Does Yea Forums support unionization of video game journalism?
Does Yea Forums support unionization of video game journalism?
The only union I support is the Soviet Union!
they're all going to get fired soon
this is just speeding the process
i support the assasination of video game journalists
there'a plenty of unions in hell.
Devs should be incentivized to get the fuck out and create independent groups to make the video game scene richer in content,
instead of unionizing and therefore giving incentive for the same putrid system to continue functioning.
Besides, Corporations can make their own Unions and Unions ALWAYS get cucked from within that way, it's a pointless task.
I don't particularly support anything related to video game """journalism"""
Is this all journalism or only “games journalists”
Do other journalists have a union, if so then what’s preventing the games journalists?
Rub your shoes in lotion.
Unions harm small business.
why not just get jobs in the marketing departments of the game companies themselves? they basically already do that.
>Vox Media Bargaining Committee
Why is a Fake News OPED-junk publication involving themselves in gaming?
I can maybe see the reasoning for devs, but not for journos. Before they can "unionize" they should clean up in their own frontyard and relearn what the fuck it means to be a journo and not just an extended pr-guy.
Why doesn't he just do like Jim Sterling and Greg Miller and abandon the sinking ship of games journalism?
Hahaha they really are going down huh? We are finally in the closing chapters of these shitty websites
how? Wages?
Why would journos bring up their fights publicly when every non-journalist hates them?
>enable us to deceive and manipulate you better
>we know better than you trust us
something something communism
>video game journalism
Yes. I support anything that fucks over corporate in nearly any situation even if someone I hate benefits from it.
Oh no, the smear merchants who couldn't wait a single day to confirm validity of news and instead jumped at inciting hatred and violence against a bunch of teenagers via Twitter along with other "journalists" who are in fact activists and propagandists, want a Union.
These are not journalists, they couldn't recite the 1 page of SPJ Code of Ethics Journalism if their lives depended on it.
Yes, because the unionization of these fags might crash the whole game """journalism""" industry, causing them to be pushed out onto the streets as their employers decide that they produce nothing of value that justifies their salary. And that's a good thing!
RIP Jason and your shitty website. Just a matter of time.
>supporting any form of videogame "journalism" or union
Developers? yes
Journalists? lol they can go eat out of soup kitchen garbage bins for all I care
>Hahaha they really are going down huh? We are finally in the closing chapters of these shitty websites
does it make bootlickers mad?
>Univision Communications
>all the SJW publications and smear brands under these companies
As a general rule, all "videogame journalists" should be shot. They are a purely negative force for the industry and the hobby.
>unionization of video game journalism
If it cracked down on the blatant score-rigging and corruption, then yes.
If not, no. These shitters can try getting a real job.
As someone from a third world shithole with strong unions I can tell you it is a bad idea
I honestly didnt think game "journalists" could get any more insufferable
If someone told me they were a Gaming "Journalist" i'd look at them like looking at human garbage not even worth throwing dung at.
If you want to call yourself a Journalist go take a trip to Africa or Central/South America and report on the genocides and shit happening there. Else, get the fuck out you hack and fraud.
Why would someone report on the third world?
"Union" is a code word for "mafia"
Does this really qualify for a thread? A game journalist tagged a new media journalist and said that he supported their fight for basic standards in their respective industry.
To prove that they have the mettle to do proper reporting, and to get their privileged braty spoiled infantile faggotry beat out of them by the 3rd world.
All journalists are scum. They are a necessary evil and should he treated as such. Gaming journalism is the lowest form of journalism and they should all be publicly flogged.
Their fight for solidarity was taking an hour lunch break.
I somewhat question their commitment to their ideals.
Proper? Information about the third world isn't valuable. I'd honestly rather have them report on a videogame or little league baseball game.
Developers and journalists in the industry seem keen to push the narrative that game developers don't owe us anything, so I see no reason to support them trying to get more money
I support it because that would get them all fired and we would finally be free from the curse of game journalism.
Sure, if they unionize we can just reject them all at the same time. They are seriously overvaluing themselves if they think they're anything more than third party advertisers. The moment they create too much bad publicity they'll get dropped like bricks.
They can report on it after growing up into adulthood by spending time in the 3rd world. Nobody should be allowed to report on anything unless they've lived some time in horrid conditions.
I support the genocide of all these soulless, godless, grifting subversives
Why? That's like making you live in the amazon before you can code. It's totally irrelevant to the job.
What's crazy is that Salon was worth $1.5 billion in 2006
They raise wages and give benefits that small companies can't compete with
Only big corporations can afford to have their workers unionized
yes I support anything that will kill games journalism
Not video games
Because your mentality when you report can either be one of a spoiled dumbshit bratty and entitled faggot like game "journalists", or it can be the mentality of an adult who has gone through shit.
>It's totally irrelevant to the job.
Mentality is always relevant in any and all jobs, as is character. Character is built by suffering.
I was fired from game journalism for wrongthink. Would game journalism unionization defend me from that injustice? Ha no.
Unions are only ok if it serves liberals
>comparing gameing smear merchants to coders
Do you need me to beat you up user?
So hit the gym, no one needs to visit the third world other than those unfortunate enough to be born there.
Fuck them. I hope a robot takes their fucking job.
videogame jurnos are scumbags that shill for triple A and should be all shot into the Sun