Lobotomy Corporation thread do you plan to order today, manager?
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As an addenum, the C order is unavailable at this time due to unforseen consequences.
OK i Liked the game but come on the sequel looks like a facebook game!
>get firey bird
>it escapes
>try to suppress it like the rest
>all of my employees burn to a fine crisp
tenouttaten, would do again
Is it possible to move abnormalities between departments?
Despite its looks I finnd it understandable du to how much they got fucked over for experimenting with their first product and trying to find a wider audience with that stuff.
Plus, I beleive it's a bit too early for doomsaying. Lobcorp during the alpha and beta days look no way similar to it's current version. It was steadily fixed as they recieved user suggestions and complaints. If you shoot them some mail when they go into some betatesting I'm sure they'd appreciate it and fix the game(if it is a fault)
Manually/deliberately into a place where you want? Nope.
If you get a certain abnormality it will randomly swap abnormalities around places, but that's about it. Practically speaking the locations are fixed.
Only as your daily dose
>1 Employee panics and runs around the entire facility
>None of the others can catch her and eventually everyone goes crazy and starts breaking shit
How the fuck do I deal with this? I'm only on day 4
Is there no way to check the hp/sp of an employee during the day? I only see their max hp/sp on their top right info and can't tell if someone needs to be healed or not.
if you have no way of dealing with them, ignore them. don't stay in the same room as them or they will make your other employees crazy
it's an unlock
is the steam version fully translated?
I need to do WAW suppression and I have Wolf, Little Red, Hot Birb and Yin+Yang
What's the best way that doesn't involve tons of clerks dying?
so that is the story on why this game just started making noice thougth it was 2 years in the making! shame that almost all backer abnormalities are kinda bad tho. Not gonna lie it it wasnt becouse this tread popping each day I would not have even tryed it
Try to get ranged white weapons.
Pic is spoiler so open at your own risk
What does this even mean?
>forgot to spoiler the pic
Send me to the scarecrow
Work on containment units suffering a meltdown 8 times?
You will unlock that feature after doing information team missions.
That's a rather bad lineup, go grab some more WAWs
If you have the manpower sit in front of red/wolf's room and beat them up after breaching it
>Anyone who has the Queen of Hatred as a waifu is as basic as a bitch can get
Maybe we're just masochists.
For me, it's the Big Bird.
Affection on Garion.
She's pure perfection.
Borb doesn't have feathers.
I want Binah to do pic related to me.
You mean a pure bitch
>I'll feed you instead
The feeding had better come directly out of those milkers.
>Pure bitch
For you.
>mountain of smiles hasnt breached since i got him
>purple noon
>cant send in the rabbits because i need my tickets from that department
>panic, prepare as good as I can
>kill every single clerk in the department
>get all of my dudes out of there
>send in my elite squad
>forgot that i had still work queued up
>ordeal triggers and only one aleph V agent is in position
>the mountain has escaped
>mimicry chad solos the ugly ball of dentures
Well that went better than expected. Kinda disappointing
Why do people hate that thing again?
And everyone in the facility.
He can be extremely annoying if he decides to just run off instead of fighting you, especially in central
The weak should fear the strong.
I just started playing this blind. Got thru the tutorial segments just fine, began Day 1. I'm liking this a lot. Is there porn of Angela and Malkuth yet? I need it for abnormality research purposes
they should indeed
Fuck you and your missions, coffeeman
I need to kill 3 alephs. Censored was ok to deal with and Mountain is already a daily routine for me. Now comes the hard part. Who is the third? I tried Smiling set on Nothing there but he just spit in the face of my agent and instagibbed him. Melting is something that i dont even want to touch. I can't even work on orchestra because i don't have pale dmg.
Yes, yes, granny. Whatever you say. Now back to the basement with you.
I'll have you know that I'm just 35, clerk.
orchestra is ez pz.
The translation is weird so I don't understand how Punished Birb works. I know it goes back to containment after killing someone but is there a way to avoid that? I also can't figure out what makes it escape. It just seems random. I let it run around for a really, really long time once and it didn't go home.
You remembered to thank Angela for all that she does today, right manager?
Birb just pecks at people and then comes back inside like a good birb
Just let him beat down a few dudes and he'll be ok
I love this gif so much. Whats the original? I feel like i've seen some other version of it.
if you play with the cute bird it will be distracted and won't notice that you're playing with other abnormalities at the same time
>Sending Rabbits for Purple Noon
They can literally be killed by level 1 agents after their entry
Actually everyone is thousands of years old.
I've never properly seen what they can do. They've never even killed one of my agents, the first time I encountered them I was lucky and they missed everything but some clerks. Purple Dawn is more intimidating.
Just complete all other missions you can and mem repo back
Purple Noon can lower counters meaning that the real danger is taking too long. They also passively deal a small amount of damage but that's no big deal.
