next to no money,t hat I still refunded though. It's not difficult to figure out whether or not you'll like a game or if it's functional or not.

Fuck books. They're outdated and have shit graphics.

That's exactly what I just said. Are you ok?

Did Taito just copy Star Speeder with an order of magnitude higher hardware? Based.

I don’t need VR to get a paper cut from them

Proving my point

It's difficult to believe I know, but imagine there was a time you needed to entertain yourself before the invention of internet.

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There are anime BD releases that are inferior to the fansub versions you can find on torrents.
Owning physical copies let alone first addition is not a prerequisite to the hobby. Is only on Yea Forums where you get patronized for not buying games, and the reason why pirates receive so much backlash here is because this is the only board full of autistics who can't tolerate other people getting to enjoy games for free without patronage to their corporate overloads. Any other reason is just an excuse for said autism.

I know. I’m here to do that while emulating whatever I want

>I don't like free shit
Your loss fag

Except the alternative is never getting it for any amount of money

user I think you’re confusing patronizing for ostracizing.

patronized for *ripping free copies

PC can pirate because they actually own their hardware
consoles cant because they dont own their hardware and dont want to admit that

That argument would be correct if Steam didn’t exist

Actually I think you were unless you didn't meant something other than "It is only on Yea Forums where you get ostracized for buying games"

I have no reason to support any system that proposes artificial scarcity, especially when it's not even for profit but instead done out of spite. So screw you. Sell your game, or I will emulate it. If you are selling it, but I don't want to pay, I won't bother emulating it.

I'm not saying to buy the American releases, moron.
Buy the original Japanese releases.

Ah yes I thought you were talking about pirating and not buying. My bad

>Any literature or music enthusiasts absolutely wants to own the physical copies of their collection,
More than half the time you fags whine about pirates its for digital-only releases.

No because I believe in absolute freedom of data

I never said anything about localized releases dumbass. And your solution doesn't work when the original JPN release doesn't include english subs.

It does not devalue it.

Makes the maid a nigger though

>Emulation is anti-preservation
stopped reading there

Don't be lazy, user. Learn Japanese.

>Owning physical copies let alone first addition is not a prerequisite to the hobby.
Nobody said that. Inherant and prerequisite are not synonymous
>and the reason why pirates receive so much backlash here is because this is the only board full of autistics who can't tolerate other people getting to enjoy games for free without patronage to their corporate overloads.
You literally can't talk for one sentence without shitting on gamers for buying games and calling them bootlickers. Proving my point 100%

I would be skeptical of her claim, and question why the hell she's telling me, as opposed to the police.

I'd be fine as long as she wore gloves

Based Jesus. No wonder the Jews killed him.

>You literally can't talk for one sentence without shitting on gamers for buying games and calling them bootlickers. Proving my point 100%
I never did that though. I literally couldn't care less if you buy your games, I'm shitting on autists who sperg out about piracy which is more common on Yea Forums than any other Yea Forums board. And if you think people are hurting innocent companies by pirating and emulating games then you are in fact a bootlicker.

Your point is invalid, have a nice day.

Okay Yea Forums, you've got ten seconds to explain to me why I should blindly listen to corporations when it comes to copyright law. Let me remind you of a few things:

>corporations consider it illegal to copy a game YOU LEGALLY BOUGHT
>despite being advertised a product, they constantly say that you're only being rented a license, aka a service
>emulating old games costs corporates nothing, they only hate it because you're not spending money on the latest fifa and madden
>they also tried making it illegal to play used games and punish people for not spending full price

The law must be brought into question if it's morally corrupt, or influenced by lobbyists.

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>pirate anime
>OK, actively encouraged

>Pirate books
>OK. Actively encouraged

>Pirate Porn
>Completely encouraged to the point where you're branded a retard if you even entersin the thought of buying

>Pirate software
>Wholeheartedly encouraged

>Pirate video game
>Fucking poorfags. Can't afford $60+top poorfag? Generally actively discouraged

Why is it like this?

>An extremely rare game is uploaded so everyone can check it out and enjoy it keeping it archived for future generations
>The three people who own it sperg out
Sounds like piracy is a moral good to me.

