

Attached: 1557966197803.png (1202x782, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>edge of explosion
>take half explosion

tf2 was a mistake

i understood the reference


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das racis!

HaH you sound like a

>take half explosion

guys demo is for the new players only, of course they made him easy to play......

Rockets are exactly the same

Explosives do not take skill

you wish nigger, play a real class

The size only matters on LAN, projectiles aren't lag compensated.

he's right though
same splash radius

demoman still takes 10000 times more skill than "point at feet and win" soldier

10000 multiplied by zero is still zero, user

pistol and shotgun bullets work the same way i bet you think they are basically the same right? actuallly low IQ nigger


and you thought explosives had a big splash radius

Imagine maining an explosive class
Imagine playing a class whose skill ceiling relies on who can better blow themselves up into the air

pistol and shotgun don't have splash
rocket and sticky splash radius are identical

Rockets have damage dropoff

>missing the point this hard
keep digging your grave deeper, really shows what kind of player demo attracts

the point being made is that they have the same splash, which is true
nobody else mentioned falloff or how the projectile detonates

from the same video
same splash, same explosion falloff

Attached: Capture.png (822x589, 613K)

yeah except rockets deal 10 damage and and stickies default to 60

classes that take skill:
classes that don't take skill
>the rest of them

they are different fucking projectiles, you mong.

except nobody is talking about their base damage, the point is that they have the same splash

Surprised how TF2 never had remote controlled rockets or rockets with fuses.

who cares about the splash

you can already see that they have the same splash zone and falloff modifier, which was what was being argued originally

see OP pic

it's about it dealing half damage at the edge not so much the size of splash

nope, you said "rockets are exactly the same", wich is incorrect. Elaborate more next time, if your brain can handle it that is

that wasn't me, though
the post is probably talking about the splash radius since that's all that is being shown in OP's image, which as far as that goes, is demonstrably true

>Complaining about Demo being braindead when Soldier, Pyro and Heavy exist

>you can already see that they have the same splash zone and falloff modifier, which was what was being argued originally
>that wasn't me, though
yeah go neck yourself schizo

remove all four of them plus engi, medic, sniper, and spy

>which was what was being argued originally
is not the same sentence as
>Rockets are exactly the same

Attached: Capture.png (511x247, 12K)

>he doesn't play hitscan

Attached: delet.jpg (358x360, 24K)

Demo's who use stickies are objectively lower skilled than demo knights who jump with the cannon.

unless you use the scottish resistance like a true intellectual

Attached: 1551048802655.png (730x621, 545K)

So do stickies

Which rockets also do

based scottish resistance demochad

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Damn, to this day shitters are STILL crying about demoman...

>s-soldier does it too!
>so its ok!
c o p e

Attached: demomn.jpg (225x225, 11K)

explosives do not take skill

>defense classes should be unkillable and every game should end in a stalemate

The explosion range is not that big. It's perfect the way it is

Who are you quoting?

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hey autist.

stickies are not effected by fall off.

the whole point of the post is that you take 50% damage in the 1% zone of splash.

which hurrr durr means 60 damage at any distance.

i swear its like you huff paint or something.

Attached: 1461467729384.jpg (200x282, 8K)

>stickies are not affected by fall off.
they are for the first ~5 seconds after they land.

>left click right click left click right click
>kill a scout without needing to think
>get a crit
>kill anyone who isnt soldier or heavy
>left click right click
kill a soldier
kill a heavy.

Attached: 1559236289534.jpg (582x528, 53K)

>not only i play demo
>i also unironically use traps

>it's bad to use traps
What's wrong with playing demoman as intended?

im literally puking right now, god youre scum on earth. Unironically kys

Remember that to soldier players, balance = "nerf anything that isn't a soldier"
It's why Pyro, despite being the weakest class, was nerfed, soldiers couldn't deal with the sheer possibility that their rockets could get reflected one out of a thousand times

You make it sound so easy. Demoman players try that shit on me all the time and I've always been able to find ways to deal with them, mostly involving suddenly getting up in their faces while dodging their nade spam

Better traps than the brainlets that left click right click and roleplay being skilled

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Valve is never gonna balance demo cause then everybody will be worried engie will be too strong.

And cause demo mains got pissed the first time they added damage ramp up to stickies so it got changed after a day.

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>stickies are not effected by fall off.

