If the voices are to be believed, then my caution is warranted...

If the voices are to be believed, then my caution is warranted, for they speak of his blackest crimes both past and future. More than once I have seen the VTMB threadin his eyes and heard the distrust in his voice when speaking with me! The fear must register on my face as it is all I can do in these moments to keep from crying out in chorus with the voices!

Attached: recording.jpg (647x519, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Just embrace me finally.

First for purging all Reality Deviants

Attached: technocracy.png (1088x1538, 1.95M)

previous thread

Best clan

Attached: 1557936121563m.jpg (1024x913, 58K)

Nth for this is literally a general

Attached: Malkavian-NPC-596x740.jpg (596x740, 55K)

Likelihood of seeing creatures besides vampires and werewolves in 2?

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Attached: HYSTERIA.png (142x271, 59K)

Get that chestlet xe out of here.

Attached: Lou.png (1916x1084, 1.09M)

You don't really see it much if you're nice to him throughout the game, but I was told if you're rude to Beckett even once he doesn't warn you about the bomb. Some book-fags have also said that Beckett is an incredibly petty and vengeful little edgelord in the official books. (Hopefully someone in the know can fill us in properly.)

Essentially my guess is: Beckett WAS neutral. Until Lacroix started acting like a pompous cunt towards him (Remember his little outburst over the sarcophagus not opening?). After which he was decidedly 'less' neutral.


Attached: 1557712776808.png (2600x1100, 253K)

Lou can mother her

flat chests are hot

Honestly man you're retarded if you think anyone but Jack knew what was in the box. Nines is shocked at the towers explosion and Beckett just started falling for the Gehenna meme.

interesting. I would love some book examples because i have heard he is a borderline sociopath

You will play create a character and play in her campaign, right user?


Attached: D71MuHXWsAEmoX-.jpg (1200x675, 177K)

The thing is in the books, hes an edgy dick, but hes usually talking to millenia old vampires so he comes across as pretty cool
In the game, since hes talking to a barely embraced fledgeling, he comes off as kind of a dick

god i fucking wish

>borderline sociopath
He's petty but he's much less of a sociopath than most kindred.


I'm thinking about making a character and joining her discord game since there doesn't seem to be any way for me to play otherwise.

Yeah I got along with Beckett whenever I played as I didn't really see a reason to be a dick to him so that might be it, seems like kind of dick now that I know he doesn't warn you if you're rude to him lmao

>have one chance at unlife
>be embraced as a Brujah

fucking yuck

I would but Tzimisce are usually banned on start.

Malk render is cute.

Attached: malkfish.jpg (600x665, 149K)

I always though Becket was a bro in the game tbqhwy. But I was never a dick to him.

she's pretty trashy desu

I'd be fine with that honestly.
Brujah are just supposed to be noble warrior types. It's the whole lack of direction thing that makes them into these rebel-without-a-cause losers. All you have to do is go full vigilante and start beating up street criminals batman style.

Because he is, these faggots are just even more petty than he is. Beckett speaks to the PC, a rando fledgling, the same way he speaks with insanely old and powerful elders.

Anyone wanna trade their renders for ours?

He only gets "psychotic" when it comes to obtaining more knowledge and he can be a huge dick if someone tries to "get in his way" regarding it, be it accident or no, he won't give a shit. If he gets interested in certain book/artifact/shit like that, HE MUST GET IT AT ANY COST. And he won't give a shit about what that cost will be. Try to stop him and RIP you.

Attached: JUST.png (1436x1280, 677K)


>noble warrior
Nah, it's scholarly warriors that they're supposed to be, but unfortunately their ante who was known for that got eaten by his "le fuck the powa" childer who then made the modern Brujah that we know.

OK I am sure this has been asked all the fucking time but what is the Fledgling's generation in VTMB?

>he destroys several vampires that have been wrecking havoc
>kills a werewolf 1v1
>solo kills an archbishop of the Sabbat
>solo kills a capo of the Giovanni
>solo kills a vampire hunter with fucking True Faith
>solo kills a kuei-jin base and their elder
>resists the dominate of a Ventrue prince
And many more feats, if it was really Caine empowering him then how does that even work? Any lorefags can name examples of something similar happening throughout kindred history?

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Rosa also says he's one of the two people in the entire game that you can actually trust so yeah I've also always considered him bro-tier along with Mercurio

>>kills a werewolf 1v1

>Anyone wanna trade their renders for ours?
Malkavians may be crazy but we're not that crazy.

Attached: Malkheartsyou1.jpg (1047x884, 198K)

He's 8th gen per his blood pool

Its suffering. I just want to play a Tzimisce and I can't find any way to do it

using doors still counts!

Why? Too overpowered or something?

I mean, it's a cheap kill but...
that's not too bad is it? but not overly powerful either, specially to become the most notorious guy in LA in a few nights

Tzimisce will be once again the villains like in Redemption and Bloodlines 1, I am pretty sure.

Well she is polish.

8th. Generation is only a skill ceiling, it doesn't really make you stupid strong faster. Think of it as an ST being too generous with his xp if you need an explanation to why he is as strong as he is, other than being a video game.

Aaaaa!!! Why did Ventrue get crappiest trailer and render as well. Guy on Brujah render looks like an ultra fag, but at least his render doesn't look as lazy as THIS! It looks like badly rendered Blender render. AAAAAAAAA WHY DO DEVS HATE VENTRUE SO MUCH?

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I didn't realize it was possible to kill him at all. After doing the running once I decided to just god mode and stand there on subsequent playthroughs.

>resists the dominate of a Ventrue prince
>i will go and find Grout
Yeah. Nah.

>kills a werewolf 1v1
He TRICKS a werewolf 1v1, big difference
>solo kills a vampire hunter with fucking true faith
100% agree on this, but it's mainly just the game being not-so-greatly written
senior vampire hunters are supposed to be crazy strong but they're written off as cannon fodder

As for the MC's strength, isn't there supposed to be individuals that are particularly suited to being vampires or some shit? Or am I just hard mis-remembering ?

It's the lowest generation you can start with in standard P&P
And generation barely matters on its own, it just sets your potential, you need age and experience to really make your generation count
An ancient high gen would destroy a young low gen every time

smash died for this

>that's not too bad is it?
I don't think so but you'll get faggots who disagree.

Not a chance. Now if it was v20.

And this is why you must go to church sunday, to thank god for this wonderful miracle.

You resist Lacroix because your willpower in regards to killing him is too strong for him to overcome. Besides, prince is a title; not a state. Even a thinblood could become a prince under the right circumstances.
He's talking about later on, when you go to kill him

>senior vampire hunters are supposed to be crazy strong but they're written off as cannon fodder
This is actually explicitly up to the storyteller. Like for Hunter edges you can make them do agg damage or regular damage depending if you want them to be mobs or bosses.

I think Ventrue are just the designated normal clan.

by the end of the game his Dominate doesn't work on you which implies you've either somehow changed generations, are being empowered by Caine, or that its not LaCroix.

They really gave no shit when doing Ventrue, didn't they?
>terrible VA
>cringy trailer
>dogshit render

>He's talking about later on, when you go to kill him
Plot conveniences really. You also need more proof how special MC is. I mean it would be stupid if you get fucked by domination later too.

I thought that was Brujah

privileged white males are problematic sorry hun

Attached: 436.jpg (420x449, 62K)

or... more likely... that he just failed to dominate you
dominate isn't infallible, it can fail

I see, thanks for correcting me. Always had the impression veteran hunters were at least mini-boss tier

Yea Forums should organize some sessions tbqh

willpower is a legitimate stat user.