Arrh me mateys. Arrh.
>dude a secret cabal fixing prices is a GOOD thing

>have a nice day.

OP's image reminds me of that guy who pretended to rob that random Facebook persons house and how he was using his 360. Anyone have the screenshot?

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>Okay Yea Forums, you've got ten seconds to explain to me why I should blindly listen to corporations when it comes to copyright law.
You should not


Lets just remove copyright laws, that way large developers will just steal and distribute indy and grass roots devs permenantly boxing out any industry growth

Yea Forums users are literal children who don't know how to pirate or are afraid of some nonexistent consequences

>Cuck pays for basic television.



I just like buying my games as they release rather than waiting. Problem?

>companies can be free to iterate without any arbitrary state regulations
>permenantly boxing out any industry growth
what did he mean by this

they had a pact to NOT dump the ROM? fucking boomer cunts, they can die in a fire. yo ho piracy.

>Large developers ever straying away from low effort cash grabs
>Meanwhile everyone and their cousin can make Mario and Zelda clones legally and sell them

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Better than having copyright last 5 centuries.

>memorize an entire dead language useful for the sole purpose of niche entertainment
Or I can just download the fansub and enjoy it for free at superior quality.

>Oops sorry dude my little brother uploaded it to the internet. My bad.

Do you seriously think that without copyright protection the industry infants can survive amongst the giants? Minecraft would have been swallowed up by Microsoft or EA before Notch made a fucking dime off his prototype

Yeah and AM2R would still be alive.

You misspelled Infiniminer

Sounds like he's a hero to me.

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>the industry would collapse but at least I get a fan ripoff

>Minecraft would have been swallowed up by Microsoft
How? Notch would still be able to sell it. For MS to be able to make a profit, they'd have to offer something that he couldn't. Lower the price? Now they have to commit to it, or Notch might lower the price as well. Now they're fighting for control of the market, which they'll never get.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. The industry needs to crash and burn

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>the industry that kills off innovation for a quick buck would somehow become worse without copyright law

The absolute state of Yea Forums.

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You know someone's mad when they've resorted to copying you over and over.


u dumb

How would a fan ripoff cause the industry to collapse? Are you saying Nintendo wouldn't be able to compete if they didn't file C&Ds every single time someone made a fan work of their games?

You mad?

Yet you can't prove him wrong. Seems like you're the dumb one.

These collectors are autistic retards. Having a ROM have your rare game doesn't diminish the fact you have one of only THREE fucking machines in the world.

This would be like MtG Collectors with Black Lotus going ape shit because someone printed a proxy at home to use at the kitchen table.

The industry needs government regulations like copyright to survive but can't survive without the ability to sell lootboxes because government regulations infringe on their freedom. Makes sense.

>The industry needs government regulations like copyright to survive
That is what all developers need to survive. Why even create when it will just be stolen by someone bigger and stronger than you?

How can it be "stolen"? Without copyright, you can sell it regardless of who else is selling it. They can't force you to stop selling it.

>they might hire an assassin to kill competitors!

They can do that right now, using legislation to buy out the rights if they didn't leave them to anyone else. Your point?

>Developers need government regulations to survive

Then they shouldn't mind laws against lootboxes and p2w microtransactions.


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So you are just counting on smaller developers to just give out their product in good faith and not be paid for their work?

>I want to pay a subscription to post on Yea Forums!
Yeah, can you believe those free loaders!?

I'm not going to make any massive implications, but some of my favorite games this gen were made by devs who just made games for the fun of it, and didn't have greed on their minds. Perhaps we need to stop focusing so much on making money and instead focus on making a quality product.

Attached: Another_Metroid_2_Remake_gameplay.png (320x240, 50K)

Here's the (You) you desperately want

Nothing was damaged except the ego of a Hoarder Fucktard
>Lost income
If we were taking the Intellectual property's law Serious they shouldn't even have to sell tickets or get paid for bringing it to Cons you fucking Retard.
Oh but dumping it is wrong

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doesn't need to be proven wrong, just thought about for more than three seconds.

This. Isn't it illegal to charge money for a game you didn't make and technically don't own the rights to? Major retailers have to go through hundreds of hoops just to be allowed to sell games from companies, and they have to give most of the proceeds to the company.

