Attached: call-of-duty-modern-warfare-release-1173061.jpg (696x390, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>cross play

>that generic trailer music


>twitter thread

are they bringing price back?

The music in the beginning is COD 4 like though dumbass

4k trailer

>actual in game cutscenes

cod4 must've had some shit music then

>Smoking while on a stealth mission¨
>Smoking in the middle of the night
>Not knowing that the smoke and embers can give away your position
>Throws away the cigarette
>Not knowing the cig can be picked up by enemies and analyzed for DNA to find out who attacked them, and which country ordered it.
>A war breaks out because a careless soldier smoked and threw away his cig


>actual in-game footage
>no gameplay

CoD OST is legitimately 10/10

I dont know if its the same composer as back in the day though

Yes but not really because it's a different VA.

Trailer wasn't up on youtube you cunt

>modern warfare
They couldn't come up with an actual title?

Attached: 1550334740403.gif (320x240, 1.81M)

Attached: Play Doom.png (1543x6892, 1.67M)

Looks pretty fucking good, gonna be interested what they add into the multiplayer since it's actual modern weapons now.

More like the shit show is back

It's a soft reboot, tells a story in mw universe but it's not a sequel

>get attacked by the US of A
>bitch all you want nobody is gonna do anything about it

Yeah I'm thinking it's back.

Any chance we’ll see MP gameplay at e3?

Looks like they are just remaking CoD4

>tells a story in mw universe but it's not a sequel
So MW2 prequel then? When Price was still in Bravo Six before being MIA.

Attached: image.png (919x519, 1.09M)

It wouldn't be the same without the comfy Chernobyl/forest maps and Spetsnaz.

So this means pretty much nothing until we see some actual gameplay, and by the look of those cutscenes the story is going to be some typical terrorist organization does bad things (gas on kids wow shock value) and the SAS has to kill their leader so they magically dissolve and everything is ok.

It isn't going to be as interesting as the later more esoteric CoD games where you're in a coma reliving the memories of one of your comrades fighting an imaginary AI demon which is your mind's interpretation of a story one of your friends is telling you in your deathbed in the hopes of comforting you. Unless maybe it is, it is a completely redundant reboot after all.

>this time COD will be totally different gaiz!!

>comes out

>it's the exact same shit

Yeah thinking so

no, you baboon

they ALREADY remade CoD4, that's already a thing

So either this is a SECOND fucking remake, or it's just a new fucking game with the same fucking title

what the fuck were they thinking? I'm so pissed off about this. Why would they LITERALLY name it call of duty modern warfare? THAT GAME ALREADY EXISTS! IT CAME OUT IN 2007 YOU FUCKING RETARDS

Attached: 1551240320718.png (500x369, 186K)

>yet another CoD
Play Titanfall if you want another game by Infinityward, not this generic trash.

nobody said it will be different, if anything people want the same as a decade ago because that was actually fun

It's a soft reboot of the series dummy. It has nothing to do with MW's plot aside from the characters

It apparently has a new engine made from scratch.

>basic cod youtuber explains campaign missions they saw
>terrorist attack in london with a jeep exploding by a building
>next mission is you besieging their safehouse
>all generic
>mission after that is you playing a 9 year old girl in the middle east who has to save her brother from the russians who have chemically gassed the country
So fucking close to kino

Its a ""REBOOT"" of CoD4

Attached: MW.png (1221x875, 215K)

so it's the fucking deltarune of CoD?

Was that supposed to be Price? I want his old VA, fuck off. That isn't Price.

>Game 2
>Game 3
>Game 4: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle 2
>Game: Subtitle 3
>Game: New Subtitle
>Game: New Subtitle 2
>Game: New Subtitle 3
>Game: New Subtitle 4
>Game: Random New Subtitle
>Game: Random New Subtitle
>Game: Random New Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle (2019)

>it's just a new fucking game with the same fucking title
So Fast and Furious naming scheme of naming the 4th part of a series with the 1st part's title?

oh fuck

I'm already playing the remastered version of this years release!

Attached: 5887209_sd.jpg (550x550, 53K)

Why do all grown-up(?) CoD-babies spam the word "kino" and "back on the menu" in literally every CoD-shill-thread?

Attached: 1558899982121.png (500x500, 45K)

looks really good as far as cod goes

I bet the terrorists will be white nationalists, who target middle eastern, african, islamic civilians.

