Classic Thread

What Class are you gonna play?
Which Faction/Race?
Let's go home boys.

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is orc warlock the ultimate zoomer race, now that everyone knows how OP warlocks are in vanilla?


nelf druid master race

i'm thinking priest
healslut during the day
shadow wpvp menace at night

daily reminder it's dog shit as beta testers have proven it to be

zoomers will play whatever their streamer wants them to play

Hardly, its just fotm type shit for Yea Forums and maybe reddit, warlock isn't most peoples tastes especially their playstyle, they will die off once they realise they need to farm soul shards to do anything

How can you go home when you never leave the house?

Don't forget, Warlock is the flavor of the week meme now.

I want a wrath server.

Dwarf warrior

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its tauren druids

male. undead. mage.

A reminder that furykeks are a meme now

Tauren Shaman

troll mage, sapper and rune into racial

Orc Hunter, get fucked Roguefags.

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Blood Elf Mage. Can I? Do they keep all race combinations? If not - dropped

Same. You playing ele/resto?

I still can't really decide.

My mind is telling me Alliance gnome Warlock so i can have all the tiger mounts.

But my heart is telling me Horde shaman because SOUL but Horde have shitty mounts in vanilla :(

what tiger mounts?

no tranny, you can't choose them

Going to level as enhancement, which should be fine to still heal in low level dungeons. Once I hit high levels/start to do raids going to have to become a totem dispenser and chain heal spammer though

I didn’t get into WoW until Legion, but I’ve played it a lot since and am excited for Classic. Were the classes back then pretty fun or even better than now? Like did it still feel fast and intense as a fury warrior, and did healing as a Druid feel fun with putting on a lot of shields and bubbles?

Nelf race mounts I'm assuming

human rogue

Friendly reminder of the fact that meme specs are useless. No one is taking a Feral.
No one is taking an Enhance. No one is taking a Ret. No one is taking a S.Priests. Your job is to heal, and heal only.
Oh, and Fury Warriors? Get fucking dunked on. Blizzard confirmed your Private baby servers had busted hit tables. Put on that shield and tank, little bitch.
Furthermore, rolling suboptimal races is inexcusable. Stop holding yourself and everyone you play with back. It's not 2005 anymore. We know what's the best now, and there are zero logical reasons to roll inferior race/class combos. If you do, please roll on a RP server so no-one will have to deal with your shitty choices ok? Ok.

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Naturally if you have any intention of raiding. Have you given any consideration into PVP builds? I'll probably be levelling as enhancement too. Just seems like better uptime.

troll rogue

Nelf race mounts

Meta suck.

Dwarf hunter or Orc hunter depending on which faction is the least faggot on the server

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Reminder that Tauren Shaman is a side grade and the one useful racial you have (Hardiness) isn't going to save you more than half the time. A well placed War Stomp, however, will.

Unironically this. This beta it's crushing a lot of dreams for viable endgame specs

>Oh, and Fury Warriors? Get fucking dunked on. Blizzard confirmed your Private baby servers had busted hit tables. Put on that shield and tank, little bitch.

Are you acting like Fury wasn't top tier in real Vanilla or something?


as someone who cleared most of Vanilla Nax and got rank 14 on a reck bomb paladins I can't stress this enough, Don't waste everyones fucking time being something that doesn't fucking work

>look mom I posted it again I'm gonna get (You)'s for being retarded! haha!

No, I had dibs on human rogue, user.

Reckoning literally works though. It just requires you to work around 400ms windows so playing outside your region is a NO GO.

>end game is everything
>implying I won't have fun with my casual guild
>implying I care about seeing Naxx months later when this content is already over 10 years old

You min/max no fun faggots can fuck right off.

I'm new to retail and I want to go for an Undead Warlock. Kind of excited to play the version of game all my friends were playing when I had a shitty potato PC.

Why wasn't this totally legit top tier vanilla spec at the top of the meters in this world first 'real vanilla's not chinkshit


I think he's saying although they were high in vanilla. Private servers have bloated the belief to a ridiculous extent. They weren't that good.

As someone who cleared most of Naxx in Vanilla, one thing I always contemplated was the choice I made when rolling a Dwarf hunter over a NE hunter.

Was I wrong? Should I go with NE this time? I loved riding around Ironforge back in the day with my OG swift Robot Chicken. It was so cool.

>Everyone plays fury, rogue, mage, priest
>Gearing becomes a hellish nightmare.
No thanks

I don’t get it why is everybody so excited to play an outdated version of an mmo when there’s just better shit out there?

Reminder that WoW PvE content is easy and you never need to follow some dumb meta unless you're going for speedrun world first autism which no one in this thread will do.
Reminder that finding 40 people for a raid is hell enough as it is, let alone finding 40 min/maxed meta players.

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Its really pathetic people still push the meme that only raiding matters. Vanilla isn't retail where all the contents just irrelevant.

Shadow priests are one of the coolest classes

here's hoping Blizz do the decent thing and rout classic straight to wrath and use the cut content to fill out level 60 to 80.

Such as?

>bosses have 14% parry

implying bosses can parry from behind

>classic wsg

imagine playing on alliance
imagine being so much of a beta faggot that you purposefully choose the side which is going to lose every single major pvp battle in the entirety of classic and every single BG match
imagine picking an alliance rogue and having 1 in 3 of your 'VITAL TO SUCCESS' stun abilties resisted by orcs which over 50% of the horde side will be
imagine picking any other class that has stuns that they can get cucked from by orcs
imagine picking a priest / warlock on alliance and being cucked by the remaining 50% of players on horde who have a free fear break + immunity
imagine knowing that even the last few % of horde who pick tauren will still body you with their free 2 second stun
imagine picking the side who has to go against the very dangerous class known as the shaman
imagine deluding yourself into thinking spending 90% of the game looking at a grey screen because a shaman chad literally 1 shotted you is fun
imagine looking at the alliance racials and thinking 'yeah who needs a 1 in 3 permanently activatable stun resist, or a fear break+immunity on demand or a 2 second stun, i want this ability to find worthless chests and improved speed in wisp form' lmao
imagine having to quest in eastern kingdom, the place with the most boring zones and quests ever over based kalimdor
imagine having to run garbage bottom of the barrel dungeons like deadmines and gnomergon over wailing caverns, razerfen kraul/down
imagine playing on a faction that is going to be vastly outnumbered by these optimal pvp ready supermachines that are the horde
imagine being an alliance tranny

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The funny thing is that picking Orc isn't even inherently a minmax. Picking Gnomish Mage to give yourself extra intellect on a caster is a minmax. Picking Dwarf Priest is a minmax. Picking some green space nigger so you can maybe resist a stun is not a minmax. It's a gamble.


>they don't know

dwarf hunter is the patrician choice

Even though This is a blatant troll reply, You're not going to be doing that in a dungeon / raid environment,

you know what that is for in your vid? Sitting on Org roof and getting you mate to give you full stacks of reckoning with a rank 14 weapon, and one shotting some poor sod on the ground who's red

I'm not even trying to be an elitist fag, I'm telling you straight up that there are builds that straight up are designed to be shit, If nothing has changed in terms of skills / talents then say bringing a ret to a raid Is ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS, Just heal the raid get someone else to damage more, if your'e good with your guild they'll give you a 2 hander to go fuck about with in pvp but trying to pve damage build as a hybrid class in vanilla is pulling out teeth, you're doing so much extra work and getting NOTHING out of it, honestly do you self a favour and just stop now

Roll a Pure DPS and do something like a pvp reck bomb paladin on the side or what ever is your fancy you'll have a lot more fun then trying to main some shit that wasn't designed to be mained like that, i

based orcman telling it how it is

Just a friendly reminder that Laintime was the best Warrior on the planet in vanilla.

Seriously, no bullshit, I need everyone in the fucking thread to help me:

Shaman, Druid, or Priest?

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>trash throughout most of the game

>only becomes relevant when spoonfed gear

>barely tank without a shield while leveling (wow what a bitch)

>not even ¼ of group utility a druid offers

>sucks up all gear from poor rogues, etc. (what a faggot)

>randomly will steal cloth/leather for their 'world spirit set' wtf?

>needs a baby sitter in pvp or they can't catch anything (WHILE IN GOOD GEAR WTF?) and look like a total faggot basically slowly chasing people down.

