Post your opinions that get you trashed on Yea Forums
Post your opinions that get you trashed on Yea Forums
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That Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game
Double mint doubles the fun.
i like black and jewish people
That wasn't very based
Here it is, since it means he’s not agreeing with the hive mind
TW101 isn't an especially great game, and neither is God Hand. I don't get why everyone holds them up as flawless masterpieces in the action genre.
Critics are normal people & have more validity in what makes a good game then the collective masses on this board.
loot boxes and microtransactions are fine, you as a consumer have the power to choose what you buy and if you don't want to support these practices, don't buy the game. you're not entitled to play that game
Yea Forums only likes God Hand because IGN gave it a 3/10, it's why they get so assmad at journalists that they have to spam that exact same image 1000x. They are contrarian faggots who dedicate their lives to crying about genuinely good games that people like & praising literal who garbage with low review scores
Bethesda makes shitty games.
Cringe and bluepilled.
Anime to game adaptations are almost always trash.
The Witcher 3 is a pretty good game.
I like video games. There, I said it.
As someone who adores both games I would never in a million years call them "flawless." With that said I do think those games have a particular tone and passion in them that I hardly see in other games. More than most other games I very much feel like they are games made by people absolutely in love with what they are making.
Not only that but they both have incredibly unique and well thought out combat systems allowing for gameplay not seen anywhere else.
Ocarina Of Time is overrated and all anyone can say in response is “lol look at these top 10s from game journalists and magazines”
[Your favourite game] sucks!
Crying about how much the opinions of millions of people means nothing, but then claiming that your opinion is the only one that matters literally makes you a contrarian
I'm very left, borderline socialist.
How can my opinion be the only one when millions of others share it?
Raiden from MGS2 was a good character and I think he has cool hair. Get fucked you fat fucking neckbeards.
Seymour was right you know
They literally don't, the minority of contrarians on this board are the only ones that think it's overrated. Yet they still named it the GOAT regardless
I thought that resistance game on the vita was kind of decent.
I just don't find them particularly fun. I've tried fairly hard to get into both and neither one even remotely clicked with me. They feel, to me, like a Call of Duty game, in the sense that I can acknowledge that they aren't really bad, but I don't see what makes them particularly good either. It's like I'm forgetting them as I'm playing them.
I mean he was designed to piss fans off so I'm not surprised he's unpopular
Vidya games are trashed and are mainly focused on normies who play them on their smartphones
Either you play older games or none at all.
i jerk off to loli hentai
> Yea Forums's list is the exact same as everyone else's
> Yet every thread is dedicated to crying about how much journalists mean nothing & that popular = bad
Is Yea Forums unironically the most NPC website on the internet?
I like Ocarina a lot but I don't disagree with what you're saying. No game that's held up to the degree that OoT is could ever possibly hope to live up to the hype. Most of us are incapable of seeing it without nostalgia goggles and its overall quality is overstated terribly because of when it was released and how significant it was at the time. But if you never played it before and you picked it up today, for the first time, right now, and played it, because everyone talked it up as a masterpiece, it's inconceivable that you wouldn't be deeply disappointed.
Kojima is a hack
Breath of the Wild is an impressive tech demo
RDR2 is the best cowboy simulator there is and a horrible video game
ESO is the best elder scrolls game since morrowind
Final Fantasy has never been good at turn based combat
Video games actually and actively make you dumber
VNs aren't video games
I'm too objectively correct
Style switching is a retarded control system that feels like ass
You still like girls though, right?
FFIX's battles are well-paced
Hollow Knight is the best metroidvania out there. If you take away combat, Tomba! takes the cake though.
Uhh, Millhouse is a meme.
It just sounds like they aren't your thing. No shame in that. While I do believe their gameplay is incredibly well thought out and overall great, they do both stand alone in gameplay for a reason. They are both a bit obtuse and clunky compared to more streamlined titles. If you can't get a grip on that you probably won't like it regardless.
Outside of that I'd say the over the top story and characters and overall mood of the games also add a shitload of charm but if that cheesy style isn't your thing then that's probably a dead end as well.
Modern WoW has better boss / raid design than old WoW. Mythic WoW is also much harder than anything in WoW's history.
It's something I fully believe in and anytime I mention it in WoW threads I'm forced to either defend a game I wholly don't like or ignore the dozen spiteful replies I get.
Yea Forums doesn't have much of an identity nowadays since it's merged with everything it used to hate.
I like diablo 3
the Vietnam war is senseless
breath of the wild was never good
Dr Mario should get a sequel
I don't want to flip burgers
i don't think all trans people are a blight that needs to die
>I like diablo 3
RoS literally fixed everything wrong with diablo. Theres no shame there. Enjoying the new season?
Post more slutty Scottish lass
Oh no, I love the style actually. I laughed my ass off at TW101, I just hated playing it.
I think it's the camera. Both games have a camera that makes me want to rip my teeth out with pliers. TW101's makes me seasick with the forced iso perspective that moves around causing bizarre perspective fuckery (and all the second screen minigames) and God Hand has tank controls because of right stick dodge shenanigans. It's amazing how important a good camera is to any game and how frustrating it is when the camera sucks.
New Vegas gets worse and worse every time I play it. I liked it when it came out, but when you really take a close look at it the game is just fucking garbage.
I agree, only 99% of them.
But that's a good opinion.
I find most Nintendo games to be too simplistic for their own good, though there are some nice exclusives (like Fatal Frame)
All Pokemon MC designs, boy and girl, are good
Mega Man 2 isn't very good.
Does it fix loot just being a stat stick and builds being nonexistent?
note crit focus is not a build
I like BoTWs dub
>Enjoying the new season?
not him but the game is exactly the same as it has been every season. you only do big number damage now
I came here to agree with you
New Vegas' dlcs are all pretty bad and the only decent part of them is their writing. They universally have worse exploration, combat, roleplay elements than the main game.
FF14 devolved into an interactive chatroom with participation rewards, full of queers and tranny vermin
Bloodlines 2 is pozzed beyond repair and will be shit but "people" here will buy and hype for it anyway
Mirror's Edge Catalyst is better than the original.
Also this. One of the freest passes of its generation and I don't really get why.
KH3 was a great game
>the Vietnam war is senseless
communists died, and that makes me happy
Yes, Yea Forums only pretends to like niche games for the sake of feeling special since gaming has become as mainstream as movies & sports now. They are so retarded that they think being contrarian makes them more "intelligent"
OWB and HH have good exploration though
The other two are more or less linear by design.
Just play on JP like I do. Easy fix. Enjoying the game thoroughly.
That's probably understandable even if I don't really get it.
Talking to some friends recently I've come to realize I have some kind of incredibly lame super power that allows me to not be bothered by a shitty videogame camera ever. I'm apparently able to adjust incredibly easily since I've never felt bothered by a camera like so many other people experience.
The only exception being super Mario 64 when it won't allow you to rotate the camera in one specific direction for seemingly no reason
After the hype died down I realized borderlands 2 was a shitty game. The games humor wears real thin after a while.
>generation of american males got mutilated and have PTSD
>lost the war anyway
top kek
i enjoyed kazooie more than tooie
I never felt any wonder to explore OWB because the DLC is just its theme of mad science and it didn't make any of the results of my exploration surprising. I was more invested in finding a vault in the main game than finding any of the science shit in OWB.
HH is the same problem and the only interesting bit of exploration you can get out of it is the Survivalist's story.
I play games only for the romance options
Fallout New Vegas is just as shitty and boring as the Bethesda-made Fallouts and TES.
Just because I don't like a game does not make it a bad game. It just means I have different tastes.
This isn't controversial. It's actually pretty standard, a lot of people generally agree that Tooie was too large for its own good and didn't have the same refinement or solid design as Kazooie.
FF9 isn't very good
>dead maoist filth
>dead boomers who helped vote us into political turmoil
literally nothing of value was lost
except maybe some of the equipment, F
Galaxy 2 > 1
The only argument people have for Galaxy 1 being better is "m-muh atmosphere"
...That's diablo, my man. Been that way since T1, or in any other diablo. It's why the phrase "diablo loot" exists
You play to click your mouse furiously and then have loot explode furiously and then do that even faster and faster until you finally come furiously. Then you do it with friends. That's the game.
