>He calls his gaming setup a "battle station"
Please tell me you don't do this.
>He calls his gaming setup a "battle station"
Please tell me you don't do this.
Why would I do that? Do I look like KND?
>calls his PC a rig
You aren't a trucker
laterally me
women are worthless
What else do you call the place where you do all your epic gamer battles? Lol
>have nothing in my place
>get called a bum
>have stuff in my place
>get called a manchild
what am i supposed to have
This is now a battlestation thread, post yours
c o m f y
youre really gonna start us off with cringe like that
Tasteful decor.
normal adult stuff obviously
I call my computer the command center, rig, or battle station depending on what mood I'm in. Stay. Mad.
Yes. Because guys can't decide on a whim to sell their penises for a night for hundreds and thousands of bucks, while women can sell their vaginas and even tits both offline and online.
i see this picture everyday, i hope ur pc falls off that desk
gay fucking thread OP should kill themselves
roll fuckers
>Jill plushie
Mein nigger
The record player looks really out of place on your desk especially with no other audio equipment than some ancient cheapy computer speakers
Axe Knight or Spear Knight pl0x.
I don't think you know how rolling works
There is no issue if you’re not a brainwashed consumer whore
>he thinks the appropriate verb for the act of playing videogames is "gaming".
I seriously hope you manchildren don't do this.
ok now roll
If you can eat, shit/piss and sleep then whats the problem? Do you need inspirational quotes written on your walls to live or something?
>tfw 23 and still sleep in a bunk bed
Surprisingly I've gotten laid on there lol
What's wrong with this? He have a lot free space
What's the point of decorating my house if no one ever comes to see me anyway.
I unironically don't.
>live the way you want to live
>self centered roasties try to put you down because they are too afraid to stand out from the roam pack of beef
>try to live the way roasties tell you to live
>roasties try to put you down because you're a push over and have no self respect
>try to live somewhere in the middle
>roasties mock you for having no personality or being a loser
You can't win if you don't stop pretending to care about the opinions of women on the internet. Just do whatever you want to do and be happy.
>it's a basement
Beep boop living space optimized for consumption of digital entertainment
Bip bleep wasteful elements terminated
Twitter posts and selfies.
rollan, prayin I don't get shit
Rollan again.
Thanks for the reroll fag
>command center
Plevian pcs shouldnt be called that unles you have more than 3 monitors a small server a laptop and another pc running linux thats illegal
She's right, that cable management is disgusting
in the case of OP, it's not considered ideal because there's not enough comfort items to have friends/family over.
Not too far removed from my apartment. I don't get any joy from feelies.
why do you care about the opinions of normalfag women
Pointless shit you’re never going to use that says nothing about you as a person
just stop caring about others opinions - its your personal home
only a fag would have that in his walls.
Not hwite
I think most people probably call it a battle station because that's the common accepted shorthand for it when they are talking about it on forums or with other gamers.
So, relax.
It's called a living room. There's no life in a white room with nothing in it. You're supposed to make it feel welcoming to the women you have at your place.
You do bring women to your place, right?
rolling now
>normalfag women
So women
rollin rollin rollin rollin
The first sane reply, good job user
more women are normalfags than men yes
>tfw 27 and sleep on a king bed
Surprisingly I've never gotten laid anywhere lol
Top left is 1, bottom right is 0
It's not hard, also ROLLAN
Somebody please post the female version
I'd rather surgically remove my anus than be the kind of person that counsciously buy this.
>barely make enough working 70 hours a week to afford the bare minimum living accommodations
>why aren't you spending money you don't have on a bunch of worthless decorations, are you a faggot?
Guys would live even in a cardboard box if they could fuck a woman in it.
>This thread with this image again
Yea Forums really is just the same shit every day.
pimp get
Your expected to have generic crap talking about love faimly and faith from Walmart to help pretend your family isnt a dysfunctional mess like Somehow that's more mature according to society
I dont say that. But I also dont talk about vidya unless someone else brings it up. Curious, what is a less cringey word to be used instead of "gaming/gamer"?
Put your toys in a $600 curio cabinet and all of a sudden it becomes acceptable
No, Ill start thinking about relationships when I save enough money for a real house.
>always find pictures like OP tasteful
>final get a house
>literally only get the desk, pc, tv, consoles and bed
what to get? i don't find any reason to get anything else
>he doesn't call his PC "The Jack Shack"
>rug on carpet
Terrible, would rather live in a crawlspace.