>entire blogpost about MoS
>thinks the rabbits are for a fucking noon ordeal
How can a brainlet like you even get far enough to know about ordeals or the rabbit team?
It must be pretty embarrassing to reply to the wrong post when calling someone a brainlet, user
How do white/black damage work on enemies? Does it target a separate invisible sanity bar? Or does it just do damage to their health, with the only difference being its resistances?
Manager, choose attachment work for me. Please and thank you!
It damages their health with the only difference being resistances
I seriously hope you are trolling user. No one can be this illiterate.
no way fag
You'll get instinct work and you will ahegao from it.
You must be pretty confused brainlet so let me show you which post you meant to reply to. THIS post was the one that made an entire blogpost about mountain and then thought rabbits were for a noon ordeal.
You've been educated today. Enjoy.
This dog is such a good boy
And THIS post somehow missed all of that except for "rabbits" and "purple noon", making that guy a brainlet magnitudes beyond what's the norm in this shithole of a board.
You've been educated today. Enjoy.
Fuck, meant to quote this Maybe I'm really the brainlet here. Enough internet for today.
Is losing two lvl 5 agents worth a memory repo?
I'm on day 28 and I really don't wanna lose any manpower that I can't instantly get back.
just retry the day dude.
If you valued your time 2 agents sound like a good deal.
Is it true that the more you work on an abnormality the less chance it has to kill you? Judgement Bird was pretty harrowing to work with but now my Judgement Bird babysitter can work with him easily, despite not having his gift nor much of a stat boost (other than the Department boost)
Did you get any sucky abnos in the last 2 days? If so maybe spend a day just farming details about them, then repo back to reroll.
Thanks for the cool spears Ice Queen, I love you
Reposting my Hod picture because I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
At best you just got more success rate % from higher information levels
stupid cute box
That's a cute Hod.
I love the metalhoge
I crave Binah's feet.
I bet she has cute feet.
Not really getting how to optimize each day. Do I want to complete a new abno as soon as I get it (all research/all items) or can I just leave them by themselves? It seems like I can just complete the game by farming the first 4 abnos for the quota and sacking a lv.1 employee whenever the timer thing shows up on an unresearched abno.
That won't work once you get ordeals with shitty low level gear
One sin is a skull and crossbones. Literally
>purposely proc a midnight
>orange midnight
>it's slow but I guess I can deal with it
>mfw while microing my agents to deal with the WAAW worms, the ALEPH worm comes up and eats half of my agents parked in Central
I think I'm done for today, tomorrow is another day and maybe I'll not have this happen again.
So the one sin was piracy?
There's just a couple of problems with your plan
>you'll never get good gear
>abnormalities will breach on bad results or when shitters are sent to work on them
>facility will get too big to keep sacrificing people each meltdown
Are you guys just filling your quota asap with zayin abnos then completing other stuff or do you not bother with them anymore except with mission?
Send your guys with the highest insight and fortitude to not get newbies murdered. Use the boxes to know what the abno likes. If someone gets horribly murdered, just restart the day. Also keep your employees above lvl 1 fortitude, it will make your life much easier.
no joke it'd be super cool if one sin was one of those cool hidden DRM things that make the game unplayable for pirates
Shh the agents are sleeping
I average about 8 mins per day. Is that bad?
If I step on them,
Would they deal red or pale dmg?
black damage you dumb fuck
Just let out apocalypse bird on purpose to farm him so every employee could get his sweet wings. Then I sent this employee, Camille, to backwards clock to deal with the 9001 breaches that occurred as a result.
Camille, you're stuck in a hopeless hell timeline with multiple Aleph breaches just so I could get some sweet wings on everyone else. I salute you. F.
Unlock management notes first!
Birb only punches when he's punched!
You are going to love his brothers
Just realized I may need to memory repo if I don't have time to complete final suppression before end sequences starts, so this was all pointless.
Its 8 qliphot meltdowns, not qliphoth meltdown level 8
Can I just let the rabbits take care of Midnight or do they job hard to it? I'm scared.
there's no way theyre gonna clear any of the midnights, due to dying straight up or other reasons
They can also put a dent into one of the violet midnight altars. The blue eye also does shockingly little damage to them.
Picking this fucking dog was the worst mistake I've made
>bird escaping
>ever an issue
stop hitting innocent wildlife user
Uh... user, you just need to stop meltdowns 8 times, not let them melt down and deal with the aftermath. And you don't have to do quests the day you get them, if your guys can't work with your abnormalities reliably then just train 'em with One Sin and wait until they can.
>They can also put a dent into one of the violet midnight altars.
I saw on a stream, the Rabbits by themselves handled the White Altar.
Just do instinct work and don't pick it again after you restart
Daily reminder to molest Malcute.
>Perfectly tailor facility to have no escapable Abos early game.
>Energy output is garbage but safety is assured
>Come Noon, EVERY TIME, Great Love For Us.
Copperfield never saw it coming.
O'Malley is in a better place.