FF14 was unsalvageable right out of the gate, both in 1.0 and ARR. Not much to devolve from that, but it sure did.
You dont have to do anything to make communists die. Just wait a while and they starve on their own.
TW101 is my all time favourite game, but I know that a big part of the package is the setting, characters and style. The gameplay is good, but it's really held back by a lack of polish on the controls and issues like the camera and various noticeable combat bugs, as well as having a pretty different combat flow to typical action games since it relies on stopping to block attacks as its central mechanic. I think that ultimately getting really into the game like some people do is really dependent on how much you're willing to forgive its flaws and weaknesses in favour of the spectacle of it all.
MGSV is probably the best one
you're right tho
I'm the opposite, I hate romance options. I played through ME1 without romancing anyone and then couldn't talk to anyone in ME2 for more than 10 minutes without them trying to get in my pants. It was annoying.
It's a real fucking shame. I don't want to suffer loss and learn moonrunes just to play. I don't know who told them all to go play.
Games need more diversity, LGBT representation and less wh*te men
Fanservice and huge anime tits are fucking obnoxious and they appeal only to retarded weebs and incels
Gameplay is a buzzword
Content is a buzzword
Combat is a buzzword
>Gameplay is a buzzword
Mind to explain your mindset?
>and less white men
I don't see the point in pushing this. I'm black and I couldn't care less what race the character I play as is.
FFXV is a good game
MGSV is a good game with an unfinished story that was over-hyped into oblivion
The Kirby franchise is incredibly overrated
Dark Souls 3 is the best of the trilogy
Nier Automata's combat isn't that good, in fact it's almost brain dead
Gen 4 of Pokemon is the best gen by a mile and hasn't been topped since
Post a picture of a video game with your hand, in Yea Forums tradition.
I unironically agree with you on the last two, but not the first.
Classic hype just has people by the nuts. I don’t think you’re gonna seen anyone make a real argument that raid encounters used to be better.
Actual retard
kys uncle Tom
Yea Forums is the worst discussion board out there, right next to /pol/ and Yea Forums. Only place to talk about video games is with your friends
Yeah. It's just a cheap way to attract consumers.
3d platformers suck ass and always did. Mario 64 was neat and pioneered some cool shit, but it could have ended there.
Yea Forums loses their shit when I say that developers shouldn't have to work 60+ hour weeks during crunch time.
The normal responses consist of "that's just how the industry is", "they know what they were getting into", "all the diversity hires are ruining the industry", and other shit like that.
Death Stranding is going to be garbage and Kojima hasn't made a good game since MGS2 and maybe MGS3.
>Rev2 over Outbreak games
I'm on my phone and at work. Looking through my phone I was holding Splatoon 2 for some reason at one point so there's that.
I just don't see the point in caring.
that's a popular opinion
here's my hot take: Yea Forums and /pol/ are literally the last bastions on the internet that you can talk about their subject matters with minimal regulation
>inb4 butthurt leftist AKCHUALLY
>Resident Evil 2 anywhere close to being a contrarian favorite to have.
RE2 and RE4 seem to be equally respected here.
Do people really argue that old raids were hard? Old raids have mechanics on par with dungeon bosses from cataclysm
Ah yes, important matters like some e-celeb, literali whoistan on twitter, and sales charts topped with OH NO NO NO NO
3d ruined the Mario franchise.
Dark Souls 2 is the second best souls after Demon's
Genesis had better games than the SNES
Fallout New Vegas is overrated and Obsidian fans constantly give the company too much leeway considering nearly every game they release is broken in major ways.
Hollow Knight was incredibly boring
Any game that focuses on story, graphics, sex fanservice, or politics, is pure trash. If any of you "fans" would defend these games as good, you wouldn't mind someone removing this garbage from the game itself. After all, in your own words, the gameplay is fun, right? So why not get rid of some disgusting clutter?
The truth is that you CAN'T get rid of it. You don't WANT to get rid of it. You would literally stop playing the game without the promise of titties and pretentious storywriting. Look at how much people vehemently defend them, while never actually talking about the games themselves.
Saints Row 3 good
Saints Row 2 bad
do you only browse the front page like a massive newfag or something?
The switch is a great system
Maybe those people have jobs that don't involve standing behind a grill or register? Crunch time isn't a rare, IT-specific occurrence
People need to stop bitching about political shit in video games and just play fucking video games
I agree with this
/pol/ is the worst thing to have happened to this site
Not him but I use the catalogue and I work from home so I'm on here a lot. There's MAYBE one good thread a day. MAYBE. It didn't used to be quite this bad, or it catered to me more, which amounts to the same thing.
Soulseries is just not that good.
dead rising can be resurrected and dr5 could be good.
>MGSV is a good game with an unfinished story that was over-hyped into oblivion
>Dark Souls 3 is the best of the trilogy
>Nier Automata's combat isn't that good, in fact it's almost brain dead
the moderators and janitorial staff do the best that they can, keeping the peace with no ulterior motives or political biases
>Hollow Knight was incredibly boring
Kill yourself.
When retarded devs stop shoving retarded politics in our face we'll stop bitching about political shit in video games.
Fallout 76 is actually a great game
So the town made him stupid?
Its perfectly fine to ask for help and search forums to help progress a game. If however you decide to instead lookup a completionist guide on first playthrough, youre nothing but trash and your opinion is shit.
Oh yeah, that's the other thing. A response of "thinking that crunch time is bad just means you don't have a job".
It still fails to address the idea that working for 60+ hours per week is worse than working 40 hours per week.
Maybe you should stop caring about stupid trivial shit and just not play them?
turn based jrpgs are boring and would be better as either action games or tactics games. This is excluded the few that are already tactics games of course
Sun is absolutely fine in an "emerging" Cyberpunk world
As long as games have been capable of having stories, games have had politics.
Go back to tetris.
>your average /pol/redditurd
>vote with your wallet
because that's working
Honestly, no. Modern gaming is obsessed with becoming a new platform medium and it's no surprise that the people who actually play video games have a problem with that.
That it's so unsubtle and hammy is another complaint. Politics have a place in plotlines. When you simply attempt to paint one side or the other with your preferred color though, it's insulting on top of a waste of money; and the only available avenue of discussion is social media.
I think all FEAR games are good with an ever expanding interesting story and want FE4R
Nothing inherently wrong with Discord
Nothing inherently wrong with LGBT
Any thread that is started with just a Twitter screenshot shouldn't be allowed
Pepe and wojack edits are dreadful reddit cancer
Games don't need to be really complicated to be considered good
Puzzle games are worth full price and if you can't pay at least $30 for a puzzle just just because it's a puzzle game, you're a total faggot.
>as long as games have stories
Found the problem. Stop having stories in games period. I'm playing a game, not watching a movie.
I'm talking about devs shoving real world diversity and lgbtqbraaap politics in my face. I don't need forced deluded shite in my off time thanks
>just don't care
I genuinely hope nothing you enjoy gets infested.
A game's artstyle and music are just important as gameplay to making a game fun.
While I understand that perspective, I feel like it does artificially limit the potential of video games as a media.
I'm a full-blown tankie. I just like coming here because of the exact same reasons why nazis like coming here.
Black characters simply existing in a game doesn't bother me in the slightest.
>A response of "thinking that crunch time is bad just means you don't have a job"
I didn't say that, all I said is that you're ignorant of the inevitabilties when it comes to projects and time management because you don't have a job involving projects of an applicable scale
>but working overtime sucks :( its not good :(
Uhh yeah welcome to reality dude people have been saying this exact thing for hundreds of years
Wow, I feel redpilled.
It's easier to represent race without putting the topical characters in.
It's unfortunate that we would have less "interactive cinematic experiences" but I believe the sacrifice would be worth it.
I wouldn't say they contribute to the fun factor but they definitely enhance the overall experience
Zelda is at best kind of okay
The open world aspects of GTA are the weakest part
The best part about being a leftie on Yea Forums is watching Yea Forumsirgins vehemently defend unhealthy work environments to own the libtards.
Blacks can be cool I don’t anything that isn’t negative about Jews though
Fuck off nigger
Maybe it's worth delaying projects in order to give better working conditions to employees.