You can already kind of sense that in the trailer.

I thought it was in 40 minutes?

you thought wrong?

Generic buzzwords for a generic game. They can't explain why it's good without nostalgiafagging or accusing you of being whatever boogeyman is living in their heads.

if this is the case then this game might actually be interesting. but im conflicted because its call of dutty; I guess we'll all see whenever it releases


The second I saw the frogfoots and the kid in the gasmask I knew they'd be pushing this shit.
Fuck Actiblizzard.

because they're paid marketeers?

Can I lean left and right like in Siege when I ADS?

You got it wrong. its
>Game 2
>Game 3
>Game 4: Subtitle
>Game: New Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle 2
>Game: New Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle 3
>Game: New Subtitle 2
>Game: Random New Subtitle
>Game: Random New Subtitle
>Game: New Subtitle 3
>Game: Random New Subtitle
>Game: Random New Subtitle
>Game: New Subtitle 4
>Game: Subtitle (2019)

Imagine if generic shock value shit magically made boring typical stories suddenly more deep and mature, then CoD really would be kino.

lol, look at

Attached: 1553790295478.jpg (1117x783, 52K)

not a sequel, not a prequel.

So, will we get a new Zealand level?

How many fucking times are they going to release the same game?

Attached: 1478486701690.jpg (600x600, 22K)

>russians stop war in Syria

Fuck those jews

Attached: 10858496[2].jpg (602x369, 86K)

COD hasn't been playable since black ops 1 and the only really good one was cod 1.
Prove me wrong.
Protip you can't

Attached: 1540106060617.jpg (246x205, 4K)

rip BLOPS4 season pass content

It works every time why should they bother changing it up?

>mission starts with you activating your livestream
>remember, no kebab

>The game had to be realistic, authentic, and gritty, and turn into a game that is very realistic ‘ripped from the headlines’ and is about what’s happening in our world now, allowing players to feel a connection to it because they see it happening in the news today.
Their explainations sounds like total bs to me.

will never be as based as MW2

more like
>Game 2
>Game 3
>Game 4: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle 2
>Game: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle 3
>Game: Subtitle 2
>Game: New Subtitle
>Game: Another New Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle 3
>Game: Yet Another New Subtitle
>Game: Lmao Yet Another New Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle 4
>Game: Reboot Subtitle (2019)

>remember lads, no Russian!

Is this supposed to be a woman?

Attached: 1559237103660.png (1440x1080, 1005K)

Spreading this around since Activision marketing force is at it again.
>Install Yea Forums X
>go to settings
>go to Monitoring
>enable Mark New IP
This should let you find samefagging, which these shills have no idea how blatant they are. They have been doing this since Advanced Warfare

Attached: 1501892018971.jpg (203x414, 11K)


>9 year old girl in the middle east who has to save her brother from the russians who have chemically gassed the country
Sounds like propaganda but then americans are brainwashed enough to actually believe this stuff

How mad would people be if they turned soap into a black tranny?

better than rap

no, you baboon

a remaster is not a remake

I bet it's a tranny.

>remember, no....

You honestly can't be implying US female soldiers aren't a thing or that this is about muh empowerment. Grow up lmao

>there are "people" on this board who actually get excited for yearly calladooty games

Attached: 1493649387930.jpg (597x800, 79K)

>grow up
said the CoDcel

It is, but when MW and MW2 were made, they were advertised the same exact way, believe it or not

Here's a fun fact: You ever wonder why MW has that AC130 section? Seems kind of out-of-place doesn't it?

well, they threw it in pretty late in development (they even replaced a vehicle section for it) because of the rising popularity of internet videos of AC130 combat footage.

You really had to be around the internet at the time to know it was a bit of a small craze for a few years. I remember I would hang out with my army buddies at the time and we'd stay up at night watching it.

It was added to MW and even advertised a bit to milk off of the draw of the craze. You'll even notice that the dialogue when you're in the AX130 is more/less ripped straight out of those videos. Very interesting bit of internet history there

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>Captain Price
Mutt brainlet

Im still waiting for more zombies

>white helmets

Attached: 6554769765764.jpg (675x1200, 144K)

>Call of Duty
Fuck off, Activision.


Attached: nig.png (275x209, 129K)

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So we can agree only irrelevant devs are at e3 this year?

ok this is kino

Yeah a female soldier, step out of your basement they ain't that uncommon

I answered his question and also made fun of the fact that its an ugly black ""female""
grow up faggot

Okay, shill.