McLovin met his maker.
Johanna bit the fucking dust.
Even the elevators aren't safe from this menace!
why can't we just have the rabbits patrol constantly? :(
how many jobbers does it take to change a lightbulb?
>rabbits absolutely destroy binah
>rabbits job to gebura
Explain this old hag
I want Binah's feet on my dick. Right now!
Binahfags are cringe.
Read the filename.
I watched in horror as one of my employees was sucked into the Grave of Cherry Blossoms
at the end of the day they weren't labeled as dead but... I saw the bloody hands on the inside of the hole of the tree.
am I going insane as manager?
How long does it take for the fucking bird to return to return to its room then
until he deals like 10 damage by pecking
>huh your ass is harder than I expected Mal
They do fine with purple but are not suited for the rest.
Just restart until you get green, manager
Yes, they are.
all my employees are like 15-17 health, except for the one I sent to Insight him who is Fortitude 2 at 50 HP. also learned to send my 2 Prudence employee with 50 insight to the static room for free Justice gains
>Day 11
But of course, he's only there to heal agents
If you micromanage so hard he doesn't peck anyone it takes about a minute, otherwise after he hits for a certain amount of cumulative damage (a super measly amount, like 15 tops?) he goes away.
If you don't want him out in the first place, just designate somebody to be a bird bitch and have them in his containment while you work with others.
I don't even know what this one is supposed to be.
I fucking did it eat my shit
the fuck do I get now
the one with the smallest dick
doesn't really matter, they're all pretty shit.
Got T-09-90. Time to give everyone this sweet new gear thanks to based cross skull
reminder going back day 1 is expected because of codec completion and waifu collection
3 tools, huh? Take the left one, it actually has some use and if you forget about it you won't get screwed over.
>3 tools, huh?
Every 4th creature selection is a tool
This. Don't listen to that dickhead who says you shouldn't restart ever.
I'm gonna do a run and get every waifu anomaly.
Pray for me.
is it better to hire more guys or level up?
Threadly reminder to read the manual and unlock managerial tips first.
Until you have a strong team of high level guys, keep only the number of doods you need.
both. You should have 1-2 high level dudes per department at least then maybe a few lower level or less important agents to help with suppressions, ordeals, or reacting to meltdowns.
Should I call the rabbits at all for Binah ? My strike team can reasonably handle her first two phases in a single stun.
I keep seeing daily threads, is there actually an ending to this game?
if an employee with E.G.O on them bites it, can I get a new E.G.O to replace what they lost if I have the Abnormality still with me and the PE to spend?
you can try sending lvl 1 agents against them, I'd like to see that. yes, do try please.
why do all binahfriends have such supreme taste in girls and fetishes?
because she teleports around like a bitch?
day 49 binah also shits on them btw
Uh, what the hell is this?
you need specific canon fodder tho
I don't even understand what you are anymore.
technically yes
really really no, but it's not gonna get more dlc
Fodder is "needed doods".
I just mean there's no point in filling your department when you have one Teth and three tools.
>really really no
what? the game definitively ends at day 50 and there's the true end.
>technically yes
dude the game ends at day 50 with an ending, how is that technically?
a candidate for managerial promotion
I don't know user, I was a geburafag at first.
But after seeing sadistic mommy Binah I abandoned gebura faster than a nigger abandons his child.
Binah will now be forever my No.1 lobotomy/ruina waifu.
Why does he wear the mask?
anyone has a link with the image of all armors
How do you get Ordeal of Dusk to happen? Just keep extending the day until meltdowns give way to one?
A very handsome person
theyre all on the wiki
Reach the day they first start appearing
Wait until it pops up after enough meltdowns
challenge mode
You have matured user. You have matured and picked the only right choice.
DAY 16
Could I research an abbo, memrepo, get rid of it, and roll new ones? To easily 100% research.
Big Bird breaches for your safety
yes, you can gather their gear that way
>Prophecy of the Skin
>Any employee who panics after reading this book will die
Permanent effect? Every single employee I sent to read it is in danger of instadeath panic now? At least it's free Prudence boosting, right?
Just the day it was used
Day 20 onward is when it appears
Day 30 is when it appears easily
Sweet. Time to get everyone to max Prudence Day 4.
I'm on Day 4 and got the mission, no chance of it happening right?
Absolutely no chance. It doesn't happen till day 20.
What is he eating?
I could tell you but then I'd have to replace you
I'm a Prudent guy.
if you were to restart after doing everything you wanted to do and reaching every ending, how would you make the game harder for yourself?
any challenges you would impose on you? I'm currently thinking about
>getting ALEPHS whenever available
>limiting my number of employees per department
>only using gear of stuff I have available right now
is there any more, do you have any ideas?
pick the middle one every time
5 guys per department
No LOB boosting
Only working on ZAYIN and TETH, ignoring meltdowns
About to start playing this game, any essential mods?
can't rebuy equipment, once you lose it it's gone forever.
