Other urls found in this thread:
yakety sax starts playing
but is it running at 30 or 60 fps?
why did he leave the bush, bros?
0 FPS on Switch and PC.
What exactly is wrong with this?
it even has a bootleg metal gear alert sound lmao
Cool. Now what was the point?
At 0:14 is he doing a very strange looking dodge or getting knocked backwards by an enemy running past him?
It looks pretty slapsticky. Also why don´t they have guns? That chasing seems a bit out of place.
They are not soldiers, they dont want to kill Sam. They just want what he carries.
to show you the amazing MGSurvive+Arkham gameplay
They have technology that stops bullets, so they need special anti-technology sticks
Norman Reedus and the Funky Fetus crazy af killing niggas with a briefcase
>that will be 60$ + tip, gaijin cuck
baby radar
Why don´t they have anti-technology bullets then?
>that AI
the power of japanese game development (TM)
This made me laugh. Then I started playing the song to the clip and it works and I can't stop laughing.
SEETHING!!!! Careful now, snoyfag, or else Im posting anime tits to melt your eyes.
It's an anti-technology bush.
Snoyfags really believe this
at least it'll be fun
THIS M- oh wait
you should try actually reading that article because the title is the most clickbait shit ever.
Where is the shitch version confirmed?
>H-he's fast!
From what I've seen, I gather those guys are employees from a rival package delivery service and they're trying to take your loot (nonlethally). My guess is that the open world parts are focused on exploration and stealth, and when you fuck up and get dragged into the oil, you fight out action sequences in multiplayer.
Don't know what's going on with the story though, I've never played a MGS game besides rising
Running looks slow and retarded, AI is retarded and stops for 3 seconds after an attack, there is a moment where the guy gets surrounded and the enemies dont do anything.
Running looks normal. I know you are a fat faggot who sits on his ass all day and doesnt do much running, but thats how running looks. The AI is not trying to kill Sam, but to take his stuff, they stop to pick it up.
The dead have stranded.
You can practically see Kojimbo mashing square like a retard.
Looks like konami dodged a bullet.
This worked so fucking well.
It's a quote you incompetent nigger.
desu that joke is already getting old
>red glowing eye meme
>they're just trying to take his stuff!
>ai just stands around for a second after he hits the dodge button before continuing to chase
if they'd stopped and picked up the shit he'd just dropped your argument would make sense but this is just bad AI
None of the characters look like they are actually putting any effort into running, they look like they are taking a brisk jog in on of those inflatable Halloween costumes. And if they are trying to capture the guy wouldnt tackling him be far more effective? Also those hazmat dude look exactly like the guys from the Monsters inc. movie.
The fact people are excited for this game blows my fucking mind. No one is gonna play this shit a week after it comes out.
maybe the least likely prediction I have ever read on this board, and I'm not even slightly hyped for this, personally
nano sized technology
of all things you take issue with the running animation? its fine. the yellow guys run pretty normally and the mc runs like he has a big ass backpack and something strapped to his gut and who has been doing lots of running.
Honestly, it feels like you just want to find something to complain about no matter what. It does look little bit stiff, but I think its alright.
If it had a Nintendo logo, you would praise it as the 2nd Coming of Christ, you dishonest cuck.
Literally run away and deliver a package: The game. Keep sucking Kojima's dick and his hack writing. Just because something is weird doesn't make it good.
the running looks goofy
that's what we do on this board
I'm sure it'll be a good game but not the 10/10 mastapeese people are hyping it up to be
You didnt say it wouldnt be good, you said it wouldnt be played a week after launch.
>fedex vs ups 2099
I meant that after you play this game you're gonna be done with it.
Why the fuck did they show this in the trailer
it kicked in at the perfect time
The goo ate it all and Stranded anyone who can or will make more
That's Yea Forums for you, but I sort of welcome it when everywhere else everybody seems to be creaming their pants. It makes for some contrast.
