Its gonna be about evil White Terrorists, calling it

its gonna be about evil White Terrorists, calling it.

Attached: white warfare.png (1221x875, 211K)

Other urls found in this thread: of 10 million–present

So was the original Modern Warfare. Your point?

Attached: 1547571737996.jpg (1600x900, 283K)

nobody gives a shit about your shilled game and your pretend controversy

stfu cucks

incel FREAK


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*dabs like in the game Fortnite*
Deal with it nigger.

you are FUCKED

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I replied to ALL OF YOU and I think you all are STUPID! GIVE ME ATTENTION!

Is COD still profitable anymore?

A New Zealand level would be kino desu

Attached: (you)2.jpg (392x495, 39K)

leaks are saying the campaign will focus on an elite group of African American female soldiers tasked with bringing down a white Christian terrorist organization that is trying to genocide Mexicans and trannies

>S T I L L caring about fucking cod
and the same old burgers and bongs shooting everything will never be "controversial"
controversial would be putting those burgers and bongs in a negative light, which would never happen
fuck off

Imagine how bad they smell

Retards do tend to stink

I hate Yea Forums

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Probably bad but definitely better than antifa.

Spec Ops did it first

Okay. Still not gonna pay any attention to it or buy it.

How do you do this without it getting flagged as spam?

Is this supposed to be scary or something? Only one person out of that group of hundreds actually attacked someone unprovoked. All these guys did was march around and chant shit.

I can't wait until a generation of whites grow up thinking they're evil and that the world hates them. They'll have nothing to lose and be easily recruited into actual terror cells, and unlike the illiterate inbred goat fuckers from the middle east, they'll actually be capable of great things.

>posting soon to be singlemothers

Are we actually complaining about white villains in a COD Warfare game of all things when the most popular/Well known was a white Russian?

Attached: 1486047815672-rsz_mw2_no_russian_elevator.jpg (1680x1050, 266K)


All the whites growing up now are turning into traps and trannies user so it'll take a few 1000 years

Already confirmed Russians are the bad guys again just like they always were in Modern Warfare. They showed a mission where Russians drone strike a town in the Middle East and carry a nerve gas attack.

>incel and cuck meet up.jpeg

They can live in an alt right echo chamber, and they have such deluded optics that they felt going out and being neo-nazis is going to make a difference in the world. Turns out it does make a difference. Nobody will hire any of their stupid asses for a job anymore

> Not White

look like they smell fine

You get to kill invasive imperialist whiteys trying to get your country's resources


it was always about evil white terrorists you fucking underage

>women would rather be single mothers than to get together with a slimy whiteboi

>fail because whites are too powerful

Tfw the majority of terrorist crimes committed in the United states are by white right wing conservatives. Statistics don't lie. Given that idk why you're such a snowflake about the idea that brown people aren't portrayed as the villains in a single fucking video game.

>goes extinct because dark dick exist
>haven't won a war since vietnam

lmao siddown you white bitchass

the cope

you are speaking english and not one of your subhuman languages

The problem here is original MW didn't try to comment on current politics. This is clearly a propaganda game trying to show how ebil Russia is in Syria.

funny thing about those statistics is that they have to stoop to including things like aryan brotherhood prison gang murders as terrorism.

Finally we gotta invade Israel

Utoya level is the new no russian

Attached: anders.jpg (620x330, 23K)

>Nobody will hire any of their stupid asses for a job anymore
They will hire each other.
Those who wont get hired anymore however are the thousands of SJW "journalists" being sacked in the past few months across the board.

Reminds me of this

Also why would it matter since it's probably pretty tame compared to the shit in the Division 2

>Tfw the majority of terrorist crimes committed in the United states are by white right wing conservatives.
Not anymore. ANTIFA is catching up fast. Wonder how many of the bombs ANTIFA planted should have been allowed to go off.

even if that were true calling nerve gas attacks evil is not wrong

lol how many people has antifa killed the past 5 years? how many synagogues have they shot up again? delusional

Go outside nigga

What would be great would be Israeli false-flag terrorism.

I fucking hate Americans. The game is about Syria and the middle east you faggots.

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As i said, how many of those bombs should have been allowed to go off? It seems like it would have made you happier to allow ANTIFA to instantly pile up more murders in 1 year than conservatives managed to pile up in 10.
You are literally bartering, how pathetic.

Good thing this scenario is entirely fictional then

>Call Of Duty: Incel Warfare
Not gonna lie, would be Kino

what was the story on this again
it was attacking America is why it lost support or something?

>Wonder how many of the bombs ANTIFA planted should have been allowed to go off.
kek what bombs?


