We some finna ghobussa now
We some finna ghobussa now
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>Epic Games Store
Fuck off nigger nobody cares about pc platform politics
well, at least they paid for my copy, can't complain about that
I'm getting it for the PlayStation 4.
Based. That game is the penultimate 3rd movie.
>10th Anniversary
Haha yeah right, as if.
Fucking kill me now.
Reminder that bill murray beat his wife.
I wonder if they are going to shoehorn in the shitty SJW reboot.
Nope. The game is pretty good t b h. Everyone, including the actors agree its the 3rd movie in terms of story.
Based as fuck
Pretty cool it’s on Switch. Will probably get that version.
Its a remaster not a remake. Theyll just make it look nice and thats it
it'll be the best versioni, and arguably the closest version in terms of authenticity since the games will run at 24fps
I meant if the shitty SJW reboot movie woudl get shoehorned into the remaster of the game.
I knew everyone liked the game and it could be considered the 3rd movie when the game came out
Also Dan Aykroyd said he liked the Wii version the most.
And You can play as a girl, which is exclusive to the Wii version.
>switch version will have lower resolution than the original ps3 game
>best version
You switch fags are a different breed
Doesn’t the Wii version have more content too?
Not the same guy, but I’m only getting it for Switch because I already have it on PC. I’d rather have a version to play on an airplane or something since I travel a lot, and I would rather just play on PC than get it for my Xbox or PS4. I actually used to play the PSP version a lot just because it was handheld.
Everybody has already forgotten that reboot movie and I doubt even the people who've made it want anyone to remember it
The the Wii version has different content.
Like the ghost in the hotel is a fisherman in the other games while it''s a chef in the Wii one. Also the maps are different to compensate for the Wii's smaller memory. (The other version is just a huge map with a lot of checkpoints, the Wii one will have you load up different parts.)
In terms of exclusive content, the Wii version had IR aiming, co-op and you could choose to be a boy or girl.
You could jokenly say if you wanted the more cinematic feel, you'd go with the 360/PS3 version, if you wanted a more gamey approach the Wii was your choice.
Not only that but they are making another ghostbusters movie literally called ghostbusters 3, and ignoring that reboot trash
On one hand, fuck the reboot because they thought they could go to war with the original fanbase and win.
On the other hand, I feel bad for the actors since if you watch SNL you'd know the people they got minus Leslie Jones were pretty good actresses or comedians.
Managing to waste Kate McKinnon's talent should be a special achievement in of itself.
It’s hard to be a comedic actor in this day and age. It’s why Adam Sandler was smart to strike a deal with Netflix, since his movies would most likely bomb in theaters now just due to how many people don’t watch simply comedy movies in theaters anymore. Kate McKinnon is funny on SNL, but she’ll probably never get a great career unless she starts to reach a little outside of comedy, which she seems to only strictly do. Bill Hader has done a pretty good job of staying relevant though, doing both serious and comedic roles, as well as mixing the two together in shows like Barry.
Well, yes. I actually liked the idea of an all female Ghostbusters team and the cast was actually alright. It was the script that sucked. If they wrote them as relatable working class people with a background in science instead of forcing them to be zany and silky all the time it could have been a lot of fun. But sadly no one in the film industry knows how to write good comedy anymore. They've all gone to television.
I just don’t really think the actresses suited a movie with Ghostbusters comedy. Aren’t those women mostly known for slapstick? Outside of Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon of course. Most of Ghostbusters dialogue was dry was quick witted. I think McCarthy and Jones were horribly miscast at least. McCarthy was alright, but a lot of her humor involved her getting thrown around a room or making a vagina joke. Jones was a loud black lady, which was weirdly the funniest part of the movie considering the script was terrible, but she still doesn’t fit a Ghostbusters movie. Ernie Hudson wasn’t just a black guy, he was a man looking for a job, he wasn’t Chris Tucker.
wtf i love bill murray now
I think both McCarthy and Jones could have been fine with better direction. The script played Leslie Jones' character as an extremely flat sassy fat black lady stereotype. I think she could have pulled off a character more in line with Ernie Hudson's if they utilized her differently.