They can never reach Todd's power levels in rereleasing

Attached: 1505679966017.gif (365x268, 3.56M)


maybe in the united mutts of america

>fully grown man
>seething over virtual women
>of a game series he doesn't even like
>n-no u grow up
Sure showed me huh

What the fuck is the difference between M and AO?
Arent those just info labels and not laws?

Saved, thanks user.

I'm actually excited for a CoD game. What the fuck.

baso just teen and older teen

well fuck black ops, fuck this god damn company rot in hell

Attached: 1502632284238.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

>gas mask
>but skin is exposed
Is this from a white helmet documentary


You actually need to have sex.

>user still playing cawashooty games in 2019

get some taste already, even doing boomer shit like romero's new doom wad is a better option

Why? What about this could possibly be exciting? Explain it terms that would not also apply to Ghosts

Original, Remaster that was included with an another game because it was so bad.

Now we're getting a complete new reimagination of MW.
Apparently the game is a complete new engine too so I'm actually interested in a new call of duty game for the first time since BO2.

I would buy in a fucking hearbeat if they show white helmets faking civilian catastrophes for media bohoo points

>That asian looking guy on the left

ah, another generic fps game

>black female soldier
>white helmets are good guys

hey soros whatchu doin?

mainstream games can never be kino ever since they became beholden to modern mainstream political and social sensibilities.

they can never be honest or raw or come from a genuine place. always contrived and fake.

Attached: 1350624265009.png (211x241, 108K)

Why? Do you care about visuals in current year? But why? I don't understand. It doesn't even look good. Open world games look better in current year


It's captain Price.
Fucker smoke where he want to.
You don't leave alive with him.

>there are "people" on this board who actually get excited for yearly calladooty games

Jarheads, the military pushes these games on soldiers in recruiting offices and deployment because "hurrdurr war is a video game kids"

it's the fucking lowest iq game you can play on any platform and nobody takes it seriously in EGL

so are we getting gameplay or?
captain price coming back will only be cool for like, a few days, and then people are actually gonna see what the games gonna be like, since kiketivision's obviously gonna pump it full of MTX anyway

>white helmets
Will you be fighting on the side of ISIS in this game or something?

It's shills. Companies pay advertisers to post shit all over facebook, twitter, reddit, and Yea Forums. They probably have a program that penalizes them for every 30 minutes they don't plug their game on Yea Forums.

>he thinks CoD is still jarhead core
LOL, what year are you living in?


Well you are playing as an american soldier

Infinity Ward:

>“Every design decision has been made with our players in mind,” said Patrick Kelly, Creative Director and co-Studio Head, Infinity Ward. “With the launch of Modern Warfare, we’re taking steps to unite the community. First, we plan for Modern Warfare to be played together across PC and console through cross-play support. Second, we’re eliminating the traditional season pass, so that we can deliver more free maps and content as well as post-launch events to all players. This is just the beginning – there’s much more to come.”

seems better for PC players not getting dead lobbies 1 month after the game launches

>cross play
rip consoleshitters

>female soldiers
ayy lol, now check this 5

Still waiting for a response, shills. At least pretend to be human

>GAME (2019)

>A female SPECOP’s member
>Not uncommon

Give me literally one instance of a female getting through ANY Special Operations selection, Ranger School isn’t SOF

Next year

Multiplayer is gonna be full of microtransactions to compensate

define a remake vs a remaster

>Why? Do you care about visuals in current year?
You do realize having a new engine has nothing to do with visuals right?

The old Call of Duty engine was beyond broken and outdated.
The games started to become limited with what they could do with it.

Some the same old broken BO2 issues even appear in WW2 & BO4.

>B-but you mention reimagination of MW
Covering this too, this has nothing to do with "visuals." far as story and gameplay goes it's going to be neat to see what they change with one the very few Call of Duty games I enjoyed.

The trailer already showed the story is going to have some major plot element changed so it would be neat to see which direction they go in with that.
So honestly I have no idea where you got the idea where I was talking about visuals.

Attached: walk.jpg (463x740, 124K)

Expect to see more $30 hammers. Activision is desperate after their stock drop late last year.

Why do you sound like a dev trying to defend his baby?