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t. Slav

>implying women and children weren't killed back then

t. proudly 3% German

antifa has literally never murdered anyone in the US. keep being delusional. the real threat is far right violence since those guys will actually kill you instead of just yelling at you in public

brown people really are their own worst enemy

Like the Eugene police station bomb attack attempt following the rightful shooting of an ANTIFA faggot who waved his gun at a campus because now leftycucks like to shoot up campuses too. Or the faggot with explosive substances near a statue.

Well yeah, if it was brown terrorists there would be beheadings, acid attacks, and running people over with trucks.


noooo they're making fun of my terrorists

>school shooter level
will they finally surpass No Russian?

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>antifa has literally never murdered anyone in the US.
Because they were stopped.
So yet again, you will only be content when ANTIFA is actually allowed to murder. You are more interested in bartering in deaths than arguing the attempts themselves which alone might as well be equated.
Tick tock, the FBI labeled it a terrorist organization for good reasons.

>defending Antifa

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Fuck whities!

So? It's not unrealistic.

Will this have a caricature of the evil orange man?

as opposed to posting right wing incels lmao

>antifa has literally never murdered anyone in the US
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers was a BLM/ANTIFA faggot. Try again.

Suck my free cock

that's a good thing

White terrorism in the West is one, sometimes two, lone wolves shooting places up and soon getting killed by the police. It is not urban warfare that requires the military to get involved for the duration of a videogame mission where you kill dozens of bad guys.

Proof he was part of Antifa? He was a BLM supporter, never heard anything about antifa.

lefties always forget that chimpout

Majority of white women prefer white men. Blacks only manage to attract the outliers


>Proof he was part of Antifa?
ANTIFA is a decentralized network, which is as defense tactic and fallback like you are using here. By being part of BLM he is part of ANTIFA, nobody is making the mistake of buying your retarded fallback justification tactics.

here it is:
Americans against Americans would have been "controversial"
western forces fighting "foreign" forces is fucking tame shit

What, left-wing and right-wing groups during the cold war were a very big threat up until the soviet union collapsed. They were made up of white people funded by the USSR. Also Don't forget the IRA.

don't care if he was antifa or not, just find it funny lefties don't care when nogs chimpout.

He shot police officers. That's pretty antifascist shit there chap.

There are unironically left wing faggots on Yea Forums. How low we have fallrn

>It is not urban warfare that requires the military to get involved for the duration of a videogame mission where you kill dozens of bad guys.
To be fair, neither is islamic terrorism in the West.

So you don't have any actual proof he was Antifa? Okay. My point remains then. Let me know when they shoot up a synagogue or a church.

That’s literally the point user, violence is power and control.

Why do you think we arm and funded radical islamists? The government will create domestic terror incidents on both sides to keep the public opinion in a fractured balance

They do. but political violence and terrorism in the US is almost always committed by the far right.

>shooting police
War against police is only in its rulebook, just like the bombs it planted at police stations. Yet again, death must happen for you to be content, because you thirst for it, but you are evasive of arguing the source intent because that's how little integrity you have in the discussion.
>Let me know when they shoot up a synagogue or a church.
Beating up Jews is already documented.
Didn't a Democrap shoot up a church already a few years back? Funny it gets forgotten. He'd be given honorary ANTIFA memebership.

It probably will be, but it'll also be totally divorced from any sort of modern-day politics. Big blockbuster games try to play things as safe and inoffensive as possible. Everyone ITT is getting worked up over nothing.

>They do.

What do you think right militias are
>inb4 hur dur muh federal government tyranny
More like ticking time bombs waiting for some rich fag to pay for their autistic crusade

>far right
Funny way to spell Israel

how about having engaging gameplay and a good netcode instead of banking on some "controversial" bs.

but what am I saying, mainstream gaming isn't about actually playing videogames anymore

The board never really recovered after gamergate. Regardless of how you feel about it, it brought a LOT of trash here that never left.

When's the last time a right-wing militia has launched a large-scale assault on an urban area as seen in the trailer?



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Never would've thought I'd see the day Yea Forums was triggered by Modern Warfare.
MW was always a game where Russians were the bad guys. You guys project so hard, that you're relating yourselves to Russians.

Does Israel bombing Palestinians count

>is almost always committed by the far right.
By past standards yes.
By today's standards, left is picking up bigtime and is a competitor now.

Same with pedophilia. Took Republiturds 40 years to get a list of about 39 or so official representatives involved with the shit, and the main party revealing them and throwing shit at them were the Republicans themselves as well.
Took 9 years for Democrats to already reach a 1/3rd of the list, and it keeps unraveling still what with prepubescent drag queens stripping in gay bars for middle-aged pedos and shit and representatives defending it.

