>September:Catherine Full Body
>November:Death Stranding
>Not confirmed yet: Concrete Genie
What my fellow PS4bros think about the PS4 lineup for the end of the year? And what are you playing right now.
Comfy PS4 thread
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I'm only waiting on TLOU2
Also new PS4 Piracy when!?
The holiday will be stacked. 2019 might be the best year since 2002.
Damn, why does ps4 get the most exclusives every year while switch loses the most exclusives every year?
Pretty ballsy for them to go after Pokemon this year. Don't remember the last time Sony released a game in Nov-Dec.
>going after Pokemon
Do you really think the audience for a Kojima game and Pokemon overlap much?
Thanks for Catherine Full Body on PC Soi boy
Let's not devolve into console wars shit. Comfy PS4 thread.
>What my fellow PS4bros think about the PS4 lineup for the end of the year?
All things considered its pretty meh.
Isn't FF7 Remake this year aswell?
>september: censored
>october: 15fps
>november: a movie
>not confirmed yet: infamous last light but more hipster friendly this time
It's a comfy PS4 thread user, let's not discuss consolewar here.
Don't forget about judgment in just 22 days!
Sucker Punch acknowledged inFAMOUS' 10th anniversary, do you think Japan Studio will do anything?
Death Stranding going to be the first game I ever buy day one
Ape Escape 20th anniversary
Tomorrow is APE ESCAPE 20th anniversary
Pokemon overlaps with everything.
Havent done that since mhw
I'm excited for all 3 from top to bottom. Don't really care much about that concrete genie. I'll have to see more of it later on.
>Isn't FF7 Remake this year aswell?
You wish.
Anyone gonna get P5:R when it comes out in Japan? I'm thinking about it but it costs fucking 100 dollars for the regular version for some reason
Yeah nobody remembers
REEEEEEEEE.... Stop auto saging PlayStation threads.
Going to replay the MGS series on PSNow lads
I'm waiting for samurai showdown first, then catherine and granblue versus. Afterwards p5r
COPE, Ape Escape is the most soulful franchise SIE ever created, even Yoshida knows this. If theycan bring back Medievil, why not Ape Escape, one franchise that is even more popular?
Foaming at the mouth
Friendly reminder Rin is a dude from outer space.
thinking about trying Let It Die, it's free
any good?
>HD trilogy
Oh yes
>Yumi in HD
But we all know they will fuck it up if they actually do it
60 fps
we saw that lol
We'll be lucky to get it in 5 years.
I wouldn't advise, unless you're a Suda fan. Suda and PlayStation were extremely greedy and filled it with microstransactions. It feel more like some shovelware shit you'd find on Android. The floors are garbage, and the game play is wonky.
I wish Sony cared more for their older series.
I can see some of those ps4 only games running 60, sure.
I meant Grasshopper. Don't know why, the cringe humor reminds me of a certain director.
Gay aside, that age gap tho. Mmmmm. Tasty
Nah next year at the latest.
I like Kojima and Pokemon games. Also Snake is in Smash with a buncha Pokemon
Waiting to hear what that E3 announcement is for Catherine Full Body
I swear to God, any censorship bullshit and I will go apeshit
And and no more Ape Shit
Fuck Sony, holy shit
I see you right now, user.
Like Bloodborne?
Is Isaac good in PS4? Im thinking on picking it up when Repentance gets released in the next 40 years
N-no you don't. THAT'S A LIE!
If they chose to have it run at that. Yeah.
That's what they said about VS 13
What do you have against Ape Escape?
>September:Catherine Full Body
Not supporting censorship
Love the original but the latests trailer for this remake didn't seem to run well
>November:Death Stranding
Ready for kojimas wild ride but might wait for the PC version
>Not confirmed yet: Concrete Genie
Looks like ass and I usually like these "head too far up its own ass" -art games.
It's the same as any other version so meh at best.
My issue is a significant lacking of Ape Escape 4
You think we're getting a Resistance reboot soon? New merch, specifically Resistance 3 gear has started popping up again.
I'm excited for death stranding and medievil. Don't care about censored nobody. I'm only interested in death stranding as a rental, though, but still, I thought the same about horizon and god of war and ended up buying both of them after a weekend renting them. They're something else entirely.
Right now I reinstalled the modern warfare remake and i'm playing through the campaign again, cause fuck you, you know why. Otherwise, still let it die (surprisingly still gets updates, no real c ontent except twice a year though, just events) and MG survive. Gonna work on platting GZ, phantom pain, and survive before death stranding comes out.