>Ernie Hudson wasn’t just a black guy, he was a man looking for a job, he wasn’t Chris Tucker.
Hudson was there so they could explain how shit worked to the audience. The original script was going to have him be an overqualified multiple PhD holding ex Marine or something.
It's the script's fault in this case. Hudson character would been the same as Jones' if he was made to be Chris Tucker.
Utterly shitty no doubt about it but I already have the original Steam release from years ago and I planned on getting it for PS4 and Switch anyway.
>tfw Switch one is a port of the Wii version
The multiplayer in the 360/PS3/PC version was better than it had any damn right being.
I liked how Winston get a PhD in the game. He was still the every guy but they had him go a bit further and learn more about the shit they deal with.
Is it confirmed the Switch port is the Wii one? I'd hope not.
>Epic Game Store
Hopefully Extreme Ghostbusters 3 will start fucking filming already and we can get a solid game built on that as well.
I cant be the only person that thinks this game was complete dogshit bad
Any particular reasons? The game is one of the better examples I can think of that leans on nostalgia without shoving your face in it like some other games did. Gameplay was solid enough, although slightly plodding at points. The icing on the cake was it kept track of all the collateral damage you did per-mission.
It’s not anything revolutionary, but it’s fun and has a engaging story with all the original cast back outside of Rick Moranis and Sigourney Weaver. If you’re not a Ghostbusters fan I could see you finding it a bit mediocre though.
you probably are
it's nothing special
but the gameplay is competent and the story is great, it's nowhere near bad let alone dogshit bad
I dont remember, 10 years ago I played it and couldnt stand it
I'm just glad I only rented it
>PC Version Multiplayer
PC version didn't get coop or multiplayer cunt
Why must you lie about everything?
Does leslie jones know about this? Will she chimp(lol) out about this too?
I ain't afraid of no sleep
I ain't afraid of no bed
Freaky ghost bed
Reminder that the role was originally written for Eddie Murphy. Dan Aykroyd wanted Murphy and his buddy Belushi for the movie. But Belushi died the year before and Murphy backed out to do Beverly Hills Cop instead.
If you're all alone, lemme sleep in your bed.
I wish we'd get a new Real Ghostbusters game. Could play like 2009 game but toon graphics. Make it the whole city, bust Boogieman, Sam Hain, Grubdel, etc. That's probably my dream game. Throw in a Diablo style loot system and I'd play it until I die.
If it adds back in the missing online, I'll be interested, but finding out EGS has it on PC means I'll just be dipping again for a Switch version this go around.
Such a fun game out of left field from its time.
Bustin makes me feel good
i'll probably replay it, i really enjoyed this game when it came out, actually felt like a sequel
I'd bust inside Janine if you know what I mean.
>ported by the team that has a track record of nothing but trash
>and Timeshift
Even as a very young boy, jeanine gave me the big penis
You are, faggot zoomer
I'm pretty sure it's mentioned in some of the supporting media that Winston is ex-military.
>And You can play as a girl, which is exclusive to the Wii version.
The dialogue always calls the Rookie a boy regardless.
>That shower scene in RGB with her haunted apartment where she was naked and barely obscured by furniture and a towel.
“Finna” means “fixin’ to” in niggerspeak and not “kinda” in niggerspeak. You dumb fucking trannys.
Switch is same as ps4 as in its a remaster of the OG game not the old different, cartoony wii version
who cares the original was a piece of shit that fags on Yea Forums only like because of nostalgia,
How do you know? I mean I hope that's the case but I haven't seen any solid info on it.
Not him, but I liked it. Maybe a little shallow and not very long but for a game that tried to be cinematic it was pretty enjoyable from a gameplay perspective. I like how the game is beatable even on higher difficulties and you get a different experience between Normal and Hard in terms of how to approach each enemy type. Could have been better, could have been longer, could have had fewer softlocks but I'd play it again if I had it on Switch.
