Black female Navy SEAL

>black female Navy SEAL

so this is modern warfare...

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Other urls found in this thread:

How are you still surprised about this

You...can't actually be this much of a shut in virgin right?...

At least the SAS and Price is back

And clearly the enemies will be le evil Russians again. What a pile of fucking garbage

Have sex, incel

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Modern Wokefare

why are game companies so obsessed with black women even though they don't play game?

shut up commie

Black women aren't useless slag like whites women are.

>it`s just a game!
>turn off your brain
>consume and don`t ask questions
>have sex

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>naval women
totally same thing bro

stop being so sensitive holy shit

Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha no woman has actually became a navy seal

As we all know Russia is a paragon of virtue

didn't see a single russian you fag. it's more likely to be "muh evil right wing terroists" before it's generic russian bad guy

Kill yourself, mutt.

special desk forces right here

Virtue signalling to white women and woke men

You can't apply this to video games. If you don't "consume and don't ask questions" by not consuming and asking questions, you shouldn't even be aware of Call of Duty

>Trailer shows nothing but some form of European rioters and middle easterners
What did he mean by this
There might be EEEEEVIL YELLOW JACKETS but no Ruskies so far

Leftists are obsessed by "representation", and it requires one leftist in a vydia company to push his agenda and the others will shut up.
Lot of soi in vydia companies

Did a woman ever pass BUDS? We can call those stolen valour vigilantes to find out.

I want her to suck my balls while she's in full combat gear

The first female EVER just graduated RANGER school. AKA the first step babby tier ezpz mode for anyone going special forces. We have entire brigades of male rangers.

Women in special forces do not exist and probably never will

Is the guy on the left a chink?

Special forces also don't have gold camo rocket launchers, and they don't teabag people

>Riots in Europe
>After literal world war 3
>No way of must be the yellow vests!!!
Les gilets jaunes sont des terroistes

>americans can literally never stop thinking about race ever

please range ban the US it's become too much

Why not add magic and aliens too if nothing matters.

More like modern welfare

Is that female? wtf

The original COD4 had women soldiers on the US side.


american complain about a game they were never going to buy in the first place

The fact that she's wearing makeup is what's really annoying about this.

>women in special forces is as far fetched as magic
Are you listening to yourself?

The reason for this is personalization. Just like people want to have a ridiculous gun skin, people want to play as a girl. It's more thematically consistent than being an ayylmao

The original COD4 had them too.

I can only recall the downed pilot.

Not complaining, when I first watched the trailer I did'nt realize it was a woman...
Well I still can't see why it is a woman

Postmodern warfare.

Its nearly physically and biologically impossible for a woman to pass most special forces requirements in the first place. Hell their entry into the military in the first place is something a 6yo can do in gym class, even then a lot of them have complained about physical demands when it comes to being actual infantrymen.

A woman would never be a proper Navy SEAL, an officer behind a computer, sure.

Then keep the non-canon, unrealistic and unaccurate stuff to multiplayer?

from the thumb, i thought the nigger had a soldier sock puppet



It's apparently canon now and CoD is far from realistic

What the other 2 reply said is right, and it's not hard to sell it to the bosses since publishers are always looking for the mythical "wider audience"

And as anyone with half a brain knows, changing you're product to get that mythical wider audience just ends up diluting what people originally liked about it, but the suits are blinded by greed.

Then you recall

How does adding women dilute the gameplay?


That's MARPAT you retard, Marines uniform. They also jumped from a Chinook, nothing to do with SEALs.

Get over it, BIGOT!
It's no longer perSONnel!
It's perDAUGHTERnel!

Women control who gets it, they're the ones cutting me off!

And HOW do you KNOW for sure, user.

My favorite perk is comwomando

Would it have been fine if it was a white female?

could be Marpat or AOR1

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give birth faggot

How do you know it’s not AOR1?

I'm special forces. We do have 12 year old boys who fucked my mom though

That's literally just the same pattern, you idiot


They passed with a lot of help.

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and euros cant stop trying to hide race

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so you be sayin... we wuz SOULJAS n SHIEEETTT????

He says while heavily breathing behind his computer monitor. Let it go you're embarrassing yourself.

What an unfortunate looking woman.


Not as good as niggernaut.

There are women in POG positions in the military, not in the frontlines nor in Special Forces.

a s i a n

>all these retards believing OP that she's special forces
>all these incels that don't know women can be paratroopers

Yes, your mom is a good fuck.