>spent about 30 min meticulously controlling my agents to finish 8 meltdown and dusk task in a row
>just finished dusk, literally need to do 1 more job to get 8th and the day is done.
>forgot about train
you need to be 18 to post here
Do the choices in dialogue actually matter or is it just flavour?
You pick the uncomfiest abnormalities and the least useful tools. Also no using execution bullets for any reason.
Monk, Borb, Mountain, Army.
All the trees.
Alriune and SO.
Little Prince and Teddy Bear.
Schaudenfraude should be next to Burrowing Heaven.
WN as early as possible.
Long and Small Bird to go with Borb.
No shenanigans to displace Yin and Yang from right next to each other.
Melting Love in central.
Basically all the worst things in Central then the Fetus to go with them.
QoH if you're going the no execution bullets route.
Exclude Happy Machine, Mirror, Heart, and Painting from tools you can take.
Always take Train.
No Der Fresh or Red.
I wonder what the absolute worst facility to manage would look like.
>fetus right next to train
i named it: the hall way of lifting
And one more question, dped 100% research mean buying out all their gear?
Apparently generals are allowed on this board now
>Amber Midnight
How important is it to grind worker traits? I don't want to play anymore if each day is going to be 20 mins of me just spamming the same 2 rooms on 2 employees.
It goes around pecking at people, literally unable to kill a clerk, until its happy and return back to its cage. Don't try to attack it, it can and will 1 shot you
so the game ends at day 46? or you can continue after that?
Take Crumbling Armor, every employee does repression work on him first thing they do. Basically play the game without attachment work.
Do your suppressions, user.
Day 50. You can't memrepo past 46 if you reach 46.
depends. Later on with some ads i can get lvl 5 agents in 2-3 days. If you got really dope ads like Fireschutz or clock, then grit your teeth and keep going on. If its so-so, depo it
For IV.
i spend about 20 mins minimum per day. I am physically unable to concentrate on more than 1 day per irl day now, since fucking up and retrying happens more than i'd like to
but elevators and hall ways are, user? i send all of my agents to an elevator block once this thing pops
This game is pretty dark.
What does it mean by "accompanied"
You are only at the beginning still.
Early game? Get about 2 guys per department, dont spend lobs on upgrading, but grind them through the ads. You need to get at least 2 or 3 lvl 4s when you finish info branch.
Mid game? Personally, i use lobs to get a lvl 3-4 then use ads to grind them to 5, but no one a level under 4 is allowed to leave the "training rooms" at all time. When an ordeal is about to pop, they will be the one in a room safe from everything.
Late game? Good luck user
i pray for your soul, user
How do I do the promote two employees training mission? I spent enough time fucking around a day that two of my employees went from rank II->III and the mission didn't complete. Is promotion something else?
the book's effects stops after a day, iirc
Should have taken your ticket, sir
first run in and im having to deal with this bullshit
you guys come up with some pretty disgusting stuff, thanks! I'll make sure to modify or include some of these, I think it could actually be quite fun
Is it possible to get a zayin item on day 38 because I'm missing 4 abnormalities for 100% and 2 of them are zayin level items and it's annoying and I don't want to have to reset just for those
Yeah I noticed. Kinda sucks but at least once I get everyone up to undisturbed tier of mental focus I can just spend an hour throwing them at 1.76 MHz for constant JUSTICE speed gains while I throw people at One Sin for constant Temperance gains. PUNISHED Birb isn't as bad as he was at first now that I know how to deal with him. I have no Abnormality to grind Fortitude so I'm spending LOBs to boost them to 2 for everyone. I have all 5 slots of Control Room filled with fully geared employees, and only one other spare employee. Stopped before starting Day 5. All I have is One Sin, 1.76 MHz, Prophecy of Skin, and PUNISHED Birb
On my experience the architecture department gets a lot of low level abnormalities
Punished birb is great user, it also can explode abnormalities if one of them is dumb enough too attack the birb and the birb lives.
cute alpaca
Can I even get an item in architecture team? Since I'll need at least to redo day whatever at least 4 times and I know that the last few days are a nightmare so repoing on those days seems like a bad idea.
Should have given her the attachment work.
rank 2 to 3 overall or 2 to 3 in a stat?
>Suppress 3 different Alephs
>Don't even have one
This cherry blossom tree is fucking me up
Dont think so
Lobotomy? Sure. Ruina? No.
>He jumped ships bc Angela cut her hair
You're a disgrace as a Binahfag.
>inb4 I was referring to the fact that Binah won't be in ruina.
Fuck off, we won't know 'till the game comes out.
Sorry, but LoR Angela feels smugger than Binah
Look what a good boy he is! Don't you want to give him a hug?
>Someone went insane
>Can't figure out why
Reminder that Red Hood looks like pic related without her mask.