>Ghostbusters 3 the movie but a game
>written by same writers of GB movies
>piece of shit
Literally what? GB1 is one of the best movies of all time (sequel not as good) but this game is basically a sequel to the movies where you find out how the ghosts came to be in those movies. And all done with OG voices (and great MP for the time it was around). How tf could you shit on this game unless you somehow thought it was in anyway tied to the reboot from 16 or whatever
Nintendolife senpai
>A cartoon-y adaptation of the game came to Wii and PS2, but this will be the first time the original full-fat version has appeared on a Nintendo console and we're psyched to revisit it on Switch.
Nice. Hope the multiplayer comes back. Nothing fancy but I spent a lot of time on ps3 busting spooks with randoms. So much so I was in like the top 5-10 players at one point simply because it was determined by overall money gained.
if they do not remodel some of the characters it will look like ass, the game is great but dated as fuck
Women ruin everything
people played this?
Agreed, MP was so much fun. I still own on steam, but def interested in buying this on switch or ps4 literally just for another playthru and a that sweet MP
Great for anybody who hasn't played it yet or only played the console versions. This game looks great at 4k, which we've been able to play at since it launched.
The reboot got dMc-ed lol
>sequel not as good
Dude, the sequel completely fucking sucked. You act like these writers can do no wrong but they are 1 for 3 as far as ghostbusters is concerned.
Here's some objective truth for you, the ghostbusters game is not a very good game and not very well written either.
Isn't Ghostbusters just sjw shit or something? Why'd they replace the chicks from the movie with a bunch of random guys?
You know damn well the multiplayer/co-op is going to get scrapped.
Wasn't the PS2 version the same as the Wii version as well?
The DS version was obviously different than all the others as well. Offhand I can only remember Ecto-1 driving stages.
Yeah, it was fun
obligatory thread theme
I read some article a few weeks about one of the actresses of the reboot getting pissy because they were going back to the original movies instead of following the reboot instead.
this is why most men need to be shot
But they would get Dave Coulier to voice Venkman, especially since Lorenzo Music is dead. I fucking hated every episode Coulier was in as that also around the time they got rid of the original show's writers and dumbed down the show due to executive meddling.
>But they would get Dave Coulier to voice Venkman
Does he even do anything anymore?
DS version had the empty GTA segments to drive around in and had it where you basically managed the franchise, but with the OG Ghostbusters. You'd earn money from gigs and upgrade their gear and repair Ecto-1. PSP / PS2 / Wii were the cartoony build.
Maybe Fuller House on Netflix? If not that, being hated on eternally for his Venkman voice is probably all he's up to these days while counting his residuals from being a former TV star.
How did a movie video game succeed so well? It's a legitimately good game
Technology and a good dose of nostalgia. Sitting there and using the beam thrower or the slime gun to manipulate things or just blowing the fuck out of the environment with the proton pack never really gets old, and the Xbox 360 / PS3 versions took full advantage of that with the online functions.
The creators of the franchise were involved along with all the original actors and actresses.
The plot was actually going to be used for Ghostbusters 3 but they adapted it to game form was officially counted as "Ghostbusters 3" in canon.
Even the IDW comics count it as part of the canon so the Rookie is a character who makes cameo appearances every now and then (he has his own franchise branch in Chicago).
Hopefully they make Bill Murray re-record his lines.
Hadn't thought of that. That would be one of my main complaints, he just phones it in... but he does a decent job of it, I guess.
People always said this when it came out but... isn't that just in character for Venkman?
Fine, it's a girl who identifies as a boy.
The game was made at the height of his "I HATE GHOSTBUSTERS" phase so he recorded his lines really quietly and with absolutely no emotion, the exact opposite of Venkman.
I never understood actors who start hating a role just because it still has fans. He wasn't typecast like the Star Trek actors were so it's not like it hindered him in future endeavors.
