Blatant anti-russian propaganda

Fake news were not enough, now its time to indoctrinate with games.

Attached: cod.jpg (2048x1152, 574K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Shut the fuck up Vlad.

t. russian
your country is a freezing cold shithole

But user, is video games are part of the western military-entertainment complex. It is as if you were complaining about the novels that Tom Clancy wrote without taking their origin, their context and their culture. Yes, you may indeed be against his objective quality as a writer, but his subjects are something of his own choosing. All games, real and virtual, of war seek a narrative of good versus evil. It's the way we can withstand throwing ourselves into the trenches and tearing ourselves apart like animals.

>Russia is leftie
>Objectively the bad guys
>Russia is rightist
>Objectively the bad guys

Gopniks give no fucks mate. Libtards can bitch all they want, russians will just keep enjoying their kvass and keep on with their daily bleak lives.

It's been going on for 15 years dude. 'Predictive' Programming is what conspiritards call it
It is just what (((they))) do to get a head start on convincing 'citizens' to accept illegal wars for fraudulent reasons, remember WMDs?

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Russia is a shithole and much too big.
The idea that Russia should have ever expanded in the first place is ridiculous.

Based white helmets! Assad is finished! Inshallah!

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Russia is a dystopian nightmare but so is the entire Western hemisphere. At least we don't have fags and trannies running around.
I fucking hate this timeline

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Infinity ward gets advising by US army and also has duty as producer of one the most famous FPS in Western market to promote patriotism and Anglo unity. I don't know why is anyone surprised.

>reboot of a game with russians as the bad guys has russians as the bad guys

?? Russia is the most based and redpilled country in Europe currently. It’s people are free to do what they want, Year’s and years of communism and Jewish influence ruined them. But they are steadily climbing back. China is a dystopian nightmare because after communism raped them, they have just accepted how pathetic they are.

Americans are conditioned to hate Russia since the Cold War. Just look at this thread. That’s not news. More so, no one cares, even Russians themselves.

Man I never got this picture. Why is Kaiba staring into a house while it's raining? Who is he spying on, and is it really worth it getting wet?

what the fuck happened to creativity?
every fucking game the same fucking shit

>Russia is the most based and redpilled country in Europe currently.

They got very strict hate speech laws, Kreml pumps tax payers money to muslims to keep them pacified and Russian abortion, divorce and STD statistics make American thots blush.

>vidya image
>non-vidya text
I hope Putin himself rapes you to death.

russia is one of the few objectively evil forces on Earth

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>vidya image
White helmets isn't vidya

Why hasn’t Trump stopped this?

t. has a military base in every country on the planet

>w-we may have some of the highest AIDS rates, abortion rates and murder rates in the world, male suicide rate literally highest in the whole world, b-b-b-b-but at least no fags or trannies
Every time
Literally every single time
russians are subhumans, niggers but with snow instead of sand

Why can't you faggots go back to /pol/ and let us talk about videogames?


>b-b-b-b-but I'm 3% German so I'm WHITE I'm WHITE MUMMY TELL THEM I'M WHITE
Every time

>why can't you let us be indoctrinated in peace?

With the exception of Africans are there a people more disposable than vodka niggers?

>lose IRL
>a-at least we can get back at you in a video game plot!!

why Americans are like this?

Russia is a shithole with no freedom of speech so any anti russian propaganda is good propaganda

Well it's mostly burgers who are getting killed in Israeli wars, so I'd say they're the most disposable currently

The CoD series has always been rightist American indoctrination.

>blatant anti-russian propaganda
so was literally any american miltiary and political fiction piece of media since WW2, and mostly by right-wingers

>Why won't you let us indoctrinate you?
Very sad.

Good. Homos and trannies are mentally unsound and entitling them to an opinion is madness.

But many Russians have German genes too or at least larp as having them my man.

>freedom of speech
Burgers really shouldn't bring up freedom of speech at this point lmao. If your Yea Forums post history leaked you would lose your job today, if my Yea Forums post history leaked I would be called based

>blatant anti-russian propaganda

Attached: 1486047815672-rsz_mw2_no_russian_elevator.jpg (1680x1050, 266K)

so before trump russia has always been the bad guy and always scheming to bring back the greatness of the soviet union and conquer the world
but this somehow changed in the last couple of years and they're the good guys now

I'd say that the original MW trilogy was even worse anti-Russian propaganda. Portraying the entire nation as a bunch of bloodthirsty psychopaths itching for a world war with the Western World.
Then again, it also portrays Russia as actually being capable of launching a full-scale invasion of Eastern Europe and the American East coast in a matter of days, which is impossible, so it was also sort of pro-Russian propaganda.

Well I'm blond so unlike you, mutt, I don't need LARPs to know I'm white

Is calling something "anti-[race/nationality] propaganda" the far-right version of calling something offensive?

sovunion and putin's russia are objectively thuggish countries tho

Nah that was so comical it had barely anything to do with real life.

>America land of free
>their media censors fact MLK allowed rape to happen in front of him
>their media forces transgender narrative on children
>their media forcing worship of specific Middle Eastern country
>their media forcing narrative of allowing in illegals and terrorists
>their media forcing narrative to worship corporate interests
>you can get criminally charged and blocked by platforms for talking against this publicly
>cops acting like militia and treating citizens like cattle that they can manipulate

Russia is irredeemable shithole, but look at your own yard man. It's far from good.