Which part of the copyright law are we supposed to ignore?

Expecting a day's pay for a day's work isn't greed and if you need an AM2R level edit ripoff to even appear to be "developing" a "creative" game then expect the consequences.

>Emulation is not preservation

Then I'll be waiting for the remake of James Bond 007 for 64. I know those three companies who own the game will decide instantly to remake it.

>Expecting a day's pay for a day's work isn't greed
Tell that to the Fortnite devs who are forced to do 100 hour work weeks with overtime, without being paid for it. But according to you that's just fine because "corporations can do no wrong".

This, what If the a Electromagnetic Pulse Obliberates all servers or some Orwellian shit happens to the internet?
The Physical copies are out there ready to be backed up

Piracy is stealing. What people mean by internet piracy is not stealing.

Digital backups exist offline and away from servers. If something destroyed them as well, physical copies wouldn't survive.

>"corporations can do no wrong"
Nobody said this and your argument is a red herring fallacy

But you said people have a right to expect a day's pay for a day's work. Tell me how copyright law is protecting the people who want that, when they're being actively exploited.


Nobody is stopping you from selling your work. it's up to consumers to choose whether or not to buy it. That's the market baby.

i was waiting for this.

>Yea Forums solve(d) animal abuse
>/pol/ steals flags
Why didn't Yea Forums become real life pirates?

>games are cracked minutes mere hours after release

I fail to see the point in responding with something like that when you have no arguments left. Just ignore the post like the coward you are.

First off, you can't even make the "muh copyright holders" argument because these fucks are so entitled they think that being the only ones to have it makes them actually holding the rights to it. Secondly, it doesn't devalue it. I can have a ROM for Nintendo World Championships 1990, but it still commands a huge price physically. Similarly, anyone can view Rembrandt's entire collection and can even have a copy, but to actually own an original is worth millions.

>create something, expect returns on your investment
>idea gets stolen instantly
>this is legal
>be forced to lower price or add feature to be competitive in the market
>market matches your price and also steals your feature
>large corporation can afford to lower their price infinitely because no expense is going into stealing your work
>largest corporation steals everybody's idea because they have experience, an established distribution network, assets, and established market space
>everybody steals from largest corporation and offer product for free
>everything suddenly is free everywhere
>workers can't get paid, bills don't get paid, industry crashes
>this is ok because I want AM2R, also Fortnight devs worked unpaid overtime once

The Chad pirate vs the virgin toy-hoarding retard

As an autistic mother fucker, I side with the repairman.

If you're giving that much of a shit about some pact when you have the only physical copy of the game, then dumping it isn't going to do shit to the copy.

That's hardly even stealing to sell that's pulling a robin hood.


>create something, expect returns on your investment
>someone takes the idea
>offer my services in a way that others can't offer
>if people like my product, they'll support me, if not, I didn't try hard enough
>money is being lost because we can't afford to hike up prices with monopoly tier practices
>have to massively scale budgets back
>games stop being about story and graphics and CGI cutscenes and marketing
>games become good again, the biggest benefactors being people who willingly make games for free and don't care too much about profit

This kills the corporate shill.

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>>if people like my product, they'll support me
>said the pirate
Holy shit this is funny. A pirate actually typed this out and clicked post.

Also, no, you will not and cannot offer your services in a way that large corporations couldn't. They will undercut you until its offered for free.

>Holy shit this is funny. A pirate actually typed this out and clicked post.
My library of steam and gog games would show this philisophy as true, even though most of them can be gotten for free on the internet.

>They will undercut you until its offered for free.
Then let it be offered for free. Piracy is a service issue.

Idiot. I'm done here

>>said the pirate
>Holy shit this is funny. A pirate actually typed this out and clicked post.
Nice ad hominem, but he isn't wrong. The existence of piracy doesn't eliminate support, as seen by the success of Kickstarter and Patreon despite their works being easily piratable more often than not

>Also, no, you will not and cannot offer your services in a way that large corporations couldn't. They will undercut you until its offered for free.
Ignoring the fact that these corporations only exist because of the state granted monopoly of said services, this is just the free market at work. The superior product prevails.