Not him, but I feel that potential is a moot point unless you want for video games to become something other than video games as a whole. Arguably it's already happened, and that's why so many are frothing at it, but then how many times do you hear "vidya is shit now, industry collapse when?" Vidya doesn't tell good stories. There are exceptions, but that's what they are.
I mean, ffs. Look at death's stranding. A non kojima sucking look. This is the future.
Contrarian shitposting has gone far around we've reached the point a bunch of posters unironically think religion is good or christian ideals are important. It's hilarious how far it's all gone.
I dunno about the best but it's definitely one of the better 3D Zeldas and the autism against the wolf sections are way overblown. The criticism of the slow start is valid but I never personally minded.
I love Saints Row 3 to death despite its faults
Whoa hey now, don't bring basic logic and common sense into this.
Less David Cage games would be good, but I do feel that there is a good middle ground between narrative and gameplay. Zelda games would be a good example, especially Majora's Mask, where the 3 day mechanic is a cool way to marry story and gameplay.
The Xbox gamepass is actually worth the money and gives you a reason to play games you wouldn't normally bother with.
>Yea Forums
>Good places to talk
Fuck off cancer
XB2 isn't just a cringy anime game with a lot of fan service.
Rainbow Six Siege is the most dogshit 'competitive' game I've ever played. Full of hackers/recoil macros. Some of the worst netcode and hit reg I've ever seen. Constantly bugged characters since their launch (hibana pellets not exploding). Getting shot through bulletproof walls. Ranks mean absolutely nothing because you can just queue with copper smurfs to lower your rank average and dominate. Shitty maps with no way to filter them out. Unbalanced operators both overpowered and completely useless which don't get fixed for months, or even ever (le chanka meme xD). Finally one of the most cancerous communities I've ever seen, I don't care about text or voice chat but team killing and trolling is unpunished completely and happens so regularly.
To say nigger?
I don't like Rules of Nature.
That said, it gets stuck in my head sometimes, and I want to listen to it. Then when I do I'm reminded how much I dislike that type of music. It's a never ending loop of suffering.
Half Life 2 is overrated garbage
Vaguely agree. Not sure they're AS important but it's right up there with gameplay.
Dead Space 3 was fun
>Genesis had better games than the SNES
DMC series and Bayonetta are shit games
Prime example of form over substance.
Hi, I'm one of those. I've been a fedora socialist atheist up until occupy wall street fell apart, at which point I realised that the left will just keep cannibalising itself for pretend victims for my foreseeable future. But I found purpose in christianity and living a moral life instead. I envy the kind of conservatives who never had to break out of their bubble.
I think the industry is still figuring out how to organically mix story and gameplay even if it has been done successfully in the past. The "storytelling experience" type things are just growing pains.
So he refutes your dumb statement with basic common sense and your retort is to just link back to your dumb statement?
Brilliant tactical move. Playing 5D chess.
>Post your opinions that get you a Senran Kagura thread on Yea Forums.
They don't have to be inevitabilities is my point.
Color Splash is my most favorite Paper Mario game. I completed 64 but gave up mid-way through the Thousand-Year Door as a teenager because it was too tedious.
Damn straight
Worse part you can’t just delete the board now
It’ll just turn a board like Yea Forums into /pol2.0/
Personally I’d word filter just about every political term
James Madison
Micheal Vick
And so on
Battlefield 1 is a good Game
If you are conservative, how can you justify morality with the conservative stance on climate change?
kh3 is easily the best in the series after crit
And so is Zelda Botw
>quick time events
>cutscenes everywhere
>cinematic action finishers where you press a button and the game plays itself for the majority of it. Torture attacks, for example
Cant believe THIS little cherry picked gem just slipped right past.
>sex appeal makes a bad character trait
You have the option to not play games with any sexual content if it makes you uncomfortable. You have every right to prefer a pure, sterile gaming experience but this is very telling of your personalty.
It's kinda hard to find value in christianity when your IQ is above double digits i'm afraid. Good for you though.
Shemale > futanari. Also, traps are gay.
delete /pol/
dmc only has the second
Gamer gate and /pol/ literally ruined this entire site beyond repair. It would be a dream for hiro and mods to take a hard stance and just filter everything to cut down on the immense shitposting that plagues every board but it will never happen.
Nothing you can do but mourn. Yea Forums is kill.
Skyward Sword has the best combat in the series.
I don't like censored tits but I'm glad they are separating sex from games game since fan service prevents people from viewing the game objectively.
>Buying a video game to not play a game
Then go back to Netflix nigger
Video games are about being a video GAME
>Spics can easily find 20 men to violate someones daughter
Why did we let them in bros?
I think all saints rows are garbage. a game series whose whole concept seems to be "fucking around in gta is fun, but it isn't WACKY enough"
Wow you really haven't played them have you? You maybe played bayo 1.
FFXIII was a pretty fun game and was infinitely better than the unfinished mess that was FFXV.
Anita Sarkeesian raised some valid points in the videos she made.
Yea Forums discourages independent thought far more than its users assume.
>You have every right to prefer a pure, sterile gaming experience but this is very telling of your personalty.
Yes, it's indicative of my low tolerance of gimmicks and games that rely on them. I'm sorry, am I supposed to be a sub-IQ brainlet who thinks with his dick and buys yearly rehashes of Dead or Alive and Senran Kagura, all because they have tits?
What's not to get? People have been asking for more time for hundreds of years. It's just the nature of project management that unexpected events slow you down (investor pressure reducing deadlines, third party resources coming in slow, unexpected difficulty in certain tasks), at which point it's up to the manager to make a choice. Does he work his crew harder to keep up with the deadline, or does he break investor promises, budget constraints, advantageous release windows and contractual obligations to extend the time?
You sound like a fucking stoner with your basic as fuck '''fixes''' to problems that are grounded in ignorance to the bigger picture
>dude what if houses were like, free, man? there'd be no more homeless dudes
I think there's value in Saints Row 2 as a legitimate answer to GTA. The Brotherhood storyline with the escalating retaliations is extremely engaging and entertaining
I can't, it's retarded. To see good people manipulated by bought and paid disinformation is disheartening, but you can find great conservative support for breaking apart "fake news". I'm hoping someone manages to turn the narrative around on it eventually. There are also conservative climate action groups, look it up.
In my opinion you can't call yourself conservative if you can't conserve your own fucking planet.
Jordan Peterson did a good job explaining that one.
Such as:
>I just like coming here because of the exact same reasons why nazis like coming here.
Because you are both fundamentally nihilists who escape from life's perceived meaninglessness by delving into video games?
If I ever become rich enough to buy Yea Forums things would change overnight
I’d probably have a hard drop off in popularity filter out all the cancer that retards enjoy but god damn it would things actually improve
I love both Japanese and American games.
I think Rockstar games fucking suck. The formula got old between Vice city and San Andreas.
>Jordan Peterson
I agree with you user.
>It's possible to enjoy a piece of media while still recognizing the more pernicious aspects of the work
Another YouTuber put it this way: loving something unconditionally doesn't mean you love it more, it just means you love it sadder
Isn't that the general consensus?
I unironically think that Half Life 2 is the best video game ever made, and that no title has even come close to it since it's release in 2004. Almost every aspect of the game is oozing with love and perfection.
Easy Allies has the best taste
It is a legitimate problem that employees are the ones that suffer from overwork due to all of these external factors of investors, budget, and release windows. The people on top get to overwork the people under them at no consequence
I don't hate Games for Windows LIVE.
>doesn't provide an argument for their position
Somebody pointed out that the gunplay itself is fairly mediocre. What Half-Life 2 does so well is the masterful pacing. No sequence overstays its welcome and every section of the game provides unique mechanics and moods
What if you didn't have arbitrary deadlines on a project when there is no practical reason for them to exist?
Whoaaaaaa far out man who could imagine something so obvious?
It's fucking stupid and you're stupid for not understand such a basic principle. Games don't need to be churned out on a deadline nobody gives a fuck except money greedy investors/business men, but apparently the concept of making a bigger profit for a better product is foreign to them.
Look at rockstar, they take forever to make their games but the games always come out incredibly polished and well done, all of their games are masterpieces in their own rights. All of their games are extremely financially successful . If more companies took a rockstar approach of taking your time for a better product instead of churning out trash that's a complete gamble, you'd make more money in the long run.
This but unironically and with less unsightly realism.