>needs entire guild to help get his thunderfury because he's a bitch and can't solo anything and the process takes multiple raid resets (wow so much for being considerate of others)

>sucks at leveling like a faggot

>Attitude problems, thinks they are the main character (definitely has a small dick)

>Gets disarmed like a bitch

>LITERALLY cannot even do their signature quest for the WW axe without tons of help

>needs to take out loans for his mount like a true goy

>couldn’t solo elites if they tried

>Fury spec cucked by 14% parry

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Is there going to be a warcraftlogs for classic? It would be the definitive way to tell feral druids to fuck off once and for all once raiding starts

Healing? I'd prob go shaman, everyone needs WF and when you're bored you can go do a 2hander WF pvp and one shot people, Not sure on their healing output compared to priests though in vanilla

Druid if you wanna have fun in most content, shaman if you wanna basically be like druid except with a much stronger spell casting PvP spec,

Priest if you have a raid group

Classes have shitloads of more spells and downranking is vital for certain classes like healers and frost mages. Downranking is using lower rank versions of the same spells to save some mana, for example priest's main heal in raids will be a spell called 'heal', a spell that max outs around level 40.
Raiding is nothing like it was in Legion. It's actually quite boring but raiding was never the main point of WoW. The only classes who get to mash buttons in raids are rogues and warriors, both as a tank and dps. The rest have very, very simple rotations.

The biggest realization for you will be how unfair the game is. If you play a fury warrior, you will be kited to hell. If you play as a druid, you will never be as effective healer as the other classes. Hell, you don't even have a resurrection spell except combat resurrection, which has fucklong CD. Instead you bring a shitloads of utility to the group. Every class has their own niche role to fill.

Man, Dwarf Hunter is PERFECTLY fine if you intend on PVPing. Stoneform breaks bleeds, poisons and diseases. You can cuck rogue blind on demand. You can make Devouring Plague on UD priests completely worthless. The rest of your racials are mediocre. But then again, lets compare.

Night elf
>Shadowmeld: Activate to slip into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence. Lasts until cancelled or upon moving. Night Elf Rogues and Druids with Shadowmeld are more difficult to detect while stealthed or prowling.
It has its uses and can be used for shit like ambushing people with a prowling cat or resting while stealthed. Maybe you can cancel a cast with this shit if you're already out of combat. But it's doubtful. You have Feign Death for the same purpose anyways.
>Quickness: Dodge chance increased by 1%. Mediocre on a class that should be kiting anyways.
>Wisp Spirit: Transform into a wisp upon death, increasing speed by 50%.
Nature Resistance: Nature Resistance increased by 10.
Okay versus Shamans, Hunters, Rogues, Druids. Tiny probability it helps you resist a Tidal Charm.

>Stoneform: While active, grants immunity to Bleed, Poison, and Disease effects. In addition, Armor increased by 10%. Lasts 8 sec. 3 min cooldown.
Cucks a multitude of shit.
>Gun Specialization: Guns skill increased by 5.
Not familiar with hunter BIS but it's better than fucking Wisp Spirit.
>Frost Resistance: Frost Resistance increased by 10.
Superior imo, slows are your bane. Again, small probability of it resisting with such a small number but it's there.
>Find Treasure: Allows the dwarf to sense nearby treasure, making it appear on the minimap.
Mediocre end game. Nice to have handy I suppose. Can probably bet your ass this racial is packed into an addon though.

If I were playing a hunter on alliance I would pick a Dwarf. If I was playing hunter on horde I would pick a Troll.

There isn't better shit out there. That's why. The MMO market is in a dire state when a 15 year old game is the most hyped up thing of the year.

This. Learn the game.

There's room for one (1) feral in a 40 man raid. So a raid will have either 0 or 1 feral druid. It's an extremely niche role and requires a lot of effort to pull off. If you don't like it join a raiding guild that doesn't have one.

>tfw you have to deal with the army of ret paladins that will swarm dungeons at 60

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>imagine picking an alliance rogue and having 1 in 3 of your 'VITAL TO SUCCESS' stun abilties resisted by orcs which over 50% of the horde side will be
>imagine picking any other class that has stuns that they can get cucked from by orcs
Imagine someone resisting a polymorph. Imagine someone resisting an earth shock and getting a heal off. This shit happens across the entire game. Relying on RNG is pretty weak. I say this as a Horde player.

Know what?

It's really the only way to go for me.

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Develop logical reasoning. Tanks having harder time holding threat = furymeme rips aggro = raid dead because boss is now facing them = strained healers blowing mana keep the fury ass afloat.

Rogues > furymeme

Listen I agree with you that people shouldn't bring dog shit specs to a raid. I'm playing a Tauren Shaman. I'm going to turn up in resto spec. What bothers me is when people get autistic over race choice.

Maybe on alliance side, horde would much rather keep a wf totem shaman in their rogue group

Guy who you replied to.

I guess it always came down to the gun skill being useless for me back then. I used the Chromaggus crossbow for quite a long time into the end game, so the +skill never really helped. I believe weaponskill back then dramatically decreased hit chance. I think I used the gun from Naxx for a bit before that dropped but it wasn't even close.

WF is in its worst state in 1.12. Please do not encourage people to play enhancement non ironically. Flametongue is the way to go to bypass some armor on autos. Consistent damage output on a one hander with shield. If some rogue opens up on you and you've got a two hander you're getting your ass ravaged.

>hit chance
I meant to say it increased hit chance. woops.

Not gonna lie, gonna miss monk class. I think it’s one of the best classes

Ahh right didn't know, just going off memories of mates on horde side and duels with a few people as a reckbomb paladin I always loved duelling 2h WF sham's IT was just an explosion cluster fuck of hits and crits going off, before we knew what happened we both end up dead

good times....

Play Horde and lets hope there's not an equal amount of retards playing Orc Enhancement Shamans popping off Bloodfury and never healing anything in BGs while also being unhealable because they just mortal striked themselves AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>autistic over race choice.

It matters but yeah i agree sometimes autists take it too far

>If I was playing hunter on horde I would pick a Troll.
All opinions: Discarded.
Objectively a weaker choice than Orc in every aspect of the game.

>If I was playing hunter on horde I would pick a Troll.
Yep, literally as that other user said, you fucked up here. Troll is a noobtrap for hunter, their racials look perfect on paper but they're legitimately shit hunters.

>bow mastery

Imagine being this bad at vanilla wow

Trolling a bear should aggro every bears.

Hunter is a noobtrap in general, it's not a good class in vanilla

This is actually one of those cases where there is actually no wrong choice. Neither stoneform nor shadowmeld are opop. They both have their uses. Shadowmeld, imo, is relatively underrated by many people. It can help you in ambushing people, avoiding being ganked, and other stuff. Stoneform isn't as big a deal for hunters as it is for some other classes (breaking blind is alright but even if you're blinded, your pet is on the rogue). If you're a tryhard, there are easy ways to remove other poisons as well.

Rest of the racials aren't particularly relevant. Gun skill, for example, is useless at 60 because all the good weapons are crossbows with no exceptions. NE has a little higher base agi if you really want to tryhard for pve.

Don't underestimate wisp. You're gonna die a lot and then you'll appreciate getting to your corpse 50% faster.

And troll is garbo

I'll probably do a little pvp on the side but nothing too serious - just BG fuck arounds

That just means it's time for feral tanks to rise up!!!

B-boys is it alright to roll a Troll hunter?

It’s all I want to play but I know their racials are garbage compared to Orc

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My take on it is extra HP is always there. NR is always there. Cultivation makes gathering high end nodes much easier. War Stomp synergy with shaman is amazing. Meanwhile Orcs have Hardiness on a shaman. And while it is strong, it's contending against 4 good racials. It would wanna be strong. I'm playing the consistency game. I would rather get a War Stomp off than hope to god I resist a crucial stun. Practised tons on Shaman. Living versus Rogues is doable in mail gear with a shield and NS HW on you. Stun Resistance isn't as necessary as people make it out to be and even so there's a chance you don't resist jack shit and just have no racials for that fight. Ain't shit talking people who choose to go that way. It just ain't for me. It feels wrong for my play style.

Gnomes are the masterrace

They're too busy running gnomeregan to rise up, sorry bro

Hunter is a good class.

>but muh raids
You can clear that shit with anything. Literally who gives a shit.

You can stack both on two rogues/fury war with the best DPS. The buffs alone aren't a big enough difference to exclude or bring a feral. If you have a real tryhard feral that gets all of his gear sets and farms MCPs and consumes it's worth it.

Meh he's just hoping he maybe resists an intercept versus a Warrior. I would say Bow mastery is stronger on Hunter for raiding. Berserking naturally gives you a DPS boost. You'll have higher damage killing beasts. And you'll be resisting 5 HP per second. AND THERE'S NOT A GOD DAMN THING HE CAN DO ABOUT IT.


I'd you roll Hunter get him geared and use it for mob farming

For me, it's Orc Hunter, PvP realm.