Thanks for conceding.

totally badass

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>everybody steals from largest corporation and offer product for free
This seems like the crux of your argument. But why is it an issue when those corporations "stole" the products in the first place? Why are you guarenteed a return on investment anymore than I should be able to play a game that's long out of print without paying some collector up the ass for a rare copy? Why are you so anti-free market?

Fun fact: "I put work into this, therefore I should be paid" is literally Marx's labor theory of value. The best part is that most companies making these games treat their devs like shit.

As long as the cabinet wasn't damaged, no crime was commited. The cabinet collector doesn't own the software rights so it legally wasn't stolen.

yeah, and that was TV.
free to watch, broadcast over the airwaves.
no-one bought cable because it was retardedly overpriced for an extra 30 channels and shit was full of commercials anyway.

best part of TV was pirating everything with a VHS recorder. I still have a tape with the full first season of pokemon on it somewhere.

This. Being paid for your hard work is a reasonable thing, I won't argue that. But people aren't getting paid under the copyright system. Companies can enact monopolies on ideas AND treat people like dirt, going as far as to not pay them for days, weeks, even months of work. Imagine if they no longer had the exclusive rights to an idea, and another company could make the same product while offering worker benefits.

So the collector was letting the game sit there and rot until the hardware finally died and no would ever get a chance to play the game?

>Never gonna happen.

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Damn, so do you mean I whipped jews for absolutely nothing?

sounds good to me. Sounds good to you as well, but you don't wanna admit it because you're too deep in your political rabbit hole.

-This looks kinda bo-

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Google indicated that they'd develop their own games, and given the "talent" in Google nowadays, you just KNOW it's going to be the trashiest of itch.io games but with a bigger budget.

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Why is the guy on the right black

>in the process they tampered with something, removing it from the premises
Except none of this happened. The Akka Arrh machine is still there and perfectly functioning.


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>Nobody said this
Yes they did

This, but unironically

Collectors that hoard content deserve it. I really don't give a fuck how much they paid for the "privilege"

There's that word again

Serves those collector fags right. Archive and then collect or don't fucking bother.
>But muh value
Fuck off.

yes that's what the repairman was there for, to watch the machine fall into disrepair.

>no-one bought cable because it was retardedly overpriced for an extra 30 channels and shit was full of commercials anyway.

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There's that word again

>ask a million questions and say nothing
Here's my reply I guess

Time to go apply for work at Stadia

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Imagine being a grown adult and spending thousands of dollars on some obscure ass game cabinet

>b-but other thing!

Somebody's triggered.

>implying they will get past the security AI

You seem mad

>b-but the word!

He's sort of right, though, you can't really make a "competitor" to Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook, because they actually lose money and are propped up by investors.

Piracy is communism.

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Does that bag say "bag" on it?


I'm not the one triggered over a word.

>steal game
>yet the game is still in the owners house
really activates the almonds, truly

what should he have spent it on, tide pods and weed?

>can't answer any of them or even counter a single argument but reply anyway and pretend you have anything of value to add
Here's my reply I guess.

It's like pottery, it dries.

holy fuck, haven't seen Girugamesh in like a decade.

>He's sort of right, though
He isn't.

Piracy is incompatible with capitslism, but that's a good thing. It means our technology is starting to outgrow this stage in our socioeconomic development. All software and information should be open source and freely available to everyone over the internet

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>"I'm a faggot that starts threads like thi-"

And neither am I

There's that word again

>counter a single argument
Of which there was none. Arguments don't end in questionmarks

haven't seen console bandido in a while

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So you didn't make these posts

Game devs should be forced to pay the public money because they suck.

People think that just because something is rare that it must be valuable. That's like saying my piece of shit is rare and it's now worth millions because of it.

You're taking things from the rich and powerful and distributing them to the poor and powerless. Prove me wrong that piracy isn't a communist ideal, I'd love to see you try.

You wouldn't multiply a car would you?

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Those posts are referring to the fact the the word monopoly was used to represent an entirely different scenario

Ah so they’re Republicans? Hording all the goods(money) from the plebs.
Good day ol chap!

>old game cartridges end up needing repair
>don't call repairman
>die suddenly without including it in your will
>game dies with you
no, making a digital copy of the game and distributing it is the right thing to do in this case.

excitement rising

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And that's a good thing.