Sadly no, there are definitely more people on Yea Forums that rant about SJWs and politics (minorities and women) in video games than not.
Do you really need an argument about that meme Jew?
Get out. Your kind doesn't belong here
The design changes in MK11 never bothered me, I didn't see the big deal that Yea Forums was having breathing problems over.
If you don't like him, you can go straight back to Jung instead.
there's nothing wrong with being a contrarian
Literally who?
based and truthpilled
This is a fact though, not an opinion
Not him, but Jordan Peterson uses the whole concept of self-help as a trojan horse to push bad faith conservative ideals. Those ideals mostly being that the entirety of the modern left is an amoral unified force that exists to plunge Western civilization into a degenerate orgy.
He pushes his followers to fear societal progression and communities that only have a demand of "we just want to be treated equally".
That being said, someone has to whip the disillusioned white guys into shape, just wish it was someone else.
>dude what if investors just gave developers more time and money out of the goodness of their hearts
>dude what if they made the financial year 13 months to give accountants more time to close the books
>dude what if the other branches waiting on my project just sit on their hands for a few more weeks waiting for me to hurry up and finish my part?
Hey here's one you'll get
>dude what if they paid everyone at McDonalds an extra hour so we wouldn't have to rush to clean the equipment and count the till after close?
>It is a legitimate problem
Yes. Unless you're clairvoyant, project management is hard
>arbitrary deadlines
Lmao right okay guy. Money just falls from the sky and contractual obligations are a meme
>who gives a fuck about investors, greedy capitalist dogs!
why cant game development be like, free, man? salaries, overhead, development costs and licensing costs are just like, numbers man, it's arbitrary
Anything sonic related
Genesis games are great, 3d was shit tier until Unleashed, Colors & generations
Are you trying to tell me people argue against this fact?
But that's correct.
Black people are okay, jews need to be gassed.
Carl Jung, founder of analytical psychology. His ideas about symbols, the collective unconscious, archetypes, complexes and the shadow have been an inspiration to JP, and because he's too far removed from our time you have no reason to hate him. It'll expand your worldview on the psychology of spiritual people, if you'd like that.
wholesome and nicepilled
Dang you are even more retarded than i thought.
this, if TWT101 was released on other consoles there wouldn't be nearly as much buzz about how good it was. Same thing with TvC
That depends on if you actually hold and believe differing opinions from the norm and have good reasoning.
If you're contrarian just for the sake of being a hipster, then you're very likely an insufferable faggot.
Undertale was great
easy mode, yes I'm a casual
Yea Forums holds onto a mythical "golden age" of video gaming untainted by SJWs and feminism that never existed and if you asked them what time that golden age was it will be around their formative childhood years. Yea Forums misplaces their growing dissatisfaction with video games that stems from the simple fact of growing up and becoming more cynical and jaded as an explicit external deliberate attack on video games. The constant cycle of shitting on video games that occurs here accelerates this process, and soon you become convinced it's humiliating to even genuinely, unironically like a video game. This place is bad for you, you know it's bad for you, but it's an addiction now and you can't stop
>Nier Automata has an overcomplicated story
>Crash 1 is complete dogshit in comparison to 2 and 3
>Persona 3 is annoying as fuck to play and overall not worth it
>Overwatch is fun
>Undertale is one of the best games of all time
>The Dualshock 4 has the best Dpad of all time
>Brawl is the best Smash Bros game
>KH DDD is better than KH BBS
>Gabriel is better than Satania
Well, no not really. I don't agree with everything he says but but his work seems to speak for itself. He's not the second coming like a lot of people would like him to be but he is a very intelligent mid tier professor. His videos on human behavior and religion are crazy awesome.
He can be a bit of a blowhard from time to time though, but I've never met a professor that wasn't.
>They are contrarian faggots who dedicate their lives to crying about genuinely good games that people like
>I didn't play God Hand, I just hate it cause Yea Forums likes it
I don't buy a game unless it has BOTH single player and multiplayer.
I need single player for set dressing and to give context to the things I"m doing that help me get invested. And I need multiplayer that I can play continously since I don't have much money and can't buy that many games but also I want to play with my friends online.
This is a fact, stop falseflagging yourself
>t. the guy who forgot that "Gamers Are Dead"
Putting "we just want to be treated equally" in quotes shows you have very little understanding of exactly why people like Peterson exist.
You didn't list any valid points.
I get it, sometimes things don't work out. I'm saying that as a consumer, I would rather projects be delayed if it means that employees have better working conditions.
I understand that it's difficult. You don't have to keep using the bad faith mcdonalds analogies.
I think MK11's rendition of Kitana is the best look for her in the entire series.
Resident Evil 4 is the best in the series, though I greatly prefer the classic style
/pol/ posters love to pretend that /pol/ is a staple of the site and things were always this way. Kinda makes it obvious how new they are.
Edginess and cruelty are really only shallow pleasures derived from the same way that the human mind enjoys violence. We want to be loved but we're so scared of being hurt that we destroy any points of vulnerability to the point where we don't feel anything at all
Pop culture touchstone status has completely ruined Rockstar as a studio desu. Nothing but the same shitty shooting gallery missions built around awful inertia-based movement and soft-lock mechanics for over a decade now.
Because it is. Don't take Yea Forums """opinions""" of MK11 seriously, i have never seen a criticism other than "they're wearing real clothes and i don't like it"
There are such things a too big of breasts.
Ratchet & Clank 2016 was a good game.
Have you read the "Gamers are Dead" article? The main thrust of it was that video games have become mainstream enough that consumers exist that aren't just part of the "core gamers" group.
Being trans is objectively, by the actual definition of the word, not a delusion. Furthermore, transitioning (medically, socially, or through therapeutic support from a gender-affirming doctor) significantly increases the quality of life for said transgender individuals. The idea that undergoing hormones leads to suicide by 30 is nothing but literal (literal) right-wing propaganda with no basis in reality.
Video games don't 'age' the way people say they do. If they were good then, they're good now. People are what changed, not the games. It's incorrect to use the terminology to imply that an older game was good then but sucks now when it's the other side of the equation(the player) that is different now than then.
We 'aged'.
Oh yeah also gamergate ruined this entire site and became the bed-rock for the alt-right that would seduce all disaffected white guys
I dunno, her face looks mighty off, especially with those huge ass nostrils. And her MK9 voice actor was honestly better.
Really? I've dropped it like 4 times. Usually around the boat part. It's just so dull.
Actually I used quotes because quotes indicate a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker.
Gender dysphoria is objectively a mental disorder
I like stupid games with big fat titties on cute girls because sometimes I just want to not be a pretentious piece of shit and de-stress
Her nose is pretty bad but that's the only bad thing about her and that is only an issue if you want to use her maskless. If you keep a mask on she is by far the best looking Kitana we've had.
WipEOut has always been better than F-Zero.
Right. As a consumer, I'd also like it if everything was 10/10 and free, but the reality is that most developers don't fund their own games, publishers (investors) do. I also wish my house was free, and food too
Don't call yourself socialist if you haven't unironically accepted Juche
>If you keep a mask on she is by far the best looking Kitana we've had.
I can agree with that at least. It's hilarious how good the cast looks with masks on, but then you get shit like Frost's face.
You're not entitled to lootboxes and p2w microtransactions. "Don't like it don't buy it" is empty rhetoric used to squash criticsm of shitty practices while ignoring the fact that it only takes a few whales to make these practices viable. And if you're buying these games, you are rightfully entitled.
You can't falsely equate delaying a release date to perfect games, free games, free houses, and free food.
Kill yourself, tranny. Fourty percent.
What's the meaning of the donut there?