>Have sex

Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.

oh yeah, some pog welfare queen is the same thing as being a seal operator

What'd you expect from Yea Forums?

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Marines don't do HALO jumps, unless they're MARSOC (which are the marine version of special forces, in the same Tier as SEALs).

>Now anons are complaining about modern American Military having blacks in it

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>Yea Forums tries to know military shit

>literal facebook screencaps

>all these incels that don't know women can be paratroopers
That's irrelevant and nitpicky, woman can be whatever they want, ignorant bigot.
Woman can have penises now, too, and I couldn't be happier!

Not Halo, she's got no facemask

Tell me how much COD WW2 made user

Ranger School=\=75th Ranger Regiment

Also it has been proven many times that the first female graduates of Ranger School had it extremely dumbed down for them and many of the male candidates had to carry their weight for them, literally and figuratively

there's one thing i learn from my boss which he always repeated everyday

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>functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to
Actually, idiot, I read the Bible and it says that followers of Christ must travel and spread his name.

Modern Christianity is just arbitrarily/conveniently picked values.

whoa dude, now it's women of color waging imperialist wars! that's so woke, dude! omg! shoot that towelhead in the face for our freedoms! yass!

>Having blacks in the army is being woke now

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hahaha this is too underrated.

>Europeans can never stop thinking about Americans
Huh. Sounds a bit obsessive.

fake controversy / 10

nobody gives a shit

stop pretending we care

nobody cares that you can play laqueesha biglippa in the latest AAA video game

pretending that there are white supremacists/alt-right/nazis/neckbears that even remotely give a shit instead of focusing on their anime autism flavor of the month will not change this

nobody fucking cares, we didn't care about YIIK or mortal kombat and we don't care about this either.

have sex incel

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Stop speading your bigoted propaganda, incel.
Don't you know I'd rather NOT be confronted with reality?

I don't get why people want to try so hard to push women into combat roles

>nobody fucking cares, we didn't care about YIIK or mortal kombat and we don't care about this either.

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How can you tell she's a Navy SEAL?
Is it the uniform or what?

>hurr durr dont comment on things right in front of your face

>"It's cold today."
>"hurr durr you're so obsessed with the weather."

Someone post the webm of that Female Soldier failing to throw a grenade properly and almost getting the other guys killed

don't be a bigot, goy

Why are Yea Forumsirgins so obsessed with black women in games they don’t buy?

GTFO with this male toxicity. Typical mansplaining with facts

They lowered the requirements you dumb moron.

Not frontline duty tho.

Having sexual intercourse would be pleasurable, however I'm currently overweight, lack the social skills to woo a woman, and a little bit concerned with catching an STD.

>replying to yourself since nobody else will argue with you

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>I base my opinions on Facebook posts

Navy wants men who can fight and fuck each other.
Not loud as black women.

Guess who the game's final boss will be?

Ayoooo hol up
So you be sayin We Wuz Frogmen n shieeeeet?

Shieeeeet nigga

>posting anime here
WOAH NO NEED to hear from you again, bucko

>stupid grunts doing stupid shit again

Yeah, take that shit to Reddit senpai.

>women in the military

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>we won't lower the standards just for diversity
>high school
>medical school
>law school
It's a damn lie every time they say it.

Or you could choose to stay inside and not give a shit or talk about the weather. But you don't do that. You go outside and constantly bitch about the weather, even though those raindrops don't give a single fuck about you.

ayo posting is cancerous and dumb when it's implying there are no black soldiers in the army

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>Arguing against Woman in the Military
no let them in please, the thought of them getting mercilessly gangbanged because they're too weak is making me hard, desu

>yet another casual CoD rehash releases
>Yea Forums does the job of the viral marketers for free by getting their knickers in a knot over a nigger that shows up for a split second

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What if more blacks are just passing said programs user? You do know you have to pass right? Even for Medical School you have to pass alot of shit.

WW2 wasn't THAT woke, at least not for campaign, especially comparing it with Battlefield 1/V.

What if this woman is like Serena Williams or some shit

Shoulders of a linebacker

>stupid grunts doing stupid shit again
There's an alarming rate of military incompetence and people of female sex.

The unfortunate reality is that the average of woman lack bodies and minds (in this context) to compete with biological men.