Stop hoarding ga

Attached: rosss-top-25-most-anticipated-games.jpg (480x360, 31K)

There absolutely were. You drew a greentext scenario and I dismantled it then you tilted out and shitposted. Thread is almost done so hold this L little man.

In other words you were triggered by a word that was correctly used to refer to the same factual scenario. Got it.

This. Games are meant to be played.

More or less as triggered as when somebody says 2+2 = 5 and you kindly correct them

looking forward to Ross addressing this in his next chat with the fans. Also jesus chris was last Game Dungeon actually the Christmas episode? Didn't he say "AT LEAST 3 VIDEOS IN APRIL" or some shit?

>Communism is when the rich and powerful are hurt and the poor and powerless benefit from it in any way

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fuck i forgot all about that game now i'm mad

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Arguments don't end in question marks. Do I need to keep repeating myself?


what stops you from transferring your save?

did dat nigga just throw a chair?

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Oh look a mathematical equation used to represent an entirely different scenario. We have no reached the "my opinions are facts" stage of the argument.

Stirner is a pretty cool guy. Eh fights hierarchies and doesn't afraid of anything.

That's not how arguments work retard. user asked valid questions and you failed to answer or even address them. Instead you tilted out of the argument and are shitposting like a little bitch. You're done, hold that L

but you can pirate on console

Except you're not actually TAKING anything. Anti-pirate shills act like pirating a game literally robs developers.

Correct. Having a monopoly does not refer to being entitled to your own possessions, unless those possessions represent the entire market. Try to keep up

The repairman certainly took the monopoly on the arcade game retard.

>user asked valid questions and you failed to answer or even address them
And? If he has something to say he can say it.


>I'm just trying this $11,000 arcade game before I buy it.
>Yeah you know what, after giving it a few hours in MAME, I don't think I want it.
Pirate logic, ladies and gentlemen.

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Incorrect. Intellectual property isn't actual property, it's a state granted monopoly on the distribution of works. Try to keep up.

The mold took him.

I don't know why copyright and "intellectual property" shills pretend like nothing was invented before 1920. Thank god fire and the wheel weren't made in these retarded times

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Yet you can't say anything. All you can do is shitpost and dodge the argument.

Hold that L

History is irrelevant to posterity.

people here can be such bootlickers I'm genuinely unsure if this is bait or not. Probably bait, but keeping one eye on you user.

Is there a download link for the ROM?

The cabinet is obviously worth a lot less money now. The difference in value is damages that can be recovered in a lawsuit.

What? Again? Didn't he move to a new apartment?

>The cabinet is obviously worth a lot less money now.
debatable. As countless of anons have said, exposure to something still pretty exclusive (and the physical cabinet experience is still exactly that) can do wonders for it's demand and therefore raise the price.

Incorrect. Monopoly refers to having exclusive posession of an entire industry. This was tought to you in grade school.

I'll wait for that argument

>and the physical cabinet experience is still exactly that
Not really, anyone can make a cabinet themselves.

/sci/ solved superpermutations thanks to Haruhi in 2011.

Between this and the CoH secret people should learn than you can't keep these things private and selfish forever as long as anyone other than yourself knows it exists or that you have it.

Incorrect, try to keep up. Being entitled to the exclusive rights to reproduce an idea (your "possession") within an entire market is in fact a monopoly and does not refer to being entitled to ownership of property. Your education and parents have failed you miserably.

And I'll wait for you to stop dodging it. Until then keep shitposting and stay tilted, son.

You don't need to actually be correct as long as you can convince a jury that you're correct.

to a lot of people that's like owning a bootleg pair of Air Jordans

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Are you retarded?
You're basically saying no one can have an idea that's theirs.

Shoes aren't video games user.

