What visual novel are you playing
What visual novel are you playing
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I'm playing through Alternative right now and I just got past the "chomp" scene.
Is there any more traumatizing shit like that left or was that it?
The one you posted
You're in for a ride, user
And not the good kind
Alternative was my favourite visual novel I've ever read. What a fucking ride.
Anyone read pic related?
i thought it was purely fap material
boy was i wrong
muv-luv alternative?
The Silver Case.
Just finished first run of Aselia the eternal. Gameplay got rather tedious by the end, but it was a good read.
is that the one?
I'm on the first chapter and it looks like this is going to be one hell of a ride
>Get spoiled about chomp!! long ago
>Become desensitized to gore after all these years
>Still almost puke soon after reading that scene
I should keep reading as I dropped the game after the time travel plot due to work.
>six years since Chronicles 4 was released
>still no final TDA episode
The last one I read was Saya no Uta, finally got around to reading it. So far I've read
>Bible Black (before I knew what a VN was)
>Katawa Shoujo
>Yume Miru Kusuri
>G-Senjou no Maou
>Muv-Luv, Alternative, and Altered Fable (sumika's route of course)
>YU-NO: The Girl who Chants Love at the Edge of the World (not the remake)
>Grisaia no Kajitsu (only finished common route+nee-san's route)
>Ever17 (dropped really quickly because it bored the shit out of me)
>Starless (dropped because it's just a shitty nukige for fetishes I don't have)
>Prison Battleship
>Taimanin Yukikaze
>Prisoner Market
>euphoria (nearly dropped it after they escaped but had to keep reading all the way to the end just to see what the fuck happened)
>Umineko no Naku Koro ni
>Saya no Uta
and probably more from long ago that I can't remember.
as for VN-like games
>every Rance game
>basically every Alicesoft game worth mentioning and some that aren't
>Kamidori Alchemy Meister
>Monster Girl Quest
>Eiyuu*Senki (really gave this a try but had to drop it because it's just shittier sengoku rance, it felt so boring and vanilla to me)
>Bunny Black
>Princess Sacrifice
>XX na kanojo no tsukurikata 2
>several obscure dlsite games
>Rondo Duo (this disappointed me despite the very high budget art)
>密室ブリード and 密室ブリード2
>Village of Nightmare (yes this is an obscure dlsite game but I'm listing it separate because it has so much SOUL)
>Succubus Prison
>Teaching Feeling
I've also played various shitty western eroge but I can't recommend any of them because they're just not very good.
thanks for reading my blog
Leave now and don't read anything about it on the internet
Same goes for anyone playing Muv-Luv.
I started reading this shitty moege about this guy who likes architecture and moved back to his home town from Tokyo or whatever. I honestly find moege to be boring as fuck and can't stand it but it's all I seem to be able to get my hands on.
>visual novel
Plenty of visual novels contain gameplay
Unless point and clicks, strategy games, etc. aren't gameplay either
G-Senjou was great,
>get like halfway through a VN
>even if I'm enjoying it, I always drop it
i fucking hate my attention span
The twist fucking ruined it for me. I keep changing my mind thinking it's brilliant to it's really fucking stupid.
I don't even know why they needed to add a twist.
G-Senjou was pretty good, at its best moments it managed to rival Death Note for it's batshit crazy twists and turns.
Good girls too.
Read it, was pretty good
Nothing at the moment since this comes out tomorrow and I'm waiting for it.
I liked the SnK twist much much better
Jinguuji-sensei was seen eating with another man
What did you guys think about the "maou" twist? Did it ruin the experience for you?
Saya no Uta
It was surprisingly interesting.
What did you think about the rape scene? Was it necessary? I get that it was to show that their relationship with the MC was special but it stills feel super forced. Isn't Uta supposed to be somewhat strong?
I liked the twist, I didn't think it ruined it. I am also a brainlet so take that with a grain of salt.
finished hadaka shitshuji recently. now i'm playing enzai
Are there any good ones on Android?
I got finished with Mask of Deception a couple of nights ago.
Started Mask of Truth and damn is shit heavy.
Shit was, uh, what's that word the kids use again? Oh, yeah. Kino.
>foreshadowing ends up going nowhere
>actual twist is barely alluded to.
Its fucking bullshit
Nah, Chomp is the only jumpscare.
Reading Most Forbidden Love right now. The way the routes are set up is enjoyable. Voiced MC is always nice. Needed something to cleanse my palette after going through Prison Ship 1 and 2 (started 3 but it was getting kind of samey).
can't seem to get into any recently.
>need to get to the true route of chaos;child but haven't continued in a while
>started dies irae but haven't continued (seemed decent so far though)
what i'm really waiting for is ciconia this summer
Subahibi was one hell of a ride Kimika best girl
On one hand it felt forced (heh) and a bit out of place. But on the other hand I think it was useful in demonstrating another dimension of Saya's inhumanity, her naivete. Despite everything she does she's really just a lost little child.
Me too, I'm on the third chapter. I've given up trying to make sense of anything.
Is this the first Asa Project game to be released in English?
Anyway, their games are great. Instead of being super boring moege, they go with over the top comedy making each of their games pretty funny.
Though I'm surprised they went with this one instead of Hitotsu Tobashi Renai V.
Forgot how to cry
Any vns can break me?
my negro
Am I reading this correctly? NEETs are literally a new species of humanity that advance human evolution by intelligent design dictating we create a new world?
couldn't she defend herself?
The first twist was great.
The second twist was retarded. Basically just a copout by the author to achieve the ending he wanted because he couldn't figure out any other way.
Knox's rules exist for a fucking reason. The entire story was based on one mystery - who is Maou? - and he ruined it by betraying the basic principles of writing a reasonable mystery. There's no way anyone could've guessed the true ending because it comes from nowhere, isn't foreshadowed, and was impossible to know for sure.
