E3 thread time

E3 thread time

Attached: squilliam.jpg (300x300, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:


favorite react channels bros?


How much longer

Rude and get out
About more than a week

Attached: how about i slap your shit.jpg (208x208, 10K)

post them cards boys

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Everyone have their Squilliams ready?


Attached: for (you).png (800x600, 17K)

Does anyone have a collection of the squilliams from last year? The gif doesn’t count

Attached: BB2.png (300x300, 147K)

What are you here for

Attached: squilliam E3.gif (484x359, 2.75M)

Collab when?

Attached: Screenshot_20190520_221616.jpg (676x1030, 65K)


That's Squilliam Fancyson you absolute moron.


>Nintendo going digital pre-recorded event
>Now Sony too
Mark my words, in 10 years time E3 will be entirely digital and the actual physical event will just be demo boots and theaters for journalists to watch the pre-recorded video presentations in.

Attached: E3 2019.png (2450x2000, 611K)

Seems someone is autistically mad about people not discussing Death Stranding-related news.
Or maybe about the fact people are discussing videogames like sane people instead of shitposting like complete retards.

Anyways, when's Mahvel 4, Xbox?

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Report and ignore him.

easy allies

Attached: lp.png (3200x2000, 694K)

You think OP's popular with the ladies?

when is Sony announcing their state of play?

This one hurts.

Someone started it this morning

Attached: e3_squilliam_gif_progress.jpg (5154x2402, 2.27M)

Do not forget the suffering. Remember to rise up against jannies whenever possible.

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>Autist gets nuked
Glad to see we don't pay those jannies for nothing.

Anyway I hope we get some news on what Monolith is currently working on, be it Zelda or otherwise, as well as more Astral Chain news. Also Banjo Threeie.

Attached: JANNY ARE YOU OKAY.png (890x484, 769K)

Pikmin news is all I want :(

This was my entry for J4

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Hey! Pikmin Switch port will be revealed!

so there's no pic collab?

Attached: 1559075504626.jpg (300x300, 53K)

New collab thread.

Attached: fgfg.png (3200x2000, 1.45M)

That's happening June 1st

Papa Genos

yarrrr.....it's very close mateys
arrrrr......may this E3 have the finest booty

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Is that de blob?

Just waiting on Prime 4 and the newest From Software game desu sempai.

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Has anyone made bingo cards yet?

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Attached: e3 2019 card.png (3200x2000, 849K)

>aisha tyler


Also, when is the last time you watched E3 user? Aisha Tyler hasn't been a thing in years.

>new arkane game
But why? Based Raph Colantonio left after PREY and that faggot Harvey Smith took over everything. After Dis2, DotO and Mooncrash i don't undestand how people haven't give up on arkane

We should leave this after the Squilliam collage is finished.

can someone crop out the background?

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Attached: Report Card.png (2100x1313, 1.33M)

What are the chances of a new Splinter Cell?

Most nintendo focused ones + Easy Allies

Anything could happen. Two years ago i was ridiculed for this. Never lose hope

Attached: wish was granted.png (385x650, 106K)

Vinny for memes, otherwise Easy allies

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>no animal crossing
Would be corporate suicide if the game is supposedly still releasing this year.

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i should probably update this

Thanks senpaitachi

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was ubisoft the one who did the weird flute player shit last year?

No that was sony

Already? I need to finish mine then, just need a couple lines and make it transparent

I'm well aware of the fact that the industry stopped catering to me 2 gens ago

Attached: E3ReportCard.png (3200x2000, 849K)

It was Sony and it was based


Animal Crossing
Pocket Camp Switch

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Attached: e3 2019 before v2.png (3677x2000, 3.41M)

I did this for E6. Tell me if I can improve something.

Attached: pikmin squiliam.jpg (410x304, 33K)

Dragon Quest X is on Switch, it was just never released outside of Japan.

You know what I mean you cheeky anal rupture

Dragons Dogma 2 announcement! C'mon, Capcom!

where my medabot bros at?

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i claim E2

he is literally the only way to make e3 bearable. That is when his ISP isnt shitting the bed

put louie in the background

Just finished making this

Attached: sword-kun squilliam.png (310x300, 14K)

Fuck, i posted the old version

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kinda i made a section for this years gif

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I can't art, dont bully me

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When's the next thread going up?

It just archived

Right here senpai

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Put an outstretched arm on there and you got a collage squilliam too

joel from vinesauce

>someone used my expansion edit

Attached: 2019 template ea text.png (3677x2000, 1.45M)

>No Beyond Good & Evil at E3
What the fuck is Ubisoft showing for 90 minutes

I hope we get killer instinct on the microsoft presentation, with a release also on pc and cross play

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>half of my report card is already deconfirmed

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Begging for 90 minutes straight for their share holders to help stop Vivendi from taking over.