Wait antisemitism is far right? OY VEY

why tho
Oh not this shit again, I don't want american zoomers to hate me

Why no games where we get to kill subhuman chinks?
They’re an actual threat unlike russia post soviet collapse, all they have on is are their missiles

Turns out that a country's worth is not determined by the economic systems it uses, but the moral fiber of its leaders.

that's pretty much the entire genre
zoomers don't know about tom clancy and take this shit too seriously

Attached: tom clancy.jpg (980x552, 99K)

Conservative Americans love Putin, though.

At least we have jobs lmao
I figured your krokodil dealer and alcoholic widowed mother wouldn't care about anything you say online

Sure if you're from a Siberian shithole and are an eugenics child, which is unlikely

>moral fiber of its leaders
Ummm sweatie you might want to double check current year

I'm pretty sure Americans love Russia

fuck the white helmet retards

But that really is most of Putin's politics.

Not this one though, white helmets are an actual real life LARPer group sponsored by Soros and there they are in the game. Very "controversial"

Seethe harder beet chucker

Please, Putin knows that in a real war with the West, he'd either lose or achieve MAD.

yeah they seem pretty sympathetic towards authoritarian strongmen


yeah so were the mujaheddins in rambo 3
americans just portray whatever side they support as the good guys

Are you aware that Putin literally wanted to join NATO but NATO refused? Yeah I wonder who wants that NATO/Russia war to happen...

They control too much of your industry, the same reason why jews are never the bad guys in movies/games

>and the American East coast
That was just dumb, why didn't they invade strike Alaska, Hawaii, or the West coast first?

Reminder that Russia is fine

Attached: RussiaStats.png (889x4964, 1.8M)

Ok putin

I'm saying you might want to check who's currently POTUS before you start talking about the "moral fiber" of world leaders.

Because having Washington DC in ruins is more dramatic and hits Americans in the fee fees more.

dude have you ever played a western military game, or seen an action movie. All of it is propaganda. COD has deals with weapons manufacturers that's why we eve get to shoot those guns its all to make the amry seem cool and badass.

Attached: actual american propaganda its maddening.jpg (675x1000, 115K)

>ever touching american propaganda games

>90s stats
Based retard

Ready to play as a transnigger?

russia is shit
china is shit
israel is shit
iran is shit

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Literally looks like Battlefield 3
Hard pass

Russian here
Nobody gives a shit about this faggotry, last time someone was mad is when Sniper Elite 2 came out close to out Victory Day.
"Russia is a bad guy" threaded like "what else is new" or "well at least we are not BURGERS, right fellas?".
Quit being a faggot for (you)s, OP.

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And this is how culture militarizes citizens. Some people don't realize it, and sometimes the ways citizens are persuaded aren't so obvious.

Its from the 90s to today and all of them show the same trend
Russia is becoming less and less of a shithole with each passing year and pretending that isn't true is inviting problems because you'll be overconfident when confronting them
This is reflected in the pathetic attempts to bully them with sanctions, which have just caused them to be even more naughty

>russian here

Why don’t we help Russia? They’re a huge place and have tons of people.

They're against jewish world order

>lmao I don't care that westerners demonize me
Good luck not caring when they drone you. Dehumanizing a group of people is step 1 to killing them. Notice how nobody gives a fuck that civvies are droned in the middle east. That's because US propaganda machine did a good job dehumanizing them. Note how the "subhuman" word gets thrown around? Those people will unironically cheer when you're killed, they'll be the first to admit. But good luck not caring about any of that.

Did you seriously read what I said and thought that I think the US's president is good? It's possible to think that both the US and Russia are in a bad place.

Why are slavs so insecure?

A жapeнных гвoздeй нe хoчeшь? Пpyфoв oн зaхeтoл

Guy's just bear with it for a little longer, China will be the new go-to bad guy soon, I dknt say this in the usual anti China mentality that this website seems to have for reasons unknown to me. But as someone who follows global politics

Far from great maybe but still greater in every aspect by MILES (thats freedom units to you pinkos) then anything Russhit has goin for itself.

>It’s people are free to do what they want

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Why would they be insecure?


>their media censors fact MLK allowed rape to happen in front of him

China would have to start a hot war with a western nation. We're too economically cucked to cross them right now.

Russian abortion stats are just a hangover from the 90s
Every year the number of abortions dwindles
Today they are comparable to Western countries

Attached: russia-abortion-statistics.jpg (1147x781, 132K)

No Russia will always be the big baddy in Europe. Until NATO is disbanded, that will always be the case.

Aside from being a homo or tranny of course. That should go without saying,

lol russia is the greatest country in the world and everyone is happy, rich and content

the "shithole" comments are ridiculous and false flags

kill yourself third worlder

Russia didn't start a hot war, meanwhile you're already in a cold war with China.

they got you huh

I'm not seeing it happen any time soon, especially now that the entertainment industry makes so much of its money from China that every blockbuster has to have a token Chinese character


Truly obsessed.

So I should be mad about shit that I can't change? Or should we be like China and chimp out every time someone is mean to us?
>Note how the "subhuman" word gets thrown around?
This word means fuck all, everyone is getting called that by everyone.

How come Russia makes good arms, is the same size as China, but China doesn’t make as good arms to sell?

>Supporting Vodka niggers

They still don't have a 5th gen aircraft

>Russia is good guy
>secretely also the bad guys

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>unironically bragging about MUH (((FREEDOM))) YEEHAW
I guess you being cucked by Tyrone and your children being murdered in school shootings is the cost of freedom

>white helmets
Sponsored by pentagon.

