CoD shilling

>CoD shilling
let's have a shortstack thread instead

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Let's do it

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just found out about Shortstack general on /aco/
shit is good yo

I wish that were me

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who are these characters?

me and my wife

*My wife and I.

I wish I was a lalafell or harvin

>Who is that?
>Who is that?
one of these is correct.
It's not yours


Nice duty call you're doing, user.
By the way, this wonderful Final Fantasy XIV material got translated recently.

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>Who is that?
>I am the one you ask about.

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>want to contribute to the thread
>Only have slimer girls on my folders
Where do i find more girls like these?

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>The person whom you ask is I.

Public Service Announcement. Shortstack is a colloquial reference to someone who is "short" not "Short with big tits." It's not "Short and stacked." Of course, there's no reason they can't also have big tits. I just want to make sure you don't sound like an idiot quoting a wrong definition you learned on a chinese basket weaving forum.

i get mine from threads like these

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Now you know why English is trash. The verb to be is copulative rather than transitive, which means the nouns before and after it have to have the same case. Since "It" can be both accusative and nominative, it depends on what the remaining sentence says. However, there's no remaining sentence in this case, so both are allowed in conversations.
If you want to be a faggot, IS the correct way, but the trade-off is that you will suck dicks.

God I wish I was her

>Don't like video game discussion
>instead lets post pics about our boarderline pedo fetish

Really make you think...

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>got my bf into this fetish
>hot roleplay all the time
Feels wonderful

How did you do it? I've been trying for years...

>not stacked

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how short are you?

when did 12 year olds get tits like these?

There's literally nothing pedo about shortstack you ugly, fat fuck

I concur

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Just talk to your bf/gf. I'm lucky and he's an amazing person who is open to my kinks.

5'8", not even short. But he's taller and I get on my knees, so it actually works.

And that is all, blogging done. I'm just really happy.

Oh ya, totally nothing creepy about liking girls that are sub 5 shoot

I'm willing to bet most of the fags in this thread also have loli shit saved to lol.

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That is vert offensive to real like shortstacks.

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Go fap to grannies if you feel so offended.

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user please tell me you're just baiting
If you have a brain you cant be this retarded
Nevermind even if you're baiting you couldnt have come up with that if you werent seriously intellectually handicapped

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>Just talk to your bf/gf.
I do.. he's just doesn't seem to be into shortstacks at all. He can appreciate the lewd pics but doesn't really want to rp anything with them.


You image doesnt even make sense since this entire thread is off topic pedo bait

Holy shit she's so cute.

There's nothing wrong with fucking 14 years old girls.

Am I unusual for liking loli and granny?

You're a balanced man

>5'8", not even short. But he's taller and I get on my knees, so it actually works.
Wait what
How does this work

No I'm the same way. I think i just love girls of all body types and ages.

I want to marry a lolibaba!

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That's a potato

Best girl

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The bad thing is she is into white cocks only.

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Yall wrong. She is MY wife and mine alone.

GOD I wish that was me

Get a better BF then who will facefuck you while you pretend to be a midget

What's your take on lolibaba

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>CoD shilling
>MW nonetheless
This takes me quite back

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oba-chans are also very good.

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Why are lolibabas so rare?

If only...

You have two other cows to fatten up in Dragons crown, leave the elf alone.

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god oh god I with I had a lolibaba

I wouldn't say rare anymore since towako exists.

Make me

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You really can't get him into RP at all? That's disappointing, user. RP is god tier for foreplay.

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Yo mike, love your podcast, champ.

Poppy stronk

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Elf is pure and good and has a healthy diet that doesnt allow for much weight gain.

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>this thread still alive
based and smolpilled

>you'll never mash a potato

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Purposely encouraging off-topic posting because you don't like a game being discussed is actually crazy pathetic, even for a basement dweller like you OP

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I love healthy elf though

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God I wish I had a shortstack gf, where do they hide?

>ye olde "if you don't like kids then you're a granny fucker" argument
thats popular among lolifags
you aren't helping your argument

Does she qualify?

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Makes my dick shrivel. I have an aunt who is 60 who looks young for her age, but still looks old (maybe a 40 year old) and she dresses like a kid from the current generation.
When she was 40 she still looked 25.

Mainly cause they're dumb. Even for doujin standards.

>I get on my knees
tell me more

Black woman....

>13 fucking cod threads up
jesus christ

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