Actually if you just pretend that ending isn't canon the story is much better. Funnily enough, I think I actually forced myself to forget that retarded ending because I couldn't understand what everyone was so annoyed about until I googled it to refresh my memory. I only remembered the first twist.
Yeah it will be. Hope it does well so we get more in English.
any visual novels that have interesting game mechanics? stuff that you don't just click through like the Ace Attorney games
Kara no Shoujo has a mechanic where you visit different places every day and see different sides of the story that way
I/O had a mechanic where you save different endings to the system and whatever ending conditions are true (1) or not true (0) determine what scenes and endings you get to see in other parts of the story
Remember11 has a system where you have two different storylines and the things you do in one storyline impact the other (generally, this just means you get to see bad ends from another perspective)
Rance and the Baldr games have dedicated gameplay components
No, visual novels are defined by not having any gameplay. Ace Attorney isn't even a proper visual novel.
So either go with SRPG/Visual Novel mixes like Utawarerumono, RPG/Visual Novel mixes like Toushin Toushi, Adventure games like Yu-No or just go with Point&Click Adventures like Edna and Harvey or Deponia.
Rance 6 and 7, Kamidori from what I played.
>a mechanic where you visit different places every day and see different sides of the story that way
More like a mechanic to easily get a bad end and fucking die
YU-NO is a point and click adventure game, but it also has time travel mechanics where you have to leap forward and backward through branching timelines to solve puzzles and shit.
I suppose I'm fine with games with visual novel elements too. Devil Survivor comes to mind now that you mention srpg/vn, never played it though.
I'll look those up, thanks anons. I was expecting triggered ass replies but you guys are chill
That's definitely the low point, it really make no sense as she should have been able to easily stop it.
Anyway, the writing in SnU is good but the standout quality is that it's the only VN that isn't unnecessarily padded to be 100 hours long.
I'm playing Chaos;Child and I'm having a blast.
You haven't read enough VNs if you think they're all like that. The majority are short 2 - 10 hour romps that end quickly.
I agree with everything you've said.
I think that scene was to fill some "quota" or some shit; to sell more.
When I read it I gave up thinking because he basically showed Maou being the main protagonist and it works with his blackouts, so I felt no need to continue thinking about who is Maou, and then when they talked about the brother having no body like 40 mins before the reveal, I just webt"oh right, he said he had a brother near the beginning that was dropped very quickly, I guess it works" and that was it.
>tsf forefront literally fucking never
That's not true at all user, unless you're counting cheaply made porn games.
Just keep reading and see for yourself. You've got to the part where shit starts to get real.
Cheaply made porn games are VNs
The other user said that SnU was the only VN that was unnecessarily padded AND with good writing. Notice the "AND".
Please stop acting like you initially didn't understand this.
I just played Tacoma. It was ok I guess.
Cheaply made porn games can have good writing too. Please stop pretending vns are exclusively some pretentious artsy fartsy medium. They can be both.
>get to chomp scene
>"aww shit here we go"
>game becomes a total drag afterwards
I really should keep reading. Currently in the car with that big-titty redhead teacher.
I've been getting into VNs bigtime recently, played the translated SciAdv games and 428 Shibuya Scramble, really enjoyed all of them. Then I started Danganronpa. It's shit, not just shit but really aggravatingly shit. I got to the point where it asks if you want to tell Kyoko about the suspected spy, and then when you say yes, you do want to tell her, it tells you that actually you don't really want to tell her and makes you choose again until you give it the answer it's looking for. Haven't gone back to it since, really angry this pish was mentioned in the same breath as the other good titles i mentioned above.
that rape scene was brutal, i still remember it clearly. I dont know if it was necessary nor the multiple H scenes but it clearly made an impression
Danganronpa is english translated and highly marketed in the west so it's a lot of babbies' first VN. In fact it's not only many babbies' first VN, but their first mystery story in general, maybe even the first anime style thing they experience. It blows their mind so hard they think it's the greatest thing ever. But it's actually pretty shit. They can't see it though because they are permanently marked by nostalgia.
428 Shibuya scramble is almost like a puzzle game - there are 5 independent plots running simultaneously that you switch between, and you have to carefully arrange them so that they don't cause a bad end in another. For example, if the detective character arrives at a crime scene too early, he meets the culprit and gets murdered - but another character can make a choice that causes a traffic jam, causing the detective to arrive later and not get killed.
Is this scene censored in the Vita version?
I am thoroughly repulsed that people are fawning over this game. There is nothing good I can say about it. The art is shit. The controls are shit. The gameplay is shit. The plot is shit. The characters are shit. The mysteries are shit. I have no doubt the ending is shit too - such little doubt that I'm not sure if I'll even bother reaching it to find out.
Well I wasn't pretending, because it sounds impossible to me to compare Gen Urobuchi's writing with any cheaply made porn VN.
Feel free to spoonfeed me tho.
The chomp arc is a drag but everything after is really good.
Just finished reading this part. Holy shit this was hype as fuck. Didn't think that I would enjou chuuni so much but here I am. I don't think the game is done tho, did I miss something?
What route was that again?
If it was Rea, you did all the other routes and sidestories then you are done, though Rea route has 2 endings and the last sidestory maybe has 2 too
>rea route has 2 endings
Thanks user
Our world is endeded
it looks like those old FMV games
oh boy you don't know what you were missing
If I remember correctly it was just the last choice that affects the ending
Also post reactions after the chuuni overdose and you finish the route
It's a bit disorientating at first, but once you get used to it, which doesn't take long at all, it works really well. It's mostly stills, the video footage is only for a handful of important scenes.
if anything the goofy factor is a sell. atleast in my opinion
will it be anywhere close to as enjoyable as umineko?
