Other urls found in this thread:
I hooked up with your mom so you're wrong
It's not a contest
What's the point of this thread?
This is literally /jp/-lite thread that should be posted there instead.
Such a lust for pointless posting.
Tell me user, Why does she fish?
Literally just go to /jp/, /bant/ or /qa/ dumbass
Sakuya is a video game.
dumb meido
Something about happy Sakuya gets me thinking
Why the fuck would Sakuya be fishing? She ain't got no time for that
I doubt you actually play video games, yet I know some of you only stick around on Yea Forums to make pointless 2hu post on every Touhou threads or make pointless Touhou threads.
At least shitposters on Yea Forums has other shithole they stay at and come from or, you know, actually play videogames.
Hey guys remind me again, what was her name?
you are taking it easy right?
post birbs
Hatsune Miko
toyosatomimi no miko
miko yazawa
fishing without proper clothes on is a recipe for disaster
Most glorious and radiant Crown Prince
Toyosatomimi no Miko
The 2hu formerly known as Prince
Is it time?
Can we post my mom instead?
I prefer my mom (not really my mom)
Okina's husband
Kokoro's father
Futo a cuto
Indeed she is
That makes me sad, and I don't even like Junko
She has a hard life
Retarded Junko faggot ruins another thread
What am I ruined?
Why do you even ask if you're going to do it anyway
I guess it was hypotethical
have a nice day, user
Thanks, you too
you know you could have a lovely time over here
Same could be said to OP and other inane posters.
The asshole is gone
Give me all your most wanted newcomers for the next fighter
and make up a moveset/playstyle for them
I really want yuugi, but given how unexplained her ability is all I could really come up with is 'just punch them really hard lmao'
Otherwise, I kind of want yamame with a focus on her disease ability, perhaps by having her moves transfer some kind of disease that impacts your opponent on certain attacks
why am I even bothering I can't even play the fighting games apart from the floating ones
anchor post so I can fap later
I want Satori with kirby-like abilities, Wriggle with Arakune like moveset and The three fairies of light with Hisui+Kohaku gimmick-
Also. Design: Shuten>>Suika
>Also. Design: Shuten>>Suika
Just as retarded as the Junko poster
Not as retarded as you
good job proving the point
you're a retard with no taste and no smug reaction pic will ever change that, now cope
>literally just some strips of clothing
>somehow this is meant to be good taste
can't wait for you to start bitching about the horns again
don't even bother, he's a lost cause
Are you blind?
please don't leave your cage again thank you
3 hours ago I just wanted to post happy Sakuya and now I come back to find that the thread's still up and full of Junko
Both are low-quality /jp/ garbage.
I guess retards do flock to each other.
you've got to have some real dedication to post a picture of junko nearly every minute for literally two hours
I still wish you'd fuck off though, the /jp/ thread is designed for this purpose
>is a girl
yeah, to Yea Forums
This thread has no real purpose either so I think it's fine
>some real dedication
more like some real autism
in this case that's practically the same thing
You will get awful touhou threads till the day Shitty and his boyfriend both die
unlike this autistic dumpsterfire, dedication can be used for good things
No one asked you to post in this thread, you know
Just leave if you don't like it
No one asked you to spam images for hours either. In fact, you were expressly told no when you started.
nobody asked you to flood the thread with your shitty pictures
Only two of you complained about it though
This thread wasn't meant for serious discussion, go make your own gameplay thread or something
So you can shit up that thread too? Fuck off
I only dump images if someone asked for it or if the thread fits
I won't do it if the thread is nothing but discussions
>150 / 109 / 28
absolutely based and junkopilled
Imagine the hate sex with Junko
Excellent thread fellas, would read again.