It's already happening

In actual fairness, you can be an ass spelunker in Russia and nobody would fucking care as long as you won't be a massive faggot, spreading your woke opinions.

>go to Russia
>want to see a movie
>choose Death of Stalin
>can't because it's banned
Nice freedom of speech you have there.

>I hate thing because this propaganda is better with more funding than this other propaganda and I will keep repeating thing until I die along with the rest of my generation and those before them

that's still cold

>implying freedom of speech did good for America

fuck russians you destroy every game community you niggers.

That's what you call a temperate climate.

What game is that

You're right, being the world's leading country fucking sucks.

>I can't change
You can always ban this game on state level.

*gets arrested for possessing the christchurch shooting video*

Fuck off Pajeet, when it's -20 during winter and +30 during summer it's hot as shit without AC. My OC ryzen is also putting out so much heat in the room, but boy, I'm glad I'm not an intellet anymore

You were just told for being a binary cuckazoid. Take a sit and be humble.

>free speech for me but not for thee

>white helmets
Seriously? You guys fucking cuckload.

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Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention but what exactly was anti-Russian about the trailer?

30 Celsius
Fahrenheit is a meme

Fuck off Ivan. You're the bad guys in real life, if you can't accept that then it's time for you to defect to the good guys and save your soul before it's too late.

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>White helmets.

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>can't comprehend trends and functions
Based high school dropout.

well, maybe things will get better, r-right?

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Dota CS:Go? Anything with russains and everybody hates you.

>Americans can't do shit to them in real life
>so they instead play out their fantasies in video gaymes

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>USSR lead by literal genocidal maniacs that invades countries and wages proxy war
>Russia lead by a more-or-less-dictator that uses force only to defend their own close interests (like Sevastopol) and values tradition, whereas their opponents still continue their +100 year foreign policy of invading completely foreign countries
One of these is not like the other, user.

>Ministry of Culture
>caring about videogames


wow 2 garbage games, i really hate slavs now.

>white helmets

Attached: Blank+_dd0486652097faff57ff7b9f644cc025.jpg (245x326, 31K)

sure thing. whatever you say man
playing a team game yesterday
someone was saying something with an obvious french accent while playing poorly
and this other moron on the team asked if he was russian and started insulting him and using russian as an adjective a lot

>t. sheep

Amerimutts basically destroyed the Russian economy

What's this spergout about white helmets?

Why do Africans mutilate their dicks?

It did. You can say absolutely whatever the fuck you want here and never face real punishment for it. Losing your job for posting widely accepted hate speech on social media during work hours=/=getting lined up on a wall and shot for voicing dissenting, "illegal" opinions your government doesn't like. Dumb cuck.

>Republicans used to masturbate to waging war against Russia
>now it's Democraps masturbating to war with Russia
Amerisharts never cease to entertain me.

Oh no, evil Russians, just like in all other MW games. Who gives a shit? Уж тoчнo нe я. I bet there will also be good Russians, too, just like in other MWs.

The whole pseudo-Syria shit is heavy-handed as hell, but when CoD wasn't?

yes, i will never forget that gang of chinks slavs jews and muzzies showing up to my door and making fun of me

>russia single handedly arms most of the middle east, north korea et al
>suprised people are butthurt

Came about unrelated to the freedom of speech.

so what happened in 1995 and 2004?

>Conservatives want to defeat socialism
>socialists want to defeat conservatism
what do you not understand


Pretty sure this game will be banned in Russia. Like it was with COH2.

/pol/ got brainwashed by Russian propaganda about these relief/aid workers who wear white helmets in Syria being terrorists or some dumb bullshit. These guys are literally just fire and rescue/medic crews but /pol/ is spreading some Putin lie about them being the new Al Qaeda.

damn. really man. what happened in 1995?

>Russia arms black and brown people against western white oppressors
>Democraps are mad
Welp, we now know that Democrats don't represent brown and black people and are instead racist fucks who lie a lot. Who would have thunk it?

Attached: please help my face is stuck.png (447x364, 81K)

>Game about waging war on Russia is okay.
>Make a game where you fight a make believe South American super power.
>Screaming and floor stomping.
For fuck sakes.

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We wuz murican army now!

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noah chomsky is proven right once again even if he is drunk on american indoctrionation and superiority himself

russians are such huge faggots
an entire race of people who can’t stop lying

Every time there's a terrorist attack in the middle east the "White helmets" show up not 5 minutes later, some videos even show white helmets there BEFORE the attack, or even helping get "victims" in place for the cameras.

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>russians cry injustice about propaganda/indoctrination

Up there with "oy vey" and "dindu nuffin"

Attached: homer universe.jpg (1284x980, 759K)

People already unironically push the "china bad because highest CO2 emissions of any country" meme.

>getting lined up on a wall and shot for voicing dissenting, "illegal" opinions your government doesn't like
This is what an average americuck believes Russia is like

counts russian federation numbers, not just russia

Russia has the opposite problem of China
Russia has always been ruled by corrupt people that knowingly take advantage of their people while making the people feel as if there is no corruption
China has always been ruled by incompetent retards that are controlled by a council of corrupt people so corrupt everyone knows it, but dissidence is squashed by force

Corrupt organization used for political maneuvering and setting up scenes instead of actually helping people. Canadian journalists of all things exposed them.

Does defeating one guarantee peace?

To keep dumb fucks like you in line, sure.

You realise most European countries ask and often pay for those bases right?

>gay transgender african-american present


>ruled by corrupt people that knowingly take advantage of their people while making the people feel as if there is no corruption
So just like the US?