Looks like dumb chuuni action shit, but maybe that's just a red herring
Yeah, they knew what they were doing, there are lots of really silly poses.
Better because hes calmed down now
Goatpill me on Higanbana and Rose Gun Days, nobody talks about them
Bully tortureporn
Good but rushed end
Nothing exciting, just some obscure SoL VN because I want to feel what a youth with friends and a love life might feel like, a situation foreign to me because I spent my high school years watching anime, reading light novels, shitposting, and playing vidya.
rose guns days is entertaining and very worth the read imo.
no idea, but i'm hoping for the best.
Tsukihime is interesting
hoo boy you're in for some shit
I've been thinking of getting into more VNs but I've heard very divisive things about how good some of the popular ones like Muv-Luv and Fate actually are. Plus, I don't care for having porn scenes in things that aren't actually just porn.
T O T H E N E X T 1 0 Y E A R S
Start with something like The House in Fata Morgana and see if VNs are your thing
Tokio is great.
fate is just popular. it can't be compared to muv luv.
muv luv on the other hand requires you to read through a generic and boring prequel before getting to the point.
Does kns h scenes contain plot info or is it safe to ctrl through them?
It's kind of hard to recommend Nukige because there's a whole lot of "That's not my fetish" to get over. I'd say check out Fiendish Magical Girl Rinne.
With Fate it's less than 1% of the content you'd be consuming. Tsukihime's protag is a degenerate, which makes him way more interesting.
Muvluv made it hard for me to enjoy other VNs afterwards. It's been a little under a decade since it got fully translated and it's still one of the best VNs available in English. Literally nothing has topped Alternative.
Finished Umineko yesterday. Great read but I liked Higurashi more, the ending felt way more satisfying.
I've played through some casual/entry-level ones like DDLC and Danganronpa and enjoyed them, although I know they're not the norm for the genre. I've obviously played a ton of porn ones too.
Yeah, some of the reviews were along the lines of "the finale was interesting and the ideas were interesting but it was too boring for too long and not carried out well."
I've been playing them with my gf so any porn content at all is gonna be kinda jarring to get through.
Simple, just read Wonderful Everyday and never look at another VN again
I've only played SciAdv games and 428 Shibuya Scramble, but I'd strongly recommend any of those you haven't played before.
How'd they get the rock there then?
>played Danganronpa and enjoyed it
it's shit
if you enjoyed it you are shit
feel free to play anything under the sun, if you liked Danganronpa you are sure to like anything else you try because evidently you are a tasteless shiteater who can enjoy anything no matter how bad
But Subahibi's target audience are the otaku who already play VNs.
Someone tasted peepee in their froot loops this morning.
Thanks, I bought it S;G during a sale a while back, I should get through it.
Jesus used the Lord's magic.
>getting mad over the vn equivalent of popcorn
easy, killer, easy
Do you not like lacrosse user?
don't get me wrong though. muv luv was worth it.
Is Fata Morgana any good?
How lewd is it?
>expect chomp
>get 80 hours of Lacrosse school simulator
Wait what was the first twist?
Zero lewds.
Help I don't own a vita how do i read reincarnation tomorrow
I just started this on Vita. The maid looks pretty creepy when she smiles while closing her eyes. I like that.
Ryukishi trying too hard about bullying
>Rose Guns Days
Very nice mafia/politics story but also has a rushed ending because he caught the dreaded japanese cold when writing it and ran out of time
The first twist is Protagonist is Maou
The second twist is lol MC isn't actually maou, it was his secret twin brother all along!
Alternate Jake Hunter: Daedalus The Awakening of Golden Jazz.
Nice how they let you investigate the environments, but the story was worse than the 3DS one(s) in Ghost of the Dusk imo (not counting the terrible fujoshit antique shop story in that).
Notably the ending was just annoying in how you see it coming but get no option to do anything about it (and it's totally linear like all english-translated Jake Hunter games).
Slightly salvaged by the final scene of the regular Jake Hunter lighting up a cig.
Oh. I mean they're kinda the same twist.
I honestly wish they kept the first twist, it's so fucking dumb that he "faints" whenever he shows up. Yeah fucking right. That epilogue where he acts like an asshole to all his friends got me.
It's getting a sequel soon apparently?
12riven when
Sorry sir, only the best vn ops are allowed through this door
>all-ages kusoge
don't bother
Imouto Paradise 2. I thought it would be impossible for anyone to be better than the cheerleader imouto but oh lord was I wrong.
What are some VN's with good tsunderes?
>inb4 none
In that one you're the son of the guy from Imopara1 right? Their genetic line is gonna be really fucked if they keep going like this.
i really, really wish rose guns days would have gone a little longer. i was really enjoying it. i wouldn't even mind 8 episodes.
I'm interested on how far will they take it. Lets see how crazy they will become as they go further.
*blocks your path*
Daily Reminder that Akane is a cunt:
Orchestrating the mass kidnapping and imprisonment of a dozen people, and brutally murdering your past tormentors is not an acceptable means of solving a sudoku puzzle.
Should I play Vita or PC?
I couldn't play it nearly as much as on my Vita which is why I'm tempted to do the Vita version
Apparently nobody questions the fact that the guy from the first game has 5 wives, all of whom are his sisters, and that they all live together. And there's a third game out as well now, so I can only assume their gene pool is more like a gene septic tank.
As if this can shake someone who completed FSR.
Akane is a cunt but not because of what she did in the first game.
Who was more based and redpilled, Nabu or Enomoto?
But it is an acceptable means of gettin that dick 6 billions timelines and 2 games later
wtf i regret not learning japanese this looks fun
You must think you're hot shit, huh. But I bet you won't have the balls to open this spoiler.
Search your SELF, you know it to be true.
