What is Yea Forums's opinion on the new Mordekaiser?

What is Yea Forums's opinion on the new Mordekaiser?

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looks like a total fag

Bland and soulless

I think League is terrible and you should feel ashamed for playing it

is Teemo rework out yet?

Looks cool, but soulless as shit.
>no more metal band references
>le 3 hit passive
>no more ‘you only need to click once, fool!’
I gotta try him tho to see if hes fun or not

Teemo is one of those old as fuck champs that have a kit that people made work, is toxic and bad for the game, but I don't think they'll rework him anytime soon.
Next reworks are Fiddlesticks and Volibear, hope they don't fuck up either of them because they're fun as shit to play.

you can taunt with a guitar, wtf are you talking about retard

>literally reworked Poppy ult
nuLeague babies won't handle it and it will be nerfed

His new ult is absolutely bullshit.

That was an ult planned for Fiora a while ago, riot threw it away because they said it would be either broken or useless and it would never be truly balanced.

Guess they're so desperate for gimmicky champs that they're now using old ideas they know are bad.

>playing ASSFAGGOTS in 2019

It's not fucking mord, were is his ult? Why did they make his fucking ult into a better version of camille's. His old ult was unique and fun to use this one is so fucking soulless it fucking ruins this entire rework for me. They litterly threw mords identity out of the window and now hes just another generic bruiser dueller and not an actual metal ghost God that can control the dead. Fuck this rework and fuck riot.

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Im not sure why riot designed him to go full AP when his visuals scream juggernaut. He was always jank to play because of it.

I remember when he used to be called the master of metal

He cute.
Also its good after Yuumi.


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Looks like a WoW character. Like a generic bad guy you take down at the end of a short quest line.

You're not wrong

Morde is sexy

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Glad i have the Infernal Morde skin.

It's actually just a recycled idea for what it was supposed to be Fiora's ult

There´s more variety in fucking LoL than in the whole WoW.

>no magneto battle mage

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>infernal gets vfx but dragon knight doesnt
>no unique ult effects like a moshpit for pentakill morde or a throne room for morde/club
>lord and club are barely different from base, more of a pallet swap than the 520 skins

How did riots skin team fuck up this badly?

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You know, is like the CP 2077 trailer. Pre-release.

Gib money Plox


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You can literallly:
>ult the enemy jungler in a Baron/Dragon fight to avoid smite
>avoid a backdoor
>be a jungler and gankrape everything since the target cant move from an area, so the rest of the team can wait
>enemy gank? gain time with ultimate

Also, you gonna fuck people like Yasuo or Irelia because there´s no minions inside.

I don't think user meant shit as in bad they meant shit as in gimmicky bullshit

Its a response for the 1 vs 1 me fag.


Leoric knockoff

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But at what cost?
I wouldn't be mad if they put this into a new champion, I'm mad at the fact that they this to mord, MY CHAMP that I've waited YEARS for a proper rework without spitting all over his funness. I'm upset that his ult isnt mord, he cant 1v2 a champ then control their soul and turn the 1v2 into a 2v1 and then get tower afterwards. The ghost was fun as fuck and when you got the enemy adc it felt great. Now its HUR DUR 1v1 time and I dislike that riot just threw it out.

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Ho we eliminated you favorite hero.
have, a guy that looks like you hero. the estetic is ``the same`` and has the same name, dont cry about it, our felow rioters worked soo hard to make it as similar as the old one, i hope you give us money

>Riot games is a joke

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>Steals a percentage of their CORE stats
>Not just their regular stats
Fucking why?

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Souless literally, replaced it with shitty duel

So without bringing back the old one, What would be a good new ult for Mordekaiser and his current kit?

Because many champs have retarded % scalings and what have you. Also some champs have very high or very low base stats per level.
Also stealing % of a cancer champ's stats is fucking shit balance and useless for an AP bruiser. Imagine getting 50% crit-chance because you killed a fed Yasuo, fuck are you going to do with it.

That's assuming by CORE they mean a champ's stats at lvl1 without runes and items.

How many times does one have to remind people that they have a clear bias to some champions? If you arent one of those champions you dont get neat and cool details like that, morde is not one of them. Watch it getting nerfed to oblivion the moment he gets an ounce of popularity and play

Now you know how Aatrox and Fiora players felt.

>And Fiora players felt.
It's even funnier when you think that this was meant to be Fiora's let first.

A cascading wave that radiates outwards from his body knocking enemies up and doing magic damage.
At ult lvl1 it's a single wave with small radius.
At ult lvl2 it's 2 waves, first small second medium radius.
At ult lvl3 it's 3 waves, first small second medium radius third and final large radius.

Think of Pele's 2nd from Smite.

The ebemy team will still take them unless they are stupid. Also it will get changed, they are not that retarded to leave that in
>avoid a backdoor
Unless im wrong you can still attack the structures and they can hit you too, so you will get kited to death and not do a lot. Infact if you can attack the nexus during the ult you are helping them
A posible good thing but if the clear is ass he will get fucked by the usual jax/xin
Also a good one unless they gain time too and kill you. At least is not an autowin button

Cant balance their own game. It will still be broken somehow

That's by far intimidating and dreadful.
Shadow Isle champions are always inherently scary.

Well I think he's really cool and I can't wait to play him.
People are complaining that they ruined him, but old Morde didn't make any fucking sense, just admit it.

I just hope that satisfying mace sound is still there.


Each of his abilities is still named after metal songs. Like indestructible by disturbed and so on. Even death realm

Except the ability that made sense, his ult stealing the soul of the enemy and uaing it agaisnt them, got taken away because "lul we need more gimmicks, le ebin 1v1 bruu xDdd"

>Not followed league in over a year
>Look up what they've done to my boy
>He's now a shitty Legion Commander or whatever the fuck her name is in DotA knock off

i repot u

legion ult is pretty different from his, and all her other skils too

But the total amount of gimmicks in the game remained the same. They removed one and put a new one in.

Literally who?

Dota player here, how the fuck are you guys ok with all the fucking reworks? Dota has reworks at times but they usually still keep the same overall theme and playstyle associated with the kit.

Who can balance a game
>A team of over 200 game design profesionals.
>A frozen frog

Keep things interesting and it's usually for the better.

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Why not make a new character altogether then?

Yeah but I'd assume there are fans of the hero though.