So I finished it Yea Forums

So I finished it Yea Forums

Around 2016 I came over seeking Vidya enlightenment. I got the recommendations and completed all of them

1. Go kill yourself
3.Gothic 2
4. Morrowind
6. Pathologic
7.Deus Ex
8.System Shock 2
9. Dark Souls
10. Planescape Torment

Having completed all of these games, I must state the following.

How in God's name does a vidya board have a GOAT list composed of games that are only good because of their writing / setting. There's only one game on this list that was good to play. You bamboozled me and I regret coming to this shitty board and I only completed this list to spite the original faggots who thought these clunky ass boomer-core games have good gameplay.

Attached: johnwick.jpg (1600x900, 233K)

Other urls found in this thread:

seems like you skipped one

Play ninja gaiden black then faggot

Doesn't looks like you were asking for good gameplay, most of the games in the list are RPGs bar few exceptions.

If you want gameplay, play Ninja Gaiden 2, bayonetta 1 and Sekiro. Also Tekken 7, if you're willing to learn.


play godhand

The first 10 minutes are mandatory if you're going to play bayo:

>meme list
outside of Dark Souls and VTMB nobody even talks about these
I don't even think post-2014 Yea Forums even has meme games anymore. Maybe risk of rain

You confused meme threads with recommendations, and you made the mistake of listening to Yea Forums for anything.

So what are your 10 must play video games

Because once you've played all the thousands of games with good gameplay but no story, you're left craving something else. Games are more than just killing shit for XP, you can tell a story in ways that would be impossible to interact with on the same level in another medium, like film.

Of course if you ask a bunch of jaded people who have been playing this crap for 20+ years what their favorites are, they'd give you that sort of list. That's like going to Yea Forums and complaining when they give you a bunch of slow, classic arthouse movies

You went right to the second mistake of listening to Yea Forums again. When will you learn?

vtmb is one of my favorite games of all time, but you can bet your ass I will take gameplay over anything else in video games any day of the week.

I used to replay vtmb periodically, but stories get old. I'm still replaying bayonetta and ninja gaiden, and I keep coming back for more.

I just asked for your list, didn't say I would actually play them

>How in God's name does a vidya board have a GOAT list composed of games that are only good because of their writing / setting
Yea Forums crossboarders

Because gaming is a shit hobby and games aren't actually fun, the best a game can be is a method of delivering a cool story to you that you couldn't get in movies or books.

>Deus Ex
>Dark Souls
>bad gameplay

also you literally got memes on.
You should have actually stated your interests in genres retard.

Play Devil May Cry

>hey Yea Forums recommend me kino enlightenment

>Gothic 2
you literally got trolled

>doing it AGAIN
holy fuck Yea Forums you are retarded

Ironically all these gothic/pathologic faggots are probably the ones shitting on death stranding's lack of gameplay

>Gothic 2

The boku no pico of video games

>assuming those are the same people

Yeah it couldn't be console warriors and MGS fags who hate Kojima shitting on DS

You only played the pc greats. The true patrician games are console exclusives. You know I’m right

I know, how could he possibly skip Doom?

you got rolled and trolled op

Attached: 400px-Homura_Remington.png (400x225, 110K)

>The true patrician games are console exclusives.

Doom and Dark Souls both have fun gameplay.

Shut the fuck up Yea Forums

OP here

What the fuck are meme games and meme threads? Why would someone hype up a game with videos from Ragnar and their experiences just for them to knowingly swindle me into playing a shit game?

Attached: f5c.jpg (533x800, 85K)

>mad cuz bad

>no S.T.A.L.K.E.R on the list
yeah, I'm thinking you need to go back

>Needing 3 years for 9 games

Morrowind is still fun as shit to play.

Of all time, in no particular order.

Roller Coaster Tycoon
Dragon Quest VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Chrono Trigger
Sly Cooper 1
Mega Man 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Kingdom Hearts 1

Forget to take your adderalll you ADHD zoomer?

See this

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lol what a bunch of clunky ass boomer-core meme games with shit gameplay

actually good and well-balanced list

You can do better than that you lazy fuck.

>Needing 3 years for 9 games
>bingeing on shitty games to read decent novels
>thinking I'd kill my love for vidya for the sake of faster replies from a imageboard.

You only have yourself to blame if you thought Pathologic would have good gameplay, in a single thread you would see that no one talks about it.
Also, Yea Forums top 10 doesn't have a single Silent Hill?

Those games are all trash, you got memed.

OP was too stupid to take the first recommendation, don't bully him.

Try again.

>nobody even talks about these
t. started browsing Yea Forums for the first time a couple hours ago

>b-but muh gameplay!
Unironically go kill yourself

I must have struck a nerve

This but unironically

>fps brainlet zoomer tries to play immersive story RPGs and doesn't like them
big shock

lmao play a rhythm game then you mouthbreather, they're pure nonstop action

based zoomlet shitposter

Witcher 3 unironically

You sure got me.

Play these ones:
>Devil May Cry 3
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>God of War II
>God Hand
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
All of them have good gameplay, fuck all the story driven games.

>he went on Yea Forums and listened to a single user that clearly only plays PC games
If you are stupid enough to listen to fanboys, then you aren't worth trying to help.

just turn ur brain off dude it's fun lmao pushy button pew pew boom boom

Thanks for conceding.

Boomers shouldn't shame people for not wanting to play 10-20 year old pieces of shit that barely work on new hardware

Imagine caring what v thinks. Lmaoing at your life famalam

Doom was p. fun though, and while Deus Ex merely had so-so gameplay mechanics, the developers went above and beyond to reward players for getting creative with them.

>How in God's name does a vidya board have a GOAT list composed of games that are only good because of their writing / setting

Maybe that's because memes notwithstanding, games with enjoyable gameplay aren't really that hard to find. Memorably good writing is a whole different story.

I feel the exact opposite way. Games with an emphasis on story make for great and memorable experiences, even if only played once, whereas something like DMC is a game I'll beat and then mostly forget about, because I don't see the point in playing the same shit over and over again.

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Truth hurts, fagboi.