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> got excited to play Warrior in Classic
> Planned on Tanking 5mans and maybe offtank raids, but ultimately wanted to go Fury
> Hit chance news comes out
> Fury DPS from Pserver vids basically useless now
> Wanted to dabble in Feral Drood too since I found a vid of someone doing good DPS on it
> Turns out it was also a Pserver meme
> Melee DPS is my favourite role
> Don't like ranged much
> That leaves Rogues
> I don't like Rogues.
Welp. Guess i'm waiting on TBC Classic. God this sucks.

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Yeah but you don't get to ride raptor mounts. Checkmate.

Blame private servers

Wisp is meh outside of levelling and maybe some WPVP action. You're gonna have to make the same corpse run as your raid mates. And you'll just get there quicker than them. You still have to wait for them. And naturally you aren't walking to corpse in BGs.

Got a better one for you,

>be horde clothey, Newly geared
>PvP Reckbomb paladin runs,
>A hunter auto targets pet on to reck bomb paladin
>"oh shit nigga what you doing!?"
>try snare god mode reckbomb paladin
>he literally goes god mode with bubble
>stuns you from half the BG away for 6 seconds
>one shots you

I say this story as being the paladin and hearing stories back in the day on IRC on how they couldn't figure out why I was one shotting everything , Thank you Ignorant Hunters you made pvp so much fun

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Sounds more like "bring the player not the class" there, if that feral was playing rogue he'd bring more to the group I'm sure.


hunter in classic/TBC is amazing, my first character was dwarf hunter
I'm maining priest and I'll probably go troll since forsaken holy priest doesn't make much sense lorewise (and for some reason I still care about that)

>Male Orc

> Orc Hunter
> Blood Fury is useless on Hunter
> Command gives pet 5% more DPS but you'll be MM and your pet does basically no damage.
Oh man. So fucking good..

WPvP is all you got until phase 3, so it'll see quite a bit of use. And even if you gotta wait for your party/raid members, at least it means you can afk and do something else in the meanwhile.

>And naturally you aren't walking to corpse in BGs.
Actually remember doing this in vanilla. Though you'd get fucked if someone removed your insignia or whatever. Was only really useful if the res timer was long and you hadn't died too many times though.

The point of feral is to OT and be a better DPS than warrior OTs, plus bringing the added utility of bres/innervate and loot soaking otherwise useless pieces. There are always plenty of rogues, so that's more up to how much you like playing rogue.

I just don't like walking to corpse because if I recall correctly you aren't spawning with full HP/Mana. You could also be caught out of position and just feed again. And sometimes the time it takes you to reach your corpse you could've just waited for a spawn anyway. It's a maximum of 30 seconds.

You guys should just be yourselves.

What loot does a feral want that can't be better used by a rogue?

Like I said he's just relying on Hardiness to resist stuns. If it doesn't happen it's a blank racial.

Thank you :)

Never played WoW, which race/class do I play if I want an army of orbiters to buy me things, give me money and overall just make my life easy if I pretend I'm a girl?

Night elf priest

Be an instagram thot.

Human priest.
I've always wanted to be a priest and heal people.
Always love helping people out.

>Imagine rolling a troll hunter and pretending you ever touched vanilla.
The extra weapon skill equates to 3% hit at 60. The loss in itemisation someone capped at 300 weapon skill faces to match that when looking to get hit capped doesn't even BEGIN to close the yawning DPS chasm between the bloodfurying chad orc and the bezercuck troll, even if said cuck is sitting pretty at 1HP every time he pops it.
The game is solved, mate. The numbers have been run a million times already. Trolls don't compete, even ignoring the (admittedly tiny) buff from orc pet buffs.

>Blood Fury is useless on Hunter
Objectively wrong. Roll what you want to play, but don't pretend the numbers back that up.

Male tauren or Female Orc for warrior?

Female human anything


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> blank racial
> +5 to Throwing


You're all missing the main thing.
Bow Mastery is confirmed to be garbage considering the optimal BiS raid weapons for hunters at end game are ALL xbows, there's one little point in time when Rhok'delar is good but as soon as you start raiding the likes of Onyxia that goes away and you'll only ever use xbows, meaning the bow specialization 'advantages' go away.

leather pieces with tank stats and strength on them, str/stam cloak from rag that is otherwise a pvp warrior cloak, etc.

>The game is solved, mate.

The private server game. Only a fucking lunatic would bother raiding as a Hunter to begin with. If the subject was pvp I'm giving it to orcs. If pve i would say don't play a Hunter.

A ton.

Bear loot is stuff that rogues don't really touch at all. This is bis bear helm, for example

For kitty, there are a bunch of gear with both str+agi which is good for kitties, but suboptimal for rogues because they only get 1 ap from str.
These are bis for kitties. Now look at what rogues get from the same raid

you have one hunter for enrage mechanics and pulling certain bosses

I want to main shaman, but I can't decide a race. I have experience with all three options on private servers

>Has a cool voice
>Totems match racial aesthetic
>get to be lanky

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>Shamans won't get gear!
helm (tailoring BOE)
neck (Balnazzar STRATH)
shoulders (fineous BRD)
eagle cloak (archivist STRATH)
chest (emperor BRD)
wrists (voone LBRS)
gloves (baron STRATH)
waist (ok'thor BRD)
legs (omokk LBRS)
feet (stonespin STRATH)
eagle rings (emperor BRD) crit sp
trinkets (rend + jed UBRS)
weapon (Gandling SCH)
shield (EPL quest)

All phase 1.

>I never played vanilla
They're not techincally essential but they're a massive, raid-saving safety net for certain pulls. Tell me which ones, pandaria-kun...

I'm thinking 1.4% of hunters will be able to do that. Anyone else remember unnerfed Cataclysm dungeons?

You want 2 unless you want to wipe on chromag because your hunter's tranq missed.

Yeah, the last fun I ever had playing retail was doing the heroic achievements as priest for the mount.

>Be hunter cuck
>Have no choice in which race you get to play (It's Orc, always)
>b-b-but what about allia-
Literally why are you even rolling the factually weaker faction?
>Have no choice in which pet you get
Oh what's that, you want a turtle, scorpid, bear or boar? Sorry, Brokentooth is so broken that it's the only choice you can pick and if you don't use it then you've just gimped yourself by an hilariously huge amount because it's leagues better than all of the other pets.
>Have no choice in which spec you go since there's only one good spec

Why would you ever play a Hunter?
Also Hunters are the only class that has a race choice that actually is so bad that it ruins the class entirely (Tauren with its massive melee hitbox fucks you up so bad and forces you into melee when other hunters would still be in range mode)

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holy fucking cringe
*deletes you with my shadow priest*
nothing personal

human warlock, cant decide on gender though

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Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....


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>have about 8+ irl friends planning playing with me
>wanted to play priest
>got cucked into playing mage
it's not fair

Weeeeellll maybe, IDK I'd certainly agree with you back in actual vanilla finding a hunter that could actually do their job was incredibly rare I know first hand in the guild I was in at the time how lucky we were with our hunter, but i'd like to think since the game is like what? 15 years old now? I mean the basic premiss of the MMO shit, that people won't be as mongaloid with the classes now and pick it up retentively easily

Yea forgot about that one.

I'm a wrathbaby and even I know hunters are too hard for just anyone to play at endgame. Stop pushing the hunter meme

Congrats you get to play the easiest and best class in the game.

Okay I'm gonna red pill you.

PVE it legitimately doesn't matter what race choice you roll with. If this is all that matters to you then take Troll for Berserking. It's not too crazy in PVE settings but will make a difference unlike what Orcs and Taurens have to bring to the PVE table.

PVP? All three have their strengths but generally Orc and Tauren come on top. Enhancement is in its worst state in 1.12 so that meme is out the fucking window. Deep resto largely gives you nothing a Ele/Resto hybrid couldn't offer in PVP. Ele/Resto enables you to be both a utility nuker and an off healer. It's a huge boon to your group if played well.

Extra HP is ALWAYS useful in PVP. NR is a little mediocre, Cultivation is nice for gathering high end herbs. You're gonna want herbalism whether you're a PVE guy or a PVP guy. It's going to either save you a lot of money or make you a lot of money. War Stomp's 2s aoe stun synergises wonderfully with the 1.5s cast time of Lesser Healing Wave and Chain Lightning and you can cast this shit while silenced. It gives you a big edge versus casters and anyone that can't trinket out of stuns. It can be used to great affect in group PVP. It can even function as an extra interrupt.

Orc is basically just Hardiness. Stun resists are nice when and if they happen. You simply exploit the circumstances of RNG if it goes your way.

Troll's Berserking can be used while low, popped in conjunction with Nature's Swiftness and Healing Wave and you're now rocking 1.05s cast LHW and Chain Lightning as well as 1.4s Lightning Bolts for 10 seconds. It can provide some devastating burst if used well.