VN are dogshit.
I've noticed most of the time I don't even remember what happens in a VN, and I just get fond memories of it from all the music, the art, the setting, the characters, and otherwise. For instance I loved Ever17, but I don't even remember what happens in the true route or what the story meant at all.
It's really good but I think you might be overrating it a little. There's pacing issues and, unless I missed something, a lot of it can be justifiably described as pretentious.
Keikofag is late guys, what should we do
>Ever 17
You remember washing machine, tho?
ass nigger cuck sucking dick shit tier: steins gate 0, muv luv (all of them), fate stay night, chaos child, kara no shoujo, sharin no kuni
good blessed white good tier: higurashi, umineko, zero escape, ever17, g senjou no maou, fata morgana
I'm all out of translated chuuni VNs and it's boring.
You've gotten all 100 by now, right?
How was it?
>accidentally started playing Alternative first
I reached the levels of stupidity I thought I would never get. At least the game didn't drop any major spoilers on me in the first 2 minutes before I realized my mistake.
I remember MC and Tsugumi end up in an escape pod by themselves, but it's too heavy to reach the surface so MC sacrifices himself so that Tsugumi can live. However, there's stuff I still don't get, like that one part where it seemed like the MC and Tsugumi had sex on that one ride but it doesn't actually tell you if they did. I know she's immortal though, and that she's the exact same person she was in the recreation of the accident as she was in the original.
Still, I forget the overall picture of the story. I remember well the thriller-like plots of all the routes but Coco's route that end in the underwater base, but the part that was supposed to blow my mind didn't even catch my attention really.
I'm currently playing it and only 20 minutes in so I can't say yet. I'd much rather be playing something chuuni though.
E17 had too much of pic related going on for me to call it good, the pacing of the non-true routes is just completely awful. As for the true route itself, not knowing anything made it a wild ride in the heat of the moment, but looking back on it with any sort of critical eye shows the plot is literal swiss cheese.
Uchikoshi needs to stop recycling the same plot over and over again though.
The Remake would be fucking shit, Takeuchi's designs he made for it are horrible
Honestly, I did like the SoL stuff, but I feel like they did a poor job integrating a lot of it with the actual core of the story (in the true route). Also, not only that, but can we at least agree that the setting was underutilized as fuck? It almost makes me mad. You have this amazing concept for a slowly flooding water-themed amusement park, and several beautiful and inspired locations like Kosmisher Wal and Karussell Delphine, only for them to spend the bulk of the story just eating chicken sandwiches and shooting the shit. They could have at least used this segment for character development, but not even that happens, so it's just kind of filler. I think part of why I cared so little about the true route is because by the time I had unlocked it, I watched the same meaningless scenes so much that it was way harder to care. They all repeat in each route a ton, so it's just boring.
The complaints aside, it's still one of my favorites. Perhaps I should play one of the spiritually-related games sometime.
is the "chomp" in the vita version?
what was his fucking problem?
What do you mean, the scene obviously is in but the cg is altered
IIRC it only appears for a split second whereas it lingers on the screen in the original version.
It's censored.
I'm about to finish Ever 17.
Nothing, NOTHING can top this
I have a save file right after the chomp scene and honestly the PTSD scene is probably the most favourite thing I've ever seen/read/played
>when Isumi's Photonflowers story makes you sit through her death scene twice
Correction, PTSD arc.
It's only downhill from now on. Now it's where it starts getting interesting.
I really want to read muv-luv again, but it took me weeks just to finish alternative.
Speaking of Muv-Luv, is Schwarzesmarken worth watching or should I just wait a million years for the VN to get translated?
If only they didn't completely shitcan the plot after you choose anyone but Usami and for that
Takepyon takepyon
Stella > Meiya > Chizuru = Sumika > Ayamine > Tama > an actual pile of shit > Mikoto
how is fate/stay night?
SM's anime was awful, and that's saying something after how mediocre the VN itself was. I actually appreciated Total Eclipse more after watching it.
well its fate, so its shit.
It's good.
Hopefully he doesn't have another close friend die midway through writing or have retarded fucking fujo staffers make him change his ideas again.
I was there too, 2 years ago. I stopped playing since then. Maybe I should start from there, shit got me good.
Most people here like it but I couldn't care less about the magic info dumps and chuuni fights
>ywn be a retarded fucking fujo staffer working under Ryu07 convincing him to ditch the whore cakewife idea to make your otp canon forever
why even live t bh
>However, there's stuff I still don't get, like that one part where it seemed like the MC and Tsugumi had sex on that one ride but it doesn't actually tell you if they did.
They did, since Sara and the Kid in the second route are his children.
>no Nippon-stronk nationalist sword waifu ever
user is actually right for once
Does the Mitsurugi family have enough power to compete with the Bogdanoffs?
It depends on how much you can enjoy the chuuni stuff and how much you can stomach info dumps and cooking scenes. Theres 3 routes, Fate, UBW and HF. Fate is the first one and filled the most with exposition and explaining of the world and is generally pretty shit until the last 20%. UBW has the best pacing and is great from start to finish. HF is a very,very slow ride but the last 30% or so is fucking nuts and amazing and worth the whole reading of the VN. So if you can stomach the
>i-it gets better!
Which I guess goes for the majority of VNs then yes its worth it.
has anyone played trap shrine
I mean, this is their private jet with a fighter escort, and other countries' leaders call THEM to congratulate them on their birthday, and the twins are only 18.
Also Yuuhi accidentally created a microwave that's capable of disabling nuclear weapons and I'm pretty sure Meiya killed someone in her Photonflowers story and got away with it.
Subahibi and Maitetsu. Not very far into either but they're enoyable so far, outside of Maitetsu using like 35% of my GPU and drowning out in game noises with my computer's fans.
