What seems to be the problem here?

What seems to be the problem here?

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I can't climb that mountain, officer.


I keep trying but a strange message keeps telling me to turn around.

I don't see my "200 endings"

No news about ES6 and Starfield.

Don't worry friend, we're still working on it

It just didn't work sir

Well, officer, it seems I can't find any good western RPGs to play! I've tried every single game in the book, except, of course, two. The only problem is I don't know their names, and I don't know where to buy them! Help me, officer!

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They never released the DLC for Fallout 4 VR.

There's this really cool one coming soon called The Outer Worlds. And there's this other coming soon called Cyberpunk 2077

Hey guys! Are we talking about western RPGs?

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Patrolling the Mojave wasteland almost makes you wish for a new Elder Scrolls announcement at E3.

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Todd what the fuck are you doing in my house? I only have JRPGs in here.

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Hi, this game was advertised as having "infinite quests", but it's actually just the exact same quest being repeated endlessly.

Hey, y'know, there's this guy that made a mod that turns all the Fallout 4 characters into anime girls! I think you should give it a chance.

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>Cyberpunk 2077
>coming soon

>recommending a non-paid mod
Who are you and what have you done with TODD

There are unchained afro americans around, officer.

fucking redguards

I can't find Skyrim for less than $20.

Hey Tood. Guess what. I didn't buy your game

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Fuck you Todd, don't use NV for your shill campaign.

Post rare Todds

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Here you go sir!

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Hey, hold on, you're not Robert.

The patch is 4 times the size of Fallout 4.

Hey why the fuck did steam just open skyrim???

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Buy another copy of Skyrim and Fallout 4, or else!

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What's the original sauce for this?