So what he rolled a nat 1 or something? Or whatever is the biggest failure in the Vampire setting

I'm sure there's some uber badasses in canon that are "lol u lose" tier but honestly the TT games are really good at giving the ST's control of the systems.

Not an appropriate clan outside of Sabbat games, at least if you follow the lore. Also, putting something as versatile as vicissitude into the hands of a player is just asking for trouble.

Lacroix being scared/nervous combined with the player being super fucking angry is actually a pretty decent explanation for being able to resist Lacroix's final attempts at dominate. Not to mention the way he tries multiple times despite the first failing. After that first failure, Lacroix's mindset was already a mess. All subsequent attempts had a WAY higher chance of failure than the previous ones due to his own doubting of his abilities.

Why is she still insisting on rules of V5 when Mitsoda said FUCK THAT multiple times by now?

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Pretty much, you need to roll Manipulation + Leadership every time, and it needs to be as high as your targets willpower (which could be anything from 1-10)
It's actually quite easy to fail the roll if your target has high willpower

I'm surprised /tg/ doesnt do anything

I mean, Prototype exists. The problem is that it wouldn't be a VtMB game, it would just be a Tzimisce game.

>whatever is the biggest failure in the Vampire setting
That would be this Ventrue render

Well I've been trying to get into boardgames lately and I've found that they don't really like doing on-line sessions too much


Which actually raises a good - in v5 the Second Inquisition is underway and vampires got hit hard, but where do Hunters figure into that? They're not really "regular dudes who fight supernatural" and have powers of their own. Do they just pass for normal people so the government ignores them?

Attached: Hunter_The_Reckoning_-_Redeemer_cover_xbox_usa.jpg (640x908, 71K)

I don't think Imbued exist in the v5 world at the moment man.

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I mean, Bloodlines wasn't explicitly based on the P&P ruleset, but it was strong in its foundation regardless. I doubt they're going 1:1 with v5 yet I'd assume it's still the basis.

Who CHADmere here?

Attached: Worm Tremere.jpg (978x698, 602K)

Maybe. It's still don't help Grout case.

Attached: k3yo67mqjqx11.jpg (540x677, 68K)

What case?


more like transmere

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high level + withering power up

Tremere fucking shits

Because Outstar is an idiot. Also,
>there are people that doubted for a second Malkavian would be in
>there are people that doubted for a second Dementation would be in

That proves nothing, this board also proved to be high Tremere + Malk population. If you go to the previous thread you'll see most people saying that their runs will be Tremere first and Malk second purely because they are the most interesting.

>mfw those aren't even all their beefs

Attached: but.png (540x467, 257K)

Nice blood magic you have there, Tremere. Would be a shame if something happened to it.

Attached: Ur-Shulgi.png (1002x635, 1.26M)

>Go check up on grout
>Don't really feel like it (Low willpower/unsuspecting)
>Sure whatever

>Give me the key to doomsday
>No, fuck you, I'm going to kill you (10/10 willpower/ 100% on guard)
>Nah, still gonna kill you.

For me Nosferatu was a far more obvious choice. Although I wonder if they'll feel compelled to do the whole "crazy dialog" thing. Protagonist isn't voiced from what I know so it could still be done.

Ur Shulgi is over hyped
Yeah breaking the blood curse was impressive but he literally lowered the power levels of his entire clan to do it
And at the end of the day he's still a goddamn Baali infiltrator

not sure. I guess there was some parallel development, like for Seattle by Night?
I think what we'll get will be some mixture of bloodlines 1, v20 and v5.


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what edition should we use?

>For me Nosferatu was a far more obvious choice.
That's probably because you're retarded.
I don't need to write an essay about the fucking window, dude. It was never Nos.
>Although I wonder if they'll feel compelled to do the whole "crazy dialog" thing.
Mitsoda did an interview that made it pretty clear they are.

Attached: cf2.jpg (526x360, 28K)

So are they ever going to introduce more ways to get points? I've been sitting on 160 since the game was revealed months ago.

Do they seriously expect you to introduce the game to a bunch of people to get those points?


Attached: VTMB Website Score 2.png (1852x680, 1.35M)

A lot of Ur-Shulgi stuff reads like "oh fuck, we just introduced an insanely OP character into the story" after the fact justifications and asspulls. Nigga is just strong.

> they'll feel compelled to do the whole "crazy dialog" thing

I think he pretty much said they'll do it, that part of the clan curse is in the game that you aren't even sure what your character is saying or how people will react.

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Attached: sad_nosferatu.jpg (894x894, 101K)

Being railroaded to the Mansion aganist you're will. You're also runing around sarcophagus by the wave of his hand. Maybe, just maybe. PC is total errand boy.
It's okay user. I got it.


Attached: totallyamalkavianBOSS.png (934x818, 839K)

>honestly trying to earn the points correctly
lmao. based, but lmao user. just make fake emails if you want to grind those.

Gary, you treacherous bastard!

I don't know, nerdo, whatever the people that are upto it want, I've never played VTMB and I'm just now getting into /tg/ shit, whatever it is should have notoriously good GMs and people spoonfeeding rulesets of said version.



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>Nosfags got cucked so hard that Gary decided to turn himself into a Malkavian for Malkavian trailer

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v20 is always the answer


>not just pirating a repack version of the game with all the DLCs and exclusive preorder stuff in

Attached: 1542900654027.jpg (1024x1321, 161K)

kek. I thought I was the only one who thought that voice in Malkavian trailer is similar to Gary's.

I'm sorry ugly, I'll have to DLC you.

youre an idiot and so is anyone else who cares about the renders. you are going to have a cutom made pc who will not have to look anything like that you faggot


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>even Gary got Malk'd

I kind of like v5 for how hunters and the SI will fuck your shit hard, and you don't have gehenna hanging over you anymore. But I hear V20 is the better system.

I just want to play with bros, I don't care what system we use.

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so, who's in and will it surpass Death Stranding's cast?

Attached: file.png (397x95, 59K)

>hurr game has cc so the devs aesthetic doesn't matter
That said, the only really bad one is the Toreador.

Attached: here.jpg (750x1000, 44K)

but did they give credits for the clan teasers yet

Installing a second layer in my mirror maze.

Nosferatu had a pretty pimp ass coat.

Wait! Was that his voice in the trailer?

Based if true.

As a Malk main I'm conflicted.
Tourie GF?
Or Tremmie GF?

You don't have Gehenna hanging over you in V20 either, it's metaplot agnostic
Nothing is stopping you from making the SI in V20

The only time i got to play as a fiend is when i convinced the gm that he's a random showelhead that ended up taken by some random anarch, for the half of the game he considered himself a thinblood before finally using vicissitude

v5 has some good stuff like how blood isn't really a a meter you refill when it goes low like a gas tank anymore, but rather a state that affects your character. yet there's also plenty of bullshit in the new rules and obviously feels lightweight when you compare it to v20.