Is there any VN that isn't paced at the speed of a snail and doesn't have like several hours worth of slice of life/unrelated shit before it gets to the interesting bits?
Remember11, minus the initial plane scene
Just finished Katawa Shoujou, it has been a long while since I have played any vn that give me an intimate but realistic relationship with the girls. Got any similar VN recommendation with such comfy feelings?
Baldr Force
Saya no Uta
Urobutcher VNs like Kikokugai always got straight to the point.
Kara no Shoujo
Can't believe I got memed into reading YU-NO bros. I can see how much other VNs have straight up copied from it but unfortunately most of those did it better.
Kara no Shoujo is a rollercoaster for sure, can't go wrong with it.
Are you...
O V E R "T H E R E"?
>bet you're really excited to start the true route of this sci-fi mystery thriller and finally get all the big twists and crazy payoff after like 5 routes of setup
>just kidding bro here's a bunch of hours of isekai slice of life
Truly epic
Kara no Shoujo? Srsly? I want a comfy VN, not a one way trip to depression ( KS is giving me enough sadness for having a lonely life tho)
I am looking to start reading something.
Can't really decide between Ever 17, Rewrite or Silver Chaos
>MuvLuv thread
Yeah you should play it. It's very comfy.
I can recommend Tsukihime as well if you are interested. Its an earlier VN from the same guys that dosent have voice acting and the art is cheaper, but the actual story and characters is pretty damn good. Its also not as long as FSN.
>Gets into an incomprehensible delusion loop
>Unironically uses the power of friendship to spirit bomb his way out
>Gets called to save Yumi's friends
>Calls down a partition, gases them, and kills them all
How is {HE} so based?
I hope you like chicken sandwiches
thank you ill check it out
im pretty new to the world of vns, only played saya no uta, katawa shoujo, ddlc , starless, the todd howard vn (if that even counts), and i just started fate/stay night
That's enough retardation for one thread thank you very much
fata morgana on vita. The complete package just release. The reincarnation chapter is okay. Too bad the music fucking bland and terrible compare to the original.
> visual novel
> playing
nigga what
I would prefer a romance focus VN with less drama and more limbs please (≖ᴗ≖๑)
You're supposed to play with your dick retard
Will I miss something when using the all ages version?
Can't find a proper download for the full experience. Not that I really need the sex scenes, I just have a fear of missing out.
If it's like Fate's 'I need my masters semen to recharge', I can pass
I hate childhood friends
Especially Sumika!
Tama is my waifu!
user ever17 in an all ages title in the first place
It's chuuni. It's great if you want to see
I am the bone of my sword
If you're looking for something like F/GO you'll be disappointed.
Oh, I will recharge before reading it then
Kinda a godang shame it was lewdless desu
Have fun
What's a good horror VN that will spook the fuck out of me?
Tsugumi and Akiha from Tsukihime were both my first VN crush. Also, the artist's style has changed a lot (see pic) since the old days.
>tfw the artist is now just a housewife and hasn't been involved in any game or manga in over a decade
At least she still posts her drawings on Twitter.
I got so bored of Steins;Gate 0 that I haven't "played" a visual novel since.
Why didn't you save her?
never played anything in the fate universe before but i do have a certain resentment for fate/grand order and gachashit parasites on /vg/
corpse party
Sound of Drop ~fall into poison~
>Its about a haunted aquarium
Lovely picture, so pure, so vanilla.
How did Chadkeshi bone the emo out of this edgy vampire and turn her into a loving housewife so thoroughly?
It wasn't up to me man. At least the imouto was safe.
By putting her in a washing machine.
looks neat
fine ill buy it
Remember this?
fuck i hate aquariums and i hate being underwater
looks like my kind of game
I think that's legit the worst a VN has ever made me feel. I spent hours trying all different shit out in the game to see if there was a way to save her before I finally just looked it up. She didn't deserve that.
Fate seems to in an identity crisis and it sucks tbqh. I'd say give it a shot if you like that charming edgy stuff. It's not as strong as Dies Irae and it can drag on at times but if you can get to the great parts its worth it.
Play the Silver Case
Fate is better than DI because beneath the chuuni urban fantasy it actually succeeds at telling an interesting story with characters you actually care about. Dies Irae is just Masada's autistic chuuni wankfest.
well i could do for a good fap actually, the vidya titties thread is gone and the overwatch thread is much more disappointing than usual
The girl you posted was best girl and best fuck
Still stuck on the final chapter of Fata Morgana, just way too boring, I don't want to re-read essentially the same story just re-told from a different POV. Should I just fast-forward to the ending?
>good plot, bad characters
>bad plot, good characters
Bad plot, bad characters
First is Nakazawa
Second is Uchikoshi
it's amazing, usami top waifu and very heartwarming ending
Good characters can turn a bad plot into something fun
>want to enjoy alternative
>can't get through extra
I always start it but it's mind numbingly boring that I eventually drop it. Fuck my life
start with unlimited then
literally pleb filtered
won't that influence my experience with alternative?
Call down bro, I just said Fate wasn't as chuuni as Dies Irae. Yeah?
I don't know how the anime was as an adaptation, but it was far better as a standalone anime than TE. The only thing TE did better was fanservice and color palette. Everything else was shit.
Remember11 had great characters.
I don't know why, but the more I hated her, the more I wanted to penetrate her with my dick. She just seemed to get hotter with each atrocity or sadism she perpetuated. Like every time she was on screen, she was torturing or killing someone innocent, which only made my dick harder.
When's the $9 million muv luv adaption from UFOtable happening?
Ever17 and Remember11 were good because they had equal pull
I/O and Root Double have shit casts that can't decide if they want to be anime cliches for the otaku or serious business
ZE is just Ever17 rehashes
>Moon's Age watch is key to I/O's story
>It is never depicted
But why
Goddamn. I want to hatefuck her so bad. Such a repulsive character wrapped up in a supremely fuckable body.