I did, but that's not the point. The point is that there absolutely was a split around the time those articles were published, between game journalists/developers and core gamers. To pretend there hasn't been a change of "age" between pre-gamergate videogame culture and post-gamergate videogame culture is disingenuous. And also yes, you're allowed to like one more than the other.
this but unironically
Gears of War Judgement is a alright game
five years on and you people still don't get the point of that fucking article. The "hitpiece" on gamers was all about separating the loaded label "gamers" from people who just play games. The whole point was that "gamers" who built their identity around playing video games had fostered a community of racism and sexism and homophobia, but that they were only a vocal minority of the consumerbase that was given undue preferential treatment. So fuck you, you don't represent the consumers, you represent the worst aspects of "gamer" culture. I hope one day you will realise that enjoying video games and being a reactionary cunt are two entirely unrelated things
>You're not entitled to lootboxes and p2w microtransactions
what does this mean exactly
>"Don't like it don't buy it" is empty rhetoric used to squash criticsm of shitty practices while ignoring the fact that it only takes a few whales to make these practices viable
no, it's literally what it says
also you complaining about it being viable implies that you believe that you are entitled to games without them
>And if you're buying these games, you are rightfully entitled.
no, you're entitled to what you buy and you're given clear information on what you're buying beforehand
Frost is ugly as fuck i will never use her maskless because of that terrible face. Kitana maskless i can deal with it's not terrible but she does look better with a mask on.
Skarlet and Jade both look great without a mask though. Skarlet in particular is absolutely incredible. She has a great face and those thick ruby red dick sucking lips are to die for.
Unpopular opinion threads are only good for practice shitposting and trying out bait to see if they're worth making a dedicated thread for
I don't understand why people who want to make porn threads just go to /e/, /h/, /aco/, /d/, or /trash/
What didn't you understand about ? Perfect games are great, but sometimes the cost-benefit analysis points towards an early release that can be patched later. And that's even if time+money = better; I wish every game could be a Rockstar game, but sometimes they turn into FFXV or Star Citizen games
Like imagine the benefit of a few months of patching over missing the Christmas release window, getting fined for breaking contract, losing investor confidence (and thus reducing your chances of getting another game developed), and so on. Sometimes it's not worth it
But we have changed how we have done UI, hotkeys, mechanics, graphics in pretty much every game across the whole industry, and you can usually tie those changes to specific years. In that way, some games have "older" elements compared to others, so they "age".
I legitimately think that Chrono Trigger is way too overhyped and isn’t that good.
I think Yea Forums needs a better hobby than shitposting
Yeah you're right, at that time there absolutely was a split. My issue with what Gamergate did to video game culture is that a significant amount of people within the gamer community were swindled into becoming or joining the alt-right because of people who hijacked Gamergate
Also, phantom hourglass is almost as good as LTTP
graphics are extremely important.
>Mirror's Edge Catalyst is better than the original.
I'm a huge fan of the first game and I dislike Catalyst like most of this board. Can you explain why you like it? I think Catalyst does a few things better than the original but the first game is so much more unique and fun to play. I'm genuinely interested in your opinon, not trying to bait.
Fallout 4 is way better than 3, and about as good as new vegas.
Skyrim > Morrowind > Oblivion.
I play both Alliance and horde.
The switch is the only good console on the market right now.
I bought a GPD win 2 for $900 and don't regret it.
Disk Drives in PCs aren't dead, and I will make sure of it.
I love the steam controller, and I use it with Gyro aiming for FPS games all the time.
I don't notice a quality drop when using Bluetooth headphones
I prefer 2d Mario to 3D.
I think a more fit samus is much hotter than Other M samus.
I play Bedrock Edition Minecraft more than Java because of cross play servers.
A solid color scheme is better than pulsing RGB in a PC.
Breath of the wild is still the best game ever made (not unpopular over all, but controversial on Yea Forums)
And I like Zelda's Posh British accent. She's a princess remember.
Five Nights at freddy's is a good series, and I still enjoy a lot of the fan music.
Undertale is god tier.
I like how Samus is in both categories, she's only good when she's in her armor
Calling Star Citizen a game is pretty generous. It's more of a spaceship purchasing simulator.
It just sucks that the people who benefit the most from developer crunch time and the people who are actually experiencing developer crunch time are two separate groups.
I know exactly two (2(II)) Jewish people, one is really cool, friendly, and funny as hell, the other is a less cool guy, who is obnoxious, loud, lazy and unironically racist towards every living thing that isn't jewish. Dude 2 was in the army or whatever, so I'm not sure if that has something to do with his dickishness or what.
But anyway from my experience, at least half of the world's Jews are cool dudes
Not him but I think the movement is vastly improved in catalyst. The setting and more grounded nature of the original I loved and wish they kept but the running in the parts that worked and the levels that weren't fucking open world messes was astounding in catalyst.
I'd pay full $60 for a remaster of the original with the system of catalyst, full stop
base mods putting trannies in their place.
This is a nuclear take, what about Chrono Trigger do you dislike?
basically, i think the general rule of thumb is: if someone REALLY wants the blood that’s inside of your body, and they’re like… a vampire, or a dracula, or some sort of mansquito, then that’s probably okay. a dracula and a mansquito are made for removing things like blood and swords from inside your body. that’s basically fine.
if something wants to get at your blood, and they’re, say, some kind of murdersaurus, or maybe a really big frog, that’s where the problems start to arise. a really frog is not made for removing blood, and your blood knows this, which is why it is so vehement about wanting to stay IN your body instead of coming out.
unfortunately this will not deter a really big frog, because a really big frog is full of things like prizes, and value, and quite a lot of hatred, and it would REALLY rather like to replace any and all of those things with your blood, and basically by any means possible.
I liked The Surge, especially for the design, setting and for it being an improvement from LoTF, which was an actual bootled souls. I'm glad they are making a seauel despite a huge amount of people thrashing it for being buggy and janky.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R SoC is mostly a meme game for slavaboos who like some fantasy caricature imagery of Russia/Ukraine and consider it mysterious, quirky and exotic, similar to weebs and japanese media.
>that exact same image
What image would that be?
That's not really contrarian, just highly contested among different contingents of the RE fanbase.
What gets you shit on on Yea Forums is unironically calling REmake 2 "demake". And deservedly so.
Fallout 4 is the best Fallout game
>inb4 pasta
lol, didn't read
Fire Emblem 7 is the best strategy game ever made.
Gameplay-wise, it is. Story-wise, no.
Being a reactionary cunt was called being a regular cunt before that. Regular cunt who called people niggers in a cod lobby together with 7 other autists, and no consequences. I miss it. You don't. In any case the pre- and post- age exist, and while the attack may not have been external, it happened. Case closed.
I don't even know what to think of that. Part of me is pleased to see so many people appreciate the same -ist -phobic culture I've inhabited and enjoyed for so many years, at the same time it doesn't seem to make good policy, doesn't it.
8ch is better
>Prototype 2 is better than Prototype
>Just Cause 3 is better than 2
>I'd prefer if games like Sekiro had an easy mode, even though I'd never play that way. It would be nice for more people to be able and willing to play the game, even if they're not getting the full experience.
Yes, it sucks. But if you're working for money, you're beholden to the person paying you money - that's capitalism for you.
Boomers shouldn't shame people for not wanting to play 10-20 year old pieces of shit that barely work on new hardware
if by better you mean way slower and filled with a lot more weeb elitist PCmustard snobs, then I guess yea it is
I do think that the game has great production values and that the game has aged quite well but the writing and gameplay felt too basic for my liking. I can recognize that it’s a great game but it’s just not my thing.
PC gamers are the biggest casuals excluding mobile shit.
Console gamers are the biggest casuals excluding mobile shit.
>Prototype 2 is better than Prototype
Haha gross
You defending it implies that you believe that you are entitled to games with lootboxes just because a small minority (whales) support it.
"Don't like it don't buy it" is empty rhetoric used to squash criticism of shitty practices. If it was meant to be taken literally at face value then people wouldn't be called "entitled" for following through and refusing to buy games because of things they don't like about it. Super Mario Maker 2's online implementation is a case example.
Making money from lootboxes relies on people having unclear and imperfect information on what they're getting, more often than not you're not even given info about their rates. The idea that people buying games are somehow wrongfully "entitled" for criticizing or complaining about them is asinine.
Not sure if best but heavily underrated, it has a ton of soul that no one ever appreciates
Pokemon Colloseum is much more fun, challenging, and is an overall superior game to Gale of Darkness in every way other than pokemon purification.
You defending it implies that you believe that you are entitled to games with lootboxes just because a small minority (whales) support it.
"Don't like it don't buy it" is empty rhetoric used to squash criticism of shitty practices. If it was meant to be taken literally at face value then people wouldn't be called "entitled" for following through and refusing to buy games because of things they don't like about it. Super Mario Maker 2's online implementation is a case example.