Yes, defeating Socialists according to history leads to a more intact peace than defeating conservtards.

The US didn't have to invent the Holocaust to cover up their warcrimes, user.

i would give the russiaphobia a pass since gringoys have a unhealthy hate boner for them in their DNA but the white helmet propaganda? nah cianiggers, you aint getting me to support child beheading sandniggers

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Americucks fear the russian chad. What else is new?

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It was during the Soviet Union and is rapidly getting there again with Putin. The last 30 or so years have just been the mafia running your country instead though, which isn't any safer and comes with plenty of other thuggish, cruel tactics. You have no freedoms, you live in a fascist shithole.

>Year’s and years of communism and Jewish influence ruined them

Yeah Russia was a horrible place when that Jew Trotsky was there, as soon as Stalin took over it became a paradise.

Fuck off, Ivan. I'm buying this CODKino, fuck you and your vodka-slamming, putin-cocksucking country

Great game though

>It was during the Soviet Union and is rapidly getting there again with Putin.
Putin is the most anti-Communist faggot out there you retarded dolt. He himself stated those who want Communism back have a heart but lack a brain.

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It wasn't banned, neither was MW2.

>>making the people feel as if there is no corruption
Are you trying to say that a country that's so used to paying bribes that it's almost ingrained in the culture feels like there's no corruption?


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The last moral leader in the US was Teddy Roosevelt, maybe FDR but you'd have to ignore his family's fucked history

In what way?

>White helmets propaganda
Can we just nuke Americucks? They are truly retarded.

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They should just call these 'realistic scenario' games Hybrid Warfare from now on

If i'm going to pain Russia's moral highground by the standards of Democrat, SJW, and far left politics, Russia is standing way high up above them for arming brown and black people and all countries who were colonial slave-states to the teeth in order to fight the white oppressors.
In fact, Russia has done a better job at what the SJWs want to do, than the Demoturd SJWs. Now that's funny.

Almost as if conflict isn't entirely based on ideology but actually on other factors like geography or the needs of a country. I remember when a few select retards on this board acted like Trump and Putin would be best friends but that never happened because most super powers are usually not all that fond of each other unless they want to fuck with other super powers. You can find this same shit occurring with historical adversaries in the EU bickering at each other even though the EU spouts shit about everyone being best buddies

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putin's russia is thuggish because they don't fall down to the globohomo jews

It's not america's fault all the hoax videos are removed within a week of being uploaded.

Ou bas

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>Russia isn't run by jews

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I mean, it’s a better answer than he’s got to give, I’ll bet. I’m still waiting though.

You think Infinity Ward will cover this part?

Attached: US-special-forces-in-Jordan-with-Syrian-rebels-3.jpg (854x480, 58K)

Ameriturds and their Saudi Islamic Fundamentalist buddies should get the fuck out of Syria, and then peace may finally come to it.

>The ban on the sale in Russia of a Canadian video game about the Red Army reveals that the makers of video games have not become aware of their duty to responsibly shape people's ideas about our world and our history. The 1C-SoftClub Company has stopped selling the “Company of Heroes 2” (COH2) video game in Russia.


>Implying Syria isn't just some shithole stomping ground for more important nations

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FUCK Russia. They're still our enemies and always will be, useful idiots lapping up the propaganda will not change that.

>All these mad slavcucks
LMAO you couldn't even beat a bunch of outgunned snow mongolians.

>stopped shipping hard copies of the game
> hard copies in a year of 2013
>it was still selling as if nothing ever happened
>digital copies were not touched
nice "ban"

Attached: CH2.png (623x99, 23K)

>you couldn't even beat a bunch of outgunned snow mongolians
Mongolia was beat so bad it renounced Islam and turned Buddhist overnight, while all its Asian territory was given to Russia. Meanwhile Chinks were hiding behind a "great wall", like you cucks are trying with Mexico.

Attached: 1260476197147.jpg (480x721, 53K)

You do know that finniggers lost the winter war, right?

damn, real life graphic is shit

>killed 1.5 million commies
>stayed independent
I think the niggers did pretty well.

>Russia is a dystopian nightmare but so is the entire Western hemisphere.
Only a middle class white man would say that anywhere in the West is dystopian.

Go spend a few months in Africa or India or Honduras and compare it to your mundane existence in a western country.

This. R*ssians can't do shit unless they fight in the shadow of a world war

>1.5 million
I hope you're baiting with these numbers.
>literally had to do Afghanistan with the USSR because the USSR had so much influence on Finland
Based mutt education.

A little conflict know as the Chechen Wars and leadership under Yeltsin .

Finlandization =/= annexation
Russian subhumans frothing about being niggers as usual lol

425,000–760,000 soldiers
2,514–6,541 tanks
3,880 aircraft

300,000–340,000 soldiers
32 tanks
114 aircraft

>Finlandization =/= annexation
>being a puppet state isn't the same as being a puppet state
Imagine being this much of a cuck. It's like me saying that my baltic shithole isn't just a mutt puppet state even though random mutt politicians have more say over my country than my own politicians do.

>I read wiki once
Sasuga muttberg.

>killed 1.5 million
300 000 according to the stats i'm reading.
Also Commieniggers were more undergunned than Finland themselves, because that's what you get with Communism. Meanwhile plenty of Finnish women moaned during the war as Russian cocks plundered them, so meh.

The most hillarious bit is that finland end the war with more supplies than the start of the war because russians left all their shit in fear of the chad finngolians

What about being a kleptocracy that whose leader assassinates political adversaries?