The only thing missing is the row of expensive candles that never get lit
Trust me, I can EXACTLY tell what kind of person you are. Get your shit together.
cat and tables+accessories would be neat
maybe put up some pictures that aren't kirklands-tier sentiment trash
but yeah overall that's what she meant
>living space isn't festooned with kitschy "Live, laugh, love" garbage and at least four potted plants
Oh, the horror.
She's right. Where are your guests supposed to sit? You want them to just sit on the dirty carpet you obviously never wash?
>Brain is impor toint
>Please tell me you don't do this.
I do
1 It's the living room
2. Why would i want my living room cluttered and hard to walk around?
The only issue I see there is the TV being too small.
based thread derailer
you have to have at least six mass-produced calligraphic slogans from a home goods store on your walls or your house is boring
>Cabinet extends beyond the doorframe
I fucking threw up in my mouth you piece of garbage
Please help me.
There really is no issue here, it’s drab but it’s economical. This is assuming the guy never has company over
I roll ye
loling at ur apartment
Just make it comfy
Washing machine?
Yeah the place is depressing as shit. Probably has one set of unwashed dishes and no food in the fridge too
You call it a "gaming setup", you bad joke, get a grip on reality and wipe your own ass before telling others that they stink.
Waterknight here we go!
>A man living with a minimalist amount of things?
>Impossible consumerism is the only thing that brings me joy
>Clearly the man has somethign wrong with him and not me
Filling your home with shiny baubbles and trinkets isn't going to make you happy no matter how much you try over and over again
I’m loling at your fucking life
This is in no way acceptable
He doesnt have infinite money to bpow of furniture and decor but has a perfectly functional apartment. What's the big deal? Not enough artsy bullshit?
I swear some women are more like birds decorating a nest than actual people.
He doesn't even have a table. What do you do with your drink, put it on the floor? That's not economical, that's being a slob.
Well I hope you at least threw up in your own house not your parents.
rollin for daisy
whats wrong with dog
Sometimes i'm happy i'm Eastern European. At least our women don't look like orcs and goblins.
>walk into girls room
>bed literally filled with teddy bears and 20 pillows
>can touch bed without shit falling
>walls covered with male musicians/movie
The double standards are hilarious. The only difference between them is that men on average work for what they have while women on average are given that money for free.
cheaper to go to those 1$ washing stores
Jeez, with all the stuff I have to worry about to make women like me, they must be really amazing people to have around!
nothing but couples who keep them as substitutes for children are human trash
>Live Laugh Love
What are you, a middle-aged white woman?
This infuriates me beyond reason
Why do you keep inviting those people in your house?
You should at least have a coffee table and a couch. It's like the most braindead easy move to have someone over to watch a movie, start cuddling, and then start making out. A coffee table lets you put your feet up/put your drinks down
>Checking a place out as one of the people living there was moving out, and I was friends with the other
>Living room, kitchen, and walls are entirely my friend's decor, with all her artsy shit strewn about
>See his room
>Mattress on the ground, single blanket and pillow
>Cheap fan plugged in
>No curtains on giant window
>Small desk lamp on the floor
>Bathroom had one towel
>In the kitchen, he had a single pot, pan, wooden spoon, and some leftovers in the fridge
Maybe I'm some fucking hoarder or some shit, but I don't get how people live like that. I get treating home as just a place to sleep, especially since the guy loved to hike and work out. But it seems so lifeless to not even have a picture or something. Same shit with one of my friends, he's super into games and he's got his PC on a cheap desk in the corner, PS4 on a amazon shipping box, TV on the floor, and his kitchen is loaded on every surface with coupons, beer cans, and dirty dishes.
Fucking decorate or at least get some proper furniture to look like you live there or something, goddamn.
giv pusy
rolling for golden knight
Dirty, fur, have to walk it... why are dog owners such cunts these days?
You need to have a "Love Live Laugh" wooden wall hanging or else you are stupid
Yes, it's definetly him that's mad lmao
learn to count dumbass
what about incels who use them to replace socializing with other humans
my only gripe with living in a tiny apartment is I don't enough room for a nice library
no but all the men do
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with that live love laugh shit?