Attached: Best Waifu.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

watching LA by night right now, is Annabelle gonna die soon? she's fucking annoying, rest of the cast is pretty cool

Attached: 1533203699576.jpg (300x300, 14K)

Vicissitude is arguably the best non-combat discipline in the game (not counting blood sorceries)

based blood mage goth gf

>not being an ignoble keyboard warrior brujah that satisfies his clan bane by shitposting

Season 1 or 2 user?
I don't think she is going anywhere soon

They sound somewhat similar. Bertam's VA is voicing Tremere guy, so it's quite possible that Gary's VA is back as well.

well he's probably voicing someone so of course he thinks its the best ever lmao

I'm literally just watching the first episode

>non-combat discipline


Like the story begins with her getting found and the mystery about it, I guess you have to live with her for a bit.


>What? You don't recognize me from the pictures? Gorgeous Gary Golden? Don't tell me you missed Pirate Town or Trap Hotel? Little before your time, eh, boss? Well these days are long past. Nowadays, it's just whatever-the-fuck-my-name-is-in-2.

thank you for so diligently making these rudi threads

Attached: 1552939900830.png (1329x758, 261K)

>Dont forget, it was the Tremere the C4'ed the vagina in the first place. Cross' Crew is just here to put the pieces back together

Attached: file.png (400x279, 207K)

is this nigga stat'd?


His stats are very Rudipilled.

Attached: Rudi_da_character.jpg (918x1225, 192K)

Is there any fa/tg/uy out here?
How do i get in the tabletop games?
I tried asking directly on there once but they told me to fuck off and play mage instead.

Just create a bunch of temporary email addresses. Took me 10 minutes to get over 1k points.


Attached: japanese-prime-minister-shinzo-abe-gestures-while.jpg.CROP.promo-large.jpg (718x512, 38K)

You can regain masquerade by volunteering some time with the Prince's cleanup crew and go around resolving threats to the masquerade before they get exposed

Finding out those recordings is still one of my favorite parts of the game. I just can't help but really liking Grout.

As they say " If you don't cheat you aren't trying"

That's basically what I got. They told me Roll20 and Discord are shit for playing WoD, and that no one plays Sabbat so I should kiss my dream of playing a Tzimisce goodbye. ;_;

>Tung becomes Tremere
>ironic considering he hated them the most in first game
>Gary becomes Malkavian
>poetic considering that he was nuts like one
I wonder how many old voice actors will return for 2?


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I wonder if they would have added more depth to the Warren's history and secrets if they had the time.

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Isnt Jack busy with his gehenna waifu?

>Voerman "sisters"

Sabbat chase you in here, Cammy?

Attached: damsel-5031.jpg (452x452, 51K)

Crocs not being dead is a shitty meme.
It was few dozen bricks of C4, not firecrackers.

t. written by Journalist that played the first 10 minutes of VTMB

Technically explosion is not enough to completely end Lacroix. Question is who the fuck gonna revive him? He is like the most annoying guy in the whole city, and that's including Sabbat shovelheads.

IIRC, isn't there a bit of a fireball, too? I can't imagine Lacroix has enough points in Fortitude to survive.


Attached: ugh.jpg (640x360, 22K)

If you really care you can revive the vamp from almost anything bar diablerie or sunlight. But depending on how hard was the killing it will take more or less effort. Getting blown up by a sarcophagus full of C4 is pretty hardcore. Technically it is possible to revive him but expenses would be pretty high. So the question is again - who the fuck gonna bother with it?

play as tzimisce antitribu then.

How long is this game? Just finished the quest in the OP.

I would

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I probably would. I want to play a Tzimisce fledgling that would rather experiment with Vicissitude and change victim's faces/bodies for laughs than deal with the Sabbat's shit.

>Start of b2
>MC is surrounded by sabbat
>Things look bleak
>Suddenly one of the sabbat raises their gun
>Aims at you, but..
>Keeps raising it
>Places barrel under chin
>Others follow suit
>After several gunshots your character confusedly looks around over the corpses of a couple dozen sabbat
>"Quite the dangerous affair you've found yourself in the middle of, neonate."
>Lacroix, now sporting a half-charred face, missing eye and all emerges
>After getting his ass handed to him as a result of his own lust for power, he mellowed out
>Had a tremmie permanently remodel his face to resemble the injuries he suffered from Jack's C4
>Still works for the camarilla, but as an investigator/enforcer rather than as a prince
>Still wants to gain power, but wants to build it rather than steal it

Punished Lacroix would be a blessing

Why would the prince put a literally who thinblood in his cleanup crew?

you're about 1/5th~1/3rd done depending on how many side quests you plan to do

Why Malks are dangerous as a clan:
Have Disciplines that don't break the Masquerade, have Insight of the future, past events and increased overall perception of reality, able to notice things others may not be able to without focus, are essentially a hivemind also known as the Malkavian Madness Network, Malkav, the Antediluvian of the clan is a complete mystery, Malkavian madness makes their mental illness even worse, whatever the mental illness it is, be it a minor disorder or even a serious diagnosis, can easily manipulate other vampires with Dementation, with humans being completely susceptible to Dementation, except for people with an iron will or if they have True Faith, will mysteriously and completely disappear from existence after they become old enough

Attached: Dementation.png (1436x1280, 156K)

you're literally on cleanup duty though, like actually cleaning of rooms/alleys and disposal of corpses. There's also some destruction of evidence stuff and minor assassination; but all the targets would also be thinbloods. Why would you send a group of actual fully-fledged vampires to deal with what is essentially supernatural chores?


Attached: 1515271236190.jpg (764x512, 200K)

That's fucking stupid and not at all like Lacroix.

>will mysteriously and completely disappear from existence after they become old enough
So there's no Malk methelusans?

Forty pounds of C4 has a way of changing a man

There is a good reason why most Camarilla cities had powerful Malks in positions of power, even if nominal. Someone needs to be able to reign them in.

IIRC, there's a rumor that Malkav himself *is* the Madness network and will devour his children from within when the time is there.

It's Punished Lacroix. A man denied his antediluvian.

Okay that makes more sense.

Why would you use fully blooded vampires as janitors?

There are, they're just part of the voice is all
Those who aren't usually fight against/distrust the voice and have gotten to their level of power by continuously combating it (And are also crazier)*


Except lacroix was unchangeable. Even if you are 100% loyal to him he still betrays you. And then tries to betray the camarilla.
If he survived (which he didn't. The entire top of the building went up in a ball of flame. Even with Fortitude Lacroix an at-most 8th gen wouldn't survive) then he'd blame it on others and go right back to conniving

>Beckett just started falling for the Gehenna meme.
Beckett has fallen for the Gehenna meme ages ago. He's just lying to everyone, including himself about it.

Fucking Lucita, a Sabbat Lasombra, calls him out on his sociopathy

Attached: NosJust.png (1611x953, 712K)

>believing Trujah lies
Brujah only ever sired Troile.

>butthurt gf and literal monsters trying to call people "sociopaths"
gunna need a bit more than that chief

How do i convice GM to let me do that?

You have to be literally retarded if you think v20 chargen was better than v5's
And I'll fight you over any mechanic that isn't touchstones

Yeah, and Troile ate [Brujah] and started the modern clan. The problem is Troile was a hotheaded shitheel. Literally butt buddies with fucking Moloch for christs sake.

He betrays you, and in turn his 'destiny' betrays him

He was deluded and power hungry, not obsessed over doing evil shit for the sake of doing evil shit

having your twisted ambitions (literally) blow up in your face will either humble you, or as you said make him go full blame/revenge mode

whether he comes back as a redeemed hero or a unrepentant villain; either would be fun

V5 metaplot is shit. Also not a fan of the reduced and streamlined disciplines.
Seriously. They dont have room for dementation but they have room for a thin-blood ritual to magically change sex?
Other rules are alright. God knows some of the V20/Revised rules beyond basic attributes and abilities were fucked.