They all have their strengths. Shaman is a very fortunate class to have this be the case.

>Pservers had busted hit rate tables
Put that shield on, you stupid bitch.

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>retentively easily

Unnerfed. Cataclysm. Dungeons.

They cried in the forums for weeks instead of learning. They will be playing classic with you. Good luck.

Race will be troll. I haven't decided on the class.

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That's if the feral is going to tank though, right? There's a bunch of people wanting to roll druid posting that BWL video (among others) where a cat did a lot of damage. How much of a meme is cat feral? Let's pretend they are getting gear at the same pace as the rogues. How would they stack up?

its perfectly fine user nobody will not group with you because you are a troll

>People are only going alliance so they can have streamers notice them.

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Play whateve you like, my dude. The people shitting themselves over minmaxing racials have forgotten how hard it is for most guilds to fill a 40-man with anything like the optimum comp. Nobody's going to turn you away because of your racials, no mater what the spergs around here will try to tell you.

But in terms of PvE racials:
Orc > Troll > Tauren

In terms of being a massive chad:
Tauren > Orc > Troll

In terms of PvP:
There's a fairly decent case to be made for any of them across all specs. Go with your gut. Again, it matters less than people will tell you.

How does it feel knowing that no matter which class you pick you'll be worse than an Orc?

You don't go pure DPS feral. It's not viable. Feral's role is to OT and DPS when not needed for tanking, much like a warrior OT.

There's a reason why all the clips from that guy are from bosses that die in

If you do PVP that Tauren stun racial is pretty great.

>not going opposite faction of streamers to harass them
daily reminder that hunters can snipe gank people from the roofs in booty bay

>haha classic sucks you're just nostalgic about it
>it will be dead in a few months
>you're not a kid anymore, you don't have time to play it
>you're just trying to relive your childhood
>the raids are so fucking easy, bosses only have 1 mechanic lolol
>everyone will quit when they remember how bad the game is
>people only liked it because it was new
>there's no mystery to the game anymore, everything is figured out
>you really want to drop all of the improvements retail has made over the years?
>lol why are you paying for a game already released 15 years ago
>blizzard is going to fuck it up, just you watch
>it's not better, just slower
>layering.webm (video actually from the blizzcon demo, not the beta)
>people only played private servers because it's free, nobody will pay $15 for classic
>no content after naxx, you can't keep playing forever lol

Attached: seething retailfag.jpg (601x508, 68K)

>Enhancement is in its worst state in 1.12 so that meme is out the fucking window.
It's still good and you can still 1 shot a clothie, it's just not "nuke your fucking pants off" meme levels of retard

naturally I'm going female Night Elf priest to get lonely losers like myself to give me free stuff.

Probably won't be as easy today as it was 15 years ago, but there will always be sadbois lining up to give stuff to the first female avatar that goes "wow you're so kind :) thank youuu

Orc is literally for brainlets who overly rely on an RNG racial to win their fights for them. Their success is based on luck. It attracts the biggest shitters without fail.

That's pretty much what I expected. Cheers

Either dwarf warrior or anything troll. Haven't decided whether I want to deal with nelves or forsaken yet

Nah, people are going alliance because they're not 13 year old edgelords anymore.

>no mater what the spergs around here will try to tell you.
I always find it amazing that people forget that most of these faggots were the same autists in shit hole Yea Forums guilds on nost.

whats the deal with this fury warrior private server thing then?

This is why the alliance is full of faggots. "Heh..I'm so much more mature....*flicks hair*"

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just memers shitposting misinformation, mostly

the only major difference in melee mechanics between pserver and classic is increased parry chance on raid bosses, which doesn't apply to fury warriors

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>t. seething rogue / paladin

Do racials matter much for Paladins?
I assume dwarf stoneform is good for cucking undead rogue shits.

The real redpill on whether to play classic or not is the community. If the retail community shows up and acts the same in classic it's definitely not going to feel like "home". People were more sociable back then, much nicer and friendlier, more talkative. If the dungeon finder zombies act the same as they do in retail you're not going to enjoy yourself nearly as much as you did back then.

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Same shit here with my Tauren. Tempted to roll Male again like I did on Nostalrius. Then again I did kinda wish back then I had rolled a femcow instead. I was a lot more insecure in myself at the time.

>It's retail players that are going to ruin things
Have you seen the absolute state of these threads? This is what's going to kill classic.

"retail community" won't make it past level 10 before ragequitting the game

ah yes of course, the entire vanilla community is contained within a handful of Yea Forums threads

of course

they can't, classic forced socialization. They'll go nowhere with bad behaviour or trash plays - luckily

lads what is the most zoomer race/class combo for classic?

Easily Orc anything.

see, as someone who actually played back then I was wondering the whole time if we all were as stupid as the private server snobs like to act

turns out their resistances, armor values and parry chances were all over the place

turns out casters will be better

turns out dual wielding melees will be worse

turns out we werent all retarded back then

turns out memories of mages dominating were correct

so in short, yes, private server babbies are elitist retards that played a different game which lead to a different meta
and these retards were so stuck up they made everyone believe they actually figured the game out a decade later when hardly anyone could prove them wrong

t. mage one button rotation while watching movies during raid for max comfy

Just fuckers trying to dissuade others from playing warrior.

I'm so fucking glad I'll be playing a Tauren Shaman in an era of mage dominance.

Human anything. Nelf druid. Nelf priest. Undead rogue.

Night elf females were literally made for dick.

>Orc players

Attached: zoomer.gif (931x682, 426K)

>The one buttflustered troll still struggling to C O P E

I want to go rogue but I raided pretty hard as a mage in vanilla. How's gearing up without raiding? I don't have it in me anymore.

I remember some of the PVP blues were pretty good. I don't think people should be equal to raid geared people if they don't raid, but I'm curious if it's close or you just BTFO all day.

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>Resist stun
>Get blinded, sapped, and reset upon again

i'm ...s-sure it will be fine user....

It can be good but honestly with the two bubbles you have you really get all the time you need to bomb the fuck out of people, meanwhile humans have perception to fuck with rogues and rep grind racial, Depending on how your guild is with giving you a two hander early on the pigsticker from AV might be your first end game 2hander (Unstoppable Force) so the extra rep is always a bonus

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Nah it's more than one person. Enjoy having one racial that doesn't work 75% of the time xd

that winterspring mount, i assume. Not worth farming imo but if you want it you want it.

i use to play warrior in lich king and need the redpill

>how is pvp whitout blade storm?
>how is pve whiout rampage?
>how is tanking in 5 men or raids?
>im still forced to have blacksmith/mining as profession?
paladins are kings in classic too?

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Can pallys bubble out of Blind?

>paladins are kings in classic too?
Paladins are the kings of wearing a dress and being a buff-dispensing little bitch.

Troll bro reporting, going rogue though.

It applies to fury tanks, their viablity is now in question.
It also causes less threat to the tank overall, which makes fury warrior much less able to dps due to too high threat.

*Shaman purges your relevance away*

The same one everyone else rolls. Necromancer.

yes, it's literally immunity from anything with no downsides in vanilla, If you catch a paladin using Blessing of protections which is just melee immunity, you can blind them


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this is what the private server fury warrior from the last thread posted as a tank spec:

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desu I think Hardiness could be strong on rogues considering no trinket break.

I'm going to roll a nelf priest and be a subby little healslut and you can't stop me. Messy facials > worthwhile racials.

You will get your PvP gear faster than the majority of raid plebs will get theirs.

This, Out side of Reckbomb and BG's This is a paladins sad life, I really hope everyone understood this so I don't have to put up with a billion crys of ret paladins complaining all the time

undead rogue if I can confirm that front stabbing is thing otherwise undead warlock

daily reminder that if you roll dwarf you're a fat greasy manlet loser irl and nobody cares about your faggy racials

Lol wrong

>Messy facials > worthwhile racials

I hope you came up with that

who is enjoying the streamer only beta? based blizzard inviting pokemaine to dab on the boomers.

Warrior shits on everyone but frost mages.

Female undead warrior and warlock. Angry, jawless zombie waifu gonna make Ragnaros her bitch.

>Messy facials > worthwhile racials.
Perfect. As a fellow healslut I'm stealing that, boo.

> Objectively wrong. Roll what you want to play, but don't pretend the numbers back that up.
So you're gonna be a Melee Hunter then?

what the fuck


>Glance at left panel
"Ehh. Is this going to be a post by one of those fags who memes 'don't take deep wounds!!'?"
>Eyes take everything in
"Sweet merciful shit."

zoomer detected, female undead don't have a jawless option.

So they can escape Blind with Bubble then. Hm. Makes me wonder is Stoneform worth considering that much then. I suppose if it enables you to bubble later it could be better for PVP.

