We, Mexicans don't look like this.
Devs should stop white washing Mexicans
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But i am white thou
really a shame
I agree. Where are the hot Mexican chicks?
My mom looks like Angel
You're right, we look like this.
i agree, gamedevs need to represent mexicans as mongrelized spanish rapebabies larping as aztecs
They look like this
DM your mother's number to me
Reminder only chilangos feel offended by this. Real mexicans don't fucking care.
holy shit
Whitexican and happy to get represented
as much as I like grapplers in fighting games, Mexican luchadores can get tiresome pretty quickly
The 2 kids from LiS2 are probably the best right now having just the right skin color and not being stereotypical LOCOS TACOS ESE
That's the average American
I thought Mexican was a nationality? Isn't it the same as being Canadian or American?
El goblina
ay dios mio
Obviously you don't watch novelas mexicanas
Fuck off rebecca
kill yourself chilango de mierda.
Mexican do look like that outside of your shithole of pollution and cucktholicism called cdmx.
Short, brown, Catholic mongrels
That could fit anyone in Latin America they have to give some differences between the nationalities. Even tho in reality there aren’t any
Virgen Santísima...
You wouldn't want them to look like real mexicans
But white mexicans do exist in Sonora mountains and Chihuahua mountains.
The deeper you go in mexico the browner people get.
That nigger is Cuban or some other Caribbean filth
Que pinche asco, goddamn
Ok, guys, let's bet on this one.
Chicano? From CDMX? Or a newfag from plebbit?
I'm actually a half-raptor hybrid. Fuck you, you chicano shit.
>Being (((latinx)))
I look like the one on the right
All of those deserve the rope. Sucios subhumanos.
Yes and like Canadians or Americans, Mexicans are way too mutted from way too many different parts of the world to have any credible single ethnic identity.
Chiapas is literally Africa-tier
every mexican is half jaguar and wrestles, I think
Oaxaca is the state that has the darkest people and less amount of whites.
And based in INEGI study where the darker people are poorer they are i think its explains itself.
>We, Mexicans don't look like this.
shut the fuck off pendejo.
Mexican is not a race.
most people in mexico are mestizos, some look more like natives and some others look more european.
there are white AND brown mexicans
some mexicans look white and they're the best kind gtfo
But I don't want to look like a fat smearmy bad haircut awful beard goblin. I want to look cool in my games.
Angel's creator is Mexican.
Your mom's a whore, ese :v
Speak for yourself shitskin
Mexicans as a whole are a mixture of every country that fucked us up in wars so we can range from literal aryan race to detroit looking fuckers.
I've lived the past 20 years in 4 different Mexican states and visited a couple more and I've never once heard any Mexican refer to anyone as "ese" when speaking in second person.
its more of a term born in the US.
Its a Chicano thing.
See this man?
This is Canelo Alvarez. Born and raised in Guadalajara, Jalisco. 100% Mexican.
She looks and speaks like a japanese girl.
Makes sense
his parents are from Ireland, they just moved to Mexico when his mom was pregnant.
When is the fucking wall being built already?
Hispanics love being depicted as white though
It's almost like mexican isn't an ethnicity and that castizos and mestizos are different races
And no his parents are from Los Reyes, Michoacán.
Not really, i like brown girls more than white ones.
Specially with giant hips, breasts are optional.
Wrong fighter.
It's the same with Slavs, there are many different kinds of them and the people who lump them all into one pile are just uneducated and have no idea about anything
Speak for yourself fucking prieto.
some of you look very white
I'm a latino y me chupa cinco huevos como mierda me representan en los videojuegos y peliculas, hay que ser un tremendo maricon como vos para andar jodiendo con eso.
I wish you did look like that. Your goblin language and goblin faces offend me a great deal. It is our eternal curse to be overrun by you muds.
>Average American newborn circa 2020, colorized
But i am brown.
Still there is a point where brown turns into shit.
Nigger or indian brown is disgusting.
Light brown or tan brown is good.
White Mexican is one of the most comfy irl builds you can ask for. At least a male. Wouldn't trade it for anything.
>Mexico always sends ugly brown manlets over the border
>They never send immigrants that look like this
Why, Mexico? Why?
yea, and he is 100% mexican
Our own low-tech brand of biological warfare.
The US meddled too much and got too smug about it.
>Why, Mexico? Why?
Most of the people that goes to the US are poor people from Oaxaca, Guerrero or Chiapas (our top 3 poorer states because they keep doing retarded stuff).
Who /masterrace/ here?
does it get any more privileged than a chadstizo
So? He was born in Mexico, so he's mexican
>We, Mexicans don't look like this.
Us English don't look like this either (for now), just gotta deal with it tacoanon.
>Used to be White
>Now full on Black
I dunno, I'd say Birdie is accurate representation.
You know very well you do.
Not all but you have people that indeed look like that.