>Just Dance Korea
It better have this move then

Attached: sliding.gif (268x168, 1.77M)

it's only like 2 days early

>doing it this early
The fuck are you doing? Also, claiming H6, here is initial progress I just doodled for an idea

Attached: file.png (1916x1079, 194K)

Apparently some E3 leaks are coming

Has anyone seriously filled out the Limited Run and KF tiles beyond "who cares?" At least with AMD people wish for them to step up their game.

Xbox Revolution, time to rise up against the Snoyfags

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claiming E2

>Watching old-Yea Forumstards who are taken hostage by their own community full of furries and trannies

>hoo no no no no kala vittu
His isolation has made him too predictable to watch anymore.

The one last year was finished in the 29th
Also I'm not the guy running it
You're gonna have to find a thread

This isn't the thread to claim shit retards

Already claimed G3

don't care he still comfy especially his rimworld and g mod streams

Rodgers Base
Max Dood

calm down man, this isn't serious business...

It's not, but that thread died again anyway.



I'm not the guy doing it, I just posted the progress so far
If there's been other threads there's chances that other people have claimed these already

>Hes watching reaction videos

Attached: soilent.jpg (768x1024, 79K)

Oh that happened recently right? Nice

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Daisy was announced first tho

This might be the least hyped I've ever been for an E3.

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Fake, Bosman didn't watch it with them

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No, I need ideas now.

Do you really think Todd is going to dare to show his face after the controversy surrounding Fallout 76.

▲ ▲

We're getting a direct June 5 though

He's going to use his CHA 10 to weasel his way out of it. He'll make a joke about it being bad and then everybody will forgive him.

>▲ ▲

Attached: robotnik squilliam.png (319x364, 9K)

i gotta win

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Your foreshortening could use some work.


>reaction videos

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god was that amazing

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give me some squilliam ideas to draw

I don't know the deal with the gif, but if the guy is lurking around here, heres D5.

Attached: D5_E3_2019.png (484x360, 53K)

Attached: peppino gets a heart attack.png (273x250, 6K)

no "going to e3" picture this year?

Hopefully I’ll be on Yea Forums when a new thread is made because I’ve been working on one and didn’t claim a tile before the thread archived.

You fucking nailed everything

I want a new monopoly so bad. The wii one was great

what is this?

Already happened

Hi, newfriend

Just keep an eye on it. You'll like it.

Hey anons I have some details about E3 if you want them but it is about the pc gaming show.

I'll trade you EA info for it :^)

The winner takes all

how many battle royales are going to be there?

>some new indie games shown off
>epic shows off exclusive games and they are buying supergiant games
>valve shows off new vr games with valve index. Tease to something new

It'll suck like usual but i'll watch it like usual. Even if I don't i'll get a rundown by you guys. I mainly participate because of the hilarious threads.

Has battle royale not fallen off a bit since last year?

people are still going to milk it. Speaking of that is that one that had 1000 people in a match still a thing or what?

I'm just popping in here to say
>Yeah, I appreciate this artwork
>I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down

I wan't to go back...
I miss sitting on the couch on summer vacation with my 3 friends talking about the new videogames at E3 and how much we wanted to motorboat Morgan Webb
It was a simpler time....

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claiming J2 or something else from row 2 that isn´t occupied.

I think it's still in pre-alpha.

I don't think it's gonna look good when I crop it

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Attached: BEANED.jpg (1200x800, 141K)

>crash nitro fueled in the same month

Attached: nitrous oxide.png (800x700, 196K)

someone go in a tuxedo and say the N-word

They don't wanna associate themselves with this place, for more views & shekels.

They don't allow mics anymore. You have to hid it in a bag but it will be searched.

>literally unironically implying Yea Forums is better than either of those things
It's all fucking awful.

you betcha, updated and ready to go

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Every fucking time lmao

got this done today

Attached: squilliam climbers.png (1649x1145, 151K)

>implying they hadn’t prerecorded his bits back in March

>Reggie will be at E3 this year
>But in an unofficial capacity
>Will have the ability to badmouth games he doesn't find personally appealing

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Of course.

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I wanna see a new Kirby game!

Attached: kirby dance.gif (320x270, 102K)

>just beat pic related
Holy fuck bros, what are the odds a sequel gets announced at E3? I need more memes, son!

Gonna go replay Bayo2 in the meantime. W101, DMC3-5, and God Hand are still on the backlog, which comes first?

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