That’s disgusting.
that's okay but you should really try to get out of your shell user, even if it's just on the internet
>tfw you can't light candles because open flames make you uneasy
Bonfires are cool though.
seething incel
Fire knight GET
and that's a good thing.
it's wamen kitschcore
Some people genuinely don't care for having a lot of shit. The more shit you have the more work you have to do keeping it up, when you move, worrying about storage. When you're an unmarried 20-soemthing whos living situation changes frequently you just don't ga
If you're single and can't divide housework, it's much better to live like a Spartan. Keep only a few items of decoration as conversation pieces.
Then it's a breeze to keep your place clean, tidy and dust free.
All that "decoration" chicks bring in quickly becomes filthy clutter. The millions of picture frames hanging on the wall have to be dusted, regularly, as well as all the other nicknacks like little statuettes, candle holders, bowls, quaint decorative tea sets, etc. Chicks never do it. Those mountains of pillows on the couches need to have their casings washed. They never do it. They also never move heavy furniture and appliances to clean behind and under them because lol heavy. Girl houses are musky dustbowls.
>weeb plays eldar and tau
Every time
I'm pretty sure that chair has a cup holder.im not autistic enough to match the model to its store page but i am pretty sure it does have a cup holder.
Whatever the fuck you want, or at the very least get those bitchy assholes out if your life
You shouldn't let those kinds of people dictate what you can and can't do/like
Yeah because eastern European women are known for ageing like fine wine.
Am I the only one who sees those candles placed on the wall as a potential fire hazard?
Again, I’m assuming the OP belongs to a literal 4channer who doesnt care about this/has given up. In that sense it works. Also there could be a table elsewhere for eating.
They don't age to become whiny cat ladies like your westcuck feminist bitches.
>barely make enough working 70 hours a week
What the fuck? Do you have 3 kids and live in California or something?
Have normal stuff in your place, like you dad and grampa had, you know? Maybe you don't.
Why don't guys care about home decor?
Why don't you save that attitude for a house? Nobody who rents an apartment has any business worrying about decorating the place.
Your focus is on the screen, there is no real need for anything else, running a place like that makes it super easy to clean I'd be happy there if single. I'd still put something on the sides just to dampen the echo of an empty room but in principle I don't really care what that something is.
In my expereince girls are pretty happy when you let them decorate the place.
god fucking dammit
Wallpaper please
They don't age at all since they're dying in chernobyl and refugee terrorist attacks
>Family Heirlooms
>Symbols of your dynasty
There you go fucking pleb
american ""decor"" is tasteless
You can still have a masculine living space without living like a squatter
Good interior design is sexy.
i'd have at least shelves or tables to put shit
I guess. I'm 25 and I've just generally obtained shit that is important to me or I like. Some crafts I did with kids while working at a special needs school, some posters friends got me from trips, a desk I grabbed from a random good will, and lots of small gifts/keepsakes from friends and family (record from a friend I've got hung up, picture my cousin drew for me, etc).
Stuff just accumulates that has been important to me, which serves as decoration and makes my place feel like home. I get it might be clutter if I gotta move, but I don't get how people don't just have stuff of some kind after enough time, outside of outright losing it/homelessness.
>anime shit will ever acceptable
You are delusional. Even my curio cabinet with Warhammer figures gets strange looks. But they are at least a display of my painting skills. You just bought figurines of child like women and find it okay to display that to the world. Please kill yourself weeb nigger.
We do, we just don't care about it like you do.
I have a few posters of art that I like, a mirror and a bulletin board in my bedroom for example, but I used to work at a home goods shop and there was so much vapid trash that I'd never want in my home. It feels like women don't get wall hangings and decorations because they like the look but because they want to fill space.
>bench of pillows that serves no purpose
>plant: just fucking go outside it's not hard
>3 pets is fucking expensive
How much would you reccomend that record player?
Look up Dresden at full moon
>tfw vaccum almost every day and dust at least once a week
Don't stop there, you could have insulted me for the sisters too.
>an hero
its been a while since
rolling I guess
here we go
Needs more speakers.
>Not living in a massive house but only using 3 rooms in it
>Not being in a perpetual state of renovation hell because said house is old as shit
>Not being completely unable to make a nice battlestation because the house is a fucking decorative mess
Refugees don't do shit because they fear Eastern Europeans, since Eastern Europeans were genociding Muslims for millennia for their invasions and atrocities against Eastern Europeans.
As for Chernobyl. Nothing of value is lost in a few Ukrainians being irradiated. Doesn't stop you Westerners from going there to get prostitutes either.