True, but don't care too much for orc 1h animations or stealth. Orc female has it better for that, but I don't play female characters.

male gnome warr and human mage

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Male troll warrior

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>all of those zoomers who are gonna play paladin because asmongolds friend plays paladin

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Thunderfury is a hunter weapon

>mfw I'm a plate wearing healer
>mfw partering up with Mage and Warrior friend
>free bg wins

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Do I really need to add a big *WITHIN REASON disclaimer? Really? That's something we have to fucking do here?

not gonna happen because zoomers cant into NO SHOES

*Shaman purge*

Can't wait to purge every single fucking paladin I encounter.

Taz'Dingo! Ya mon! if i'm able to nab the name Shieldmastah when you can reserve names, i'm going to be going Troll Warrior 100% Fuck Racials

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bubble does have a 5 min cool down though, that's your clear everything spell, stone form is definably a bonus to use, as you keep crippling poison off your as well which if the rog is smart will put on you and leg it.

You're weighing up the nature of a reckbomb, it's a one shot one kill set up, So you want those get out of shit spells so you're free to hit your target, I'd say Dorf is defo more the PVP option out of the two races, But I did like my Perception to sniff our rogues before a fight as well as the Rep bonus, It honestly depends on how much you want to put in to the character.

Me but as a shaman
Enjoy my purge and chain lightning crit

mage 'uman.

Just admit that you were wrong and move on with your life. Blood Fury is a shit racial in Vanilla for Hunters.

buy BfA

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Take it, my degenerate friend. Just think of me when you're wiping tank jizz of that pretty little chin.

'ate gnomes
'ate elves

literally who? I was a reckbomb in classic, rank 14, I'm making one as an alt because it's fun as fuck to play

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>All of these troll trannies who are never ever going to win a duel against an Orc chad
Why would you purposefully gimp yourself to play a blue lanklet with shit racials lmao?

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>muh duels
holy cringe yikes

Nah, they do have the option where they have a jaw sewn on or whatever, though.

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When will this beta end?
Why is Blizzard letting streamers show off how bad Classic is for so long?

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also 'ate orcs

because kame hame ha fireball animation obviously

Human fury dps warrior

Doesn't work.

Trolls are actually solid tanks, despite private server memers. Berserking is incredibly powerful for getting initial threat, which is by far the most useful racial regarding tanking. And no, tauren stamina is not that good. If your health is that low, you're already fucked anyway.

>outting yourself as this much of a shitter
Kek, you should stick with alliance. Horde doesn't need weaklings like you.

Yes. One of the greatest aspects of classic is actually having a reputation on your server. I remember people yell spamming for weeks in orgrimmar if someone ninja looted.

>Walk around in Orgrimmar
>Get BiS gear handed to you
Why aren't you playing this efficiently?

Don't think blizz care it's kept WoW in top5 games on twitch for 2 weeks now which is a huge marketing boost to zoomers who now think WoW is the next big thing being so high on viewer list.

>muh 25% stun resistance
>muh 25% chance to win cause I'm a shitter
imagine being a green nigger

the big twitch streamer with 80 thousand people watching him at any given time, most of whom are too young for vanilla

Why are Blizzard letting streamers show WoW to their thousands of viewers.

hmmm I wonder why.

later in the game threat isnt an issue but damage spikes are. tauren all the way

It's great when you hear that shit too. You'll be standing outside a dungeon getting ready sometimes and just have random niggas whisper you about some dude who's standing next to you. It's crazy how good a community feels.


ahh there is the problem, I honestly don't watch any of that shit, well fuck twitch faggots are probably going to ruin it for everyone now....I don't know how but they always find a way to make everything they touch, shit.

Tauren and Undead are the only choices really, for emergency fear break.

I did the content before, and I don't want to do it again. Months after release and you're doing your 5000th warsong gulch you'll come to terms with the fact that the combat in WoW has never been that good. The time investment versus reward isn't worth it for me.

i could swear it worked in vanilla. I get it when the internet connection is much better but I thought they were insistent on maintaining the vanilla experience

Human priest or troll shaman

warriors are great in battlegrounds but a good player will just kite/cc you to death if 1v1 and you will need to burn a consumable if you want a chance to beat them.
You don't really need mining,blacksmithing, most of the good stuff is BoE. Only BoP are the legendarys which you wont get if you arent the kind of guy willing to respec to blacksmithing and back for them.

Early in the game is the only time it even matters. Damage spikes are important, yes, but the Tauren racial is rarely going to make a difference. You actually suffer the issue of having trouble GETTING rage at later tiers because of how tanky you get, adding another reason why Berserking is great.

troll priest

Who Hype?!

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go mage aoe. go priest if you play with frens.

I want to heal though

I literally don't even know what you're trying to imply anymore. It's objectively a massively better DPS cooldown in every single case.

Suddenly the...
>ArE yOu GoInG tO RoLL a MeleE hUnteR?
... Is beginning to make sense. This faggot LITERALLY thinks "25% to melee attack power" means you have to be beating on something with your stat sticks. The absolute fucking state of this child. You're not a man who played vanilla, you're two mistbabies in a trenchcoat.

isnt beserking at full health really crap? does that little bit of rage really make a difference when you can hold aggro just fine?

> Kamehameha
> Not Hadoken
I am dissapoint.

northdale made me quit wow

only do so, if you play with frens. solo priest is boring as fuck.

It is, but being a tank you tend to take damage. Just pop it after a second.

Raids do take one SP for the debuff u dumb fuck

You have spell batching to simulate a slight lag but even with that, front stabbing is impossible. I can't even recall if it was possible in Vanilla, it's been so fucking long ago.

>Human fury dps warrior
> Fury DPS
> Fury
> dps
He doesn't know.

Attached: tenor.gif (360x346, 170K)

only if you got at leat 3 locks or more id say otherwise, no.

weak skinned cuck

>You're not a man who played vanilla, you're two mistbabies in a trenchcoat.
Actual unironic lol

Probably Tauren Shaman

based. same. what's your plan?

>Tauren Shaman
the most chad option of them all

>he doesn't know

know what, frogfag?

Ranged and Melee attackpower are different things in Vanilla you cockmongler. But have fun with your useless Racial.

R-ret Paladin

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>All of these cucks thinking that anything they pick will be at all good
>I'll pick Orc Warlock and kill literally anybody in this thread with absolute ease
Classic is a solved game, Orc Warlock is mathematically the most broken, unbeatable race/class combo in the entire game.

Stay seething, shitters.

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Shamelem. I just love zapping people to death. I actually never played it in Vanilla since I started late woltk so I have no idea how it'll play out.
What about you ?

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> Kronos

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>some dumbass fury warrior doesn't know how to make a tank spec


It's completely blizzlike

war stomp is a 2 minute cd and all it gives is 1 free cast

hardiness will proc far more often. do you know how valuable it is to resist the warrior opener and he never get the hamstring off, hes rage starved and deadzone kited? resisting a 5 point kidney shot?

Don't worry user I'm sure someone will want that Sanctity aura in the raid

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don't be so coy frendo :^)

>It's completely blizzlike
he actually believes this hahahaha

>playing a rehashed BAD END hardstop timeline MMORPG that isn't p99 EQ

So... what the fuck kinda content are they adding after Naxx? If it's not an OSRS style vote for NEW content I'm not touching this shit. Burning Crusade+ sucked and people quit for a reason thus outside the scope of a classic server. Naxx broke guilds. There isn't enough content to keep people interested like P99 Everquest does because everything is instanced and people get BIS within a few months tops.
No one is going to stick around for frequent wipes.
No new content = DOA after nostalgia for a few months
Old content = DOA from the start

I don't want a second fucking job commitment for a game that wasn't really fun outside of World PvP/Alterac Valley/ZG. The great reward being so I can deal with 3dpd whores sucking officer cock and wiping raids, drunks/smokers that are retarded and you can't kick the dog because it doesn't know any better, on the flipside smug sweaty fucking try hards, or ego centric guild leader DKP spreadsheet garbage for a game that has no magic because you know when its going and where it ends. All MMO's need to move forward into unexpected adventures. What's the fucking point? PvP was a one shotfest you needed to raid to make it in and unbalanced all the way down to horde being PvP racial gods. Arenas sucked. Premade BG's sucked. World PvP sucked and loses it's novelty pretty quickly especially with flying mounts and how hostile Blizzard was to it.

Tell me what hunter race to play.

People still play old school Everquest?

Are you asking about The Greatest Race of Hunters?

Femsaken Holy Priest because it's the best race class combination. I'm glad I can play priest in a game where the Naaru don't fucking exist anymore.

Likely rolling Dwarf Hunter. Kinda wanna roll Warrior since it was my vanilla main, but a new(er) experiences sounds nice.