This, if they want to be realistic, wtf are russians the bad guy again? Why not China?

>new engine
Are they really throw away the Quake 3 engine or just another upgrade?

>“Players will engage in breathtaking covert operations..."
I don't want covert operations

A remake is a new game built from the ground up using completely new assets, a remaster is taking the old game and making it look nicer. Modern Warfare Remastered isn't a remake, you fucking idiot. The developers even said that they took the old game and upscaled it and enhanced the visuals. They made some new assets for it, but 90% of the game was just taken from CoD4. How do you not fucking know the difference?

Most if not all major stores refuse to stock AO titles because the rating is usually affiliated with pornographic games

remaster is generally taking the existing assets of the game and touching them up to make them look better. mainly just means higher resolution textures and to an extent, game models.

remakes are generally games rebuilt from the ground up.

Remember those leaks from 3-4 months ago saying this one will tell the story of original trilogy but from perspective of some other characters? Seems those were true.

Yeah, it's a completely new engine. It's about time too, you could tell because it looks way better than Infinite Warfare or Black Ops 4.

>it's gonna be a battlenet exclusive

Attached: 1481733820816.png (900x675, 342K)

>new engine has nothing to do with visuals right?
What the fuck are you talking about. What exactly are you seeing here that you're excited about that has "nothing to do with visuals".

>caring about STORY in call of duty
Okay this is just weird. Especially seeing how this is "one of the very few Call of Duty games you enjoyed", you clearly didn't care about the story enough to enjoy MW2-3

And they'll all be white terrorists not Muslim subhumans

The trailer already had a strong black woman soldier and a black cop fighting against a white terrorist

What would be my baby in this scenario? Does CoD even have competition in current year? Don't think so, everything else died.

I bet it's the ebil Russians who radicalized western youth and made them into literal terrorists.

having a new engine doesnt mean visuals retard go back to your movie games

What the fuck DOES it mean? What do you expect to see that wasn't possible on the previous engine? Talk to me. Advanced fish AI? What exactly are you excited to see?

>new engine means visuals
What kind of low tier bait is this?

Attached: Power Rangers Green Rangers.jpg (508x449, 70K)

Yeah you can stop copying that reply and answer this now

Enjoy your (You)

Attached: Replies.png (1196x329, 61K)

>London terror attack
>Clearly some white guy not a Muslim terrorist

Why do they do this? Who are they kidding? We all know Muslims commit 90+% of terrorism globally but we will continue to make le right wing Pepe poster the big scary threat in media

>this triggers the white boy

I didn't say you were 1 (ONE) marketeer. I am aware you work in groups. I'm just saying you have no argument. You're excited about GAMEPLAY features introduced in a NEW ENGINE? Can you name some GAMEPLAY FEATURES introduced in UE4 that weren't possible in UE3?

SJW shit.

I get what you're saying, buy MW's story line heavily involves Russians, so that could explain it. Plus, a guy jumping on a car and mag dumping into into it looks way more like a targeted assassination than some random mass shooting

historically speaking though, london gets mostly attacked by irish people, but I understand what you mean in modern day

If I don't get to take back Whiskey Hotel with that kickass music, I don't care

Attached: 01.jpg (301x269, 76K)

>targeted assassination
IW isn't that smart, it'll be a random mass shooting terrorist attack

>trying this hard to bait into the conversation
I'm not even the original guy you were replying to anymore.

Do you work with Epic Games? You're trying so hard to dismiss Call of Duty.

Attached: devil may cry.jpg (825x464, 30K)

>Bring back Captain Price
>He's not voiced by Billy Murray


Attached: 253.jpg (600x884, 65K)

These sound like already released fucking themes like you said, theyve done it already

gods work user

Kill me Pete

>no Eminem music
What is the point?

It's an entirely new story and universe, just using some of the characters as props to make you buy the game cause nostalgia.

To trick you into buying the game.

Time to post some kino lads

Attached: image.jpg (719x698, 71K)

The 9 year old mission is in the soviet-afghan war.

>The twist of the game is it's a parallel universe

Attached: 04.png (376x247, 50K)

I really hope they do Modern Warfare 2: 2 if this sells well.

Halo & MW back on the menu, what fucking year is it again?
Still if its on ActiBlizClient then Im pirating

Sweet, a new CoD!