I'm saying no one can have the exclusive right over the use of an idea. Try to keep up my little retard.

they can't because you can't own ideas. The whole concept is retarded and jewish as fuck

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You actually believe the repairman story? For that logic to work, this would have to happen:
>the repairman had knowledge of Akka Arrh's rarity
>the repairman had the know-how to dump ROMs properly
Then at least one would have to had to have happen:
>the repairman took the Akka Arrh arcade machine instead of the other machine and the collector didn't notice
>the repairman "worked" on the Akka Arrh arcade machine instead of the other machine all while being unnoticed by the collector, and managed to repair the other machine in the same time
Meanwhile, you're ignoring the simpler explanation: the collector grows a conscience and dumps the ROM, using the cover of the repairman to keep a straight face. Furthermore, if the collector was as big as a faggot as the other two, then he would have sued the "repairman".

If by develop, you mean create multiple studios consisting of early access devs who get picked up before their big game releases, and then liquidate them as soon as the game is no longer profitable.

you gonna pay royalties to all the people that inspired you to have that idea? How about people who educated you throughout life so you could grow up and be a big brain boy to have such an idea?

No, he just dismantled the monopoly that the hoarding boomers had :^)

>if you dont buy games games wont get made!!!!
free games get made all the time..

>they can't because you can't own ideas.
Of course you can you fucking moron because anything and everything is an idea. The house or apartment you live in is an idea, the computer or phone you're posting on is an idea, you were an idea when your retarded parents decided to conceive.

Hell, paid games get made all the time even if you don't buy them

>Being entitled to the exclusive rights to reproduce an idea (your "possession") within an entire market is in fact a monopoly
It factually isn't and this isn't debatable. Having personal possessions does not prevent competitors from entering the market. When you say "your possessions, within the market" it inherently disproves your use of the word monopoly because that would mean your possessions aren't the entire market. In a theoretical monopoly one entity controls the entire means to create and distribute all videogames, which is not the case currently because there are 1000s of game developers and in existence

Sounds good. Bye

while you are right and I enjoyed countless of free games to a great extent, they simply cannot be as intricate and as polished as huge ass studio games. But then again if I never end up playing another AAA or AA game in my life, I don't think I will be that upset.

>physical objects and people are ideas

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holy fuck you are dumb

>I'm saying no one can have the exclusive right over the use of an idea
Not him but why not?
So far you guys have just been saying "oh you can't own an idea!" but no one has said why you can't if you can bring it into existence.

Because we are poor and can't afford them


You can't own an idea, but if you turn your ideas into a product you can own the rights to that product. Isn't that how it works?

yet again, pirates are proven to be based asf

>be me
>have sex
>woman I have sex with gives birth
>mfw I pirated a soul
nothin personell god
>mfw I have no face

Yes they are. Someone had to think it up, design and build it just like a video game, you can't just think it and leave it there, you have to design a world, controls etc and it goes a step further if you make the thing up play it on too.
There's literally no difference.

The deal with piracy of very old things, especially unreleased stuff, is that no one but the assholes hoarding said old content is making money off of it anymore. The company in question never made any money off of such a prototype either, so it's fair game to spread around for preservation's sake. I would say the same for most older games as well, the only; people profiting from the sale of old-ass cartridges are those on the scummy secondhand market, not the publishers or developers that originally sold the items in question. Abandonware exists for this reason and is generally overlooked or outright made publicly available by the rights holders because there's no reason not to past a point. I see no reason to pad a fatass hoarder's pocket, he had no hand in creating or funding the game whatsoever.

if i could

Each and every one of us are supposed to try and be as much like Jesus as we can. If I recall, the name Christian even started out as an insult that mean "little Christs", but the Christians loved it and rolled with it right away.

Well no, once you make the product you own both the product and the idea unless it's something like a wheel.

when you build it, it stops being an idea and turns into an actual thing that has value and that value only extends to that particular thing you built

There's been a resurgence of Sakura Con 2009 threads lately, probably because that awful video is now 10 years old.

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>You don't see video enthusiasts obsessing over how to emulate CRTs
Good to know you've been on the internet for all of 5 seconds

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>when you build it, it stops being an idea
Except it doesn't, you still have that idea but you've made it tangible. It doesn't just remove itself from your brain.

But that's true.


Having exclusive reproduction rights to an idea factually and demonstrably prevents competitors from using it in the same market, which makes it a de facto monopoly on those ideas. Whether your ideas make up the entirety of the market is irrelevant, the fact that you have exclusive right over the entire means to create and distribute all works using that idea is what makes it a monopoly. Your attempt to falsely equate intellectual property and actual property as "personal possessions" disproves your protest of the word because they're governed by two completely different sets of rules.