Attached: demo.jpg (1151x889, 189K)

I'm an opportunist. I use both, depending on the situation. Just when they think I'm a pure sticky spammer I'll lay a big trap for them to walk into when they try to bum rush me next time like Nades are usually in reserve for emergencies

>get a crit
but I thought Yea Forums loved random crits

>It's why Pyro, despite being the weakest class, was nerfed, soldiers couldn't deal with the sheer possibility that their rockets could get reflected one out of a thousand times
>he ACTUALLY thinks pyro counters soldier
literally easiest class to shit on as soldier, git gud

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thats exactly my point you retard
pyro can't even counter soldier and yet "pro" soldiers like b4nny were whining about airblast because one out of a million times it can mess with them

>playing demoman as intended

but user, the developers intended the sticky launcher to be a versatile offensive/defensive weapon that you switch your usage of depending on the situation


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yeah they do. They are slow ass projectiles. Demoman ones all have huge arcs with distance too. You need to be great at predicting your target / leading your shots w/ the right trajectory to hit and be as effective as you're supposed to be with your class

I don't mean using traps exclusively is the intended way to play. Just that deliberately not using traps is not the intended way to play

>and yet "pro" soldiers like b4nny
b4nny is one of the biggest proponents of pyro in 6s and no whitelist you ignorant retard

Is the cannonball gun + shield the biggest brain weapon combo?

>soldier being healed by medic is capable of beating a bad player
Also there's no reason for the Pyro to not shoot at the Soldier with his secondary then just switch to airblast when he needs it.

if by big brain you mean feeding the enemy team sure

are soldier fags so stupid they literally cant read?

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and yet scout > heavy
dwi it heavy fag

except scouts actually cap points instead of being friendlycucks

>Baby Face's Blaster
>scattergun in pic
can heavy mains do anything right

>random crit that ends a stalemate and kills lots of shitters
cool and good
>random crit that ruins an intense 1v1
cringe and bad
at least for me

imagine thinking that aiming projectiles takes no skill, go back to cod if you want to use hitscan weapons only lmoa

as expected from the best weapon in the game

This but unironically.

>meatshots a heavy standing still with a shotgun
>half of the shots dont even register and only two pellets hit him for a combined total of 12 damage
>he nukes your ass in .03 seconds while you're running away and are behind 4 different walls walls
i dont know how anyone fucking plays anything but pyro, demo, or soldier considering how fucking unreliable hitscan is

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Aiming slow projectiles is like the "art" of spamming. It's an art because it takes tons of skill to consistently connect, but it is really just carefully aimed spam and hoping the enemy runs into it

probably by not playing with 600 ping
TF2 has good ass hitboxes and lag compensation

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>TF2 has good lag compensation

Attached: tf2 lag comp.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)


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Is this where I say "cope"? I'm not versed in zoomer lingo yet.

scout is the zoomer class though

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Thats like saying pointing your sniper crosshair where you think an enemy will move to then firing as they walk into it isn't real aiming. Not everything is twitch aim.

Stickies aren't hitscan

imagine having cosmetics dictate your perceptions on another class

explosions from stickies are

>missed by 3 damage
boo hoo hoo buff demoman am i right

Look at it this way: it prevents you from taking 40%, 30%, 20%, 10% and way larger radius. It's either 50% or you're outside.

how could they not be? Should they have real projectile shrapnel flying around and ricocheting?


it's a fun idea to think about but they should stay hitscan anyways

It could generate a rapidly expanding projectile

there's a mod for RO2 that did this, but the shrapnel was like a bunch of random hitscan bullets that came out from the center of every explosion, doing less damage with further distance. It was pretty cool hearing the rays of shrapnel zing over your head as you ducked in a foxhole

they get accepted for a reason

Attached: boomgineer.png (1920x1080, 1.08M)

cosmetics are fucking trash
nohats till the end of time

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Like an extremely rapidly-expanding AOE hitbox area? I would consider that projectile I guess, though it wouldn't make that much difference over hitscan. Like how having projectile bullets in Battlefield makes little difference vs hitscan unless it's very long range or there's lots of lag.
Have any games done it?

by that logic, Heavy is Aztec
plus the boomer meme cosmetic didn't get in

He's talking about the players each class attracts you mong

there are good cosmetics
some, not all

Attached: tf2_froshot_by_theminttu-d55m152.jpg (783x1000, 490K)

I have never seen a "refined" Heavy like in his meme post, except for when they want to try and look better than other class mains

fuck cosmetics

Playing the Huntsman when it was first added was so funny, I don't think I've ever laughed harder at a game. It was some damn looney tunes shit, pinning dumb uncloaking-spies and blindly-rushing scouts to the ceiling with the most lucky headshots imaginable, as they are screaming "AAAAAAAUUGHH!!!" from the headshot kill. Then just seeing them dangle there

Razorback is a good item to equip in pub matches.