Agreed. Interior design is surprisingly calming and a fun way to pass the time if you've got the budget for it.
gaudy as shit
Probably the best record player you can get for the price if you can afford it
White Knight to be honest to my family.
these are tasteful
A very kinky man lives in that house, that's for sure.
A home is a mirror to the soul, if Tibetan ascetic monks have more decor than you, you are broken. And no, don't paint it as anti-consmerism, beause people have had proper homes way before capitalism started. Simply put, you are a NPC.
Waterknight niggas rise up
If you're that into masculine home decoration you are prob gay tho.
No one visits me.
Why not? Unless you plan to move out within the next year, why not hang up some shit or grab a small desk/table cheap from a good will or something. If you keep it cheap, you can just throw it to the curb when you do move out. Just because it isn't a house doesn't mean you can't make it feel like someone actually lives there. Especially if you're the type (which many here are) who spend a lot of time indoors for recreation.
Idk I know plenty of women who are tasteful decorators, but most of my friends are artsy anyways
NPC homes look like
>Anne Frank Diary
Sisters are legit though, I've only met one sisters player and the guy was pure patrician.
Yeah. And it's not hard. All you gotta do is literally Google "masculine living room" for some ideas
Make sure the paint and wallpaper contain arsenic for extra authenticity.
>curio cabinet with Warhammer figures
this guy judging anyone lol
There's a middle ground
As a woman, you guys are pathetic.
Woman here. It looks bad and this is why.
>Nothing but a TV
>no accessories, no drawing table no guitar no nothing else except a fucking TV.
I can easily tell the type of person this guy is, bland boring gamer loser with no friends and no other hobbies.
That's what I see as a woman, and that is a BIG turnoff.
I hate women. I fucking hate them
Do you only find one type of NPC in your games, user? Some NPCs have their generic homes, some NPCs teleport back to a featureless room where they wait until they are useful.
Absolutely disgusting.
>Display that to the world
>In my own house
>Implying I'd ever give a fuck what anyone thinks about what I do in my own house
I'd like to see your warhammer figures though post a picture.
A cop told me those are really common at houses they get called to for domestic abuse.
There's a middle ground. Literally just pirate the Sims. You fucking autists admit to just spending hours making houses wtf
If you're the kind of woman that would find pleasant then the feeling is mutual
t. incel
literally, not ironically, have sex with a girl
As a man, your vagina is not worth pursuing and that's the only thing of value on your existence.
Thet horse thing should go away, but otherwise very nice.
The face of true dedication
>all those scribbles added over anons actual suggestion
Even a fucking wojak, neck yourself
Fair enough
Don't you dare use the B word
Yeah nah.
As another woman, shut the fuck up.
Do you just have that outside your door? The fuck
I can tell you're actually a woman because you made the most obvious observation possible 200 posts into the thread. At least you'll probably get along fine with that pea brain.
I need a life
Rollin asdads
>woman here
ok tranny
Rolling for something cool
That kinda makes sense, the things people write on walls or ink on their bodies is typically things they aspire towards and look to invite into their lives rather than something they actually have.
I too feel at home in a featureless white cell
single white wine aunt
I'd like to move out and get my own place, but then I realize I'd be living alone
rolling for spear
Well do you own the place at least?
living alone sounds nice
Give me the knight
>Criticizing men for lack of hobbies
>and this is our son's room
>he's quite the gaymer
I'm renting it. Cousin has another room. We share a kitchen/bathroom and a small hall
Go with the bum
But what about at night when things get spooky?
i bet you'd be fine if his faggot cabinet was filled with stamps or coins instead.
Ikea in the basement. Extra points for the standing lamp cords just going through the room and the other lamp at an easy to headbutt level.
rolling for spear2
men do, women are
You need to move out of the attic. Just like I need to kill myself user.
Its at the end of the hall in an alcove before a bedroom. The only reason its sticking out in the picture is that was right after I had finished putting shit in, and since the door slides left or right I had it pulled out to load it up and hadn't pushed it back against the wall yet. I have to say I expect plenty of shit for what I have in it but it amazes me that some autist picks up on that.
Candles are always a fire hazard, retard.
>I can easily tell the type of person this guy is
Bet it's only related to how much money you can scam out of him.
>bland boring gamer loser with no friends and no other hobbies.
Yep, a bitch who only values the money she can scam out of someone and how many of their friends she can cheat with on the side.