Ion actually has stated that OSRS is kind of their inspiration for this whole ordeal. There's a very real possibility that this is the route they'll go, assuming the game gets the support that it will probably end up getting.


ghoul best sfx

Nax only "broke guilds" because TBC was coming out in a few months. People didn't want to be fucked with working so hard for shit that was going to be quickly invalidated by questing greens.

Enhancement levelling for up time. Resto/ele after. I have some variations on my build but it anks on 2% spell hit from gear.

Either this for healing focus to give myself more insurance casting heals in PVP
This for additional armor value out of crit heals if it turns out eye of the storm is abled to be forced through sitting. Check this out.

Or possibly this for 2.5s cast HWs

I'm quite unconfident about that last one because I've played BGs and it never felt like I had windows to just casually drop 2.5s heals on people. I was always casting 1.5s LHWs anyway and if I wanted to HW I was generally popping Nature's Swiftness for the instant cast.

The other two is a toss up depending on how good eye of the storm really is.

>The Naaru have not forgotten us.

No, that is a fucking plot hole race/class combination and it's dumb. They let undead be priests because of shadow priests, they shouldn't be able to use the light without burning themselves to ash.

Are we talking about 1v1 dueling scenarios with all cooldowns up or are we talking about group PVP in which you would have someone healing you through stuns anyway?


Oh yeah The Light wasn’t just an abstraction of God, it refers to a specific group of aliens that look like moon tunes.

Thinking of either human warrior or orc warrior. I dont really know

The funny thing is Naxx gear was actually better than Outland gear in most cases until T5 drops

I still remember seeing T3 shoulders on a mage in the screenshot of the Illidan world first.

Alright fellas fuck minmaxing, fuck raiding, fuck bgs. Which race do I roll as warrior if I want a good fucking time? If I want some SOUL?

How do you feel about the discovery that layers can be ignored and you can pile everyone you want into a single layer and crash the world server?

Attached: 1559206735496.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Undead can use the light, it just hurts them a lot. So Undead Holy Priests are basically masochists. Paladin would be an entirely different story as their ceremony literally fills them with Light. Priests just channel it. Pallies embody it.

>Find Treasure

Find Treasure is honestly really good, it does bring in some decent money because you end up finding A LOT of treasures

how do you know things are phase 1?

Based and redpilled.

Yea, I remember people still using Thunderfury in Kara lol

Hell yes, 900 on right now and kids aren't even out of school. healthy PUGs if a bit overcrowded, competitive raiding scene, people poop socking like the good old days, RMT demand and resulting bans because boxing and other gay shit like that is bannable. Vanilla WoW drawed heavily on EQ, it become shit after it discarded it just like EQ did. Come home to the superior, free, GOOD MMORPG that actually has extreme suspension of disbelief to the point you become a fat neckbeard, instead of leaving you with a half buzz like WoW.

roll femcow and be one of the 5 femcows on your server

That fall damage seems weird.

Femoid warrior

I’m 6’4 though. I am a loser though you got me there.

And Kungen still used Thunderfury for a long ass time in TBC. Old school itemization was one hell of a thing. It was either sick as fuck, or fucking useless. Thanks for that Spirit on my Warrior T2 Blizz. Not a wasted stat at all..

This is such a subjective question.
Do you like to be FUCKHUEG? Tauren.
Do you like to be a short Warrior for the memes? Gnome.
I have no idea what you mean by SOUL.
Since all races can be Warriors, just roll your favourite one. Just not Undead. As they have no soul.

Please pick up 5/5 convection because you're going oom anyway.

Sit critting is not in any way relevant for eye of the storm. You're not going to try to sit down and get up at the right time in pvp just to proc it. If there's a melee on you, you will get crit on regardless. Any sit meming will simply get you killed.

Thunderfury is unironically BiS until like BT or Sunwell

It's correct.

honestly, he probably would've used it into Sunwell if Blizz didn't nerf Thunderfury.

But that was their design mindset then, the new expansion replaces the end game content of the last. I don't think it did them too many favors once the expansions started really rolling out.

You can tank as Enhancement up to about BRD, if you're good.

There has to be one mad bastard out there that's going to roll a female dwarf rouge.

Attached: zeslxm.jpg (1024x676, 94K)


Torn currently

I usually run BE Paladin but since Horde doesnt have Paladin in classic probably Human Paladin
Use this site.

>56% are rolling Horde, 50k sample size

I want to play Alliance because they have objectively better zones and Dwarves are absolute lads, but I'll get my ass raped to hell with those odds

Attached: 22.jpg (400x400, 18K)

I have the points into Fire Nova Totem because of the synergy it holds with War Stomp. I also have 3/3 Elemental Warding because that shit can genuinely save you.

The memes write themselves at this point

every female dwarf i have ever met has been a mental case and overall a detriment to the group. Honestly makes me want to play horde just to kill those disgusting little fucks.

I have no interest in playing Enhancement when I'm 60. So no worries.

>12% difference
>wow thats a lot, better join the winning team

I will never understand this mindset, how much onions do you have to consume to be this way?

I will play Night elf priest (female)

sounds pretty based desu senpai

Feels like we'll all realize how easy Vanilla actually is with the level of skill and information the average player has today. There will be absolutely no need for autistic metagaming unless you plan on pushing for world firsts.

consider leveling 1 hander and shield with windfury?

human male warlock

fuck gnomes

What class is best if you want the least stress / responsibility in end game raiding? For some reason I get way too nervous when I have too many peopl depending on me.

Probably human but maybe Dorf or Nelf, if friend group goes Alliance. I really wanna see normally modeled armor after playing a troll the first time around.
Troll or Orc if we go Horde. I'd be torn between remaking my original main and actually having shoes and a helmet.

I kinda wanna make a mage to level solo when friends aren't on, so either human (fuck gnomes) or troll for that.

Just play something incredibly expendable like fury warrior.


Should I go Dwarf Rogue or Dwarf Hunter? Was also thinking of Nelf Druid but I'm scared of healing
Chain Lightning 605
Lightning Bolt 265
Earth Shock 450
Frost Shock 430
Flame Shock 410

These are the max rank mana costs.
6% reduction:
CL = 568
LB = 249
Earth = 423
Frost = 404
Flame = 385

10% reduction:
CL = 544
LB = 238
Earth = 405
Frost = 387
Flame = 369

To achieve this small benefit, you're losing either 6% mitigation against frost fire and nature. Or you're trading 2s activation Fire Novas out for 4s which simply put will never trigger in time.

Dwarf hunter because it's in the cinematic

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based min-max autist

>world firsts
I mean, the world firsts were gotten like 15 years ago.

I would say Mage, just buff people and throw some bolts.

Avoid healers / tanking as it is stressing. Hunter also have to pull and sometimes you make the entire raid wipe. Demonist have to monitor aggro closely, and Rogue are not ranged to you have to position yourself correctly.

And I'll be playing a Tauren Shaman.

Horde is much better than Alliance.
Shamans are much better than Paladins.
Tanks are fury specced
Deep resto for shamans is bad
Warriors are the highest damage dealing class by far.
Warlocks are better than mages.

> Dwarf hunter because it's in the cinematic
That's literally why how i made my Vanilla main lol.

Draenei shaman

based, what did you choose?

Likely Priest or Paladin if Alliance, Priest or Shaman if Horde.

Do you guys ever hate something just because you never grew up with it and are annoyed by how many people say it's good? I feel that sometimes.

Female Dwarf rouge, be the only one on the server

Considering you seem really autistic about mana usage, do you consider totemic focus to be vital?

I'm making up hybrid specs for shamans, 25% cheaper totems is obviously fucking huge but I'm curious how well they could be spent on other talents.

I just realised from this post that I hate World of Warcraft, thank you.

>I want to play Alliance because they have objectively better zones
dwarf and human only

Could someone enlighten me on the "alliance have better zones" thing?

t. zug zug

They don't. World record is held by horde.

...Dwarf Hunter. lol

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sorry it's late here

You can do these comparisons with literally anything to make them look small. Concussion, for example. One point gives you 1% damage, or if you hit for 1k, that's only 10 extra damage.

In comparison to concussion, convection is twice as effective as far as total damage is concerned if you go oom. There is also an argument to be had for Earth's Grasp, which will help you out a lot in many group pvp situations.

>no healer class for gnomes

Wetlands/Menethil harbor was fucking beautiful. That was it.
The Barren's is just iconinc though. Falling into the craigs in Durotar, etc were all infinitely superior experiences and Orgrimmar is just a much easier and cleaner city to navigate.

Horde zones are deserts and soulless.

