Hello, I'm the best JRPG

Hello, I'm the best JRPG.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=chrono cross miguel hard&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS705US706&oq=chrono cross miguel hard&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2728j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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More like
>Hello, I'm the next Smash newcomer

not even the best jrpg on the system it was released on.


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based and xenopilled

Weird way of spelling FFXIV dude
And before you say “it’s an mmo!!!11!!”
Just know that at least it’s better than that dumpster fire WoW classic lmao

Toriyama Zelda is destroying my sides.

Never ever

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>Is a Gokuface
>Popular game in both Japan and the west
>Has a sword
Seems legit.

which got ruined by a shit sequel

Unless it's SaGa you get your Squareshit out of here.

Why are people who make fan art such weirdos?

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The fedora game you instant kill God with a chainsaw?

>Dragon Ball art style

Based and Cronopilled

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Yeah, welcome to thirty years ago.

Fetishes are a strong motivation to make art.

Such heretical games should not exist.

post only the best Crono Trigger themes

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cringe and redditpilled

good joke

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Based. 10/10 game.

Chrono Trigger > Xenoblade > Xenogears

Serious question, when does the gameplay get good? I got to that big factory and was still using nothing but basic attacks and the occasional special to proceed

90s and early 00s had some really bad fanart in general.


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Dumb, gimmicky gameplay. TWEWYfags really get uppity over a pretty mediocre experience. I guess when you're fed nothing but low poly 3d shit, a little bit of stylization goes a long way.

If you dislike that aspect of the gameplay then never.

Welcome to casual level jrpgs.

Play Chrono Cross (which is why Trigger fans actually hate it)

Well I can see there is some kind of movement mechanic and duo/trio specials but it's really not happening for me. The combat is just so basic at this point...

It honestly doesn't get any more complex. You never have to worry about positioning and dual techs boil down to just using the strongest one. Triple techs are never worth it and by end game you stop using double techs too.

It never does, CT is a casual game like FF, if you want gameplay, you're looking in the wrong place.

you either overleveled or don't care enough to use your special abilities for shorter fights and just spam basic attacks

Cross is hated because it's an unnecessary sequel that ruins everything Trigger stood for and kills the cast between games.

aka the worst type of sequel.

As yes instead of attacking once, you can choose to attack up to 7 times in one turn on CC. Truly the a masterpiece of gameplay by giving us even more attacking options in a single round.

Thanks for sharing? That game is easy too but too much for Triggered fans it seems

And it stays this way. I honestly don't see what you expect from a game this old.


and yet didn't mention that AT ALL

Don't listen to

>user complains about attacking
>recommend him a game where you literally have to attack in order to use other attack
>some projection about Miguel being hard that no one ever said
And yet didn't mention that AT ALL

*laughs in PSI*

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Cross objectively has more mechanical depth than Trigger. Not much but it's the most you'll get out of this series.

FF5 is older than CT. And SMT games are far more complicated and just as old...

I didn't listen, I definitely wasn't overleveled I went straight ahead to the next place as soon as I could every time

Well thanks for the replies anyone, might just look up some tips to get CT over with quicker just so I've experienced it

>faggot who thought Miguel was hard is so much of a brainlet the thinks there is depth in the shallow pool that is CC's gameplay

boo fucking HOO

it says nothing about trigger until the END OF THE GAME WHERE IT INSERTS THE CHARACTERS


I never said Miguel was hard. But people have definitely complained about him. And if CC is a shallow pool, CT is a damp spot on the sidewalk

>And SMT games are far more complicated and just as old...

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No one was saying anything about difficulty, and out of no where you came in talking about Miguel. You are just projecting your own experiences here, brainlet. You aren't fooling anyone now.

You're right, they're even older.

I don't think we've played the same MT/SMT games if you think they're more complex than CT.
Especially not the MT games or SMT1, and I don't say this to defend the shitpile that is CT either.