*smacks lips*

>WW2 wasn't THAT woke
You could make a black female nazi and BF1 wasn't woke for it's storymode either yet get's called niggerfield for having black soldiers in the multiplayer


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requirements don't mean shit when they get to BUDS. I'd sooner believe a black samurai in feudal japan than believe a woman being in the SEAL. One of those could've happened. The other cannot.

>Female Soldiers getting gangraped by the enemy because they thought they'd get an easy job or being used as an onahole for the Infantry as each squad now has a squad whore
perfectly balanced as all things should be

>take that shit to reddit
>makes a reddit-tier post
Go back faggot.

Please, stop animeposting.
You're making Yea Forums look bad.

>get's called niggerfield for having black soldiers in the multiplayer
I thought it gets called Niggerfield because the cover art is a black soldier and the marketing material focused mainly on black/brown characters, when they're not that big of a deal in the main game

Find me one tier one operator/devgru
That to a fuckin female

And yet not a single woman has made it through yet. Really made me think...

>I'd sooner believe a black samurai in feudal japan

>You're making Yea Forums look bad.

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>Women can't even pass the physical tests in normal bootcamp without severe handicaps let alone SEAL training.

Well that's because BF1's operations have a more realistic/immersive design and were actually based on real battles while WW2's is an intentionally nonsense and non-canon shitshow.


This thread already makes Yea Forums look bad

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Yea Forums makes Yea Forums look bad. No wonder it's the worst board

that's how it started but then anons started commenting on how it has too many blacks in multiplayer and started calling it that for non-story reasons

>I'd sooner believe a black samurai in feudal japan than believe a woman being in the SEAL
The former did happen.
He worked for Nobunaga Oda.

>Hates trans people


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I'm not arguing about females user

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>one of those could've happened

Now find me a woman that could make it in the series. It was always my dream to die waiting.

fuck off tb'h

>more reddit shit

or zombies?


Do we count Trannies?

guys its not about that being a woman or black. The issue is, that they are forcing upon us not just a woman but also a black woman. They try to be "politically correct" or "progressive" by doing this in two ways.

This is so forced.

Blacks have the lowest average test scores and GPA upon admission and the lowest graduation rates as well. They are stealing seats then abandoning them.


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you don't think the middle east is located in europe, do you?

>Why not add magic and aliens too if nothing matters.
but COD did both of these


Just women, not blacks.

it'd be like having a church going character with high morals being portrayed positively in any form of entertainment media

Then the whites get in next Semester then. You still have to pass these schools user

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You mean the woman that bragged she could defeat a man from the top 100 and after losing to one said she could defeat a man from the top 200 then after failing that said she could defeat a man from the top 300 and so on and so on.

>special forced are overwhelmingly white with a few crazy Asians and Latinos mixed in
>black men frequently found in the regular infantry and they love it there
>not a single black woman to date, has attempted to be in any sort of special forces unit across ant branch
I hope her character is some sort of intelligence officer or translator. This shit makes me so pissed because its 100% virtue signaling.
[Spoiler]I've met plenty of capable black women in the military but literally zero of them wanted anything to do with combat[/spoiler]

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>I'd sooner believe a black samurai in feudal japan
lol oh boy

>Then the whites get in next Semester
Nope, filled by more dindus.

Those free seats are taken again by more unqualified blacks, not by actual qualified applicants.


100% unironically stop breathing

Je suis en désaccord

Here in germany bordells are legal. Once or twice a month I go to a bordell of my liking and CHOOSE a bitch and fuck her for 30 euro. Before anyone says enjoy aids or some shit, the whores dont even suck your dick without a condom. They also have to pass medical tests and shit now and then. Its fucking great man. And I am telling you guys there are some really beautiful ones.


>100% unironically shit tier um sweetie, queen slay soilent!


I don't know how people here are still capable of giving a shit about this.

>Tranny's are also seen as women

Have sex, incels.

Dilate tranny

I can literally smell your fragile white male ego through the screen.

If your day is ruined by seeing someone of a different race or gender in fictional media your a retard.

Its fiction it does not have to reflect real life

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It had only one, that was a pilot. Fuck off with history revisionism, shill

War is an ugly thing. So is the person in the picture.

People will start giving a greater shit when they get reports of women ground infantry dying in droves in the next proxy war.

I'm pretty sure it's more about incredulity than hatred.

