cute boys should be for gay men and gay men only!!
This but unironically, stinky femweebs begone
name 1(uno) thing wrong with a man enjoying cake and life
I will never stop loving men
That would destroy Kingdom Hearts tho, like 60-70% of the fanbase are fujos.
this is tame and cute
please don't leave your cage again thank you
I will never stop loving men, fuck you guys this is my husbando
Why? If you want to remove Fujos, then remove otaku waifufags as well.
Why are you fags so threatened by attractive men?
This is now a yuri thread
That's a good choice man. Keep him away from Australium tho.
is this real?
please don't leave your cage again thank you
quick post your husbando before the furfags come in and ruin the thread
>worshipping characters sexually
How mentally unhinged do you have to be to do this?
Who fucking knows? You also see people getting so fucking pissed about yaoi but shoving their yuri shit in everyone's faces at every possible second.
Yuri is actually one of the worst things next to Straight Shota.
Keep on posting. I love me some good looking guys
fags belong in bodybags
Fujo here
Nah, remove obnoxious memespamming men from this planet
This, you should love characters for what they are inside.
I love Ryu for being such a pure hobo
This is a yaoi thread, fuck off.
this is a vidya /cm/ thread now
Then kill all waifufags too. It's only fair.