I mean if this trailer had been made by some unknown dev and it didn't have the celebrity cameos do you really think anybody would be that excited? It's pretty messy, not very well paced, it's hard to figure out what the gameplay is like and the only gameplay loop that makes some sense involves the protagonist running around to avoid some guys in hazmat suits. Oh and also climbing a ladder as if it was some revolutionary technology.
I think it might end up being a very interesting game but people who are really "blown away" by this trailer are just a cocksuckers.
>quotes can't be taken out of context
300iq take right here
Shitty AI is not a minor thing to complain about.
nice crop retard.
Unrelated note, what game is this?
Doesn't matter. It can have the worst combat in any open world game with critics saying how bad the game is, and it will still guarantee to sell at least 8m copies.
You stole that from the thread yesterday.
This happens in literally every single action game ever. Why don't enemies just tackle you in Dark Souls? You enter their attack range, they swing, but your already out of range of the attack because your just sprinting past.
Dunno, maybe guns penetrate the boxes he's carrying on his back? It seems like that's what they're after and not him personally.
Is this what happens every time there's a new game? you fucking retards spam webms of it?
Well, we do get paid by how many replies we get for our threads and this webm and post seems to work well.
That user was complaining about running animations, though.
Why didn't they just get in the car?
It's not clickbait you illiterate nigger.
>if the game doesn't make grind for a 1000 hours or have multiplayer then its SHIT!
Holy fucking based zoomer.
8m is way to little for a triple A with huge marketing and important faces like this.
real forecast would be 20m minimum copies.
thankfully I've read the original interview so I'm not this retarded.
I'm sure you did, retard.
That's not an excuse idiot, dark souls AI sucks too.
thats how games are meant to be. shit that expects you to grab 10,000 dung beetle penises, 455 six flags emblems, 900 secret photos and all twelve legendary golden hangman's moose is blatantly trying to pad out the playtime to hide how little effort they put into the main story
>people thought Konami was stupid to fire this has-been
His track record is spotty at best
Worst open world I've ever played
>S H I T
ok, retard
MGS4 was objectively good. It had some blemishes but some good things as well. It wasn't outstanding. But miles better than anything in MGS2.
>when it is objectively the best
>objectively good
true brainlet
You may think MGS2 is shit now, but when pre release footage of it was shown back in the day nobody could believe a game could ever be so advanced. That's the game that solidified his revered status, agree with it or not.
Cope harder, Raiden loving faggots.
heres your """gameplay""" bro
>mashes X 5 times to win while other enemies refuse to help their buddy
you can literally play this game with one hand KEK
>but when pre release footage of it was shown back in the day nobody could believe a game could ever be so advanced.
If you were a console peasant, maybe. Those graphics were average even in their day. It still had an isometric camera for fucks sake.
Jesus christ user, all that consolewar shitposting turned your brain into mush
The arm gizmo on Bridges and various other factions' suits can be seen to deflect bullets in some of the footage. Plus they probably don't want to risk destroying the packages or some such.
MGS2 aged rather poorly but at the time the TECHNOLOGY was pretty great. And I'm not talking mainly about the quality of the graphics but the amount of interactivity and all the little details. Now anybody can whip a half-decent demo with good shadows and physics in half an hour in Unity but at the time it was fairly impressive.
I remember playing the demo in ZoE for hours and hours, just messing with the guards and the environments. It was pretty amazing.
Unfortunately the best part of the game was the tanker, the Big Shell felt bland and repetitive in comparison (which was kind of the point, but that doesn't make it good).
Yea fine. I was not even judging the games based on technology. As you said, the tanker was great, but the plant was fucking HORRIBLE and ruined the entire game.
t. asshurt kojimadrone
I feel pretty fine user, but you have a problem.
great spoiler that made my day
you mean you have a problem with facing reality. COPE
Whatever makes you feel better user.
enjoy your on-rails moviegame, i for one will be paying zero dollars for it on youtube dot com :D
You need to have sex.
