Yea Forums will argue over anything
Yea Forums will argue over anything
Yea Forums is full of contrarian faggots who purposely hate on anything that's popular & obsess over crying about niche games that nobody talks about. If Journalists hate it then they will go out of their way to cry about how good it is, simply to spite them. In a way, this is the most NPC place on the internet
Seriously. that wasn't hard.
this, how is it a question?
too easy, pic related is more interesting
It's 2/3 you pea brains
You take one gold ball out, meaning there are 2 gold balls and 3 silver balls remaining. It would be 2/5, or 40% of being a gold ball again.
its 66% you brainlets.
someone wasn't here when Andromeda, Anthem and F76 came out. Along with a bunch others. Just stop, you're making yourself look ridiculous
it says SAME box.
If you pulled a gold ball out that means the next ball can only be from the left or middle one
Explain, because how I see it is that the silver ball box is irrelevant if the 1st ball you pull is always gold, unless you have the midas touch
Did you even read the OP?
You take from the same box dipshit
Look up gamblers fallacy
go grab your dad's crusty golden balls, phagget
theres a 2 in 3 chance you selected a ball out of the box with 2 gold balls, meaning you have a 2 in 3 chance of the other ball in the box being gold.
Look up Bertrand's box paradox
they sure will
you're fucking retarded
I bet there's a 100% chance that's happening
only 2 boxes have gold balls in them which makes 2 extra silver balls irrelevant
once you have a gold ball the next one will be either silver or gold
>theres a 2 in 3 chance you selected a ball out of the box with 2 gold balls
There's a 1 in 2 chance because there are ZERO gold balls in the 2 silver ball box.
Fuck. I'm retarded
Someone post the Monty Hall one too.
The two silver ball box doesn't even play into this you faggot, you're guaranteed to picked a gold ball.
50 percent I believe
since you pulled a gold ball out of the box already, the chances you selected the box with 2 gold balls is 2/3. this makes sense because you have a greater chance of selecting a gold ball out of the box with all gold balls than selecting a gold ball out of the box with one gold and one silver ball.
It's 2/3rds you retards. You have to take into account the fact that, out of the 3 initial boxes, you picked one with a gold ball in it. From the start, it's way more likely that you picked the box with 2 gold balls versus the box with just 1 gold ball, hence 66%.
It's literally the same question with the same answer
>Bothering to add the X
I see someone put some effort in for once
no one is talking about the box with only silver balls faggot
before anyone gets angry at the world, this is shopped
>it's way more likely that you picked the box with 2 gold balls
No it isn't.
Yes nigger, that's exactly why it's 2/3. There are two chances to get two gold balls, since you could have picked either one from the first one.
gold or silver
Looks pretty straightforward to me:
Either you are in the first or the second box, so 50%.
>It's a gold ball
This means it's already a fact you cannot possibly be in the third box.
Claiming otherwise would be gambler's fallacy. The existence of the third box does not affect anything once you already have a golden ball in your hands.
No, it's the opposite way around. 33% instead of 66%
nah, that image is much more controversial because its an instance of the boy-girl paradox. The problem in the OP is completely explicit and clear. the problem about crit chance is actually ambiguous.
Video games?
>Dude winning the lottery is literally 50%, because you either win or lose
Yea Forums is the most retarded board ever when math is involved.
wow you sure convinced me that was great logic there.
You picked ball A from box 1, the other is gold
You picked ball B from box 1, the other is gold
You picked ball A from box 2, the other is silver
Remember that you picked a box in the beginning. How many of those boxes contain balls that are both the same color?
It boils down to "Which box did you take the first golden ball from?"
You have a 66% chance of having chosen a golden ball from the box with two golden balls, compared to the 33% chance of having chosen from the gold + silver box.
It's 2/3, you people are fucking retarded.
Winning the lottery is 50/50, win or lose, but odds of getting the actual numbers correctly is in millions.
That is wrong, fucker. You have two chances to get a second gold ball, since you could have picked either one from the first box, and only a single chance to get a silver. 2/3.
Come on now Yea Forums, you did take introductory calculus, right?
This is no harder than a Zelda puzzle.
>Yea Forums is the most retarded board ever
You could've ended it right here. No need for the extra words. This is the same board that commonly tells people to skip college and pick up a trade or start their own business.
>Probability semantics
>there are actual, literal retards who think the knowledge of one ball affects the other
Oh, dear. This still happens?
There are 4 outcomes:
It is never, EVER, EEEVVVEEERR stated that the order of the balls matters, i.e. the outcome SG and GS are the same: one G, one S. It doesn't matter which is known first because THEY DO NOT AFFECT EACHOTHER. So, we've already reduced the outcomes to 3:
Knowing one is G excludes SS; you are then left with 50% of it being GG or GS/SG.