>I've met plenty of capable black women in the military
I find this very hard to believe
t. Marine

Cuz /pol/

Are they unqualified? There are some that are there to learn no?

Postmodern Welfare

Activision is virtue signalling to woke games "journos" and twitter activists for positive coverage.

But why? Why even be a tranny right before you join the service? Why not AFTER you're done with being in close proximity with hard asses with guns?

>rage culture shilling tactics
Nuke this shit board already

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Trans “people” are mentally sick I treat them the same way I treat schizos

You'll be disappointed when you find out you cant play as a prepubescent 13 year-old girl. Only stronk black wimminz

go dilate, tranny

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A female chimp as a mascot, whats wrong here?

>get to kill kikes
I don't see the problem here

What is this from? Some movie?

Shut the fuck up, faggot, some of us have the hots for military chicks, stop this bullshit. You don't even have the "historical accuracy" excuse which only wannabe historians used for Battlefield because that's the only thing their game had over other fps games, you're just a dumbass.

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They are unqualified on the basis of higher dropout rates. All else equal, blacks should be graduating at the same rates as everyone else. Instead there is a correlation between lower average admissions criteria and lower graduation rate.

Tactical rolls and abu hajar shenanigans to follow along with NDs , friendly fire

Twilight Zone heli crash

But how many are actually graduating

Sounds somewhat interesting.
It won't be though, however, giving CoD's recent track record.

>chuds fear this

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Wait why can't we play as a 13 year old girl? I thought this series was all about representation? What will I tell my daughter?

>P250 pump, carry down
so they carry this thing solo, downhill or whats up with this? 99% failure rate seems really bad especially when men are failing as well

I would pay good money for this

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There is not a single black woman serving in any special forces groups in 2019

How does someones life get so pathetic that they start defending niggers and female negros on the internet

Is it the Hrt?

Accident on Twilight Zone movie set. Chopper crashes and kills actor and children

I already have.
But, thank you.

>considering trannyfags as people
>reddit spacing
>anime reactionpic

based serving their country

Way to misunderstand the entire issue brainlet.

And this was framed in an article as "diversity"

>Most diverse countries in the world

You slowly start to connect the dots.

The funny thing is that because it's a video game she can preform just as well as a man, although that is impossible in reality. SJW's defend this by saying video games are fantasy and make-believe, so they don't have to reflect reality.

However it is VERY important that all women are ugly as fuck, because fantasy and make-believe is no excuse to reinforcer unrealistic beauty standards for women. Women in games can be no more beautiful than the ugliest woman in reality, because we don't want men to get a wrong idea about what women look like or can do, after all.

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Why don't I ever see as many military women as do military men?

I would unironically start shilling for the game if we get to massacre Israeli settlers

>All Arabs are terrorists
Imagine being this retarded.

Well... it is now.

Are you fucking retarded? If women ground infantry were dying in droves, men would be too. Hell during the battle of Nasiriyah they had women soldiers die, but hey men did too because it was a bloodbath.

What is the issue here then?

Why are huwite maleoids so fragile?

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One pilot apart of half a mission that died anyway.
Fuck off.

>Just some anime reactionpic
Unironically lurk a few more years.

No problem with black women serving in the military. Half of those people in that picture will go into the National Guard and I bet 99% did not pick a combat MOS from the OML. Putting them as BADASS SEALS is bullshit

God I wanna fuck them all in the ass

Why are Yea Forumsirgins always so autistic when it comes to how realistic their video games should be?

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Are you sure, or are you just assuming that?
That doesn't even change the subject, because it's not like black women are banned from the military, they just don't pursue it. Any other reasons why this is even remotely problematic?

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It's not about blacks in the military it's about women being in special forces you stupid faggot. Her being a black on top of that is just the woke cherry on top.

Why have they clothed amd molded dogshit into ugly humans and left it all over those steps?

I don't see the same picture there user

Prove me wrong bitch



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Well clearly most women don't wanna take part in the military, some do, but most don't.

It's not the article I was reffering to

Are they okay?

fuck western games, im not buying another one ever again.

trying to hard user be more sublte about it
so then it is about her being black but it's not the entire problem

>Have children

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How does someones life get so pathetic that they start crying over any game that isnt filled exclsuivley with straight white males and every goal isn't just to put your dick in a female

Faggots like you are why EA is so comfortable copy pasting games

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Seals are shit.
Rangers actually get shit done.