The difference is that Red has only one eye and no teeth.
loved when angela put him in his place
How many dried up old grannies does it take to just barely match a Gebura without an arm and on the brink of death in a fight?
can gifts be replaced?
Should I get big birb's armor or his weapon? I'm gonna memrepo him, he's too annoying.
Answer the question, Binahfag.
Remember when Angela and X/A held hands together?
I don't
Lore-wise? Only one.
And she was 35 at most.
that video is pure anime kino
It sure is
to be honest, day 49 binah shits on day 48 gebura pretty hard
gonna post it just in case some people haven't seen it yet
Thank you Malkuth, very cool.
So do these different sectors like information or training room actually do what their name implies or is it just basically area #2 and area #3?
Yes, check department info and effects. If you didn't notice there are small tabs above each department in the loadout screen.
they provide bonuses to the people deployed in them depending on clerk # left alive. hover over their bar and the little III, II, I icon in the game screen to see what they do. and of course they also represent the sephirah that lead them, thematically more than you could imagine
so do you think the surviving agents got paid for the millions of days they worked or just the 50?
The bonus is global and applies to the whole facility. Each agent deployed to a department specifically gets a department service buff that gets stronger the longer they stay deployed there.
it's literally a case of
>they don't know
They're most likely all books now.
Will I enjoy this game if I can't stand weebshit?
Water is wet
Is there any difference between upper and lower central command besides the clerk uniforms? Can their be 2 captains?
Why are even on this site if you aren't a weeb?
The visual filter is there for your own protection, manager.
what do you define as weebshit
it's made by koreans and the 'waifus' you see are barely brought up
Why are you even here?
no get out
post employees
Knight of Despair is a cristmas cake that why she is sad all the time
what are the best abnormality gifts?
any AMV set to eve songs is automatically kino
I love you
my qt survivor
What are the best suits in the game?
Are pale damage weapons considered good and why?
Any ALEPH suits
Yes, because almost everything is weak to Pale
Aleph suits
Yes, when used against abbos it doesn't have the percentage modifier that Abbos have gainst employees, but a majority of monsters are weak to Pale.
This fucking gay scorpion just blew up 4 of my lv5 employees and paniced everyone else what the fuck
Anything aleph
Especially Apocalypse Bird's(with apocbirds ego gift) and whitenight's(with WhiteNight in the base)
Pale is the rarest damage type in the game, and as such not many abnormalities resist it at all
Scorpion? wtf
I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Scorched Girl? Nothing There? Alriune?
ApocBid and WhiteNight(duh)
Der Fag and Yin
Pretty much any aleph
Singing Machine
How many fapfics are there?
Is this the wrost newbie trap you seen in a game?
Post the link
noob trap implies it's shit, but weeb armor's gift is great for dedicated suppression agents.
Seems pretty clear to me
No because if you unlock Managerial tips you won't get caught by it. Happy Teddy and some """"""Zayin"""""s are bigger newbie traps.
aye yo wheres the gdrive download for the game
IGG games has the latest version, buy the game if you like it user the devs need the support
in the archives.
The clown monster from crimson noon
you got your V agents killed by the easiest noon ahahahahahahaha how the fuck
I know of ones for Melting Love, Nothing There, and the Plauge Doctor. Supposedly there was one being done on KoD but no idea what happened with that.
How the fuck was I supposed to know its death explosion does over 60 damage
There's also one for Wall Gazer but the Melting Love fics aren't fapfics, they're G rated.
>that font
He's easy to contain if you have the right people. I got Censored on day 14, didn't have any tools or armor that could help me, I had to restart.
blessed run
why the fuck is your font so weird
There's also a Melting love one too
the rest since i found them as well
Absolutely blessed
Damn why are anons so horny for these cartoon monsters
you can change fonts via .xml file made specifically for that, i did that because i have some "problems" with original font
People will lewd and fap about everything these days
He's just a lvl 4 but at this point I'm pretty sure he could take on an aleph with how lucky he is
I blame the cognition filter for making them so adorable for things that'd kill you horribly. Besides i have a soft spot for Red myself
damn we gotta put all these fics somewhere
Armor is a pain because you don't always remember that your employee has his fire, especially when you are just sending out lots of shit to work.
Teddy is a cunt because you can never remember who you already sent and who you haven't.
Some cunts want very specific stats or they kill the employee, also annoying.
Mountain is a cunt because any ordeal past the first and many breaches will lead to him breaching unless you use most of your bullets to kill clerks, thank God he's easy to bash.
Of the """""""""""zayins"""""""""""" honestly Plague Doctor isn't bad at all, if you don't notice something is incredibly wrong when he starts quoting scripture and growing wings in a game centered around Hebrew/Kabbalistic it REALLY is your own fault. That said you probably don't expect him to fuck you sideways by deciding to ignore retries and restarts.
Ticket man is a nigger too, fuck him.
My new one after reset. I wanna get apocalypse birb egos at some point in this run.