It's more of the delivery of his lines. He sounds so uninterested in it, which makes sense in a way. If I remember correctly, he wasn't going to be in it until almost the last minute. Sigourney Weaver also didn't want to do it but changed her mind when it was too late in development to include her in.
Guess I just rationalized it as "he's been doing this for a long time, I'd be a tired, snarky dickbag about everything too."
>imagine being a steamcel and getting your games c.ucked
Meanwhile I will have fun playing this on switch
Why didn't she beat him back?
He was a Marine in the comics.
Holy shit preorderd
Go floss with your Nintendo shitch
Look up "penultimate," faggot.
>saber interactive
maybe these guys should fucking get quake champions out of early access before taking on any other projects
The game got taken from them well over a year ago, ID software now mostly works on it.
I already have it on Steam, why i should bother with this remaster?
Unless it actually gives addiitional content that arent the arena/waves things that the console versions got., this version can suck a dick.
I'd love it if the PC version got an extra co-op mode.
Ghostbusters is the perfect game for co-op, but somehow, they don't do it.
>10th anniversary
I actually remember Yea Forums when it came out. What am I still doing here? I'm such a goddamn failure.
then it wouldnt be a remaster, that would be a whole new game with lots of work needed
and wouldn't make any sense as there is no female ghostbusters coming
you are stupid
How are you failure when you have a modicum of freedom of speech here, compared to other online outlets? Wear that badge of knowing LancedJack as pride, not shame, my fellow user. This was the game that caused me to flutter over from /d/ and /f/ and finally use Yea Forums after avoiding it for so many years due to its status as Yea Forums 2.0 at the time. Things sure have changed since then.
Why was Simpsons Hit & Run so good?
Because like with Ghostbusters game, they got the original writers on board.
Fucking obsessed kys
Now there is a name I haven't heard in a long time.
Dunno, I'm not even enjoying my time here anymore. It's all just so tiresome.
GB2 gets way too much hate. Of course it's not as good as the first but it was still a good flick.
Ghostbusters was never good and you will never change my mind about it.
user, only you can make yourself come out ahead. You can do it. Besides, Yea Forums has always been the best site around.
Which is ironic because that's why real fans of the original franchise were pissed at the rebbot; ignoring they existed. Jones I'd flat out stereotypical racist too so fuck her. Hudson deserved better than to play that things uncle.
I don't hate Coulier for that. Music was infinitely better but it was higher ups meddling that got Coulier on board to do his Murray impersonation. Everything they meddled in caused a great show that could have last longer with higher quality to tank and die. Such bullshit.
I don't often say this, but you actually do have bad taste.
I can see disliking Ghostbusters II, but the original movie is fantastic.
>Ghostbusters game came out a decade ago
I hated his voice he used as Venkman always sounded like he had a bad cold and wasn't right in the head.
The retooling of the show also didn't help my opinion since Venkman lost his sarcastic edge as well which while I know wasn't Coulier's fault it still soured me on him.
>not having the female version as bonus skins
because hes a fucking prick for real and ruined everything for no reason whatsoever
but hahaa based funny man!!
>Lorenzo Music is dead
Garfield died? What the fuck.
When him and Ramis were fighting and eventually split, Murray reinvented himself once in a while as "the funny-gone-serious guy from Lost in Translation" and "the funny-gone-serious guy from Broken Flowers" and "the funny-gone-serious guy in Life Aquatic", none of them took or relaunched his career as a serious actor, so naturally, he's gonna be pissed that a lot of dosh or fanfare comes from Ghostbusters or Garfield, or that he still has to make things like Osmosis Jones
He died a WHILE ago. Bill Murray is, ironically, the current voice of Garfield.
At the game?
I heard he was the reason there wasn't an actual GB3 movie since he refused to work with them again and reprise Venkman and Ramis and Ackroyd didn't want to write the character out.
He died in 2001. I still refuse to acknowledge any current and future speaking Garfields as the real deal.
Why do boomers love Ghostbusters so much? I've seen the first one but it just seemed like another stupid 80's flick. I mean, what's special?