Why the fuck is the right tripping over itself to defend that authoritarian shithole

>Meanwhile plenty of Finnish women moaned during the war as Russian cocks plundered them, so meh.
This can't be true.

Kill yourself, ruskie

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>Winter war force numbers are wrong
Wew lad, that's a lot of cope.

The United States was literally built upon a seething hatred of governments.

Its probably the greatest diametric conteast between the US and Russia. Russians are statist cucks to the very end, half the US population is looking for an excuse to overthrow the government at any given time.

It is tho. The Russians learned well from the Mongolians, the tactics of guerilla rape warfare.

>he doesn't know

>Anti-Chinese Propaganda Good
>Anti-Mexican Propaganda Good
>Anti-American Propaganda Good
>Anti-Russian Propaganda BAD

Attached: 1530124420675.png (500x500, 5K)

lel cope harder slav subhuman. Your empire crumbled in 1991 your country is aids ridden africa tier shithole and NATO is literally in breathing distance to your capital.

>an entire race of people who can’t stop lying
i only lie bout my peanus weenus size

>slavshit arms
They can't even get their 5th generation fighter program off the ground while china is already doing demos with the j-20. The only thing they have going for them is the fact that ak platforms will continue to be reliable till the heat death of the universe.

>I remember when a few select retards on this board acted like Trump and Putin would be best friends but that never happened
What? Trump has been sucking his dick as hard as he can get away with, and often harder than that (see: helsinki)

The Russians made them pay back everything and extra for the shit Mongols did all over Eurasia and in Eastern Europe. There's nothing not to know.

Well the subhuman shits that are russians can't do anything but use terror, scorched earth and rape.

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>Not constantly threatening WW3 is sucking putin's dick
Kill yourself

Imagine constantly seething over imaginary foreign nation boogeymen that you've never actually met in reality rent free.

>Finngol calling anyone subhuman
Top laff snowmonkey.

Americans have not overthrown their Government since it was founded
Russians did it multiple times throughout their history

>open up one of the gorrillian books written by finnish and russian historians
>numbers differ to thousands
If you knew shit about Winter War then you'd know that soviets didn't have automatic rifles, their tanks couldn't pass most of the terrain and their planes couldn't fly deep into finnish territory because majority of them were still
flying WW1 planes.

>Your empire crumbled in 1991 your country is aids ridden africa tier shithole and NATO is literally in breathing distance to your capital.
Here's a (You) for knowing shit about both history and geopolitics.

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I'm not a fingol though ;)

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>Being infected by kike propaganda is something to brag about

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Correct. It's circumstantial user.

Because American politics is about winning debates with superior talking points and nothing else. The kids on Yea Forums are too young and idealistic to understand that though.

I'm from Germany and the number one Enemy in every WW2 game. You'd think that some game developers would be past that by now and would actually for once make a WW2 game from the German perspective. That won't happen of course. Today, in more modern settings, its either China or Russia and if Germany ever gets mentioned we're good goys now.

Attached: 1558323718576.png (756x1058, 330K)

You do realize she has already been completely discredited, right? Literally just a propaganda agent for hire and has done so a lot for Putin and Russia. Her claims are unfounded lies and the entire basis of her arguments are anecdotal accounts that go no further than "the people of Syria told me so!". Because talking to some random uneducated peasants who probably can't read stuck in a fascist Muslim hellhole filled with terrorists and a government that makes ISIS look like the UN is really going to yield some insightful opinions, amirite? She goes on and on about the """Western media""" having no sources and then has zero sources herself. She is basically the "My dad works for Nintendo, trust me" twitter post of global journalism. Just look at what she's trying to pull and claim with Venezuela now.

>The russians were underequipped and simply threw bodies at the situation
Nooo, that can't be.

Attached: 153567897654.jpg (400x400, 15K)

You are pic related instead these days. I prefer posting pictures representative of the present, instead of posting pictures of the long gone past.

Attached: Nu-Western DNA.jpg (1164x1200, 670K)

Your country is the greatest Kike puppet state in world history

Yeah and that makes sense considering the US government has never starved millions of its people to death or put them in gulags

>arming militant groups
>it's okay when America does it
>bombing third world countries
>it's okay when America does it
>it's okay when America does it
>election meddling
>it's okay when America does it

Attached: hurr.jpg (900x817, 194K)

>based retard again proves he knows shit about t he Winter War

Attached: 1475362939722.jpg (1478x849, 264K)

You're literally bragging about russia killing their own countrymen because the jews told them to, multiple times.

Attached: 157658687564.gif (350x300, 1.99M)

I'm slav, all my friends are slavs, some of my friends are Russian and we can all collectively tell you that the only attitude you should have towards Russia is FUCK RUSSIA. FUCK PUTIN and his gay lover Medvedev. Fuck that corrupt den of oligarchs and fuck the idiots who kowtow to them.

And still r*ssians are subhuman scum, keep seething slavcuck, maybe the next injection of krokodil to your withered arms will off you for good.

Yes it is. Putin is one of the worlds most fervent defenders of jews and grew up practically one himself.

It slaughtered tens of millions of Native Americans and enslaved millions of Black Americans

Nice fake news

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>>russia single handedly arms most of the middle east, north korea et al
You do know that majority of the old Soviet weapons that the ME gets are from ex Soviet countries that are under NATO rule now, right?