Forgot pic.
Your ticket sir!
I might repo just to get rid of choo choo man, not because he's hard, but because he's really annoying to deal with and I now have all his info
WhiteNight is worse than ticket man honestly, at least even if you forget your ticket there's a 50/50 chance of not really losing anything. WhiteNight though, if you forget about him that's a retry.
He's saved my ass multiple times while dealing with Dusk and Midnight ordeals because he instaheals, just annoying to make sure his babysitter doesn't die during the whole chaos
I have a magical girl fetish, and a poor, broken girl like QoH makes me feel thing in my penis-heart.
highest level person at the current run
yes, THAT one with day 12 succboi
My babysitter for him got killed too, still feel bad about that, I wasn't paying attention to him
Is WhiteNight's gear worth keeping him around?
The worms suck in general.
Early game
Mid game
Late game
They all suck. Give me the jesters instead.
QoH's life is pretty fucked but she has a better existence than most of the things in the facility, including the employees. Treat her right.
The girl is such a good boy?
Really? Amber Midnight was the easiest shit for me, just park everyone in elevators.
what is this game about?
Tic tac toe
before you get it:
>wtf no, this dude is so annoying holy shit
after you actually have it:
>I hate this guy, but the Paradise Lost game, ridiculous
This is Joshua. He was promoted to Captain of Sec after the former Captain, Joshua, died a horrible death.
Probably all ALPEH and clothes that can endure RED.
I find suits weak to RED pretty useless because White and Black really aren't that dangerous in comparison.
Is the mountain of smiling corpses easy to suppress?
god fucking damn it
Petz but instead of dogs it's bags of organs
Yes but also no
But you got best aleph
He's even easier if you fight him with his own weapon.
I love his weapon, its so good.
So Im on day 5 and I have to complete something called Ordeal of Dusk.
How do I trigger it?
>reading the melting love one
Getting romantically involved with any abnormality was a colossal taboo, especially after the incident with O-06-20.
You don't, it even says you can't do it until you complete Day 19. Ignore it for now and do as many other missions as you can.
In your deployment phase it tells you the maximum ordeal you can do. Just keep playing till you can do a dusk ordeal.
All three of those were written by the same user
Nah those 3 pastebins are all fapfics, there's 3 other Melting Love ones that were written by the same user.
Yes there are two different write fags. One made those based on the different types of work on Melting Love and is PG and the fapfics are all written by a different user
She's adorable
Whats your favourite abno and sephirot?
and Big Bird
Little Red
Either Judgement Bird or Galaxy Kid
how does pale damage work?
I stopped playing because of this, the most annoying as fuck thing ever
It's literally death.
Eye boi and old man
Malkuth looks like the type of girl you could spend the day wandering around the house finding more and more things you could bend her over and fuck silly before carrying her to the next thing
Also Laetitia is CUTE and FUNNY
>All are equal in the face of death.
Shoudlnt it work like allmighty damage like in persona/SMT series?
Are there any abnos besides Long Bird that deal Pale damage?
What if BlueStar was a idol?
Smugest and bestest girl
I do not like this Angela manager. It's smug aura mocks me
So if The Great Love For Us spawns I just lose a random 3 workers? It seems unavoidable
I only just now made the connection how she got her fucking body
I thought I knew it all, but this made me reconsider
Dont give up, manager!
Just move them outside the main rooms you double clerk
More interested in that loli MoSB
Cute gijinkas
Big Bird and Yesod
>The visual filter is there for your own protection, manager.
This leads to poor judgement.
Okay, so I got this pink heart with a chibi counter terrorist from CounterStrike.
Drove most of my crew mad from just how fucking cute it was.
Thankfully no one died, and I've got this bad ass in the crew now. Hoping they aren't as awful.
That's not army in pink.
She's based but hates incompetent Managers. You're not incompetent right? You don't let breaches happen, right?
legs for days
White Night is very cute!
She is
That's my wife. She'll treat you good as long as you're not incompetent, and for a price help you with other abnormalities.
How am I supposed to know when they're coming?
Do they bite?
Look at the top left bar manager
Manager.... you know that the ordeals are color coded and it shows you exactly when they happen right?
Oh yes
You know the qlipoth meter bar on the top left? It goes up 1 tick for every work done. Work until it's 1 tick away from hitting noon and move everyone out of the main rooms (note that Purple Noon can also hit the two big rooms on the side of the Control Department healing room)
Then trigger it by sending 1 person to work on something.
My dog said your wife is a whore
I thought that just had the anomalies put on escape timer. I thought those events were connected to in game time so I was rushing through trying to finish days before the chainsaw guys spawned
Anyone have that picture of that one employee who's equipped with all of Shy Look Today's shit.
Your dog is just asshurt from the last time my wife slapped his shit in
It does, when it hits meltdown 2 things can happen
1. Random abnormalities get hit with a meltdown timer. The number of abnormalities that get chosen for this is shown at the right of the bar
2. Ordeal. It tells you the color and type of ordeal that's coming.
In this pic you can see that the manager is 1 away from a Purple Dawn.