And if you're not a boomer, which I know for a fact that most people here aren't, what's your excuse for pretending to like it when it wasn't part of your childhood? You're like dadrockers.
I believe Sean Connery said it best, "Sometimes a woman needs a good slap".
It's a good game but I don't see any advantage in playing a remaster of it that's obviously going to be shit.
Just play the first release. It's fine.
Because stupid 80s flicks are some of the best movies ever created. If you didn't love Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Planes, and Trains and Automobiles, you did not have a childhood. You retroactively do not exist.
Forgot Gremlins and Goonies.
Fuck I never knew.
I knew Bill Murray did Garfield's voice for the movies though.
Frank Welker is doing his voice in the CG cartoons.
Yeah them too. Gremlins 2 even had a video game that didn't suck.
Whats your most loved movie user? Just askin'
How can a man be so based?
I hate reddit and their shit memes.
Still amazing there hasn't been a Gremlins III or a reboot. Would suck since they would use CGI though. Phoebe Cates was fucking adorable in the second movie.
>And if you're not a boomer, what's your excuse for to like it when it wasn't part of your childhood?
people can watch older movies despite being born decades after they come out you know? Even then Ghostbusters are inherently cool. Regular people battle ghosts, demons, and gods with homemade nuclear accelerators on their backs. If you don't think that's cool on it's own then you are a little faggot. Luckily the movie itself is funny and witty with great moments and fun characters who bounce off each other extremely well. Not to mention it has gotten great shit outside the first movie. Real Ghostbusters was great for the first few seasons, Extreme Ghostbusters was cool, the comics are good, and this game is too.
>In 2019, Warner Bros. successful gain registered trademark of the name and the franchise. That same year, the studio's parent company WarnerMedia greenlight an animated series based on the property for its upcoming streaming service
They've been trying to do it for a few years but it's been in limbo. The only series that will not get a sequel or reboot is Back to the Future and that's only because Robert Zemeckis holds the rights and says it'll be over his dead body that anything is done.
>10 years
Huh. I thought it has been longer, but then I remember hearing the news of Michael Jackson's death while I playing this game.
The children's room was creepy as shit.
Who doesn't beat their wives/girlffriends? How else are you gonna show them whos right?
>the Back To The Future game
>the Ghostbusters game
Movie studios shouldn't bother trying to reboot an old franchise. Just release a videogame using as many people from the original cast as they can, and voila, nobody gets mad.
Anti-white propaganda makes me SICK!
god damn I fucking love Gremlins so much bros. I just wish there was more of an excuse to vent about it on this website. An animated series is coming out in like a year or two which i'm hopeful for and Zach Galligan is still adamant on Gremlins 3 happening but i've lost hope. The Rick Baker designs are so fucking unique and expressive it's honestly amazing. I owned the NECA toys from like 2012 and still have them laying around somewhere. When they came out I started getting embarrassed to still be buying figures that late into Middle School so I missed out on most of the cool ones since they were still being released like Spider-Mohawk, Brain Gremlin, Bat Gremlin. I watched 2 dozens of times and still love it. I fucking love gremlins so much bros it's not normal
>Back to the Future game
I never did get why didn't get Michael J. Fox to voice Marty when he did a voice in the game.
I mean the other guy was a near spot on replacement, but it still makes me wonder.
Because of his own personal earthquake making it impossible to do more than a couple lines?
Well, if the pinball machine they released a few years ago is any indication, it will have no mention of the all-female reboot.
Good fucking lord you Nintendies are insufferable.
Literally shaking right now
No. Nobody wanted that. The only reason Bill Murray didn't throw a complete shitfit on national TV is because he was threatened with legal action if he didn't go on the talk show circuit to promote it.
This game was far better than it had any right to be, only thing dragging it down was Bill Murray being a fucking cunt and phoning it in.
Based, pre-ordered
I didn't find the movie SJW
Murray doesn't give a fuck about ghostbusters. You act like he has some attachment to it. The reason you never got a real GB3 and ended up with that remake shit is thanks to Bill being a douchenozzle.