>Nioh 2
>Ghosts of Tsushima
Yeah I'm thinking video games are back.
They got returns from retailers (IE gamestop), it's not a reprint. In about a week when people start getting the items, have them look at the tags. 3, and the vita game did so mediocre that it spooked them off of making more.
It's possible though, now that they're just about finished up on spiderman.
Rentals are still a thing?
>Friendly reminder Rin is a dude from outer space
At this point im so starved for Ape Escape that a remaster of the three games like the N.Sane trilogy would make me happier than anything else
>2015: bing bing wahoo
>2016: bing bing wahoo
>2017: bing bing wahoo
>2018: bing bing wahoo, cartons, no one is showering
>2019: bing bing wahoo, no one is showering
Just drop Catherine since its censored its not the full game so why bother
Catherine took way to goddamn long to come out. Not a chance I’m getting it with everything else coming out later this year.
in the US, redbox gets a bunch of new games day of release, $3 a day, $7 for 3 days. I usually rent a new title the weekend after it's release and try it out. I rented days gone a couple weeks ago, not a horrible game but I'm glad I only spent the $7.
Downloaded Darkwood recently and I'm currently getting spooked.
>play game
>press pause
>ps4pro fan goes to overdrive
>unpause game
>fan stops
I expect it every time, but still get worried.
usually they uncap the framerate on pause menus because they're absolute fucking numpties. when rocket league first came out the title screen had no FPS cap and was causing people's systems to overheat and cause permanent damage.
I'm actually looking forward to Death Stranding now after the newest trailer but I hope the enemy AI won't be as braindead as in the trailer
I'll pass on Catherine. The og was perfect, and inserting some tranny mary sue in when we already had Erica is a deal breaker for me.
Its not a tranny tho, its a fucking alien
Did they update Dreams yet? Its the dead of May and nothing.
still deserves straight dicking
the boss looked alright. I think they probably cherrypicked shots for the gunplay in the rest of the trailer though. And if you meant the cqc, well... Yeah it looked shit, hopefully they're bare minimum mooks.
What's the difference?
It ain't straight if there's a dick under there, user.
>Death Stranding
>VII Remake
>The Last of Us Part II
>Code Vein
>Persona 5 Royal
My wallet is gonna be rapped so hard.
I don't think avengers is due till 2021 at the VERY earliest. ff7 remake probably late 2020 into 2021. tlou2 is pushed back to 2020 as well, we know 100% since death stranding is coming out q4 they'd never put them up against each other.
no clue on code vein but c onsidering they're just doing their network test now (and it runs like absolute ASS) i'm imagining they'll probably slink away for another year to work on it more.
>might wait for the PC version
holy fucking shit when will you stop with that it's a fucking EXCLUSIVE there are no pc versions
"""Exclusive""" hardly means much anymore these days.
Sure, i'm waiting for my mario odyssey on xbox one then, it shouldn't take long
Guess I'll wait until october. I don't want censored Catherine Fullbody.
Gravity Rush crossover when?
>Theres still lots of games from past years i havent picked up
>Loads of qualitysgit releasing now
>Mfw no money
Being a poorfag is suffering
Same here , my list is getting bigger and bigger
>Samurai showdown
>VII Remake
>Granblue versus
>Persona 5 Royal
Man it's great to love video games
Anyone played the JP release? Any good?
I thought Yakuza games were exclusive too.
Not gonna make that mistake anymore.
Nintendo is one thing. The rest, not so much.
Mods need to put this word on auto ban. Tell me one time someone hasn't used this to purely shitpost
I think it really lost its meaning when Detroit went to PC.
When someone typos something?
Even then just get over it.
Not Travis Strikes Again? A game that came and went to PS4 & PC within the same year, despite being money hatted by Nintendo?
For me, Yakuza.
>despite being money hatted by Nintendo?
You what? Nintendo didn't even publish Travis, it just had a slot on the directs.
Detroit is a way better example because it's actually an ip that Sony owns the rights to.
Guess Travis isn't getting in
Anything worth buying in the double discount sale? Kind of want to get GTAV just to have it, played it to death on PS3, might get online with some friends. Days of Play sale should be coming soon.
They shared a lot of development stuff for the original inFamous if anyone is interested
At this point you could probably get GTA V physically for bargain bin prices.
Checked psprices and $15 seems to be the lowest. I go digital at this point so I'll have them natively on PS5, unless it's some niche japanese game
Used or new prices?