ITT: autistic things you do while playing games
ITT: autistic things you do while playing games
>Rage so hard, my veins are about to rupture
>Break stuff
Set difficulty to normal
Never upgrade weapons
Equip swords only
Engage all enemies
Death means I start a new game
I am always jumping and bunnyhopping instesd of walking in games
T. Kyle
ironman mode isnt autism, it's a way of life
Practice reloading my revolver that I keep next to me during long cutscenes.
When I farm or grind I listen to RLM videos.
I've listened to the entirety of Best of the Worst about 5 or 6 times.
get up every ten minutes and pace around
>miss a line of dialogue because of explosion or whatever
>restart game
play them while being diagnosed as autistic.
i seed and feed
Whenver I play a shooter game, I reload guns after every few shots
I play a game for some hours, enjoy it, then proceed to never touch it again, letting it sit on the drive for months before I finally give up and uninstall.
make fun of city slickers
I drive in GTA safely like I drive IRL because accidents are scary
Anytime I slide or surf down a hill in a game I feel compelled to say "radical dude" in the most 80's way possible.
it's an autistic way of life
I typically equip armor/clothing that I think looks cool regardless if it has shit stats or w/e. Also I always try and wear fingerless gloves if avaliable .
We have a certified professional in our midst.
I play mmos, but when other players try to talk to me I just scream and run away.
I wear the Dragonborn's armour from the cover/trailers for this reason. Granted, upgraded it's pretty decent.
Same, why the fuck can't I finish single player games. I started playing 3 games a few months ago, never finished them and went right back to multiplayer shit.
Who the fuck is Kyle?
I reinstalled RDR2 so I could do literally every activity you can do in Chapter 2 before you free that shithead Micah or get found out by Leviticus Cornwall. I've been at this point for at least 10 hours and I haven't even done a gang hideout yet.