The idea of an older man like Dan Akroyd liking the Wii version most because of his genuine like of WAGGLAN makes me smile.
imagine still seething about this
Dogshit bad? It was pretty great actually, dogshit bad is something I’d use to describe Sonic 06 not this game.
Ah, yeah.
I have this kind of odd manga-esque GB book, and it's shown at one point that Winston hides a couple of machine guns from his service in the Ecto-1's trunk against the others' wishes.Goonies had a couple of NES video games, too.
>“Finna” means “fixin’ to” in niggerspeak
What does "fixin' to" mean in whitespeak?
"Finna" isn't a black thing. It comes from the south.
Such as "I'm finna have a barbecue".
And while there's lots of black people in the south, historically it was mostly the white guys who spoke with "finna" "y'all" "howdy" etc.
>those Cars WalMart commercials
>Classic Ecto-1
Not sure why they're using the BvS Batmobile, instead of the Burtonmobile.
Southerner here, we just say Fixin' to. Finna is 100% black twitter
yeh but what does fixin' to mean I have literally zeo idea as an esl tard
It means "going to".
Fixin' to as in Fixing To as in 'planning on' or 'going to'
Fixing has 2 general definitions - the first you're probably familiar with is "the repair or fastening of an object". But it also means "the process of deciding or planning something."
the process of deciding or planning something.
"the fixing of the date of the hearing"
the action of fastening something in place.
"the fixing of additional strengthening steelwork"
the action of mending or repairing something.
"the roof needs fixing"
In each case, the meanings are loosely related because something has become AFFIXED, it has become CERTAIN. Either in a vague sense some objective, or in the specific sense an object
>that feel when can't afford a decked out proton pack replica cause they cost 2000 or so dollars.
The spirit Halloween ones are fine for their price at least.
Yahtzee is the only e-celeb to hate it as far as I know.
It's because people came to him with a shitty script and he told them to fuck off. Ghostbusters 3 would have been Ghostbusters reboot, just 15 years earlier. Some hack writer/director combination sell a single box office hit and suddenly think they're good enough to keep up with all-time masterpieces. Bill was right to let the series die and had to be held up against his will by contract obligations in order to show up in the movie that eventually came out.
Why? I know he hates everything but the game was solid, not horrible at all, had care given to the franchise, and wasn't bogged down by shitty practices.
He hates Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and called Ocarina of Time overrated.
He's an ok reviewer, but his opinions are pretty shit.
How are they going to even do a new movie without Ramis anyways?
>classic Ghostbusters cosplayers
>nametag is their own last name like they're part of the team
>Nu Ghostbusters cosplayers
Brawl had issues but the roster was solid.
To be fair, part his issue with OoT was that the GC was his first Nintendo console so he played Twilight Princess first and going back to OoT to him was just Twilight Princess but with graphics and the design experience scaled back.
His reasons for hating Brawl weren't even related to the game itself for the most part. Zero Punctuation hates fighting games, and referred to them as a genre where an experienced player could lose to some kid mashing buttons (which isn't true).
I respect ZP as a reviewer, but his opinions suuuuuuuuck.
Oh, it was terrible. But the script was top tier. Play it as a VN.
The game is unironically better than Ghostbusters 2
>Was too fat to want to dress up as a GB.
>Lose 200 pounds.
>Considering getting a jumpsuit if I lose 80 more.
I'm almost at a normal weight and it'd feel great to dress up for Halloween.
I liked wii version too
shame it looked like cheap mobile trash
why they made them so ugly?
You can't be this retarded, can you?
it had more jokes, dialogues and stages that thay cut in ps/xbox versions
and if you check extra you'll find even more voiced storyboards
based af
Gonna be a yikes from me
Imagine being so boring that you actually like Ghostbusters
>dat feel when well never get the cut Thanksgiving parade level with possessed floats that happens before the gang makes it to the cemetery.