It would make no sense. Lacroix is only 200 years old. Hes not even an elder. There is no way he could've survived.
Fuck man you even get him on his knees with only 2 stabs from a letter opener. Hes weak sauce.

>So there's no Malk methelusans?
Even scarier, all direct childer of Malkav are still active.
The most noteworthy are probably The Eater, The Plague Bride and Nissiku

T-t-this can't be right? Right? That smooth butter voiced bastard wouldn't drop us to voice Malkavian trailer? RIGHT!?

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Yeah - for someone who parades around and openly tells you he's been in armies he sure goes down like a bitch.

I have been gone a week (no internet, different location) for work. Lost my job, had truck get broken into with ipod, fossil sunglasses, and gps stolen. I missed you guys.

Attached: Book_cover_rockerboy.jpg (768x1024, 375K)

I hate the faux handwriting fonts

Attached: file.png (664x850, 694K)

You're a victim of mass embrace that hit the jackpot and got tzimisce blood

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So is the Toreador Helena actually Helen of Troy?

Attached: 1557424593124.jpg (891x897, 119K)

Again, he's no where near as much of a sociopath as most kindred. One butthurt gf's opinion of his callousness in a moment doesn't change that. Doubly so when that butthurt gf is a fucking Sabbat Lasombra.

probably just an allusion

I want to tease her midriff.

Attached: vv.webm (1022x748, 1.28M)

Well, what are you currently listening anons?

Attached: ISOLATED.png (520x390, 312K)

I bet they'll throw ghost in somewhere at some point, considering how the old hotel quest is probably the one that was always most talked about.

Attached: DyHuTJ0X0AE3p1t.jpg (1000x667, 124K)

>V5 metaplot is shit
I disagree. But then i always liked humanity as the main threat in VtM.
>Also not a fan of the reduced and streamlined disciplines.
I prefer the way it is now because it gives options what to pick in terms of powers even on the levels meant for players. Also a the way the physical disciplines are now is way more interesting.
>They dont have room for dementation but they have room for a thin-blood ritual to magically change sex?
I like thinblood alchemy as a concept, especially Calcinato. It in addition to the other new thinblood features makes them actually interesting options instead of just boring with lesser bloodpools.
The sex-change formula is kind of whatever, maybe too strong for the level they put it even though the "practical use" is very limited but that's it.


Fallout music.



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>I prefer the way it is now because it gives options what to pick in terms of powers even on the levels meant for players.
except instead of making cool ones available they just watered them down to shit tier levels.

Are you ignoring all the other shit in BJD?

Some Baali tier thing that Jewtube auto-played for me:


Thing that majority of people don't.


Attached: sorry, doc.jpg (400x300, 46K)

No dumbass, I'm not arguing he's some saint. I just don't understand why you'd try to paint him as a villain when at worst he's snarky neutral. All Gangrel have hunting fetishes. His is the hunt for knowledge. The fuck you think is going to happen getting between a predator and his prey?

>Ghost hotel
>oh don't worry fledgling it's just ghosts and shit, they can't do anything to you
>various sharp objects and steam pipes spewing out shit, perception gets warped to cross literal pits where there weren't any paths before

That one long quest series to track down the Tzimice was sickening, but that haunted hotel was really atmospheric and spooky. I'm pretty impressed that they managed to create something like that with an engine that almost nobody had worked with before.

Your taste in music seems to be very close to my own.

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>except instead of making cool ones available they just watered them down to shit tier levels.
Both suicide and mass manipulation available for Dominate 5.
Dementation power being signifcantly more usefull than the prior discipline
Silence of Death being an amazing Obfuscate 1 effect
Animalism as a whole
I also like the new Presence more.
Only thing you might argue got the short end was Auspex but the effects are way stronger now

Is there a mega link for the unused tracks?


Yup. I can fap to this.

>Only thing you might argue got the short end was Auspex but the effects are way stronger now
What did they do with the Auspex that is stronger than being able to peek on werewolves and mages?


Not the type I listen to 24/7h.
As a matter of fact... I don't have a type. I just listen whatever depending on my mood.

Protean is garbage, Serpentis is fucking dead and Obtenebration got rolled into some other shit pile called Oblivion. Don't pretend like it's gods gift. The system is ass.

Heightened senses giving you up to 5 bonus dice on every awareness check.
Premonition in general
Aura reading gives more information
Clairvoyance is great for domain supervision

I'm actually surprised how many years it came out before Amnesia. Some of the jump scare techniques might have aged a bit by today's standards, but it was a really innovative and frightening sequence for its time.

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>Protean is garbage
Protean has literally access to all previous powers and more.
It was always snake Protean and there's basically nothing lost besides shifting the heart location rather than taking it out completly.
That effect was always semi useless considering anyone staking you in a fight has a very high chance of just beating you into torpor anyway
>Obtenebration got rolled into some other shit pile called Oblivion
Have you even looked at those powers?

I don't really care if it's V20 or V5, if someone volunteers to ST a Yea Forumsampire campaign I'm down to clown.

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I'm fine with the second inquisition. I'm fine with the Tremere clan breaking up. I'm not fine with them shitting on everything else.
Anarchs having chatrooms discussing mis-gendering and social justice?
The camarilla becoming a enclosed club you must be worthy to join when it was literally founded upon the idea of forcing its ideas on all other vampires?
Shrecknet being hacked? The Nosferatu were the first to expand across the internet. How were they hacked?
The Sabbat lose Mexico City, their capital city, home to countless powerful vampires. To fucking neonates. This is never explained. its just 1 sentence from the book.
Same thing with Jalan-Ajaav the greatest warrior and leader of the Sabbat military force being killed by fucking homeland security. Even if it was day-time he has Protean 8. He literally could've just burrowed into the Earth.
Chechnya, the part so bad it got LGBTQ and the Russian Government to agree on who shitty this is.
The Second Inquisition also feel more like a plot device then an actual thing because they are never really explained. Government surveillance leads to Government agencies being formed to combat vampires. OK cool. Also they bombed Vienna and completely scoured London of all Vampires. What? Vampires especially all the European Elders arent that weak and even the American government wouldnt perform a false-flag attack of that caliber.
V5 has nice ideas but shit execution.

What stings most is that I was excited for V5. Beckett's Jyhad Diary was great. i still stand by it as the last update on the metaplot. The playtest was awesome. The corebook dampened my spirits but I still held hope until the Anarch and Camarilla sourcebooks released and I realized just what a shit-show it all was.
Not to mention half of the art is ugly.

As for disciplines. More disciplines makes each clan more unique. Malkavian having dominate when Ventrue also have dominate is less exciting then them having their own discipline. Im out of space

I don't know about majority, but I do like to listen to Gothic rock like that.

Attached: verynice.jpg (200x260, 25K)

This is really good user.
I can actually imagine this playing in some club in the game.

>vitae belly shots
>she plays the artful stoic, but can't help but laugh every time your fangs lightly scrape and tickle along the edges of her navel

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>Even scarier, all direct childer of Malkav are still active.

This is odd, too odd even for Malkavians. They're probably Malkva's most valuable childer. They might as well be mini-Antediluvians.