It literally means "stop criticizing video games and their company's practices"
Making money from lootboxes relies on people having unclear and imperfect information on what they're getting, more often than not you're not even given info about their rates. The idea that people buying games are somehow wrongfully "entitled" for criticizing or complaining about them is asinine.
>No Man's Sky is a good game, and it always nailed the original vision of old school science fiction even on it's terrible release. It's a lot better now, but at the expense of it's unique art direction.
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines is dated and bland.
>Metal Gear Solid is still the best in the series despite 2, and 3 is still the most fun of the series.
>JRPGs are all the same, and I don't give a fuck about Sony "censoring" your fucking anime games. Order a Japanese copy if you want it so bad.
That's why capitalism sucks
Dark Souls as a game, series, and fandom is pretty god damn terrible and the only people shill it so hard is because they think playing it makes them manly, or "good" at shitty adventure/horror gamea.
Discounting everything behind the dudebro normalfags, PC users are generally fucking casuals and have shit tastes.
I like Persona 4 the most.
I like Dark Souls 2 the most.
JoJo Part 4 is the best part.
SMT IVA plot was good but the pacing was too fucking fast for the story they wanted to do.
Around 2016 I came over seeking Vidya enlightenment. I got the recommendations and completed all of them
Gothic 2
Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Dark Souls
Planescape Torment
There's only one game on this list that was good to play. Yea Forums bamboozled me and I regret coming to this shitty board and I only completed this list to spite the original faggots who thought these clunky ass boomer-core games have good gameplay. This board is a bunch of jaded people who have been playing this crap for 20+ years what their favorites are, which is how they gave me this sort of list. It's like going to Yea Forums and getting a bunch of slow, classic arthouse movies
All From Software games are boring as shit and ugly as hell. Sekiro being the worst. I’ll give bloodborne props for creativity but it’s so drab and same-y so fuck it. Dark Souls is shit too
My issue with lootboxes is that the games using them design unlocks in such a way that you literally could not unlock all the content even if you played nonstop for YEARS. That is predatory bullshit. They don't even offer in-game currency at a sufficient drop rate so you can buy any of them unless you're sinking hundreds of hours in--and then it's a gamble if you get currency at all. Biggest example is Overwatch. You literally CAN'T get the majority of content in game without excessive playing, and even if you sit down and purchase crate after crate, you're getting constant repeats of what you already have.
Couple that with the marketing of every event as "time-limited unlockable items," you would not be able to unlock all these items from gameplay alone. They use that to encourage people to buy the crates. You can't even buy the in game currency, which if I could I would just buy THAT.
>leaving out the best game
Persons 4 is the best persona game by far. 5 had terrible writing throughout and 3s gameplay was maddening. I don’t believe that anyone would genuinely prefer either of those to 4, they just want to seem unique
>weeb elitist PCmustard snobs
lol what a retard
I've played and enjoyed both Terarria and Starbound, but find the latter to be much more enjoyable overall.
Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2 are the best CRPG of the last decade. D:OS2 and Pathfinder are honorable mentions, but its obvious to anyone with a clue that they have inferior writing; less tight, less ambitious, and less mature. And in the case of Pathfinder a distinct aftertaste of eastern european jank.
t. weeb elitist PCmustard snob casuals
I enjoyed other m more than super metroid
The switch is the best console this gen because every title on it is a fun game, not a cinematic experience that has you hold the analog stick forward throughout unskippable dialogue. The fans are actual basedboys though
I remember hearing that Overwatch got rid of the possibility of repeats in loot crates, but I'm not certain.
Im a Sly Cooper mega fan, but sly 1 was my favorite of all time.
spore was fantastic
doom 2016 was better than doom 2
jannies are cool but mods and hiro are massive faggots
botw was boring
this but conditionally. blacks that don't act like obnoxious apes are pretty cool and jews that don't whine about everything are ok.
Doom is very fun to play with mouselook, engine upgrades and some fun WADs. Brutaldoom is fun.
I am actually with you on most of those though, and I'm 30. Most old FPS-CRPGs for PC are just not fun for me, even when I tried them when they first came out.
I wish you had any idea how retarded you sound, but you're about 20 IQ short of any sort of metacognitive awareness.
What it like to go through life confused by everything? Don't bother answering, nothing you could possibly say would be worth reading by anyone, ever.
For skins only, I think. However, they still stuff the crates with repeat voice lines, stickers, emotes, etc. Instead of just offering you shit you don't have.
Truth hurts, triggered fagboi. Go back to 8ch
Truth hurts, triggered fagboi. Go back to 8ch
Nier Automata is one of my favorite games and I still agree with you on the combat.
Kirby franchise is for brainlets.
Gen 4 of pokemon, particularly Platinum, is the crown jewel of pokemon games
it's the easiest FE though. If you like it for the story/characters then I guess
2B was a pretty good character the ass was just a nice bonus.
xb2 is really good as a JRPG outside of the narrative lol
faggots who say this didn't play it nearly enough.
>actually responding to ACfag
You have only yourselves to blame.
dude sneed lmao
>You defending it implies that you believe that you are entitled to games with lootboxes just because a small minority (whales) support it.
No, it implies I believe in the freedom of the developers.
And why are you entitled to that content?
inb4 I paid for it, no you paid for the game.
If the intent here is to follow a Soulsian “hard is good” philosophy and apply it to the survival genre, this is misplaced. Souls games are about reaction, movement, and practice. You can’t practice finding a piece of bread. If the intent is only to keep the player feeling oppressed, strapped for time, exhausted, hungry and weary, well, that doesn’t mean I won’t also resent having to spend so much time doing the most boring species of meter-management in what could have been a captivating mystery.
Hunger is the worst offender. You can enter abandoned houses and loot them, or even burglarise “healthy” houses. But there’s never any food in the kitchens. There are abandoned houses and free beds everywhere, but you can only sleep in some of them. Put all this together with the samey character models and the clumsy combat, and Pathologic 2 starts to feel less like an interesting failure and more like a budget Skyrim.
Go and tell your carer you've had enough internet for the day and you're getting over-stimulated.
Arena shooters are not objectively great, they can be fun but there was a glut of them before the glut of tacticool shooters.
Half Life 2's gameplay is pretty awful and so is the story. What was great is the source engine.
I don't like /pol/ outside of /pol/ but I give them a tiny bit more leeway because I know they were a reaction to social justice faggotry. Without that nonsense /pol/ism would never have taken off outside of /pol/ the same way /new/ didn't infect anywhere else. This isn't to say I excuse /pol/ism because it's fucking sad you can't have some topics on any board or they get invaded by them. I just understand why the knee-jerk reactions took place and I also understand the fear of other boards becoming like Yea Forums.
TWEWY is one of SE's worst works.
it's a really solid game
BOTW is a good game but only worth playing through once.
3D Zelda games are great, the 2D games are boring. Same for Mario
Bayonetta, God Hand, and Nier Automata are crap
DMC and Deus Ex 1 have aged poorly and are vastly inferior to their sequels
Doom 2016 is the only good entry in the franchise
People rightly shit on the females in MK11 for looking bad but it's version of Cassie Cage is genuinely adorable
Rockstar has produced nothing but garbage since San Andreas.
What games need is a better ability to write characters that are interesting and not just walking labels. The only people that believe this are insecure and are just looking for confirmation for their lifestyle.
I'm and the other guy is just a literal retard who repeats what I say trying to mock me like a grade-school child
>inb4 I paid for it, no you paid for the game.
Which has the content, dumbass. You're literally saying people who buy games are not entitled to their content.
>worse than XV
>worse than Quiet Man
>worse than Dirge of Cerberus
>worse than 3rd Birthday
>worse than FF All the Bravest
Yeah, nah.
In terms of what I look for in a game, story is equal to gameplay. I can’t play a game with a shit story and I can’t play a game with shit gameplay. I need both, and it’s too hard to find.
The god hand v party babies review
I don't think the intent was to make the game hard to win, it was to create an atmosphere of existential dread, and to juxtapose the low level survival needs with high level concerns about public health and shit. Thinking about the nature of reality while looking for ways to pay for your food tomorrow is a very slavic theme, and pathologic pulls it off nicely.
No it doesn't, because the decision to implement lootboxes is made by the publisher, not the dev in the vast majority of cases. So what you really believe in is the freedom for game companies to implement exploitative predatory buisness practices unopposed.