As long as you enjoy it
have sex, incel.
i do enjoy kojidrone cope.
Have sax
>he doesn't like walking simulators/button mashing moviegames
>tanker was great
honestly yeah the more i look back on mgs2 the more i realize i just wanted to play the tanker over and over
has someone made a webm of it yet
This blinking transition makes me uncomfortable
i got you senpai
The gameplay trailer looks great, I'm fucking hyped
How much time had to be put into this edit?
Good vid
>nice crop retard.
>Unrelated note, what game is this?
Death stranding
That's effectively what I ended up doing. I did the whole game once and after that when I wanted to replay it I'd do the tanker and quit.
I didn't mind Raiden that much but the environments of the Big Shell just lacked variety. I still think it's unfair to say that it's a bad game, it's just flawed. MGS4 is a lot worse IMO.
I'm definitely keeping an eye out for Death Stranding but so fall all I've seen is Kojima smelling his own farts and fanboys calling him a genius for it. This trailer was literally nothing more than cameos by famous people and very bland gameplay that doesn't even tell us what kind of game it's going to be.
Prepare to swallow TLOU2's dick
>dude just stands there watching while the lez is killing his ally
kek as expected from AAA snoy movie
This is scary
they aren't aftern reedus you fucking idiots, killing him literally destroys everything within a mile radius. they're smacking him with stun guns so they can steal his cargo. they literally stop focusing him to pick up the cargo.
Upvoted epic repost fellow redditor
I feel ya.
there a fucking youtube video
lurk more dumbass
>it's a rebranded metal gear survive
wow big shocker there. why even get excited for videogames anymore? the industry peaked years ago.
cope, seeth, and just a little bit cringe
The running looks fine for people that looks like they're carrying an extra 40+ pounds on their back
>they didn't like the big shell
>objectively a master class on game design
lmao I wish someone would revoke your gamer licenses, y'all been had fucked up gaming for me
Metal Gear Survive 2?
>Kojimadrones will defend this
They could release a PC version for free and I still wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole
Snoybros, you kan keep this shit.
This. It looks pretty mediocre gameplay with some interesting (but not THAT interesting) design choices
What are you talking about retard, everything only goes boom if the BTs get you without you dying.
>ITT: retards complaining about how non soldiers in heavy scientific suits in an environment where guns can't be used normally and who are trying to steal what the player is carrying dont run as fast as Usain Bolt, dont shoot, and dont have the reflexes of US Marines.
>The Last of Dykes 2
This game will suck
>It still had an isometric camera for fucks sake.
lol pc games still have isometric camera
You can give all the explanations you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that it looked like very unexciting gameplay.
Might as well make a film about a postman who does his route, comes home, eats and drinks beer, then goes to bed. And when people complain about it being prosaic and dull, just say “lol u tard, it’s SUPPOSED to be like that, he’s just a postman!! Whaddya want, James Bond or something?!”
Yes, because Bond is exciting.
I’ll play it, if I can play as an enemy who knocks the dykes teeth out with a hammer.
This. Yea Forums is brainlet, not that anyone needed any convincing of that.
that shit looks heavy, why he can run fast and why he can run more fast that his enemys not carrying heavy shit like him???
There's a new Call of Duty being made right now, you should check it out. It doesn't have bullet blocking technology, weird supernatural stuff, or package delivery. You get to shoot guys though, so perfect for you.
Because he's Norman fucking Reedus
>someone is trying to rewrite the Gor series
hope they have hot slave chicks, in a world without guns only might makes right and only men have might
literal who??
its coming lads
Might be using the speed frame. You can have a speed, power, or all terrain frame for your legs
I like when he picks up his little package he dropped after his backstep
Imagine how fucking terrible this game must be if that's what they chose to include in the trailer
>detection indicators
Fucking retard. MGS2 is one of the best in the series. MGS4 is a movie.