Attached: CoD Kids.jpg (508x346, 187K)

>Those kids are in High School now

they'd be nearly finishing up with it

sounds good tbH

Attached: coD.png (519x540, 51K)

Didn't notice that the first time, seriously didn't all their shit get exposed a few years back?

>mlp hat

>call of duty
>>>>modern warfare
Yea Forums is dead.

That pic has existed for how long and people still can't remember it's a phineas and ferb hat

It won't be AO. Sony refuses to allow AO content on their platforms.

>boomer fortnite

Attached: 1532871419617.jpg (385x299, 6K)

That's Perry the Platypus user

The moans of ecstasy would give away his position, dumbass.
Not only that, but user would be naked while having sex, and therefore wouldn't have his gun on him when a hostile spots him banging his girlfriend.
Love can bloom on the battlefield, but there's a time and a place.

Attached: Old_Snake_MGS4.png (981x806, 496K)

Depending on the gas, it is perfectly fine to have skin exposed. And besides, is a soldier supposed to just pull out a full air tight hazmat suit in the middle of combat?

oh fuck here we go

>unironically excited over fucking call of duty of all things

Attached: d9c.png (680x1017, 268K)

>hey man you wanna play some cod?
>sure bro, which one?
>modern warfare my dude
>sure bro, but which one?
>modern warfare
>yeah but which one? cod4? mw 2? mw3?
>nah bro just modern warfare
>aight lemme dust off the 360
>no bro it's on ps4
>oh yeah let's boot up remastered

Just let the series die already!

How it really goes
>Bro lets play modern warfare
>The new one?

>thinking his opinion matters in the slightest


Attached: 1534048942752.jpg (388x443, 57K)

20 years later
>bro let's play modern warfare remastered
>modern warfare remastered remastered?
>no bro modern warfare remastered 2
>modern warfare 2 remastered?

Attached: 1528166378326.jpg (286x405, 16K)

Fucking graphics are amazing. And looks like it has some nice /k/ shit.


Attached: 1400815500107.gif (430x516, 1.07M)

So, how over-the-top will they go, in this new timeline?

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 73K)

to the white men that put this in the're pathetic

That would imply there was proper media coverage and not total damage control/ memory holing involved.

>generic music
>generic accent
>generic script
>woo diversity
>pew pew boom boom
Kino? Where?

so who are we blaming in this game? china? russia?

Wow, this is fantastic. Thanks user

Be a drone. Enlist today!

>paris shootings
>gas attacks in syria
Whats going on here

Attached: 1524011929118.jpg (433x427, 86K)

>gas attacks in syria
faked by whitehats and rebels aka terrorists

>You get to be a muzz shooting people in Paris, or be a grunt in Assad's army pushing the button to gaz the civilians, or be a muzzie doing a suicide bombing
Imagine how much the medias would freak out. No Russians would be childplay

Attached: 1217424677450.jpg (199x183, 21K)

>faked by whitehats and rebels aka terrorists
You mean kikes?

So we have
Call of Duty 4: Modern warfare
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
They're getting lazier and lazier over time I swear.

same coin different side

Take a moment and think how this will inform zoomers' world views, diverse Americans shooting russians and their minions on behalf of globohomo.
This isnt just propaganda for the American empire anymore.

Attached: 1553223889802.jpg (720x720, 28K)

I thought this name was bullshit but this seriously has the vibes from the original Modern Warfare.


What's up with the negro female special ops operative? They might as well also make her a crippled obese trans pansexual if they want to be this ironic.

Attached: 1557030164692.png (358x231, 48K)

Heres hoping you can play as the SAA in the multiplayer

Attached: 1545119315872.jpg (443x632, 153K)

>price with a different voice actor

That would be actually based

The first few minutes of Of Their Own Accord when you walk out of the bunker to see a damaged Washington monument still to this day the most kino shit I seen in a FPS game.

I'm still fucking pissed that MW3 didn't have at least ONE mission of US forces buttfucking vodka niggers in Moscow after telling us we're gonna burn it to the ground in MW2

Attached: 1447304259584.jpg (180x180, 8K)

My's been like 8 years since last time

nope its even worse its
>Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
which begs the question what will the call the remaster of this latest version?

They did a great job faking it
Where did they get all the fake bodies?