How come the SILLY argument in these edits seem like they never ever happened?
I felt the same about BOTW until I gave it some time and went back for a replay after months, it is still wonderful to play even on master mode with all of its flaws. Don't agree with you on Nier Automata. But I just like the existentialist themes and fap bait over the game play.
Didn't play Quiet Man, Dirge of Cerberus, or All the Bravest, but yeah, I would put it below XV and 3rd Birthday.
The Uncharted games are actually good, fluid third-person shooters that allow for run-and-gun and flanking. They're only behind Max Payne 3 as far as TPSes go
I delete my own posts to make people think I was swept up by janitors
TWEWY is better simply by being a competed game on release and not having to make up for its shortcomings with DLC and patches. It also didn’t kill a franchise at that.
Skyrim is a perfect game
Are gameplayfags the Vegans of the video game industry?
For me to poop on.
>Which has the content, dumbass.
It doesn't unless you unlock them.
>You're literally saying people who buy games are not entitled to their content.
Indeed, because a system like that clearly implies that the content is not ''theirs'' until unlocked.
And yes, freedom entails that.
user, there’s a difference between being controversial and being a faggot.
>It also didn’t kill a franchise at that.
Wheres TWEWY2?
Even broken unfinished games are better.
Yea Forums has so many waifufags that now I browse /trash/ and /d/ more than Yea Forums within the last month or so.
>implying a standalone game that ended on its own terms even needs a sequel
>implying that a broken ass game like XV is even better
Imagine being being this contrarian.
The only Mario platformer I have ever beat is the original Super Mario Bros and that's only because I was a kid and had infinite time and had yet to gain access to the Internet. I have never beaten a Zelda game. Or a Metroid game.
Most first party Nintendo games fail to hold my interest.
If the difference between developers and publishers is semantics then "Freedom of developers" is a meaningless statement. Game companies don't have unlimited freedom to sell looboxes without any pushback.
I think DS2 is the best souls game. I have a lot of fond memories of progression and the covenants were good, plus I liked how branched out everything felt. Best covenants by far of any of the Souls games, it's crazy they did away with them for 3. Lot of fond memories like Ruin Sents (most graceful feeling fight in the whole series for me), Smelter Demon (speaks for itself), and even Royal Rat Vanguard (many people say this is their least favorite fight in the whole series which surprises me). I do realize the game has many imperfections but all the Souls games do.
Sadly this opinion is mostly used to start troll threads.
I honestly don't know what you expected.
You're definitely spare parts dude, don't know where to begin.
Taking advice about what to play from Yea Forums?
Did you want to better identify with some Yea Forums consensus about a series of video games when Yea Forums is a divided board full of autists of many ages each influenced by games in different ways?
Outside of story analysis and for lack of better words 'game theming', why dip into boomer games when given the current technology fucking flattens what's video games could even be in 1999? I find it hard to believe anyone can really appreciate what was possible given huge technical limitations for a game like Planescape in 2016. In a lot of cases those huge limitations make a game far more charming in a sea of other 'limited' games, not to say everyone just subsided with this idea that gameplay was going to be subpar until technology improved- boomers had to actually like playing the game to finish it, I assume. However in a sea of modern day games with their varied level of mechanical, technical, and artistic polish, I doubt the perspective of 'a good game especially for it's time' is one captured by an user playing old as games in 2016.
Still assuming this extraordinary shitpost just stole some of my life from me, but if you're honest user some of those game's story at the very least had to hit home in some spots. I at the very least am wildly impressed with what some games can do with their stories.
Making threads about lootbox games/companies that aren't bashing them should be banworthy.
Unless its intertwined into the story and doesn't come off as forced "TRANS RIGHTS TRANS RIGHTS TRANS RIGHTS" crap politics shouldn't be so embedded into video games.
I like Pokemon Sun more than most modern handheld games because it was nice and comfy to play while high.
>because a system like that clearly implies that the content is not ''theirs'' until unlocked.
No it doesn't retard.
>It doesn't unless you unlock them.
By playing the game you idiot.
Your argument falls apart when the means of "unlocking" content is by paying real world money and not just playing the game. You're still entitled to content of games you buy even if you play to unlock them.
The switch is not a handheld. Just because you can hold something in your hands doesn't make it a handheld.
Video games will never be good ever again because the industry is too big. Too much money involved now. People are only here for greed, not to make video games.
>Game companies don't have unlimited freedom to sell looboxes without any pushback.
well apparently not, but they should
Whatever you say.
>Your argument falls apart when the means of "unlocking" content is by paying real world money and not just playing the game.
Why would it? By your logic you should be entitled to the content even without playing.
Mass market releases - yeah. But AA and indies are made by the people who enjoyed the same games we did. They have a shot.
The fallout franchise was never good.
design wise, gen 2 pokemon was the worst
If a game is based around it's difficulty, I should have adaptive difficulty instead of static.
most games made before 2000 are shit
I can tolerate bad gameplay as long as the story is good
there is nothing wrong with having a trans/bi/LGBTQ+ character as long as they have more personality other than just screaming "I'M TRANS" to the viewer
Smash’s roster is the most important thing about smash, otherwise it would just be an boring fighting game with an slightly interesting mechanic of knocking people off the stage instead of health bars. Smash would have died on the n64, hell, maybe not even gotten released if it didn’t have recognizable characters like Mario, Link, and Pikachu.
Borderlands 2 is fun if you play with the right build (Krieg), and referencing a line from a movie/show (which is where 80% of the references come from) does not equal a "meme."
I do hate Randy, especially after he sang about Gamergate. I think we should be allowed to talk about Gamergate on here, we were making great headway when we found out about the circle of influence that decided every game that the public was going to approve of for a specific year. It's a shame the janitors at the time tricked Yea Forums in to thinking it was all "hurrdurr you all are just sexist, lol."
Only if you're a disingenuous cretin who thinks playing a video game you bought is no different than paying extra money on top of the amount you spent on the game itself
Luckily most rational people aren't mindless dickuckers who think game companies should have unlimited power to fuck people in the ass
Every Legend of Zelda i tried so far was pretty boring and i dont see what makes this franchise so great
most games made before 2010 are shit
TotalBiscuit did nothing wrong
I don't get why people really like Krieg user, I don't mind krieg, but his best build is "press melee to obliterate" and that seems a little unengaging. Do you play him differently or do you get something out of that melee build that I'm missing?
pop culture references is the most degenerate form of humor
I accept your concession.
Unless the gameplay is really good or does not even require story I can't generally enjoy it. The story needs to be at least mediocre if it requires one, or absent entirely if its just not that kind of game.
Which character does that?
name one
Undertale has such a generic JRPG soundtrack.
This is a non-argument and only shows how you fell victim to your own argument and now had to resort to insults.
Yet again, must I remind you that nobody is forcing you to buy these games?
Whatever you say.
The majority of you has shit taste
Fallout New Vegas
fallout 3 is better than new vegas
sonic games never had a good game design
Thanks for conceding.
Anita’s haters were the only reason she were ever relevant for more than like a week. Same with Briana and Zoe.
come at me faggots
While it's a good game on his own, it wouldn't even be as half as relevant if Toriyama didn't work on the character design
checks out.
Witcher 3 bored the fuck outta me.
The best games are those whose story make you feel like pic
>no it's not retard
>hahah, won again!
remind me again why mouthbreathers like you are even worth my time? you can't discuss this objectively but only through your feelings
This is a non-argument and only shows how you fell victim to your own argument and now had to resort to insults.
Thanks again for conceding.
BOTW was a good game. Not GOTAY, but it was fun, which is a big improvement over most of the games that have come out since the early 2000s.
Xenoblade 2 was absolute trash, holy fuck. The gameplay, the characters, the writing, even the fucking menus were horseshit, I don't know how people like the game beyond the fanservice.
Sexy women and porn are great, but I don't like more than light fanservice in non-pornographic things, sometimes I'd prefer none at all, because it's often overdone and becomes distracting, or is used to try and make up for bad gameplay.
Kingdom Hearts hasn't been good since the first game. The battle system in 2 was better, but KH 1 was the best overall package, the battle system and the music is basically all KHII had going for it.
BrutalDOOM misses the point of DOOM.
Bioshock 2 is the best in the series but Minerva's Den is underwhelming.