People consider Miguel hard
google.com/search?q=chrono cross miguel hard&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS705US706&oq=chrono cross miguel hard&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2728j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
And CT is probably the easiest RPG ever made so it only makes sense. Normalfags who complain RPGs aren't like the "good old days" with legitimate mash a to win things like CT and FF4 are the kind of people who dislike Cross the most.

Yeah, brainlets consider Miguel hard. CC is a piss easy game just like CT to anyone who isn't briandead

People who have been pretending Chrono Trigger and FF7 are good are the reason why nobody plays JRPGs, they end up starting with dogshit and assume all the other ones are the same

that's not even a full game so it doesn't count.

Having an additional resource management system makes it more complex. And the dungeons are far more complex than any in Chrono Trigger (Black Omen is literally a straight line)

I'm glad you agree.

You're also one of those brainlets who considered Miguel hard. Glad we are starting to see eye-to-eye.

>He thinks I said that

>he still thinks he can back peddle his projection
Yeah keep replying to me, I'm sure you're desperate need for approval is going to convince me otherwise.

>Having an additional resource management system makes it more complex.
>Resource management
The games drown you in magnetite, unless you're an absolute retard who keeps five demons up at all time in the first half an hour Magnetite is NEVER a problem, that is the equivalent of saying that SMT is less complex than CT because it lacks positioning, despite positioning in CT being pretty much non existent (and it's still more relevant in its own context than Magnetite is in its respective one).

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Oh you're a dopamine addicted crackhore. Tell you what, I'll give you the (you)'s you crave and in return, you keep seething for me

alright pal, then state better JRPGs.

What about the bosses being more difficult than anything in CT? And having twice as many elements?

you just spam nerve bullets or whatever freeze/stun spells you have and will never lose

Okay, what about the later SMT games like Strange Journey or Nocturne since you said they're all less complicated than Trigger.

Later games are more complex, though not necessarily hard, due to their use of press turns and buff/debuffs.

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>What about the bosses being more difficult than anything in CT?
>Stack three tiers of buffs and mash attacks
>Nerve Bullets in SMT1
>More difficult than buffing and using the gimmick of the week for bosses in CT
You can't be serious, bosses in classic SMT are a non issue outside of some of the endgame extra random encounter fiends like Alice, which are still beaten with the same tactics.
>And having twice as many elements?
Oh yeah, because bloating your extra damage bonuses with 8 levers instead of 4 is such incredibly challenging and deep.

SMT fans are becoming such a joke.

You're Claude Kenni? No fucking way! Guess you were tired of being blonde..

Are you under the assumption only SMTI exists or that every game in the series is similar to SMTI?

Cross is a bad sequel but it's a better game than Trigger

Fuck this nigger.

Soulless rip-off of Jet Set Radio.

I still don't get it.

Games like this and early FF games...all beautiful art and music, but the gameplay is just such a drag to me. Sure, some of the boss fights are wonderful, but the other 50 something hours just drag.

Chrono Cross is the best JRPG. inb4 hurr not enough character development - who cares? It's gameplay is insanely fun just running around, finding characters, mixing up your party, and the music is unmatched.

>Chrono Trigger
>50 hours long
>When it's 15 to 20 hours long at most
>Praises Chrono Cross which is far more padded and draggy

Kill yourself for not even trying with this bait.

>50 something hours
>grinding like a dumb casual

>Speedrunning like an autist

Huh...how come SMT fans are always coming into Persona threads to cry about how casual they are when their own games are as braindead simple as you say? Seems kind of hypocritical

>Game rewards you for both

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Because they're at least actual games and not diet VNs.

>Chrono Cross is the best JRPG.

except the story is a complete mess and has to rely on running Trigger

Seems weird to get elitist over a casual game in one of the most casual genres but okay.


I thought Yea Forums put gameplay over everything?

I agree.

Playing the game normally is not speedreading you autistic fuck.
You don't need to ever grind in Chrono Trigger.

Welcome to Yea Forums newfag :D
Only when they want to.