Oh nononono
i love the person who made this
That trailer felt really amateurish. Very poor pacing in particular. I wonder if it's because it was rushed or if it's because Kojimbo thought he was being clever. I suspect the latter.
>bad combat is good
Kys kojidrone
>it doesn’t change the fact that it looked like very unexciting gameplay
to me it looked like 17 seconds of a section that we have literally no idea how long is, in a hours and hours long game.
Judging an entire game based on a 17 seconds footage of a section of it we dont know nothing about yet, not even why it plays like it SEEMS it plays from what we see, is dumb.
And this is not about this game, you idiots do this about everything, you cherrypick a 2 seconds section of a trailer from a new game and judge the entire game(which you know nothing about) merely because that cherrypicked section is not in line with what you think this game you know nothing about should play.
According to you and the logic you use, every shooting game is shit because there's surely 5 seconds in it where you dont shoot and just walk.
"Shooting game is bad and boring, you dont even shot, 0/10"
the death of sony and playstation is coming
yeah but that makes the game "casual mode" ez, and the fight looks soo fake: fast movements like he's carring nothing, there is no fatigue...
Ok, I can understand about your enemy's friends looking how you fuck him alone but, this game looks shit, only the graphics make this crap a thing.
Do you guys think that celebs will be more careful about appearing in stuff like this, after Death Stranding flops??
>after Death Stranding flops??
Keep dreaming
>metal gear survive gameplay
how the FUCK does he keep getting away with it
This. This entire board must be purged. The """culture""" here is to treat everything (except Nintendo) like the new TORtanic. Everything is shit, unless it's bing bing wahoo or smash.
It's very easy to say that something is shit, which is why 99% of the time these people will never talk about their favourite games. They'll just attack yours. They'll attack, because defending something on the internet is like playing a game on nightmare difficulty, while attacking something is easy mode. You just pick some gameplay footage or screenshot and say "it's shit". If you want, you can put a bit more effort into it than that, but it will always be easier to rip on a game than defend a game. Also, the threads that attack or talk shit tend to gain more traction. Trashing a game for a quick post is one of the easiest (and most commonly done) things you can do on this site.
Basically, if you're on Yea Forums, you're either going to talk shit about someone else's game, or you're going to get into an endless circlejerk about what new smash character should be in the DLC. That's all there is to this site. The occasional threads that actually have people amicably discussing a game is so far and few in between, and even those threads always have that one random guy who comes in and says the game is shit.
>after Death Stranding flops??
I read this with Yakety Sax music.
Based and redpilled
>Death Stranding flops
Normalfags and Kojimadrones will gobble it up, thinking it's the deepest shit ever.
I doubt it'll reflect badly on them even if it flops, unless their performance is really cringeworthy.
But honestly it'll never flop regardless of the game's actual quality. MGS4 didn't flop even though it had 30 minutes of gameplay and 10 hours of cringy cutscenes. MGS5 didn't flop even though it was an unfinished game. Hell, Ground Zero didn't flop even though it was a fucking demo sold like a game.
Journos and normies are going to eat it all up and beg for more even if this is a glistening turd. If FFXV managed to get good reviews and sell well this will too.
I agree that this board is ridiculous in its contrarianism and wanting to shit on everything, but don't you think that strictly speaking it's more reasonable to see a 17 second gameplay section and think "uh, this doesn't look great" rather than gushing over it and preordering the deluxe edition? Because when I looked at discussions about the trailer elsewhere it's what I saw.
At least if you start with a bad impression you can always revise it later if it turns out the game is good. Meanwhile these idiots preordering a game they basically know nothing about just enable devs and publishers to release unfinished, buggy games with broken gameplay.
Yup, everyone who likes Death Stranding is a normalfag or a kojimadrone. Bing bing wahoo!~
>lurk more
adorable when newfags use phrases they don't even know
Only Bloodborne and Death Stranding seem to be really worth games.
Ghost of Tsushima would have potential if it wasn't for the Assassin's Creed tier combat system and a fucking female samurai.