Why would she hurt such an adorable and harmless creature like him?
Reminder that KoD raped QoH
Oh wow that makes things easier, thanks user.
So is anything besides movement/combat connected to real time?
fucking fatty
Is there a quickie guide?
What stats should I focus on?
What weapons and armor?
How should I upgrade my agents? Do I need to upgrade them?
How much points should I use up when hiring?
your dogs an asshole that eats agents
Manager, I'm Daniel !
Umm, you don't get to bring clerks..
white night work
I want to do Attachment work with the Queen of Hatred!
Some abnormalities operate on real time and require you to visit them when a certain amount of time passes, you will know those ones when you deal with them.
>A work to satiate physiological needs. It requires physical contact
>not being a chad manager and using the wolf's belly as a better shelter
Whats that from?
He is protecting them so other abnormalities don't hurt them
So I just started playing and is there a convenient way to see someone's current HP/SP? Am I stupid for not seeing one?
Ahhh why do i keep getting back to day 48 after finishing day 48?!
Keep doing missions
No, you're just new. You get to see their HP/SP once you unlock the ability.
Oh thank fuck. It seemed like a weird thing I'd have to unlock.
What armor and stats should I focus on?
Should I instantly end the day when Ive got enough energy or should I grind for more energy?
Are there side effects to just spamming one action over and over again on an abno? Beauty and the Beast makes me not repress it twice in a row since it kills an agent.
aw hell naw, every abno is a puzzle and a guide would fuck its challenge
every and each one of them. certain puzzle solutions will need weak stats
higher danger is bettter because of a danger level bonus
yes. yes.
all of it, unless you are expecting a facility wipe.
So should I grind or should I end?
Can I say just keep spamming attachment on say Old lady?
>Damn why are anons so horny for these cartoon monsters
/aco/ regularly has a thread entitled "Nightmare Waifus" that's about not-cartoon monsters. Some people just dig the strange and dangerous.
>quickie guide
Expect to restart a lot whether it's day restart, memory repository restart, or a full Day 1 restart. Otherwise have fun and b urself
All stats. Don't use LOB points on Justice. You can increase stats by completing works on abnormalities. i.e. do a lot of Attachment work on Laetitia and watch your employees Temperance level up. I recommend having 1 chad and 1 or 2 regular employees per department early game, instead of several meh employees.
>weapons and armor
All of them. There are 5 levels in abnormality type and also armor type, Zayin, Teth, He, Waw, and Aleph, from weakest to strongest. Try to give your guys the highest tier gear, even if it has a low defense multiplier. i.e. you shouldn't be wearing Teth gear to an Aleph abnormality.
How many guys should I have?
I only have two departments for now.
Since it's your first run aim to get like 3 or 4
Remember to equip armor/weapons BEFORE starting the day.
And also pic related is your best friend.
Humans instincts.
We live off wanting to fuck things.
Even apples.
If I do a complete memory restart do I keep my shit?
>gebura mission to suppress WAWs
>dealing with nameless fatass, parasyte tree, little prince, mountain, and red shoes at the same time
You keep gear, weapons, and research. You lose employees, LOB, and gifts.
>Don't use LOB points on Justice.
this is super important, LOB gives you super cheap fodder agents and Justice costs a premium because it affects movespeed AND attack speed
If you get the Mirror of Adjustment you can literally flipflop points INTO Justice for free, making training agents trivial - you can pump a little into lesser levels, mirror their Justice up, and then train/assign them elsewhere to continue leveling their stats appropriately
you cant just supress mosb over n over can you
Yes but he's an ALEPH and i need WAWs plus he freaks out over clerk deaths and the only WAWs I have are Dreaming Current and Monk, which I can defeat, but they kill a truckload of clerks.
This game has some weird mandella effect.
Two weeks ago I this game didnt even exist
Now it has 24/7 threads
Whose the shill?
>two weeks ago
we've been having threads since march you gayboy
also i'm the shill angela deposits 30 PE boxes into my account for every thread created
Thank you, friend, for giving me the pixiv name for LobCorp.
I am finding very interesting things.
VERY interesting things.
>When the work result was good. Qliphoth counter was reduced
>When the work result was bad. Qliphoth counter was reduced
I'll break silent orchestras neck many times if I have to.
Cute and FUNNY
Including Malkuth sex, but nobody wants to see a box take it in the box.
wew its almost as if everyone in here would be mentally sane
is king of greed a magical girl(male)?
Funny prank, dude.
>I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this box
This is fucking hot.
lmao no
I'm sorry, everyone has terminal autism
Absolutely hilarious
Why is Laetita HE? she's more of a TETH desu,
Her cuteness is dangerous.
it is
Literally dying laughing.