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Russians are indeed subhuman scum, you however have become even more subhuman in a single decade. Took Russians 1 century to reach this level of subhumanizm instead. Really pushing the records you are westcuck chaps.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-2-4 US academic sparks Mary Poppins 'blackface' row.png (906x839, 1.42M)

I was pointing out that you were wrong, now go sign up for the army, the war with Iran is coming up

You're a faggot is what you are. Probably a cockhole at that.

dev teams are behind the times, we don't care about Russia any more, now it's all about China.

>tfw the impact was so large that they're still upset

I'm wrong because Russia killed its own people multiple times because the kike bourgeois told them to?

Keep seething commieboy, hopefully another "great purge" happens and even more of you shits get offed.

yeah, of all the dicks you could suck, why would you choose Putin's though

>finniggers still mad to this day
>have a multiple Lenin memorials and around the country
Is this Stockholm syndrome at it's finest?

Attached: 1461853603560.jpg (2784x1706, 645K)

>leading country
In what? Incarceration rate? Mass shootings? School shootings?

We already purged the Commies, lined them up alongside Nazis. There will be no more Commies here chap, once you've gone through them, you develop antibodies.

Attached: 2019-02-26_173153.png (400x470, 109K)

It returned to the average. It was already in decline but spiked after the Chernobyl disaster and nobody wanted children who might have defects.

Lefty spotted

Attached: 1542563848081.jpg (400x600, 335K)

The Jews were not part of the bourgeois in Russia you retard

And yet the whole of r*ssia is full of subhuman shits. I think another extermination is in place.

>removing the false flag mission from MW2 remastered

can't have the goys realize whats actually going on

Attached: fdc[1].jpg (1280x720, 416K)

Based. Rise up like Stalin once did and bring the last hundred years of Russian history full circle to something better.

the only way to solve declining western world population

That would be america. Russia hasnt been supplying radical islamists with weapons and completely fucking up every country in middle east for the past 50 years.
>bbut muh ukraine
Literally protecting its own naval base, how many American naval bases were there in Syria or Lybia?

Hanged, not hung. You're not a painting

>The Jews were not part of the bourgeois in Russia you retard

Attached: 158756435657.jpg (600x502, 45K)

You didn't answer the question.

Why is it the shithole nations that cry the most about how great they actually are

I'm not even Russian and I have plenty of weighted criticism of Putin, but I'm not some retard like you who screeches about "muh ebil Putin" whilst choking on NATO dicks. Either way, put a bullet in your head.

Attached: 1531166380869.jpg (640x949, 116K)

I'd rather take care of your SJW cuck subhuman shits in the West first, they are a higher priority than Russian's who are too drunk and drugged to do anything.

Attached: 2019-04-18_123023.png (704x503, 482K)

>Are you aware that Putin literally wanted to join NATO but NATO refused?

Yo guys I know we were at war for the last seventy years but we should totally be friends now for no reason and I'm not going to do anything at all to make this seem like a good option for you in any way



They need to validate themselves and have the mindset of a little kid.

Literally niggers who refuse to get driver's licences
>Mass Shootings
>School shootings

Attached: 1548131014404.gif (250x250, 1.16M)

>You realise most European countries ask and often pay for those bases right?
No we don't. You install puppets into our countries who get benefices for keeping your bases in Europe. Kill yourself, kike.

Attached: 1484823977880.png (600x600, 276K)

>russians are so low iq that they consider clickbait articles to be legitimate sources of information

>Homegrown is set in a fictional Middle Eastern country, but nods to the ongoing civil war in Syria are everywhere, especially in its opening scene in which you – playing as a child – are rescued from rubble following a recent airstrike.

Shekel counting intensifies

i don't like sarcasm either, especially coming from woman. a big turn off. they might just being shit test, sometime maybe, but a big turn off none the less

Nationalist jingoism spreads like wildfire among poorfags and incels because when you have nothing to be proud of on an individual level, then pretend you can lay claim to the "past glories" of your nation or race. Marxism and fascism 101. All these idiots are pathetic nobodies who think this gives them pride or purpose but really just leaves them as a faceless cog in a machine that would see most of them killed for it when brought to its inevitable conclusion just like every other time in history.

Didn't you already know that CoD and Battlefield are US Army recruitment tools?

It's amazing how much /pol/ and Russian disinfo can fuck with peoples brains.

Wut game tho?
>"""""""evil"""""" guy is accused of gassing """""""""innocents"""""""""
>didn't actually do it
It keeps happening.

>freedom of speech
You best be jesting. Assange is getting 117 years in prison already, whilst he's still in the UK.

Attached: 1488903471411.jpg (1710x777, 445K)

>>You realise most European countries ask and often pay for those bases right?
Not anymore.
See the red countries?
Not a single one of them had colonies in nigger lands, and almost all of them were attacked first either by Muslims or Mongols, so none of them have any historical responsibilities towards niggers or brown Muslims.
Since your bases have issued a nigger and Muslim migration policy, those countries don't want them anymore. It's that simple.

Attached: Awarenessmap.png (1000x736, 401K)

Assange wasn't in the US when he leaked hillary's emails, was he?

That wasn't the question. What does the US actually lead in besides those things I listed.

>dude its the NIGGERS lmao
>ignore the fact that 95% of nigger countries have lower gun homicide rates than the US
>literally every country in Africa except for one
>ignore the fact that even if you adjust for population and remove the niggers from the equation, the US gun homicide rate is still way higher than every other first world country

Cope, my friend and answer the question already.