We're never getting anything new from Muv-Luv ever again.
>TSF Forefront never
>uncensored complete English Altered Fable never
>more The Day After never
Enjoy this future instead
Finished Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth.
god I'm sick of amnesia as a plot device
IIRC in her and Irisdina's specific route in the VN she has actual motivations and character development, but she's just comically evil in everything else and that's what the adaptation went with.
I'm playing it now. the style of humor reminds me of arrested development but toned down. I'm enjoying it so far.
Any good yandere VNs?
what about being too much of a chad to remember something?
Started it myself.
I really cannot get past Haku trying to impersonate Oshtar 24/7. Plus Nekone being all depressed and shit (can hardly blame her though).
Whats your opinion on H-scenes? Do you think that they are an unnecesary filler or do they add to the story?
witches btfo america
I think being unnecessary filler is already pretty good. In many cases I feel like they actively make the story worse. Yu-no is probably the best example of this, it's hard to care about the emotional story of a guy grieving his dead wife when he feels the need to bone literally every female he comes across because the game doesn't know whether it wants to be a serious emotional story or a cheap trashy porno.
I'd much rather have H scenes I don't like that I end up ctrling through than not have H scenes.
I just finished Steins; Gate Linear Bounded Phenogram. As a collection of short stories, it was really uneven. Okabe's story was good, Kirsu's was decent, Mayuri and Daru's were OK, Suzuha's was maybe an OK idea but they didn't do anything with it, the rest were bad.
Also jesus the writing on most of these VNs feels SO STRETCHED. Japanese literature I've read doesn't have this problem. Why do VN's have this problem? In S:G it's as if every five sentences could get compressed to one, and if you dropped the repetition you'd trip a quarter of the manuscript.
They make me uncomfortable because im always thinking about the fact that a real girl/dude had to vocalize gross slurping gagging moaning sounds in a studio in public and I can't get into it.
is there any translated muv-luv stuff worth acquiring outside of the three main games? anime/VNs or anything?
I usually just skip past them after the first one. It was nice reading Damekoi and seeing that they actually threw in character development during the erotic scenes.
VNs in japan are really expensive (like 80 freedom units is the normal price for them) so the writers pad the length so ppl feel they get their moneys worth so ive heard
>using the worst sprite option
Ultimately it depends on execution and placement. If they're worked into the narrative and aren't shoehorned, I think they enhance the story.
I'll use katawa shoujo as an example since I'm sure everyone here has played it.
Rin's h-scene at the culmination of her good end and Lilly's somewhat awkward first h-scene after the heartfelt confession are both fit well within the story, and I felt that they enhanced the narrative. Something like Emi's anal scene (which was literally only done for the sake of having an anal scene) or Shizune's scenes (in which she jumps on Hisao's dick with little buildup or relation to the rest of the plot) are much less effective and don't fit in.
It also helps when they don't have cringeworthy dialogue like pic related or anything from Nasu's h-scenes.
what of it :^)
God I came buckets to that scene, especially when it got voiced in the remaster.
Eroge. Its fun and i like the scenes besides the whole scat thing.
delete this
It would be fine if they actually got me hard. Doujins are much better for fap material.
Thanks for the rec; this is great, even if it is pretty short
I really wish more VNs had a voiced MC.
>Still need to finish Chaos;Child
>Still need to start Dies Irae
>Still need to start Tokyo Chronos
There's so little time in a day and so many things to do.
but how else am i gonna self insert?
Dies Irae is derivative of Fate.
It's not as good
It's a rehash of it doing it's own thing, but that's it
I really wish more VNs had a MC that is allowed to be a fleshed character
I need some help in regards to Subahibi. There is a particular song that plays during Mamiya's descent into madness that I cannot find. It sounds like some sort of classical piece but the music sounds distorted, I believe it is pitched up and sped up in parts. I know that isn't much to go on but it's been over a year since I read it. It isn't listed in the official soundtrack. It definitely plays somewhere during the route before he starts brainwash people.
Who is the absolute worst MC?
MC Hammer
Never7 Makoto
that pussy from Tsujidou-San Junai Road
The guy from Island is so fucking retarded I don't even want to explain why
Post that Hatsukoi screenshot
"i can't let you kiss other people just yet"
Did you get LBP as part of Elite? I've been wanting to play it but I don't want to burn that much money on side stories.
When I finally do pick it up, can you recommend an order to do the stories so it flows well and doesn't end anticlimactically?
Any protagonist with the hetare tag.
I was reading Muv-Luv but the pacing was so shitty and slow that I stopped reading entirely. To me it isn't worth having to sit through 50 hours of garbage just to get to the "Good Stuff".
He wasn't that bad, typical self insert mc that has little to him but he was pretty chad during Haruka route and his minor existential crisis scenes were interesting
Death End should've just been a VN. The real life sections carry that fucking game.
Muv Luv is dated to its time, ie 10 years ago. What it currently innovates is complete incompetence in regards' to its handling.
Don't open
Spooky inside
Who was the worst heroine of all of the VNs you played up until now?
(you) motherfucker
Damekoi. It's refreshing to have a VN that manages to balance drama and comedy pretty well. It's also pretty unique due to the protagonist being a guy in his late twenties and is divorced with his ex-wife being one of the heroines.
>the pacing was so shitty
I just didn't see the point in making him a girl. Was it to keep a total of 5 heroines for Unlimited?
He was a good bro in extra, but take that away and he's got nothing to him. His dad was interesting, at least.