I said that the game will not flop because normalfags and Kojimadrones will buy it regardless of quality. Don't be such a fucking spazz.
dodge. He backsteps so the enemy misses, then run again, like in football
the wierdest part is that they have really long stun stick, that doesnt need strength to stun anyone. Just literally poke it, dont do wide swings
Yeah, I agree with you. Those pesky normies and koji drones will buy it for sure.
What's your nintendo ID? We should play some smash on the switch sometime! Or hit me up in the next roster thread
>And if they are trying to capture the guy wouldnt tackling him be far more effective?
They don't care about him, they care about the cargo - and tackling someone at full force sounds like a nice way to smash everything he's carrying.
reedus creating a crater every time you die is kind of a huge gameplay mechanic, unless you somehow missed that.
Fuck off with your console war crap.
>don't you think that strictly speaking it's more reasonable to see a 17 second gameplay section and think "uh, this doesn't look great" rather than gushing over it and preordering the deluxe edition?
I think both are equally idiotic.
If you reread my post, you can see that nowhere i denied that those 17 seconds of gameplay seem boring, because I agree with that, but it's still only 17 seconds.
All i'm saying is that it is utterly idiotic and childish to bash and criticize a whole game that is not even out yet on of which we have seen not much yet.
What others decide to do is not my concern, the only thing i'm replying to is when people literally go "this game is trash, dead on arrival" based on seconds of nothing.
For as much as we know(and my exaggeration here is intentional), these boring 17 seconds could be the only boring section in the entire game, and the rest could be great.
But no, people just bash it and throw it in the garbage bin as trash because "the texture on that grass leaf is only 2048x2048 instead of 4092x4092 and only has a 8xAA instead of a 16x one, what a shit game, experience ruined"
This genuinely looks awful.
It's not a console war. It's literally switch vs everything else, since the only acceptable games to talk about on Yea Forums come out for Nintendo.
>these boring 17 seconds could be the only boring section in the entire game, and the rest could be great.
Do you seriously believe that they went through the footage they had of the game, looking for the 17 boringest seconds to put in the trailer? If the only thing they managed to piece together was 17 seconds of him running around and then using a ladder to climb on some rocks, that's a bit worrying for the overall quality of the gameplay loop, no? Especially since the release is supposed to be mere months away, so it should be pretty advanced already.
Hopefully it's really because the game is very atmospheric so it doesn't really work well when cut in small pieces but it's still not massively compelling.
With a persecution complex that big you must spend a lot of time on /pol/.
>these boring 17 seconds could be the only boring section in the entire game, and the rest could be great.
>After years in development, your first actual trailer, one that helps you sell the game, consists mostly on cutscenes and the small amount of gameplay shown looks boring
Sorry dude, there's something iffy here.
>With a persecution complex that big you must spend a lot of time on /pol/.
Big think
You sure I'm the one with the persecution complex here?
Also the trailer doesn't look boring, what the fuck are you guys on about? Did you want a third person shooter or something?
>The game is literally 4th dimensional chess
Kojima pls
>Do you seriously believe that they went through the footage they had of the game, looking for the 17 boringest seconds to put in the trailer?
No, I think that WE consider it boring.
And that its still 17 seconds that explain nothing on why it plays like we see it playing.
Maybe what we now see as boring will be actually pretty engaging once we actually play it and know the rules we're playing with.
A good example of what Im trying to say here is that if we take the original Myst and put it in Death Stranding place(a current gen game coming in the next months), from one of its trailers most people would say it's just a boring walking simulator.
Now take that quick ignorant judgment from a seconds short clip from a trailer, and apply it to how Myst actually is.
Just a boring walking simulator? Definitely not.
Once the game is out and we can play it, we'll know if it's boring and we'll be able to judge it and bash it if it is.
But for now, we can only comment on what we see, commenting on a short clip of a trailer, but thats not what people are doing, they're judging and bashing the game already.