Attached: AP783527311915.jpg (1280x960, 637K)

Modern Warfare Remastered 2
And then when they remaster MW2. It will be Modern Warfare 2 Remastered

>teal nightvision that just covers your entire screen and doesn't effect your fov
>price has 100000 fov night vision non teal
>we don't get that either

fucking baste

I take that back this is going to be GOTYAY fuck pol

looks like your standard military woman

>all the lil zooms reading tweets and thinking this is going to be anything other than bam bam cod

No guise, CoD is going to be super realistic and have 1:1 deaths with real life, believe the influencers, they know best.

Explode Mecca, the White House, the EU, the UN, the pyramids, and orange man will be behind the entire conflict colluding with putin..

>being excited for a re-make glorifying baby killers and rapists
yeah no thanks

>cant fake lying dead
want some candy? hop into my van

Why do some people think this isn't just going to be a retread of the original games with a slightly altered story? The trailer already hinted at nukes being stolen and Price hunting down Al-Asad.


>no brutal doom
you disappoint me

>Benghazi immortalized in a cod game
>Hillary Clinton btfo

>modern warfare
>on Yea Forums

Yea Forums is dead and zoomerggedon is now

Attached: 1465793470579.jpg (444x460, 78K)

Intentionally left out because

Blessed be your day kind sir!


Attached: MW2R.png (1236x1348, 1M)

Haven't been "hyped" over a game in years. Only game i slightly looked forward to until never ever magic hit it was indivisible.
>wrong buzzword kiddo

Go back to fucking Yea Forums and stay there, you casual shitlord

Damn, the first one isn't even out and they already remastering the sequel.

>every time a trailer drops for any game that features an African Queen there's apologetic shills spewing shit like this
>every time the game is filled to the brim with women and nogs because it's made by kikes
>game written by naughty dog
You either have to be sub 60 IQ or paid to not see where this is going.

This is very realistic and I love it.

>dudebro game
no thanks

only campaign no mp

It's the Dark Souls 2 of Call of Duty.

t. someone who didn't follow the Syrian conflict outside of CNN

>Not knowing the cig can be picked up by enemies and analyzed for DNA to find out who attacked them, and which country ordered it.
Uh diversity is our greatest strength for a reason sweetie.

it's okay when metal gear does it I guess

>based Drift0r
Bet he didn't think anyone would save it

Fragile white cuck

>modern Call of Duty games are "kino" on Yea Forums now

Attached: 1535303654620.png (877x1076, 1.65M)

I like how they put up "real gameplay footage" and then proceed to show nothing that is even the slightest bit impressive.

Which loadouts you're maining?

Attached: home finally.png (800x586, 147K)

>CoD shit
Kill yourself back to plebbit, faggot.

Edit that to make the battlenigger into a waman/tranny

Oh so basically we'll be fighting the good guys. Lame, we already did that plenty in WW2 CoD games.

that's funny considering the trailer had one

I'm hoping for the ACR

>people calling it an SJW game
>the trailer has Benghazi in it
>the thing Hillary is blamed for

Attached: SOYFIELD.jpg (950x534, 171K)

The left doesn't deny that the Benghazi incident happened they only contest that Hillary was responsible.

They'll name the j_w.

you make it sound like rebooting one of the best games in the franchise because IW has run out of ideas is a good thing.

now we got an issue where
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the sequel to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare but not Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Attached: 1494156146669.gif (320x213, 1.3M)

The final boss will be Mecha Drumpf

As if normie zoomers will get that, you mouthbreathing faggot?

Attached: 1558170096298.jpg (950x1503, 419K)

Why are they so obsessed with the UK and the SAS? Apparently it's another story about a terrorist attack in the UK, mainly starring the SAS.

So this is gonna go for that Sicario "legit CIA operators performing illegal missions in foreign soil" type thing or what?

>seriously didn't all their shit get exposed a few years back?

If you mean "did the Kremlin run a massive disinfo campaign against them", then yes.

at least F&F had the decency to drop all instances of "the" so it was kinda different.

>brutal doom

Attached: 1531227582363.png (457x506, 121K)

The little girl shit is probably their attempt at the iconic nuke scene
Should've gone with a Tiananmen square type incident, would be much more impactful and less fictional

Why is this shitty franchise still alive? There hasn't been a decent CoD since modern warfare.

Gears of War was the patrician choice in shitty shooters, fucking debate me.

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Black Ops 2 was good.