Or, we can look at it another way:
You have two slots _ _; either G or S can fill these slots. G in one slot does not affect the second slot -- and the same goes for S being in the first slot. Thus, 50%.
Because you can't see the inside of the box, the odds are always on the worst case scenario. In this case G/S box.
If we do your homework for you, you won't learn
Oh, in that one a is a positive real number.
Here's another easy one.
Stop trying to trick Yea Forums into doing your math homework faggots
>these are the people you have been discussing videogames with for the past 15 years
>problem solved in first post
>mouthbreathers come out and start shit anyway
As expected of Yea Forums
>implying most people posting now have been here that long
Are you retarded?
But there's 2 marbles so none because there's not a "remaining marble".
>my math homework
you're joking right? i'm a math phd student, i don't need help doing these basic integrals.
anyone with a brain should be able to show this.
Again, chance of the next roll isn't affected by previous rolls.
>It's a gold ball
Fact. Now the previous roll doesn't matter anymore and you are either in A or B.
Read gambler's fallacy. The gambler thinks it's 66% or more precisely 2/3, but the real chance is 1/2 right now.
It was the wrong answer retard.
Go back to your room, you smelly neet. You were never smart enough to figure this out
I'm not sure if im retarded or not but this seems like a pretty obv 50% to me.
I know people get really pissed about this, but this is always how I did addition and it seems way easier in the long run than how other people do it. I guess I don't know if it really works for anyone but I would assume there was research to justify trying to make it standard. I still think a big part of the problem was angry parents who hated the idea of having to spend 5 minutes learning something to help their kids with their homework.
This facebook tier cancer just relies on people interpreting the fact that there is a chance the silver box *could* have been the first ball taken from and some people don't think that it could have been causing arguments over intentionally ambiguous language.
Ignore and move on.
you picked box 1 (33%)
----you pick gold ball from box 1 (100%)
you picked box 2 (33%)
----you pick gold ball from box 2 (50%)
----you pick silver ball from box 2 (50%)
you picked box 3 (33%)
----you pick silver ball from box 3 (100%)
So the chances of picking a gold ball that came from box 1 is (1/3)*(1/1) = 1/3 and the chances of picking a gold ball that came from box 2 is (1/3)*(1/2) = 1/6. You can see that the probability of the gold ball coming from box 1 is twice the probability of it coming from box 2. So, given that you already picked a gold ball, you have (1/3)/(1/3 + 1/6) = 2/3 chance of it coming from box 1, the box with 2 gold balls.
Stay brainlets, Yea Forumsirgins
>i'm a math phd student
>before anyone gets angry at the world, this is shopped
I appreciate that.
>these are the people who think they have any business giving out career advice
Been a while I've done this but complex integration using the residues at -a and +a is the way to go yeah?
Take an actual math class and not statistics for once, you fucking leech
It's not.
So if I brought you a box and said it has either a silver or a gold ball, what are the chances of getting a gold ball? You would answer, 2/3 because there might've been another gold ball there huhha.
Are you fucking stupid? Did you watch one youtube video on the gamblers fallacy and decided it's somehow connected to any probability question?
There are three gold balls. One leads to a silver, two lead to eachother. There are no options eliminated here. You could have picked any three of those balls.
Yes, but the combination of "observing a gold coin" with each possible box can only affect the probability that the box was GS or SS, not GG. It ends up resulting in a probability of 2/3 still.
>There are no options eliminated here.
Yes there are, 1 gold ball.
>Your math's wrong because it doesn't fit my world view.
Shouldn't you be working on your proof the world is flat?
this problem isn't ambiguous at all faggot. its a simple problem that relies on people's poor abilities to intuitively think about probability while thinking they are 100% correct.
>all these n00bs saying 50%
I bet you also post in vidya titty threads and fawn over 3D black ladies as well, you retards.
Multitrack drifting
Why does conditional probability always trigger brainlets?
Free person A and watch a sick loop together
Practice what you preach, middle schooler
something something dunning kruger something
Order of multiplication by juxtaposition is ambiguous.
It's funny how supposedly smart people that use long-ass formulas come up with 33.3...% It's 50% niggers. Read the fucking OP. It's not hard.
No it's not, because the question starts with one picked, and the question itself is if the next one is gold.
There are three gold balls. Two win. One loses. There is no knowing which you have.
>There is no knowing which you have.
>You put your hand in and take a ball from that box, it's a gold ball.
>adding 1/3 and 1/3 to get 2/3 is hard
lmao at nignogs who call other people niggers
If you're a braindead retard, maybe.