>never invaded a single country
>delusional warmongering whitey projecting and seething

China is the beacon of freedom amidst the imperialist west

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Why do women think it's alright to lump themselves into the same category as minorities?
If anything the main oppressor of minorities is women.


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Modern Welfare

Black men are alright

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>becoming a navy seal is impossible for me and i cannot hope to achieve it in my wildest nigger dreams
>lol i can easily join the seals , i just dont want to

Blow a 9mm you filthy trannie

>Its fiction it does not have to reflect real life
because it is fiction it cannot reflect real life. people will report stereotyping and racism if it had any resemblance to reality

They started playing games in the 7th gen when "realistic" games became trendy.

>N-No there is no agenda, everyone just hates black people!!!!

If they don't push the politics too much I can't see a problem with that.
But I usually like playing as irregulars and shit so maybe that's only me.

Of course dip shit. It is the reason why militaries don't incorporate women into their armies until recently. Just need a proxy war that they send female ground infantry into to show how fucking bad women are at war.

The US marines did a survey of combat effectiveness between two groups, an all-male group and a mixed gender group. Obviously the mixed gender group failed to meet requirements.

So are Asians

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SEALs literally took MARPAT "tweaked it" and called it AOR-1 (desert variant) and AOR-2 (woodland variant)

Based and Christpilled

>huwite maleoids
tha fuck?

2 got sliced in half and another got crushed.

What is the agenda user? Also are you implying that most of the faggots here don't just hate blacks?

Well faggot, black women served in WW1 of all things as US Yeomen, so it's not even about being "modern" now, they had done stuff for quite a while.

tl;dr these fucking race bait posts are false and homosexual

Why do you want people to hate blacks?

>says something retarded
bros im so tired of this shit

How many army paratroopers wear MARPAT/AOR-1 camo?

That's just cheap and lazy.

Because i dont like niggers and want them hanging from trees again?


Retard, I didnt deny the existence of black women serving in the military. I asked you to prove me any of them are SF. You still haven't.

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lefties love coming up with retarded nicknames for their "enemies."

Stupid faggot

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Guess what retard, EA and Activision are still copy pasting games except now characters have different races and trannies like you clap for it.



Oh, man, that sounds rough.
Hopefully they pulled through.

>women piss themselves a lot

How long can women and minorities go on biting the hand that feeds them until everyone decides enough is more than enough and puts them all back in their respective cages?

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>Americans shove niggers everywhere
Why are they doing this?

>Also getting excited by fucking CoD

Actually based

>this triggers the wytoid

I'd be fine with Latinos too

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I don't, infact Yea Forums made me like blacks due to the constant complaining. you have genuine shitposters like that make shitty threads like this one for other retards to shill a game for free simply because it has a few darkies in it


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>Get sliced diagonally by a helicopter blade
>"Get well soon bro."

>fictional game
>whypipo uses mental gymnastics to try to justify their sexism

>having blacks in the Military is shoving them everywhere
>the hand that feeds them
the Democrats or the whites that hate them

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Not navy seals.

The agenda is to put pointless and unrealistic woke diversity to appeal to shallow minded leftists like you that can get fooled by the most surface level political pandering.

Will OP ever recover?

I don't know, user, people commonly refer to me as a smart guy.
And I'm not homosexual.

But it's a game about the Modern Military which has blacks in it in real life how is that woke exactly? This is like an SJW calling Kingdom Come racist

Go back and please stay there


Why do they keep trying? They failed at bringing WWII back, what makes them think that MW will save anything? If they truly wanted to save CoD, they should have gotten all the older developers back and actually make a multiplayer game worth something.

>i like something because shitposters complain about it
wow really deep though process dude. I heard hitler was a vegan so maybe you should hate vegans now.

Females have been in COD since Ghosts.

yt men are literally the most fragile group on the planet

they for some reason cannot see the irony in the triggered/npc memes

>twitter meme
of course. go back.

>nobody meme

Back to Twitter.

The finale mission will be storming The Kremlin and executing Putin.
>"It was her turn."

If she's Civil Affairs or some shit I can accept it, however if she's fucking doing pointline shit or SOF in any way I'm not having it. I know females who are both Airborne and Air Assault qualified but none of them would even dare step into a SOF unit. Hell CoD4 had the Cobra pilot but again I know actual female Cobra pilots too.