Hinata is a retard for obsessing over her dumb ass when she scissored with Enlil while he had prime Yumi and Sakuya pussy within arms reach
The implication is that he was always a girl, or maybe not lol
That trope is pretty common in jap media
>Humanity's becoming extinct due to BETAs
>Fucker like Glasses cuck going MUH GRORIOUS NIPPON SOVEREIGNTY and Beatrice doing retarded shit for shit and giggles and mass murder
>Meanwhile the rest of the world still won't stop their politics
They deserve to get CHOMP'D
We need more cake heroines, why do they always end up being a joke route?
chaos child
just finished the first route dont really feel like playing through it again
We need more onee-san heroines that aren't NBR FUCK
most VN players have so much shit in their head that they don't understand things like pacing and enjoy reading endless slice of zzzz
>EOP speedreaders
Battler drove me nuts in the question arcs.
She definetly was the best girl in that game, shame her route is so short.
>When the titular character is second worst girl in her own game
Tempted to give a shot to this
It's any good? Which version is the best?
all the routes fork off in completely different directions from the first route and the murder mystery plot gets largely upended by something else for each one. The only one that sticks to the same rough pattern of events is the true ending, which I thought was pretty good and worth bothering with, and when you unlock that you just begin right where the standard ending finished.
For reference, finishing the standard route took me ~25 hours, and clearing all the other routes (including the true ending) took another ~10.
I want to get with her mom.
play it on your vita!
Before the Shimmering Time Ends has the main story and Meiya, Sumika, and Kashiwagi's splits and H-scenes translated
The Day After 1 and I think 2 from Chronicles are translated
Photonflowers English backer version was uploaded to Sukebei
Too bad the fandisk hasn't been translated yet
What is your opinion of this one?
How chuuni is it?
peak chuuni
Main character is a fucking dick.
>vn thread
>it's always about the same vns
i feel bad for you EOPs
i'd recommend taking up some japanese lessons so you're not stuck with this crap you have
Wow, that's pretty huge to miss. I can see why I looked like an idiot for asking this before. Thanks for sating my curiosity.
Bitch I'm too lazy to get a fucking job, do you really think I have what it takes to learn a fucking language?
Bro jp only otome isn't a lot better than what's translated
not that user but i'm in pretty much the same spot. can't make myself care about these side routes. they feel like distractions.
>and when you unlock that you just begin right where the standard ending finished.
that's actually surprising. makes me want to continue more.
Yeah, you don't need to start a new game to access it, unlocking it just enables a new option on the start menu that takes you straight into it. if you'd like a detail to tease your interest, it's from the perspective of onoe, months after the events of the common ending.
wait but i don't get it, doesn't that mean that the people that died in the common route stay dead?
also i thought the true ending was supposed to be as long as the common route.
No, the true route is basically an epilogue to the common route, with only a couple small tweaks to what happened. it implicitly mixes in actual spoilers here a little bit of the Kurusu route but otherwise it just continues on from the common route.
Actually I'm not sure if it changes the events of the common route at all, or just reveals new information that you didn't have the first time. Either way, very similar with at most only one major change I can think of.
not gonna read that spoiler but thanks for clearing it up.
No worries, I'm off to bed now and I doubt this thread will live until I wake up so I'll just say I hope you do finish the rest. Get through Uki, Hana, and Hinae (they're all fine but they do feel irritatingly off-topic sometimes), and then once you get to the Kurusu route everything that's left is very good.
Have fun
Damekoi. I'm a sucker for VN's with voiced/faced Protagonists. Cause you inherently know it's not self-insert material but the piece is for telling a story. Like Chou Dengeki Stryker.
Lmao you also have to beat the game a second time by the way
If it's translated I doubt it would be obscure. The girls looks really good.
Any VNs with protags unironically like P4U Adachi?
Total Eclipse is an accurate adaption of mediocre material.
Technically the SM anime was an adaption of the LN series. The VN was released in two parts and the second part was only released after the anime.
Though in the case of both TE and SM the VN version is supposed to be the "True" version. Telling the complete story with every hours long info dump you should expect from ML.
That's an XB-70 user. It's there in case you didn't get the joke with the XG-70
Remember11 on the whole is the better written story and infinitely better paced, even if its ending is admittedly rushed. (A certain bad end helps clear up a lot of it, though.) If you want to read something within the Infinity series, I'd point you to that.
The other VNs I've read by Uchi or Nakazawa tend towards a mixture of samey plots, pure suffering to read, and pants on head retarded.
Germanboy is your best choice
I dunno man, I personally love Yuuko's motivational speech as Tsubasa plays. Commander Wakamoto's send-off with Carry On right after was good too.
Is there a yurige in existence without forced suffering??
How's the setting/music/characters? That was my favorite part of E17, how it was super inspired when it came to its art design and all the things involved like Lemuria. I downloaded the soundtrack recently too and it's better than I remember too, the bright synths and nice melodies on some of the location tracks are really nice, and the sad ones for the more serious moments like the Klavier songs or Heilmittel are really effective too. I would suggest a listen sometime if you haven't heard it since playing.
Dyke related angst is the only kind of drama yuri is allowed to have, so no.
Remember11 is way better than Ever17 when it comes to setting and music, imo. There are two settings - a mysterious lab in the middle of nowhere and a forgotten log cabin in the middle of a harsh winter. The music speaks for itself
As for the characters, I think Remember11 has a more ambitious and interesting cast, but they're not as lovable as the Ever17 cast. Remember11 goes balls deep into the Jungian archetypes, so some of the characters are intentionally obtuse. Most people find Yuni to be annoying as fuck at first, but quickly come to like him. As for the protagonists, Kokoro is pretty shallow, but Satoru is by far one of the most interesting protagonists in the entire medium.