>everything I don't like is disinfo

Attached: 1381847026044.jpg (714x682, 54K)

Prove that they are clickbait.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-5-15 People are pooping more than ever on the streets of San Francisco.png (1230x997, 1.79M)

>Niggers kill eachother more in the us
>Niggers have access to guns easier in the US
>US has more guns than any other country in the west
Almost like you're fucking retarded, get out of highschool and then maybe we can talk.

>>ignore the fact that 95% of nigger countries have lower gun homicide rates than the US
Pffffft fuck off you're full of shit

There's a massive gap between threatening ww3 and the shameful display of fellatio that occurred at Helsinki.


Not really

>implying it matters
Also, excuse me it's 175 years in prison, not 117.

And you gobble up every shit CNN puts on your plate I wager?


nice reading comprehension my friend

>Russia hasnt been supplying radical islamists with weapons
based retard

Attached: 27INTHVLRRAMZANKADYROV.jpg (660x440, 37K)

>ivan needs someone to explain the concept of clickbait to him because he's too dumb to understand that these websites exist to make money

That pic looks like a dumb conspiracy theory

>still haven't answered the question
lmao enjoy your last (You), stop avoiding the question already and maybe I'll make the effort to reply again

>Russia hasnt been supplying radical islamists with weapons
What the fuck are you even talking about? Your average person older than 30 literally wants to go to war with USA and show them pindosi who is the boss.
We have a huge inferiority complex since fucking USSR because of retarded propaganda.

But that's what happened, through proxy of course.

Ah yes because being killed by a gun is soooooooo much worse than being beheaded or stabbed 20 times right?
Let's all give up our guns because of a dumb meaningless stat that doesn't reflect actual crime but instead usage of a particular tool

>used to be one of the most popular journos of CNN & Co during the Bush administration
>nowadays it's all Russia

Except it's actually true. Wikileaks leaked Hillary's e-mails.

Attached: 1466020074369.jpg (549x390, 180K)

>Mass Shootings
>School shootings
*also whites

But there wasn't a question, you made baseless leftist europoor talking points bordering on misinfo.

Not that user, but I hope you're baiting.

Yes, really.

False, by the definition of mass shooting about 90% of mass shootings are inner city gang wars

Niggers account for most if not all of mass shootings, they only report it when it's a white guy though.

>can't prove anything

Pic related also validated by forbes
Give me more of your buttmad my dumb friend.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-5-30 Berkeley students shut down exam, demand 'take-home' instead.png (955x718, 75K)

actually it's the br*tish and americans who do that

Attached: britam.jpg (1400x4800, 1.51M)

>Assange didn't leak hillary's emails for the russians
Are you fucking retarded?

No, everything that's factually untrue but pushed by the Kremlin for propaganda is disinfo. It exists.

you literally claimed the US gun homicide rate is because of niggers. If you take out half of total gun homicides in the US it's still the highest rate in the first world. Fucking retard holy shit. Learn to read.

I don't understand Yea Forums sometimes. /pol/ fags like Russian more than actually Russian people like Russia.
We are in a continuous state of self loathing mixed with
>Eбaныe пиндocы! Mы им пoкaжeм!
Russia was literally more free in the 90s criminal syndicate rule than it is now.

Well Russia does suck. I don't understand why people kept trying to invade it. It's literally the worst bits of Asia and Europe under one umbrella country.

>play as a spec-ops killing Russians
>plays as ISIS terrorist killing Russians

Why Americans hate Russians so much? At least BF4 had Chinese.

actually it's overwhelmingly asians who do the biggest mass shootings

>Guns kill people
Ok, is that our argument? Or is there more?

/pol/ is full of useless idiots who unironically believe the propaganda. All it takes is for you to make some shit up about Russia being amazing then spam anti US/Britain/Europe clickbait headlines.

BF4 is sw*dish

Chechens are a region sized islamist death troop ready to do anything that Putin tells them to do.
On top of that they will literally find you and murder you if you publically say shit about them, not even an exaggeration.
Why are my taxes financing people that I hate? I want them eradicated.

death to russia

Niggers commit a mass shooting every time they meet up with the boys at the 7/11

I didn't claim that, you're referring to the other guy.
I would say the overall homicide rate is mostly niggers though, yes. "Despite..." and all that.
The US white homicide rate is about equal to that of Denmark

What the fuck does Hillary have to do with Russia? You do know that Hillary had more economic ties with the Russian government than Trump will probably ever have?

/pol/ believes Russia a white ethnostate filled with masculine tough men and feminine women who love birthing white children for a brighter future.

it has expensive resources

Americans look at the world entirely through memes and their own retard two-party system, if liberals said don't drink bleach /pol/tards would hoover it down.

That's Poland

>USA is full of niggers and kikes
Kinda proving his point there my dude. You shouldn't be whining about other countries being full of subhumans when your own country has the biggest nigger population of anywhere outside Africa.

You're stupid. Actually 0 reading comprehension. Go drink some water.

Attached: 1415570867001.png (400x300, 7K)

Ok, and that would be?

>Russia was literally more free in the 90s criminal syndicate rule than it is now.
Aдepэйдж дoлбoeб.

See above.

Niggers never leave their host cities. Most of the country is white. Kikes live predominantly in new york, florida, and california.

>makes up a dumb conspiracy theory that he can't prove neither with fact or even pure logic
>calls others dumb
Weird flex, but ok?

Attached: 1446255705028.jpg (436x375, 56K)

>The US white homicide rate is about equal to that of Denmark
Lmfao what? Denmark's overall homicide rate is less than 1 per 100,000. The US' is 5.35. Since blacks make up 50% of the homicides, cut that in half. That's 2.67. Way higher than Denmark's. Do you enjoy talking out of your ass?