Is just that one faggot

>*crits u*

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I haven't traded since 2012, and gave away my shit to F2Ps that looked like they knew what to do or at least tried to. Game is already great at it's core, and I unironically like how classes look in vanilla. I kept my strange killstreaks though, mostly so I don't get accused of hacking.

Reminder that if you make a mod put some damn effort in it instead of making another pathetic "vanilla" mod with srock weapons, thats for super virgins


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>remote controlled rockets
that would be so fucking retarded. literally camp at spawn and shoot rockets anywhere on the map.

I bought those from the community market instead of grinding Mann Up tours like any other sensible person

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But stickies aren't

I think he means rockets that can be detonates midair.

or rockets like the one in HL2 that follows the cursor


>Players say Pyro requires no skill
>Pyros start using Puff and Sting
>Players get upset
>Valve nerfs
>Pyros go back to W+M1 (Using the flamethrower like, you know, a flamethrower)
>Players say Pyro requires no skill again

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That's crossing into the indirect-fire area. Soldier is supposed to be the direct fire explosives role, or at least near-direct. Demoman is indirect

Okay, but hear this:
Imagine if it kept going, and the 10% was at the edge of a sphere twice as large.
It's called balance.

pressing a basic button combo into free crits isn't skill either
he needs more area denial like the gas can

except the gas can does literally nothing and its not worth the effort to get a can charge

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Why are you so angry you retarded nigger?

Stop making sense!

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and yet the motherfucker gets blocked by a 3mm step or hole even if you splash the shit right by them

>TF2 has good ass hitboxes and lag compensation

What fucking joke is this

Melee has been and will always be a gamble in Tf2. It seems like it's completely up to chance whether the sword you just put through someone's chest will actually register or nor


>random crit

45 and 60


Lol get destroyed kid and develop some reading comprehension while you're at it

>I knew there was a reason I got outskilled by demochads every time!

>scout players were obnoxious cunts like DW growing up
This makes too much sense. What class would Mr Ratburn be?

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Medic probably because he's gay

I have never really had an issue with melee aside from backstabs registering all funny. It is a little finicky if you swing for them where they were, instead of very slightly leading your aim for where they are going. Like sometimes you will do that and hear the sound of the melee hitting them but do no damage

>lmao dude just hit a scout 4 times to kill him from 125
Want to know how I know you weren't actually playing the game that week?

splash damage mains get defensive when their hitboxes are shown

How much damage does a sticky do to an enemy trying to melee you if you blow it up at your own feet? I remember it used to be a whopping 180 back in the day, and it did like 100 damage to you

clip is bs on purpose, the area of piss effect is greater if there is a group bunched up, it will increase in size in order to create a more interesting situation and reward you for playing with an alternate weapon

I thought self damage resistance didn't work if you damaged someone? At least that's how it works with the Gunboats.

You always do less explosive damage to yourself than you do to the enemy at point blank. I don't remember if it was 100 for a sticky; it was probably higher. I do remember that the max you could do to the enemy was 180 though. IIRC that is ramped up to over 100% base damage to them for them being so close

>run up to someone's asshole and right click, while spamming the spacebar
>hang way far back a continent away, taking pot shots and people until you finally land a headshot
Nice """skill""" you have there hitscan tards. At least explosive jumping is more impressive than "run here" or "stand there"

>You always do less explosive damage to yourself than you do to the enemy at point blank
You take full damage if the splash hits you and an enemy at the same time. Same for soldier.

there's more to it than that you fucking cretin

>look down, jump, shoot feet
>shoot sticky, walk forward, jump, rightclick
Nice ""skill"" you have there explosive jumping tards. At least bunnyhopping is more impressive than "jump here" or "shoot self there"

maybe, I've played thousands of hours but its been years since I was last really into TF2. Doesn't the enemy take like 125% damage at point blank and maybe you take 100% (so still full damage)? They definitely lose more HP than you

Look at this dumb nigger backtrack

>To assist with sticky jumps, the Demoman has 25% damage resistance against any sticky he fires that does not damage an enemy
>To assist with rocket jumps, the Soldier has a 40% damage resistance against any rocket he fires that hurts him while he is in the air
>Gunboats follow the same rule as demo

>Doesn't the enemy take like 125% damage at point blank and maybe you take 100% (so still full damage)? They definitely lose more HP than you.
Don't think so. I'm pretty sure I've had point blank rockets do 100+ self damage before.