>hey remember when Captain Price did that thing?
>no which game?
>Modern Warfare

infinity ward are fucking idiots, at least make it that it doesn't sound connected to MW, MW2 or MW3 at all

Fun fact when MW 2007 came out the devs wanted to drop the Call of Duty numbering but activision forced them to keep it.

How is this game related to the first Modern Warfare?
Will it again have the Pripyat mission and other Kino ones?

Why are you such a boring person, you fucking fag?

No one in the army and marines take women soldier seriously. No one.

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was that cigar guy price? thought i heard soap's voice also.

In the retarded minds of modern American and it's tentacle infiltration in every culture, M doesn't mean mature as in questions of morality, ethics, philosophy, etc, it just means that people say mean words, that there are some blood and some titties. AO usually refers to pornography content. Yes, people really are that retarded. In a way, I don't mind that the elites hate people.

ding ding ding

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Kino lootboxes yeeeehawwwwwwwwww

too redpilled for modern devs, though that would be a good final level twist

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Hold on, let me call Bullshit real quick.
>implying they will give you one life
>have your squad wasting most of their ammo in covering fire
>disable regen health
>get reprimanded for not following orders
>jamming guns
>have entire sections where you don't encounter anyone

Cod has always wanted to appeal to the most mainstream casual crowd, why would they stop now?

Do China deploy troops nowadays? What do they do?

Hahaha all these people complaining about a woman that appears for about just one second in this fucking trailer have sex lol

Because it keeps making western investors rich as fuck? Why is this even a question?

>has sex
>gets AIDs

Does this mean there will be a mission where you play as a fucking white male shooting up minorities/women?

Would make for something new at least

it's summer

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please respond to this post.

Doom is gay, get this shit out of here.

It comes out October 25th, on my 24th birthday, that's pretty sweet.

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Literally no one was spewing any shit before sensitive faggots like you got their panties in a twist because muh black woman on screen. Piss off to your containment board fatass

CoD hasn't been good since 2.

The Russians are the villains again.

we all know COD3 sucked, but what exactly did COD4 do that made it bad?

Normalfags eat this shit up. What do you expect

>arguing against the rule of cool

>das it mane

they don't mean gameplay, brainlet. they never do. all these garbage AAA studios have only been talking about the narrative of their games for years now. and it all sucks


Yeah you do belong there along with all these other crybaby faggots

Kill yourself, kike.

Console kids are gonna bitch and moan about PC players using KMB.

I dont see this worming


I'm willing to bet they'll separate the lobbies via input like Fortnite.

This image doesn't even work, because Soap just joined the Bravo 6 when MW happened and wasn't price captured at the end of MW because he was airlifted away, but the ultra nationalists won?

>for Titanfall
yeah, Titanfall not for Bobby Kotick not paying them Royalties, or raiding the offices to seize their computers.

Next one will be called The Call Of The Duty

not anymore lol

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I kinda hope the story is what happens if you kill Makarov in CoD 4 remastered

Strong auto aim lets people on pad compete with PC players. Pic related, MWR on PC with pad. For some reason this pic triggers many people.

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only old infinity ward made good cowadoody. enjoy your trash.

Those were all Russians, they aren't actual people.

Titanfall lead multiplayer designer is back at IW.

t. zoomerfag

I don't think you understand what airports are for and what kind of people go there.

Price has a moneybadger in the promo art, so that

>Black Woman=Black Queen
I hate you fucking troglodytes, I bet she isn't even a major character but you're already mad about it

that's another route they could take. I know BO4 on PC disabled auto aim for controller users entirely.

>Nothing but white Adults
They were all Russians,

AK-12 and Deagle to be honest

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You made the same arguments with Cod WW2 and Battlefield 5, look where those went. Go blow your brains out, discord tranny.

Kill youself weebo scum

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oh no no no no no

This is absolutely correct

So we get to shoot women and children?

This shit is like if Todd decides to just name the next TES game Skyrim again. Why do companies do this?

I hope they bring back the UMP45 for this, I know it a MW2 weapon but it was just so perfect for me

>Marathon Pro
>Stopping Power Pro
>Ninja Pro
>Pave Low

Setup of the gods right there

they might bring it back in a different cal or something like they did with the SCAR and ACR between MW2 & 3

>those retard killstreaks
>retard weapon with low damage and range
you didn't get many nukes.



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better than wub wub or mumble rap

>White Helmets
Literally promoting ISIS and Al Qaeda.

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