Russia is filled with literally the same kind of rhetoric that all of the west is.
>Fucking caucasians are outbreeding us and stealing our jobs and women
Replace niggers with churkas and there is no difference. Russia is full of the following people
>Incel dvachers like me
>Tryhard "streetsmart" people
>Tryhard majori, I don't know how that is in English, basically rich daddies spoiled sons
>Literal whores
>Women that are pretending not to be whores but are secretly whores
>Women that are pretending not to be whores but are openly gold diggers and act as if that is not whoring

>Most of the country is white.

Attached: 1518733643615.png (930x1020, 77K)

You're arguing against somebody that agrees with you, you're just so fucking retarded that you can't do anything but post anime pictures. Unironically kill yourself animefag, you must be 18 to post here.

Factually incorrect, western companies are bending over silly to get a taste of the ching chong market
The last game in a modern setting where china was the villain was battlefield 4

Gonna have to report your posts there pal. Adios.

>Hispanics are white!


>conspiretard tries to post a source
>it's a youtube video
lmao every fucking time.

Anyway, no, it's not true. The actual email only mentions that the discovery of the libyan gold was one of the factors that lead to FRANCE committing to an attack, since this new currency would be competing with the French franc in the francophone African countries; nothing was said about other countries. Additionally, the discovery wasn't made until AFTER the UN made the resolution to go in in March.

>blacks make up 50% of the homicides
AHAHAHAHA try again
It legitimately is. There's many places that are still 100% white but have 10% niggers in their cities.

Пyтин зaщищaeт pyнэт нa cлyчaй зaпaднoй кибepaтaки, мы тeпepь в этo вepим, дa? Или нapaтивa пoмeнялacь?

>normie tries to make a counter argument
>it's a fallacy
every time

Attached: genetics.jpg (338x215, 28K)

>agrees with you
I don't see it. Point me to it then.
>Unironically kill yourself animefag
Back to ribbit, faggot.
>you must be 18 to post here
Oh the ironing.

Attached: 無題.png (1309x753, 116K)

Of all the bullshit but to show Saudi backed white helmets as the good guys holy shit

Attached: kingdom-come-deliverance-vavra[3].jpg (1280x720, 131K)

>Most of the country is white.

Attached: 30490f33f899bd864b0f2f8ef4e840d43e3437f09590d11ce1eabc13425bf8a9.png (500x583, 110K)

>killing roosians

How is this any different from other Call of Duty games where you kill muslim shitskins?

Attached: muslims-moscow.jpg (820x547, 103K)

>Putin: hey wanna maybe stop some of these senseless proxy wars killing civilians and wasting trillions of dollars?
>Trump: yeah okay
>Leftists and neocons: *autistic screeching*

Fuck off and don't @ me again you stupid nigger

Why are people so scared of Russia? They only have 150 million citizens and their economy is shit. They are not going to conquer the world any time soon.

Attached: blitzkrieg-in-russia.jpg (331x188, 11K)

Attached: (You).jpg (642x797, 125K)

Not even leftist, just eurosquirts wanting to be relevant.

authoritarian shit aside, a vaguely christian (orthodox) country demonized?
hmm wonder why

>embedded replies
back to r*ddit

Sauce me on that e-mail then, mane.

>A kike golem state run by bankers willing to kill its own people demonized

Last mission in new MW I hope is to eliminate Vladmir in the toilet.

Did you just ignore the entire second half of my post so could whip out the fallacy fallacy?

>values tradition
like starving and removing people from history?
Russia has no culture and I can't wait for that shithole to collapse on itself

So first Osama bin Laden was the warrior of freedom, now white helmets
Jews never change

Attached: 58[2].jpg (1000x567, 76K)

>butt using a fork is reddit
Based newfag. I bet you don't even remember the day when forks added icons for when you were saging and nokoing.

Our church was literally infested with KGB and is now infested with FSB.
This isn't even a secret, it's a state run church. The fact that our faith is the correct one is besides that point.

>a vaguely christian (orthodox) country

Attached: blob.jpg (1132x846, 397K)

They're still running with the assad used chemical weapons thing.

Attached: 1558211869220.jpg (970x542, 84K)

Ктo чтo зaщищaeт, ты бля o чeм вooбщe, дeбил мaлoлeтний?

What does conquering a bunch of Chechens have to do with this thread?

I think you meant to say

What I wanna know is why the fuck Kaiba has green hair

I was wondering where CoD thread with the Republicans defending Russia was.
Here it is, and it's not disappointing.

>biggest mosque in Europe is in Moscow
>i-its j-j-just a b-b-bunch of chechens

Attached: gettyimages-841417524-2048x2048.jpg (2048x1375, 2.15M)

>Republicans defending Russia

Attached: 1555566182759.gif (480x360, 531K)

>Still mad you couldn't get him fired

O тoм чтo блядь cкopo бyдeм кaк в Китae cидeть нa зaкpытoм интepнeтe c Киceлeвым вo глoвe. Eщe блядь нaвepнoe cкopo ввeдyть cиcтeмy coциaльнoгo peйтингa гдe кpитикoвaть пeдo-мaфию Пyтинa бyдeт -10000 oчкoв.

Attached: 1404531264495[1].jpg (900x1004, 201K)

Why won't you show images of Orthodox event?

Attached: 00[1].jpg (1299x922, 940K)

>Still mad you couldn't get him indicted