SMT appeals to edgy children who need to feel different and special. Ironically the very thing they decry the Persona subseries for
t. SMTfan

It's good.. but best? I dunno man.. The late game is a drag, and it's very short overall.

Too bad the gameplay is trash in Cross.

What is Final Fantasy 9?

Whenever SMTfans cry about Persona it reminds me of Pokemon fans whining about how easy the newer games have become.

What is the reward in 9 for grinding like an autist? It's been a while.

>best JRPG.
Is that like an award for best tasting pile of shit?

Pokemon is unironically the most complex and difficult RPG.

Honestly the most magical experiences I've had with RPGs over the course of my life were:

Persona 4 Golden
Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow
Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns
Chrono Cross

I honestly feel bad for the people who write off XIII-2/LR. They're easily the best FF games in terms of gameplay. The battle system is just pure bliss.

Not him but.
Excalibur sword or whatever that was...Steiner's best weapon in the game.

Bonus boss completion and a few other things. Grind card games like an autist for rares!

I thought you'd enjoy casual genres considering you just went for the easiest and lowest hanging fruit just now.

Excalibur 2 was a speedrun reward, not a grind reward.

that's for Speedrunning.

Man if they just ported Triple Triad over wholesale it would have been better than what they actually did.


>He hasn't played Triple Triad for years

Hello, Goku!

Literally who?

Thanks. This will make a good work game for the next few months.

Patrician taste, plebs will never understand.

Oh yeah, because Persona or Raidou games are so much better, right?
I don't know, you tell me.
You want to know the truth, you probably know better than me, it's envy because Persona is more popular than SMT ever was.

Literally who?

>Chrono Cross is the best JRPG.
I'll give you that's better than Trigger in any way outside of the standard battle theme, but that's not really much of an achievement.

>he can’t multitask

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Games like Soul Hackers, Nocturne, and IV: Apocalypse are.

Dumb boomer.

Chrono Trigger and Xenogears just don't compare. Completely different games.
I'd obviously recommend CT before XG because the former is a well-paced easily-finished game while the latter is a major time commitment with uneven quality. But the rewards for XG are better if you decide to invest the time.

The weird nub always gets me. I would just cut that shit off honestly.

I think he just keeps that on to flex on the fags who can’t git gud.

Just the magnetite management has more depth than anything in CT, more of a testament to the minimal depth JRPGs have than anything else

They really aren't, especially not fucking Soul Hackers.

Right, my bad. I misread the question.

Nobody outside of gamefaqs, Yea Forums and the niche subreddit have played that game but since lebbit and Yea Forums have interchangeable cross site traffic, that's not saying much.

I'll say it again. LITERALLY WHO?!

Cringey Nomurafag kill yourself.
He killed based Tokyo Team so now KH is fucking shit.
We will never have a KH2FM-tier game again because of this faggot gook.

>I thought you'd enjoy casual genres
I don't enjoy JRPGs.

Magnetite "management" is non existent, stop pretending it matters and stop pretending it amounts to anything even if it did matter.
>more of a testament to the minimal depth JRPGs have than anything else
And of course, the sweeping assumption of a casual to top it all off, SMT babs are confirmed for the next big cancer after FF fags.

>Chrono Cross
>Better than Chrono Trigger
Please kill yourself.

>considered to be one of the best DS games on the system
>cult following even to this day
>keeps getting ports and whatnot
>incredibly unique and fun gameplay
Played TWEWY two years ago and it still holds the fuck up. Also
>implying JRPGs aren’t niche as fuck

mmm no,
secret of mana or final fantasy tic-tacs desu
earthbound if you dont care about gameplay
CT is definitely better than EVERY ff game though

>Crashes your thread

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Pokemon was always casual shit for 8-12 year olds though

And yet you go for the easy obvious jokes over and over again.

I don’t even like Nomura, you stupid fuck. I just like TWEWY. Also
>KH fan calling anyone else cringy


Hi Barry.

Still mad that people liked KH3 over the unfinished FFXV?