>It factually isn't and this isn't debatable.
I just proved you wrong on both counts. Deal with it.

>and that value only extends to that particular thing you built
False. The idea has value and is actually the most valuable part of the creation. You can sell your idea for millions more than you can sell your product for.

>when you build it, it stops being an idea and turns into an actual thing
You just have a finished product in reality, how you put it together is still just in your head unless you wrote it down not to mention it came from you in the first place.

>Someone had to think it up, design and build it
>That means there's literally no difference between products and ideas

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Digital "piracy" is actually just copyright infringement and not actual piracy.

is this a real arcade game? damn.

You still have the idea but you don't own it. Some fuck on the other side of the world can come up with the same idea and you can't do shit about it. This has actually happened throughout human history. Think about how retarded it would be if you could own the concept of buildings, houses, wheels, etc. It's nothing more than a ploy to hoard money. Once you put an idea out into the world nobody owns it

>Except it doesn't, you still have that idea but you've made it tangible.
Which means it's no longer an idea. The definition of the word that exists in your mind, not something that's tangible.

>26.7 KB
Imagine spending thousands of dollars for something that can be downloaded on a dial-up connection in half a second.

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Based pirates

Attached: pirate life for me.gif (350x242, 361K)

Good b8 m8, made me laugh.

>Having exclusive reproduction rights to an idea factually and demonstrably prevents competitors from using it in the same market
No it doesn't. In fact that's how diverse genres are born because other people want to get in on it but can't use the same idea.
Great example is Mario and Sonic, Sonic was born because Sega couldn't use Mario but Sonic is still in the same genre as Mario thus creating competition in the same market.

Why are you under the impression that the competition has to be the exact same?

Piracy is piracy. Downloading a game illegally is the same as boarding a ship with the intent to take hostages to get ransom money.

only a shifty kike would have a problem with this.

Only because of government intervention that disallow people from using those ideas. You can't say the same for a physical product.

>Some fuck on the other side of the world can come up with the same idea and you can't do shit about it.
Except legally force them to stop or rightfully take the profit from your idea. This isn't the stone age anymore.

>Having exclusive reproduction rights to an idea factually and demonstrably prevents competitors from using it in the same market
If you have competitors in the market then you by default don't have a monopoly. Exclusive rights and monopolies aren't synonymous unless your exclusive rights are the entire market itself.

>You still have the idea but you don't own it
Yes you do if you patent the creation.

this might surprise you but every country doesn't have laws like that

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This same argument comes up every single time. The guy doesn't understand that competition doesn't come from exact duplicates

>Only because of government intervention that disallow people from using those ideas
Where did I say otherwise?
>duh gubment bad!
Grow up, kid

If the punishment is the same I might as well join the Somalians.

He is a bit slow in the head

Then they can stay in their shithole. They won't be able to sell it anywhere else because you could go after the distributors if they do which would end up with the manufacturers being blacklisted outside of their own country.

Capitalism should be a crime.

we need more good pirate tunes


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Nah, I think someone is stealing his ideas.

A classic: youtu.be/pMhfbLRoGEw

God forbid people actually put in effort to make money.
But you know what should really be illegal? Buying stock.

>system built on usury
>not a crime

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>>Having exclusive reproduction rights to an idea factually and demonstrably prevents competitors from using it in the same market
>No it doesn't.
Yes it does. In fact that's how diverse games are born in spite of it because other people want to get in on it but the original owners can't prevent them

Using your example, Sonic was born because Nintendo didn't have the patent over platformers. Sega is allowed to make Sonic games in the same genre as Mario and create competition that wouldn't otherwise be there if Nintendo had the exclusive right to the idea of a platformer.

>Why are you under the impression that the competition has to be the exact same?
It has to be different in order to not infringe on copyright, aka a government granted monopoly over ideas. Another example is how Sega holds the patent on the objective arrow in games like Crazy Taxi. This doesn't create competition in the market, it only limits the use of an idea to a single company that now has a monopoly over it.


not a christfag, but I love that image


Say what you want about AC4's AC shit but the pirate shit was comfy