Like I get it's a game but If we see any instance of a female kicking in a door in a non-SHTF scenario I'm going to have problems

West Point was a mistake

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You still haven't proved that there are women and specifically black women in the SF.

Is this really the hill you trannies want to die on?? Nobody likes this aesthetic, not even trannies.....your just doing damage control

No shit the modern military has black people in it but literally zero black women are SEALS

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You have a point...
Well, no matter, it's not like they CAN'T, they just aren't because they dont wanna i guess.

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Uh oh looks like i triggered some spergs

>Play as arab

Hopefully we can kill americans as well hoping the game portrays them as the filthy dying-for-Israel mongrels they are.



B and R

>heh ill start liking nigger because Yea Forums hates them. That will show em

Lmao you miserable tranny
I sincerely hope you find peace at the end of a barrel or a noose


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This. Ironically the original Modern Warfare did this shit right because female pilots flying combat missions are a REAL THING


Holy shit, either they have some really deep story about the attrocities of war or we just witnessed the first ever legit hate crime in a AAA video game.

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I do hate vegans though
That's not what I'm arguing though, woke refers to blacks period and user is complaining about diversity which if he's complaining about female soldiers previous CODs had that as well.

Absolutely based and meaningful pilled

Yep, he based

Like one stupid tranny admitted in this thread. The only reason they are here defending CoD is because they imagine /pol/ is the one complaining so it's like their autistic duty to counter it.

Modern warfare builds upon male buddy systems and having a women in there disrupts and complicates things. It's neither necessary or helpful, infact having a man that is weaker than that women would be more beneficial for that squad. This is absolutely retarded.

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Can't wait to find out that Price is a furry, and that Zakhaev is his long lost lover!

Prove it.

Is it better than hating them simply because sjws like them?

/pol/ posters: Did you know blacks make up a small percentage of the population but commit over 40% of crimes? This data indicates most blacks i see are criminals or will be criminals.
Also /pol/ posters: Literally anyone who disagrees with me on Yea Forums is a tranny despite trannies being barely even a fraction of a single percentage of the population which indicates that is HIGHLY unlikely.

they are trying to use a realistic setting, so they need to meet expectations for realism

>defends black kweens so badly
>calls other people mutts
Calm down Sven

>you: "dumb shit"
>fuck off retard
>hurrr durrr sperg
dilate, low effort shitposter

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If you willfully play COD you are alredy too far gone. Have rape incel

>only "white" countries on the list are communist shitholes

>No fun allowed!

They want to make you upset as much as you make them.

>it's fun to complain

>Literally anyone who disagrees with me on Yea Forums is a tranny despite trannies being barely even a fraction of a single percentage of the population which indicates that is HIGHLY unlikely.
It's obviously only shitposting, while the first statement is actually facutal.

Says who, autistic incels like you? It's a fictional video game and they can do whatever they want with it.

It amazes me that people post this argument and genuinely think that it's some kind of gotcha. Respawns exist in CoD for gameplay purposes. Special forces women exist in CoD for political agenda-pushing purposes. That's why people take no issue with the first but they do with the second. It's not complicated.

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Do we get to burn down Notre Dame?

This. If she can train to become a member of another species, a scientist (STEM and humanities), a test pilot, a starfleet officer and everything else the script requires, then why shouldn't a fictional black woman become a Navy Seal? Seems modest in comparison.

>Frogfoot bombing in syria
>white helmets

Yeah, no Russians in this game

I would say your shitposting is even lower effort but sadly i doubt you're even shitposting, you're just genuinely a low IQ retard.
Rest in peace kid.

Ghosts was about the USA getting fucked over completely so it's not a stretch to see a country conscript women out of desperation.

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Dude 2007 was unironically a different time
Back when games based on real life armies ,nations and regiments were made as accurate as possible for the sake of gaming and not make games for the sake of virtue signalling


one is a fact, the other is an insult not based on factual accuracy, and intended to infuriate the target

Women belongs to kitchen or army hospital, not on the battlefield. Nothing new, even 5000 years ago it was well known fact.

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We don't know how it burned down goy, stop thinking about it

Call me a misogynist, but I believe women are inferior at most (if not, all) things.
Men don't need a constant reminder in the media and in life that they are "stong and independent."


sorry you got exposed so quickly. seethe harder

>It's a fictional video game and they can do whatever they want with it.
and we can call them out for pandering, instead of being true to the setting

Holy shit stop staring at me!