Early alliance zones are comfier

Old Tirisfal and Mulgor are pretty cozy but Durotar fucking sucks

well that makes going alliance an easy choice

simple as

>Messy facials > worthwhile racials
Night Elf priestess healslut master race reporting in.

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> desert and soulles
> Durotar sucks
Man, fuck you guys.
Durotar is so comfy.

was gonna be troll hunter
now its gonna be orc hunter

Really tempted to remake my Gnome Warlock. But most of my friends want to go Horde.

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Leveling through Elywnn>Westfall>Redridge>Duskwood is all one clean shot without having to travel to other zones for quests or any grinding. It's probably the best designed questing experience in the old world. Compared to horde where there's a lot more running out of quests and having to go to another zone.

It just completely falls apart after 30ish for alliance though. Horde has better towns, more conveniently placed hubs, more flightmasters and better travel in general. No one who has ever done STV as both alliance and horde should ever think alliance questing is better. And even before 30, horde has much better access to low level dungeons. The only dungeon horde misses out on is Deadmines, meanwhile it can be goddamn impossible to get SFK, BFD, WC and RFK groups going despite being very worthwhile to run.

Human Mage, just like i was beta to 4.1

I'm an allyboy but this thread is making me wanna play the nigger faction

> The only dungeon horde misses out on is Deadmines
Grom'gol-->swim to Westfall. It's pretty easy actually. Deadmines is also very worthwhile. There's some really nice items there for leveling. It's also how Horde Rogues go to Westfall to farm the Red Defias Mask.

you cant be ganked as horde until like lvl 30 because you can stay in barrens that long, i think thats a big advantage you forgot about, duskwood is also awfully close to strangletorn vietnam

i think defias mask also drops from mobs outside the dungeon, pretty sure i didnt have a group for deadmines but still got the mask for my horde rogue

I'll reserve everything I want in dungeons.

>tfw you will never have a 4k, 30 inch ultra wide screen CRT


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damn this is old

You can farm that solo pretty easily yeah. It's also pretty exciting as a low lv Horde Rogue to be skulking around Westfall at low lv. But that mask is worth it. It's pretty much a rite of passage for a Rogue imo. Especially a Horde Rogue.

stay in your Safe Space, no shoes

Gnomeregan too

>mfw based Blizzard outed private server insects as funserver shitters who never played an even close version to actual vanilla

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>Leveling through Elywnn>Westfall>Redridge>Duskwood is all one clean shot without having to travel to other zones for quests or any grinding.
Doesn't work. Westfall barely has any quests, and needs to be supplemented by something like Loch Modan. With that you can reach a level appropriate for Redridge, and then a level appropriate for the earlier quests in Duskwood, but you'll have to go somewhere else before being able to complete most of the stuff in Duskwood.

Is very easy to access for alliance, and easy to get a group for.
You got there at around 30, at which point you want to run to booty bay anyway. Running there from ratchet is hardly bad. Never had issues getting groups there either.

>until like lvl 30 because you can stay in barrens that long,
You can't unless plan to grind to 30. Barrens doesn't have nearly enough quests to last anywhere near 30. It needs to be supplemented by several other zones.

How so ? I actually want to know

hey so I haven’t been following the release that closely because I find the community surrounding Blizzard games extremely autistic so I try my best to avoid them by coming here where all the cool kids are

There is one thing I don’t understand about all the stuff I’ve been reading and watching and can someone explain it to me because it doesn’t make sense

Phase 1:
Layering, Ion says giant servers will be split into what the old servers were (2000) but the overall cap will be like 10,000 players online total.

This makes complete sense, id rather not have it but meh

Phase 2: Removed layering
So is Blizzard gonna change the respawn times or something because 10,000 people on a server is fucking aids and I’ll just stick to private servers instead

>I need optimal races, classes, specs and everything to do easy-mode 16 debuff limit MC
it gets more pathetic every time I see it

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You literally have a teleport to Gnomeregan as Horde. You arguably have easier acces to it.

By phase 2 all the retail players will have quit the game, and the population will be half of what it was at release.

God I wish human females were real

it's melee only, that's exactly what it means

>Phase 2: Removed layering
>So is Blizzard gonna change the respawn times or something because 10,000 people on a server is fucking aids and I’ll just stick to private servers instead
They're counting on a MASSIVE influx of players in the first months, and a strong dropoff after that.

nice quads, checked. as to your question, private servers dont have actual values and some mechanics do not work as they did in vanilla. thats why they use the word blizzlike, its supposed to be as close as possible

Gnome warlock and dorf hunter are on lock. Still cant decide between human warrior or paladin for my third alt tho. I know warriors are better, but, what's funner? Not healing beeteadubs.

I like being optimal and efficiënt. Enjoy being shit.

ne rogue 31/8/12 5piece ns 3piece bf
pvp farm

Yeah i'd have guessed that. From what i've heard tho most privates were actually harder than the official shit. Is it true ?

>not healing


retail servers have well over 15k active characters on a single realm, without sharding it would crash the budget server architecture blizzerd is using, layering is a ompromise between single server and sharding to combat the issues from having that many people play on one realm. i suppose they "plan" on removing layering if its not needed anymore but if any of the classic realms does not drop off below 3k active players i dont see how blizzard will ever remove layering from those realms. dont trust blizzard on what they are saying, they lost credibility long ago user

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its faster with optimal specs, people value their time user, not everyone is a NEET like you

spriest and enhance are great solo pvp specs

So is warrior dps viable with 2hander or dual wielding?

>15k active characters
>even with sharding you barely see anyone

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Is classic going with the one faction per sever ruleset?

speaking of healing
not that user, but I kind of really want to try healing (especially since I love hybrids) but I'm scared of how stressful it seems. should I take the plunge or just go with the safe DPS classes?

No the exact opposite is true

some of them, and only certain raid content, because people would clear it too fast otherwise, people would call that "overtuned"

I had forgotten how much melee classes feel like shit to play in vanilla.

With rogues everything feels like it has an 8 second cool down
With everything else you're just waiting for auto swings half the time.

Health on bosses is higher but players also deal a fuckton more damage since some abilities and items have way higher proc rate than intended. Ironfoe had around a 1-2% proc chance in vanilla but it's ~10% on private servers for example.

>people value their time
then why are they playing video games, especially a grindy MMO?

I can't even decide what faction I want to play on anymore. Seems like both sides will have a significant population of fags.

Then you'll have to drop it. Thank God, one less retarded tranny

pretty sure pvp server will have that rule implemented, theres no reason to change that

Nostalrius intentionally overtuned content to make up for the better 1.12 talents/skills. In some cases private servers are overtuned, in others they're undertuned. 5-man dungeons, for example, are heavily overtuned on most private servers, and it doesn't take a genius to notice that.

Never played is this a good time to get in?

its only really certain phases you have to pay extra attention to, and add ons will make it really easy and warn you in time, if you like healing go for it, its much more comfy compared to ff14 where healers also have to dps

>So is warrior dps viable
No. Too much Threat. Roll a Rogue

hows that adhd treating you, maybe watch tv on the side or join a guild so you can chat while you wait for that next swing

Roll a Shaman, downrank Chainheals and spam heal the raid. If Ally, roll Pally and spam heal the Tank with Flash of Light. Pallies eventually can heal for literally hours without going oom.

Dual wielding with + hit

i have no idea, maybe because they are more social than single player games?

It was always like that, you were just a kid with bias back then

Orcs are actually the only Horde race that wear shoes.

Alliance = Chad

No need to make it all last any longer than is needed. But have fun with your 5hour MC runs.

Good WoW healers also dps.
Thing is that you can run most dungeons with 3 people and most raids with 10/20 people, doesn't really matter if some people slack off.
It's also really frustrating to be top dps as a healer when there's a meme arcane mage 6 levels higher in the group, not comfy at all.

I mean if you really wanted to cut 2 points out you could shift them to Improved Reincarnation to give yourself a greater window to turn fights around. It's not ideal really but an option. Thing is, that 25% is huge on some shit. Like Fire Novas for instance. Aside from that you're constantly spitting out totems. The 25% goes a long way.

yeah but you still hang around NOSHOES all of the time.

Pretty much the perfect time imo. There will be no retail experience to cloud your judgement.

No. Warrior DPS is shit. Stick to Kronos or whatever chinkserver you play on.

im not sure if its elitism but in wow healers are never expected to also dps even if they could in certain situations

I guess, I mean it's not like it's a broken system but man it just kinda sucks not having something to press every GCD.

Do all the starting quest areas for maximum rep gains with your faction.
Then do Darkshore, the Defias chain in Westfall (for the blue VC reward), and Loch Modan in that order. Skip Ashenvale mostly its a frustrating maze and full of Shoeless Joes.
From there you can do whatever. Do Desolace/Hillsbrad/dungeon runs instead of the northern part of Memethorn Vale its going to be full of ganking zoomers riding on its infamy, the southern part is alright for Booty Bay quests though.