>Protean has literally access to all previous powers and more.
That's a bold faced lie.
>It was always snake Protean and there's basically nothing lost besides shifting the heart location rather than taking it out completly.
This basically shows you as a shitter. Flavor is not worthless, and Serpentis definitely had a place.
>Have you even looked at those powers?
Of course I have and it's fucking retarded. Abyss powers =/= necromancy. Only absolute smooth brains would think the two could fuse and come out well. Spoiler: it doesn't.

I've heard that song before.

Attached: manofculture.jpg (448x401, 20K)

>Shrecknet being hacked? The Nosferatu were the first to expand across the internet. How were they hacked?
Nossies being superhackers was what never made sense. They are only very few while also being comatose during the day. Meanwhile there's myriads of humans.
>The Sabbat lose Mexico City, their capital city, home to countless powerful vampires. To fucking neonates. This is never explained. its just 1 sentence from the book.
I swear I read this every fucking time. Where does it say it was neonates?
And have you fucking missed that every Sabbat worth their salt has gone on the Gehenna Crusade?
>Same thing with Jalan-Ajaav the greatest warrior and leader of the Sabbat military force being killed by fucking homeland security. Even if it was day-time he has Protean 8. He literally could've just burrowed into the Earth.
He could have but he didn't and the Cam sure wouldn't have send the fed there if they expected him to bury himself in the earth every night. And there's nothing any vampire can do against a fucking dawn raid. Remember that daylight limits their dicepool significantly.
>Chechnya, the part so bad it got LGBTQ and the Russian Government to agree on who shitty this is.
I have literally never read that, it got removed before i got my codes so I can't really argue here.
>The Second Inquisition also feel more like a plot device then an actual thing because they are never really explained. Government surveillance leads to Government agencies being formed to combat vampires. OK cool. Also they bombed Vienna and completely scoured London of all Vampires. What? Vampires especially all the European Elders arent that weak and even the American government wouldnt perform a false-flag attack of that caliber.
Regarding Vienna the Assamite section in the Camarilla book directly makes the case that it was the warrior caste helping out the governments.And London is getting a scenario soon and it's highly implied Mithras wanted it too happen.
>Malk dominate

Isn't this game a little overhyped? I played it first time back in 2013 and the atmosphere really got me, but apart from that there isn't that much to it, and on a replay you really notice the weaknesses. Quests have fuck all branching, and you can only solve them one way most of the time. Non-story NPCs seem like robots or some shit, they really lack anything resembling life. RPG mechanics are lackluster - no perks, nothing analogous to S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
Replayability isn't that good either - you play it one time as any clan other than malk, then as a malkavian and there isn't much reason to touch the others.

The atmosphere (including things like animation, music, voice acting, color palette, appealing character design etc) and writing really carry the game, but as a *game* its quite weak. In fact it could have probably been done as a Telltale game without losing anything essential.

Fuck Reddit and
Fuck normalniggers

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What powers do angels fallen angels and demons have in white wolf

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The Ocean House was horror kino when it came out, along with 609 King's Way and the back of the internet cafe. Scared the shit out of me when I was young and its always stuck with me, really hope they have some good spooky parts like those in Bloodlines 2.

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Look, it's obvious, even to me, who has near zero knowledge of vtmb pnp lore, that 5e is
>let's make everyone able to be on equal footing and undo traditions as social norms and age as power, by removing older big timers, muddling the sect borders and making newbies and thinbloods potentially special, instead of categorically fucked
Which is a shitty notion.

go say that in the discord not here, nerd

>That's a bold faced lie.
Eyes of the beast - in and gives an intimidation bonus
Feral claws - in with changes to how damage works
Earthmeld - in
Shapechange - in
Mist Form - in
>Flavor is not worthless, and Serpentis definitely had a place.
You can flavor things differently without having to create seperate disciplines that basically do the same thing.
You still have stuff like Eyes of the Serpent as things only Setites can pick up "naturally".
>Abyss powers =/= necromancy
The Abyss being Oblivion is literally the smartest thing they did. The old Abyss was literally just there connected to nothing while Oblivion was standing beside it.
And none of the fucking powers accessible to the Lasombra in Chicago by Night deal with Necromancy

>The Eater

Oh yeah, that crazy fuck. Since he literally "ate" his own name, he can eat a person's name for vampiric sustenance, because blood doesn't sate him in any way because he truly believes so, making his curse even worse than usual. Malkavians are truly the most accursed of all Kindred

>Malk is not just a niche clan but the most popular
What the fuck?

everyone wants to be le quirky crazy grrl, this is nothing new.

Daughters of Cacophony, literally.

Attached: Daughter_of_Cacophony_v20,_p._398.jpg (440x771, 43K)

>let's make everyone able to be on equal footing
It's not.
>and undo traditions as social norms and age as power
Literally does the opposite in giving Age a meaning in terms of stats
>muddling the sect borders
How? Before v5 the Anarchs were part of the Camarilla if anything this clears up sect borders.
>and making newbies and thinbloods potentially special, instead of categorically fucked
That has literally always been the case. The PCs have to have *something* going for them or it wouldn't be an interesting game to play

>5 powers is all that protean had
nigga, if you're gunna shitpost at least do it better than this.
>You can flavor things differently without having to create seperate disciplines that basically do the same thing.
>You still have stuff like Eyes of the Serpent as things only Setites can pick up "naturally".
They didn't have to create or "pick up" anything. They just had to leave it alone to let the Setites have their own flavor. Now it's literally just protean.
>The Abyss being Oblivion is literally the smartest thing they did. The old Abyss was literally just there connected to nothing while Oblivion was standing beside it.
like I said, absolute smooth brain take. Necromancers did not interact with Abyss levels of the underworld, and Abyss users didn't interact with lesser wraiths for those powers. not even mentioning the conceptual differences in practice, even the ideas behind them are completely different.

I will, just not now. Probably after PDX


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>le quirky crazy grrl
How dare you.

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>where does it say it was neonates
Also remember the entire point of the Sabbat is their utter hypocrisy. The Antediluvians are a scapegoat for them. The Elders in power are interested in keeping their power. The Neonates just want to indulge in violence. They dont actually care about hunting down Antediluvians. Certainly not enough to abandon entire cities.
Also it wasnt the Camarilla who send Homeland Security after Jalan. It was during a fucking drug bust and thats all the details we are given.

V5 is the stupidest shit. Also if you dont know about Chechnya.
Basically IRL Chechnya is a republic and subject to Russia. being fanatically Muslim, they hate gays and put gays in concentration camps. V5 had the brilliant idea of claiming that the leader of Chechnya was a vampire and these camps were secretly feeding grounds for vampires
This pisses off the LGBTQ community for trivializing the persecution of gays.And the Russian government for claiming their subject is run by vampires.

I remember New York By Night, published back in 2002, opened with a disclaimer saying that the events of 9/11 are not discussed in the books and that it would be utterly tactless to associate them with anything supernatural.

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>nigga, if you're gunna shitpost at least do it better than this.
I literally listed you all the relevant protean powers. And if you want to argue elder shit it doesn't fucking matter because no player will ever use those.

Better malk music:

Yeah, the supernatural horror element is one of the major things that sets it apart as an RPG, so I hope they play around with it.

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>That has literally always been the case. The PCs have to have *something* going for them or it wouldn't be an interesting game to play
lmao. one of the complaints from any non-v5 edition was there was a wall of elders you couldn't pass so your characters were forced to be scrubs.

>only the ones that made it in are relevant >:(((
>ignore that I said there was all the powers and more from before >:(((((((((
c'mon son

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>I am forgotten...