Any word on if the multiplayer is back, the mp was fantastic
>imaging having such a strong opinion on a movie
>you just go full retard delusional just to keep your mind in peace
>10th anniversary
I can. Especially if you'll use words explaining yourself.
(Yo mom is a whore tho)
I have a NECA Gremling figure in my office. Both movies are great, one as a dark comedy and the other as a parody of the genre. Helps its full of funny little details in scenery and dialogue, every rewatch I notice something new.
Really wish this game had gotten a sequel as the Rookie in a new city with a new team, with maybe only Ray serving as a cameo or support role back in New York, that way the torch could have been passed nice and smooth.
To be honest I can fault em for that, every movie, cartoon, comic, etc. The thing looks different
Man you are retard, shame on you.
You just described exactly what Terminal Reality had planned.
This is what actually concerns me. Call me a faggot but come on, the original cast is simply unmatchable unless you have really good actors in there and a solid script.
Honestly James joking about that idea of a movie based around how GB3 never happened and filming it was a nightmare would be fucking hilarious and a nice closure.
What do you like, user?
The games creation really boils down to a time when Sony was heavily dedicated to honoring the GB franchise.
They were cranking out the game, quality figures, legos, clothing, restoring the Ecto-1 and touring it around, a documentary on restoring the Ecto-1, playing the movies in theaters, etc.
Was probably the best honoring to the series that'll ever happen
Being fat would make the cosplay better though.
They are just schlubby exterminators.
Yeah sure the son of the producer of the original 2 is going to support the shitty reboot. She was delusional
Its Leslie Jones. She's of questionable mental stability.
Actually a remaster I want. The original game was great but the coop was dead when I bought it.
You need to see it from Jones' perspective. The movie was supposed to be her big break, she's suddenly in with an all-star cast, a hit TV series director and writer, and so on. She's been praised for bit parts in smaller films before, but this is her first real role, and its not just big, its huge.
The movie flops hard and fucking sucks, but on the bright side people are still praising her performance, so maybe she can get out of it? Nope, three years later and she's industry poison that hasn't seen a single role while everyone else, even the fat bitch McCarthy, has recovered and is taking roles again. Her only chance back into the film industry is to hope for a reprisal of the one role she's known for, but in a film that isn't complete ass.
Not to mention she got the full brunt of the backlash due to her being black.
None of the other stars had to endure half of what she did, and most of the shit aimed at her was due to her race (such as calling her an ape, or mocking her with ebonics).
Gotta admit, it is kinda asking for trouble to cast her as the only Ghostbuster with no background in science.
She played Rule 63 Winston, who was also black...
>but it just seemed like another stupid 80's flick
That's exactly what was fun about it. You didn't have to take it seriously since it was just a fun movie and it sucks that we don't get that shit anymore because it's either constant capeshit or muh deep narrative shit. Except of course for the John wick series which gave me that classic fun vibe
Winston was down to earth, rational, and usually kept a cool head even when faced with horror.
Leslie was one "oh lordy lordy" away from being a 1930s caricature.
Beyond being black there is literally nothing similar between Winston and that inarticulate hollering literal gorilla.
That whole thing with the ghost train notwithstanding.
>implying she didn't get off on it
>reminder that bill murray beat his wife
>reminder that Murray refused to work on a Ghostbusters sequel no matter what, until for some reason, he agreed to appear in the soulless reboot
Now you can get mad at him.
>imagine still seething about this
Why yes, I would still be mad about a shitty reboot that nearly killed a beloved series.
If DMC5 didn't exist, I would still be seething over DmC killing off DMC
>Martin Freeman.gif
>until for some reason, he agreed to appear in the soulless reboot
Sony threatened to sue him. Same reason the rest of the cast cameo'd. 'Cept maybe Akroyd.
She got backlash for being racist herself as well as putting fans down for being unhappy with it not connecting to the older films.
That’s not an excuse for him being an ignorant cretin.
Because of Snoy.
Thank you based etymologyanon.
A racist doesn't know what the word literal means. Can't say I'm surprised.