Based ProjectMoonStudio making Laetita a HE so I can use her to farm attachment work
Her pranks make you go HE HE HE.
But Plague Doctor forces you to trigger him even if you realize something is off by enchanting employees. Unless you have some reliable way to get normal results when he melts down anyway.
>tfw I thought they were eyes
Is there any counterplay to melting love? Or as soon as you work with her you're on a timer before everyone gets SLIMED
5 e-boxes on Sergey
>Doing Gebura's supression
>3rd try, all things went smoothly
>Enters the last phase, not sure what it would do so decided to wait and see
>Suddenly teleports to a hallway where i keep most of my ALEPH gear employee are at and decimates everyone
>Finish the day with only 1/5 of my employees left
10/10 mission, would do it again
execution bullets and quarantining patient zero
What happens when you start again at day one? Do mission and research stay?
execution bullets/blue marksman
Chuck the slime's wife/husbando in a spacely used elevator corridor
>Magical Girl
>It's actually the Knight of Despair
>A shy kid
>It's actually Laetita
>Silent Orchestra
>It's not silent at all
>Nothing There
>There IS something there
>Magical girl
>It's actually the Queen of Hatred
>Nameless Fetus
>That's the name of the fetus
>Non escaped object
>It breaches
They can't keep getting away with.
>decide to try the midnight mission again right now
>violet instead of amber
>all of my white damage units are huddled in an elevator, I forgot to micro them while everyone else was destroying the white pillar, and now all of my white damage is insane
Okay, for sure, tomorrow is a new day to attempt this.
Work her at the end of the day if you can't stop the infection from spreading.
Clerks are fucking rats and I don't have bullets yet
This is Kaneli, the Attachment King. His first day on the job, he got EGO gifts from all three Abnormalities we had at the time without even trying. I've been playing the game streaming with friends and we have lore about him and his fellow veterans. If he dies, the day gets reset no matter how much was accomplished.
When we go for Day 1 reset, I'm spending a LOB to bring him back as Georgia, a cute ponytail employee who died to a retarded Teddy Bear glitch her first day mid-game. We have an autistic reason for that too, related to how he was the only one that was allowed to work on Laetitia for a long time. So autistic I'm embarrassed to share it.
Be nice to the clerks, they are doing their best.
Beat him up. Beat him the fuck up manager.
Dream of a Black Swan, the gimmick's cool and the fairytale it's based on was one of my favorites as a kid.
what's all this then
But he's scary and everyone's insane and he took all my PE-boxes THRICE
As if you had the right to look down on anyone, Angela. Nobody loves you.
You have to pay him for such a wonderful performance user. Just beat his shit in before he finishes.
So the proper way to deal with Army in Black is just to run away from it, yes?
>trying to do dusk
>because all the clerks inevitably die, monk (and by extension, maybe fiery bird), smiling bodies and big bird all escape
is killing all clerks beforehand a valid strategy?
Shut up and bend me over your desk already manager.
the proper method is to not let it breach in the first place or use execution bullets. If it's counter is getting low just intentionally let a few easy to suppress teths breach to bring it back up.
fresh off the presses
>is killing all clerks beforehand a valid strategy?
You're almost forced to do it during some days if you have too many abnos that breach on death
Fuck clerks
This game is too hard.
Actually, this isn't hard. It just requires endless amounts of built-in save scumming, grinding, and optimization that it makes the game a chore. I think I'll just relieve myself of playing this and just read the cool lore on the wiki
very nice
You never stood a chance.
the wiki doesn't do it any justice to be honest.
and you're right. it isn't hard
you're just a scrub
Why is the teeth monster running in place
Looks like some clerks died bro...
Better back that ass up
>save scumming
It's not scumming if the game lets you and even encourages you to do this. The English wiki isn't even finished, you can't find much of the actual universe lore there unless you just want monster stories.
He's just getting ready for his morning stroll
It's over
Is the manager/player looking at everything through monitors or does he have a window with a sniper rifle just to shoot things with?
So I didn't know how far I had to grind my employees at this point, so I only have 1 V fortitude employee and a bunch of justiced up III employees to fight off crimson noon. Do I just restart?
Tell me, is it wrong to have faith?
We are all sinners, and the Blue Star is the only place that accepts sinners. We will purify our sins there.
We all go back to that place someday. It's an instinct. You may think user, who threw himself into the Blue Star, is dead, but he only returned to his rightful place. He’s a martyr. He became an eternal star.
The rising of a star means a brand new start. Don’t you hear the sound the everlasting trumpet?
When you are close to the star you can hear the welcoming cheers and singing.
If we all return back to this place, only the Blue Star will remain.
We will meet again as stars.
Post yfw
>you become a star
Ya'll need one sin
God I wish that was me.
Who here is a /star/ ?
So what do you even do when this thing breaches? He just 2 shots everything and I can't mobilize enough workers to kill it in 5 seconds.
Reminder that White Night is best waifu