Do you have a green top Yea Forums?
Do you have a green top Yea Forums?
Green tops can look cool and be used as cool design features if done right.
I want more nigger minecraft memes please
How do I prevent dirt from turning into grass? I don't want the green top but I also don't want to replace my roof every other minute.
Either show us or shut the fuck up, mudhut pleb.
I never built a minecraft house, i always just digged small caves in mountains and put my stuff there, houses are for fags
nigga build some wood or stone the fuck you livin in dirt for
I've seen builds of normal looking houses with a grass roof/top floor (with a rim made out of whatever the house was), used for a park or garden space. Never personally done anything like that otherwise I'd post screenshots but the idea seemed cool to me.
masochism mostly
Well if that's your thing, then have fun. I haven't played in a while, but I think if you put some sort of roof over the dirt to block light, grass won't grow. I think.
>it's another Yea Forums tries to talk like a nigger episode
woop woop the fun police are here
Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.
Don't dirt houses make it easy for certain mobs to get inside?
Isn't that the point?
Enderniggers can steal dirt blocks
I was referring to builds which use a grass roof or top floor on top of a good build, but I believe so.
>OP about to get sued
He rite doe
I was just too busy mining is all...
>no doing 4 steps down with a door at the bottom
Living above ground is for peasants
Glad it took Iron Maiden to BTFO sjw's
always cringe
do people actually still play minecraft
not him but I saved this from a minecraft thread and it looks pretty comfy
use coarse dirt
Nothing wrong with green tops. Different game but same concept.
When are jannies going to do something about this obvious as fuck viral marketing shit? Even best case it isn't marketing, then they break the generals on Yea Forums rule. Fucking jannies.
Why do people always put those stone buttons like that?
What is that supposed to represent in a real building?
i know this is memepostin but if you combine dirt and gravel you get coarse dirt, which doesn't get the green top
1. You're literally retarded
2. Why the fuck would minecraft, the most successful game of all time, need to market to people on Yea Forums?
No one is viral marketing a ten year old fucking game. It's one of the most popular games of all time so it shouldn't be a surprise that people still talk about it.
I don't even have doors I just have tall grass separating the interior from exterior
Is it good ive been craving to build ive never build before or minecrafted
>rocks in my pure dirt
I'd rather just live with a green top
what, do you want to destroy the environment or something?
Dis nigga got them green tops!
Then its a raid, or spam, what does it matter? Still against the rules.
Oh no of course you expect me to believe the BS that like 5 people just happened to all create threads about the same game all at the same time, when before that there was no thread about that game.
yeah i got the green top
Based schizophrenic
I use it as a nail.
nah man even my irl friends are playing it again, its a pretty fun game!
no it isn't the same concept.
one is building a house out of dirt meant to be temporary, the other is burrowing into a hill where there's already grass on top. the fact that it's got the green top isn't the problem, it's the fact that the dirt hut has been there so long it's got the green top.
based gaslighter
Its just to add some detail and break monotony, but minecraft doesn't have many options for small scale decorations, so people go for buttons a lot I guess
It's Nigger Payne! Whack him!
Based and hobbitpilled
this read so white in my head
Got me there.
But the walled off cave was supposed to be temporary until I decided to just build around it.
your dirt is just very tiny rocks, wake up
I actually made that skin thread after waiting for a MC thread to pop up all day.
It looks like it has a bad haircut to me.
I haven't played minecraft since I bought it back in like 2011, is it worth coming back to? I heard they added hunger meters and shit and that seemed just fucking terrible.
You can play old versions from the launcher so if the hunger shit or whatever else bothers you, just play an older version.
That's pretty cool of them. I more meant, is it worth looking past the "REELISM" stuff like that? Is the rest of the game enjoyable? Or has it not particularly evolved past basic sandboxy type "just do whatever" stuff. Is there more stuff to find/more tiers of equipment?
It's good in that a lot of QoL improvements have been added over the years and now you don't even necessarily need to have the wiki open with the in-game guides they have now. If you don't want all that you can roll back to Beta 1.7.3 through the launcher pretty easily which is probably one of the better builds desu.