Too many CoD threads, post your favorite brown vidya girls

Too many CoD threads, post your favorite brown vidya girls.

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Have you ever been caught sneaking M rated games into your room as a kid?

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Yes, CoD is an established Vidya series, you're just dumping weeb shit
/vj/ when

at least post an actual delicious brown fate girl

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Inb4 someone says the N world

Not my fault the west can't make good brown girls.

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>sav'saaba, hero boy

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I want an alolan wife

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She’s blue though.

Not her realdoll though.

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Zoi is shit la

>there are too many CoD
>so let's make an umpteenth waifu thread, the likes of which have been hogging the front page of Yea Forums since 2014
If I could reach into my monitor right now and punch you in the jugular repeatedly, I would do so in a heartbeat.

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brown huntresses
best huntresses

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cod has always been ridiculed here, baka
and those aren't even cod threads anyway, they're just /pol/ threads

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Yea Forums is mainstream now. Sad.

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My melanin enriched brother from another mother.

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I love Ricotta so much

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You first OP she's black

I don't play gachashit, but this may be the most attractive character design I've ever seen.

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This user knows whats up

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idk, that boat shit looks stupid

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>Fran hasn't been posted yet
what the fuck is wrong with you people

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>we will never see Asuka and Homura confessing now that SK is dead

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>tfw there's almost no vidya romances with qt brown girl as a love interest

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Disgusting. A character needs to naturally be brown (tans also acceptable).


>Since 2014
That must be the year you arrived here, then.
Waifus have been a mainstay of Yea Forums for much longer than that.

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