>list stops at 2016
Why user, that's a nice way to evade the 3 fucking years the left has been most active in terms of violence. Funny you left them out.

>expend years and trillions of dollars turning people into killing machines
>get them obsessed with guns and fighting
>have them do your dirty work for you
>turn them lose and expect them to keep quiet with gibs
>"g-guys why are our bots turning against us?"

Attached: bombing-the-murrah-federal-building-was-morally-and-strategically-equivalent-to-the-us-hitting-a-gov (850x440, 59K)

I mean...yes Israel is a far right fascistic ethnostate...but if you think America’s right-wing violence problem didn’t start until the 50s you should spend less time on 4channel

I would be okay with that if my multiplayer skin could wear swastikas and frog apparel.

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No. Also, I probably should have specified urban area in America.

>America’s right-wing violence problem
Funny way to spell Israelis

the left is not picking up at all. The major threats in the US are far right political violence and Islamic religious violence. Far left political violence is rare by comparison.

give me one concrete example of "far right" white terrorism.

fyi uneducated hicks and other wannabe white US subhumans don't count

>domestic terror stat conveniently stops at Trump's election

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Clown world.

ANTIFA isn't real, BLM isn't real (it's literally fake news funded by soros organization), it's all controlled opposition to bait retards like you into saying you're going to commit a crime then big FBI shows up and whisks you away to the loony bin because guess what, believing the bullshit you see on the Internet is pretty indicative of someone who is CRAZY.

get off your ass faggots of 10 million

>America’s right-wing violence problem

Get outta here, big nose

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Prove it by showing the domestic terrorism for the 3 years with the highest amount of left violence in history. Go on you scammer.

Thanks for the advice mr totally not federal agent

>degrees of lewdity.png

>fyi [the entire American right wing] doesn't count

Donald Trump is old friends with Jeffrey Epstein

nigga the first Modern Warefare had white russian "Ultranationalists" as the main antagonist

>"wait a second, this isn't right-wing terrorism, it's actually right-wing terrorism!"

Attached: 1449738467858.jpg (540x540, 64K)

What are you guys going to do when domestic terror actually happens

Nuking a city wasn't controversial? Shooting up a Russian airport full of civilians wasn't controversial?

Timothy McVeigh was a hero.

shh, goyim, don't think about these things

>literally in the trailer you play as a cop shooting ANTIFA white girls
whats the problem here?
also don't give me any bullshit about "COD isn't political"

He can be friends with any pedo he wants.
7-9 years to already reach a third of the list of Republican wall of shame, and still going with fucking prepubescent males being paraded in gay bars.

Attached: i dont think so.jpg (188x212, 4K)

>Muslim blows up something and claims it was done in the name of Islam
>"This is right wing terrorism"

Attached: 1536885829410.jpg (2182x2217, 2.06M)

>Islam is left-wing

clown nigga

islam is literally a fascist regime disguised as a religion, it's as right wing as you can get

Is the FBI right wing?

>Islam is right-wing

Americans everyone.

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alright, let's count stupid neonazis and KKK members then.

give me an actual act of far right, politically motivated white terrorism

>right wing terrorism
Nice try, but Feminists and Islam go hand-in-hand these days. Democraps have taken up Islam of all things as their moral baby.

Its like you don't even know how to read.

List some left wing terror incidents since 2016. It also doesn't include the Poway synagogue shooting, the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, the Charlottesville ramming attack, Portland train attack, etc all of which were right-wing attacks,

see above

>highest amount of left violence in history
Source on this? There have been more right-wing terror incidents since 2016 than far left.

Right-wing attacks since 2016: 8
Left-wing since 2016: 1
Islamic since 2016: 1–present

If the list included 2017, 2018 and 219 it would look even worse for the far right, not better.

Democrats have less pedos, and you’re doing these mental gymnastics to criticize them instead of repedocans? Roy fucking Moore nearly won his senate seat

*holding back laughter*
*composes self*
*breathes in*
Charlottesville you fucking /pol/tard

Forgive them, they are too retarded to understand the definition of either word. (not a valid source btw)

Right, portion of the political spectrum associated with conservative political thought.

Islam literally believes women do not have the right to leave their own homes...or OWN HOMES, at that. it is right wing whether you like it or not.

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>Almost all "good guys" showed in the trailer were generic white american marines
>Set in middle eastern, so we will be shooting muslims

You didnt watch the trailer, did you?

you know full well, when someone says "right wing" it's implied to mean raycis whypipo.
Yes, radical muslims are right wing, but no one uses right wing in the context of them


> optics

nigger spotted

/pol/ was a mistake

How can attacks on a synagogue, an institution consisting of conservative ethnonationalists, be considering anything but left wing?


Off the top of my head.