>unusual hat
>australium sticky launcher
>never equip their primary/melee weapons
Do these "people" think they're good at the game?

>have like 3k hours played
>take a long break
>can't hit pipes anymore

Attached: 13957324483101.jpg (500x375, 18K)

>wtf I have to make direct hits with pills now

Attached: examine shitter.png (122x74, 2K)

I'm not saying it's not real aiming. It takes a lot of skill and your prediction / aim must be very precise.
I'm just saying that - outside of point blank range w/ rockets and nades - it basically is the art of spamming. Some people are so good with their projectile "spam" that they land every hit on zig-zagging enemies (who try to dodge and go right into the projectile) and decimate entire teams

>dude just use pills for everything
>dude just play as a worse soldier
>dude just get make demos counter even more one sided

I have more pipe bomb kills than sticky bomb kills despite getting stranges for both at the same time.
Dont move the goalposts you triple nigger, in what world does a primary weapon deal less than 40 damage when you hit optimally? Or do you still mad that the devs made a weapon that is both meant to be used for traps and for direct combat

At the time, the Loch'n'Load wasn't nerfed yet so demo mains had no excuses
Compshitters just cried their eyes out until valve reverted the nerf

does anyone else have those games where you do fuckloads of damage but get 0 kills?

only when the enemy team is rolling us and they have like 3+ competent medics

kdr is for scout with that sick 6k damage and 70 frags.

Heavy and pyro when the enemy knows how to counter.

too bad heavy is one of the most boring classes to play and it really reflects in the people that play him
>massive attention whore
>the most boring person you've ever met
>can't stop talking about how he's one of the very few people on planet earth that main heavy
also he's the most played class among e-girls, so there's that

Attached: 1559249542626.png (640x600, 614K)


Attached: tf2_mini_sentry.png (771x1036, 248K)

>also he's the most played class among e-girls, so there's that
I call fucking bullshit, there's Medic, Pyro and then Engineer you sound like a salty ass scout

Attached: 1544126617510.png (600x600, 358K)

Demo is better overall but soldier has the lowest skill floor in the entire game.

t. plays the most boring classes in the game and complains that scout is too overpowered

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Attached: Natascha.png (250x173, 53K)

>Implying I play Heavy
I call bullshit when I smell it and girls play Pyro and Medic way more than Heavy

Attached: 1553879784140.jpg (553x337, 41K)

I fucking adore this gun for how angry it makes people.
Haven't stopped using it since the heavy/arena update.

Anybody else loving demoknight?
> go with splendid screen, skullcutter, and booties
>target snipers, spies, and medics
>force them to switch or ragequit
> started to learn how to dodge rockets from soldiers
>Soldier mains get mad when I jump over the rockets they shoot at my feet
>if someone gets annoying on mic or is good I start to target them.
It's great lads. You should try it.

>implying I'd want to fight you instead of just bullying your teammates, letting mine take care of you and running away when I see you
don't you know how scout is supposed to be played? I can choose which fights to pick, you know

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Consider this, the nerd they applied afterwards made it so inaccurate shots do 0 damage instead of all shots dealing 50% damage.
A nerf was welcomed, just not a fucking stupid 50% damage nerf.

>Anybody else loving demoknight?
Nah I'm not a homosexual, I play stock

some fags ran stats on this shit a couple of months ago, too lazy to find source, you're just going to have to take my word for it or call me a lying degenerate
both are fine by me

Attached: 1557242949829.jpg (1024x1004, 211K)

same as quake but with more radii

I enjoyed memeing with demoknight before they nerfed the sword that gave you health when you picked up ammo but afterwards it got boring.

what is shrapnel

>unironically playing niggerknight
kill yourself

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Attached: Scout_qwtf.png (294x446, 16K)

why are you sperging out retard

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>3k hours
>stop playing for a week
>cant aim for shit

>but I thought Yea Forums loved random crits

this is a reddit infested thread

>spastic ADHD zoomer scunts think TF2 is srs bsns
You will all feel the burnout like the scouts of time gone by. Meanwhile, the heavy main will have no worries kicking back and having a swell time across the ages.