He flashes you a smile and gives you a hand

Attached: Punished Lacroix.jpg (761x757, 103K)

Another comfy one.

I was expecting a surprise from the museum. :(

looks like the explosion also took out half his brain.

simple jack mode activated

I chop it off with my ax and then proceed to diablerize him.

t. end

Attached: 1558978805449.jpg (665x529, 196K)

>throw dynamite at his hand and watch him explode for the 2nd time

>unzip my pants and piss at it

That section to me said it was neonate coterie on a suicide mission that managed to survive. Not that they captured it by themselves.
>Also it wasnt the Camarilla who send Homeland Security after Jalan.
I am pretty sure i remember a camarilla guy claiming responsibility for it. I don't remember whether it was in BJD or the Cam book.
>Also remember the entire point of the Sabbat is their utter hypocrisy.
I mean yes but you also have to remember that BJD plunged the Sabbat into another civil war where the High Inquisitor wanted to put Lucita on the throne. It's fairly easy to get the scenario where the hardliners win and enforce that exodus leading to Vasantasena and associates jumping ship.
And the Sabbat still has a lot of idealists even among it's elders otherwise they'd have never accepted the Pander as full clan

>tfw no Giovanni

Attached: but Italian.png (800x450, 426K)

do vampires need to piss

Ok what Powers do you think are missing?

Lacroix did nothing wrong!

>was neonate coterie on a suicide mission that managed to survive.
Pure grasping at straws. That is the only line and it doesnt say suicide mission.
Why do you defend V5?

I rip out his arm and beat him to final death with it.
Thank for the new weapon, sucker!

Attached: LaCroix.jpg (336x450, 37K)

>'but Italian'
I chuckled

>tfw I opened it

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Do you not realize comment chains exist, brainlet? You were the one who said they had all of them and more to allow everyone to use the higher level disciplines. Now those disciplines just don't exist anymore and they even shaved off regular lower ones.

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>Pure grasping at straws. That is the only line and it doesnt say suicide mission.
user spearheading an invasion is a suicide mission.
And if they were the sole force they wouldn't be called spearheading the capture

Can anyone post WoD old and new powerlevels

You guys are mean.

>inb4 they issue bans for abusing disposable mails

Attached: paradox.png (1475x702, 1.14M)

Poor Sebastian.
Getting bullied by every faction imaginable

Attached: Just wanted to open it.jpg (1280x709, 420K)

he literally did nothing wrong

>they even shaved off regular lower ones.
Which one?
Literally all are there and more on alternatives on those ranks.
>more to allow everyone to use the higher level disciplines
Unfettered heart allows you to unstake yourself similiar to Purify the Impaled Beast previously rank 8.
Flesh of Marbles is now a Fortitude 5 power which both makes more sense and is stronger than the previous elder discipline.

this is like talking to a brick wall. I really hope you're at least getting paid per post for the sake of your own dignity.

Attached: Father of the year.jpg (600x484, 31K)

>What's it like being a turtle?

Attached: Samantha.png (250x250, 117K)

I love how you are incapable of posting any power that's missing.

there's literally no point in engaging someone this deeply entrenched in bad faith arguing.

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>Vampire: The Masquerade and Cyberpunk at E3
The return of the 90s.

At this point it's comical

i guess it's time to run/spoiler]

I hope Cyberpunk doesn't pull a Half Life 2 and get released around the exact same time.

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It's a lot like being a walking house that eats Torrie pussy.

They should have some nutcase true faith hunter or a technocracy matrix agent take the role of the werewolf in the first game. An absolute unit that illustrates just how far from the top of the food chain you really are.

Beautiful edit

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Wtf I hate that traitorous bastard Gary now! I still want to fuck his voice though.

Sam is cute I wish we could have made her a ghoul

I just hope the drawfag thats been drawing so many malkavians will give Punished Lacroix a try one day

>I rip out his arm and beat him to final death with it.

Doesn't all the vampire's mass burn away after Final Death?

"True faith" makes no sense to me. It doesn't matter what god or concept you believe in as long as you believe in it hard enough to get super powers?

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Malkav is the Messenger of Caine, trapped inside Caine's mind as a punishment for all eternity as the Malkavian Madness Network

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depends on their age

>Bertram shits on you for being Tremere in 1
>gets to be the voice for Tremere in 2

Attached: ouch.jpg (480x480, 22K)

A human's cognition has an inherent ability to manipulate reality to an extent in WoD lore

Mages make use of this ability intentionally, some types of true faith are hunters using this ability unintentionally

You have to REALLY believe. It makes most sense for abrahamic religions since vampires are related to Caine. It's also not really super powers, at least not in the way that Imbued hunters get.


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he's like 7th generation, was a military officer and has been kicking around for hundreds of years. if he doesn't have a billion points in fortitude what is he even fucking doing? That's like, the entire Ventrue thing: being a smug prick who pulls the strings on everything and then when someone finally shows up to tear you a new asshole you just go "NUH UH, I HAVE AN EVERYTHING PROOF SHIELD" and then worst case scenario spend a few decades in torpor after you get blown up.

Poorn Berty. He became the thing he despised the most.

So it's just people accessing a form of mentally powered magic that they don't even realize is magic? I guess that makes sense.

Attached: vtmb_blood mage.png (618x800, 198K)

he doesn't even despise Brujah the most?

>Even scarier

You know what's even more crazy? There's a Malkavian with a Level 1 True Faith, normally it should be impossible, for extremeluy obvious reasons, but still. Malkavians are on a whole other level of power in a supernatural, hell, even on the metaphysical level of scale. And it scares the fucking nerves out of me.

Would be incredibly silly.

I want Deb's voice actress back as well..

Are there other clans in the Camarilla besides the ones we see in the first game?

conviction is a powerful thing for supernaturals user

Is there an end-goal to this?

Cant be more then 8th.
Being a military officer doesnt make you invulnerable to explosions. And 200 years isnt enough time to get a billion points in fortitude unless you are a PC who is constantly risking his neck.
I mean fuck among European Vampires he'd be an ancilla not even an Elder. Lacroix is a joke and point-blank C4 explosion is strong enough to tear through him even if he has 5 points in fortitude.


Pretty much. It fucks vampires over so badly that delta force plus vatican witch hunters were able to wipe out the tremere in vienna

He shits on them, but it's nothing like how he acts when you're a Tremere. He definitely dislikes you the most if you're Tremere. He has a rival banter with Toreador, but with Tremere he just tells you that he's glad that "your kind" dies fast and I even think (can't remember well) that he says the similar thing to you. He really hated Tremere.

Anatole is cool.
Also somehow manages to preserve that True Faith through like 3 or 4 diableries he commited

Guess which clan i'll play first on VTMB2.

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it doesn't make you immune to explosions but it does give you a good sense of when to duck and an appreciate for a discipline which makes you resistant to being blown up.

I thought they just nuked them.

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damn these are some ugly moeblobs

He's pretty bad to the Brujah and Gangrel too. Tung is honestly a little bitch, projecting his insecurities all over the place. At least nossies like Imalia are honest.

I thought he just mentioned that he didn't trust blood mages, and that he heard that you were part of a dying breed if you admit that you are one.

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No that was india and the technocracy, the society of leopold and delta force attacked vienna after the NSA cracked nosferatu /r9k/ and realised vampires were real

>giovanni brown
>ravnos white
this nigga

The nukes didn't phase Ravnos tho, they just BTFO of the Bodhisattva that were fighting him.