You know I'd actually be inclined to agree with you on Earth's Grasp from a Tauren perspective.

I'm not a min maxer, but I also don't want to play something that's absolutely dreadful and just stupid to try and use (think like Ganondorf in Melee). Which class/spec combos would you say are genuinely that bad?

just sit back and relax, if you really want that adrenaline rush then roll a mage or warlock and level by doing pvp, you will be pressing buttons non-stop

do you really need anything but stormwind/orgrimmar rep for anything besides mounts

Going to be a sissy gay fem human paladin healslut so I can have smooth as butter runs in dungeons, and outheal priests in raids

>tfw no tank bf

Tie me to the bed, spit in my face, piss in my mouth, have all your friends rape and fuck me until I can't walk for a week.

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why does everyone always forget about hinterlands

return to FFXIV

alliance players are fucking disgusting, jesus christ

>piss in my mouth

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Stupid tranny


you must have confused this for the ff14 general UwU

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For the discounts when you're in those areas. Its insanely easy to get Revered at least with all factions by 30, from there you can focus on exalted if you want a different race mount or a bigger discount.
Plus general rule of thumb is you want to be at least 2 or 3 levels higher than the mobs your fighting so doing all the starter zones puts you ahead of the curve.

Daily reminder that the undisputed number one dps in the game is a fury warrior, nothing else comes even close.

actually, you want to be +-2 levels to everything you're fighting so that they're yellow and you maximize grind XP

>healers are never expected to also dps even if they could in certain situations

since I won't buy ebayed gold this time I have to be a warlock to get the mount. I won't grind for that again and fuck trying to pvp in this broken shit so no need for epic mount. orc of course

Literally every healer I remember from vanilla guild was a dude (casual guild, got like 2 wings of naxx) I did play horde though which probably affected it. As far as pugs go I remember a couple that were probably older women but I'm not sure since I never got on voice comm with any of them.

It wasn't until TBC and belfs that I distinctly remember raiding with women.

Daily reminder that you'll be missing half the time lmao

Honest question. Why would you play World of Warcraft and avoid the PVP? PVE is a means to an end to have fun in PVP.

>I don't understand how hit works in WoW

this. you can't do fury at lvl 60 unless you have fat fucking loot

Blizzard have said the hit tables were fucked. You are not doing the same DPS.

You can get hit capped in pre bis gear you mongoloid.

>EU server
>will pick one with the gayest server name that no one likes
>no streamer bullshit
>no ancient autists with farming routes locked down
>just me and my brother playing wow together


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I actually like WoW PvP but I'm coping because I'll be a broke nigger again and never be able to afford the epic mount that you have to get to progress the BG grind

dude i played vanilla and every time i started dps ing with my priest people told me to stop and focus on healing, and no, we never had any casualities, when did that change?

>not spending a mere hour grinding ogres in dire maul all by yourself with blizzard and making hundreds of gold

feels good to be a mage

fuck off, autist, I've never seen a fucking healer waste his mana casting smite

don't you need heck of expensive BoEs to do that though?

You don't even know how hit works lmao why are you even posting

>dude I played vanilla
Literally no one cares what you did in 2005, it doesn't apply to 2019.

>making the boss die faster is now "wasting mana"
Learn to play the game.

No, pre bis gear is easily obtainable.

you can't get hitcapped on phase 1

imagine this autismos face when I kick him out of my group for doing retarded shit

what's the best fitting/most fun class for tauren? i wanna be a warrior chad, but they also fit the shaman look

The same retard who is advocating for Fury DPS being the 'best' is also the person insisting that healers should be wasting their mana casting for garbage, miniscule amounts of DPS. This makes so much sense.

Night Elf priest honestly.
All memes aside, you can clear most anything on any race/class combo. Even NE Priest. But their Priest Racial is just fucking worthless. Picking NE when you have acces to Fear Ward is honestly just dumb. Unless you are really into that Elune lore stuff. Troll Racials are also pretty sucky, but not as shit as fucking Starshards lol.


Yeah probably Shaman. They're spiritualistic people. Shamans fit them to a tee.

bruh they have totems fucking everywhere

Messy facials > Worthwhile racials

>Love dwarves
>Love shaman
Life truly is suffering.

*you have been removed from the group*

What is this fucking healslut shit anyway? I never understood this shit. I enjoyed the fuck out of my Resto Shammy in TBC. ES on the Tank and spam Chainheals all day. Never had a more relaxed raiding expirience. But y'all here are going mental with your strange obsession with being a healer and being raped of whatever.

Quit trying to shoehorn Taurens into only playing druid you green space nigger.

embrace the light brother, dwarf paladins are cool as heck

I was a Fury Warrior back in Vanilla, it was viable and fun.

>No, pre bis gear is easily obtainable (for war fury hit cap)
I guess you are right if you wear leather and shit, but that sucks in my humble opinion

Is this a WoW only thing?
A sign of a good healer in other MMO's tends to be a healer who heals and DPS's in down time while keeping their mana up.

Asking cause Im a mindless Range DPSer

Too bad the thread is about to die.
But why would I roll a Paladin instead of Shaman?
Genuine question, which one is more active overall?

Paladins are def better but Alliance is trash

>Literally no one cares what you did in 2005, it doesn't apply to 2019.
do healers in classic regen more mana during combat or whats the reason this doesnt apply anymore?

Yes it is. FFXIV for instance you're instantly branded a shitter by anyone who knows what they're doing if you just spam heals. WoW simply has more mana conservation involved. You can't just spam your DPS rotation and also expect to heal. You OOM. It's important to pace yourself and that's why people hold back on casting nukes on a healer.

Paladin is Flash of Light spam. Shaman is Chain Heal spam. Paladin is popping buffs on your allies and being kinda obnoxious at surviving. Shaman is popping buffs on your allies and globaling you in two cooldowns.

Paladins are pretty much regarded better than shamans in every way but windfury totem. They have a stun, blessing of protection, a reduced threat buff, snare immunity and so on.

Yeah. Healers doing a little DPS on the side is basically a retail thing because you actually have to try to go OOM

But user, Shamans have a stun too. So long as you're playing the master race. Also we can purge all your blessings including BoF. We also have Tranquil Air totems that reduce threat.

Which one is more active?
Which one is more fun/spoiler]?

Dwarf Hunter would be great if it wasn't for how prevalent bows are over guns. A dwarf that uses bows just ain't right.

> We also have Tranquil Air totems that reduce threat.
But that's An air totem, which means no WF.

You also have to have a shaman in each group to make sure everyone gets the right buffs, and get smoked in healing by them as the expansion goes on.

Shamans go balls to the wall while also supporting. Paladins generally just support. Depends on your playstyle I suppose. I love nukers and healers. Paladins simply do not shit out the sort of damage a Shaman does. But they're more tuned for supporting.

>what the fuck kinda content are they adding after Naxx?
Personally, I'd just want them to finish up all the stuff they never had time to do back when Vanilla was first released. Stuff like Grim Batol, Karazhan, Emerald Dream, or at the very LEAST Hyjal, since it's literally a finished zone in the game.

fuck off back to retail zoomer

What comes after classic?

Totem twisting. We can maintain both.

Ret paladins can global people also, wear plate and are 5x harder to kill than shamans. Shaman depends on rng sort of like paladin but paladin lives longer to get more procs.

Shamans are definitely more active in every area, for better and for worse depending on your point of view.

The attitude is a WoW only thing.
Healers could dps while healing, most packs just do so little damage that you barely need to heal even at lv60.
Thing is that you need to know the 5 second rule, have appropriate gear (i.e. stack spirit) and possibly get lasthits if you are a priest/use SoW as paladin/etc.
Almost all healers are too stupid to understand any of these three points, so people just tell them to focus on healing. The run will be a bit slower, but it beats waiting for mana when the healer can't manage it.

You're exaggerating so hard it's not even funny. Ret pallys are mediocre at best even in PVP. You guys literally need bubble + lay on hands to even have a chance.

Alright, thanks user.
Too bad the classes I like are faction-bound, but I hope rolling a Tauren and dropping totems is fun enough for me to not regret my decision.

new thread >

You'll go OOM as a resto while healing and Totem Twisting at the same time.


I'd rather have 2 ret paladins in my group for pvp than 2 enhancement shamans. Enhancement shamans actually think they're a dps when ret knows they their spells are more important than their procs.

With R1 no. Alternatively you could be popping off Tranquil only when needed. Requires you paying attention to threat bars.

Okay I'm talking about Ele/Resto Shamans which is the only way the class should seriously be played in PVP.

i'm rolling a troll priest, because trolls are based