>People want to revisit the SNES.
>Chrono trigger is on every must play list.
>Meanwhile, DS.
>TWEWY is only squawked about by it's autistic fanbase. A literal niche within a niche.


>Better story
>Better artstyle
>Better music
>Better and bigger cast
>Better gameplay
>Even a tiny bit of player input and actual replay value
>Based Nobuteru's art instead of Toriyama's endless dragon ball recycling
Sorry, Cross is better than Trigger in every respect outside of the standard battle theme

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You smell boomer.

>Chrono Trigger
>the literal definition of not offending modern sensibilities
Wow, color me shocked. I played Chrono Trigger and while I did enjoy it, I was left feeling a bit let down from the hype. TWEWY stands out a lot more in my opinion and still holds up very well.

Why are you bringing up your subjective opinion when he's saying TWEWY isn't very well known? Are you broken or something?

So is this dragonball or what. I never got it?

It's Dragonball yeah. Immensely overrated and with a fanbase full of dumb Mexicans

Well no shit it’s relatively unknown. TWEWY is a niche JRPG with a unique control scheme but that doesn’t make the game inherently lesser in quality just because of popularity.

>Muh barry
The last good game the Square part of Square-Enix made was KH2FM.

>Better story
>>Better story
>>Better artstyle
>>Better music
>>Better and bigger cast
>>Better gameplay
>>Even a tiny bit of player input and actual replay value
>>Based Nobuteru's art instead of Toriyama's endless dragon ball recycling
Literal lol
The art was trash compared to prime Toriyama

Kill yourself retarded faggot.

Barry hates 2FM because it mogs FFXV in every way

Twewy is a lame nint0ddler stylus gimmick game for babies.
Chrono Trigger is a big epic badass game for the last Adult Nintendo console which was the Super Nintendo.

>no u
Amazing rebuttal

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Why do people like this uninteresting mute? I mean he's not unique a mute sword user hero in a JRPG. Wow so original....so totally captivating....NOT. I frankly didn't care about this lame ass. And I also didn't care about Serge the other Chrono series mute. I just don't like these characters. At least in Persona the mute is there for Beta Basement Dweller Self-Insertion meaning you can date the waifus, not that it excuses how lame such mutes are anyway, but in stuff like in Chrono or hell Legend of Zelda? It's just not great. I still think that mute characters are a horrid idea. It really doesn't work for a linear story of any kind.

The only time mutes work is in MMOs because you literally construct your character from the ground up based on assets the game has. You design their face, body type, species even in some cases and you even dress them in whatever clothes you like and can even see them age. So yeah in there? Mutes are tolerable. Everywhere else? Lame and it's particularly bad during examples like Jak and Daxter's first game and Zelda Breath of the Wild. You got characters having full blown conversations and the mute stays quiet all the time it's like the talking characters are in the presence of a wooden puppet. And it's particularly worse in Zelda Breath of the Wild. At least in Jak and Daxter, Daxter being a loud mouth talks for Jak. In Zelda Breath of the Wild? Since Link has no companion of any kind he just stays like a statue quiet and barely expressing himself while the other character just talks to a non-living thing.

Mute characters like Crono are honestly just bad. I will never like this type of character. At least Caim in Drakengard had an excuse for why he was unable to speak.

>unironically saying badass and epic
TWEWY’s Psyches> Chrono Trigger’s Techs
I bet your punk ass couldn’t even beat Panthera Cantus.

>Barry hates anything because it mogs FFXV in every way


Chrono Cross is disgusting 3DPD shit from the PSX which feels like a chore to play in 15fps.


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well he was a man of few words and people love him. you on the other hand write paragraphs and no one likes you. maybe think about that for a bit and get back to us.

I don't play babby's toys like twewy.
That shit is gay.

>Damage controlling so hard to the point of using Yea Forums memes inappropriately

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>Awful GBA screeching sound

>I didn’t even play it
And just like that, your opinion on TWEWY is officially dead to me.