>not literal cucks
Reminder you can't spell Ventrue without NTR.

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>implying the ntr in ventrue doesn't stand for netori

>limp dicks
pick one

>it's a "cuckposter takes unreliable narrators as word of god" episode

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Was he about to call LaCroix a faggot?

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I only played the first game. If I wanted to explore more of WoD where should I start?

i wonder too

>hanging out with big guys wearing leather
you tell me

I did online sessions quite a bit and it sucks compared to real life ones.
>there is always this guy doing other stuff on the background till its his round
>only reaction from the players you get are their voices

Chunk survives the whole game right? Good for him. I also now realized you make him lose his job twice in a row.

If you do any ending that involves fighting LaCriox Chunk tries to stop you. I guess you can incapacitate him by feeding on him though.

Am I the only one who is looking forward to playing ventrue?
In the first game I only played ventrue and malkavian and I did 4 complete playthroughs.

Also he's French that's a big indicator of him being gay desu.

Based on what we've seen...
Would you rather have Bloodlines 2. Or Bloodlines 1 be given a full overhaul with new graphics, new actually fun combat and the sewers revamped.

You can persuade/seduce/intimidate him.

I sure hope he makes an appearance in Bloodlines 2. I'd be happy with just a brief cameo or voiceover.

you're a big guy

You can scare him off with high persuasion. Or just ignore him I guess, considering that most pistol shots are like spit balls.

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Post Malks!

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For me

Chunk only dies if you choose to kill him for no real reason. There's never really a point where there's no other path around him, and he has a hilarious propensity to survive through dumb luck, so seeing him in seattle would be pretty neat.

trouble is, he'd be like 15 years older, and he's already no spring chicken.

Yeah I fed on him once and then as a malk I used dementation on him


What's their fucking problem?

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I hate the font on those LaCroix signs. So tacky

that would be really welcomed,

>Most united clan
>Makes deals with Sabbat and Camarilla
>Independent and still powerful
>Millions of Spirit Slaves
>Control global finances
>All this while being few in number
>Italian food and women are top-tier

Attached: giovanni.jpg (223x388, 28K)

tame malk best mod

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what if we end up with buff old man Chunk that wised up and became a Chad after his sixth heart attack

Bloodlines 2 hands down. I played the first so many times there is nothing new or surprising, the graphics are fine and it would need a much bigger revamp.

I can see him somehow making it into another security guard if he managed to survive the attack on LaCroix's tower. Maybe even some kind of security "consultant" if he manages to talk himself up in the right way.

Looks a lot like this

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Don't you have friends to play with?

Was that drink out at that time?

>old experienced chunk, getting ready to retire while reminiscing of his 'glory days'
i can see it

Yeah, it's been out since the eighties.

>Lacroix survived the explosion and went on to develop and spread a sub-bar soft drink in order to get revenge against all of L.A.

incredibly based of him

>After VTMB Chunk didn't have a job at Venture Tower any more
>Moved north to work for some Big Tech office as a doorman
>He was walking home when Sabbat did their thing.
>Chunk was the one who stopped the Mass Embrace singlehandedly.
>Got out of dodge before Cam arrived to clean up but managed to see enough Masquerade-breaking shit to know the score
>He decides this vampire shit won't stand and thinks you think the same way
>Becomes your shadow ally, getting a job at a Camarilla office as a bumbling security guard
>"You know, now that I think about it, I've worked for vampires most of my career."

I really want Chunk to return

>all the clan reveals are just window dressing
>we actually play as vampire hunter Chunk

How dare you, Gary you back-stabbing maggot! You were meant to be /ourguy/. Why did you betray us for team Malkavian?

Gotta go where the money goes boss.

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>killed him before you can have even a single conversation
really bummed me out

Hey give him a bonus, atleast he isn't claiming that part "retcons Jeannette into a tranny"

This music starts playing in the backround

BJD, v5, maybe the white wolf intro videos or the ones that the guy did before he was hired on his own channel.

>playing games
That would distract from whiteroom wanking

you shouldn't poison the well with fanfiction user

V20 corebook or Revised Corebook.

>Nines takes over the city with his band of Anarchs
>Goes power hungry and allies with the Camarilla to stay in power
>You have to confront power mad despot, Prince Nines, in 2

It Gary's VA truly voiced Malk trailer, then it's kinda both poetic and ironic considering the war between Malkfags and Nosferatufags of who will be in the final trailer.

There seem to be a lot of really good unused tracks...

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i really like this outfit

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He doesn't even have to buddy up with the Camarilla. When there's no big oppressive group for them to rally against Anarch cities start looking a LOT like Camarilla cities.

That hat should be a masquerade violation.

Revised core is a decent point but why the fuck would you tell someone that wants to learn about the WoD lore to read V20 core that is literally a rules dump?
Getting a decent copy or scan is an absolute pain though.
The one in the mega is a pain to read.

I like the idea of completely abandoning his ideals, even to the point of becoming a turncoat for the Camarilla. It's some Animal Farm shit.

fuckin a. Isaac alone shows you the anarchs structure isn't much different than the cammies. fuck that smarmy kike.

My favourite unused song

I wonder where it would have been...

It is in that anarch baronies are way smaller than Princedoms. So you'd have a bunch of barons staying around and coexisting



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yeah its so good.
Maybe it should have been in the Princes office or played during a cutscene where he talked about his ambitions for LA

I know, it's just laughable that they would consider that "freedom" and the cammies fascist. The anarchs pull the same scheme. It's just street level.

>implying it's a masquerade violation to see a crazy retard in L.A.
come on now

V20 core is a rules dump beyond the clan introductions. But the introductions to the sects and clans feels more in tune with Bloodlines.
Anarchs getting their own section instead of the focus being on just the Camarilla and Sabbat.
A more agnostic metaplot instead of Revised doom-saying about Gehenna and the Assamite and Ravnos clans being intact.

Post soundtrack that would be in VtMB 2 if it had any chance at being a good game


>this is the best Torecucks have to offer in the year of our lord 2019

If anything a shirtless strung out crack addict is going to divert attention because no one wants to deal with that shit.

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What is this from

this one

he just your average raver

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the PC GAMER Magazine interview

>zoomer posting about never having seen a raver
>this is the person vtmb2 is marketed towards



Might as well post this.

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Ravnos still being alive and retconing Gangrel leaving the Cam were bad moves by V20.
WoD didn't need to be metaplot agnostic, your ST can always rule that something is different.

Imagine explaining to your friend that you are now a bloodsucking creature of the night and you just turned her into a slave for no reason.

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It will be at least an ok game, probably better. Also:

>another vtmb game set in the parking mall country


imagine if it was st petersburg, krakow or istanbul

cyberpunk comes out Q1 2020, vtmb2 2020 Q3
so no

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i want this one so bad

Guess I like gothic rock now

>V20 core is a rules dump beyond the clan introductions. But the introductions to the sects and clans feels more in tune with Bloodlines.
Yeah but imagine getting hit with that discipline rooster as someone without any prior knowledge.
Or the 12 billion different Thaumaturgy Paths and rituals.

did you get that in the wrong order?
VtMB 2 comes out Q1 around March

>accidentally spoiled myself that LaCroix dies, but that's it
>finish the game 5 minutes ago, siding with him because I'm not sure what to choose and decide he's the safest bet
>that fucking Muslim-ass ending

I guess Allahu Akbar is a Discipline now lmao I fucking can't stop laughing

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ve ntr ure
we ntr your

what really bothers me is that his piercing never aligns with his nipple properly

>decide he's the safest bet
are you a fucking moron or something?