Attached: Carnival_poster_002.png (558x747, 466K)

I'm still playing TF2 after 8k+ hours, when does the burnout come in?

>people "main" classes now

Thanks Overwatch

Attached: 1542982660219.png (290x326, 155K)

eat shit demofuck

>le epic sandvich man hold m1 and very friendly
>pottis face!
good one, dude

Attached: 1557590995021.png (1130x1345, 1.5M)

Insane how true this is. Used to play comp on 2 different team and almost every med and pryo I knew was a girl

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>I'd rather be mediocre at everything instead of being good at one thing

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There have always been mains you F2P child, you're trying too hard to fit in

It's not really insane, nearly require much aim and move fast so they can run away the key difference is this
>Do you wanna be useful and get your girl dick scuked?
>Do you wanna get kills like the boys do and pretend you can actually play?
>Pyro because w+m1 and afterburn

>There have always been mains

Sheer retardation, only esports wiggers and unusual-wearing autists ever "mained" a class and that was much later in the game's life. Hat Fortress is balanced around you switching them to deal with the enemy team, good luck winning or having any fun when Pablo learns no amount of practice with Scout can save you from an inconvenient mini-sentry.

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>tfw tide turner + skullcutter critfishing
This feels like the most degenerate playstyle I've ever tried and it's working and I hate it

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and mains have always been gay.
Good players master all the classes and just switch to what they think their team needs them to be most at that time in order to win

Nigger I played on a casual community server and regulars were always known as Engie mains, Pyro mains, Soldier mains, etc since 2008
>Hat Fortress is balanced around you switching them to deal with the enemy team
Lmao no, that's literally Overwatch, TF2 does not have hard counters piss off zoomer

I main pyro. The sheer volume of demo and soldier mains is so overbearing, I feel it's my duty to shut them down whenever I can. So many pyros are either shit or use phlog, to the point that soldiers and demos get caught off guard when I click m2. It's also hilarious when a demoknight keeps running at me, while I just tickle them with chip damage and air blast until they die.

>Jump, aim back, left click, right click at just the right time while also pressing shift at just the right time, then hitting 3/Q to swap to power jack to maximize airtime.
And people say pyro takes no skill.

Attached: 1558508526560.jpg (480x480, 28K)

*Pulls out shotgun*
Airblast this faggot

Attached: 1538884401727.png (583x766, 307K)



You'd be surprised how many soldiers forget they have a secondary. Or they use banners/boats

*Also pulls out shotgun*
Whats this?

Attached: 8adf826cfbf688c1fabc98e70d7e4d36.png (276x391, 86K)

Don't you mean
>Press m1
Detonator jumping is still pretty based tho

Attached: c_rocketpack_large.21d33e06c94f07ba6ce09082cd37a8ebbf9ab6cc.png (512x512, 67K)

>video games

>TF2 does not have hard counters

Stop posting any time

Attached: 1549243021584.jpg (706x441, 35K)

>Run behind corner
>Die to headshot a full 2 seconds later
Yeah, nah.

>TF2 has good ass hitboxes and lag compensation

pyro is gay but it's fun when you have a top scoring demoknight fucking your team to switch to pyro and light him on fire and trap him in a corner air blast over and over until you dominate him.

The sticky launcher used to actually be useful in combat. Then they made it so the stickies deal shit damage until they are "primed" after a few seconds. I haven't played demoman since.

noooooooo you're supposed to circlejerk about how broken demoman is

>he needs stickies

HybridKnight is the most fun class in the entire game

>Then they made it so the stickies deal shit damage until they are "primed" after a few seconds
Sticky damage wasn't changed. only the radius
aim better

*walks straight through your spread due to crappy hitreg* nothin personnel

>TF2 has good ass hitboxes and lag compensation

Attached: 1551225995890.png (376x294, 141K)

>soldierfag still salty his weapon isn't the only one with splash damage

Imagine still being mad more than a decade later.

>see sniper in the distance
>call medic
>blocks your headshot
heh nothin personnel kid

Attached: heavy inhumane.png (292x296, 143K)

soldier and demo mains are bros the fuck you on about
it's always the shitters who main braindead support and defense classes whining about them

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