Sonic adventure is more fun than super mario 64, rayman 2, and jak and daxter.
You call that trashable on Yea Forums?
Bioshock Infinite was the best in the series and was the only one worth playing in my experience
He was a little whiny but he was green as shit. His character progression was awesome though.
All you achieved was prove the point of this thread.
But guess you won! Gratz man
Kirby has gotten really stale yeah. If you say either HGSS, Black2, or Platinum is the peak your cool in my book. If the game isn't fun to play the it's not a good game, FFXV sucks.
I accept your concession.
Armored Core 1 > Armored Core 2 and all other AC games
Nobody is obligated to like good games.
Nobody should be scorned for enjoying allegedly bad games.
>BrutalDOOM misses the point of DOOM.
Doesn't get you trashed. Every time someone tries to say BrutalDOOM is good someone like you comes along to say it's shit.
I’m not even mad
Nobody is obligated to like people who promote bad games
Nobody should be scorned for rightfully shaming people who enjoy bad games
this is just common sense
Excellent taste on X2, sell me on a game that I should play instead please
this is just common sense
What do you think about the fact that the entire western decline after ww2 is entirely the fault of "people" like you?
I hate all forms of ironic humor
Shitposting isn't fun
Yea Forums would be better if people were always genuine
Just because you bought a game doesn't mean you're entitled to play it.
The 3D zeldas are too linear and easy. the 2D zeldas have the best balance between difficulty and exploration, and have a better ost.
Probably Ys
JRPGs are some of the most boring games on planet earth
Fallout 4 is a good game
Stealth is a dead-end genre that needs to be held up by story to be bearable. It will never be anything more than sight cones and hearing AoEs.
theres no skill involved in stealth games, unless patience is a skill.
shitposting is the genuine me
playing sea of thieves with my friend is unironically some of the most fun i've had in a while (bought last week)
theres no skilled involved in any video game, they're just toys
I liked my second playthrough of BOTW, but I played it two years later and in a different language from my first playthrough. Didn't do many of the shrines the second time though. Shame most of your other opinions are trash though.
This isn't a trash worth opinion. Have fun with your friend user.
I'd say the Minerva's Den part is more trashable considering all the praise it seems to get. Infinite is still the black sheep as far as Yea Forums is concerned, but I've seen more people defending it here than in years past. Honestly, I only ever played the DLC for it. It was alright.
RPGs are some of the most boring games on planet earth
This is true to a degree, you just have to pick your battles. Both boards are rife with shitposting and bait with the lion's share of retards running around. I always find that the people bitching about /pol/ don't realize how close resetera lite is or actively want it
i think SoT got shit on a lot specifically because the anons playing it played solo, or they just did PvE only and didn't look for fights.
I also believe people were turned off by the fact that you didn't get 'better' gear by leveling up. Yea Forums officially prefers xp bars and progression over simply getting BETTER at the game.
When will you move to a socialist country?
Turn based games are some of the most boring games on planet earth.
that's not an opinion; it's an objectively wrong statement
Persona 3 is the worst in the series. P1 is better than both P2's.
Bait for sure, too obvious
When all the faux ancaps on Yea Forums move to Somalia.
I live in a socialist country and I fucking love it
Call everything you don't like bait and you can ignore reality forever!
For example, I don't think you're bating me. I just think you're a very sad person.
What country
No, it really isn't. The gameplay is ass, the coloration and pace suck. The only reason anyone likes it is because they're furries/pedophiles/trannies
I love you guys and playing weird obscure online games with you has been my favorite part of being here for all these years
nOT rE@L SOcIalisM
>>no it's not retard
That's not what you said though
>Whatever you say.
Fighting games are a man's genre and the fact that Yea Forums can't play fighting games proves nobody on Yea Forums is a man.
Then explain why people aren't entitled to a product they buy. It seriously does not seem genuine.
Sea of Thieves isn't a skill based game.
I should be allowed to post in bait threads and not get banned
I love FFXV. Completed it twice. On a third play. People don't know how to play it. Understandably. Game does a shit job of explaining itself.
The Netherlands aren't socialist, stupid. Stop using words you don't understand. I bet you think Norway is socialist as well.
Autism detected
pick up the sticks, bitch nigga
Smash Bros. is a fighting game.
Whatever you say.
Aaaah I see, you want to spread the misery
The Galaxy games are the worst 3D Marios simply because of how hard they gimped Mario's movement.
Chrono Trigger is incredibly overrated.
Double Dragon Neon was garbage.
The only good Star Fox game was 64.
Nocturne is the weakest SMT game on the PS2.
According to Yea Forums it is
I'm excited for TES VI
I think using the prostethicc arm in sekiro is fair and fun
I enjoy summoning and getting summoned to fight bosses in souls games.
I like to play older games
I think morrowind's combat is fair
I'm not a faux ancap.
Learn to pronounce
the ability to do something well; expertise.
By definition, you can be skillful at a video game. So he is right, you're literally, objectively and unironically incorrect.
Here you go, dummy
The Last of Us, Persona 5 and Metal Gear Solid 5 get slated here unfairly
VNs aren't games. And they're all terrible and exist just si you can masturbate.
>FFIX's battles are well-paced
Now you're just being silly
Big surprise, Yea Forums is fucking retarded.
Fallout 4 is more fun and a better adventure game than New Vegas and has more choices when it comes to gameplay and so does fallout 3. hating on 3 and 4 was just a bandwagon..
I enjoyed the story for what it was but i absolutely hate that the open world stuff is completely closed off after like the halfway point and it becomes incredibly linear from then on. The time travel dog mechanic at least addresses this but i still dont like it.
Whatever you say.
that's not an opinion; it's an objectively wrong statement
Doctor was 100% right
A game having "cute girls" doesn't make it instantly good
Why buy (or pirate because I know for a fact somebody will bring it up) a video game to jerk off with when a Google search can give you all of the porn you'd need
Im willing to agree that 3 at least had some decent exploration hidden about it. 4 was literally unplayable trash though and should not even be considered an RPG. Its more akin to a shitty version of minecraft with muddy textures.
100% this
Though /pol/ used to be fine until the trumpugees invaded after getting kicked out of everywhere else.
Behold the new zoomer face of Yea Forums. How can anyone think that pile of garbage is better than the master work of Majora's Mask, not to mention most of the other Zelda's. It's a sterile Ocarina of Time rehash.
No normal person outside of Japan knows what the fuck a Reimu is
Trans people are perfectly fine, Yea Forums just needs a boogeyman because they can't realize that capitalism is screwing them.
/pol/ peaked with the zimmerman trials. Its literally been nothing but downhill since then.
Devil’s advocate: because the story build-up makes the doujin so much hotter
>Same thing with TvC
TvC was HELD BACK by the wii
TOs didn't want to be bothered with another console.
All European countries have a market economy, production and wealth is not collectively owned. All you did was prove you don't have a clue what you're talking about and also linked a site that is incorrect. This board is full of smooth brains.
Why are you entitled to play it?
inb4 I paid for it, no you paid to download. It should be an additional extra. You're not entitled to play that game.
Whatever you say.
>aiming a cannon while having to factor in the speed of your ship, the speed of the enemy ship, and the vertical movement of your ship due to the ocean is not skill
something tells me you played the game for a weekend, got shit on by a 4-man of middleschoolers then quit.
No I'm assuming you're a socialist
theres no skill involved in Sea of Thieves, unless patience is a skill.
Try reading the actual TOS next time you download a game dingus, but you're clearly not serious based on your other posts.
You’re describing communism
Capitalism is perfectly fine, trannies just need a boogeyman because they can't accept that nobody wants to screw them.
No, fuck off. I hate /pol/, but I hate agendas in video games just as much.
Why the hell is it so hard for people not to mindlessly adhere to their side? Political parties are the dumbest shit and anyone who subscribes to one without questions or compromise is an idiot.
oh, you're just bent out of shape that i said stealth is a dead genre.
> trannies just need a boogeyman
> unrelatedly, here I am hating on them trannies
The TOS is a document that explains that you're not entitled to play the game just because you bought it and lists the conditions you must follow if you don't want the devs to take away your game. You've accomplished proving me right.
> trannies are just a boogeyman
> unrelatedly, here I am hating on another boogeyman