Last one. I'm off to bed, good night anons.

I don't know where exactly I saw it (might have been the Malk video) but I think they intend to release it in Q1 2020.
CP2077 still doesn't have a release date yet. We might get something at E3.

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I wanted one set in São Paulo since it's got an interesting mix of old, classic buildings, modern architecture and some plain gothic places like the Sé Cathedral and the Cemitery of Consolação, also because i work there, but it turns out that it's one of the biggest Sabbat domains, so it will never happen...

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So telekinesis will have a use beyond just disarming enemies. Cool.

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>cyberpunk releasing anytime in the next 6 years

Have some Nosferatu music


Thanks for the upload.

Independent ending > Cammy ending > anarch ending > LaCroix ending > kuei-jin ending

You and me both.
Was quite a good band, wasn't it?


jesus christ does anybody buy these buzzwords anymore, it's going to be a hub with fixated characters serving as quest nodes fuck offff

>still doesn't have a release date yet
there's been a leak recently that they plan to have it launch Q1, but that may prove false. Either way CP77 launches in 2020 so speaking purely mathematically there's a 1/144 chance they release in the same month and 1/16 same quater. not that high of a chance


>high speech character run
>Beckett wants to know more about you specifically
>deflect the question, end up complimenting him and asking him to reveal more about himself
>he obliges with a smile on his face
>tfw you get 1 EXP for doing this

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Eh, lorewise Rio de Janeiro is more interesting and has more options, they literally have all fucking clans and used to have a joint rule of the sabbat and the camarilla. Plenty of stuff going on to explore and real world politics to generate buzz and make bozotards butthurt.
Unfortunately we can't have nice things and will have to settle with another anglocentric game, they couldn't even make a game in europe.

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I actually went to their show in 2010, it was pretty damn goth!

Hey, some of you Kindred are alright. Don't get in any Santa Monica cabs tomorrow. I'm looking for a specific Kine.

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You assume that all release periods are valued equally by publishers. Ever notice there's a drought around the middle of the year when it comes to game releases and how games tend to be released around the october-march period?

Personally I don't care that much since I'm almost surely getting both but I would be very unfortunate to release it around the same time one of the most anticipated games in years releases. I hope they learn their lesson from what happened to the first game.

I'll never understand Activision's decision to not only release it on the same day as Half Life 2 but also deny Troika's request to work on the game more before that since Valve delayed the HL2 release.

You are right, Rio would make an amazing setting with all that goes on there + that tropical beach scenery.
>make bozotards butthurt
You know what? I like you, user.

I'm new to Rping VtM, but can I theoretically Rp a Mage who's gone Malkavian (forced a Malkavian to sire him with an accomplice of his, as insurance the Malk won't just kill him) in order to attain secrets that will help him in his fight against unholy abominations such as Tzimisce?

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You could, but both you and your sire would have to be major retards.

Mages lose all magic upon being embraced. This is why the Tremere are so obsessed with blood magic. Its a way to mimic what they lost.

The trouble with Europe is that its almost all Camarilla and everything down to the smallest street is owned by Elders from the middle ages. Its kind of limited outside of heavy politicking. But its the Camarilla power-base. Its meant to be that way.

Dont forget Rio is also the domain of the Lasombra who supposedly diablerized the Antediluvian.

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Why didn't Grout just give his wife the embrace?

I stopped doing it because I got bored, basically 50 points every 45 seconds. Already unlocked all the items save for the ??? ones.

He didn't confirm he was a vampire for like 50+ years.

I'm thinking of making a Toreador artist
but I want him to be poor as shit and living in squalor despite his obsession with art and painting giving him a real weird different kinda charm

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It's kind of hard to be a starving artist when you're a Vampire.

>all clans are out
What's there to shitpost about now

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Which has the best gameplay / best lore

If it's going to have Condemned-like combat, then I'll go Brujah with Mentalism for sure.

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Caine is based tho. Malkav was the greedy fuck up.

have all the clans been revealed? is that it? that's an unfortunately small list of clans. even lesser than vtm:b 1's clans.

Argue which clan is the best until June 10th

t. Caine
Apologize to God now.

We knew it'd just be 5 for a while now. Gangrel and Nosferatu are most likely early DLC

you're poor af and live in a ghetto ass place in Bloodlines 1

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Poor yes, but food is everywhere

Maybe later. Got important stuff to do right now. Real important stuff...

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So each clan gets only 2 abilities. So does that mean the PC diablerized a 12 gen vampire? I don't claim to be an expert in the rules and shit.

I'm thinking of making a campaign revolving around a Malkavian hellbent on destroying abominations leading a sort of tainted crusade against Vampires vs. a Tzimisce who's the exact opposite. Could it work?

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It was a history in Bloodlines. Pretty standard Toreador fledgling lifestyle imo.

Unironically Nosferatu. Even Mitsoda admitted he didn't want to work on Malkavian initially but was forced to as he was afraid of normalfag crowd going after him with pitchforks, and that he doesn't have a favourite clan among the first five and Toreador being his second favourite.
Assuming his favourite isn't Gangrel that is, but I still feed about how he's forced to work in a way that he didn't want to.

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Only have access to 2 abilities in a given discipline.

>Gangrel and Nosferatu are most likely early DLC
Fucking Paradox. This makes me sad.

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I think it's because we get one thinblood ability, giving us three total

give the malk true faith.

They've said all clan DLC will be free so at least there's that

What's that?

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Poor Brian. Stuck with the Deadpool crowd

Gangrel can be DLC for all I care. But Nosferatu offers an interesting enough gameplay change that it really should be in the base game.

Think all lower generation vamps can put up to 5 points in a discipline. No clue why they only show 2 there but maybe it's the new edition rules?

Diablerie puts you at the victim's gen - 1 afaik. Don't think you can tell what gen the new main char is gonna be afterwards but he's 14+ since he's a Thinblood.

90% of starving artists weren't literally starving
it's just a term for a poor nigga

Autistic-tier belief in anything gives you anti-vampire wunderwaffe, this is why vampire hunters use cross despite them usually not doing shit to kindred
One businessman was able to fend off vampires with a credit card because he believed in a free market this hard.

>Malkav and Ishtar were twins
No wonder Malks/Torries get along so well.
Malks were made for Torries!
Torries were made for Malks!

Also: Malkav appears in the book gehenna as a troupe of 12 small girls all identical in appearance.


Malks have a connection to a harem of Twelvetuplet lolis through their minds

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I don't think you have this right man. I thought the lolis were Malkavs oc donut steal secret sibling only created for that scenario? And where is it stated they're twins?

It's a game. I wouldn't really worry about the DBZ power levels of everything.

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>Arikel is a progeny of Caine's childe Enoch; she is the oldest Antediluvian and is Malkav's twin.

Arikel is Ishtar/Astare's true name

Okay but that doesn't really tell me where that's stated.

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>Lacroix used his tzimisce bodyguard to shapeshift a random ghoul into his apperance

the unofficial wiki

Daily reminder that Gary was more likely the male equivalent of cleopatra and he's seething about it towards toreadors

in case you want to see it for yourself

>trusting wikis wholeheartedly
yeah ima need a book name senpai

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