I just read the second chapter of the second Higanbana game and goddamn that was good
>tfw you read or watch something inspiring but you're too much of a lazy neet piece of shit to ever change
every time
i want to sexually abuse kaos
Not that guy but r11 has the same composer and imo vastly improved with r11's ost. Setting is much more generic than Lemuria's neat building design but the stakes from the situation make up for it. Characters are heavily based around their Jung archetypes for thematic reasons and thus are a very different from e17's. Instead of mostly slower calmer character development in e17 these people are in panic most of the time and you see a lot of desperation/extreme developments.
best song
Currently 100%ing Haha Ranman. The CG and artstyle are gorgeous. It's like the perfect way to bring 90s aesthetic into modern era.
hey fuckers
That sounds really good, actually, possibly better than e17. I'll put this one on my list for sure. Thanks!
Have the moons figured out "satisfying endings" yet or are visual novels still giant piles of stupid horseshit?
The latter
Are there any mysterious VNs that keep their mysterious atmosphere throughout? I/O felt like a weird mystic dream up until the NOT routes happened, then it got retarded when this fucker showed up.
Is MuvLuv really worth it? You have to get through 2 long ass VNs just to reach the VN people actually like, right? I don't mind slow stories (I loved Ever17) but I can't imagine reading 2 shitty stories just to read 1 good one eventually. I'm not a NEET and can only play like 30 hours a week, I can't imagine wasting a few months on bad content to eventually get to something good unless it's just THAT good.
>Is MuvLuv really worth it?
Why asks questions you already know the answer to?
It's really worth it, but it's not like my post will make you think otherwise right? Just decide on your own.
stop being a fag
Myth and Forest are really the only English translated VNs that get even weirder than I/O does
Silver Case is similar to I/O in that it's a weird cyberpunk story with a moon theme, but Silver Case shits its pants because the devs ran out of time while I/O shits its pants because the devs had too much time
It's funny, even after all the years since I've read it Ever17s twists stuck with me hardcore. The intricate way they interconnect and lead into the 1 massive twist just blew my fucking mind, I often forget twists in media but every single one from Ever17 just stuck with me so well.
Extra and Unlimited are good, just not as good as Alternative.
please don't recommend Myth
If you like Visual Novels and never played The Silver Case, you've literally only read fan fic-tier shit aimed at teenagers.
Go and fix that right now if you haven't.
>two shitty stories
Unlimited is good and Extra is fine for what it is.
Do you remember all the details and everything? The whole bit about LITERALLY YOU being a significant person in the story went over my head.
Who would win the asspull contest, Delta or Nabu?
It's by far the worst of the Zero Escape series, unfortunately. It goes for a "cinematic" feel, which just means the game looks like a bad CG movie. It's main twist also comes out of nowhere with almost 0 foreshadowing. True, when replaying it you might notice "oh, I guess that makes sense with the twist", but it's such poor foreshadowing in general that it feels worse than VLR's twist involving the MC.
If a VN is good enough someone will translate it.
You are a being from a higher demension whose name translates into "point of view"
It's just you
The true ending is pretty worth it, but be warned that it adds 1 extremely stupid twist that has literally 0 foreshadowing, and worse yet has 0 actual impact on the plot, especially because they essentially undo the twist in the pretty short true ending anyway.
It's probably the most pointless twist possible, I'd love to see someone unironically defend it but I wouldn't be surprised if nobody could. This is coming from someone that 100% loved every fucking twist from Ever17, even the small ones like the twist with the dog.
Don't you mean it will disappear into the backlog of Mangagamer, Sekai Project, et all?
I'm not enjoying Yuminas writing. I'm only in it for the genre switch should I just fast forward through everything until then?
Here's my decade-old memory interpretation, let's hope it matches as well as I think it does lol
They need it to appear to be 100% the same in the same way in order to trick LITERALLY YOU into thinking it's the same, because the paradoxical nature of that level of twist would not only grab YOUR attention, but the shock of the reveal would basically bring YOU into a position where YOU realize (You) can affect the plot now too. Going into more is more spoilery than I want even behind a spoiler tag, but essentially they trick you into becoming a character, and that character is essentially god in the same way you are essentially a god to the files of the game
Bible black has a really good horror atmosphere. I just wish the art was better. Shiraki is supposed to be this ultra feminine flesh trophy that every guy in school wants to fuck,but no joke 90% of the women in this have copy paste bodies even during event CGs.
If I got something out of this thread is that I should play Ever17
You're late.
Yeah it's pretty good, if you haven't seen spoilers yet close the thread and download it.
It IS very slow at first, but the quantity and quality of twists you'll get later on, especially in the true ending of the final route, make the entire game worth it, as suddenly the very slow mostly SOL scenes are filled with what was foreshadowing for shit you could have picked up on but didn't, because the twists are all reasonably fair.
That doesn't sound too complex.
This would be a more interesting interpretation. I have a faint memory of it too but I recall things heading in this direction by the very end, so it sounds like you're right.
It's really good yeah. The beginning is a bit misleading for how the rest of the game will be but it's quite unlike pretty much anything else (except the spiritual successors).
I hadn't considered that honestly, do you have any examples of the foreshadowing?
School days was a lot of fun, wish more games were like it.
none, need to wait till the 64gb memecard of my vita arrives
I only played the first one.
Has the animation ever gotten better?
Or is it still all awkward and stiff?
fan translation is pretty much dead, so unless you have someone dedicated enough to translate dozens of hours worth of text for free it's not getting translated. most vn localizers seem to care more about translating shitty nukiges and yaoige then other shit because its actually profitable. even if companies pick good vns up at some point, they almost always fall victim to delays and years of backlog hell (sumaga, django, baldr sky), and translations for unannounced shit like muramasa and kkk exist but they'll pretty much never see the light of day.
>fan translation is pretty much dead
at least /vn/ is around to translate Josou Kaikyou