In an ideal scenario a trailer is supposed to be a reliable representation of what the full game is going to be like. Judging an entire game from a trailer is wrong, but let's not be naive here, the gameplay we saw is not as innovative or groundbreaking as we've been led to believe.
There is literally no reason to dislike this game unless you don't like the ps4 and are bitter about it
are you ok user? it's just a game
>yakety sax
>the gameplay we saw is not as innovative or groundbreaking as we've been led to believe.
We saw a man running and hiding in the grass, nowadays it's a pretty common and expected gameplay to have.
The problem here, for how i see it, is not that you didn't see what you wanted/expected to see, but that you didnt want/expect to see what you saw.
You are literally criticizing the player moving in the game field, what did you expect, for the player to not be able to do that only because the gameplay is expected to be innovative or groundbreaking?
Sometimes a gameplay can't be actually shown in trailers, because its mechanics and how the player interacts with them must be felt controller in hand.
As example, andy hack and slash like DMC, sure, a trailer can show cool, fast and fun looking acrobatic combos, but what makes the gameplay is how all of that is performed, if it's just button mashing or if the player has total control of what moves to perform and how he can pull them off, and that can't be shown in trailers, because trailers cant show you how a game feels in your hands, it can only show you how the game looks.
You saw a man running and hiding, but how you hide, why you hide, how it feels to run, what things you must be wary of while you move around, al that cant be shown in a trailer.
Maybe(as a stupid example) the ground breaking mechanics is how the game effectively manages to make you feel the weight of what you're carrying, the weight of how the character moves on the screen, but you can only know that once you can play the game.
If it'll be boring i'll stand corrected, but until it's out, we can't really know jack shit.
And again, im not against people who comment on what we saw, im against people who bash and criticize a whole game as a shit game before its even out only and exclusively based on few seconds of a trailer and their subjective opinion based on things they dont know yet of the game.
it's a movie, actually lmao
My diagnosis of the AI as a professional shitgameposter:
It looks like they switched to "fighting" mode from "chasing" mode when the player backstepped. They all come to a stop and stand around him. The game presumably would have queued one up to attack him except the player had started sprinting again so they all robotically switched back to chase mode again.
>all this cope
moviegame shitters eternally and unequivocally BTFO
reread all my post, i never once praised or defended the game.
I attacked the idiotic habit Yea Forums has of criticizing a whole game they know nothing about out of a minuscule thing they saw for a split second in a trailer.
Don't bother trying to quell the autistic fit of Yea Forumstards, they've already decided they hate the game.
moviegamer shitters on suicide watch LMAO
oh im laffin!
so the guy edited shrek out of this and added a 3d sonic model... i remember when oc had soul. this inst it
stop bullying kojima
as soon as he stops making pseud moviegames with retarded plots
The animations and weightlesss movement and combat look like a Bethesda game
As I said, let's not be naive here, the gameplay looked nothing but generic.
I mean. Yeah. When its not the focus and the point of it is to illustrate a character fault. Or are we gonna pretend SH2 should have GOOD COMBAT MECHANICS? In all honesty, I'm hoping for a stealth focus with a punishment in difficulty curving upward for trying to engage with hostility. I'm saying this as somebody that LOVES combat systems. Not every game needs good combat but they definitely need something to make up for it.
Anyhow, you're a shitposter but it would be nice to talk about how you think about this.
this is so grating to watch. gotta conserve the animations! can't have gameplay getting in the way of that.
I don't know the boss fight looked pretty fucking intense.
Could I at least know how you felt about Phantom Pain gameplay?
this disappoints me because I know the combat will be nowhere near this fluid in the actual game
I loved the multiplayer and it would be fucking 10/10 if you could actually have melee fights like this
man people slept on the multiplayer and it makes me sad. It takes like 20 minutes to find a match and it's usually the same 10 people when I do find one, and all of them are on my friends list already.
The game really makes you FEEL like batman