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Modern Warfare GUD

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doesnt matter. female biology isnt made to sacrifice its body for the group. evolution has made the human female body to be a vessel for the next generation.

the only way they can get elite combat roles is if the requirements are reduced for them (which they did for certain branches)

I can't wait for it to be revealed because no matter what race he is anons will shitpost about it and deflect. I'm hoping white for the biggest shitpost

>women soldiers

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And BO2 was my last CoD game. Seems like things won't change

They belong to please my benis

Believing in religion would require me to open my head and swap out my brain for a piece of shit; no thanks.

Why would anyone call you that when you have stated an absolute fact?

>look it's Price, just like in the good game!
if specialists are in it's worthless.

Attached: codmwprice.png (1360x768, 600K)

>Being mad about a nigger in your annual reskin.
>Buying CoD in 2019

This thread is full of fags.

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If they wanted to, they would already chase suspects. The media has completely stopped talking about it and let it get memory holed. The cause is never going to be revealed.

Woke isn't only used for blacks retard, it's anything considered socially progressive. And you're missing what the main crux of this issue is about and that's women in the SF which is unrealistic first of all and obvious shallow pandering to easily fooled tranny retards like you.

I doubt you're an honest actor anyways so go ahead and continue on your crusade to defend m'lady Activision you fucking imbecile.

whoa...a new call of duty again.... when one just came out last year.... this is so epic.......

Normalfags need to hang

wow american girls look kinda inbred on average.

It will be sooner or later don't worry

God imagine the smell

>Arab soldier
>hopefully kill kikes, ameriturds, baguettes, britbongs and other sandniggers
Sign me the fuck up.


No its better to hate them as they are literally a sub species and intellectually inferior to everyone


thats it im leaving this board

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>Woke isn't only used for blacks retard
it is when it comes to blacks
>tranny retard
what's with the constant tranny posting you faggots keep doing

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They won't. Go search up on any news site when they last talked about Notre Dame except the one recent renovation article. I guess only time will tell, but I'm confident in my assumptions

>anyone who disagrees with me is an incel /pol/ poster
ok hypocrite.

Black Cops > Modern Welfare

Why are you invading white male spaces?

See you next week.

Yet they constantly outplay the master race just like the arabs.chinks.gooks,and jews


Women are on average physically weaker. What's the problem with this?


This but unironically.

but this isn't /r9k/

>defending COD rehashes

I thought you chapo freaks were all about reducing the army in general? Seems kinda disingenuous to your arguments for anti-imperialism and anti-racism

seething tranny
go dilate

Ah yes basketball

In any case if you were to choose between a man and a woman of equal strength I would certainly choose a man. Woman can do the dumbest shit sometimes, and there's nothing a man can't already do that a woman can.

I agreed on the historical front of things when people were complaining about battlefield v and black womyn on ww2, but if you guys start bitching about this too, then you are even more annoying than SJWs.

>they can do whatever they want with it.
And i'm free to trash talk it.

What's the issue here? You're trying to say corporations should have freedoms that I can't have?


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>strong woman get toyed aroun by a man

are you a tranny btw? it seems you like denying basic biology.

I do what I want.
I masturbated 32 minutes ago.

biblically based and christpilled

Don't forget getting seats in collage for just being black and getting white betas to defend everything you do

>they for some reason cannot see the irony in the triggered/npc memes
Because there is none, you'd have to be genuinely retarded or black to be incapable of seeing the distinction between Yea Forums laughing at niggers and the "triggered NPC meme". If anything - race realists have perhaps the least NPC view of society in the modern age as it directly conflicts with globalist beliefs.

You're not wrong

But it makes /pol/tards mad!

Yea Forumsros, we have to buy Call of Duty® Modern Warfare® to own the rightards EPIC STYLE!

Oh no, a black women
How could this have happened
You faggots are too sensitive.

>People of color get their own spaces out of a need for anti-colonialism
>White people aren't allowed the same gratuity
>These are the people that wank themselves off on being more inclusive than suburban liberals
Sounds like just more neoliberal nu-colonialism to me fampai

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I'm not mad, i had no intent of buying yet another shitty CoD game. Getting white knights for big corporations like you upset is its own fun.