>tfw you have no creativity and thats why your home is blank
feels sad man
suck my dick bitch
No I would not, collecting stamps and coins is pointless
Who hurt you, sweety?
>Nothing but a TV
There's clearly a chair right there.
That stone oven looks awful as shit built into the generic looking wall like that. You know it's 100% for show.
As a man, didn't ask.
Hit a nerve, did I cheap skank?
How am I not gonna pick up on you having a piece of furniture outside your door?
>jill plush
But why aren't you interested in anything? All you do is netflix or sitting on your phone 24/7 and bask in the validation you get. You're not deeply interested in anything and only have a surface level understanding in every different art form that exists. You sing the songs, but never write the tunes. Also you're probably not in good shape either, a weak man could kill you within half a minute. Just fuck the hell off.
This would be funny af if it had the words cancer ebola aids instead
Living alone is really nice. You don't answer to anyone and get to do whatever the hell you want. The quietness can be a little unnerving but you just put on Netflix in the background and it's not so bad
t. Living alone for 3 years now
Will Yea Forums ever stop being triggered at this?
>But muh consumerism
You can have a proper home without spending a lot, this is like going to a shirt store where allt he shirts cost the same but still picking white shirt with blue jeans every time. You are not special, you are just a blander taste of bland. Pointing out at other bland shit like still won't make it any better.
Jesus christ user that is VERY mean to that poor tranny.
>tfw small living room
You jerk off and this has two possible outcomes:
1)The spirits are disgusted and will leave
How do you deal with the crushing loneliness and endless empty time left alone with your thoughts?
>Wanting a bunch of shit around to collect dust
>cafe Paris
I'm so happy I'm gay and don't need to deal with your bullshit.
I used to buy into feminism until I ment trans people going "It's so much easier being female." or "WTF where's the male privilege?"
I guess its just surprising when people don't go for the low hanging fruit..
I live in the middle of the city and a few blocks away from my friends and bf. Most weeknights I have something going on. When I'm home by myself I usually just unwind with vidya and put on 30 Rock
Where did you get that desk?
If you didn't have "gamer" shit, you could've made into a cozy place
at a certain point i just dont care about all that bullshit
i had a bunch of shit in my parents place but once i moved to my own i basically threw everything into garbage bags
dont need that shit anymore, but ive never been one to collect that stuff
im not sentimental for physical objects
>no guitar
Imagine buying shit you won't even use just to impress others. I got a guitar because i thought i will learn to play it. For years it has been exactly what you suggesting everyone should use it for: a useless object in the room. How fucking interesting a person i am for having it right?
While i know this post is just bait but what's really annoying that there is really normies out there that think this. The social media faggotory raised this "i must fake myself cooler than i am" trend to new heights of absurdity.
Are you a woman or a man that likes men
Asking cause of the plushie
try not to get too jealous
My dad made it.
eww fucking hate that type of carpet
I got all these pochaco and sonico wall scrolls the other day and I dont know where to put them. They are lewd as fuck.
My girlfriend won me the poop emoji plushie at a recent carnival, it's cute leave me alone
It's the people with so called lives that need what you have brah.
>That's what I see as a woman, and that is a BIG turnoff.
Honestly I'm tempted to get rid of all my junk just to filter out women like you.
God, why can't normalfags just die already?
>cafe Paris
>"Cool, make me one?"
>"One what?"
>"A coffee!"
>"Oh sure, user i got some instant somewhere..."
pretty cool user
empty poor-feeling apartments are comfy as fuck
what's wrong with instant coffee? i'm drinking folgers right now and it's fine
I like the Dalí clock.
You first.
I dont wanna
>Putting expensive vases on thin, small and prone to fall pillars
>Having cheap vases at all
1600 called, they say not even rococo thinks that's fine.
Twin Swords go
>drinking coffee
>being addicted to bean water in order to stay awake
This image is really sad.
It's supposed to look like your grandma's house.
>Putting expensive vases on thin, small and prone to fall pillars
That is the point, that is why you hire the local pretty peasant girls to be your maids and then excuse yourself to "punish" them.
>anally retentive array of console controllers laid out and lit like a museum exhibit
Stow that shit, user.
Why the pig
based if your room doesnt look like lain's dont post
the butthurt over the female parodies of this image made the whole discussion worth reading
women really can't handle banter at all
Don’t listen to what others demand you to do dip. That’s your main problem
How big is your gf's dick?
What does your gf think of your room?