I don't play gay games for little babbies.

And yet you play Chrono Trigger.

Fuck you fanboy faggot.

>Bothering to argue
I've figured out the ultimate comeback that always works
There's no way to respond to it without losing and if they don't respond then they go away.

Chrono Trigger is for ADULTS.
Which is why it was for a respectable console like the Super Nintendo.

Great argument.

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Not even the best JRPG on its own system

>with a generic ass plot and characters and boring ass gameplay
SMT games run circles around Chrono Trigger.

I think I know why this game series ultimately failed. For a JRPG every single character was shit. Hero? Mute and it sucked that Felix I think it was became a mute in the sequel when you got to play as him. So whoever is the hero has their tongue cut off somehow. The other characters? No development at all. They sucked entirely. They're just "there" and the worst of the bunch of that old man who constantly talks and explains and talks and never stops talking. I wanted him to die, but somehow in all THREE games he survives. No one liked that talking encyclopedia (Kregan I think was his name).

So gameplay is decent for a JRPG, but the characters sucking? Yeah good luck with that. Not many people are going to tolerate characters that annoy or worse BORE them. Boring characters are how you immediately create a bad entertainment media such as a video game. Oh well the Takahashi Brothers had 3 games and they completely failed at creating compelling characters so this series deserved to die and fail. I greatly preferred playing the GBA ports of old Final Fantasies (with the extra bonuses found in their Gameboy Advance versions).

Lol. It's literally made for 15 year olds, get over yourself dumb SMTurd

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>15 year olds
>Strange Journey
What did he mean by this?

i had freeshopped this but never booted it should i play rn, cozy in my bed with the tv on in the background? or should i finish smt v which i am violently overleveled for right now?

SMT is for horror junkies.
Chrono Trigger is for tasteful adults.

I mean exactly what I said.

Did you actually play the game?

>I think I know why this game series ultimately failed.
Yeah it was on the GBA. GBA sucked shit.

You should send me your copy of SMT V.

Did you? I didn't pull 15 out of a hat you know. For someone who fancies himself deep and mature and a player of deep mature games, I sure had to spell out this basic thing for you.

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i actually could, if you buy me a pizza i have both a digital copy and a physical one since i got the CFW on my 3ds

I was joking, but yes you should play Strange Journey. Just don't start inhaling your own farts and thinking it's deep like this other user.

>dat multitap 3 player action
dat action rpg hybrid gameplay
dat ost

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Going by your logic, Chrono Trigger is even worse about this.

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But that's not Ys Oath in Felghana?


had more to do with the 3rd game being shit, not fixing any of the issues from 1/2, adding more issues, and burning up all the goodwill the series had. A game can withstand bad characters as long as the shit surrounding them is ok

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not to mention the 3rd game added several "you can't go back" points

what a fag

>DS port
Fuck off with that trash.

im playing it for the first time right now on my modded 3ds with twilightmenu and it's fucking great. the hype is true.

Hi Chrono Trigger, one of the best games ever created.

>kinos behind you
heh nothin personal kid

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Nice. What do you like about TWEWY so far, user?

The gameplay in Chrono Trigger is too simplistic for me to consider it the best RPG.
It is however the perfect entry level RPG. It's iconic, it's perfectly paced, it's easy to pick up and play, it has a timeless art style. It's a simple joy.



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the character designs, the setting, the music of course, the pin system and combat in general is very unique and fun. i just got to the part where joshua is now my partner and he seems like a nice guy to have banter with.

I assume you're representing the franchise as a whole with that image and not posting a mobile game

>Dude it gets better 40 hours in!

Glad you’re enjoying TWEWY, user. Hope you continue to have great time with it. It only gets better from there.

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chrono cross on switch when

But it quite literally does get better 40 hours in, and even more hours in, so:


Um sorry bros this game is cringe, I tried playing it but after a half hour it just didn't catch me....

is this truly what boomers call """PERFECTION"""?

Don't be mad because someone dislikes a toy you like.


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